HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-03-01, Page 5•'-'1V1r.."•'' Ph. ,pent
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P?I` Wele*Pecasion
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s Jas Bowe
Mis Neisoi Thll bUnd 1t1i sealwe bi les.",„ _
'• -the '-'we6k "end,- Twttl] ',110r.".:01ste-A4 -Miss 'Eljen, May, -Scott:., of :".tjee0en'' 9.1*114.11.' bf 1 -ten
. •
SPeiiri'a:few dayi-With 1W1' Pere
" • • 15 visiting in,tOWfl Mi pattv win.
kr,and,b1rS: Coleman of the We Mi MIS 3n Wieksteadt:::ef• toyett-spent a few cl
spent A:few days with 114r. 11ndKra. Brneseui, Mr . rid, witis alir.-"dritT. Mrs." Itaticey 441
�Ghn Het/sten: ; , :. Smith of Wingharm-Mi and Mis A
The VIetOry" • Club; sponsored D..Srnit1i -arid -Elea*. of • '131tetele
dance ia4-thForeStalis :Hall 'en. Fri:- spent ,SuadaY M. sfig,
• day night, Music was siiiiplied by 1 Ft' Berryt • '
,Carruther"s Orchestra'of Pine' River. 'Mrs', ,O1 'Exeter 'spent
A10,179 -‘,days; with:..her.,Mteg
Women's Institute *Banquet : '
' • -
A verypleasant tune :wits spent Mt
'Tuesday evening whert•the •Women'S
Institute - held their "Suashine Sis-
ters" banquet in the .basement of the
Baptist Church. Forty .ladies oat
down at the prettily arranged tables:
Following the banquet and while
seated round the table the regular
• Institute meeting was held, • the
president, Mrs, 'Lawson,: conducting
it. The Institute Ode was sung with
Mrs. R. Phillipspresiding at' the
piano. Prayer was offered by Mrs.
• 'James Woods followed by the Lord's'
Prayer repeated in unison. "Thank
-you" letters Were rend from Stanley
aVIcNall, Roy Bentley And Harold
Nicholson.. The sfeilowi•ng. additional
program was enjoyed, . Solo, Mrs,
Wesley ,Bradnock; reading Mrs:- Fred
Ross, :violin.' Solo, 'Mrs: WM.' Craig,
reading- Mrs. -A. Ferguson.' , The
topis. u:A.giienItere" was ebly.: given
by Mrs: Mita' Cowan. Mrs. Earl
Raithby and Miss Mae Ferguson
favored with a duet and Mrs. Harold
Snell contributed si reading. A. ladies
quartette, Mrs. C. A. Houson, IVIi.a.'
J. J. Robertson, Mrs. S. R. Johnston,
and Miss Sadie Carter sang a anat..
ben ,Carrent Events were -given by
Miss Elmo Mutch. Tiekets-were. sold
bn a prize donated by Mrs. George
Sturdy...the Preceede being for the
oy's. box fund. Mrs; Blanche Phil-
lips was the holder' of the lucky
ticket. A pleasing feature of the
evening was when each "Sunshine
Sister" revealed her identity and
told' of the gifts she had received
during the year. Many pleasant sur-
prises were made 'known. The "Sun-
shine Sisters" will continue for
another year Arid tickets were
drawn. A vote of thanks to the coni.
mittee in charge bf •the banquet .was
voiced by Mrs...Wm. Craig and 'kiss
Sadie Carter - and' endorsed by all
present'. The committee were Mrs.
IL Snell, Mrs. IT, Mogridge.• Mrs. E.
Lawson, Mr,s. Gee.' Sturdy, Mrs R J.
Phillips, Mrs. Gorden Taylor and
'Mrs. Chas. Scott. The singing of the
National Anthem brought an inter-
esting meeting to a close.
os/:: 001w. aid. 661
avid , -
airy at1unsLocker Storage
a Now IS a good time to use
sail stored fruit and. vegetables.
• ' _
y fo_ •
rite, Tr1.113 r all kinds oUish.
• , • • ; ; • 1 -
We have liver on hancl: nout
S1011 of Ilullett, west of Lendesbath,
The February meeting of the are rejoicing that ,the road is Open'
W. A. was held at the home' of Mrs; for cars. after'doeing imPaSsible for -
Bert Lobb. The President was in Motor traffic since the Nevo,Year.
charge of ,the meeting Which opendd Owineto the sleet. and ica. storP1
with a 1.13rsan, followed by the Lord's •on Wednesday night, February 21'st,
Prayer in unison. The minutes of the many telephone lines ate,. out of
previous mebtrag were read and the
roll call, "Ways ef ;slaking Fund for
the W. fr:" was answered by eight
members and there were four visit-
ors present. The devotional period
was, taken by, .1VIrs. ,Bert Lobb and
following the business discussiom
The meeting was closed 'with a hymn
and the IVIizpah Benediction.
The remainder of the afternoon
was spent„in quilting, Lunch was
• served by the hostess:
The Beucefield Rink. has "been a
busy spot all winter; but -the'earni-
val Friday Night surpassed all' ex-
pectations when a: theord•crowd turn-
ed, out to contest for the prizes and
to be onlookers. : The effort to get,
out was sure., worth while as; there
Was a grand array of costumes of
every coliir'•:' and description. The
carnival „opened with a .broom ball
game betwdenohoo, & Brucefield,
which ended in a 2.0scorOn favour
of the lunne team, and • laughs and
fun to no end. The ice being not too,
hard and the 4ball being.verY heavy
added to the fun and it looks like,
there might be more ,broom BalI
games. This was followed by. a grand'
parade of all those -in costume and
what an array of colour that turned
out; to be Fancy—Comie=-,Large and
Small: old and Young:all :enjoying
the night of fun"to the.fulleSt, Pri-
ees went- to' those at home and,
others went' quite a distance giving
some. idea of how far the crowd
came to skate and enjoye the • fan.
Best Dressed couple, El‘ Brecken-
• bridge - and Marjorie ''Breekenbridge
f teoderich; Gent's. Conde to Rizth
Scott Brumfield; Ladies, Comic' to
Mrs. Zimmerman,' Goderich; Boys
Comic Leonard O'Rourke;,,
Condi to • Betty Heard, Dayfield;
Gents Graceful Skater to Mr. Zhu --
merman, Goderieh; Ladies Grace-
ful Skater to June Murdock, Bruce-
fieldBoys or Girls Costume (any
kind); lst Margie Zapfe, 2nd to
Doug McBeath, 2rd to Nora ,Byre;
Best, 'Skating Couple to Mr. and
Mrs. , George • Henderson; Best per-
forming _Clown to Mr. Bob Henry.,
Gotlerick Judges, Reeve Sliaddock,
Mr, L. &fickle Mr. Geo. Hess.
Mi. s Annie Fathergill ;received
the sad neat of the death of hes;
brother,. Mr, Alvin i3rait1iwaitd, Who
died. very 'suddenly at his hinne in
Detroit. recently, Mi.. Yoe. Vodden
and Mr. -and Mrs. Alvin .MeDowell:
attended the funeral. Mrs. Vodden
and Mrs. McDowell' also ',are siZ-
ters of the deceased.
'The people of the tenth conces.
• '
Mrs. Bentham Viiiied: .4ith her
sister Mrs. Robert.'tewnseM1,.• -over
the week encl.' •
Mr, and Mrs: CooperancT,faMili,,,,
visited with thelatter'S parents
-and Mrs. T. FairserVice,osi •Surlesiy,
Owing to road', Conditions the. pet
luck supper and'hingo •Which 'was tcr:
have been held lit'St Thursclay,leur to"
be postponed and p.111 be held. Fri-
day of this week, March 2nd, and
the regular meeting" ' of • the Red
Crosswill also be 'held on - Friday
and is to commence ',sharp .at.L1.30,
The W. M. S. and W. A. are hold -
Mr. Tom. Chapman ,returned, on ing a joint, meeting in the basemeWt
Tuesday from spending a week iii of the„ church ,on. Thursday afternoon
' Toronto, combining' business with March 8th.
pfeasure. While in the city he was Mrs. Annie Fit/MI.0n is sPencl-
the guest of The Bon. W. G. Thomp- nig a 'few days :with her daughter,
son, Minister of Lands and 1arests. Mrs. Crich, of Clinton. ••
in the Ontario Government.- He also • "
visited Mr. and -Mrs. W. L Me- ' '
Naughton in Guelph, on his way
Miss Kate DallympIe of London The Tackersmith Ladies :Club will
• and Miss Grace' Dalrymple", -spent hold their regular 'meeting at 'the
the week end with Mr. and Mrs. 'home of Mrs. Les Lawsian
Dalryinple. , nesday,; March 71:11. the r011 call'
Mr. and. Mrs. .Alvin Dstot and- be "Hoeseheht Pests and Hw to get
family spent Sunday. with Mrs,. Clara ria of :them"
'flutot and , Bessie. ' • ' v'
„ • „:
Pte. Ken 'Scott of Chatham Spent ;'
the week enci at his home here. Six years. It is long enough,.
Mr. Jas. IvieCtuly and • friend of a heart . to become convalescnt.
Woodstock visited with Mr. V. Mc_ Sharp ,agonies 'which at tlie time- O.fi
Cully •asid..IVIary Grade, their happening seem -„iiicapable"
Mr. Wm, Pepper of stanin., had of healing have ts mereiful habit of;
the ,Misiortune to, falt off e ladder mending in six •years, A -brblcesi
'and, injure qinte had] and love affair that turned the world
Will be used up for. soznetime. , into e pointless waste of, time,. has
.We wish' to extend our very -hear, ended in a haPpy 'nor/id:no in. six
best birthday wishes to Mr, Walter 4, death that, left. so much
IvIeBeath who on Thursday .1t/ • h'unsPoicen- so much regret ' se' Much
1st' celebrates his 95th _birthday end to, atone for, falls, 111 aix FeaCe,'Mte
also to Miie'
= -
,Cdsings for' Sale
Stindly seraiim'Aas conducted at
Grace • thareli by -the P,estor Rev. , A.
:S. Cotwell th , first service sinee
last :December 1.17th.. The annual
meeting'', is planned' to- be held Thurs-
day, March -1st at' the church. 'M
7.20' paii. When''ot' luck _supper,
Will be served: A. goed•attendance. is
asked for.
114.41e. Yenng 6.W..A.O. of Men-,
treal spent thrde days with -her
parents, Mr. arid Mrs. Peter Young..
Atso- Ordinary' Seaman Jim Young
of Bilifait has spent three weeks at
his home: He returned Monday.
The' reside in Eiji township are iia
a terrible state. They Were .ordered
to be ,plowed, and disced by horses
in /readiness for . the township plow
which dill come and actually plowed
leas than. one. inile,7on -the.,cisid of
the 470 -ton; also 6th:ociz. nOrtfi• of
:the cut line. NoW'fOr.'the benefit of
•anyorie•thinking •of...trayelling either
of 'these -:roads, it'snot necessary to
take with you, eitherr Geld or silver
or 'brass in your purse's, nor dirip
for your journey,.•but you .better car-
ry a staff and a good accident policy,
- Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rowden, Muriel
and Lois, Holinesville' spent Sanday
with the Lbeltharts.
111118. Lloyd Picot was taken io
C;intint hospital; Wednesday night
folleviing a fall on the ice during
the sleet storm.
The W. A. will hold their March
meeting at the home of Mrs. Reed
Torrance. •
v •
In The Letter Box
Sig. Greg. Novak, V46443
H. M. C. S. Prescott,
•Halifax, N. S.
Miss Helen Lobb, -
Dear Miss Lobb. '
I write , this letter a little late,
I'm sorry, it was "se, 'but, it Was
unavoidable:. - .
Many Many thanks. for your'
Christmas Ditty Bag. I really found
a rest use 'for everything 'in it, and
I really appreciate, as do we all, the.
Sehools-- your School's generous
Christ -Mei Bundle,. • • ,
My work is an interesting one—
wish I could let' you • knoV exactly
what we do, or better_still,' I 'wish,
you, could have 'seen trier
have. • '
ahcitild like very Much to, hear
about, Year and Mies Nancy's School,
your scho,of vv,ork, play, and all. I'll
answer at Once, promise. •
Thanks again—The lot of ,'us are
very grateful. ••
•`, • Shirierelyi
„" V-64606 ALB 'Ferguson A. E;
. • • '11,m.b:s,'• ogopciffv,'
' :St,- John's .Nfld.,
Mrs. G. M. Counter, •
• Clinton, .:Ontarie.
Dear Mrs: Counter: ," .
This is to, acknowledge receipt
the 'ditty beg I received . 'from yea.
about ten days Mel). As we were
away at ss:at time we
didn't get them. till 'later, but they
were still good and thank's very
kindly. I can put everything to good
Perhaps you --would be,intdrested
in knowing that Wesley Ham, from.
.yeur part el' .the: country is on the,
same shin with me. I, think„ he said
he ,Went to, school:with your. son. r.
am- glad to have a b1runi like hint
tte- is, a geocirlach ,
home iS
Mill we ltd...11"."iitinister; .some years
ago, Harold I've .ofteri heard
isini speak ,of Clinton and .Seafortlz.:
Tho. last 1 heard of him he was at
Etliel„partario. tfyeti7eyer happen to
See'hiin giVe hint m' 'est regards..
He was a' great I. also: know. a
Snyder amil- 4t": Radissim .•Sask. I
belieye. 'they: calm originally from
your :,,ndelc -ef the /tithe' I
sritire .than Tye ,,hearcl*.my' tied
and • Mother teri„ • 'V
Here.,I am • rambling •or: and thec
Main thing is to: thank you' again foi,
your interest in Ine• ••.
,131ist of hible' to :YoUr',..9rganizatibiz'
One Cockshutt Row Crop corn cul-
tivator No. 6 new. •
One Cockshatt 14 blade disc Har-
row cut -throw new.'"
One ,Cockshut 13. Dise Seed drill.
One Deering Seed Drill in good
condition. -
One Incubator, 600 capacity. B. .
Applications Wanted
Applications will ,be received up
to noon, Monday, • March, 5th, 1945,
for the -position •ef• Treasurer for
the Township of Hullett,',services to
commence April lst 1945. Further
parboil ars May be obtained fioin
the clerk, 'reeve of councillors.
NORMAN.41 Clinton Public Hos-
pital, on Friday, February 23rd. to
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Norman, a son.
SHEPPA.R.D—In Macklin, Sask., on
_Sunday, February 11th. Mary
Elizabeth Anderson, widow of John
R. Sheppard,
HERMAN --In Toronto, on. Thursday
February 22nd, Della Oliver, wife
of Rev. Frank Herman.
RILEY--In Hallett,' on Friday, Feb-
ruary 23rd, Benjarobt .Riley, in his
86th year.
KERR—At the home of her grand-
daughter, Mary Helen Kerr, on
Monday,, 'Feb, 26th, Helen Kay,
beloved wife of the late W. 11.
Kerr, former editor of the Brussels
Post, in her 82nd year. Funeral
was held front 'her- late residence
on Wednesday, Interment was in
- Brussels Cemetery. • •
.McGREGOR—In Bayfield, on Wed-
, nesdair, February 28th, Andrew
McGsbgor, in his 9ard year.
.... • • .
The Red Cross Unit 'meeting will
be held on Tuesday afternoon,
March 6th at the home of Mrs. E.
MY imagination takes refuge from
in • •
the slums of today n a world like
a _great garden, ,various orderly,
lovingly1icared-for, dangerous . still
but no longer 'dismal, secure from
dull and base necessities.- I have
c.orne th,belitive in the complete pos-
sibility "of sech a: world, and to
-realize the hroad lines • anon which
ca•M,"•-wiark for its attaimnent
through a great extension of the
-scientific .spirit to, the. -mental field
and through a deliberate sedan-
straction of social and economic life
upon the framework of ,a new, far-
reaching educational' organization.
G. Well Si 1924:
"Folks," said the 'Old eolored
tster,,-. de ',subject of any sermon clis
venin'• is Liars. How 'many in de
"congregation has • done, read the -69th
Chapter of IVIatthew ?" •
Nearly every hand i the:audience
. . ,•
i; e reverence.
• • dght, said.,th
"You is.jes de .folks'I want to 'preach
to. Date. ain't no. 69th Chapter of
*tatthew!" • •- •. •
. • .
" •
• • , .
-1928, Void • A Cosseih•• "serial • No.,.
C440327, good ,condition,5 tires.
$175.00, '•Apply 'Havel&
ten, , .
:Breaker; '
en. TueS. :and 'W d
in' 'reehnicelor Irving Berlin's
aollicking,c frolicking' film -fest, gay
• er than the gayest and''bettei. than
the :best! • George 'Murphy, Joan
Leslie and George: Tobias.
Thur: f• -'1.i. and Sat.
.." jOyee Reynolds, - -Edward Aznold
' Atari, Harding and Robert Benchley
The ,arnair has landed', eatcl the
hobby." -socks bri-gade has them well
in hand:. A sparkling eomedir con
Corning teen agers: ' ''•
, • MAN'S.-,AE11E7E1" .& "MOON
Corning. ---"j'A`:BEE:' 1-N1.V/. SIBLii; cao..,.
. . _ ......-'
• Gorioniacu
'NOW Playing — Arm Sheridasi.,4•
Alemb.:Sanith, hi
Mon, Tubs, Wed. • "
Jeanette' Mbe,Denald :and Alexi
Smith „with' Franic Illorgste,-, Elsa,
Lancaster and Oecil,i,a Parker.
Two supreme singing. stars ••• and
'the immortal music 44 VictoBOrbertr
Thm..--Fri..-suid Sat.- •
T3ritettl's biggeSt comedy'. _star,
takes his 8.0ng And nonsense into
an art school,
ming —
TEEN" with a tremendous star
ovER vE Aso IVratinees & Rol. 2.30
A. •
• .11,•-0sT'
41,1‘1114, a orl*Ilde7T utSp: eYesrn'g:VScott,7e11:TATI. Ian° FI\TC:11V tal; S ::11Re4e:
• .
;Noah Beery....Jr.tre-esiact the hazardotis .
julin;iri°,attfeo:;I: 111:ePl'e: •••1 -
Grace McDonald, Leon Errol and
Walter Catlett pop a .1et ,of t'un
int a musical
• • • ,
Thur. Fri. and 'Saturday
Betty •Rhodes; Johnnie Jelinston '
and Marjorie Weaver It"s a swing.
time coinedy set to- the boogie
music Of Scott Davis.
Lydon, Diana Lyn n and
Charles Smith in‘
Comuing — George Murphy in
iltort and LOSS - SiO-TARY PUBLIC
To lose yOur wealth is much, To lose your health is more, To lose
your SOUL is,such a loss as no man can restore, • "For what shall
it profit a snan, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own
SOUL? Marls 8186., • •
TUNE IN: Pilgrim Hour 7-7.30 E.D.S.T. Sunday evening
Jelly Roll
Chocolate Cake
Tea Biscuits
tong Johns
, The Horne of Good EMS
Store on Main Street in Clinton
Wlill Buy Stock and Fixtures,
Would like possession by May lst.
Apply in writing to Box' 39T
Clinton' News -Record
For Sale
quebee Heater with oven, also
small building 6 x 5 ft. Inquire at
The News -Record. • • •
Faint 'For Sale, or Rent
80 acres ,cif pasture, spring creek,
Plenty of shade, Brick House, barn
and orchard. Apply to Mrs.'Ellen 3.
Cox, Huron Street, Clinton, 38-tf
• Music' Teacher
Mrs,- Alexander Velleman, truiVer:
sity ;Graduate. Willing to teach in
homes: Phone 154, Clinton. 38-2
For Sale'
100 acre clay loam farm Lot. 8,
Con, 6 Hallett Township. good barn
on wall, frame hsise, drilled well,
Windmill. Price $3500 • Cash,
mediate possession. F. Sparks 4834
ifilacicfristrs, St.,. London. Phone
Metcalfe 7842W. , 38-2
Lot 55 • Maitland Con. Goderieh
Twp, 2 miles north • of Szunmerhill
on Base Line and Ya. mile west.
at 1 p.m, •
HORSES: Grey mare 12 yrs. .01/1;
Brown gelding 3 yrs. old.
CA:TTLE: Durham cow fresh 2
Months; Durham cow due time of
sale; Holstein cow due March 10;
Holstein cow due March 22; Dur-
ham .heifer due June lst; 8 Durham
steers, 2 yrs. old, 800- to 1000 lbs.-;
2 Durham year old cattle; Dart:son
fall calf; Hereford bull serviceable
IMPLEaVIENTS: M. H. binder, 7
a. cut; Deering mower, 6 It. cut:
10 ft. sulky rake; spring-teoth culti-
vator; set of 4 -section diamond har
vcrws;IVI. H. 13 bee drill with ferti.
later; 3 drum ' steel roller; walking
plow, fleury; 2 Kangaroo, 2 furrow
walking plow; farm wagon; 16 ft.
hay rack; Sef, of sleighs, 'flat rack;
gravel bo x (new); set of crenfrew
sktiles, (20'00 8)$) strining
power emery...coat oil brooder stove.
, , ,
coal breeder stover- sugar "kettle;
stewart horse eTiPper; M. H. cream
separator (2r. Id, scuffle', 125
ft. hay rope (new); hay foils; slings
chain, bag holder; 1 large mail box;
whippletrees, lcneckyllkes; Chains, 10
Sons hay and other articles.
IlAltNE'SS:„ set liof team harness,
QyueartltytitingYo.f bbeer.
Esold as PM.P.
8 giving up, farming on atecaint
- Cemetery Memorials
Large Rock of modern memorials on
display irt our
Clinton Shovvr` ooms
For the convenience of -our patrons,
office will be.epen on
Open by appointment at any other
time •
See Mr. .1. J. Zapfe, next door
• Cunninghant' & Pryde
Clinton— Faeter Seaforth
• ,PHONE 41
"We- are now contracting acreage
for the growing of Barley 'for next
season's crop at .75c per bushel. For
further particulars, eolita91-t,Geo,a'T.
Mickle & Sons, Hensall, Ontario.
Telephone 103, Hensall., 38-2
Wanted to Rent
5 or 6 room • house. unfurnished,
available any tisne. -between April
15 and May 1. Apply News -Record
Box 39P, I!' 38-1
. •
. House Wanted '
Will Pay cash for a small house
Canton—Bung-alow or cottage type
preferred. 1 Please state description,
location and' Price in writing' to the
Clinton News -Record, Box M. 37-2
One pair Green '1Eye Glasses in
Black ease. Please return to Bank
of Montreal. Reward. 36.2
Farm Fo, Sale
Hibbert 100 acres ribh soil, bush,
bank barn, , brick 'house, garage,
school handy, cmoderately priced.
Peaste, Realtor, Exeter. 85-5
Howse Wanted to Buy
In Clinton, Brucefield or • Varna,
cottage or one' and a half storey
house. Prefer stable, small acreage.
State price, location, and details of
house in letter. Writ, Clinton News -
0 nsurance Agent r
repiqenting e Insurance
Division Court Office, Clinton
Frank Fingland, B.A., LL.B. •
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publis
Successor to W. Brydone, K.O.
Sloan Block — Clinton, Ont. ,
. .
Bank of Montreal' Rldg. Clinton, Ont,
INSURES Everything. that's '
Phones:. OFFICE 251W' • •
Agerit7-MUtual - Life. Ass. CO.'
, •
Commissioner, ete.
A quantity of good mixed hay for
sale at barn.
11. C. MEIR
Barrister -at -Law
Solicitor of 'the Supreme Court of
Proctor in A.dmiralty. '
Notary Public and Commissioner
Office in the McKenzie Rotel
Hours: 2.00 to 5.00 'Tuesdays
' and Friday.
Dr. F. G. Thompson
House and Office, Ontario -Street
Clinton. Telephone 172
OFFICE HOURS: 2-4 in the after-
noon and 7-8 in the evening daily.
Other hours by appointment.
Meares/Therapist Massage •
Office: 'Huron -Stieet, (Few Doer*
• west of Royal Bank) •
Hours—Wed, and Sett., and by
by' Manipulation Sun -Ray, Treatment
Phone 207
Licensed Auctioneer
Specialist in Farm and Household
Sates. ,
Lieensed in Huron and Perth
Counties. Prices, reasonable; sate's-
faction•gzistranteed. ,
a For information etc, write or phone
Harold Jackson, R.R. No, 4 Seaforth,
pone 14-661. 06-012
Record, Box 89W.- .37'3 Veterinary- Surgeon
Farnt For Sale
There will be offered ;for. sale by
public auction, subject. to .a reserve
bid and other conditions .of sale, on
MONDAY, MARCH 5th, 1945 •
at 1.30 o'clock •ie the afternoon
at the Town Hall, Seaforth, Ontario.
The west half of_Lot 16 Concei.
Sion 6, Bullett. Township. The said
farm consists :of 50 acres, more or
less, and ir first class level land: It
Is all seeded to 'grass and well water-
ed by a never failing spying. Grow-
iastitsibereez. . are, a • number of ..good
For further particulars apply- to
the, undersigned. .
Dated- thib 13th day of February,
H•arold,,,,Jackson, Auctioneer.
Bruce Medd, R. R. 1 Seaforth, ,
Robert Jamieson, R, R. 1, Londesboro
Executors, of the Estate Of Alex-
ander Leitch. • - 36-3
It YO E want to get married,
write Box 358, Juliaetta, Idaho. Send
stamp. 30-4
Farm for Sale
One 'hundred acres, lot 13 eon. 2,
Hullett Township, including, about 10
acres ef hardwood_ bush, good, 'bank
barn, stable, never failing supply of
water, stt both front and: back of
farin; stone house, five rooms,
small. orchard. To wind, up an es-
tate..A.pply to George Mann, R: 11
No. 4, 314f
rinse or,
Five soothed ,Ilifene 'house 'on AJli-
ert. Street,' town :water, quarter acre'
Of 'land. Per .forther particulars
•aPply to 'Frank Fingland or J. W.
McCool, Londesboro' u-tf.
• • • • .
Wanted to Bay • ,•
Wanted th 'buy; old horses slid dead
Phone 203 Clinton, Ont.
57 Bleor-Str. W. Toronto Ont,
Fire Insurance Company
Head Office, Seaford', Ont.
OFFICERS.= President W. R.
Archibald, Seaforth, Vice -President
Frank 1VIcGregoi, ,Clinton, Manager
pecy-Treas. M. A. Reid, Seaforth.
DIRECTORS ----W: R. Archibald,
Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton;
Alex. 13roadfoot, Seaforth; Chris
Leonhardt, Bornholm; E. J. Trewar-
tha, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seaforth
Alex. McElwing, Blyth; Hugh Alexan-
der, Walton; George Leitch, Clinton.
AGENTS- John E. Pepper, Bruce -
field; R. F, Meliercher, Dublin; J. F.
Prueter, Brodhagen; George A. Watt,
. '
Parties desiring to effect bum -
tinge or transact other businesswib
be promptly attended to on "lapplic..a-
tion to any of the above eiffiters'ad.
dressed to their respective peat offi-
ces. Losses inspected by the director.
Trains will' arrive at and &apart
from Clinton as follows:
Toronto and Goderich Division
Going East, depart ........6.43 a.m.
Going East, depart ...,.. 3.02 p.m.
Going West, depart 12.04 p.m.
Goinc. Weld. An