HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-03-15, Page 4',PAGE 4 HE, CI,TNTON' NEWS=RECORD" WALL PAPER WALL PAPER LL PAPS Aimee No money you spend on your house ;gives'/better returns than ALL PAPE. You'll find it easy to select fr°oail our large stock. A few bundles of room lots left COOPER. Store Open Evenings 6 to 8 In Business Since 1885 • Phones 36W, 36J Over indulgence may result in upset stomach, if so in your ease we know of nothing better' than foot; quantity of 2 -inch pipe, • BISMA-REX tate;national;. mower, M. H. 6 -foot cut; 'side delivery, International; 2 Frost ,&. Wood ;anal) rakes and 1 Massey -Barris Lump rake; : manure spreader, Cockshutt;+ 'McCortniek- Deermg "spring Until cultivator,near ly new; ,M. H, .spring tooth cultiva- tor; Frost & Wood disc, 16 plate, out throw; ,set harness, ` 4 sections; drill, :McCormick -Deering, 13 hole;, 2 harrow carts; bean scuffles, Planet k.; 2 walking plows; Oliver riding plow; International riding plow, used for plowing alfalfa sod; cutting' box, Coleman;' 1 six-inch grinder, Fleury; set of weighing scales, 2000 lbs.; bag truck; Bain wagon;,truck'wagon; 16 -foot Rockwent sliding. rack; bench sleigh, new shoeing; cutter; 'rubber tired buggy; fanning mill; Interna- tional cream separator, nearly -new; wheelbarr:ow;, root pulper; bone tut - ter; blacksmith drill; blacksmith forge; anvil; 2 sets team harness; number -of collars; set of single har- ness; quantity of mixed hay; 8 bus, timothy,' seed; quantity ;of hemlock lumber;. also quantity of maple sum- ber; International'.gasoline engine, 21/2' horsepower; International gee°. line' engine, 8' horsepower; fs horse- power gasoline engine; ;steel gasoline drum; gasoline pump; two-way pump; whiffletrees; neckyokes; shoe -els; chains and other articles " too numerous to mention. Also screw jack; one block and tackle; manilla hay fork; rope & pulleys; ,100 -gallon kettle; 10 .iron ' fence posts; quantity of cedar. posts; 10 anchor posts, 9- It neutralizes acid and gas, and assists your stomach to function naturally. It's worth i try. We know you will be agreeably surprised. For Stubborn Coughs and. Colds use CERTIFIED BRONCHIAL SYRUP There''s nothing better. W. 5.0. HMS PNM. 0. Qt�!'Poli. ONT. 2. ege terw PHONE ea BILTMORE HATS The .Master Hat of Canada for Easter Wear A real nice selection to . choose from In Blues, Greens, :Browns and Greys. ,`Snap Rials and Turned up edges. 2.25, 3.50, 3.95 4.95 and 5.95 Size's from 6% to TL/2 BICYCLES MEN'S ARCHERY EQUIPMENT BOW'S ARROWS • ..rnent..v..•. AUCTION SALES. CLEARING • AUCTION SALE. Lot .37 on 7th concession' Goderieh Township, 34 mile north of Bayfield --4toad, 6 ,miles west of Clinton FRIDAY, MARCH 23rd at 12.30 sharp HORSES -Bay team geldings • :Clyde. Mare. CATTLE -Roan cow, 6 yrs. old -due time of sale; red cow, 9 yrs old fresh one month; hereford cow 4 yrs, old, fresh 2 months; hereford heifer freshened in December; roan cow 7 yrs. old, fresh; holstein cow, 4 ;yrs,.old,fresh 1 month; 1 black heifer freshened in January; roan heifer freshened in January; axed cow 4 yrs -old due May 1st; white cow, 6, yrs old due time of sale; holstein cow, 5 yrs. old fresh 1. month; roan cow, 6 yrs. old fresh. 1 month; 8 hereford steers;••900'lbs.; 5 Durham heifers, 800 lbs. 6 Hereford yearling steers; 5 Hereford and' Durham 'yearling heifers; 7 little calves. PEGS --9 chunks around 90 lbs.; :Sow due' May 15th; young sow due May 1st. ' „HENS -7:00 hybrid pulletts fIMPLEMENTS-M.H. .binder,, 6 Kt. cut; Deering,mower; Bissell. Discs 14 plate (nearly new); M. H. drill, 013 hoe; 'cultivator; cockshutt 'hay rake; 1 2 -furrow Oliver Scuffle] with bean harvester; 2 walking scufflers; : MeD. walking plough; New Idea •rulyber tire wagon '(nearly new);; $42.50 $3.95 to $22.50 35..: cand60e EPPS SPORT SHOP Headquarters For 'All Sporting Goods ghun in stooks; 400 bus. Ethan Oats and barley, TERMS -CASH No reserve as farm is sold GLADSTONE. GRIGG, Prop. HAROLD .JACKSON, Auct. E. P. Chesney,Clerk, 39-3 Dispersal Salle Huron County Home, one mile south of Clinton, Ontario on No.. 4 . Highway, • ;gravel box; 4 section harrows; set ;sleighs (nearly new);;;cutter; gang plough; hay rack, 16 feet; stock tack; fanning ,mill; - set Scales; set 'heavy harness; • • set light harness; wheelbarrurw, ;De7,aval ereaifi sep- nrator; hayfork; Z,100 1b. milk cans, •Electric brooder (new) 2 range shelters (new); igixI's bicycle;. set ,slings; whippleirrees, neck yokes; forks,, lumber; etc, Chickenha ere kip r ,table, 6 kitchen ,chairs, ,•HAX`, GRAIN -40 fon ta • sor- TUESDAY, MARCH 27th, 1945 Commencing at 1.30 p.m; A complete ' dispersal sale of the Shorthorn:' Herd of the Huron Coun- ty Home' will be held on the above date consisting of the following:- 3 fresh cow's, 5 due shortly after the sale, 3 to freshen. Irl the fall, also 2 open 'vaccinated heifers. This herd is fully accredited and T. B. tested. • " Catalogues will be available et the County Home, Clinton, Ontario, Phone 24, and, also at the'Agrioul- tural-Office, Clinton. The Committee in charge of Coun- ty Hone affairs have decided to maintain a dairy herd ,enly and therefore the entire :herd of Short- home will be sold to the highest' bidder at this sale, TERMS CASH Huron County Home Committee - (A:. McCann, Chairman) I'ropa'ietors N. W. Miller, Cleric Duncan A. Brown, Auctioneer. 89-3' ClEARINGr. SALE Grass' Farb, Farm Stock. and Implements 'Mr.Kano Harold Jacicson hag been in-` strutted to sell by public auetidn •o.;i Lot 28; Con.•. 1, Stanley. Township, 3' 'miles smith. of Clinton, on No, 4 Highway on, MONDAY, MARCH 19th temmenting at. 12;30 sbar both da Ys s y IMPLEMENTS -2 112; H, .1 binders , 7 -foot cut and 1 6 -ft, :cut• a ':. ,, h y, to ader• i 'HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS- Caok stove; chest of drawers; bedroom suite; 2 rockers; .2 kitchen chairs; 1 arm chair; Axminster rug, 12x14; churn, Daisy, No. 2; washing ma- chine; wringer; lamps; hanging lamps; barrel's; pails; 'strainer; 2 feather ticks; 1 large Regulator Clock; coal oil stove, and other arti- cles. PROPERTY -Fifty acres Grass Land, East one-half of Lot - 31, Con- cession 2, Stanley Township. No. 1 water, ,supplied by spring. • TUESDAY MARCH 20 ,HORSES -Bay Horse, 6 years old; 1 Bay Horse 5 years old; aged horse. CATTLE:Red Cow, 6 years old, bred three months; red cow, 7 years old, due to calf, April 14th; roan cow, 4 years old, due to calf May' 5; roan cow, 6 yrs. old; red heifer ris- ing 3 years, bred two months; red cow, 5 years old, with calf at foot; red cow, 7 years old, due May 5th; roan cow, 6 years old; due June 24; blue cow, 5 years old, due Sept, 25; red cow, 5 years old, due April 23rd; roan cow 8 years old, due April 30'„ roan cow, 5 years old, calf at foot; black cow, 5 years• old, to calf time of sale; roan cow,_7 years old;; due 24th of June; roan cow, carrying first calf;• 2 heifers rising 2 years; 2 red -heifers. rising 2 .Years old; roan heifer rising 2 years old; red heifer rising 2 years old; red steer, 1 year old; black steer, 2" years old; black steer, 3 years old; 1& calves rising 1 year old; 1 Durham bull, rising 3 years old, SHEEP -Twenty breeding ewes, due to lamb in April; 1 ram, and 1 Collie dog, 2 years old. . TERMS Terms on property, 10% down, bala pe in g0 days, subject'to reser- ve bid; Chattels„ cash. J. H. QUIGLEY, Proprietor. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 39-2 AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Implements Mr..H. Jackson has been instructed to sell by public auction on Lot 34; bon. 3, L.R.S. Tuckersmith, 13j }rules east & 1 mile north of Brucefield on THURSDAY, MARCH 22nd at 1: p.m, HORSES -Grey mare aged 15, bay mare age 13; General purpose horse, good single or double. CATTLE -Red cow freshened 3 weeks; red heifer freshened 2 Nicks.; Hereford cow freshened weeks; Hereford cow dud at time of sale, red cow due April 26th, white cow (farrow) milking; 2 yearling steers, 3 heifecs'2 years old; I steer 2 years old; 3 small calves, POULTR1't=-125 Barred & White Rock pullets (laying 65%), Implements-l4Iassey Harris bin- der, 6 ft,, cut; M. H. mower, 6,, ft. cut; M, II. manure spreader in first cissa condition; M. H. rake 10 ft,; M. H. cultivator; M.H. 11 hole grain drill; Massey -Harris bean cultiva- tor with bean puller attachment; .3 drum land rollpre,rfne ,Weeden.-dannn roller';Deering ,disc harrow; autottaie with Chet, 6 cylinder engine,lt40 governor & pulley for belt work; truck wagon nearly new, 14 ft. hay rack, set 8 section harrows; set of sleighs, fanning mill with sieves & pulley attaohment, emery grinder mounted on frame, 11/ yards gravel box, open buggy, piano box cutter, single horse scuffle'', 2 cream separa- tors one.; nearly new, ' straw cart; steel water trough; grindstone, 25 gal. gasoline drum; 2 oak •barrels, 2 steel barrels, 2 'hog troughs, 50 sacks, Renfrew' 2000 ]b. scales, wheelbarrow, 30 ''good cedar posts, walking plow, gang prow„ single furrow riding plow, 100 lbs.. corn king mineral, slings, ropes, hay rope & fork, whiff]etrees & doubletteee, neck yokes, sprayer and; many, otl er small salt l h•' ' a. e :, s,. ` usually , foiihd on ' a, farm. HA'RNE'S S 2 sets blas k band har- ness set single harness, 6:coilars, also; harness parts & pieces. 'Grain 400' bus. 'mixed (oats & barley), g e 5 bus. clo'cer seed, 500 lbs. feed beans 5'; bis seed beans, '' Ii OUSEIIOLD..EF • GT .,, , ....,S Jewel% tat,*. ,f r (am sizer': made; Clare ie` Bros. :with ;warming closet & reser- voir; ' daisy churn, Everything to bo disposed of as.'fariin is -sold. TERMS --GASH E: AUSTIN TILLINGProprietor HAROLD JACKSON, ,Auctioneer, , . CLEARING• AUCTION SAFE. farm stock and Implemennts Mir: Valoids, 7'ackeon, has been. structed ;to sell ,by public auction on MONDAY,'•MARCII 26th on Lot 10,•Con 2 Iiullett Twp., 5 miles west of Seaforth and Vi miles north, at 12 o'clock the following; HORSES: gray filly, rising 4 yrs. old; Belgian filly, 3 yrs. old; Clyde filly rising 3 yrs. old. CATTLE: Hereford cow with >,calf at foot; Hereford cow due June 10111; Durham cow ,:due May 1st, Duchani cow due time,of sale; Durham cow bred Jan, 22nd 1 Poll -Hereford bull 15 mos. old; 10 hereford and Durham cattle 1 yr. old; 1 calf 1'month old, PIGS: 1 sow with litter at foot; York sow due April 81e1; , York sow due May 1211i. 8 York chunks, 3 mos. olds.: POULTRY':` 75 leghorn hens. IMPLEMENTS 112. H, Binder; M. H• ntoaey 6,,ftx cut,;sullcy rake; hay ioaclei'; 13 hoe M. E. Seed : drill with new spring teeth; - Spring tooth cultivateM,,;,New disc harrow; 3 sec- tion harrows; steel roller; bean stuffier and puller; hand scuffler; riding plow; 2 walking plows; wheel barrow; fanning mill; set of 3000 lb. scales with rack; set of sleighs; farm wagon; hay rack 16 ft. gravel box; stock rack; _ wagon, box; De Laval Cream separator with motor; hog' crate; 28 ft. extension ladder; IIuson pig trough; root pulper; chicken feeders; number of barrels; chicken shelter, 2 log bunks; slush scraper, grindstone; cross cut saw; Stene boat; Quantity of lumber and plank; 3 ;bunches of shingles; one sprayer; new steel water trough: lined water trough; Iron kettles; quantity...of-'Cedar posts; chop box; set heavy double block whiffletrees; neck -yokes; sling- rope; chains; grain lifter; pea harvester; 2 set of back band harness, one set new, set breeching; set of. stops; number of horse collars, forks, shovels, horse blankets; grass seeder; HAY and GRAIN: 5 ton hay; 100 bushel fall wheat; •125 bu. mixed grain; 8 bushel of seed beam - HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Pandora range; box stove; grass cupboard; six kitchen chairs; serving table; flour bin; 240 1•b, scares, 2 lanterns; wardrobe; 2 work stands; work bench; 2 toilet sets; quantity of dish- es and kitchen: utensils. Host of other articles, TERMS--CASI'T Malcolm "Maefiarer d, prop: Harold Jackson; Aunt.. • E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 40-2 AUCTION SALE Mr. Harold Jackson has been in- structed -to Sett by public auction en Lot 15, Parr Line, Stanley Town- ship, one mile south of Varna, on .THURSDAY; MARCH 29th At 12.30 sharp. the following: HORSES-BIack Mare, 8 yrs, old; Bay Mare, 6 yrs. old; Chestnut Colt, rising 3 (broke). PURE BRED CATTLE; Electors Ensign, 266663, male, red 2 yrs. old. Dunston Lavinia 4th, 284523, 'female, dark roan, 7 yrs. old, due to freshen m April; Crimson Dawn, 294500,. fe- male, roan, 6 years old, calf at foot; Morning Flower, 296557, female, roan, 6 yrs. old, due to freshen in April; . Crimson Marigold, 322608; female, red, 2 year's old, due to fresh- en; Tidy Crimson Molly, 325040, female, roan, 20 months old; 2 year- ling: heifer's,• 'eligible for. registration (vaccinated). Red. tow, 4 years old, cine to fresh- en in March; Red 'cow, 8 years old, clue •to freshen, .March 15th; Black caw, rising 4 years, due to freshen, June 10th; Block cow 4 years old, calf at foot; Black cow, rising 4 years, due to freshen in October; Bfie caw, rising 4 yrs., due to freshen in November; Red cow, 4 years old, due to freshen November 15th;; Grey cow, 4 year's old, milking; Red heifer, due to freshen in April; Heifer, rising two years; 9 steers (800-1000 lbs.); 6 'heifers (800-900 lbs.); 6 yearling steers; 1 yearling heifer; 1 baby^ beef; 3 calves. Herd T. 13. tested and negative to the .blood test) ila-IGS0S•liig+s,T(i40 lbs,), `,1; Ming ' sow,' due April 26th. SIIIEP l Leicester rain; 2 yeers old; '6Deitestet.ewes, IMPLERiEN!1'Sa.1VIgCormiek- Deer- ing "binder, 7 -foot crit; side delivery rake, ,` good condition;McCormicic- Deet,iing mower, 5 -foot int; stay rake; /and roller;, ,McCormick-Deeri' ing .beam .seiffler and • 'harvest (new); 2 e, ), sets diamond harrows; 8 end 4 section; 1 two -furrow plow; 1 potato plow; :Farnell (A) Tractor with pulley (new); scuffler andnl- .ler attachment for tractor; McCoy - m• ck-ISeetmg 42 -furrow tractor 'plow (new);, 1 set spring 'tooth drag harrows; 1 new f ribber^ tired wagon •(g'ood•.tires), ' 4 -wheel brakes; - ;hay rack; steel 'tire .wagon; ' 1 Iiorso, stuffier; eqt,,,•;3i glis .('new);ibu':y; e•ae-*=r"ddt11` `513,11a1tatOr No• '12; •fanluiitn Intl]; slip -. hay fork, roe : g :oboe; p and pulleys; 1 stools loaded;,' quantity oflank; cull beant P 100m brie., (clean); 1 e bean cooker (wood);; I electric stove; good work- ing order; 1 geed colon ;; coal ,r' y house,: ,10 by 12 brooder stove •(stew}; '1 root pulper;,• set :I double tarness;? 8 ,collars;; 15 b ishe'1 1., •,s seed;„beans;•wind �. T RURS>, MARCH 15, 194 i Shur -Gain Pigs Arer G owthPigs!.. These Little pigs won't be ready for market for a few weeks yet --- but with all the fine growthy development, • they're showing now, - it wlpn't be long till they're' ort their way to Britain as Select Grade Wiltshires.-- to boost the reputation for Canadian Bacon. that Canadian Farmers have been'build•i ing on the overseas market for the past five years! Well-informed hog growers know that careful feeding of the young' gigs; from the first nibble they take, snakes the difference between economics gains that. ensure profits, and unprofitable, long-term feeding. Baby pigs will start to look around for solid food at three weeks of age4 If you don't give them their own, they'll try their mother's ration. Then is the time to, get them feeding right - which means creep feeding of SHUR- GAINPg Starter - the baby feed that has the well-balanced content of pro4 teins, minerals and vitamins that are needed by every young pig. SHUR-GAIN 18% Pig Starter Costs you less - because we make if FRESH at our own mill - vdthich means tremendous savings in trucking and handling' that are passed along to you in better quality feed a't' lower cost! SHUR-GAIN 18% PIG STARTER ONLY $2.70 per bag Made and Said By Clinton Feed Mill Cliii'ton J. K. Cornish- Brucefield fns. Aldington Varna Mex Wells Londesburo mill and pump (new head); 1 steel gasoline drum arid- pump; insilage; turnips; apples; and other articles .too numerous to mention, TERMS - CASH Everything to be sold as Proprie- tor has given up farming and is en- gaged in beekeeping, the farm being rented. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. ' John. Ostrom, Proprietor. E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 40e2 AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock Si Implements Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, hes been instructed by the Undersigned Proprietor to self by 'Publie Auction on Lot 10, Concession 8, Morris Tp., SATURDAY, MARCH 24th Commencing at 1 p.ni, sharp the following HORSES: General purpose mare, 9 years old, supposed to 'be in foal; General purpose mare, 0 years •old; Colt, 2 years old, PIGS: '8 Sows, supposed' to be'in pig; 1 sow, with litter at -foot; 44 Chunks; 1 Registered Hog. IMPLEMENTS: M. H. Drill, 13 hoe; 2-fturow walking plow; set sleighs, with flat rack; 1 H. C. Cream Separator, 500 lb, •capacity; A quan- tity of seeks; about 8 tons of hay; set of team harness; 3 horse collars; Aladdin Lamp. CATTLE: Registered Holstein Cow, 6 years '•old, "Keyes Correct Dutchland", on R. O. P., stood third as a 2 -year old, with 444 pounds fat from 10,899 `lbs. milk, bred, on October 27th. 1 Holstein cow, 3 years old, due in May; 1 Holstein Cow, 3 ,years old, due in April; 1 holstein cow, 3 years old, due in April; `1 Jersey cow, 5 years roid, • du.e in May; 1, dyz'shire Cow, ,8: , ;years oid,•, clgie in , April; 1 holstein .cow,• 5 years gild, due in April; 1 -holstein Heifer, 2 years old, supposed to be in calf; 1 Holstein ,Heifer, 2 years old, sup- Posed to be in calf; 1 Holstein Iiei- fer:, 2 'years old, supposed to be in calf; 1 Jersey -Holstein: Heifer, sup- posed'.to be in, calf; 2 Holstein. Year- ling Heifers; 1 Jersey -Holsten, Year- ling, Iicifor; 1 Holstein Bull, ,rising 2 yoareold; 1 Durham Bull, 2 years old. 10 of thew; cows end Heifers have boon vaccinated,; Absolutely No Reserve as the farm is rented, R'obt, warbled,_ Proprietor, Harold Jackson Atte i tzozeer, Presbyterian W.A. '7;8te W., A. pi , the :Presbyterian Church met i in. the sunlit - Se too room on: Wednesday l 1 e• nesday afternoon. March 7th, with a large attendance. Mrs. Stevenson, the President in 't;he chair and Mrt, J. Snider was `io- sided at the p ano for Incthe "'singing of, the; styrene, Tho n i eea fnOpened- ,,. g by ,„._• ,Prayer..•'Singing ItYink494 follaviedY Mr°s. Stevenson then read Psalm 91', fol- lowed -by all repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison, The Secretary, Mrs, Streets, gave her report, and Mrs. W. Nott gave the treasurer's report, both showing very intertest- ing reports. The quilt committee haci a very busy month having completed sever- al quilts that were ou order: Arrangements were made. to have the annual' Bkzaar on June 15th. The meeting. closed by singing God Save the King and prayer. A Red Cross quilt was finished and a dainty lincn was served by Mis: Geo, Roberton and Mrs. J. Snider; A social hour was spent. V I£' you need a loan for purchase of feed or fertiizer, why not call on Mr:, Robiinsora. Manager of the Rank of Montreal. Ile is making loans for the above purpose at terms winielr will suit your convenience, Clearing AUCTION SALE Farm Stock, Implements, Hay, Grain Harold Jackson., Auctioneer, has been instructed by the undersigned Proprietor to self by public Ariction on Lot 38, Concession 12, Hullett tp.I tut miles north of Londesboro, and 2% miles west WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21 commencing at 1 p.m. sharp, the following; Farm Stock: Teanm of geldings, 8 Ind 12 years old. 1 •cow, 8 years oid milking, 1 cow, 6 years old, mincing; 1 cow, 5 yrs. old, •milking; 2 Yearling Steers; 1 yearling I•Ieifer; 3 Steer Calves, 9 months old; 1 Heifer calf, 6 months old; 1 steer calf, 4 months old; 1 Heifer Calf, 2 months old; 1 Bull Heifer Calf, 2 months old; 1 Bull calf, 1 tc_• months old• HAY, GRAIN, ETC,: Quantity of Hay and Grain, IMPLEMENTS: bI-H, binder, 7 it. cut; M -H. mower,.53/ ft. cut; M -H. manure spreader; AI -H. Fertilizer drill, 11 -hoe; Wooden roller; Frost & Wood cultivator; Coekshutt udirm' plow, 1 -furrow; Twin plow;111-Il, walking plow; Hay rake Buggy; Buggy pole; Cutter; ' Set sleighs; Wagon, Box and Stock Rack; Set iron trucks and .Hay Rack; Fanning mill; Set scales, 2000-1b, (Gurney); Rope, car and pulleys, :fork and: slings; Ladder, 30 -ft.; 2 sugar kettles; Pig crate; 4 -section harrows; set pea harvester•' guards; set single harness t a F b M RIOLMESV it • ,' .'" On. Tuesday, March the• sixth,. t Red. Chess met at Inc home of Mi E. Trewartha with a large tura-o of members present. Mrs, Walter presided over t meeting which opened; by singing Canada and repeating in unison t Red, Cross prayer. Some'interesti readings, were given by menthe] The meeting closed by singing i National' Anthem. During the afternoon a quilt w tied andi a number 'of new qui blocks were made. Some of ,the members, of Ws. Tr warthaik group served a • daint lunch.. OBITUARY ' ' ROBERT SMITH Word. has been received of t passing of another old' Clinton res dent, who moved to Vanceuvcr year ago, in the person of Robert Smitl son of the late Mo. • and Mrs. Joh Smith, Mary St. Deceased had green in very , poo health for a number of years, bt death came suddenly on February 1 He was married while in Clinto to Minnie Marshall, who predecease him some years ago; also his. eldes son, Leonard. He leaves to mourn his loss tw sons, Cecil of Vancouver and Sgt Russel of Canadian Dental Corps several grandchildren, two of who are overseas; also one sister, Mrs. 13 A. Downs of Windsor, and one bro then; George of Port Huron. • Burial took place in the famil, plot in Vancouver. v ALVIN E. BRAITHWAITE Alvin.• E. Bt'aitheraite passed away soddenly at his home in Ferndale, Mich., on February. 15, in his 62nd year. He was Inc only son of th3 late Marshall Braithwaite and Mar- garet McVittie Braithwaite. He was born in Hallett Township, but when a young man went to Pontiac where he .-graduated as a muse, at which he worked for about five years. Then he went to etroit ane] was employed with Burroughs for thirty-five years up until the time of his. death. Ile was a member of the United Church and took a. keen interest in all Community activities, The late AIvin Braithwaite is nourned by a wide circle of relatives and friends, He was married 23 ear's ago to Elsie Davidson of etroit who survives. Also surviving re three sisters (Annie) M,s. otihergitl, (Vets), .Mils; Vodden oth of Londesboro and, (Della) Ma's, eDowell of Westfield, ) The ftueral was held or Monday, February, 19th at 2.30 from the Steinhaugh funeral home. The Pall- beflrers were en, to e'es of p Y I3ur- roughs. Interne nt was•' made. 'a rr WeedLargeC'emetery,• Ferndale. Set breeching harness; set show har- ness; set plow harness; DeLaval cream separator, No. 12; Sausage i• ' and lard, press; Gritidsbmie; ScufTei; Gravel box; 2 neck yokes; .2 set doubletrees, :Other Articles too nu- merous to mention The above: list of machinery is as. Good as, New. , No Reserve serve as tine Farm is sold TERMS, - CASI•I John. Wright, 8' , ,Pxrop2ietaa*, Harold %:`' Ja.cl sonu i, A ct Dire '