HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-03-01, Page 1ton Newt -Record Est;
o 6138 -- 67th VEAR
het �
Yo r . `; 1 U'A on It Seg
To seal the vows of inafriage .
To sen promises •
.mo bind' the tiess, of friendship
Beautiful rinif3 of many descriptions,: and the prices we leave.
to your own good judgment, Come in and be 'convinced.
! They're here' already, in col-
rful Floral Designs.
Misses' and Women's Sizes,
Priced at $4.75 to $7.95.
ou'll want at least one of these.
ake' an early choice while the
re available.
• •
We. have .,just received another nice. ,assortment
of earrings. Lots of .shapes and sizes,' in Sterling,
and Gold filled.' These' are really smart numbers,
Coro, single strand Pearls in popular 16 inch
length, nicely graduated, sterling silver clasp set
With stones. A limited number of these have just!~
arrived - select early.
Storm lighters well made and dependable
$1.00 each
Super lighters= small and compact, sterling sily-i
er, neat design, • spacefor one initial - $4.00 each
Billfolds;-= all kinds $1.00 to $8.25
Coun;ter5 for Finer Jewellery for :Oyer Half a
Centilryin Huron county'
Far'me'rs -Do you need money
r the purchase of feed or fertili-
r? If ` so, you sheuld' consult Mr.
obinson, Manager of the Bank of
ontreal. The, Bank is regularly
aking loans to, farmers fer all use -
111 purposes,
The monthly business 'meeting of
Clinton Red Cross ,Society will be
held : in the • eduncil ',chambers- on
Monday, March 5th, at .3 -p.m. ` We
were pleased` at the increased' at-
tendance at the last meeting. Your
appearance at the meeting adds
interest and :enthusiasm., Be there!
Food Notes
Wleii`tlie 'small portion of , jam-
acid honey. which '• is now awaiting
space liy rail and ship for overseas
is ' transported a total of 283,400
pounds of these greatly appreciated
sweets will have been sent this year
from Ontario. `
Thirtvageven branches- es• • donated
homeinade jam for the • Red Cross
W.I. jam project. In many areas the
-fruits used were donations or ripe
fruit which would otherwise have
been lost if not converted at the
proper time into the jam which BA':
tots and - Canadian servicemen
(n 'hospitals alike relish so greatly.
The • faithful crew of 'volunteer
packers at the Red Cross jam
kitchen at 10 Jahnke 'St., Chathatu,,
hammered down the last lid 'on over-
seas jam boxes on Armistice . Day...
Statements were totalled and marl
ed to each of the 35 organizations
who took part in "this work. Over
7,900 hours of volunteer women
tabor had• gone into the production
bf ,20,000 pounds of jam alone- and
time that cannot be computed went
into the raising of money; Women's
Institutes contributed 12,000 pounds
of honey in addition to the jam they
helped. make. .
The village teacher ` was . having
difficulty with some little evacuees.,
After several unsuccessful attempts
the asked little Tommy:
'.Can, .you tell me where Noah
"I don't think he had a regular
home," replied,;the boy. "I imagine
he and his faintly belonged to ' the
floating population."
Those who have stirred twenty.
pound kettles of boiling jam • for-
over an hour in order to produce the
16. pounds of jam necessary to fill
four Red Cross four -pound cans
and nursed a .blister or two from the
splashes, have contributed a very
real effort to the war. These who
sat for patient hours sorting and
peeling fruit, grinding fibrous fruits
such as quinces and. Pemons by the
hour, handling scalding cans from
the sterilizer, patiently washing
every sticky vestige of join from the
can, and neatly polishing• and labell-
ing them, packing down the heavy
cases, hammering down' -'the 54
pound boxes, often; stacking then
three deep' on the freight table -all
deserve great credit. '
Fifteenth Blood Donor
Clinic Very Successful
One hundred and thirty-one .don -
oro .attended Clinton's fifteenth
clinic iiakirg 'it one of ,the most
successful yet held, Miss . Mary
Ainslie, nurse -technician from To-
ronto' was in 'charge assisted by
Mrs. W. A. Oakes, local Red Cross
president, Mrs, Alex Haddy arrang-
ed for the nursing staff. The do -
tors in attendance were Dr. J. W.
Shaw, Dr. W.. A. Oakes, Dr. J. A,
Addison and Dr. Fred Thompson: Clarence .Rohner
Serving breakfast wag in charge of Mrs. Clete McGregor
Mrs. Fred Hanley and ,her staff.
Secretarial work was done by Mrs,
G.. A. Miller, Miss .Ruth Ball, Mrs.
Frank, Mclilwan and' Mrs. Clayton
Dixon. Blood testa were = done by
Miss Audrey Congram, tempera-
tures taken „by . Miss Florence 'Mc--
cCallum• and refreshments • served
by Mrs. T. W,, Morgan. To all who.
assisted' we extendour thanks. We
alaegratefully acknowledge the
fo.lowing donations, Mr, H. Bart-.
liff, 21 loaves ,of bread; Fairholme`.
Dairy, 1 qt. ,Dream, 2 qts, milk;,
county • Hoine, 2 qts. 'cream; Mrs, J.
Shaddick, '1 qt, Maple syrup; Mise
A. Stirling, .1 jar marmalade,; lifts.
Chas. Nelson, 1. jar jam; Mrs. . Noble
Holland; Y' jar jam; Mrs. Ostrom,
Varna,, • .2- -qts. honey; Anonyinous 1
ib.. butter, 1 lb. coffee; Mrs. Russell
Neal, 1- jar jam; Mrs, - P. Gibbings,'
1 jar, jam;, Mrs. J. B. Gibbings, 11
jar. jam; Mrs. Frank Layton, -1 jar
jam;,1. jar jelly left, at Miss Isnyin's.-
E ons Conder'
Last Thur` day 'evenin the .` people
of 'Clinton and sprypunding cammun-
ity were , enterteirted ain `t1 h Town
Hail .t'o a enneeit siiehtas4,is';seldom
their. ' privilege to .afters anywhere.'
,Mrs- " May Rance' 'McKie ion
with the 'help •of D64. H C,• :Lawson,
Mr's. R. Bulteel and W:
Oakes, three local, solorsis1, presented
a performance, liigdily-aplarecrated
by all who were fortunate ';enongh
-to. be present,. D
Mrs. -(McKinnon •has ' i7't, none o
her former°',abilrty in oloeution and',
had/no trouble •holding tie undivided
attention of, her audience through-
out the entire performa ce.
This Concert was spinsored by.
the War 'Services Committee of the
Local Lions .Club in ' 'rid.: of the
British War Victims 'r (Children):
Fund. All those taking 'Part donated
-their services gratuitoutly :for this
The Lions therefore -are greatly
indebted to the above/ga mentioned
artists and also to all '4 -gime -loaning
stage settings, piano and aany other
articles of equipment „ huhich, were
required to make the evening the
success which it proved to be.
Business Chajnge
Mr. W. L. Johnson has taken his
son, Charles, into'. art r hi
p with
him in his grocery bU�iess•
Firm's name in the futtre will be
W. L.- Johnson & Son. t-:.
Joe Shaddick
John Fraser
kiss Evelyn Hall ;.
Mrs. Elmer Murray
Frank McCullough
Miss 'Vera Hoggart ` 1
J. C. Proctor
Robert E. Rowden
Mrs. Ruby Steep a
Jack' Clegg ,
Miss Ruth Shaddick
Allen Shaddick
Miss Mamie Ross
Fred Anderson
E. J. 1VIcCulloagir
Dr. George Elliott a -
H. Lawson
Frank Yeo
Mrs. Eva Deeves
Mrs. Bert White
Mrs. Wm. Steep
Mrs. Nellie Edwards:
Harold Glew
,1VIts �F'r '1�.:And e
Mrs. Myron Butler
Lloyd: Keys
Elsner Potter
Myron Butler
Eleanor Cox
Bert Shobbrook ,
Edwin Woods •-
John Watson
Clarence Crawford
Leonard McNall
Harold Yeo
Mrs. Bert Shobbrook
Win. Armstrong
Irvine Tebbutt
Fred • Hanley
Herbert :Stevens
D. Dales - 7
Miss Muriel Mulholland 0
Garold,, Hockey 3
C. V. Cooke,; . ry
Gordon ;Rr; Ross ' 7 •
F, B. kennebaker
Miss,: Etpily, .Scruton
Mats., Clark Stanley. .
Mrs. peeves,. 4
Hugh •Hawkins '
W. Ward
Erwin Jacob- 8
Gordon Lawson 7
Morgan 7. `
J.;:Cree Cook'.
Harold 'Wise •
,1111'4.4 Chas Hu
ICenneth Trewartha,
Robert Jervis
Mrs. WimShaddock
Lloyd Bond
John Henderjson
R. Bulteel
Mrs. Roy Scotchmer
Wm. Sinclair
Eldon Yeo
John Stewart
J. A. Harvey
Raymond Snel
Raymond Cox
MisselFloYoungrence Aiken
Norman Holland
Mrs. J. P. Morgan
Glen Wise
Wilfred -Sanderson
Miss Betty Snell
Harold Stinson
Walter Westlake
Milton' Steepe
Arnold ,Rathwell
R. J. Hathwell
Donald McKenzie
Mrs. Noble Holland
Ray Potter,
Noble Holland "
John. Butler
Joe 'Potter .:
George Colclough
`Stanley Lyon
Joe Lyon
M. E. Ga-lrniss
Gordon Scotchmer
Geo, Fiewett
Reginald Miller
Harold Stanbury
Mrs. Margaret ' S'cotehmer
Miss Rose Scotchmer
John A. • Scotchmer':
Mrs. John: Graham''
Walter Forbes
Mrs. Les Pearson •
Les Pearson '
Alvin Vodden ,
Richard Voiden
Grant Sterling
Mrs.. D. K. Yoaes
Robert Welsh
Fred McCool
Miss Mary Jervis
Bert Glidden
T.:G. Scribbins •
Thera Morgan
Mie. :Robert Draper
5 The next meeting , will take the
7 form of the annual Father and Son
5 • banquet.'
:e,Ne'vv, Eta' :Esta :1
iVlr aicdon'!lio 'Broadcast
Mr Donald G rdon chairs can, of,
'the '1»a`['t'irne Piaaestpnd Trade Board;
Is going' to give a special';broadeasf
t0 the.woinen of Canada Mr Tues-
day, March 6th. The title of Mr. Gor-
•don' '•Broadcast is ` Worsens Help
Wanted".: The time for the broad-
cast is 2;30 to 8:00 pan.' Tuesdays
fterno lh,; March .6th. Women are
strongly „urged to listen.
Mrs. • Na W. ,'Trewartha is the•
representative ' for the " Women's
Regional ;.Ad spry' Commitee of the
W,P. -& T.B., London region.
: The Lions Club
Tory ,Gregg, sports promoter on the
staff of. C.K.N,X. Wingham, was the
guest 'speaker' on Monday evening,
when the Clinton Lions Club enter-
tained the Clinton Midget Hockey
Club, whom they sponsor, at their
regular meeting, held in the Owen
Memorial Hall,
Following -the banquet, Diek>Jacob,
president of the Club, appointed Gor-
don Lawson, chairman of the Sport's
Committee to act a4 chairman for
the evening. Mr. Lawson gave a
favourable report on the Juvenile
and Midget Hockey Team.
Mr. Wm. Jervis introduced Clarice
Johnson, popular C.K.N,X. ' entertain-
er, who contributed vocal solos, which
-were thoroughly enjoyed.
The chairman then called on Mr.
Alex Haddy, who introduced the
speaker. Mr. Gregg outlined the
activities of the Western Ontario
Athletic Association since_ its incep-
tion last December. He also stressed
the important work carried on by
Service Clubs in organizing ` and
sponsoring athletic - ` training. Mr.
George W. Nott tendered a vote of
thanks to the speaker. '
2 •
10.00 'a.ni. Sunday School.
11.00 Divine . , Worship. Sermon
Subject "Love's Necessity".
Everybody Welcome at -our ser-
"'-fine'?-':A.*�TM'u^ill":'�nseot'� ^vtl^-•W edniss-
day afternoon, March 7th in the
Sunday School room ,at' 2.30. Will all
members try to be present,
6 Ontario Street United Church.
11.00 ani "The. Secret of the
Near Noon Sunday School.
2.00 pan. Turner's' Church,
7.00 p.m. "Thirty . Pieces of Sil-
ver". What happened to the Silver
that Judas threw away? Where are
those coins to -day?
Monday 8.00 pm. Young -,People's
Union,. Convenor of Christian. Fellow-
ship in Charge,
' Ther regular monthly meeting of
the W. A. will .beheld on• Wednes-
day. afternoon, March '7th. St. Jaynes
ward will serve. Would those hav-
ing finished articles for the bazaar
please bring them to the meeting.
Wesley -Willis Church
March 4th Third Sunday in Lent
.1,1.00" a.m. Morning Worship
Sermon !,Subject, "The Message of
the Master."
12.10 Church School.
7.00 p.m. Evening Worship=
Sermon ,Subject, "A Great Invita-
', 4
1 -
0 The W. M. S. will meet on Thins -
7' clay, March 8th at the home of Mrs.
7 -Britton. Mrs.. MCGill's group, will be
1 in charge. .. .
St. Paul's Church
ry = 10,00 a,m. Sunday School
3 `' 1-1.00 a.m. Holy. Communion
'7 ^ 17.00 p.m. Evening Service.
-6 . . The Ladies' Guild will ' meet at
1 the. home of.1VIrs. Hudie on '_Tuesday
aftprneon, March .6th.
The 'Friendship Club will meet on
Wednesday, March` 7th at the Rec-
tory - •
• Baptist ,Ohurch.
2.00 ,pant. Bible" School.
5 ' 7.00 -p,ni.' Evening Worship, -
3 Subject: "Tlie friends end enemies
4' of the Christians."
3 Siaints•and Sinneiys are invited to
3.'' • to all meetings.
Coal ' Business ` Changes •=
(land x
Mr: A D. McCartney, hat disposed;
,of his' Boal business to Mr, George'
German, who ba, already taken nes-
session:' •:
Hockey Game
A- hockey game between the Clin-
ton Reserve ,.Army and the Clintpn.
Old . Inter•niediates oi°: "Hasbeens"
will be played in the . Clinton Arena'
on Thursday, ;March 1st, game to
start at 8A0. p.m. "Also don't 'forget
the hockey game 'Satur:'ay night
March 3rd 'when the Goderielr _Re
serve Army plays hoatj to the' Clin-
ton Reserve Army and: Game to be
called at 8,0.0 pan.
These two Barnes - promise to.. be
good as some from each team pre
7 .-
Ho was moody and glut" after the
dance -and iris'' friend could hardly
yet a word• out of• him.
"What't the matter?"' Ise asked,
"Don't you -;get' en well with the
girl I'in:troduced to you??•' •
"Well " said his, ' friend. "I :asked
her three ,or four times' if . 1 • could
see her home, 'anti -the said if 1. was
Iceen.'on`.her, horde: as all that• she'd
send' ine':a photogilaph of, it."'
V - ;
Red, Cross Campaign
The Canadian Rea C ors meds
$10,000,000 'to continue their work
in supplying prisoner of war parcels
and needed com!ort, to our awned
forces. As the war progresses -the
need; becomes mere urgent, The ,Do-
minionwide- campaign to raise this
amount opens on March 5th. Our
share ,in Clinton and vicinity is $3,-
59o., our 1oi2.1 c-nva-s is being con-
ducted en March 5!h,' 6th and 7th.
A canvasser will call on you. We ask
you for your generous support in this
noble work '
V ..•
C.'C.I. Basketball -;
The 'C C.C.I. "V ]sings" '•,were, : hon-
oured' last Friday night when they
played host to the high -flying R.C.
A F. basketball team from. - the
Radio School. The. R.C.A.F. quintet'
is •an All-American aggregation and
most of them have played a- lot of
high-school and (College beisketball
in the States. The Collegiate lads
looked around, for the ball most of
the evening as the score indicates.
After the ;game had started and the
,R.C.A.F. . team knewthat the C.C.I.
boys were not in their class, they
resorted to their clever passinc
plays ,and declined to shoot at the
basket on their many opportune
Joyeel2), (gorier (2)`loyiier'(14);
Batesole (10); „Shugart (2); Stie-
ger (2); Emmerson (2); .Concordie,
Kerwin. (2); Sim-Ai:Talc-1 (6); Schil-
linger (2). A total•^ of 61 baskets.
C C'., Ie•
Kennedy (10); ' Miller (5); Dining
(8); Elliott' (4); Hanly (2); Mc-
Bride (4); Johnson, McIntyre. A
total of 33 baskets. -
Films Presented st Bayfield
'warded. Dr;
Elder son of . Mr. and Mrs. New --
man Garrett of . Tuckersmith, has
been awarded the Distinguished Fly-
ing Cross. F.O. Garrett has finished.. ,
his tour ,of forty trip's- over Enemy
Territory and is now lecturing on.
Navigation in a C. U. Camp in Eng-
His wife -resides in. Elmira Ontario:,
to n„
Card, Party
The members of No. 83 LO O F., -.
Ciinton, sponsored a "500'' party .in•.
their Lodge rooms ori Tuesday, Feb.
• The prize-wi ners were • Ladies„
first, Miss Clara Harrison; second
Mrs. G. W: Nott; eon citation Mrs._
Geo, Beattie; men, first, Jack Sturdy;
second, J. A. Sutter; consolation,...
George McLay. -
Mrs. S. ,Shannon won the prize at..
" V
Baptist Ladies Aid
.The monthly meeting of the Baptist -
Ladies Aid was held at the home' oli
Mrs. W. Cochrane on Tuesday, Feb.
ruary 27th with eleven members and.
Me visitor present. Mrs. W. Aiken- •
head wap in the chair and the, meet-
ing opened with singing hymn num.
ber 2 "Break Thou the Bread of. Life'D-
fpllowed by the "Lord's Prayer" .in:
urban,; The lesson, Jer. -12 was read.
by Mrs. J. , Morgan. Mrs. Georgy
Carter read,,:a-poem and then Mrs.
Aikenhead gave . the Topic "Aftee?-
the burning". Mrs. '11. 3'ohnsob gate&
a- reading and Mrs. C. C. Anderson
read some verses from the "Poeiei
Book". Hymn= 423 "Anywhere yvithi' -
Jesus" was sung and Mrs. Andersons
ted in prayer.
The president, Mrs. McLean then
took charge of the business. '
After this the hostess, Mrs. W • •
Aikenhead served a very dainty. lunch,
and the meson; .: elo?ed with thm-
singing. of "God Save The Ring".
It c
yC,', Rt'ceives R. T. Degree
Two performances were put on in
Bayfield Town Hall ,sponsored b
the Huron Cou.>ty Federation of
Agriculture and, pre-sente:1 by the.
Natibnal Film Board. The afternoon
performance wa; for the beneit .of
thes hool pupils of Stanley town-
ship. Films of partieulsr interest
to the pupils were (1) Li 'e History
of the Honey Bee (2) Children of
Switzerland (3) Teddy Bears of
'Australia, '
The evening performance, for the
adu'ts was well att-nc1ei. At 1'•..is
performance the following pictures
were shown: Highways of the Noth;
Land for Pioneers; UNRRA; Money,
'Goods and Prices; .5 Steps to Better,
Farm Living; How to Build Self
Feeder. for Hogs; Stook Sweeps and
Bunch Rakes; The ,Second Federa-,
tion Field Day at Seaford'.,
Throughout the evening• perfor-
mance musical 'numbers were pre-
sented by the pupils of Bayfield
Public `School. -Mr. Harvey Johnston,
thea;Itepreeentative of The National
Film Board for, Huron County, was
in oliarge of ;the pictures. The chair
man for the evening was Mrs. George
These programmes are presented
-in each township throughout Huron
once a month. ,
Mass Elizabeth Webber returned
to Zurich last week after having
2s pent.' several months' With Mr. and
Mrs `Percy Weston.
Mr,l George: Weston returned home
ort Mbnday„ after having visited in
Detroit for a. fortnight.
Mr. and Mrs. George Foote' and
-three °children returned to their home
in 'tlie village Bast week after having
spent, several weeks in London.
Miss Elizabeth. Weston who has
been' visiting in' Goderich for two
weeksreturned home on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs, G. Koehler of Zurich
-spent Sunday with the latter'S:'sis-
ters;;lVIiase:i F. and E.':Fowlio,'.
Mr. Donald Aticin°on returned to
Detroit on Tuesday.
Mrs. Ronske returned 'to South -
Minn -ton -lost ; weels :after ' Having
visited her dritighter, Mrs, Sr Irvine,
MAF( I ;?MITH, B. A., R. T.
Who was successful in passing her
examination w:th an honour standing
in R." T., (Registered Technologi
also receiving. her 'Specialist in Hae,---
miatology, and became a memb^r of '
/he Canadian. Society of Laboratory:
• After completing her studies isa.
Zurich Continuation School,::. Mae
attended Clinton Collegiate Instituter•
for three ':yeark.graduating in 1938,
and for advanced .education entered';
Western University' the same year-^
on a four year Bachelor of Arts
degree, in Home Economics.
Graduatin: from Western -and!'
Bretaia Halal, in Tans 1942 she im- -
mcdiitely entered Victoria Hospital •
London,to commence her duties irr
the rro`e's&on of Medical Technol-
echnolsgy, and where she is at pi-seivf;-.
engaged. Her . many Zairieh friends
are pleased to learn' of her •sus eau-
bbtaininig her 'R. T. degree. `
'Mae is the only, daughter' of. 1dtra:;
and Mr :.;'Chester L;' Smith; Publish-.
ers' of the Zurich Herald, an while -
attending ' Clinton Collegiate was in
residence with Mr, and Mra. 1'.; -