HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-03-08, Page 5, A . 6 7,338 000 CFO, c't5' 5'4 ols -„v4 ' #00410,0001F 'THIS MONEY WENT- IINITO tee POCKET° • THAT'SA LOT OF MONEY! It represents the gross agricultural production in Canada kr 1944 as estimated by one of the country's leading farm magazines. It represents the earnings of Canada's biggest primary industry. Is the share of this huge sum of money which came off your farm as much as it might be? ,In other - words, is your farm producing to the fill extent of • • its possibilities? COuld it be made to produce more? You.can answer these questions kir yourself best if you are in a posidon -to know exactly how much YOU spend and how much you receive in each of . - reliable way of keeping track of your receipts and expenses. We don't mean anything complicated • just the opposite—something quite slinPle, sUch'as our Farm Account Book. A few minutes at this book every day, or so and you will know just which operationsof your farm are doing well, which only fair, which ire falling • • behind. Then you can take the'neceSsary steps to correct matters. . - • A copy this book is yours forthe isking. Call at our local office for a'copy.'W.hile you aM in, beim a.Avord with out ma ger He will he glad to see, the operation of your farm. ' • ' yout farm operations. you an a to discus; any pioblems you may hal ttA You can know these facts only if you have some BANK: Or MONTREAL' - FO A SWOON CANADIANS working wi!ls Canarlians in every walk of life „since 1817 Clinton Branch: W. H. ROBINSON,. Manager ,,Londesborough (Sub -Agency) : Open Monday and Thursday Every funeral service arranged by Us i.s compete in 'Avery detail, yet costs are controlled entirely byl the wishes of the famiy. BEATTIE FUNERAL HOME' GEORGE B. BEATTIE AUBURN M. anct Mrs. A. J. Ferguson visit- ' ed friends in Stratford on Sunday. Mr. Charles Nevins of Woodstock spent the week end at his home here M. and Mrs: Beverly French of Detroit visited the latter's parents Mr. and -Mrs. George Beadle. Miss Sadie Carter attended the • funeral of her aunt, Mrs. Cassidy, in • London last week. Mr. and Mrs. Plumsteel of Clinton spent Sunday with Rev. and Mrs. H. The packing and inspection com- mittee of the local Red Cross, met on Monday and packed ...the following • articles for shipment to Head- quarters, Toronto.: 21 large quilts, 1 crib' cmilt, 36 pr. service socks, 3 pr. ;pyjamas, 2 extra pair -trousers , also the following for the •soldiers' comfort' bags, 9 tubes shave cream, ' 2. kit bags, 2 tooth brushes, 2 tubes dental' .creSin, 5. packages razor bla- des, 2 tubes dental cream, 5 packages razor blades, 2 jars shave cream, I package shave cream, 1 handkerchief, '2 packages stationery,. 26 bars a toilet soap. Baptist Ladies Aid • The March meeting of the Baptisx Ladies Aid was held* at the home of Mrs..„.Earl Itaithby on Thursday with :Mrs. C. A. -Howson in bharge, The ddotional period was taken by Mrs. C. C. Anderson and Mrs, Edna •Qowan. TWO missionary quilts were tied _anti a quilt top was donated to the Red Cross Society.. Readings were given by 'Mrs. Wm. Haggitt, Mrs. •'Thos. McNall and Miss Elma Mutch. The topia • was given by Mrs, Earl' "McKniglit.' Rev.C. •C. Anderson Closed the meeting with prayer. A, pot luck • supper was served. Mr. and -Mrs. E. Phillips were at •home on Tuesday afternoon and even- , ing, February 27th, 1945, to 'receive one handrad .and forty guests, Who registered their names in a specially prepared 'Golden -Wedding" day book Whieh was Placed -OJ small table covered with yellow and gold color scheme .under an arch of ever- ' green and spring flowers in tile centre in .whieh a miniature bride and groom -vas placed. -The register Laura Tlie guests were. received at the was Jack Wright three year old son of Mr. ,and Mrs. Barrick 'Wright of Auburn. The brillai party and the immediate family were served a- dinner at the home at 5 o'clock Sunday evening when many happy memories of the wedding 50, yearsago were recalled. • Robert J. Philips, theii only son proposed a: toast to the King' and silent prayer was offered for a speedy CUT FLOWERS Victory and peace once more. FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion The toast master (11obert J. Phil- lips) proposed the toast to the bride which was responded to by the groom with the presentation of a go]d_ wed- ding. ring. Thomas H, Johnston their son-in-law presented the gifts- from the family, to the bride a„ matching diamond ring, the groom a gold watch. The bridesmaid IVIrs. Alfred Tebhutt of Goderich a gold dress - ornament and the bet man, James W. Medd of Auburn with a leather bill fold.. All were completely taken by surprise but fittingly voiced their thanks and anpreciation. A shower of _confetti brought the dinner to a close. „ door' and shown to the living room by The*bride of 50 years proudly dis- R. J. Phillips and T. 8. Johnston Planed the photos taken at the Golden where the bride and groom of 50Weddingof her parents the late Mr, years ago cordially greeteda their , and Mrs. wedding party ''50 years ago with beaded trim and her corsage Mrs. Philips was formerly- Mar - was an orchid. Following congratan garet Ellen Medd, youngest daughter dations the guests were shown to the of the late Mr. and"Mr8. Robert Medd dining room, which was tastefully and was ,born 73 years ago on Febru- clecorated in a color scheme a gc11.(1, ary 26th, in West Wawanosh on the the dining table being centered with a Medd homestead, where Mr. and Mrs. three story wedding cake- (made by Oscar Ament now reside. She attend - the bride) the lace cloth adorned !ed S. S. No. 3 Colborne, •a.distance of with gold' cut outs' centred with gold 21A2 miles.from her home. She can re - figures of 50, golden tapers and horse ! call having sometimes been lucky ts shoes comprised: the table cam:Melds. get a ride on loads of grain -which Tea was poured by Mrs, C. A. now- Were being battled' to Goderich, as son, Who chose a frock of black with there was no railroad closer than white braid trim and wore a corsage. Goderieb at that -time. Some of her Presiding for the serving was Mrs. old school- mates are 'William Watson, T. S, Johnston and Mrs, R. J. Phillips. of Nile, Gordon Young, -of Colborne, S H. Johnston and David, Ham - „Beautiful baskets -of cut flowers Ml's: ilton, of West Wawanosh and Mrs, e gl 'ts from Albert 'Ong of . Auburn. a ,Orale home, friends at St. George, Hamilton, Au- burn; Blenheim, Clinton, Goderich. and j Ezekiel Philips is the youngest from' the Anglican 'and Baptist son of the late Mr, and allIrs. Ezekiel churches, Aubunn. A basket of yellow Phillips of Fordyce, Ontario, -and on rosebuds was 5 gift from the :family, May 28th will mark this 73rd. birthday, Many other gifts were received He attended Fordyce school- and his :besides 125 messages by mail -Great- first teacher was the late E. G. Wood ny -prized were cable messages,,froin who later became inMedital Dotter, Reith and 'Harry Arthur Who are The late T. G.•Allen o Goderich Was serving overseas, witinthe R.C,A.P. also a tem: i. II •recalling this boy - and from: A/i3 Reih Sheppard of the hoed pals, Andrew Stein of Luelcnow, , 'It C.. N. Letters from servicemen and Albert Stein of Western Canada. were • also received including -ones are reinemberect He learned hid from gennenin Carter in Holland trade 'as, blacksmith at an early age Elvin Wightman R.C.N.Prince Ru- pert and Gordon, W. Dobie Comox B, C. There weie many telephone messages !from outside points from a number of friends who were prevenn ted from attending Ly the icy con- dition of the roads.' Worthy of nota among the guests -during the day were Tilihriam Ball and W. J. Parks; wno have both attained their 80th with his father and in those days his father and three sons Mid black- smith shops, John' on the 10th conces- sion of .West Wawanosh, Thoma g at $t Helens, and Ezekiel at White- church and father ;at Fordyce. Mr. Phillips has four sisters, 11Iin. Jas. Stein (Margaret) of Mouse Jaw Sask., Mrs. Andrew Fox (Jennie) of St Geo,rge, Mrs. Wm.' Humphrey birthday. The youngest guegt j,y tali' (Eena)'of St. Helens and Mrs. Alfred ,• , • , ” ' , ' ' . . , , ' ' , ' , . ' , ' e • : , , , " . , , . ' , • ' , , , • • • . I • -.; 1`71T -Ar i5cran/1Tg,'---,,4(;nne Rennoldn • 0113'Td.Wed TIN° Features , MOON OVER ILAS' VEGAS Wide open for fun, a stampide,a. romance andriInroaringn revelry. Ann Gwynne, David 'Bruce and Vera Vagne. IN- VISIBLE MAN'S, 'Int trENGE" lack ' to thescreen to bring You new thrills, chills anti 'en-cite:neat. Hall, Leon Errol: and Enelyn ,- Thur.' ,Prin and Sat. - •• GEORGE FORMBY ' Geerge and his ince will bring you an eveningof carefree entertain - inept in ,'• -ivxtren TOO SILT" Coming — "HOLLYWOOD - CAN- TEEN, With a star-studded east TREAT GODZILign NoW, playing George' Fortarby "MITCH TOO SHY"' Mon. Tues.,tand Wed; • Jack Rennin Joe Browd, Bette Davie and Eddie'Cantor • ; .Four,of the forty Stars fenturerin'MonIe” land's greatest -revue- "IIOLLYW'OOD CANTEEM' Thar, Frit Sat. Two Features. • Betty Rhodes, jahnnienjohnston & Scat Davis with InArtega and ins. all -girl Orchestra " "YOU CAN'T RATION LOVE"• Helen Walken,' Mable *-Paige and • James Brown Present a riot on fun with the Alt -American 'family "THE GOOD FELLOWS" Coming — Don ,Am -eche "WING AND A PRAYER"' ENT THEATRA , Now' Playing RAPIQN LOntnn .ALDRICII BOY SC:0T 611T"' Mon, 'Tues.' „Wed., , George Murphy, Joan Leslie and * George Irehlas' with Irving Berlin in theeast -of Mon IF shaw' telling musical tale of. the Army Shows "THIS 18 THE ARMY' Fri. and Saturday Bob Hope, Paulette Goddard and Paul Lukas It's eerie but it cheery the hilarious story of an old castle full of spooks. • "TIIE GIIOST BREAKERS" • ' Coming —• Ann Sheridan In "THE DOUGH GIRLS"' , GEMEROITSLY TOHE TCANADIAN RED CROSS • ' • . . misms'smsimi'ssew _ PROFIT and LOS To lose your IN•elttnis Muth, To lase your health is more, To lose Your SOUL fit- such. a loss as no man can restore. "For -what shall • it profit a mall, he. shall gain the whole world, and lose his own. SOUL? Mark 8a6. AGOOle.BUISINESS PROPOSITION — ACCEPT CHRIST AS YOUR SAVIOURTODAY! John 3:16 TUNE pilgrim Hour 7-7.30 E.D.S.T. Sunday evening LOCAL STATION CICILW WINDSOR SATURDAY. SPECIALS Hot Cross Buns Date Muffins FriedGakes-. . Long Johns Kindly retura emntY Kist and Canada Dry Gingei Ale Bottles. tic each: . The Rome of Good Eats , BARTL4FF'S . !HONE 1 C. V. COOKE FLORIST Phones: 86w and 661 Batkins Locker Storage Try us for all kinds -of fish. Now is a good time to use that stored. fruit. We • invite you to come and see our sharp freezer. . We have liver on hand now. We Buy Hides - FROZEN FOODS ARE BETTER FOODS , Telnyutt (Eliza) of'Goderich and one brother John of Yellow Grass, Sask., Thomas Phillips dieksome years ago. Mrs. Phillips has one ,brother James Medd' of Aulim•n, Two sisters and Four brothers have passed away. The marriageof 50 years ago was performed at the Anglican church Rectory Imola-tow by the Rev. Chas. Mills. The couple were -attended, by Eliza 'Phillips, now Mrs. Alfred Teb- butt Of Goderich, and James W. Medd of Auburn. Yellowing the marriage the couple resided at Whitechurch for twelve ye.ars where Mr. Phillips was engaged in the blacksmith business. Theynnoved to Auburn where he has since continued at his trade. Both are members of St. Marks An- glican Church. They have . a family of three, Robert J., Mrs., Thos. S-. Johnaton (Ellen) and Laura' Philips 'all of Auburn, . . Applications Wanted • Cemetery Memorials Large stook of modern memorials on display at our • Clinton Showrooms For the convenience of our patrons, office will be open on Fridays Open by, appointment at any other time See, Mr. T. J. Zapfe, next door Cunningham &Pryde Clinton-- Exeter — Seaforth PHONE 41 -- H. T. RANCE NOTARY PUBLIC • . Fire Insurance Agent Representing 14' Fire Insurance! Companies Division Court Office, Clinton Applications will be received up to noon March 19, for the position. of Township, Clerk, for Mullett Town - 'ship. Services to commence April 1, 1945. 39-1 Far Sale • Brooder Horne and,Brooder Stove. Apply Wilbur Welsb,.. Clinton,' 39,1 PaSture For Rent, Farm of 109 ,a'aren—good- blue grass pasture; never -failing creek, and 'plenty of good shade. Apply Box 30S. Newe-Recora. 39-1 Dasix Seed Oats Grown on our farny'fraiin register- eidemers seecl.Rut. ;. resisting and., rd o ir Ripening in 60 ,clays $1.00 per bo. :A.1So a quantity of -Red' Clover Seed, kroWn on our own farm. No..1 JONATIIAINT HUGH.A.,- for Partic- niarsn.phone 616r34, Clinton 39-2 . • 394 3AS. W. McCOOL, Frank Fingland, B.A., LL.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publis Successor to W. Brydone, LC. Sloan Blook — Clinton, Ont. NOTICE • MALTING BARLEY ' "We are now -contracting acreage for the growing of Barley for next season's crop at .75e per*bushel. For further particulars, contact Geo. T. Mickle & Sons, Hensall, Ontario. Telephone 103, Hensall. 38-2 H. C. LAWSON • INSURANCE AGENCY - Bank a Montreal Bldg. Clinton, Ont, INSURES Everything that's ' _ . Insurable • , Phones: OFFICE 251W RESIDENCE 251J ' A.gent-7vIokwal LiiLe As. Co. Wanted to Rent 6 or 0 room house unfurnished, available any time between April 15 and May 1, Apply News -Record Box 39P. • 38-1 Farm Fa, Sale Hibbert 100 acres rich soil, bush, bank barn, brick house, garage, school handy, . moderately priced. Wm. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 35.5 ARTHUR E. PARRY- , Conunissionesr, Oto. A quantity of good mixed hay fen sale at barn. , : H. C. MEIR Barrister -at -Law Solicitor of theStrpreme Court of • Ontario . Praetor in Adiniralti. Notary Public and Commissioner Office in the McKenzie, Hotel ' Hours: 2.00 to 6.00 Tuesdays and Fridays. Dr. F. G. Thompson House and Office, Ontario Street Clinton. Telephone 172 OFFICE HOURS: 2-4, in the after- noon and 7-8 in the evening daily. Other liours by appointment. House Wanted to Buy Office: Huron West, (Few Doors ElectrogTherapist, Massage CHIROPRACTOR D. H. Mo.R=0:::BN;k04S)d 1,7 ADDISON—At Haileybury Hospital, on Tuesday, March 6th, .to Rev. and St*. irrice, location and details OIay Manipulation Sun -Ray Treatment • house.cottage porie. f e as m aliitailfavgrtootirseey If4/4'.(v3"—?stWimavdn house in letter, Write Clinton News- In Clinton, Brueefield or Varna.347.43 I VOOt toRREGTTO"nr Phone 207 Record, Box 39W. BIRTHS Mrs.. A. p. S. mcp.§on, Maynard's Hybrid Seed Corn Last year proved out tops with all the boya who sowed it. . Road conditions prevent me from calling on my friends and custoin- era this Spring, so phone and place your order with the company now. Maynard's Corn is treated and cured • and is guaranteed to grow when leaving 'the factory. I will deliver corn to your door on or about May 15th. JONATHAN HUGILL Phone 616r34 . Distributor 39- -Do you need money for the pur- eLase of feed -or fertilizer? If so, you should consult Mr. Robinson) Manager of the Bank of Montreal, The Bank is regularly making loans to f-armers for all useful purposes, Farm For Sale Tart of Lots 27 and 28, Concession 14, Hallett, 23314, acres pasture with some bush, •steel covered house, no barn. Price $4,750. Apply Fred Thedford; *or James Mc- Fadzeari, Brussels. ' 39-2 - For • Sale 1 Dresser and Wash Stand, 1 Rocking chair, 1 table, parlour suite and other articles. Apply to Mrs, Lucy Swan,' Orange St., Clin- tom ' 39-1 For ,Sale 1, baby carriage, in good condition, • Enquiret at the News -Record Office, 39-1 For Sale Red Shorthorn l3till, 11 months, Ms o three sections of diamond har- rows, teeth freshly laid. Apply Glen Bros,, 2nd ConcesSion Stanley Phone 620r15. • 39-1 !For Sale 100 -bushels of yellow and white blossom sweet clover'seed. Apply W. A. McGuire, Bayfield, Ontario. Phone 900r3, Clinton. 39-2 For Sale 1 gander and 1 goose, both 1 year old: Apply Herold Merrili, Londes- ' 39-1 • Found A sum of money in T. R. Thomp- soine Grocery , Store. Owner inlay havesame by applying at the stare, HAROLD JACKSON Farm For Sale or Rent Lltelleed nnnejalist in Farm and Household 80 acres of pasture, spring creek, plenty of shade, Brick House, barn. 1. Sales. --, .. Licensed in Hur�it "1Is1 Pert and orchard. Apply to Mrs. Ellen .T. Counties. Prices reasonable; satis- Cox, Huron Street, Clinton. 38-tf faction guaranteed. For information etc. write or phone Harold Jackson, R.R. No. 4 Seaforth, phone 14-661..- 06-012 Music Teacher Mrs. Alexander Velleman, Univer- sity Graduate. Willing to teach in homes. Phone 154, Clinton. 38-2 For Sale 100 acre clay loam farm Lot 8, .Con. 6 Hullett Township. good barn wall, frame house, drilled well, Windmill. Price $3500 Cash. Im- mediate possession. F. Sparks 4814 Blackfriars, St., London. Phone Metcalfe 7842W. 38-2 FOR SALE One Cockshutt Row Crop coni cul- tivator No. 6 new. • One Cockshutt 14 blade disc Har- inw cut-tbrow new. • One Cockshut 13 Disc Seed drill. One Deering Seed Drill in good condition. One Incubator, 600 • capatity. H. CHARLESWORTH , 38-2 For Sale 1928 Ford A Coach serial No. CA40327, good condition, 5 tires. $175.00. Apply Harold Hockty, ' 38-2 Personal .If YOU want to get married, Write BOX 358, Juliaetta, Idaho. Send stamp. • 30-4 Myth. DR. G. S. ELLIOTT • Veterinary Suilgeon Phone 203 Clinton, Ont. ERNEST W. HUNTER * CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT ' 57 Blow Str. W. Toronto Ont, THE McKILLOP MUTUAL Fire Insurance Company Head Office, Seaforth, Ont. OFFICERS— ' President W. R. Archibald, Seaforth, Vice -President Frank McGregor, Clinton, Manager Secy-Treas. M. A. Reid, Seaforth. DIRECTORS— W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Alex. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Bornholm; E. J. Trewar- tha, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seaforth Alex. McEwing, Blyth; Hugh Alexan- der, Walton; George Leitch,- Clinton. AGENTS— John E. Pepper, Bruce - field; R. F. McKereher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Farm for Sale One 'hundred acres, lot 13 con. -2, Hullett Township, including about 10 acres of hardwood bush, ,good bank barn, stable, never /ailing supply of water, at both front -and back of fai m, stone house, five rooms, small orcbard. To wind up an es- tate. Apply to George Mann, R. ,R. No. 4, Clinton. 31-tf House for Sale Five roomed frame' house on Alb - eq Street, town water, quarter acre of land. For further particulars ,apply to Frank Fingland or J. W. McCool, Londesboro 11-tf. Wanted to Buy Wanted to buy, old, horses and dead cattle for mink feed. If dead, phone at once. Fred Gilbert 908,22 or Jack Gilbert 908r21. 58-tf Parties desiring to effect ft:sw- an:le or transact other business will be promptly attended to on applica- tion to any of the above officers ad- dressed to their respective post offi- ces. Losses inspected by the director. CANADIAN NATIONALBAlLWAYS TIME TABLE Trains will arrive 'at and depart from Clinton as follows: Toronto and Goderich Division Going East, depart , 6.43 a.m. Going 'East, depart 3.08 p.m. Going West, depart 12.04 Going West, depart 11.10 p.m. London and Clinton Division Coming. North, arrive 11.20 a.m. Going South, leave ..... 3.10 yif.m.