HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-03-15, Page 1limon Neves -Record Eet. 1878 W itb Which is 1T0.�ww ton New -Era. 6140 -- 67th YEAR:: ilin �,' CLINTON'ONTARRIO THURSDAY MARCH, ],5th, 1945 y4 !acs your Watch Rule 'C1 • COPS est l 1. d , le you experience any difficulty -1ith it, leave it with us. Wle will give, it a'thorough examination. I•f it needs repairs- we can supply them at a. very moderate cost: t LE it does not we will frankly tell you so. A. watch repaired here will run correctly, .HELLYAR Y JEWELER AND OPTOMETRIST RESIDENCE PRONE 174j LOOK YOUB PR-ETTIEST pol1 EASTER Choose a Dress or Coat which iso specially Flattering to your Type. *Accessories' are �: also of Creat Importance. FOO CLEANING GLOBES ANO LINGERIE Have You Tried the New Soapless Cleaner ,Which Sells at 25c a bottle? We recommend it most high- ly for :Washable Kid and Sued . Gloves, and all fine fabrics: R. V. IRWIN tia)n, F Lire er�� - Iw' flawleal#' r• 1..Mo�:rn RNATIONA4 SILVER e 6". PIECE ` $14Ir� PLACE { 57 SETTING + r� beautiful Pine Tres patina I ±. Dessert alts Forla KnJfe, Teaspoon, Crean Soup Spoon Salad Fork, Butter Spreader] II III;,/ 1 jlo' ,i/ IIIIiIf111111111111,� 4�l1111lll1111 ,,I,luilllllll(1IIINlllnlllll Iii, iV ,,111lf IlllIli11li11il1111111l�l�!;1111lf�,!''; PRELUDE ENC„TRESS 6 Pc. Plans Settings In MIMIPDB 'aadEttCHA1�7RE$SWsnsrtttasli18.8 Subject to Purchase Tax COUNT Course At Memorial Hall, Blyth meeting' ,of interest to he far- i, of Blyth end•'disti'iet- will be, in the Memorial Hall on Friday, 'h 16th at 2 00.1 ;Yn It is hoped the farmers' in rested' in •1121j1c Mr. N. J. Thomas, Soils Depart- ment, Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, and Pasture S.peeiali,t will address the meeting in the afternoon outlining Permanent Pastures, and Mr. T, M. Bain, Chief Cheese Ins struetor•, will address the meeting on the Care of Milk, It promises ..to be e very ',good, ni'eeting, RED CROSS NOTES The following, taken from a let- :ter recently received, from Major A. P. Douglas, who is, in. Holland, -is of great interest espeeially to us local -- "The war you know about. hot .pleasant and to us who ,see restage it some to he Stith a gb waste, We are happy, that if it • be, that we have been so well fitted 'and planed to give the possible service : th the boys. An that respect let me mention tha find the Red Cross supplies b praise or `evaluation. There has ways been ample and the qualit the highest. The :same too, applie the blood services. It will 'nee possible to compute bow many e lives 'have been saved ,by plasma and, serum, but I can as you from a very practieai view.p t hat there t lav eve been many. We wish to acknowledge the Levying; 3 scarves, 3 quilts Goderieh Township South - End 1 qar t frons, Evening ping Auxiliax'y. V Mrs. Mac MacDiarmid Honoured . •, On Thursday afternoon, Mar. members of the•Happy, Way. Work Club paid a surprise visit to Mac. MaeDiarmid to present with a little remembrance'before leaves their midst. Mrs. MacDiar' was completely surprised' and speechless when ten member's wal in on her. The afternoon was sp in social chat and singing of a few Mrs. MaeDiarmid's favourte son after which• Mrs. A. Glazier, on half of the clue presented Mrs. Diermid with a lovely pair of plaques, consisting of various kin of fruits. The following address v read by Mrs. H. V. Heeley: Dear Ales. Maefimmid: -We the members of the, Hap War Workers Club have gather here this afternoon to express o sincere gratitude for your untirin work of the past in our club, and o regrets of losing you as a. neighbo and 'fellow -worker. We want to as sure-: You; that yen, -are» ipig.: to''b. missed in, our,- midst, riot. only fo ever willing work, but for you friendly smite. An atmosphere good -will and co-operation is felt b everyone in your presence. We know that your nevi. home wit afford you many privileges and coin forts which you •are well deservant of We hope you will he able to atten some of our meetings in the £ntur and we want to assure you that yo will be a, most welcome guest, We would like you to accept thi Iittle gift as an expression . of ou sincerity of the above statements, Signed, Mrs. Ruth Holland, Pres. On behalf of Happy War Woe- kers oe- Mrs. Macbiarntid verys uitab Club, lu�ut ex- pressed her appreciation and a lovely lunch was enjoyed by all. "For She's A Jolly Good'Fellow" ...was sung as the members Were leaving. Upland Merchant Marine Saw Jap's Suicide Dive in Plane It . is the astly must out- best d in t' we be al - y of s to er be xtra blood sure oint fol - rein •1 8th, ers Mre. her she mi'd was ked ent of gs be Mac- wall vas PY ed ur g ur ur e of e u s. r Second Mate 'Tames • Livermore of the Merchant Marinearrived .home in Uplands, Calif., recently on a three-day leave just in, time to take part in the annual Court of Honor of Old Baldy Council as a member of ,his Upland Boy •Scout Troop 4. With New Guinea and Leyte among the many far Pacific ports he has touched, Livermore is sharer of a Presidential citation' ,awarded 'his ship as result of the craft Weathering a dawn to dark Japannse aerial attack. "I never believed much in the stories of Japanese pilots' suicide dives until this attack, but now I'm convinced,” he declared, as he des bribed how a Nip plunged his plane for their ship. "When it happened," he said, "I was on the ship's bridge and at the intercom trying to call the engine room to order full speed ahead. Just then, the batteries on our boat aliened up with, such a roar that neither the engineer nor -I could hear each other."' "It's a good thing we didn't hear.," ILivermore declared, "because if we liad gotten.full speed ahead the' plummeting plane -would have plung- ed into the bridge where I was. As it was, the Jap sheared off the top of the mast 30 feet from the bridge, crashed;into the sea about 20 feet off ship and ,blew u`p, 'showering • plane wreckage all ever us. Only four of eur crew were Injured, and they're. all back on, lire job again:" The Upland Merchant Marine spent his leave at the :home of his mother,' Mrs, Lillian Livermore, 142 .Tenth avenue. Ire is a grandson of, Mrs. E. Herman .; of town. Plaque Ulhye 14in Memory, of Captain Owen Coinbe el" memorial service ; was, held he St. Paul's Anglican. Chu'rcii on tuns day .mozning. 'fol Captain Janes Owen Combe, son of 'Colonel I. 13. ando Mrs Combe Captain Combe wlro was all °freer en the Middle-' sex and Huron; Reghrient;- made the supreme sacrifice in)" France 'hest Augtaet: ' Rev. R. M. P. Ba1?10e1 conducted the service and ft 'farmer rector, Captain the Rev. A, fi, O'Neil,' -Lon- don, 'Ohapiainof the',Iiurori and Middlesex Regiment, r and . principal of Huron College, predated the ser- mon, Ile. took as.. hie {text "Greater Love Hath Na Man Ti ra#i1'This, That He Lay, boiyii His Life• Piot HHg Friends":' , Member's of the ClintonBraneh of the Canadiau Legion ' attended the service. PVtCe. Major Thomas Morgan, officer coniinanding the Clinton detachment of the Middlesex and, Huron Regis- nient and T G. Seribb3ns,, repro. senting the Clinton Branch of the Canadian Legion, wesit, to the Chan- cel steps, where' eush received •a wreath pf red and *bite roses, A brief service in -remembrance. of those who gave their dives in 1914 —1918 was conducted ; by the Rev. R. M, Bulteel, and Mr. T. G. Scrib=. bins placed a wreath"at the base -of the memorial tablet.., A brief but very. impressive cere mony preceded the 'unveiling of a bronze plaque, in memory of Cap- tain James Owen Combe, son of Colonel Hugh Barry Combe and Mrs. Combe, and erreeted• by members of the family, Major Thomas Morgan, with whom Captain Combe lead been associated in the Micir(lesex and Hu- ron Regiment .before ' enlisting for Active Service, unveiled the plaque, and placed the wreath •of led and white roses at its base. His Worship Mayor Agnew sounded the Last Post. Red Cross Cainpaign' To the.Frditor of the ' Cliii 6`Fr News-It-40AT-- The" The Committee in charge of the Red Cross Campaign would like through your `valuable paper to ex- press their ,appreciation to ail,citi- eens of Clinton and surrounding district, also the etaff and trainees of No. 5 ,Radio School, who have responded so freely and so gener- ously to make .this very worthy cause such an outstanding success, in such a short period of time, reaching the sum of $6,103.10, over- subscribing our quota by $2,693,10. Will all canvassers accept the thanks of the Committee for the splendid worse they accomplished. We would like to mention the great 'spirit shown by the inmates of the Huron County Home in raising $15.00, which sum will supply: some six parcels of food for the prisoners 'of war. All county units ' have.:dene a marvellous job in raising $1,314,00 The churches, organizations and ledges have not been found wanting. Campaign Committee—A, .J. Mc - McMurray, J. G. McLayy, T. G. &rib - bins. TOWN Donations Total St. George's Ward 140 $ 506.75 St. John's Ward 170 526,00 St. James' Ward 185. 835.00 St. Andrew's Ward 165 869.80 660-'$2737.55 No. 5 Radio School Clinton 659.45 COUNTY UNITS Goder•ich. Twp, South 101 437.50• Goderich Twp. No. 4 28 107.00. Rolmesville Unit 54 181.50 Porter's Hill 57 124.35 Summerhill Unit 50 105.50 Tuckersmith Unit • 28 90.50 London Road - 27 92.00 Huron Road East 36 98.50 North Gravel and 2nd 'Hullett 84 77.25 415 $1314.10 LODGES AND CHURCHES Huron County $,750,00 Canada Packers 150,00 Wesley -Willis Church 100.00 Wesley -Willis S. S. Prim Class 5 00 Canadaan Legion Clinton Knitting Co. Ontario Street Church. Ontario Street W. A. Ontario Street S. School Ontario Street Girls Club `'"540 Ontario Street Y. P. U. 5,00 Clinton Lodge AF. and A,1VL:25,00 Clinton L,O,B.A, 10,00 Wesley -Willis, Girls„ Club 15.00 Anonymous 2.00 Instalment' Subsersptioes' 170.00 50.00 50.00 25,00 20,00 1000 1392.00 .Plans to:Celebrate YrtI)ay' PIans for the celebration sof V - 1541 1#11i0 been .uranged by the War Services Association,' At the' Siind y Services in the cinu•ohes it was announced that vvheii the "news' of final victory in the European War is ,von, the town,. school_ and chervil bells will be rung, is bg erheld on Tuesday, June, 5th: Ones hour later thaiilcsgiving." ser- Alfred Warner,' . Bayfield, was eines. win be conducted -for en hour elected President 01 the Club, in the Presbyterian .and Wesley-. Alvin Betties, Bayfield, Vice -Pres, Willis Churches. .1. B. Matheson Agricultural Rep - be in charge of these services. Citi- surer. . • Yorkshire Breeders Form C1lub The Ye kshite Bre:dene of Huron' Ceemty formed a Club at a recent' meeting held in the Agricultural, Office, Clinton, They plan on hold ing' a show and tale in conjunction with the Clinton 'Spring :Shove, which The 1VIinisteniel : Association will resentative Clinton, Secretary -Tr - zeds are requested to go- to the The Directors are as foloows;'Ross church nearest to their home •ar Henry Lucirnow, Wm -T1.1111131.111, place of business: Brussels, J. Powell, Seaforth, Yee—This Olub also hopes 'to promote L",-_, work, • C. C. T. Basketball 'Last Friday night the Collegiate "Vikings" -engaged an American vias s to � an from the Iocal camp and theh h i school .l g lads walked off the floor victorious 44-38. It was a rough and. tumble affair with both teams patching basket for basket through- out the game. Half -way through the last quarter the "Vikings were trailing 86-32, but "Nick" Elliott ran in 3 -quick baskets to• go one up. The "Amerks"• called time out, and then came back on the court to sink a basket, but B. Haply offset that one 30 seconds later, With but one min- ute of the game remaining, A. Ken- nedy dropped two through the hoops to putthe game- on ice.. Young Bob Willer played a stand -out game at guard along with DiIling and Haply. Collegiate Line up: - Centre, Kennedy (22); Forwards, DiIling, Hanly (2), Johnson, MCB.ide McIntyre (2); Guards, Elliott (14) The Lions Club H, C. Firth, of London Ontario, Field Commissioner of the Bay Seoul,' Association ion far the - le Western rn-Ontari district, addressed the Clinton Lions Club Father and Son banquet, held in the Owen Memorial hall, Monday evening', .Hsieh 12th, 1945, G. 112. Counter, chairman of tiro Boys and Girls Committee presided over the meeting. George McLay reported for the Community Better- ment committee, with regards to the Clinton Community Park project. Dr. F. G. Thompson, chairman of the War Services Committee gave a fav- orable report with regards to an entertainment, presented under the auspices .of the club in the Town Hall an February 27th, under the direction of May Rance McKinnon. • Rev. R. 51..P, Bulteel, introduced the speaker for the evening, who spoke, with regards to the import- ance of scout training, and its re - Miller (4),lationshap to the home, W. L John Camp Line up: . son moved a vote of thanks to the Centre, Bailey (8), Richards -( Forwards, Pasch (10), Riddile, W (4), Way (2); Guards, Reilly ( Sehiowity (2), Steiger (2). These same teams go at it ag up in the Collegiate gynin, Frid. night, March 16, at'8 p.m. The •boys R do not claim to be basketball wizards but they pay up for their lack in skill in their aggressive and fighting spirit. Everybody is welcome, 'se why do not come up' and enjoy the game. to y a em AMONG THE CHURCHES tri 2), speaker, We The St. Paul's; Singers, a vocal 8),sextet, under the direction of May Rance McKinnon, contributed vocal sin selections. ay eturn Of Winter Workers to the Farm Plans have been completed Se'ective Service. f n to the farm of • 'workers 1!'b't' tge WPP were , temporarily played in, other essential Indus- es during the winter months, ac- cording to an announcement made ay by Hon, Humphery. Mitchell, sister of Labour. s was the ease last year, the es by .which farm workers must released by employers in other ustrie$ will Inc fixed by localities, will permit of a maximum as- ance to other esential industries cls are short of workers, while at same time it will take account of 'ging climatic and agricultural itions across Canada. In the case ach area it is. intended, Selective vice officials explained, that the working away front the .farm nes the winter time shall be avail - to return to'farm work im- mediately. their services are needed, - Dates for the different localities will be fixed. and announced by the Regional Superintendents, under the National Service adaninistration, after •Goneultation with Provincial Agricultural Officers, These regional officers are located at Moncton, Mon - tree], Toronto, Winnipeg and ' Van- 00uver. "Farm workers have given major assistance during the present winter to other .'hard-pressed industries", the Minister of Labour states, "but as the farm labour situation will it- self be serious this year, it is neves= sary that the, men should not be retained in •other industries once their .help is seeded back home en the farm. Food is still highly import ed by Na- nalor the re- t rkers•from S n h Sunday in Lent mon Subject.Messiah." Sot Presbyterian tod 10.00 am. Sunday Schooh � Mi 11.00 a.m, Divine Worship, Sermon A object, "Forsaking Christ", dal Everybody welcome at our service be The W. M. S. will meet on Wed- rad esday, March 21 at 3.00 p.m, at the This one of Mrs. V, Streets, sis�t *hi Wesley -Willis the March 18th, Fifth Sunda ear 11.00' a.m. Morning Worship, Ser- ofal "Jesus k of e 12.10 Church School. 7.00 pan. Evening Worship. Ser- ewe men 0100 Subject "The Great Ineonsis- able tency. Young P Peoples ' Union And Eire side;Hoar after Evening Worship. Remember the St, Patrick's Tea on Saturday, March 171h. ' St. Paul's 5th Sunday in Lent 8,30 a.m. Holy Communion 10.00 'aan, .Sunday School. 11,00 a,m. Morning Service, Rev, R. C. Holmes, 7.00 p,ni. Evening Service, The Rector, Wednesday, Lenten Service at 7.30 pan. The Friendship Club will meet at the home of .Mrs. E. H, Tull, Huron Street, on Wednesday, March 21st. Ontario Street United Church 11.00 aim, Sacrament of The Lord's ant, and increased amounts will be „ equir;ed to supply our troop's, our Supper. Certainly This was a home population, the United Natio ns Righteous Man. and lib'erate;l Europe.". Art MacNamara, ,Selective Ser- ireetor•, stated that the most; figures show temporary per - have been issued to more than Near Noon Sunday School, Ar 2,00 p.m. Worship and Sunday vice 1) School. Tu 1ner's United Church, recent Tuckersmith Twp. units 7.00 p.m, Who are the Five Marys. who had a large part in the Life of Jesus? The name Mary is sacred' i