HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-03-08, Page 4No money you spoild on )r!-.)' house gives bttell returns than • • -1 ' • You'll -find it ,easy to select from Our large stock. A few bundles of room lots left, • , 4T. C()OPER. In Business Since 1885 • PHONES 36J STORE- OPEN" EVENINGS 6 TO 8 . 36W • n 4...,.••••••••••••••wwwenerg.. ......rornintrwernrwrins4.1. Over indulgence may result in' upset stomach, if so in your case sve know of nothing hetter than • BISMA-RX. • It neutralizes acid and gas,and. assists your stomach to function naturally. worth a trY, We know you will be agreeably surprised. For Stubborn. Coughs and Cads use • CERTIFIED BRONCHIAL SYRUP,. There's nothing -better. * - W. 64 H. HOLMES Pitt 0.:.- • cuirrciN, ONe , PE9PTx • .BILTMORE. HATS - 0 .• The Mast'er Hat of Canada for Easter Wear • A real nice selection to 'choose from In . Blues, Greens, Browns and Greys. Snap Rims.' and Turned up edges. ' • 2.25, 3.50, 3.95 4.95 and 5.95 Sizes from 61A to 71/2 1 DAVIS Sc .HERMAN CUSTOM TAILORS -- Be,Measured by a Tailor. SNOWSHOES HICKORY SICIS• SR. SKf/IARNESS 'SUWLEI SKI HARNESS • SKI POLES s • . MEN'S GABARDINE JACKETS SKATE SHARPENING • ' $6.00 $9,50 $2.50 $5.50 and $6.65 $3195 • $6.50 15capr. EPPS SPORT SHOP Headquarters For All Sporting Goods -• AUCTION SALES. • CLEARING - AUCTION SALE Lot 55 Maitland Con, Goderich Twp. 2 miles north of Summerbill • on Base Line and 1/2 mile west.. WEDNESDAY:1VIARCH 14th • at 1 p.m. , HORSES; Grey mare 12 yrs. old; 13rOWn< ,gelding 3 yrs. old, CATTLE: ,Durham cow fresb 2 months; Durham. COW due time of sale; Holstein cow due March 10; . Holstein cow due March 22; Dur- ham heifer due June lst; 8 Durham deers, 2 p;s. old, 800 to' 1000 lbs.; " 2 Durham year old cattle; Durham yrs. old fresh 1 month; 8 hereford steers, 900 lbs.; 5 Durham heifers, 800 lbs. 6 Hereford yearling steers; 5 Hereford and Durha,ni • yearling heifers; 7 little calves. pIGS:-9 -Chunks around 00 lbs.; Sow due May ..,15th; young sow clue May 1st. HENS -100 hybrid milletts • TlyIPLEMENTS--M. , H. • binder, 6 ft. cut; ,Deering mower; Bissell Discs 14 plate (nearly. new); M. It drill, 11 hoe; cultivator; • cockslititt hay rake; 1 2-fm•row Oliver Scuffles with bean harvester; 2 .walking scufflers; MeD. walking please; New Idea rubber tire' wagon (nearby- new); gravel box; section" harrows; set sleighs (nearly. new); cutter; sgang" plough; hay rack, 16 feet; stock rack; ,fanning set scale's; set heavy harness; set light • harness; viheelbarroW,• DeLaval cream sep- arator; hay fork;"2 100 lb. milk cans, Electric brooder (new) 2 range shelters (new); 'girl's bicycle; set slings; , whiPpletrees, .neck ,yokes; forks. lumber; etc. Chicken hoppers table, 6 kitchen chairs..• • HAY, GRAIN -10` ton hay; • sorn at 12,30 sharp • HORSES—Bay team gektings; Clyde Mare. cA_,TTLE—Roan cow, 6 yrs. old due time of sale; red cow, 9 yrs. old fresh one monthi hereford cow 4 Yrs. old, fresh 2 months; hereforcl heifer freshened in December; roan cow 7 yrs."eld, fresh; holstein cow, yrs. old fresh 1 month; 1 black heifer freshened in January; roan heifer freshened in Januar; ;red cow 4 yrs. old due May. 1st; white eow, • 6 yrs. old due time of sale; holstein cow, 5 yrs. old, fresh 1 month; roan cow, 6 fall calf; Hereford bull serviceable age:.., IMPLEMENTS: M. H. binder, 7 ft. cut; 1)eering mower, 6 ft. cut; 10 ft. sulky rake; spring -tooth culti- vator; -set of 4-seetion diamond har- rows;. M. If. 13 hbe drill with ferti- later; 3' drum steel roller; walking • Plow; floury; '2 Kapgaroo, 2 furrow walking plow; farm wagon; 16 ft. hay rack; set of sleighs, flat rack; gravel box (new); sd renfrew •• eaks, ,(2000 ilas);• 'fanning mill; •power emery; coal oil brooder stove; coal- brooder stove; sugar kettle; stewart horse clipper; 31. H..cream • ' separator (2 ..yr. old; seuffler; 125. ft. bay rope (n6'w); hay fork; slings ehain, bag holder; 1 large mail box; wkippletrees, kneekyokes; chstins,• 10 • ions. hay and other articles. • HARNESS: set of team hariess. Quantity' of lumber. • 1 Eyerybhing will be sold as Prop. is giving up farming on account of poor health. " • ..• " TERMS—CASH 1),,e3:47 °Riley, Proprietor:, Harold JaCksan, Auctihneer. 384 , ghuin. in . stoalts; '400 b,11,8.'" -Erh,an CLEARING • Oats and barley,' . , . S CASIi ' ..A,TJCTION SALE , TETc,iyf _.:,. . .. „ . Lot 37 on 715 concession. Goderich. ..". IN,To 'reserve 'as farni is',,sOlci,' .. • TowriShii), sA. rile itoi•th' 13ayfielst GIJA.DSTO1\TE GRIGC4c• 1:!rop.•• . , . e /lead, 6 miles west of 'Clinton, HAROLD ..TA:01(SObT,, •7'" FRIT/AY, MAR01-1. 23rd •E. ,E, OliesrieY, .Cierlt., • • 39.3 • .• „ • • • . . , , , . . , , , • , • • ••••1•,:iarri • 2 ye 1d ••• ,• • tobtlip•1 O»ie•ogTE4w4s,:-• ,L,64,11r9A, ,m4p400 aria.bull. mesdames, Grant Terner,.' , , • , Grocery .,pere on: ;•Tema,cm ' ,property, 10% , do sabject tb-tdeb, Mrs Tz*atha, n thees ve bid ;• .gbatt‘is,,. caseu h kAiititta jA,dicsoN, "Auetibn6 C't -111GLKY'F1 retoi" 'dealt With: •Seventhen.'snembets • 7 e• • °el iiVee. VTaitera We're tireeent,. :- 1"4°n'tY'' *. 3 AGOT1ON SALE .1 Of Fn'4.0q1C. hnldPnlen Mr. IL„';:iliecireen .been inatru to sell' auction...on " Lot Coil, 3,, ,L.R.S. Tuelceremitli,. 11/4,, east & :1 1e more), Brueefio d TanitSnAY. MACH 22nd k 1 p 1-1ORSES—Grey-mare -age . 'more' age '13; General' ha .good single . .double. CATTLE....Red. reow , freshened , weeks; ;led heifer freshened'I 11ereforil .,•eow. 'freshened 2, Wee tieFefOl'4COW ''+:1Ue- #114e 'S red• cow duo April 20th, white c (farrow) milking; '2 yearling ate a'neitef4 2..years old; 1 steer 2 ye old; '.3 'small calves., itopekotpLuTuRetYs---01::h;gBa:514ed):& W .Iniplements—Massey Barris der, 6 ft. cut; M. -11. mower, 6 cut; M. H. manure spreader in fi tiara condition; M. H. rake 10 X. IL cultivator; M.H.I11 hole gr drill; • Massey -Harris bean cult/ tor with bean puller attachment; drum land roller, one -awooden dr roller;Deering 'disc barrow; autot with Chev .6 _cylinder engine, a governor & pulley for' 'belt' Wo truck wagon nearly new, 14 ft. h rack, set 3 section harrows, set sleighs,. fanning 'Mill with sieves pulley .attachment, emery -gtind mounted on - frame, 1% -yards gra box, open buggy, piano box cutt single terse scuffler, 2 cream separ tors one nearly new, straw car steel water trough; grindstone, gal. gasoline drum; 2 Oak barrels, -steel barrels, 2 hog troughs, sacks, Renfrew-, 2000 lb. seal wheelbarrow, 30 good, cedar liPs walking plow, gang plow, sing furrow. riding plow, 100 lbs. 'corn king mineral, slings, ropes, hay rope & fork, Whiffletreis & doubletrees, neck yokes, sprayer and many other small enties • usually found on- a farm. .HARNESS --2- sets. black Isand har- ness' set-sihgle harness, 6 collars., also hapless,' parts & pieces. Grain -- 400 bus.' mixed (oats ..& barley), bus. cloirei.k seed, 500 lbs. feed beans, 5 bus seed beans. HOUSEHOLD' EFFECTS-- Jewel range (farm size) -• made by Clare Bros. with warming closet & reser- voir; daisy churn. Everything to be disposed of as farm is sold. TERMS—CASH E. AUSTIN DILLING, Proprietor HAROLDIIJACKSON, Auctioneer. . . 39-2 If•YOu..teed. a lean for purchase of feed or fe` rtilzer,- why not call on Mr. Robinson. Manager Manager of .the Bank of Montreal, 0He is 'making loans for the above purpose at terms which will suit your convenience. ' BRUCEFIELD Rev. "kr. Atkinson spent a few days in Hamilton with his son Mr. Murray Atkinson, R.C.A.F: and Mrs. Atkinson. *Murray has just returned from overseas. Mr. and Mrs7Stanley Doan of Wat- ford, Mr. and Mrs. Dorland Little and small son of Biggar Sask., and Mr. and Mrs. George Iiess of Hensel' visited, Mrs, R. Dawson on Sunday. Mrs. John Cairns is spending a few day S in Hensall. • In the list of Prize winners printed last week of the Carnival, the name of Miss Mousseau was accidently missed for which we are. very sorry She was dressed as a Bride in Bine. Mrs. W. Douglas had 'the mis- fortune to. fall breaking a fen/ ribs. We hope she will soon- be better. Miss Doris Dotbt and friend of London spent the week end with her Mother, 1VIrs: Dutot. The Red, Cross Campaign is on and. don't forget to give 4111'ithurts. The Red Cross held their regular meeting.,at the home of Mrs. Helmer with twenty --three memberg present. In the absence of the President Miss me; wringer; lamps; hanging i4owey, Vice-president, kis. Win. nips barrels; pails; strainer; 2 Douglas, -was in charge. We are badly ether ticks; 1 large Regulator in,. neer) of sewers and knitters. Do ock; coal oil stove; and other arti- you really think you are -doing your s. • • : share. PROPERTY ---Fifty acres Grass • nd, East ,one-half of Lot 31, Con. sitar: 2, Stanley Township. No. HAYFIELD ter, supplied by spring., • •- TUESDAY MARCH 20 HORSES—PaY Horse 6 years old; Bay -Horse 5 years 516; aged horse. CATTLE—Red Cow, '6 years old, d three. rnonths;, red cow, 7 years , due to calf, April 14th; roan , 4 years old, due to "calf May 5; cow, 6 yrs. 'old; red heifer' ris- • 3 years, •bred two Months; red , 5 year a old With calf , tit' feet; .cow, 7 years old, due May 5,t11; n cow; 6 years old, due June '24; e cow, 5 years old'. dne Sept, 25:;, cow; years old, due,A,pril 28rd.; cow 8 years old, due Ain% .30; n eow, 5 years old,„ calf foot;' k. cow, 5 years old, to calf time saleCroan.cow, 7 Years aid, due I CI June; roan .cow, carrying t calk;" 2, beifera rising years;. ecl heifers rising 2 years old; 1.,,hesfer rising 2 years old; red 2- Years ..old; red teer, aa old; black steer)...2. yeas's old; ki.00 • ;.. and. Oie. on, rzodor- pverring LaYto. •vs.,..-f)...i6,01,• • foraterlYi • • was, Miss Iletin Greer,' 131iie, Water High , b • tion."..emonntetl to"$5.95. 1,, H.....1),OnatiOnS:Were.,:gratisfisili"?receiv-: A•, frienc144:00,".`'.0i;,:krict Mss • EValt,,,,:000,.dtviolOpo,..,-"-Wss :s„- stooionr Mrs :- .60c,' •' '9 6 year ina niglitgoatna, socks . and The.-tieeting.'". eloied With ' 'd • pot. jpck OSIPPeri' '.Syris','Veri Muth enryerkby'all.preSent.'; The. ').lext 'regular rrieeting be • 'held' on, Tuesday,'.March1.3tft- at. 2.30. Disperisal Sale Enron County• , 'one Mild 8011th Of Clinton, Ontario oil No. 4 Highway. • TUESDAY, MA,RCII 27th 1945 , •` • domnieneing at 1.30' pan. • A complete dispersal sale of the Shorthorn Herd of the Huron Coun- ty Heine will - be held on the .above date consisting of the following: - 3 fresh cows, 5 due shortly after the sale, 3 to freshen in the fall, also 2 open vaccinated 'heifers: • This- herd is fully accredited' and T: B. tested. • Catalogues • Win be available at the County Home,.. Clinton, Ontario,, •Phone 24, and also at the AFicul- tural Office, Clinton. ' The Committee in charge of Conn- ty Home 'affaira• have '''deeided to maintain a dairy herd only and therefore' the entire, 'herd of Short- horns will be sold to the highest bidder at this sale, TERMS CASH Huron " COunty Home Committee— (A.' McCann, Chairman) Preprietors N. W..Miller, Duncan A. Brown,, A:actioneer. a 39-3 CLEARING- SALE ' • . Grass,Farm,,Farris Stock - and Implements • Mr.'Harold Jackson has been in- structed to sell by public auction on Lot 28, Gon. ,1, Stanley Township, , 3 niile south of Clinton, on No. 4 Highway san,• MONDAY, MARCH 19th coinmencing at 12.30 sharp both days • IMPLEMENTS -2 M. H. binders, 1 7 -foot cut 'and 1 6 -ft. cut; hay loader international; mower, M. H. 6 -foot cut; side' delivery, International; 2 Frost & Wood dump .rakes and 1 Massey-Harria dump rake; manure spreader, Coekshutt; McCormick - Deering spring tooth, cultivater; near ly new; 'M. B. spring tooth 'cultiva- tor; Frost & Wood disc, 16, plate, out -throw; set harness, 4 saetions; drill; MeCormick-Deering, 13 -hole; 2 harrow carts; bean seuffler, Planet Jr.; 2 walking ploWs; Oliver eding plow; International riding plow, used, for plowing alfalfa sod; cutting box, Coleman; 1 six-inch grinder, Fleury; set of weighing scales, 2000 lbs:; bag fruck;Raiis wagon; truck:Wagon; 16 -foot Bockwent sliding -rack; bench sleigh, new shoeing; Cutter; rubber tired 'buggy; fanning mill"; Interna- tional cream 'separator, nearly new; wheelbarrow; root .pnlper; bone cut- ter; • biatIcsmith drill; • blacksmith forge; anvil; 2 sets team harness; number of collars; set of single har- ness; quantity of mixed hay; 8 bus. , - timothy seed; quantity' Of hemlecis lumber. also quantity of maple ham- ber; International gasoline engine, 21/2 horsepower; International 'gaso- line engine, 3 horsepower; 143 'horse- power gasoline engine; steel gasoline drum; I. • gasolihe • punip;.. two-way pump; whiffletrees; neckyokes; shov- els; chaini 'and other articles too numerous •to mention. Alstt screvi 'jack; one block ad tackle; • manilla hay fork; rope & pulleys; 100 -gallon kettle; 10 iron fence.posts; quantity of cedar posts; 10 anchor posts, 9 - foot; quantity of 2 -inch pipe. noustnom 'EFFECTS Cook stove; chest - of , drawers;. bedroom suite; 2, rockers; 2 kitchen chairs; 1 arm chair; Axminster rug, 12x14; churn, Daisy, No. 2;. washing . isa- c fe Cl cle La ces wa 1 • bre old cow roa ing eow red roa btu red moa rea bloc Of 24th firs 2 r zeal heif 1 ye et- 'lwaY,:-.StanleY Township. During t e evening, ;Kiss "Loraine .2'1413°'t read • address to the young couple and ••the curtains were drawn reveghng' 9-2 truscellaneous showes, o ene and beautiful and the grooni very ably expressed their thanks and PreCiitiOn: Rau's •Orchestra played 1 los; the dancing and refreshments lien were serVed. Aa. a meeting of the Directors of • 'the Agricultimal •Society held !Ewe nraek it was decided to hold t e Ann. 'th balkrts querade Carnival on April 4. • Liberal prize@ are 3,9nig, offered. this year for various typed eosttinie so get yours ready and snake it one of. the best carnivals ever held, Mr, Don Hanimill of Detroit was in the village over the week end. ' • Andrew IVIcGregor Again the, angel'of death has spok- en and a loving- father has been call- er • to his ,Eternal Horne. After months Of suffering, he passed be,.. yond the shadows` early Wednesday morning, February 28, leaving a son and dasighter.to 'Mourn his loss. The late Andrew McGregor was Bayfield's oldest Citizen, having been born April 16, 1852 in Goderich Township. He was the on of the late Janses and Janet Stirling MeGregor Who were moneer'settlers from Car. noustie Scotland. He was married to Margaret Currie who - predeceased Asim forty years ago. Until he moved to Bayfiekl thirty-three . years ago, fie' had always lived in Goderich Township. He is survived by Herbert and Miss Maude McGregdr both of Bayfield and a ,sister, Mrs. Janet MacDonald of Windsor,. Ile was a member of St. Andrew's ;United Church and during his long Vines's, which he bore with great patience, he ever had a cheery word for those about him: The funeral was held from his late home on Friday afternoon at two o'clock and interment made in Bay- field Cemetery. The service at the houSe arid graveside was conducted by Rev. A. IL Colwell, The pall- bearers -were Hugh Gilmour, Lloyd Makins, John IVIeGuire, Alexander Stirling, William Elliott and Leslie 5 Stirling. Mrs. M. Talbot of Brucefield visit- ed relatives 1» time village last week. Flgt, Sgt. W. Wilson and Mrs, Wilson spent the week end in Sal'', nia. The river broke up and went out quietly about noon on Tuesday. Some of those who have been ice -fishing are rather concerned about their nets which are still out in the lake. L.• 11. MacLeod left Wednes. day to fish at Eriersts for about SiX vgoweeks.taspcith s Charles Ferguson' of Detroit brother, Mr, Win. L. F'er- glison on Tuesday and Wednesday. 5' ks.- ks; ovr ers, ars site ft; rst ft.; ain 3 va- urn rac Ise rk, ay of 01 vel a. 25 2 50 es, ts, le My, Jas, Ferguson •returned home on Wednesday of last. week after having 'spent a month in London. IVIiss A. lg. Stilling returned ,home on Friday after having spent three months in' the Canadian West. • On Saturday • afternoon, MisS Josephine •Stirling had the misfor-' tune to slfp and fall on the 'door •while throwing out some water. She fractured her right femur and was remover: to Clinton Hospital in art ambulance. „ Mrs. A. Volume left en Friday to visit her niece in Stratford. Mr. Larson ,and son- Clarence,' were home •over the • week' end. LA.C. Fred Weston of No. 9.5. P. T. S. Centralia spent the week end at his home in the village, ,Twenty-three Easter boxes were dispatched last- weelt to• the boys 8erving Overseas and on the High, Seas from this community. The eons. inittee.in charge of the purchasing , „,, ,-, • ", ••...".•" ere s IN? Just. hatched, and"hasn't had his first feed yet! He's looking around now for a meal, and if he's fort- unate, he'll find a plentiful supply of fresh, palat- able, attractive SHUR-GAIN Chick Starter aWait ing , • Maybe you can fo61 some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool baby chicks, nor can you, fool experienced fanners with low-grade Chickc feeds. They know that only.a well-balanced highly4 fortified feed will suit the needs of • baby chicks. Baby chicks must have a feed that tastes good, that looks good, and that.contains a very low fibre con-, tent. That's why SHUR-GAIN Starter is so val- table a, feed for chicks. ft tastes good because of its absolute freshness and its variety of ingredients. It looks good to chicks because of it's fine colour and • attractive texture. 'It's most digestible because of the choice of ingredients Incorporathd, that can be properly digested. and turned into Sturdy growth by healthy chicks. Don't -delay — orcleryour supply to -day. • You should have bag or two on hand for the early first 'arrivals. Remember a good, growthy start now means earlier production from your pullets in the Fall, when egg prices aie highest, and profits come easier ! .SHUR-GAIN Chick Starter Price $3.10 per bag Made kand ffold Ey ' Clinton Feed Mill Jno. Aldington Clinton 1; K. Cornish Brucefield yam -Alex Wells Lendesboro: ,, ,404° THE RED CROSS ASKS YOUR HELP.,' • TO REAL A WAR-TORN WORLD tio Wherever the great destroyer, War, • has passed, pain, suffering and 'sorrow follow in its wake. Young men on the • battlefield or in. hospitals are tormented by sickness or wounds. Little children, • mothers, aged people are homeless, . hungry, cold. In every theatre of war, - whole cities lie in ruins. Millions are suffering the pangs of disease, starvation • and, dire want. • So the Red Cross will continue" to reach out a helping hand. It must heal Mr" A. J. McMurray's •Resi denm NADI and comfort our ownsick and wounded. It must send food, clothing, medical supplies to war-torn lands. s And the Canadian Red Cross will answer this urgent call. For the Canadian Red Cross is you and your friends and your neighbors, and all the good folks up and down this fair Dominion of ours. You will send help- yes, life itself -to the stricken people of other lands. You will stand. staunchly behind youo Red Cross, and -- GIVE! • Ontario ,8treet, Clinton Phone, 159. .i/offit. °seer a c, .„„ ,„,,,:,,,,.„,„,,,...‘„,,..),./:.,.f.,,,„„,,,,,,..,,,,,„,,..,,,„44w,,,fair,)*,..4-areem....v4o:P4-ow,Asw,Q,,,,,',. f.,410P.,wkrs-,Yat,,,e,,,,,,,c4'.