HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-03-08, Page 11
Clinton News -Record Est.'1,878
With Which
Incorporated y;"1'he
6139 - 67th YEAR
yet Your Seal U o It
To seal the vows of marriage
To seal promises
To bind the ties of friendship
eautiful rine*, _of many descriptions, and the prices we leave
your own good judgment, Come in and be convinced.
Give To The
Red Cross
Give Generously -- Your
1p is Urgently Needed
The.:. Need
e Increases ' as
story Nears
Te have just received another nice assortment
airings. Lots of . shapes and sizes, in Sterling
Gold filled.= These are really smartnunlbers.
oro, single strand Pearls in popular . 16 inch
;th, nicely graduated, sterling silver clasp set
r stones.. A limited number of these have just!
ved -- select early.
;orm lighters ' well made and dependable"
0 each,
iper lighters small- and com act sterling .�
,,,� ,S1lV.
neat 'design, space,>f or one initial '$4.00 •each. . '
!olds all kinds $7.•00 to $8.25
Counters for Finer Jewellery for Over Half a
Century in Huron County
p.m marmslampyroommmomaros;Nom.
linten Junior Farnnerswill
r next : regulat meeting on
March 13th, in the Board
the Agriculture office, Mr,
colt,. of Seaforth, will..be
t speaker. He will also be The News- e
slides; ' , R cord for fifty -£our
r yearsand it, is like the family co
Legion,Auxliaay' will bell:did-in the
Legion Hall on Monday, March 12th,
In renewing' her subscription to
The. News -Retard. this week, Mrs.
Jdsling• of Detroit, said, ."I have taken
Clinton New Era
The New Era Est. 1847
Missing in Action.:.
A splendid business meating of
Canton Red Cross Society was held
in the Council Chamber on Monday,
March 5, with the -president, Mrs. W
A. Oakes, in the chair. The response
to the appeal) for workers has been
very gratifying as is shown by the
number" -of• articles shipped m Feb.
ruaey. , This Was ,a' record month in
most :departments.
Hospital visitors for March will
be Mrs; Gres 'Cook and. Mrs. G. D.
Connell, -
We regret that the following
names were omitted from the list
of donors attending the last clinic:
Dorothy Muteh 5; H. Hunking 5;
Arthur Hallam 2; Emerson Hesk, •5;
Stewart Middleton 7, Mrs, ,,Stewart
Middleton 4, Torrance Tabb 3, Tom
Beattie. 3, Mrs. J. Hill 3, Alvin Bet
Hes 4.
Tlie following are the reports:
AirForce•and Evening 'Auxiliary„
have completed their,. quota of ster-
ilizing squares --417
g sunall squames
12"x12"; 480 large squares 18x18
inches; a total of 897 being 97 above
quota; 1 dozen large absorbent pads
(non -quota).
Quilts: 5 large from Summerhill,
1 from Wesley -Willis W. A.; 1 from
Mrs. Geo, Huller, '4 from . Holmes-
ville Unit, 7 from St. Paul's Guild,
1 crib quilt from S. S. No, 4 Gode-
rich Township; 1 .crib: from Mrs. C.
H. Epps, 1 large:
South Goderich,
,70 diapers; 7 girls' pantie dresses;
size 4; 10 ladies dresses, size 38; 5
infants leggings.
35 girls' pantie dresses; size 4; 8
girls' coats, size 6.
7 girls' pantie dresses size 4; 7
boys' coats, size 4; 43 diapers.
Porters Hill:
82 dialietA; 16 girls' coats, size 6.,
10 gwls':'-tnatt,`sizd' 6;"S boys' coals,
size 4. ,
10 girls' blouses.
London Road:
30 diapers
14 girls' pinafore dresses, .size 10;
8 girls' pantie dresses, size 4; 120
diapers 32 girls' and boys' coats size
(3 and 4. A total of 516 articles.
Girl's Auxiliary:
4 grey T. N. sweaters, 7 baby jackets
S. S, No. 4:
4 pr. grey socks, 6• navy scarves, 1
khaki H. N. sweater, 1, boy's 'sweater,
Goderich Twp, South End.
3 ribbed Helmets, 6 pr. khaki gloves,
3 boys' sweaters, 5 pr. grey socks,
10 khaki H. N. sweaterp.
' Porters Hill:
2 pr. grey socks, 5 khaki H. N.
sweaters,, 5 boys' sweaters, 2 navy
scarves, •3 pr. seamans soeks..
5 boys' sweaters, 2 navy, • scarves, 1
grey T. N; sweater, 1 khaki II.
sweater, '1. pr. khaki 'glovee, 1 pr.
navy socks., •
5 navy scarves, 3 pr. grey .cocks, 2
pr, khaki .gloves, 1 khaki H. N.
sweater, 1 boy's sweater. ,
London ,Road:
1 pr. baby booties, 5 pr. khaki gloves,
1 khaki H. N. sweater.
3 khaki H. N. sweaters, 6 pr. service
socks, 4 pr. khaki gloves, 1 pr. A` P.
groves, 1 pr. navy gloves, 3 navy
scarves. -
'Stitch and Chat Club:
7 baby jackets, 6'. baby booties.
4 baby jackets, '1 baby bonnett, 1
baby •booties.
Clinton Branch:
8 khaki H. N. sweaters,. 16°grey .T. N.
sweaters', ii. boys' .sweaters, 17 pr.
khaki gloves, 1: baby, jacket, 3 pr.
grey" gloves, 6 ribbed helmets, 3 pr.
A.F. gloves, 1 aero cap, 24 navy
scarves; 2 pr. ladies seeks, 3,pr. A.F..
socks, 41 'pr, service' socks. A total
of 266: articles
- Two very fine papers' were read,
one by Mrs. G. McLay en "Volun-
teers Who Rise at Four A. M." and
the other by , Mrs, W. A. Oakes on
"I Never- Knew'the Red Cross Did
That?!. ..
'We wish to' ' gratefully ' acknow-
ledge the gift of one ball of heavy
cord by Mn Howard Brunsdon.
Hydro Rates Reduce -
A d
The '.Hydro rates, Domestic Cone.
menial and Power, Will^be .reduced
et the next billing,,; according to in-
formation reeeibbd by Superinten-
dent A, Rumball.
Two new centrifugal pumps,, ono
electric power pump and one gasc-
line au'siliary pump are now hi
operation, at•the 'punnping ;stat' n.
This 4bo old_ ;ensurea steady su o
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh, Gainpbell of
London formerly of Clinton t,eeeive-i
word last" week that 'their on,' Cpl.
Gordon L. Campbell, :is missing in
action on the ' Western front,; Cpl,
Campbell, who will be 21 on April 2,
enlisted in May '1943 and went Over
seas in March 1944, He took part in
the D -Day invasion and has been on
the Continent ;,ince. Cpl. Campbell at.
tended Clinton Public School` and
was employed by -the C.N:R, prior to
joining the army. A brother :Pte.
Clayton Campbell is with the R. C.
O. C. in Italy.
Pte. Alvin P. Reed, 22, son of Mr,
and Mrs. Jacob Reed of Dungannon,
has been reported ,missing in .action.
Ile has been serving with the Oana-
dian Troops in Holland, •
Pte. Reed is a brother of 13Irs.
Joseph Petrie of town and worked
with Mr, :Petrie at the mill for a
year before enlisting in the Almy,
He, enlisted with the Essex Scot-
tieh in the Transport Service ;four,
years ago and has been overseas for
two years. Pte. Reed took a trieeh-
aniescourse in England, and `tater
while serving in France; received
burns fr• 1n an explosion, and spent
some tine in a Hospital in England.
On reco ring, Fe returned to hisunit, wlih was fighting in. Holland
,a Y
Clinton Passed its Quota
At the close of the Third Day bf
the Red Cross Campaign, Clinton
reached their quota of $3,500 and
exceeded it by $1,000.
On Wednesday evening the Clinton
Branch of the R'ed. •Cross served= re-
freshments to the canvassers• in the
Town Hall in appreciation of their
work and co-operation during the
Batkin Locker Servi(
ing Equipment
Installation has ' .just been, com-
pleted of the most modern "Quick
Freeze" . equipment in the Barkin
Locher Service. With the addition of
this Equipment the local locker
Plant becomes, among ,the best equip-
ped in the Province; and patrons of
the locker will find a• narked im-
provement' sin the quality,' appearance
and palatability of all of their goods
after being Quick Frozen before
entering the locker. •
Quick Freezing has been recog-
nized as one of the most important
factors for the success of frozen
foods and Mr. Batkin has planned
the addition of this feature for some
time, however war time restrictions
and shortages has held hack the
installation, But, he Iike all resin
dents of Clinton and district, are
prou,d now to acclaim this local
plant -among the most completely
equipped in the province.
In ordinary freezing, large ice
crystals are, formed, which break
clown the cell structure of meats,
fruits. and vegetables, with a conse-
quent loss of flavour, and firmness
of texture, where as in Quick Freez-
ing', the temperature is reduced so
quickly that these large crystals are
As a result, fresh meats, veget-
ables andfruits .retain their original
cell structure, natural flavour and
vitamin content. In fact, in many in-
stantes, the flavour and texture; are
improved. Meat, especially, tastes
better, and is more tender after
freezing than before.
Whether you eat to live or live to
eat, you'll get a lot more pleasure
out of 'life by patronizing Batkin's
cold, storage docker plant, -Pick or
buy your vegetables ' and fruits at
the peak el the season . .. when
they are; most delicious, most plenti-
ful, : and therefore least expensive.
Place them in your cold storage
locker , and forget `about them • until
the season is over and the surplus
Is gone ,or greatly reduced' and ninth
higher priced. Then •let your cold
storage locker . provide garden -
fresh vegetables and orchard fresh
fruit until next year's season rolls
around. Think how you'll relish
roasting ears at Christmas, fresh
(not canned) beans at 'Easter, and
Iuscious -ripe peaches dining the
spring thaw! Fish, fowl and meats
remain equally fresh in cold storage
Cala storage lockers benefit the
whole family. Dad saves on ailaver-
age $100: It year in food bills. 'Miami'
escapes long, tiresome hours over. ra
hot stove during the canning sea-
son, and the disappointnnent. of los-
ing some ,of the lot through spoilage
after all her efforts. The entire
family gets a 10± more, pleasure out
of every meal the year 'round.
Y'bu'll ,- ;be dollars ahead;, and
liueh.better fed by using ,modern
'storage lockers Visit '.ox, phone
The regular monthly meeting' of
Conned was hell in the Council el/an/-
All. on Monday. avenin_, at 8 o'clock.
tnembere were present with ot e
exception of 'Reeve: Falconer, 'Mayor
Agnew presided.
Mr, Brock Monteith was present at
this meeting to present the report of
Monteith and .,Monteith,. auditors,
It was moved by Councillor Tee
wartha' and seconded by Councillor
Nott, that the report of the Auditors
Monteith, and Monteith be accepted,
A, communication .from T. W. Hand
Fireworks Co;, was read andaordered
In the appeal from the' Lions
Club for refund of rent of Hall, it
was moved by Councillor Brown.
and seconded' by Councillor, Butler,
that C'ouneii refund $10.00 to the
Clinton Lions Club for rent of Hall
for Benefit Concert an February 22.
An appeal for refund of rent of
the Council Chamber was received
frons the captain of the Clinton Girl
Guides, and it was moved by Councils
ler Shaddick and seconded by
Butlerthat refunii of $3.00
be made to. the Girl Guides for rent
of Council Chamber, February 17th
Cor Patriotic purposes. '
Constable Elliott reported be had
not received 'pay for extra services
for the midnight dance sponsored by
the Huron Fish and Game Club, on
January lst, and the Clerk was di-
rected to write a letter to that or-
A note of appreciation was receiv-
ed from Dr. J. W. Shaw, •retired, M.O.
H•, thanking the Town for the gift of
a desk set:
By -Law No. 8 for 1945, amending
the Dry Earth Closet By -Law, was
given first, second and Third reading
end passed.
H. C,• Lawson, secretary of the re-
cently formed Park Board,•subnmitted
the'following names of members ap-
pointed by the various Town organt-
Gationa: Town Council; Mayor Agnew
Councillor .Shaddick; Lions Club,
E Perdue,. Geo, 1VI.eLay_; Canadian
•O3k;ZT.4b, •140 Braneh, . I. J, .Gree,
U. ,C. Lawson; Spring Fah. Board, A.
1. McMurray, G. W. Nott; P. U. 0.,
A. E. Rutnball, Thos. Churchill; •Turf
Association, Dr, .Geo: 19iliott 'A: Vf,
1{night, • '
The Mayor then referred to claus.
es of the Public Parks Act, which
cloariy states definite action neces
sary„for a permanent Park Board,
and specifies the number of members
and hew to•appoiut them, and various
duties of such a Board.
The present Board, is authorized to
carry on in an advisory eapaeity and
proceed; with work and plans until
the electors are approached and
necessary By -Laws passed..
It was moved by •Councillor Nott
and seconded by Councillor Shaddick,
that •this Council approve the Park
Board as submitted to Council,
Mayor Agner referred to the 'un-.
sanitary condition of the two large
church sheds, due to the constant nee
as shelter for farm teams. Steps are
being taken by Council under the
direction of the Street Committee to
look into this matter.
Councillor McMurray reported the
removal of snow and streetepiowing,
Councillor Trewartha, read -the
finance statement for February and
moved its adoption, which was secon-
ded. by Councillor Nott end approved.
Messrs. H. Corey and W. H. Lobb
were present as a deputation to dis-
cuss- certain assessment matters and
the appointment of a third member
of the commission due to the refusal
of 0. L. Paisley to act.
Financial Statement
Removal of Snow, see detailed
account paid $135.53
Henry- Pickett removal of snow 6.24
Wm. Pickett -removal of snow 5.29
H. Fairservice removal of snow .60
P. Steep removal of snow .. .60
W. Potter removal of snow • 1,00.
A. Pulford, plowing walks 5.00
Geo, F. -Elliott.. Street plowing 201.25
Street Lighting
P. U. C. Lighting Streets. 228.00
PU.C. Lighting Rest Room.. 1,04
P.V.C. Lighting Town Hall 13.56
P.U.C. Lighting Stock Scales •, -, .75
Sutter &Perdue Charcoal and, -
furnace- repairs .. ... , • . 3.30
J. B. Mustard Goal Co. 2450 lbs.
Coal 21.55
J. Case Cook Decorating, 4.00
A; D. McCartney, 12,550lbs.
M. McEvean Salary . 83,33
Fire & Water
W. S. R. Holmes Chemicals , , , 3.45
T. L,eppington removing snow
- from Hydrants . .12.80
P.U.C. Repairs on siren
Dry; Earth Closet
A. 'Fulford Man, Team & Eqpt. 85,00
• Police Protection
Bruer 1VIeDougall Salar.. 83.33
D. Elliott •• Salary ,. 75,00'
5,' a
M. T.. Co
Mess Salary , . , , .'. _.;10.0.00
N 'Comedy Salary , .. • , 60,00
St. Paul's Church
Fourth Sunday in Lent
10,00 a.m. =Sunday School!
11.a.m, Morning Prayer,
Captain The Reb.•A. H, O'Neil, Padre
Huron Rege, London, Ont.
' 7.00 p:m. Evening Service
Rev. Holmes. • .
Tuesday, W. A. at Miss Holmes
10.00' nen, Sunday School
11.00 :a,n1, Divine Worship.
:Sermon. Subject "The Betrayal of
Jesus" - Everybody 'weicame at our
Wesley -Willis
Marrh 11 Fourth Sunday in Lent
11.00. Morning Worship. Sermon
Subject "The 'Master's Ministry".
12.10 a.m. Church School.
7.00 p.m. Evening Worship Serinon
Subject '"True Life".
Regular Y. P, U. Fireside after
evening worship, this week in charge
of the Public School 'Teachers.
The Girls' Club will meet at the
home of• Mrs: Freer, en Thursday
evening, March 13th, at 8 o'clock,
Miss Stone will be the speaker, Mrs.
Tingey and Mrs. Freel's group will
be in charge. The members are -re-
quested to bring in finished articles,
Ontario Street United Church
11:00 a.m. "We are made Sons"
Near Noon, Sunday- School
2.00 p.m. Worship and -Sunday
School at Turner's Church.
7.05 part. Subject: "A Lasting
Monday 8.00 p.m. Young People's
Union Mission Convenor in charge.
Wednesday 8.00 p.m. The Session
will meet. All Elders are to be pre-
Tuesday, March 13th The Woman's
Missionary Society will convene at
the home of Mrs, Harold Lawson at
3:00 p.m.
Baptist Church
2.00 p,nt, Bible School.
7.00 pan. Evening Worship, Sub-
ject "The Folly. of Fainting"
Prayer sheeting ` Wednesday 7.30
at the home of Mrs. .7. Brown.
The praying church is a power for
Mr. Lloyd Batkin has • purchased
the Wm. Tiplady house on Gibbings
v -
Wesley -Willis W.A.
The W. A. of Wesley -Willis
Church .met in the Church hall on
Thursday • afternoon, March 1st with
the President, Mrs. M. Nediger in
the chair and Mrs. Charlesworth as
pianist. '
The hymns were chosen for the
Laster -Tide, the opening one being,
"When I survey the wondrous Cross"
Mrs. McGill offered Prayer, and Mrs.
Jack Fraser read the Scripture lee.
son from 1 John, chapter 1. The
Lord's Prayer was said in unison.
The secretary, Mrs. Jefferson,
and the treasurer, Mrs. P. Manning
gave interesting reports, Mrs, Cree
Cook reported for the flower com-
mittee, ,Mrs. Nelson for work, and
Mrs, Reg. Shipley for the Social
:,ommittee which had so recently
arranged a successful chicken supper
for the choir,
Mrs. M. Necliger and Mrs, J.
Fraser were appointed the calling
tolsunittee for March.
Arrangements were eompleted for
the St. Patrick's tea on March "117th.
During the :program, • Mrs. Percy
Atkinson sang "Love's Old Sweet
Song". Mrs. Gordon Miller read
three short poems, "Abeautiful
recipe", • The. Kneeling ,Camel", and
"De sunflower, ain't de -,,daisy":
Miss Jean Nediger • contributed an
Instrumental, "Londonderry Air":
The hymn • "There is 'a green hill
far, away', and the Mizpah bene-
diction. '•closed ,the ' meeting, after
which , afternoon tea was served by
Mrs.. Addison's group.
W. M. Aiken, Billfolds, 1 dos: 22.00
Co., of Huron Indigent Patient 17.00.
Dept. of Health Insulin:..: 10.37
Queen Alexandra Sanitoriura
Indigent Patient ........ 15.00
Board of. Health
G. R. McE.wan, Record -Book
Postage and Stationery
A. T. Cooper,: postage and sup. 7.25
Insurance •
Ineperal Guarantee Co. Fidelity
• Bond .prem. 12.00
General Municipal Expenses
Bell Telephone .Co. General 10.99
Municipal World Lieense Forms 4.26
Robert Elliott Burying stray dog 1.05
G. R. McEwan Assessors sup..:, 1.85,
Rental .26 00
Incenses 25.00
Stock Scales'. ; 16.75
Celneter'y • 63,26
formerly County. Court Judge of
Norfolk, who has become associated
with R. G. Ivey,'K,C., in the practice
of law,
under the firm` name of
Ivey & Livermore.,
Hayfield Agricultural Soci-
ety Executive Meets •
' The executive of the Bayfield
Agricultural Society net in the town
hall, Bayfield .on March 1st with •
fourteen present and the president,
Murray Grainger in the chair.
The report of the striking cone-
rnittee was presented and adopted as
The first named .member of each
committee to be chairman.
Committee reports to be in the
hands of the secretary by July 15th.
School: Bert Dunu, C. Lawson, .7.
Howard, Chas. Wallis, R. Grainger.
Horses: 0. Lawson, T. M. Snow-
den, A. H. Warner. `•
Dairy Cattle: Wm., Sparks, Bert
Beef cattle, sheep and Hogs; Chas..
Wallis, Stewart Middleton, T. M.
Poultry: Carl Diehl.
Dairy Produce and Domestic Set.
once: Mrs. T. M. Snowden, Mrs. J..
H. Cox.
F`rvit, Flowers, Vegetables and,
Seeds: Stewart Middleton, Frank
Keegan, Wm. Sparks.
Fine Arts and Ladies Work: Mrs.
McEwen, Mrs. Little, Mrs. Prentice.
Junior Fanners: A, H. Warner,
Russell Grainger, Geo. ColeIough.
Publicity and Prize list C. Lawson,
Murray Grainger, A. E. Erwin.
Entertainment: Mee. Little, Mrs,
Melrwen, Mrs. Prentice, Jack 'How
aid, Frank Keegan.
The striking committee would
like to recommend that each com-
mittee be in charge of, its own de-
partment on Pair Day:
The striking committee would
further recommend that the school
commttee appoint one of its mem-
bers. as school secretary.
The following resolutions were
assed:-That the annual Fall Fair be ,
held en Tuesday .and Wednesday
October 9th and. 10th.
That the annual Masquerade and'
Dance be held in the town hall, Bay. .
field on 'Wednesday, April 4th.
That the Society ,sponsor . a Boys
and Girls. club during 1945, full de-
tails of this project will be published
as soon as arrangements ere eean-
That the facilities of the Society,
grounds and buildings, be placed at
the disposal of the Clinton Junior
Farmers Cltab if required by them
at any time.
'That a membership drive be put
on during the last week of March.
A membership ticket to cost $1.00
and to 'entitle the holder to free
admission to the Pail Fairfor car
and. two persons.
`Leading Fireman Frank McEwan
and Leading Fireman Robert Draper,
have returned home . after serving.
for two years and a half in England
with the Canadian Carpi of Fine
Fighters: •-
Bob Morgan and; Ray Churchill en-
listed- recently in London in the
Canadian'Ariny. Bob will take his
training at the Army Trades School
in ;Hamilton, and. Boy will go to
Chatham for his training.
Mrs. M. Batkin has received word
that her .. b_rother Craftsman W. Hr
Miller - :has arrived safely at - his
Pte. Fred A. M. Beet°, of the R. C.
A,, is now stationed at C.LB T.C.,
Chatham, Ontario.
Ptc, William I Bezzo sends his
thanks to all the organizations in
-Clinton, and to all the people who
have sent pareels and cigarettes to
hili. '
- Mrs. Win, C.'Bezzo has eeceivedr
two pair ' of wacelen •-hoes from
.flollend, sent to - her by : her son
Pte. William L Benzo who
, i s• with
the Essex' Scottish' Regiment there,
(1,,,. Huh, :id sit t, --'". 1 1:• • •