HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-03-01, Page 700D OLID FILIP.I1s10 ',CUSTOM with Lemon Juice men and women who sutler nagging aches and pains caused by'Rhenmatisin. Neuritis, ot,Curnhato5 vvant to elieve such sympionis promptly. To get such relief cry ALLfiNitU! Mix 2 [able. spoons ol this fine meditane with one tablespoon ol lemon mice M a glass of water: 'Untold thousands- of folks, use ALLENRU Get Al.LEINRU today... • ' Sac at any drug store. WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING Electronic Fntilyre Some new wonders. will be in- trodueed intocivilian life- "after the war"as a result of wartime radio • development- comments The. Otta- wa Citizen. A rglinipse of these wonders is provided in a report • just put out by the- U S Federal' Communications- Conmiissions Aniong them is the "walkies , talkie." These are already in .use in the Allied arinieS. Through them, heaclquartrs and -commanding Of- ficers pan keep in touch With the • most .advanced • elements of their . • troops. Likewise, by similar means, riaft and tanks keep in touch with their bases. It follows% as' a Matter of course thal the walkie-talkie will -be adapt- ed to Civil life. It will be possible' for a hospital t6 communicate with a 1 isysician, at any moment, for . business firms ta keep in touch with their delisfery. men, and for housewives to keep 'tab on their 'husbands. • Whether this will be an • unmixed blessing is open tc tion. • -But that is only on part of the electronic .f.nure. Wr. read that thus will be Smaltsscale radar's for motor-csrs navigating' at night . and in . fog; traffic 'lights inside ears- and • not on • street -corners s electric, eyes, that Will automatic- ally switch on headlights whan'. dusk falls, and a 'photocell which Will make the wheels...of a car stay ' tuned to and fcillow a white line on the highway It is V Wonderful time we are all going to have - and onethat is as lot more coniplicated, too. University Courses .. • For Ex-Serviceitien ifniversities in, Canala are plan- ning' courses to meet alinost ever) need of ex -servicemen who plan to take advadtage of.the educational grants:Provided for them after the war, according to .Dr, W. J. Dun- lop, director of extension studies at the University of roronto.- The all-over .Canadian prbgram plans to insert a third term ib - the usual,. two -term year so, that veterans may begin tbeir studies in early spring, studying through the usual vaeatiOn period and thus - fit themselves to continue their next year when the fall term opens, h. said. Thus ex -servicemen will have the equivalent of the full four-year course before degrees ,we grantedi with a saving of one yetul it time. The London zto' was damaged, . by 12 German robot bombs but no serious harry done to the animali. • /61913111110/12SManieFsageof Aspirin Eases fleadaChe Almost Immediately Zenuisse. Aspirin's s.eve orissa r.ew make it easier than ever for You to get fast, affective relief from headache znisery. ' WHY ASPIRIN 'WORKS SO EASY Se e with your own eyes why ,Aspiriti takes hold rf pain a few minutes after taking. Drofs an Aspirin Tablet ' into a gla-J of wdter. Almost in stantl3r it begins to dissolve. And that sante fat ,m,don takes place in your stomach That's why Aspirin relieves you so ci icicly, :Yoe years Canadians have .clied on Aspirin tor fast relief, for effective relief -- abcdre afl dependable -chef, Get Aspirin at •your druggist's today! ' NEW REDUCED PRICES Pocket flex el 12 now lac Ecosemy-Bosile f 24, how 29c Family size C 00 cm 79s SPIRIN The Bayer cross on ouch tablet is . your guarantee that It's Aspirin Looks like a bad cigaret shortage on Luzon when you see the gals puffing away on huge, back eigarsl-But stogie -smoking by the ladies is a long-established Filipino custom. In photo, a soldier gives a light to one of the native laundresses, whb keep Yanks looking spruce., [1. VOICE OF THE PRESS TO HQLD THE 'WATER Drawing water for' liVe stock is a losing game. It viould be far easier to plant treeS, retain ,,scinie swamps and cultivate across the slOpes in order to hold the water where we liveond raise tree stock. --Farmers' Adsiocate. What OisURthe1.'MBPriitil.ial Empire now For one thing. it is a COM-- , monweelth of free peoples thab has, • suffered one million .cxsualties ..this war. --Vandouver Proslineesd s , BUT WE DID In our youth everything' ro.nyetd.^ 'Slower arid. it 'took lbts longer to get into trouble. • -The Brandon Sun. MONTY IS RIQHT .As Field Marshal Montornery Said if there must be destruction of European, towns it is good that they should be German towns. -Ottawa Journal: ADOLF'S "BUST' ' , . The only monument to Hitler .will be ,the bust the Allies are making of him. -Kingston WhigsStandard. Damning Churchill A Correspondent asks us, • (The Ottaws Journal), and some- what belligerently, to name the .n,ople • of Canada who (ac- oordhig to a 'recent Journal edits oriel) are ?'joining in the damnation of Churchill" We direct him to, the .New Com- thonwelath, C.C.F. organ in On- • tario, issue December 243, 1944. It . referS to...Churchill obstinacy at its woi•st" and goes on to say'that • he (Churchill). "is not .to Ie trusted with the reconstruction, of EurOPe".' • • We refer our correspondent fur- ther to the current number of the Canadian Forum (an organ for CCF. intelligentzia) which • con- taina this: . "Mr, Churchill is- his old upre- generate T.Ory self again, insolent, cocksure and contemptuous ,of criticism. Outside the Tory Majority in the BritiSh House of Commons- , and the goOd .Tory colonials in stielf places an Toronto, his Policy has met with practically universal 'condenniation,',' " , Mr. Churchill :isn't saprodancW as- a Plablio matt, •his acts are .sUb- ject to criticism. What is objection, able is•a form of attack On him that - is 'crude, stupid and unfair. The Nazi Mind As a German, prisoner, captured dear IVIerode, • entered battalion headquarters, under guard, he ex- claimed: "I cannot but admire your Churchill, He promisect you blood and tears and has giien you victory. Hitler promised us victory' and has given us blooct and tears." Battleship Nelson Ba.ck,On High $eas , The British battleship battle -Scarred veteran of many battles' with • Axis submarine, air- craft and surface ships, is back on the highseas again after a' coin- pleto , refitting at the U.S.! navy yard at Philadelphia; it was Al's- clo"sed last week ' -,Tha ..Nelson, ,half a iozen :times hit by miues,,torpcdoes and 41-nbs in her fighting service on thp his- toric Hada convoy route, oni the Arctic lane id Rossia and, in lionie waters, brought to a climax by hcr formidable help for land force's' in the Allied irvasion of Nornian'flY, is declared to be more poWerful than ever. , While details' of the work done on the Nelsoft at Philadelphia ma3r not be revealed, experts said her new gun equipment is , probably heaviest of any warship • a:floats additions hong been made to her original complement of 9 la -inch guns and secondary batteries of Canadians Best Fed In The World • Canadians a r e • the • best -fed people in -the world and in peace: - time eat more butter per capita s than any other country, according to Walter F. Mantle of the Prices Board He said increased demand fos milk by the arrneeseevices and cheese exports' to GreatBritain • necessitated butter ' rationing lin Canada. BURMA CHIEF Lt -Gen, Sir Williani J. Slim, above, commands the British 14th Arany, fighting toward the road to Mandalay, chief Jap stronghold in , central Burma.. Many Fine Cattle: Saved In Holland . , . . Farmers will be delighted to know that many-of'the fine • herds of cattle in 'Holland were -rescued. from, droWiting, tvlien the dikes were • opened and the land flood--fr ed. Allied -croons risked their own • lives to get sonic, of „the prize cattle but ,ots the danger zones. There are . -same Magnifieent cattle in Ilelland and Denmark. . The dairy farmers' over theret have specialized in raising only the best herds. They have found that qual-a ity products gain the best markets and they bave Insiated on having only the finest cows. Canadian Farrnek Is His Own, Boss. One of the, biggest compensations hi...fanning is that the- operator is his own boss, says the Farmers Advocate. That is one reason col- lective fartniag Will not he very popular here. Being one's own boss is. a •pricelesd •privilege. Fariners have found this out when they have accepted employment elseuiliere and found that they could hot get off to attend a funeral or an auc. ton sale: • CHECKED, bra ../b9‘.., .01, money Bok h'or cadCk relief from 1101105 causecrby &mina; athlete stoat, scabies, pimples and other Itching 0. 0. 0, PRESCR!PTION meZcits"',211 stainless, Soothes, comforts and, quickly calms, ntease i taaing..Donitha ffer.,A4k-yen r druggist today for D. ID, 0. IPMESCRTTIOW /,..711-;„ SAT -SLEEP , WErreR -„ • vivAmiN 0-tot..0Lrx Tubset Form ' ' SOU+ Ar Ali piproa-s-ro,res ervous,Restless On "CERTAIN DAYS" Of The Month?, X0 functional periodic cilsturbanced.. Tooke you tear nervous, cratilty,, high - "strung, tired, weak arm "dragged Out" tut such times start..at*Mine, tryLydia, E. Pinkham's,,Vegetable Com-, pound Vs relieve aucli symptoms. Here's a product that mute mulles. Follow , label directione.Pinkbanea Compound is worth trytnot Made in Canada. LYDIA, E. PINKNAM'S CRAVE enicillin Saves Prize Guernsey The suspense which has been hanging over Dell Farm at 'Tar& wick, Mass:, is 1101v 1/111000 it is reported,, and sighs, ir,00s and eveis bellows of relief can be fanc- ied as resOuntliog throtigh that witreere s;ogumngent C0aftinNtseewtt EStitigitlfairhd Spitfire ptIze Guertisey bull, had been gasping under an oxygen tent for eleven -days; the , victim of ' pneu- • monial.. 'says The New\ Yorlc- Her - 'aid Tribune. Although but a, weak • shadow of his former self -hid. , proud figure attenuated becausehis daily diet hasbeen restricted to half •a dozen raw eggs :and three quarts of hot ciatmeal---Catunsett . Spitfire is regarded by his attentl- ant physician as being . "vastly • improved."' This magnificent recov- ery is 'believed, to be - the-, r,esult of large shots of Penicillin "- for Sisitfire. Was granted ,2,500,090 units Cf this potent drtigby special ills- pensation of a kindly War Produc- tion Ifoard. Catunsett Spitfire's case is not- able because' lie is said t,'be the, first anitrial:to be treated With pen- ' cillin. The drug, is reported to be, ih Rich sufficient, supply that the abundant treatment ',given the 200,- poirrid stifferer need cause no Ad- verse comment from those who. might „ believe Oar battlefronts lnligt endure Shortages because of a boYine invalid. FINE, UPSTANDING GAME Vertical checkers, 'where the men stick tightly to the, board, is the • latest for travelers in lurching trains and for beridden, invalids who can't sit im to Play it a table. Made by a General Electric engineer at Schenectady, N. Y., the board is a thin piece of steel, ,painted - in conventional checkerboard, design. The checkers are of highly magnetized alnico, a new alloy. SO that the magnet - checkers can he "topped': for kings each has a small plug of steer War Guns Shot By Greenwich ,Time - Gr4enwich time signals, radio - east by the British Broadcasting Corporation, are not only familiar to civilian radio listeners, but tish gunners on the Western Front are synchronizing their barrage by them," the London ,Radio ports. ' , Sir Harold. S, Jones, .Astron- met Royal, disclosed in the Lon- don radiocast that the time sig- nals have been radiocast hourly, day and night, at the special re- quest of British Field Marshal Sir Bernard L. Montgomery. The sig- nals are a'so used by coastal shipping for navigation, he added. Definitiorf of time, according te) a serviceman's Publication': The Stuff between pay driya. • .R. To Build • Aluminum Cars 'With the roofing and siding of three box cars being beilt for the Canadian National Railways, al- uminum is being uscd in the con- struction of railway freight equip - Ment for the fil-st •in Can- ada, The doors are also of alum- inum. Tlie change reduces the weight of each car by 8,100 pounds. It is an experiment. • 'No Children' live' lent the only conntry Where the "no "children" sign is hung out by landlords. The other day a Spokane couple placed this - want -ad 'in a Spokane paper: .0, "'ImpeWanted, anted,1 also catge,, garage, shedor vt !cream wo animals called children may It got results, as those little want -ads so often do. Before a day was out they had been offered a five -room furnished bungalow, .. ---Lethbridge Plet•aki. WIN ii -RAISE for your • coffee. . . serve Maxwell House — the stimulating blend of Latin-American coffees with deeply satis- fying flavor. Make Max- . well House. yonr regular coffee. • A.ocoumraissrs 4 AUDITORS INCoME .-aTA X REPORTS COM- plete Bookkeeping Services. Small or Large 13usines5ee. Travel any- where. Albert Brett &Co.;, '8 Wellington ,SL E..• Toronto, Ont, ACCOUNTING AND INCOME TAX Service, Will go 0,. any town. No account too small. Walter G. Boyd, 31 Salem 2,0050e, Toronto, LOm- bard 12101. • BEACHES MODEL HOME • ovEnt..00iaNG Lazn ONTARIO: • you may win .thia 510,000 model loose for 11.00." Write for your shares today. (11.00 each) to Beaches Business ItIen's Astsocia- Hon. Toronto 8: Yam receipt will be mailed prOmptlY. Draw to be made May 24th. Proceeds for ,war Charities. DADS'. 01110118 • • $1.00 ROOKS VOTIR ORDER ORDER YOUR 1946 CHILIES NOW. and 'not be disappointed. All • chicks are from guaranteed test- ed stock,, and from 91 oz. eggs '''or better. Stirred Reeks mixed 312.00 .per 100. White Leghorns mixed 411.00 per 100 Barred Rock Pullets rime per 100, white Leghorn Pullets 522.00. per 100, white Rocks mixed• 015.00 tier 100. white Rock Pullets • 024,00 pet 100, Brown leghorna . mixed S.1.3.00 -per 100, Brown leg -- horn pullets .322.011 per red Wo guarantee 10001 live 'delivery,. balance pall 53.0.13, Maple city Hatchery, Chatham , Ontario. tun's, CHICKS V111 CAN GIVE pROIViPT•21-1114- ment of chicks in many breede, also .cockerels • and •pillieta Write tow pricer; and information. Tout- trykeepera are adhised that Feb- -ruary end Mareh chicks are need- ed for prodbetIon of eggs whirr • Britain' needa Uiem. Order now. Bray lititelterY, 130 john N., ITam- Ilton, Ont. BARI' 001015.51 MO BREEDERS ON ONE PLANT BOOR YOUR' .1945 C131(4152 NOW and get your chicks when . you ' want. theta, Ordere ate pouring •, in.' Breeder 'Llatcherlea are' always sold out early. Don't taic'e obances • on ordinary chicks. ' Place your order NOW. Pure 13 ed Sussex, Large Tyne !Ashok -as, StiSseX X , New Ramps., SusseX X L,eghorna, ' Rock X• Log„horna, Rcick X New Heaps., Barred Rocha Send for large illustrated Catalogue and Price List, Lakeview Poultry Farm, Wein Bros., Exeter, Ont. MONICTON 1,0 ULTR VAIIM strecn34-wnon buying chicks dor success' you must buy chicks with breeding, livability, and with • proper wire You will be 'certain' of predUction (pr profIL Monitton Poultry Farm Breedere are all Government In- spected, banded, und blood -tested, ' Write for.. 1946 prleet and Cat- • •ralogue. MONKTON POUL,TRY FARMS, Monition. Ontario. 411ASS & rt D'S BLO'OD-TIOSTED -chicks. We • specialize in one breed. Hollywood Strain. White Leghornslarge birds and chalk white ,eggs. Pillieta 820.00 per 100. Mixed 310.00 per 100. 91.00 booka order. iTrassmal's 'Hatchery, tultt- Vllle, .0at. ' FEBRUARY BARGAINS /N COCK- ereis while they last.. White Leg - horns 951 per hundred:. • New • Hampshires 0,05; Light StisseX, Barred Rocks 4.95; White Rocks • " 5.95.• Order ut once. We are mail- ing our 1946 catalogues now Tr. you, haven't received • Year coPY • eend for it at oece, Order your non-mexer and pullet .chielcs .be- fore Feb.,' 2811. You can sttve money" byordering early. Listen, to our radio programme over CHN)C. Winghain,, every Monday • morning at ,0:20 a.m. and every Wednesday evening' n t 3:45 p Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limit- ed,Ferr,rus, Ont. 21120A1) onEAS5E0 stissraN Cog THOUSANDS AVAILABIsE WEER- ly; -11 ,yt order, 11 qnce. Our Broad Breasted Sussex cox bring to priceson the market: White skronetk ' long 'rounded breasts. Also ;New, Rampcox with fast grovtls and.I.feathering, Sussex 25 Lagnouna• and ;Rock X. Leghorns ,,inalto good roasters and- grow fast up . to 4-5, lbs.- You can 'buy these ter 04.00 per 100. Also Mix, ed' neuea cox .56.00 per (05. Ml from • our Well-bred, healthy, „blood tested breeders. 5000 Breed - ors on ONE', nlanL Lakeview ,Poultry Far& Wein Bros., Exeter, ORDER YOUR S -C, WIOITR LEG- .. horn day-o1d chicks from a breed- •' er •-hatchery. Steak blood •tested • antrhanded by O. „E. 5, Wilf A. , Glazier. 'ClintOrr, Ont. " 1011. CHICKS FREE' . ,NVITI-1 EVERY .01401210 Cti• 1001000, let chicks; cvP give 100 flee chicks', choice). Legtiorn pellets • 02296 per, 100,.. barred Rock put- ' lets 55 95 per 100. White Rock .,, Pullets ..$24.00, per Hie. Brown leg - horn Ptilletz 224.96 per 100. All, chieks ,sold.baelced bY high egg pedigreed elects., 3100 books. your order, balance .0..0.0.• Guaranteed -10o% - live deliVery. ,ICent Hatch- • ery„ Ehatham..Onthrio. •, • • .115 5035 1505 "CID ()ITS OUR' FOUNDATION STOCR IS registered and pedigreed birds. • Nothing better vitt Canada. Order now. - Prices for • inixed baby chicks, males and females: Bar- red Recite, 012.00 per hundred; White Leghorna, 011.00; Whiter Rooks, • $11.001 13rown Legherns. 013:00, Bullet - prices: Barred Rocks, 119.00;' White LekhOrna, , $22.00: TVIiite Rocks, 521.00; Brown LegilOrns, 022.00, 26 free' chleks, our choice, ,w11) be given for. each 200 mixed -chicks order, ed and 21 free chicks for each 100 day old pullets ordered. , Goddard Chick Hatchery, It' tenant Heights, Ontario, BART CHICKS • • WRITE FOR OUR NEVI, 1045 PRICE • list on Barred Rock, Bedrock?'" Leghorn . and Legroelc ehiejts. •Ltberal dIsoount on early orders. , C. S. Dad:tank, Moulinette, •Ont. BETTER 031,321031 YOUR LINCOLN Government Approved Chicks. . now.. New Hampshire, Barred Roolca. and New Hampshire X I3arred Rock Hybrids. Bookings heavy. Write for our ;catalogue • and price list. Lincoln Chick Hatch - cry, 2 Race Street, St, Cather - Ones, Ont. Post Office Box 304. R.O.P. MEET) .LEGRORN CHICKS, Hatch off every Wednesday. Slat- tery's Poultry Farm, Aittma Rd., R.R, 2, PTCHEIRING, ONT. DON'T SPREAD YOUR CHICK dollars too thin. Quality_ ehieks. • Mean Much to your success as a poultryman. Good chicks from , Government ,Approved bloodteited , atock have a bettela chance 'to live -buy qualltsr instead of quan- • tity in chicks•you start. Send for • 'catalogue and early booking Price- - list today. We have some genuine bargains on .heavy breed cocker- els for February. delivery. Prices as low as -3,75pee hundred. 'l'op Notch ChIciteries, Guelph.' Ont. ORDER YOGA CRICKS Now AND -rou ARE. GUARANTEED ymir chicks 'for next' spring , When • Yeti Want thern., Barred Rock mixed 912.00per 100, white leg- hOrn'a Mixed '311.00 .per 100, slitnr- red Roelc Pullets 919.90 Per .100, white leghorn pullets 922,00 per • 100. Heavy- Breed Okla. 00.00 per 100, Leghortt. Ckls. 9200.per 100. • All chicks hatehed from 20- oz. eggs or better and from special ' mated flocks. Guaranteed , 100% • Jive • delivery. $1,00 hooka your order, balance 53.0.0. Rainbow• . Hatchery, Chathain, Ontario. DYEING AND CLEANING RAVE YOU ANYTHTNG NEEDS tiYeing or °leonine:T. Write to us , fpr information. We ore glad to • answer your questions. Depart- -ment. H. Parker'll Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To- ronte. ' IIIISINEsS OPPORTUNITIES SMALL COUNTRY STORE, PRE. , ferably with Post Office -or Goa Station but ' not essential. . particulars first letter, Cox 10,- 73 Adelaide St. W., Toronto, OnL . NAIRIMESSING 1.48 A R N 'HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdres•ing- Acad- emy, 737 Avenue' Roads Toronto. Irolt smar, P UP P 1 E S INTERNATIONAL cnanipm SIRED PEDIGREED - REGISTERED WESTERN ONTARIO'S LARGEST REGISTERED COCKER EITININELS CEE . HAZE KENNELS , (REGISTERED) . . • 200 Pruedo Place, Riverside ' ELECTRIC IKOTORS, NEW, USED, betight, sold, 'rebuilt; belts, Poi- leya.brushes. Allen Electric Coin. Pany Ltd., '2126 Dufrerin St-, To- ronto. . • DU/IMPORT) iturrivELs, coczEn soardet pttp,plea, red and black: Choice champion registered atoelc. 762 Giles East, Windsor, Ont, AT STUD: SPRINGER SPANiEI „ impoiaed England, Beagle hotila,1 Field .• Trial Winner. Registered. Trent Valley Rennele. a. 5 Teter- boro, Ontario. TWO 137.EE TICK MALT) 1101I0012 • Pupa, 8 months old. j, )3utton. shaw, BoWmanville, Ont • . HEREFORD 131200S,, REGISTER.' ed, corning two - good tYne: low set, priced' right. Apply A. E. Nolte's, 1i/familia, ()Kt. 3 REGISTERED 13 E LI la 0 OLD 331111s, 12 to 12 months. Sired by 000 ' American Herd 5Ise,, W0 -3B • mem Domino`, 126550, who haa . aired many' show ,winnera. Prices reasonable. Clifford Black, Cale - ONTARIO GROWN 2 PURITY' „ Timothy Seed. GerminatiOn 9590, 10,he lb. Pinkerton. Bags free, " Sold in unbrokew 120 lb. bags 0011'. Cash with order. Boy Gramm, • Seed Mereltant, Pinkerton, ALLOVVAY LODGE OFFERS 03401010 ANGUS' BOLLS .of service- a,ble age.',Brod Heifers rep ,Iderd' .-founclation. . • D. E. McEwen,' R,R, 4, London, Ontario HARNESS, SADDIXS, 13 EillAIRED, decorated__ cowboy bridles, all . sizes, Manley's Harness .5hop, Brigclen Chia - S'I'RAWBEITRY PLANTS ASPAIt. ague, raspberries, peach trees, -apples, pearS, PinMS, aherries, grapes,' earrants,, /dire be, hedging, shade trees, wire tree guards. Norfolk Nursery, Simcoe. Ontario. COMPRESSOR FOR SALM, WITI3 11/2 II, P. InotOr and tdiik • Pieta. 7 cubic feet air capacity. As good Is new, Craft W.artline ' Smitistries, 428 Cantgon _SI. E., Hamilton, Oat oRDRis: YOUR PACRAGE BEES, 013 nuclei, now for May delivery. Rio - nucIel, now' for ,Mo.y delivdry, 7.108eview Apiaries, Hawkestone, • Ontario. - Poll SALE REGISTERED, CERTIFIED AND ' Commercial Grain and Grads Seed, Price List new ready. Write, . Phone or wrre for copy Newfield Seed and Nursery Farms; Nipowln, Saskatchewan, Enoonnn STOVES -- usn FUEL, oil or kerosene -no, wicks.. J. S. Reading, 660 Dougall Ave., Wind- sor, Ont. . 03025 100. S MONITOR CLOVER A.11D, • Timothy Seed Cleaning Machine • In good condition,' complete with 69 Sections of Screens.. It. Cramm,„ • Pinkerton, Ont., LUMBERMEN 005scALns, handy calculator, 25 •cents poet- ised. The Outlook, Middleton, Nova Scotia. REGISTERED NO. I ICING -GOLD SEAL aryieRID SEED CORN 85 To. 120 .DAY MATURITIES, VAR- • tapes suitable tor both ensilage And grain, also a full lime of Seed Oats. . Write for price list. The Ring Grain • & Seed Co. Pain • Court', Ont. . 6 REGISTERED 'SHORTHORN . thlal PUrPese Bulls, half brothers to Champion and Grand Champion, Galt Iran-, Two ready for service, accredited herd. Flar 1u11 particti- ,lars, E. Bagshavr, ,427., Avenue • Road, Tdonto, ATTENTION Nyn .CAI1RY A COMPLETE LINE ne'w and -used -Pipe- hind tings, ,Steel,,Stable„,gosts, Boiler Tubes. -126.115, Plates, Structural -Steel Pulleys, Shafting,,Hangers. Bet tin g, Itfachlnery,, Rollers, Tanks etc. We can save Yell money. Samuel Bleretock & Sons, 265 Paltrier Ave., Eitchener, Ont. . EARNS, FOR SALE: 98500 scartmtsit0 ough.ToWifship, g nines f ram To. rent°, 22 acres, good garden land.' niodern atable. frame house with six large rooms, hardwood floors, running water In house and stable, 404,4, ivIring In both, about 1 acre ,of . good orchard. TORONTO CITY •REALTY, 2330 Danforth Ave., Toronto, Oat , 200 A011135, 254 MILES EAST 014' Dundalk, on county read, 180, acres unddr cultivation, over 50. acres ready (00 0000, good bbIld- ings, cement etabling, water In barn, good house with furnace, farm well fenced, possesaion any thne. WOLl3iii2T onzmN, DUN. DALE, 13. 2, or Geo. Duncan, • Auctioneer, Dundalk. 110 ACRES RALF MILD SOLITE OF Elenilworth. 7 • milesnorth of Arthurtan paved highway. Six - roomed brick house, large bank barn, • • sum APPLY McMaster and McMaster, 2859 Dundee St. West, Toronto.. SMALL FARM CONTAINING Twvrr- ty acres, bulidinga, for &ale or would trade for amali farm near large' factory worlc. Franlc Dewey, Gooderhain, Ont. . 100 ,A.crtnst mortm 011. LESS W [TB or )vithout stook and' farm itt- plemaflt dwelling house, oote. ToWnship of Longueull Prescott • County -I mile trona Town. School, Chtirch, electricity, running water. , Apply John B. Woods, Solicitor, Hawicesbury„ Ont. ITIODI(ZAJ. STOMACH AND 1•14 Li WORMS often ore the cause of 111.health hulnana, all ages, No one mune! Why not find out if this is , your, trouble?. littered' lig par. ticulars--Ft eel Write Mtilveney's Remeci lestipeelli ilst 0 Parent e . 3 (4002) RESOLUTION - EVERY sUfferer of Rheumatic Pains br Neuritis should trY 1.114)11's Ren)- edy. Munro's Drug Store, 336• • Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 21.22. BAUMEEICA, FOOT BALM ' strays offensive odor instantly, 250 bottle. 'Ottawa. agent, ,Dennrao Drug Store, Ottawa. . , • NATURE'S HELP-DIXON's 502531. edy for , Rheulnatic Pains, Neur- itis. Thousands praising it. Munree Drug, Store, 725 Elgin, • Ottawa. Postpaid 31.00. MUSICAL /NSTRUMENTS. • IfItED A. BODDINGTON BUYS, sells, 'exchanges musical' Matra - Menta; 111 CITurch, Toronto 2. 91AC31117E111 • . sapAa..mun acp,,a0 woRN DISCS AIRE USUALLY THE first (Jaen Mi. Sega rotor trouble. We re- elute° • and, retin therm ,W000 ' not too badly worn, to give:the ennai 'of new. Disc service, for one third to one quarler the cost. Bowl rebalancing Mad" as well as • retirtning and refitting of all porta Symon,s'' IVIetal workers. ROCANVILLE, Saskatchewan. 05'P() rertilstyri Es WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER .30100 CANADA'S 1.4aDING SCHOOL • Great Opportunity, Learn Hairdressing , Pleasant dignified' profesSion, good wages,' thoUSancle SUeeesvtill,, Mot ye) gradUates. America's greatest sys. telt. Illustrated catalogue ffee. Write or cull MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCI-100LS' 358' BLoOR morioNman ,Eponches; 44 lit no- 9t, hiarnilton, si; 74 Ilidedu Street, Ottawa. 42i111f)111,121.51T51e9 3111:17 2,.100311E2! ABC 51-1010THAND. PURCHASE 000 boolta and train 70000010 10 weeks. Free folder illustrates this easy system, Cassan SYstems, • OFEER% TO INVENTORS .urr.mil TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and' full info- - .matton sent free, The Ramsay - • Co., Registered Patent AttorneYa, 273 Sank Street, Ottawa, Canada. C'EttsoNAL NEW DISCOVERY, TBSTED, SAVES ' 45%•gaeoline.guaranteed.. Send stamped envelope for information. - S. 'Brodie. Vilna., Alta. • ' PATENTS • FETHERSTONHAUUS & CtIMPANY 'Patent Solleitors, Estahlished Booklet of rnformation on re- quest. eNOTOGRAPOT . TIME TESTED QUALITY 'SERVICE -and SATISFACTION Your films Properly developed and 8. EXPpOrSini/tfeldill ROLLS 25c -REPRINTS & tor 20c „. FINEST ENLARGING' SERVICE -You'inay not get all the films YOU want this year, but you Oslo get 01 'the quality and service you desire by •tiending your films to 1l31PJ51t1t3, PHOTO TIER VICE • Station_ J. Toronto 1,110TOGRArEY FILM DEVELOPED, 8 PRINTS. . one 5 x 7" enlargement. 34e. Re- prints, 'including 116, gc each. Nelson' Photo Service, Sault Ste Marie, Ont, CANADA'S LARGEST STUDIO • STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Don't risk losing your 'pictures. can't be be taken over .again. Send yotir film rolls to Canada's largest and finest studio. Get better pictures at lower cost. , PROMPT MAIL SERVICE A"-ny Size 31o11.09 or 8' ExPoseres Dwromoypri AND -PRINTED 251) 'X get' hest results from Star Snap- isyhjoedt Smenrvalytie'p. wtaveic•4it.es cUstomer in Nova Scotia, ho adds that she Ilas SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER • New 21.710 Album With PrInte • sizes 16-20-127 If 29e ' 54c extra) Is sent wilh filin roll. ENLARGEMENTS - COLORED AND FRAMED Enlargethents. 4 x 6" in beautiful easel mounts, 2 for 25e. Framed, on Ivory tinted mats, 7 x ii" in Gold, Silver, cireasstan walnut or Meek. Ebony . finish fealties'55c each. „If enitu•gentent colored, 70c each. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE BoX 120, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print Name and Address Plainly on Orders.. PIANOS . • 18 YOUR PIANO PROBLEM SOLV- ed? If not, .)vrite Fuctory Mason. & Risen, 1642 King St, West,. Toronto, SEEDS ALFALFA, OLCivatts, ziaityrn Pertnaltent Pasture Grasees, Hy- bri,d Corp.'all No. 1, Best prices. „Stewart's Seed Store, Bowman- ' vIlle, ant, - wAwrao LINUT.YPE WANTED, NU. 5 UR 8 Model,. give full particulars to Wilson Publishing' Co., 73 2,40- 1 *14 St. .W., TOranto. • Vit.ANTIllo: PROTESTANT 2011000 'Teacher for, Junior Grades to com- mence duties September 1945, AP - ply stating ottalificatIons and , eanirY eXpected to R, F. Stedman. NI Secretary, Bewagiuna, County .Abitibh Quebec. ALL HINDS. OF POULTRY WANT - ad, live of dressed; Write AL R. Mallon, 23 „Tarots., Toronto, • HELP WANTED $60 MUNTH 55013 UENERAL Domestic or helper in icitchen or • HOspitai 'to live in.. When aPPIY- Ma give full' particulars. Water- , ford .1-loatlital, Box 402, Water - :ford, Oat 0.0011.. GENERAL, SMALL leA.MILY. Plea& a. tit surrolindinga, • good, ' wages -References required. Mrs. 51anley• Thomson, 200 Busse!! _pit Road, 1001e55 I1111 Village, Toronto. 4500,.00 REG. .Nunsn, GENERAL duty, live in. Room and 13otti'3, ' duties to comtnence.a t once. When applying givefun partinnlars add „t experience. • Watertortl, Maternity, Hospital, tiox 402,,WateHor3,•O0ti“. , 91000 MONTI-ILY, •CAPABL,E GIRT.; general housework, two children, doctor's home. Apply write Mrs. N. Sole, 424 Main East, I-11cm- 10n, xpAnat rigxx EXPERIENCED f N, 2534GL/0, preferred, for general farming near Grand Valley, 510 • 976.00 monthly. Lavvhenee Dear,. • RA. No. 2, Orton, . . 3(207.12,31015 AuDDrm-Aora) MAN or strong lad for farm near To- ronto. Good 113l5ter ancl teamster. Yearly 011100110e3t, good home. - State wages. I3ox a Nashville, CAPADLE sly= 1v1 A N 1001/ Fruit Farm.. Comfortable home. Charles Pointing,' Beamsville, Ont, ISSUE 9-19411