Clinton News Record, 1945-02-22, Page 7Triday Special! M AR S APS.2 .0). i TROCER M . ,``amu C ! o dr The Jade God By • Y TAYLOR MARY' IMLA • CHAPTER X "Not so deep," Teddy asured hint 'affably; "I got' five hundred —our. of Landon on a wager, got it cold!" -and he laughed uproarious- ly, suddenly recalling Landon's rage at subsequent events. Fosdick swung his chair around and eyed him vicioftsly: "You're a young reprobate," he observed dry- 1y,' "what' was the wager about?" I didn't know, Landon could afford' •to tole that much." "Lose it?" Banks laughed again. "He did more than that he burnt five hundred dollars up in a rage-" • Fosdick, who valued money and had had to work for it, stared hard , a. young Banks. "He's drunk," he decided, frowning. at 'him darkly. But Teddy, enioying, his own joke at Landon's. expens, explained. He explained in detail, even to the. ft rht in the smoking -room and the holocaust of the money. "Mrs: Lynn had frozen me out. She's down on me and I. vowed I'd get evert. '1 have! She's invited 'the. .fellow in and had him to dinner. And now," he gurgled with mirth, "Landoit's black with rage because. he's making-love.to Pamela Rod- ney! -Landon's dead set that way himself, and he can't to a thing -- not not a bally thing! Mb. Lynn would fire him if she found out he'd brought a fellow in. out of the ' • street, you know; he might have been a whitening, anything, ori a wager!" Here's -triple-ads g speedy relief from 7 1r iOCULAR NBA! DON'T be miserable. Don't suffer another minute frons muscular ache or pain. To get quick: relief, all you need do in many cases; is take a fast - acting Instantine tablet. Instantine goes to work immediately—acting in three ways to give you comfort: 1. Speedily eases pain. 2. Prolongs relief from pain. 3...Reduces "depressed feeling." Gives mild. stimulating ''lift." And, you'Ilfind ins, ,antine'slastaction equally effective in relieving the dis- comfort which otten comes with a cold or sore throat. All drugstore -shave Instantine. 12 tablets 25t. it product of The Boyer Co. Ltd. Fosdick, \vile` had listened in• sheer astonishment; found the key to Pan t and:Mark i1r' the tearoom.. He knew' at on ce how d the' gu•1'had. been fooled, He 'reddened ''to his scanty gray hair; he ought to have told'Burieson yesterday! "You deserve a Wrestling, you young reprobate!" he said to Ted- dy Bttilks; is ith the candor 'of' an old than who had been a friend of Teddy's grandfather and guardian of. the Banks money,'fo thirty od'd ,,,`You You and Lndon., both de- serve to' be, sent up: for disorderly conduct! You've done a'pretty. Piece' of work between you. You don't happen to. know 'the manyou in- troduced. into Burleson's house, 'to Lis 'sister-in-law and his • niece, do • you?. Of course not! Yo,r picked up a"man in: the street- and Landon palsied him Of on thein as a:friend of his! That's the idea — a' friend• of his. and yours, too?" Teddy laughed comfortably. "Not on your Mel I, don't conte into it; iters. Lynn had cut me out. It's .up to Landon." "Up to Landon - Yesl' r thun- dered the old .lawyer, striking his fist on his desk, •'hut it's up' to you, too, because • you made the bet; you got Landon into it: He's a dumb fool; anyway! Mow, I ask you, young man, 'who's this fel- low? D'you know now.?" Teddy waved his 'walking -stick airily. "Search met" he said. * * ,* Fosdick leaned over his desk acid Brest his gray fact forward -until he.lgiht caught the ugly glitter in his eyes: "I'll tell you what you did, you young idiot you," he said sharply; "yoti and Landon irked up an ex -convict in the treet and sent him into a friend's souse, "sent him to meet a pure 'oung girl - - an ex -convict, d'you sear?" Teddy Banks stood gaping in' hcer amazement, his mouth upen. 'Oh, I say!" he gasped, "aren't 'ou putting it on too thick? The ellow's a good looking chap, pret- y decent sort — looks like a gen- ieman." Fosdick uttered • an inarticulate: xclamatiolt. "I know him very 'e11," he said gristly; "I've known int for years. I - knew him when e was sent up;- he was seventeen ears old - a good looking young hap then. IIe's served his time nd he's out. Just the same, 'se's a ex -convict and you .and Landon ponsored him" *- • * t. The venous in Fosdick's voice arried: conviction. 'Batiks stared him, sobered; he even turned a ttle pale. "Say!" he lowered his voice ap- rehensively; "What was he up or?" RHEUMATIC • Aches and Pains ir just one bottle of •Ru -Mn does not show you the Buick, easy way to get gear relief from rheumatic -aches a'nd pains, It costs you nosh. Ing. Don't suffer longer; try nu Ma today and If you are not pleated - with the .results, your money will be refundedby any drugetoie, This Is a generous offer to nil rheumatic sufferers. ,k How You Can Get •Quick oriel Front Sore, Painful Piles Most people seem to think the en- - painful pile tumors soon heal over ly way to gel, relief from their sere, feavirip the sensitive rectal mem- PainfUl plies is by soca 1 treatment. brnnes clean and healthy.. Lecnl treatment may give temper- '. We invite ecu to to—Hem-Rohl arm '.relief front the ilc411ng hut and let it. prove itself. You can, You :can easily sec_ -- why such • tree t= - - - stent Wil' not tor• reet'&he cause of your piles.' No.lasting free. dem - from pile can be had unless the cruise of the trouble Is co•re',l• ed. Piles are 'due to Intestinal. douses so the beet way to get l.tstirng, relief is to trend thein. ,internally. with a medicine. li lc o; f-em-12oid. Nem -Raid is s: formula that :has been used for over 40 years by thou- sands of pile suf- ferers It Is a • amnll, highly con centrated tablet make your test; In the privacy of Your own home, NO COST If you are not convinced that ; this Is. an amazingly- easy and surprisingly effective method of treating your bore, painful piles., Q t a package of Sem-Reid to-' day from a n y drag store,and use • It as dircted tor JUST NIz 1I '..'DAYS. At the end ,of that, time it •'you are not ab- solftfety sure Eleni-12oid is the nicest, 'cleanest easy andplenS '�>=v.�a"` ',�s`.?u`' :?; a-; :, and most effective ant to use. : This "•dz"'s' p i 1 e treatment cleverly c to - Posed ay. a Profrasleanl Model you ever. tried, re - pounded tablet formula dlree is turn the unused its medical action to relief of the. congestion that, is the real cause of. Your piles. Item -Reid promotes: free, easy and comfortable bowel.: movements, quickly relieves itching irritation and .soreness and stimu- latesbetter blood circulation In the lower bowel. With goodblood cfr- eulation. in the lower bowel, the. Portion of the package to your druggist and he will promptly re- fund year money, /VOTE: This: generous offer 'in backed 'by trrelinble firm doing bus iness i,. 02111111111 for n good Ilan :. years, limn -Gold nutst help your pile condition quickly, easily and plensftntiv m''that nhnple, cosy test costs You lletlaillg, Try it today. ' Mu1'derl' Fosdick' elitot the Word out with such violence that the young man jumped. "Murder 'killed his old uncle for his money; rapped him over the head'in his office and tried to clear himself" aferwards and couldn't." . Teddy Banks, looked glutiify at Fosdick, hardly daring to believe what he had heard,—incredible!— this fellow, this Mark Grant, had murdered his uncle for money! For 'the first time Banks was seized with qualms of conscience. "Why' didn't they hang hihl?" he cried suddenly angry at the -chance' the convict had had to undo them all. It was a beastly shame not to- ' have hung" him, and prevented it! "Circumstantial evidence," Fos. dick growled; "he? got sixteen years. Good conduct let hint out some nine Months earlier. For all that, he's guilty", h, * * Banks groaned "I say — I never thought of 'such a thing!" he ad- mitted' reductantiy red with shame. The lawyer- nodded grimly.' "Of course not! But you and •Landon pick up a street tramp--a dilow who hadn't a penny of , hfs'. own that night. ght, I happen to 'view that; Much; and turn knit.loose in a frier' td s house—to make, loye'to an , innocent• young girl." thepld man' stormed. "You deserve a drumhead courtmartial instead of the check' I've got stere ,for you,',' Ire .added, holding .001 a slip of, paper. For the"aliE'st 'time' in his life, •'Banks pocketed a- check without a grin of satisfaction; Ile•'seizcd !t,= picked up his bat and made fpr the door, "See Vhere," Fosdick called after hide, "you fill' Landon I want' to. see hire --Bear Ole?" ! ` But -Banks was already'atthe ele-• vette', He was panting like a man who had .been running. He the pavement i11r time to. hail a taxi -and 'fling an .address at the•driver. In. his excitement he paid the taxi-driver to matte better, speed by ,a side street and reached Lad- don's lodgings 'in 'the Melt of time; be found lout just leaving., • "Hello, Ted,"'said he coolly, going out—got anything .so show to keep me?" "You bet your sweet life I have!" Banks seizes him by tate arm and drew him' away from the door,' "You come back to }•oar 'rooms; - I've got eeomething' that, knock you cold!" - (To Be Continued) `Lady Of The �'ub' Halts Nazi] Tanks Belgians credit the ".Lady of the Pub" with stopping some. Gethman tanks penetrating west from Calks at the height of Field Marshal Kart 1,15n Rundstedt's advance Dec, .4. Shc was snatching a German tank go nest on the road before her sa- loon when it blest' up, apparently because of motor trouble.' Shortly another tank came alcng .and the officer. demanded; "]:lid that tank blow up on' a Mine", e "Yee," the woman replied: "More than 2.000. Americans have been laying !tines on this road all the way to the Meuse for the last two The officer ordered the tank turned around and never- got far- ther west. The woman had lied gallantly. The A-utericaas had not mined the • road. Three -Purpose- . e- . , aorm IA'A'fl o-ri err nt To Be Produced. Joseph W. Frazer, chairman of Graham -Paige Motors' Corp. an- nounced recently that his company has acquired manufacturing rights to rototillet, a farm implement that does the work of plowing,. disking r and harrowing in one operation. Graham -.Paige will pro - deco • it as the first, of a line of special farm eguipmelit as soon as materials are available, Mr. Frazer said. The ititplenlent, he e plained, "employs the first new principle ' developed for seed -ked prepara- tioe in ntetty years, It thoroughly. crumbles the ground, to a depth oE''12 inches or; less by means of rotating tines or edge tools, which help - propel the machine by' their clawing a'ctiou, 'This procedure is the opposite of the anchor effects produced by a plow, disk or har- row": • COLOUR MAG/C./ ALL -FABRIC Tintex RYES 1 GUARANTEED TO DY.[ EVERY FABRIC -,INCLUDING' CELANESE •N YLON. MIX TUREf. Nit sgsew'S Settlir Sr MOORS EA,Si.! QUICRI'PERF. CT! 45.2 ISSUE 8-10145 BIRD. DQl The housing problem offers no 'worries. to ,these seven pet quail belonging to Mr. aiid Mrs: Frank Petuya, of San 'Francisco. They feel quite at home, as :they roost- on their friend -a- toy cocker spaniel, also a pet in the Petuya household. CH'. ®N'I C� S ®I - i GN GSR FARM By Gwendoline P. Clarke • • * •. Here are the answers to a few questions. that have come my way, from readers, of this, column. ' Mrs. C.P,--You were inquiring: as to the' kind of•fuer weuse in our • furnace. The answer is coal -with the required amount of coke mixed in. 'And note this: We have heated the whole, !louse this, year -eleven rooms -and by the end of the win - "ter we ,expect- we shall have used. Onlyone tort more of coalthan.. would have been required- by our three stoves, and which would have heated only 1.1411. the house. And let Inc tell you we think the comfort and-cdhveuience we enjoyed this winter has wellrepaid us for. that extra ton of coal. So, yow are une. decided about installing a furnace. Well I could hardly take it 011 sly - self to advise you -so mncit depends upon the size and compactness of your house. A small house. Ours is a hot air furnace—with pipes— in fact there are, so many pipes sprouting from the top of it that it .looks to vie like a huge permanent wave machine! Of course if looney is no object a hot water heating system is just about tops; for any kind of 'house. Since you have plenty of' wood—lucky youl--1 am . sure you would find it quite as sat- . isfactory as coal for a furnace pro- viding you were advised by a .good Plumber as to the best type of fur- nace to'install for. that purpose. A * Mrs. W. S.—I was simply thrill- ed to hear your son Cha'r1ie -is pn• his way home. I 001 so !sappy for you—and ter Charlie and his wife and smell daughter, Sharon is cer- tainly the sriectest wee thing. I hope yeti will all have a very happy, and. satisf.actdcy rcnnion, J. W,—We were pleased to receive your card although we were puz. zled for -quite awhile as to the ' identity of the sender. Finally Part- ner recognired yotir ,•writing, We still have plenty of snow around here. Young John Itis to !lite', up , the team every Meriting to take the milk to the road—and then goes over for our-ne abbour's milk cans as well. Not mach scare in two teams iteing harnessed wilco one can clo the ;ob for both. * * *, "And specking of taking milk 10 the road reminds Inc of a letter, I received front, my sister in Toronto a few weeks ago. She wrote of the unpleasantness and inconvenience of city transportation these winter bays, So much snow! Such ruts!, And no way of knowing when the next street -car will kerne' along, -• And then site adds "It isn't so had for you people in the country be- cause you always have yopr horses to get you around?' Bow little city and country people Understand each other's difficulties! No doubt the going has. been pretty tough this winter recti in the city. But at least apartment dweller's can be reason-" ably; sure of getting their mi k, bread and mail- delivered each day, whereas; in the ,couhtry.;where roads were blocked so completely . that even horses couidn't make the grade, there were plenty of (arta folk' who never knew when they were getting`anytlring. Perhaps the greatest- hardship was not getting mail. It is pretty -hard to sit, at home isn't it, knowing there may be a letter from that boy, of yours waiting at the post office and ab . whitely noway of getting it? TA LE TALKS- Desserts—Good But Not Too Rid: So perhaps 1115 jilOt 25 the whipped cream and rioh„des- serts have become war. casualties. In .their Place we can have these dessert ;. from the Coiisuiner Sec- tion of the Department of Agri- culture, Attractive to look at, deli= cions to eat` they won't leave your guests in that somnolent condition that spoils the best planned party. • LEMON FLUFF 2 tablespoon cornstarch s tablespoons flora' - yl cup sugar. • teaspoon salt • cup cold milk 13. cups hot milk: 11: egg yolks • Grated rind and juice of . 2 Large' lemons 2 egg' whites Mixcnritstarch, flour, sugar and salt an1l blend with .the cold milk. crrtdu:tlly sz.r in the hot utile and cook in double boiler, stirring con- stantly for about 15 minutes. Beat egg yolks, . elle grated lemon 'rind and a little of the hot mixture. Add to' remaining inixture. in donbic boiler and cook, stirring, for 3 minutes. Remove from . heat and Add lemon juice. Fold in. the stiffly beaten 'egg whites. Turn into''Sher- bets or a lightly greased mould and cltiil ,before serving: Six servings. COFFEE SPANISH CREAM 3 tablespoon granulated gelatin f Cup cold coffee 2 egg yolks teaspoon salt cup hot coffee 1 01.113 hot milk 1 -teaspoon vanilla 2 egg svhites 3 cup sugar • Soak gelatin' in the cold coffee, Beat. egg yolks and salt and add hot coffee anti mink, , Cook over 'lot water, stirring constantly until thickened enough to coat the spoon. Add gelatin and stir until dissolved. Remove from heat, add vanilla' and cool. When the mlxttipe begins to thicken fold in meringue made by adding the sugar to the stiffly beaten egg whites. Turn into a lightly -greased mould or individual. sherbets and chill thoroughly. Six servings. ' Big' Business How large a part Canadian news- print is new playing in the supply of the United States is proved by the' fact thatin the five war years Collsntner5 there , have received. from Canada an average of 2,625,- 050 tons a year, says The Brod:- Ville Recorder and Times. This re- presents store than 81, percent, of the Dominion's exports. In addi- tion to. that, of course, 'Canadian . mills ire helping to supply Britain, France, Italy, Australia and many other countries. Tortured man gets ":help! Chair's need dressing ttp? Let this., chair -set solve the problem. The pineapple design forms the basket, separate, daisy medallions fill it. A basket chair -set that will fas- cinate crocheters and appeal to .all who see it, Pattern 520 contains in- structions for set;. stitches. Send twenty cents in 'coins (stamps cannot be accepted-) for this pattern to Wilson Needlecraft Dept., Room 421, 73` Adelaide St, West, Toronto, Fruit plainly pat- tern number, your name and ad- dress. Lemon Juice Mixed at Home Relieved RHEUMATIC PAIN' says °Sufferer! "I. have used ALLENRU for 'several months. I could hardly walk on account of my knees. But now those pains are relieved, T' can go tike a race horse, - now,” Mort Shepard. Don't be a victim of the pains and aches caused by rheumatism, lumbago or neuritis without trying this simple, inexpensive recipe you can mist at home, Two tablespoons of ALLENRU, phis the juice of 1/2 lemon in a glass of water. Your money back if not entirely satisfied. Just 850 at all drug stores. Buy ALLENRU today. SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON' February 25 JESUS THE 'SON OF GOD Matthew 16:13-17; 17:' 1-8 Golden Text -Whosoever there- fore shall confess me before • men, him will I' confess also before my Father wine'' is in heaven. -=Mat- thew 10432, After witnessing the many mir- acles performed by the Lord, people had passed .various opin- ions as to who he might be. Some thought he was Jelin the Baptist, 'risen from the dead, while others 'thought he might be, Elias, Jeri- mias,or one of the other great old testament prophets. Following thie he questions Isis disciples As to their perso,tal opin- ions concerning. himself. Without hesitation Peter, speaking for the disciples said "Thou art the Christ the Son of. the Living God". Jesue declares that "Flesh and Blood', or in other words; the natural man had not' discerned that, Jesus was the Son of God; but God through the Holy Spirit had revealed it unto them. ' * * Jesus' took three of his disciples who=wfre closely .associated with him, up into a high: mountain,,,and there they had the privilege of witnessing his transfiguration. Here, as at other .times when men had seen heavenly visions, they Were lost for words to express the snagnificient splendour ' of the heavenly glory. With Jesus ap- peared Moses, and Elias. Luke tells us that they talked '• of his de- cease which he (Jesus) should ac- complish at Jerusalem. * * 4 It is a wonderful' thing to have . a heavenly. experience, and Peter wished to stay on the mountain. top. He suggested that they erect three tabernacles, but before he could finish , speaking- a voice sounded from heaven . "This is my beloved Son in whom •1 am well pleased; hear ye him." As they :were 'enveloped in the cloud and heard the voice from heaven; the disciples were afraid and 'fell' on ow faces to the ground. Today God speaks to. us through Christ in a tender voice, but if we •refuse to hear his voice, it will be heard 'in judgement. The voice out of ]leaven will cause, teen to fear and tremble, for it will -declare their doom. Jesus touched them, and gave 'the disciples., the assurance that they had nothing to fear, When they lifted tl•p their eyes 'they saw Jesus only, Moses Elias, and the cloud had gone. That is the way it is to those -who thrust in Jesus. Friends may go, fortunes may vanish, health can. leave us; but Jesus is one who will never leave us nor forsake us. Those British Despite all their hardships and the general expense of carrying on a war, the steady going British people have set up a record of• $6,000,000,000 in savings and war bond deposited' in Government Postoff ices. Such a people 'never can he subdued.• —Globe and Mail Yank Versus Aussie Many of the jokes and anecdotes being :published in Australian and New Zealand papers and magazines are at the 'expense of American 'fighting men and their national addiction to boasting, says the St. Thomas Times -Journal- Here's a typical one we found the other day: An America soldier had been bragging about what his relatives had built in the United States. "My uncle built the Empire -State Building itt New York City," boasted' the Yank. "Cripes, Ae that a fact?" said an Aussie. ' "Yeah, and my father built ,the Brooklyn bridge and my grand- WE'RE POINTING STRAIGHT AT YOU IF YOU WANT FAST RELIEF FROM A ou her old O Here's what to do. Get a bole of BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE: Take a few sips. Feel its instant effective action spread through throat, head and bronchial tubes; ' It starts at once to loosen up thick, chok, ing phlegm, ease the cough, soothe the saw irritated 'membranes of throat and upper bronchial tradt. Don't take '- chances—take BUCKLEY'S. Canada's largest selling cough and cold remedy. it's different—it's all medication—no syrup—acts faster—goes farther. father built the, 'Panama Canal," said 'the Yank. "Listen," said. the Aussie;" have you everheard% of the Dead Sea?" "Sure, I've heard of it," said the Yank. "Well." said. the Aussie, yawning, "sty old man shot it." • Hard To Knock Out Railways From Air Otte of the proud boasts of the British railways is that although theirproperties have been subjected to no , fewer than 10,000 attacks from the air, track' ..repairs .have been generally completed within 12 hours. ,That proves 'tow difficult it to knock out a railway from the air and the Germans, unfor- tunately, have become almost equally expert' in the art of re- storing traffic. REWARD PROMISED if you serve Maxwell House Coffee to your family to. night. They'll just love you for it! Comes in an All Purpose Grind which suits any type of coffees maker. ' You Will Enjoy Staying At The ST. REGIS HOTEL- vonoxTD O l.vcry Rom" with tttrtit, SDoW O or tout reteithone. Single, 02.0,0 up-- nonhlc, 52.DO lip, O Goad (rood, tuning nae Dane - Ing Nightly. Sherbourne at Carlton Tel. RA, 4135 Carriers on - Canada's Water' Highway From the head of the Great Lakes to the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada Steamship Lines, Limited plays an important part in'.Canada's basic economic 'activities including the' low cost transpol'tation of grain, iron ore and coal. New issue Canada Steamship Lines, Limited First Mortgage naiads 31/2% Series "A4' To mature March 15th, 1057 Price: To yield about 3.60% Canada Steamship Lines, Limited pians to redeem its existing First Mortgage Bonds on Marcia 15th and also the exist- ing Fii;st Mortgage Bonds of Kingston Elevator Company Limited, which Bonds may be tendered in, payment for the new issue. A Prospectus will be gladly furnished upon request. 36 King Street West Wood, pronto 1 'Gundy & Com an. � Y 7'elephnner EL,giie 4321 Limited'