HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-03-08, Page 7. i nw nu Compliments of• "EXPORT" Cugarettes OTTAWA REPORTS That Canadian Federation Agriculture Urges A Food Price Policy. Be Announced. As Soon As Possible The Canadian Federation. of Ag- riculture representing 350,000 far- mers, in virtuallyall brartches of primary food ,and feed production, presented its ninth annual brief to the Prime Minister and cabinet on February 23. Federation repre- sentatives 'from all the provinces were in the delegation headed by, the • president, H. H, Hannam Ottawa. Formulation and announcement of a national food Price policy at the earliest possible date was urged in the• belief that the price scale of foods and other agricultural pro- ducts would hold a key position in determining the country's fiscal policy in post-war years. , The federation, which is repre- sented on 17 advisory committees of the government, and which now takes a great part in agricultural planning in. Canada, also included h. its requests the abolition of war- time daylight-saving time; im mediate inauguration of a general prices support .program for 7l1 agricultural products; coptinuation of present subsidies on dairy pro- ducts throughout the summer with 'increases next fall; also inaugur- ation of policies which would pre- vent'losses to producers of live- stock through congestion of de- liveries at main livestock Market- ing centres. ' * , * The federation said it\ was de- strious of seeing , the Widest. pos- sible application of the National Housing Act to rural areas. It also suggested that the new Improve- ment Loans Act be extended to include buildings for co-operative associations, Extension of bene- fits of the Prairie Farm Rehabili- tation Act to other provinces was urged. St. Lawrence Shipping More than .9,060,000 tons of ship- ping annually move to the upper St Lawrence River ,between the Great Lakes and Montreal. • Relieve Neuritis... Neuralgia Pain allIEDISSIMMIDESEIBUIDIMISIr Aspirin Eases Pain Almost !Immediately Why Aspirin works sofost' Instantly! Yes, the moment you drop an Aspirin Tablet in a glass of water it begins to dis- integrate. And that same quick action takes place in your stomach. Thus, ' ! you get relief almost instantly. Aspirin ha S proved itself through generations to be quick, effective, above all, dependable. That's why Canadians have come to rely on this famous analgesic for relief from pain due to headache, neuralgia or neuritis. So protect yourself from needless misery. Just get a boa of genuine Aspirin at your druggist's today and follow simple directions. NEW REDUCED PRICES Pocket Box of 12 .. . .. 18c &mien), Bottle of 24. .. . .. now 29c Family oho of 100 now 790 ASPIRIN The Bayer cross on each tablet Is your -guarantee that It's MO* Scot Outscotched We hope, no Scot will.get mad at us, as we don't vouch for the yarn, through it comes from the hitherto, reliable ,Emerson journal: "A blood transfusion was. needed by a• lady in a hospital anda. brawny ,Scot , volunteered. She Paid. him $25 foi. the first pint and $12 for: the sec- ond. The .third time, she had so much Scotch, blood in her she just thanked him." -Ottawa Citizen . POPULAR STAR Greer Gerson, British -born film star, who is up for an Academy Award for the fifth time, has been given a gold medal as "the most popular star in the United States." The medal was presented by Dr. George Gallup, who conducted a nationwide poll for a movie maga- zine to determine America's screen favorites. Miss Garson was nomin- ated for an Academy "Oscar" for her starring role in "Mrs. Park- ington." a Specialized Staff Ready To Handle Repatriation Job The first of 2,000 specialized workers their number may rise to 10,000 -- are being concentrated on Germany's borders ready to handle the greatest repatriation problem in history, UNRRA of- ficials have disclosed, The problem, is that of return- ing home some 12,000,000 Euro- pean, nationals taken 'into Germa- ny. So great is the task, one UN- RRA official' said, that one train every hour would be needed to move all the displacad persons within 18 months. That is impos- sible, and it may require two to three years to complete the re- patriation, Assembly areas will be estab- lished at certain points In occu- pied Germany, and displaced per- sons will be brought to them for identification and questioning: Spanish woollen mills are work- ing on a German order for $1.- 000,000 worth of blankets.. HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention - Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. We sell our goods only through your local Staco Leather Goods dealer, The goods are right, and so are our prices. We manufacture in our fac- tories - Harness, Horse Col. tars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan- kets, and Leather Travelling Goods. Insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods, and you get satiafaction, Made only bY!. SAMUEL TREES CO, LTD. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE 42,. Wellington St. E., Toronto RHEUMATIC • SUFFERERS'. .Accept This Generous Offer! Ally drug store will return your money, If one• bottle of Ru -Ma does not give you relief from rheomatie aches and pains, sore, swollen and painful Joints. No matter how long Ycm have suffered, YOU MUSt get re- lief or "no ,pay." Try Ru -Ma. and. be convinced. Accept this generous ' offer now. IVIIIIIIIIIIEAK GOLD 111-111ES LIMITED Located on the main break northeast of Key -Addison and ChesterVille Map,„showing location and • information upon request IVIainbrealt Gold Mines Limited (No Personal Liability) 330 Bay Street, SUite 209 ADel. 7969 TORONTO VOICE OF THE PRESS L. CALL FOR ROSIE Stainless , steel stockings are a postwar possibility, says a ,steel itt- dustry spokesman. Phone the rivet-, er Mom has a runnert - Kitchener ReCord, 'RAILWAY' TRAVEL --- Speaking.of railroad- tvavel - the more you go the -more you •stop the war effocC, ' - Guelph Mercury. • • WRONG LOCATION "Let light pieyail: Let party hat- reds die, Let there be unity," said prime Minister Churchill in Ath- ens, One might ahnost imagine he was speaking in Canada. -- Windsor Star. FOR- NEW MOTHERS 'Wrien giving the baby' a hath, ,a - thermometer is unnecessary. I. the baby turns red, the water is too hot. If the baby turns blue, theska- ter is tod cold , .. If , the baby Mills white, you, willknow he 'needed a bath._ 'St. Thomas Timesl-jourfnal. • • • Facts. Are Answers To 'Wild Faliehoods We admire''' the sPunk of die Qi-ey 8c,•Bruce :Trust &' Savings Company of, Owen Sound itt some swift', hard punchipg in the North Grey by-election fray. This modest. 'community institu- tion (1944 net profits $57,000) set all business a good example when . it spoke up and demolished some unthruths burled into the cainpaign by C.C.F.'-er Noseworthy: When that angry and ill-intorm-' ed socialist declared that monopoly had left a trail or ruin in North , Grey with workers and farmers the victims, the Grey & Bruce Trust bought space- in the Owen Sound Sun-Times'and declared that this was casting a reflection on the Citizens of Grey county. "In view of the fact that a large, proportion of our customers, are farmers and workers we believe the 'public should know the fact." These it ,set forth. In 1044, Grey county citizens bought over $0 millions in Victory bonds; a total of 920 millions in 1942-3-4. Deposits with thiS trust ,company ir 1932 wear 91.1 million; in 1038, 91.9 million; in 1944, '95.1 an increase of 360 per cent. "we are proud of our standard of living in Grey county and the. ex- cellent financial condition of the county itself," declared the Grey & Bruce. . As usual the facts are the best answer to the wild and bitte: 'false- hoods of the socialist ' revolution- aries. Grey & Bruce Trust & Sav- ings is to be congratulated on its forthrightness in doing its part to spike thiric falsehoods, RHEUMATISM Has been definitely enr2d by an inexpensive home treatment. Send one dollar for formula tind full in- structions to: ALEX WILKIE, 765 Duffel -in St., Toronto, Canada. You Will Enjoy Staying At The ST. REGiS HOTEL 0 • Every 1100111 4)1111 OSII11. er mot retto,hone. • Single. 512.50 up - Double. OlLetl up. • Good Pool,. Dining and Mine. ing Nightly. Sherbourne at Carlton Tel RA 4138 11 o4,..o A7- Loop e LOOK ao.04 eWEEZ BETTER/ 111.04,..1VITAM3 -COMPI.6X sLIeul,I TglhICt PROa 570S STUFFY NOSE? Nose plugged up? Head cold threaten. ing? Just smear NOSTROLINE in each nostril. Peel clogged mucous • loosen, stuffiness vanish, breathing Passages come clear. Relief is instant. NOSTROLINE clears head, stops discharge, relieves catarrh, head colds. Convenient. Pleasant. Adults and children. 50c --all druggists. NOS,..TROLINE BRISTOL. 61401...ND • -- OINTMENT ,e -Burns." Sores, Gu.,-fs,Etc. Do you suffer from MONTHLY NERVOUS TENSION withits weak tired feelings?. 7 ' If functional periodic disturbances make you feel nervous, tired, restless -at such times -try Lydia E. Pinicham's \rep - table Compound to relieve such symp- toms. Pinkham's Compound is one of the most effect ve medicines for this purpose. Follow label directions, Buytoday! 444 ecp4ahaja VEGETABLE COMPOUND _ISSUE 10-1945 JUMBO WAR EFFORT Even elephanfs do their bit in the war effort and a big bit it is, as one of the animals can do the work of five dozen native coolies in loading giant d-46 Commandos, which fly supplies from, India to Chiiii_o_veL Himalayan "Hump," Above, elephant helps` load gasoline „,..-ctriIMS On dile-ok the giant transports Scientists At War Against Weather The National Research Council in Ottawa has been at war months against -- the weatherl The steaming jungles of the P4ci- fic with their torrential rainfall and high limpidity and heat are•nu.place to store tents, tarps, or a uniforms. Rot sets in, and in a few weelcs the material just falls to pieces. The Council came ttp with three protective coatings for cloth, Alu- minum salts or a stiff Wax' contain- ing, a filler was itsed for water- proofing. Salts of'copper turned out to be a first-rate rot-proofd. And for fire -proofing tents and tarps, antimony salts mixed with chlorin- ated wax does the trick. Treating cloth with the three protective coatings makes it about 40 per cent heavier, but it is well worth it in the tropics. Have You Heard? "'Vies, I'll come With you if you'll wait:, while I change these traffic - cop shoesmf Mine." "Traffic -cop shoes? Why do you -call them that?" "13ecause ltVverything's all right while I keep going, but if I park " anywhere too loiag they phicii nit." Hitler, on a tour Of inspection, stopped to talk to a youthful sol- dier; "Tell me son," be asked, "if some night while you slept a bomb were to fall. on your barkicks, what would be your last wish?" "My last wish," replied the sol- dier unhesitatingly, '"would be to have my 'Fuelirer with me." "I-Ialt, who goes there?" "A Czech." "Advance, cheque, and give the counterfoil." Old Rastus settled himself in his chair and addressed his wife: "Yes sah, Gal, 'dat boos 'done cut wages half iritwo.again. Some ob de boys is kickite might powItil 'bouf it. .13rit I ain't goin' to kick none. Way I Eggers it -- half,of surimin' is better'n all of nuffin'." Churchill Street . StadiumStreet has been renamed Churchill Street, in Athens. It is. the 'city's busiest thoroughfare. THE POPULAR HOSTESS serves Maxwell House the superbly flavored coffee -blend, with all the stimulating goodness of fine Latin-American Cof- fees, When you buy coffee, say "Maxwell House". RUB OUT THAT, COLD WITH - 4 LOW-PRICED STOCKS With Excellent Profit -Making Possibilities YOUNG DAVIDSON Mines (Hollinger Controlled) STADACONA 1944 Mines (Ventures Management) LOCHLAND -PERSHING (j P. NoMrIrleNSEuSpervision) WESLEY T. DAVIDSON & COMPANY 710 Northern Ontario Bldg., 330 BAY ST., TORONTO, ONT. IlLghe 7062 - Detailed Infornmtion on requeol ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS INCOME TAX REPORTS COM - Plate Bookkeeping ,Services. SntaII or Large Businesses. Trav41 any- where. Albert Brett & Co., n8 Wellington SL a., Torbnto, Ont. BEACHES MODEL HOME civERI,00mmo LAKE ONTARIO.. You may win this 910,000 model home for 91:00. Write for 'your ehores today. (91.00 each) to Beaches Business Men's AsSocia- Oen, Toronto, 8. Tout...receipt will be mailed promptly. Draw to be made May 2411. Proceeds for war Charities. BABY CHICKs 51.00 HOOKS TOUR ORDER ORDER YOUR 1945 CHICKS NOW. and not be disappointed. All chicks are from guaranteed test- ed stock, and from 25, oz. eggs or better, Barred Rocks mixed 912.00 per 100, White Leghorns mixed $11.00 per 100, Barred Rock Pullets $19.00 per 100, white Leghorn. Pullets 922.00 per 100, white Rocks Mixed 315,00 Per 100 white Rock Pullets $24.00 per 100, we guarantee 100% live delivery, balance paid C.0,1if. Maple City Hatchery, Chatham, Ontario. 5000 BREEDERS ON ONE PLANT BOOK YOUR 1045 CHICKS NOW and get your chicks when 3,ou . want them. Orders are pouring in. Breeder Hatcheries are always . ' sold out early. Don't take chances on Ordinary chicks.. Place your order NOW. Pure Hied sumx. Large Typo Leghorns. Sussex X New Memos.; Sussex X Leghorns. Rock X Leghorna. Rock X New .Hamps„ Barred ,Rocks, Send for , large illustrated Catalogue and Price List, Lalceview Potiltry Farm, Wein Bros., Exeter, Ont. IVIONKTON P OLI LT 10 Y FARM CHICKS FOR SUCCESS -When buying chicks for staccess you must buy chicks 18101 breeding, and with proper euro you will be certain of production for M•ofli. Monkton Poultry Farm Breeders are all. Government in- spected; banded, and blood-tesled. Write for 1945 priees and Cat- alogue. MONKTON POULTRY FARMS. MonIctom, Ontario. B RA SSA II D'S BLOC/ D-TESTE1) chicks. We specialize in one breed. Ilollywoocl Strain White Leghorns.. Write birds and chalk white C+TP:C. Pullete.320.00 per 100. Mixed 910.00 pee 100. 91.00 books Order. nrC.S5fIrd'S rifitchOrY, Aults. ville. Ont. BROAD 1il1EasT111) SVeSIOX COX THOUSANDS AVAILABLE WEEK- -1y, if you order at °lice. Our Broad Breasted Sussex cox bring top priees on the market., white skinned, long rounded breasts, Also New Hump. cox with fast growth and feathering. Sussex X Leghorns and Reek X Legltures make good ronsters and grow fast up to 4-5 lbs, You can buy these for 54.00 per 100. Also mix- ed nenvy cox 90,00 per 100. All from 0111. Well-lirdd, hen I thy, blood tested breeders, 0000 ,Dreed- era on ONE • plant, Lakeview Poultty Farm. Wein Bros.. Exeter, Ontario, ORDER YOUR .S. -C. WHITE LECi- horn day-old chicks from a breed- . co hatehery, Stock " blood tested and banded by 0. B. S. Will' A. Glazier, Clinton, Ont, • 100 CHICES FREE WITH Ids Nio. 1101,140 cs ISO s' Id t chicks, we give 111e l:ee chicks Cour choice): • Leghorn pullets 222.95 pet 11111. barred "Rock put- le'to so 00 eer 1111, , tArhite Rook Pullets 924.58 per 100; Ali chicks sold backed by high egg Pedigreed stock, 31.00 books your order, halftime C.O.D. Guaranteed 1.000,4, live . delivery. Kent Hatchery, Chatham, Ontario. 25 Pit NE Unit Ws OUR FI )1.1N OA T I UN STocK LS registered • and • pedigreed birds. Nothing • better In Canada. Order now: Prices • for mixed be chicks, males and females: Bar- red Races, MAC rer hundred; White . Leghorns, 211.00; White Rocks. $15.00; Brown Deghorns, 513,00. Pullet prices: Barred Rocks, $19.00; While Leghorns. • 922.00; White Rocks, $04.00; Brown Leghorns, 324.00. 25 • free chicks, our choice, will be given for *each .10)) mixed chicks order- ed and 25 free chicks for each 100 day old • Pullets ordered. Goddard Ohick' • Ha tehery, Bri- tannia 'Heights Ontnrio. A-1 BAT3Y CHICKS ruom oLootb- Tested flocks, Barred Rocks, large type White Leghorns, Barred Rock X White Legtorns, Sussex ' X New Hampshire, Red XRocks. Write for price •list to A. 11, SWitzer IlatellerY, Granton, Ont, I3ABY CHICKS AND POULTS, Barred Reek and White. Leghorns frbm Government approved 'end bloodtested stock, all eggs set • front opio ovvn, stoblc. .4,100 White Holland ',and Broad Breasted Bronze Turkey Poults. Send for price list. The Wright Farm, Brockville, Ont. •, THIS WILL BE ANOTHER DIG year for -poultry raiSers. 13ritain has contracted 'torthe same amount of egga as last year.'Here at honte there s 310 reaaon to ex - Peet a drop in Consumption of either eggs or poultry meat, so be prepared for a good year. We • offer for February delivery: Light Breed cockerels 1.00 per hundred, • heavy breed cocitereis • 3,75 per hundred, non -sexed heavy breeds 11.45, light and mediulti breeds 10,45. Send for catalogue. Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, ziLooD. T102Ttip'.11YORkD COCK, ,.erels,': Rbck-Harnpeross, 3c each during march; 100% llve,delivery . guara,ateect: Phone 502a Stormont Poultry Paha.' BABY CHICKS ,WRITE 18010 01)50 NEW 1945 PRICE list on Barred Rock, Redrock, Leghorn and Legroek chicics. Liberal discount on early orders. C. S. Deebanic, Moulinette, Ont. R.O.P. SIRED LEGHORN CHICKS, Retell off every Wednesday. Slat- • tery's Poultry Farm, Altona Rd., R.R. 2, PICKERING, ONT. THE PROOF 013 QUALITY MER- chanclise Is repeat business. For , nineteen years Tweddle Govern- ment Approved chicks have been the choice of old customers- year after year. It will pay to stert your chicics early. You will not only make extra money With early chicks but you will save money if you talce them in March. Send for March pricelist today. We are .mailing our 1945 catal- ogues now. if you haven't re- ceived your copy drop us .a we will gladly send you one. Ask for our special prices on heavy breed cockerels. Listen to our radio programme over CICNX Wingluon every Monday morning at 9:30 and every Wednesday evening at 9 p.m, Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited,Fergus, Ont. NEED WE 30E801i13 YOU MARCH Is here? What that means to the poultrykeeper - you know. All months may be good months but it you want to catcli. the best Market months, order chicks now. Most , breeds and caosses. Bray • Hatchery, 130 John N., Hamilton Ontario. • ORDER YOUR CHICKS NOW ' AND YOU ARE .GUARANTICED your chicks Tor next spring when You wont them. Barred Reek mixed 912.00 per 100, white • leg - horns mixed 911.00 per 100, Bar- , red Rock Pullets $19.00 ner 100, white foghorn .pullets 322,00 per 100. Heavy' Breed Ckls. $6.00 per 100, .Leghorn Clcls. 62.00 per 100. All chicics hatched from 26 oz. C530 or better and from special mated flocks, Guarianteed 10090 live delivery. 91,00 books your order,_ balance c.o.o. Rainbow Hatchery, Chatham, Ontnrio. DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. "We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment El. Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yong° Street, To- ronto. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SMALL couNTRy STORE, PRE - terribly with Post Office or Otis Station but not essential. Full perticulars first letter. Box 10, 73 Adelaide St. W., Toronto, Ont. trAtnntirs.ssusx. LEA RN HAIRDRESSLNG THE ' Robertson method. in formation on request regarding clesses. Rebortson's Hairdreseing Acad- emy. 137 Avenue Rend, Toronto: • P011 SALE, PUPPIES INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION sTrirlo .minoitmotm REGIsTc11.2D, • AT WESTERN ONTARIO:8 . . LARGEST REGISTERED COCKER ICENNIIILS - CEE HAZE ,KENNELS (knotsTEREto 209 Praedo Place, Riverside • OILL'UTRIC• moTorts, NEW, USED„ bonght, sold, rebuilt; belts, pul- leys, .brushes. Allen Blectric Com- pany Ltd., 2320 Dufferin St.. To- . route,. DURNFORD KENNELS, COCKER spaniel . puppies, red and black. Cholce champion registered stock., 703' Giles East Windsor, Ont. AT , STUD: SPRINGER SPANIEL, linporteds England,. Beagle hound, • Field Trial' Winner. Registered, Trent Volley Kennels, R. 3, Peter- bOro, Ontario. HEREFORD nuLbs;- nnotsTnrt- . ed, coming two, geed type, low set, priced right. • Apply A, E. Nolcos,•1VIanilla, Ont. ONTARIO GROWN 2 PURITY I Timothy Seed: Perminatlen 950O. 10)00 lb. Pinlc*erton. Bags free. .Sold. In unbroken. 120 lp. bags only. Cash with order. Roy Cramm, Seed Merchant. Pinkerton., FOR SALE REGISTERED, CERTIFIED AND Commercial Grain and Grass Seed. Price List now ready. Write, phone or ivire. for COPY Newfield Seed ancINursery Farms, Nipawin, Saskatchewan. BROODER STOVES - USE vont oil or kerosene -no wicks. J. S. Reading, 650 Dougall Ave., Wind- sor," Ont.. ' ONE NO. 3 MONITOR CLOVER AND Timothy Seed Cleaning Machine , in good condition, complete with 60 Sections of Screens. R. Cramm, PlnIcerton, Ont. ALLOVVAY LODGE OFFERS CHOICE ANGUS BULLS of service- able age. 13red Heifers for Herd foundation. D E. 'McEwen,. R.R. 4, London,• • Ontario , STRAWBERRY PLANTS, ASPAR- - agus, raspberries, peach trees, apples, pears, IMAMS, cherries, gOapes, currants,shrubs, hedging, shade trees, wire tree guards. Norfollc Nursery, Sitncoe, Ontario, 0531)5)153 YOUR PACKA.GE.BEES, OR • nuclei, new for ituy delivery. Ros nuclei, now for ,May delivery. Roseview Apiaries, .Hawkestone,- NEW POULTRY P/CKINO MA - chine, eleetric motor, 60 cycles. Picks chickens, turIceYe'comPlete, 1250. Bleury trirq Farm, Iberville, 2' BEA.GLII FOX ROUND Por, 5 'Months old,: 1,v,..high, good strein, 915.00 each. S. . Young, Euke St, Bowmanville, Ott. BAB ivrAtn "Ax.M.ti liANovER" 1.9 • year, Mire Koenigs, Mark,. 21111i Flat. & Jump racer. Sound condi- thin I25.0i Wm, 11..CliamandY,,958 Carlow, Ave,,yToronto,. GLadatone . , LUMBERMEN - L 00 SCALES, handy calculator, 25 cents post - Paid. The Outlook, Middleton, Nova Scotia. REGISTERED NO. 1 KING COM . SEAL nynrup SEED CORN 85 TO 120 DAY MATURITIES, VAR- ieties suitable for both ensilage and grain, also a full line of Seed Oats. Write for price list. The King Grain & Seed Co., Pain Court, Ont. . TWELVE EXHIBITION DAHLIAS, $2.00 delivered. American and European varieties, List ready. Harley McCombs, Fonthill, Ont. QUILTING PATCHES COTTONS OR SILKS BY POUND. Make fancy silk petal Cushiona from Satin Patches, colors Pink, White, Blue. Wool Remnants suitable for Boys' knee pants. La- dies' handbags, children's slcirts etc. Also unbleached cotton. Pub - lex Sales, 377 Parliament Street Toronto. MAMMOTH AUCTION SALE • OP '1000 HORSES '1000 'Exhibition Barns, Iteginn, Sask. April 11, I2.• 13, 1945 All farm vaised, well broken and In fine condition. Some fine saddle horses and drivers, plan now to attend. OMAR CRAre.ii llsiSi:silelIf. Box 332, i ATTENTION FARMERS WE ,CARRY A COMPLETE LTNII of nev,, and used Pipe and Fit- tings, Steel ,Stable Posts. Boiler Tubes, Rails, Plates, Structural Steel Pulleys, Shafting, Hangers, • Belting, Machinery, Boilers, Tanke etc. We can save you money. Samuel Blerstock & Sons, 255 Palmer Ave.. Kitchener, Ont. FARMS FOR SALE 98500 BRIMLEY RD. SCARBOR-. ough Township, G miles from To- ronto, 24 acres, good garden land, modern stable, frame house with six large rooms, hardwood floors, running water in house and stable, heavy wiring in both; about 1 acre of good orchard, TORONTO CITY nnALTy, 2330 Danforth 'Ave. Toronto. Ont. 200 ACRES,, 211, 1VIILE1,' EAST OF Dttrulallc, on county road, 125 acres under cultivation, over 50 - acres ready for crop, geed build-. legs, cement* stabling, water lo barn, good house With furnace, farm well fenced, possession any time. wn.,BERT GREEN, DUN- DALK,. R. 4, or Geo. Duncan, Auctioneer, Dundalk. 190 ACRES MORE OR LESS WITH • or Without stock and farm im- plements, dwelling house, etc. Township of Longueull Prescott 000tnty-1 mile from Town, School, Church, electricity, running writer. Apply John 13. Wood3I Solicitor, Hawkesbury. Ont, MEDICAL STOMACH ANO WoltnIt. often are the cause of 111-henith itt. humans, all ages. No one mune! Why not find out if this is your trouble Enterest'ng par- tiettlars-freel Write Muiveney's Remedies, Speconlists Termite 3 Goma ADVICE! EVERY SUFFER- er of Rheumatic Pains or Neur- itis should try Dixon'e Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 91:00. BAUMEEKA FOOT BAIA& DE. stroys offensive odor instantly, 45e bottle. Ottawa agent, Denman Drpg Store. Ottawa. IT'S IMPORTANT - EVERY SUE - fever Of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Munro's Drug Store. 335,131. gin, Ottawa. Postpaid .91.00. ' MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FRED A. BODDINGTON 131/Y8, sells, exchung'es •musical in0tru- ments,,111 Church, Toronto 2, ' OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN • BE A HAIRDRESSER -JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCI1001., Great Opportunity, Learn , Hairdressing Pleasant dignified prdfessiOn, good • wages, thousands successful. Marvel 'graduates. America's greateat sys- tem. ',illustrated catalogue free. Write or call . igARArmi HAIRDRESSING • SCHOOLS ' ,358 BLOOR W., TORONTO Branches: .44 King • St., Hamilton, & 74 Rideau Street., Ottawa, OPPOR'TIJNITIES HEN& 'WOMEN ABC' 'SHORTHAND. PURCHASFJ the books and train yourself in 10 'weeks, Free folder 'Illustrates Hits easY system. Catisan Systems, •, '011181e13 TO INVENTORS AN .OFFIOR TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full infer- ' niation sent free, The RantsaY • Co., Registered Patent AttorneYs, 273 Bank .Street Ottawa Canada, PERS019AL NEW DISCOVERY, TESTED, SAVES • 4590 gasoline, guaranteed. Send stamped envelope for information: ,S. Brodie, Vilna, Alta. RIGHTEOUSNESS, JUSTICE AND peace. God will establish them soon! Write for free copy. "The Kingdom of God, What is it?" . Christadelphian Gospel Proclam- ation, 319 North Linsmore Toronto 6. PA'VENTS FETHERSTC/NHAlltiti & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established Booklet of In forma tio n on re- quest. PHOTOGRA TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION YOUr rilM8 properly developed and printed s OR s oxpostimi; ROLLS 25c REPRINTS 8 for 25e • FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE You MUY not get all the film you want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desire by sending your films to IMPERIAL P 110TO SERVICE Station J. Toronto PHOTOGRAPHY FILM DEVELOPED, 0 PRINTS, one 5 x 7" enlargement. 05e. Re- prints, including 116, 3c each. Neleon Photo Service, Sattlt Ste Marie, Ont. TRY CANADA'S LARGEST PHOTO FINISHING STUDIO Get better pictures at, lowest coat. Don't take ,chanceS olth your film rolls. You can't take "snaps" over again. PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Any Size Roll --- 0 or 3 Tlxposures DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 2185 A customer in Cittp0 Breton says, "I have been sending, films to you for 4 01' 5 years..Would not send them anywhere eise.'' 'SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New Style Album: Willi Prints sizes 16-20-127 if 29c (4e extra) is, sent with Min roll. SPECIAL PRICES ON FRAMING AND COLORING Enlargements 4 x 6" in beautiful easel mounts, 3 for 25c. Framed on ivory tinted mato, 7' lc 9", in Gold, Silver, Circassian Wolnut or Black Eberly finish frames. 59e each. It enlargement tolored, 79e each. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A. Toronto Print Name and Address Plainly on • Orders. PIANOS IS YOUR PIANO 18010130E80 SOLV- ed ? If not, w to us. Factory Mason & Risch, 642 King St. West, Toronto. SEEDS THORUGHLY RECLEANED' GOV- ernment graded cloyee seeds, Tim- othy ttnd Cossack ulfalta. Write for prices. J. E. Muir, Ceylon, Ontario. BAXTER'S SEEDS, BETTER QUAL ity and value, Send for Catalogue . "We sell everything that grows." 1350 Yongc Street, Toronto. PEEL SEEDS ALFALFA, ALSIKE, RED CLOVER, Sweet Clover, Mixed seeds, Tim- othy and grasses. Wholesale and. , retttil. Write for 'prites. Peel Seed Growers Co -Operative Limited, Box 1100, Brampton, Ont. .GIANT MARIGOLDS! 3 VARIETIES OF OUSWAN.DING MERIT- Marigold Mammoth Mum, 1044 ALL AMERICA WIN- NER, large incurved yellow flow- ers that rivet the popular CIIRYS- ANTHEMUM; IVIayling, aimed alt. el' Madame Chaing Kai -Shelf, in - curved palate or rich golden Orlin - rose colour;MISSION • GIANT GOLDSMITH, itch golden orange bloorna 1 to 5. inches across. One package of each, three in all (regular 60c) for 25e. Dept. W., W. W. Hick & San Ltd., Lindsay, Ont. WANTED 'LINOTYPE WANTED, NO. 6 OR 8 Model, give • full particulars to Wilson Publishing Co.. 73 Ade- laide St. W., Tbronto. SMALL BUSINESS WANTEE, WITH living accommodation, anywhere • in Ontario, abotlt 9800. Boy. 12, 73 Adelaide Toronto, Ont. BALD HEAD TUMI3LERSO STATE price, Color, sex,. Shamrock Lofts, 9 VV,iley Ave., Toronto 6. ALL KINDS OF POULTRY WANT - ed, live or dressed, Write M. P, Mallon, 33 Jarvis, Toronto. DELP 'WANTED 360 .PER MONTH FOR GENERAL • Domestic or helper In • kitchen of Hospital to live in. When apply- ing give full particulars. Water- ford Ilbspital, • Bbx 402, Water- ford. Out, YOUNG WOMAN FOR GENERAL hoOsework, good wages; laundrY . sent out, evening's, two half -days off. Small adult family, Doctor's residence. References. Apply Ad- vertiser, 254 Sherbourne St., To- ronto, CEIORIl MAN AROUND DAIRY barn, able to do some milking: good home, single man; separate house if married. Donald Arm- strong, Brampton, Route 5. COOK prENIBRA, SMALL rAnni.t, 511 0 asant surroundings, good wages. References required. Mrs. Stanley Thomson, 400 Russell Hill Road, Toronto. 095.00 REG. NURSE, GENERAL duty, live in. Room and Board, duties to emnreence at once. When applying give full particulars and . experience. Wateriord IVIaternitY, 'Hospital, Box 402„W2terford, Ont,