HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-02-15, Page 6'Killum—I Come
' .issum — I Don't'
A lnlnlber of. American, _ Indians
were, assigned by the ' army to'`,
stalk Nazis on the battlefront in
One of these recently observed
a motion -picture film being deliver -
cd. ed. to the Post- Exchange.
"Movie tonight," observed the
Exchange officer. "Better come."
"Urn -m," 'grunted" the Indian
brave,not-too much
t0 in dieate
enth tlsiasm for the usual fare of
two gun westerns and sophisticated
love drama. "What show—killum
or kissiun? Killum.I 'maybe, come; •
kissum I 'stay in tent"
• —Pathfinder
Allies To Retaliate
If Huns Use Gas
Prime Minister Churchill warn -
cd the Germans: recently that they
will be Subjected to tenfold re-
taliation if they they to use poison
gas against the Allies.
His statement ,was made in a
written reply to Conservative-Regi-
nafd Purbrick's query whether the .
Allies were ready to deluge "Ger-
manywith gas should the cornered
Nazis try such :measures against
the Allies.
"Sir, if the contingency indicated
by Mr. Purbrick were to occur",
he. said, "he may rest assured that
tenfold retaliation could very
swiftly be inflicted of Germany.
"It is no doubt realization of this.
fact and not any :poral scrttples on
the part of the enemy that has
hitherto secured us immunity from
"this particular form of warfare."
More Babies — Nazi.
Plan For Future
German soldiers :in, Norway are
urged to' have children Thy Norwe-
gian girls, says W. L. Clark, in the
Windsor Star. Even though the
Germans array be married and have
families of their own in the Reich,
they are still told to have other
Wheat a Norwegian girlis to
have a baby by a German father,
she is sent to a luxurious house.
For a few months after the baby is •
born, the Norwegian 'mother is
kept with, the child, 'Then, the baby.
is taken from the real' another and
sent to 'the wife of the soldier, who
is expected to take this illegitimate
child into her home and rear it as
her own.
It all sounds crude, but it is part
of the Nazi plan for_ the future. By
raising babies now, the Germans
hope to be prepared to challenge
the world in another 20 or 25 years.
These Nordic children from Nor-
way will be husky Germans, ready
to march by 1025 or 1970. •
Now Ease
Aspirin Relieves•Pain
Almost Immediately!
Drop an Aspirin. Tabletin
a' glass of water. See it
start to dissolve almost
instantly. Within two
seconda'it begins .to disintegrate, and
this' same speed is duplicated in your
stomach. Thus, yoti: get relief almost
tspw n is so fast, so effective—above
all, so dependable, p dable, that millions of
Canadians have come to swear by it•
Get Aspirin today. - •
Follow' these simple directions:
For pain due to :
SORE THROAT: Crush 3 tablets in 14 glass
of water,gargle deeply.
COLDS.6 ..HEADACHES: Take two Aspirin
tablets with full glassor water. -
NEURALGIA : . . NEURITIS; 'r'ake two .tablets
with glass of water,
Pocket Ilex of 12 now lac
Economy eoltlo of 24. now 29c'
Family ,izo of 100. now 79c
Tho• Bayer cross on each tablet Is
your guarantee that it's Aspirin
ISSUE, T-1945.
February 18
Treasurers of the Kingdom
Matthew 13:44-46; 14 :12-21 .
GOLDEN TEXT. Every good
gift and every perfect gift is from
above, and cometh down from the
Father of lights, with whom is no
neither shadow
variableness e
turning. — James. 1:17.
Coming to the parable of .the
hidden ,treasure, we find the, in
terpretation; athe •fiekl'is the
world. The Son of Man, is he•who.
finds the hiddentreasure, for Ile
has a treasure. Israel is spoken of
as a people of. His own 'Spiritual
possession. He came seeking the
lost. To gain the treasure he em-
ptied : himself so that he might pur-
chase the kingdom.
* * *
The Lord is also likened to -a
merchant tr.an seeking • precious
pearls. Merchants used to travel
long distance in search of precious
jewels. At times having found a
rare jem, they have soldeverything
they had to secure one stone. Sim-
ilarly was the Church of. God se-
cured, for Jesus purchased it with
his ` own blood. 'He gave tip every-
thing that• he might win to himself
those who through faith would be
redeemed by his sacrifice.
* * * .
When the Lord heard of the
cruel death of John' the Baptist,
' we fnd him 'seeking retirement
where he [night be alone with his
disciples who had returned from
their first missionary: journey..
However the Lord. seeing the vast
throng, and understanding' their
needs, had compassion on. them.
Jesus healed those who were af-
flicted with various diseases. Just
as today Jesus turns none away
who come seeking divine help.
d * * : *
The disciples had not the pa-
tience of their Ivlaster, and toward
eyening desired Jesus to send the
crowd away. Jesus never sends one
away empty; and asked the disciples
to give them to' eat. Humanly
speaking this was impossible, for
they only had a meagre lunch.
With God ail things are possible.
He commanded the people to sit
down on the grass. When every-
thing was. -in order Jesus returned
thanks for the food, aid com-
menced to break it for his disciples
to distribute among the hungry
followers, •
They did eat and were filled.
They found as we find today, that
not only does Tesus save, but he
satisfies..After ail had eaten,, the
fragments gathered up were suffi-
cient to fill twelve' baskets: Trtily
little is much in the' hands of God,
for tint only were five thousand
men fed, but also many women and
How Can 1?
Q, IIow can .I clean velvet flow
A. By using dry bran. Rub on
the soiled parts then brush off. Re-
peat if ,lecessary, •
Q. How can I refinish' varnish-
arnish erl surfaces?
A. _When refinishing varnished
surfaces use polish made by,, mix-
ing 1 quart- of.. good vinegar, 2
ounces alcohol, 1 quart of oil. (Raw
Linseed). Always shake thoroughly
before using.
Q. How can I clean' photographs
that are soiled from' dust and hand-
A.:+'uVipe them, with a wad of -
cotton (tippet, in a solution of warm
water and ammonia. -Wring the
cotton before applying. Then dry
the -photograph' with a clean- cloth.
0, IIow can'I remove scratches ,
from 'siivcrtvare??. ?
A. Rub with a paste made of
olive oil and putty powder. Rub
gently with a soft cloth, then wash
in clear} liot. water.
Howcan ?
Q, Cat f clean marble.
A. Take 2 parts of common so-
da, 1 part of pumice stone and 1
part of powc'ered chalk. Sift it
through` a fine sieve and nix with;.
cold water to 'a paste. Rub the
marble thoroughly with this mix-
ture and all stains will quickly dis-
appear, Then rinse and wash with
hot water and soap.
Easy Way to Relieve
R =gY ll
Aches and Pains
Hereds a sitnnle, easy wily to get
relieffrom the agony. of swollen,
the-in,etic•joints. and muscular aches
and pains.. Go to any drug stone
and get a 'bottle of Its -Ma. If you
are ;not , pleased : with the help It
gives•you—go get your money back.
rills Is n ..generous offer you can
not afford to ignore.,
Serve Cheese
And Egg Dishes
Eggs and cheese are good com-
panions and, as with most good,
companions; they. have Many things
in common.. They ale both pro-•:
tein or "building" foods and either '
of them can step into the mealtime
role of nieat. They teact poorly to
high cooking temperatures which
than them' into "tough .guys." They
like to be cooked over hot water
and when they go into baked, dish-
es in' any quantity they ask for a
pan of hot' water to sit in.
Cheese Puffit
12 half-inchslices stale bread, : /
lb. cheese, sliced, y, teaspoon salt,
22li cups milk, 4 eggs,' pepperandi
Trim crusts' from bread. Arrange
alternate; slices' of bread and cheese
in a greased baking dish. Beat
. eggs .,sliglitly,"add milk and sea-
soning and pour over the bread.
Cover baking dish and allow• the
mixture to become' thoroughly
chilled before baking, (This is .ne-
cessary to, make the Puffit puff).
Set in pan of hot water 'and oven
poach in a moderate oven 350°F,
until set, about 45 minutes. Six to
eight servings.
Baked Tomato and .Cheese
2 eggs, 2 cups tomato' juice, r/a '
Tag teaspoon salt, /a teaspoon pepper,
1 tablespoon minced onion, 6 half-
inch :slices •butter_ed bread cubed,
1 cup cheese, cut in 14 inch cubes.
Beat eggs, add tomato juice, salt,
pepper and onion.. Place a layer of
bread cubes' in a greased baking
dish, pour on some of • the tomato
mixture,. then add a layer of cheese.
Repeat until all irngredients are
used, having 'the lop layer of
cheese. Set baking dish: in a pan of
hot water and ovenpoach in a• mo-
derate oven, 350°F, for 40 minutes.
Six serving.
Spanish Eggs
6 'eggs, 2 strips bacon, 1 small
onion, chopped, 1 tablespoon flour,
2 cups canned.toniatoesl 1 green
pepper, 'chopped or. 2 tablespoons
chopped parsley, 1 cup` chopped ce-'
lery, salt and pepper.
• Hard -cook eggs: — cover to a
depth of one inch with cold water,
heat to boiling point, set where wa-
ter will keep hot and let stand 12
minutes. While eggs are cooking
cut bacon in small pieces and cook
until Crisp. Remove bacon front
pan and cookonion in the bacon
fat until clear. Blend in flour, add
tomatoes,' green pepper and celery
and' simpler 20 minutes. Add bacon,
salt and pepper. Remove sirens
from eggs, cut in half lengthwise
and arrange; int serving dish. Pour
]tot sauce over eggs. Six servings,
How To Soften
Hard Brown Sugar
So that's the way to soften that
pound of brown sugar that got
into a hard cake in the bags Just
put it, bag and all,into the
crisper of your refrigerator for
several days and it will come out
usable again, and looking like the
good coupon -worth that it is , If
you are lacking a refrigeralor pop
the bag into the bread box .. the
sugar will soften down after a
while. And, to save this trouble
again, remember that the bread
box is the best of storage places
for a bag of brown sugar .
' will stay soft if put there as soon
as it comes from the store.
Dressing Up
The next time that there is some
dressing left over when preparing
poultry or dressed tenderloin you
might" consider the following de-
licious way to use it up. Spread it
on bacon strips, roll up, fasten
with toothpicks and cook in the
oven tilt. crisp,
Who's To Know
, , . that you have been giving
`stale rolls, dr- biscuits a refresher
course if they taste''and look fresh-
ly, baked? Either heat theist up in
the top of a double boiler or damp
to the insitle of, a paper bag, put? M.
the rolls and pop then[ in the oven.
All-purpose frock in cotton 'or
rayon, Pattern '4824, panel -cut to
slim you; button -front' to save time
and "hair -do," to 'Take•ironitig easy.
Pattern 4824 comes in sizes 12,
14,,1.6 18, 20;-30, 32,.34,.36, 38,'40,
42, 44, Si ie 16 takes ,314 yards 35 -
inch fabric;' 1% yards lace edging.
Seisd twenty cents (20c) in coins
(stantps',cannot be. accepted)' for
this pattern' to Room 421, 73 Ade-
laide St West, Toronto,
While Britishers'-shiver in near zero weather, polar .bears have the
time of their'; lives biting off ice at the London zoo with lite same
relish that a child might eat ice cream:
-,o4 : at>i .tdi ;. ;.e °,c,'T .. � " :: ,:m ".. v Aktw .a
Th.:... Jadee God
,,iiL. ��ta1 a� ,�t, �,,,�1 `� ,,vim Wit, ,�+•
;.Al'.:t..e��.,ii� :<eR�'.�":aYa+''.2'.elm"'�s'.Atat^'..a�'.m�;'.e�°�„45.
•`Who's' the man?"
'Pam blushed furiously; for the
twentieth;part.of a secogd,slie hest-.
tated; she` had a terrible temem-,
brance of .Fosdick's "Byranr,", and;
Mark's reply, But',she'had no hint
of, its real signifieance.•
• ."It's Stewart Byranr. Don't you
remember him at dinner that time,
Uncle Herbert? The tallfellow with
—with the different look?"
d`I seem to reinember quite a
number of tall fellows with differ-
ent looks," Burleaon replied, mus=
. Pam laughed uneasily, "Oh, you
noticed him! I saw that -myself.
He's—he's' notlike' anybody else:'
Burleson glanced down at her
quickly and caught" only the sweep
of her thick•lashes on n red cheek.
"Conte to think of it, I do re-
member the man you mean," he
admitted- slowly; it occurred to him
that it was the one whose face re-
called somethng forgotten. It had
been vaguely familiar "What sort
is he, Patin?" -
* *.
Pant did not reply at once; they
had come tc a crossing' and Burle-
son observed that she took advan-
tage of it to hurry hint across and
point out the magnificence of a
florist's display.
."Those are blue carnations. I
don't like.,
they're unnatural."
'"I see that 1'11have to observe
this blue carnation young man, my-
self," Burleson retorted dryly.
"Uncle Herbert, I want some-
thing of yours," said Pam, coax-
ingly. "Will you give it? It's not
much, really!"
Ile looked at her and his big
mouth widened into a hard smile.
"Not to be caught, young wo-
man. What is it?"
"Your little jade god — please,
Uncle .Herbert!"
"No!" .
Shefhad coaxed for it before, but
never before had she been refused
with such violence. A red streak
went up over his thin facet it
showed vividly between his eyes
like a scar. She was Startled; for
a moment she said nothing and
then she ventured,
" \Vlty?"
"That's my business," he replied
sharply; then, seeing her face fall,
he qualified it, "It's not. transfer-
able;, a friend gave it to me long
ago. Besides, i"s: unlucky; you
needn't -covet in I"
His sharpness alarmedher; she
- peeped at hilt as they parted to
' pass through a crowd at the corner.
He looked at her 'shrewdly and
knew he had frightened het.
"I'm sorry," he said, more con-
siderately, "ask something else,
Pam, You can't Iiave that bit ..of
jade! Before' I -die I'm ,going to
smash it,"
"I wish :you'd tell me all about
it, then!" she pleaded.
"I expect to tell: the Angel Ga-
briel," he said, ''but no one else."
* *. *
She smiled, shaking, her head at
him, but • she said. no more about
the jade god. Something inter-
vened, too, to sweep it froth her •
thoughts. They had conte to an
other corner, waiting for .the traf-
fi,:.: Suddenly she caught his arm.
"Look!" she said softly, "don't
you see' that' tall man getting into
the bus? See, he's had to wait for
that old woman and the child to. go
first, He doesn't see' us — that's
Stewart Byrani,"
It wits a' moment before Burle-
son found the young matt in the
at the curb. Then Mark
stepped up and began tc climb to
the, top, of the bus. Seen in profile
.thus, his face showed clean-cut and
pale. Burleson studied it.
• "Did you see him?" Pani 'asked
He nodded. "You say he's Lan -
don's ftiend?"
'"Archie, brought hint. You re-
member,, don't you?"
Burleson assented, musing. ,"Yes,
I noticed him. I wonder if Landon
always knows his friends?" he add-
ed dryly.
He did not hear the girl catch
her breath; ,she gave hitt[ a•<gitick
sidelong glance from Hilder • her
dark lashes,. and then' looked away.
'She was angry I11•z blood rushed
up to iter hair.
"Do you mean you don't "like his
looks?" she 'asked after a moment
• He turned quickly; he had'a.ppar=
ently forgotten Iter. "I meant 'noth-
ing'of the, kind," he replied briefly,
"he's extraordinarily like a man I
knew' once — in. profile, that's all. '
But you 'say Landon brought him,
and he's a Byram?"
"That's what he's called," She
was ill at ease. Fosdlt<k's horrid
stare came back to her. "Whom
does he look like,' Uncle?" •
They had come`now to a corner
where some .taxis were signaling
for fares, ,He called one and pub
her in it.
"You go home," he said authori-
tatively, `I'm going to stop st the
But she leaned out, calling' to
him. "Whom does he look like, Un-
cle Herbert? I've got to know!"
• * * *
He seemed surprised 'at her per-
sistence; he answered with a shrug,
shutting the door on her.
"Look like? Oh, like a dead
maul" and he gave his own ad-
dress to the taxi-driver. The girl,
peeping out of the back window at •
him, felt a ueer tightening about
her heart,.
"How ill he looks," she thought,
"how broken and how olds"
. She could not remember 'that she
had' ever seen him really happy!
Teddy Banks had been, losing
money since he won his wager and
forced the indignant Landon to pay
up. The young man had the habit
of losing money, but he had inherit -
cd a good,deal from those unimpor-
tant people whom he called the
"Mudbanks." "The only difficulty
about it was the fact that it was
tied up and old Fosdicic, that dry -
as -thrust, crusty ' old lawyer, ` had
charge of it. Titus it happened that
Teddy had to make occasional vis-
its to the lawyer's office and take
usually — a lecture before he got
his money. Nevertheless, he got the
money, because 'under his grand-
father's will, he had a right to a
fairly large income, paid quarterly.
* * *
The day after Pain lunched tvitlt
Maik happened to be quarter day
and Teddy Banks called a taxi and
drove down into the swarming.
street where 'Fosdick's hive rose
imposingly. He found the old law-
yer in his usual mood; " he looked
Teddy over with his lizard eye..
"You've been gainoliitg again,;'
he remarked, dryly, "drinking, too,
I should imagine from your eyes.
Of course you're after money."
"I'n1 broke," he admitted cheer-
fully; "stony broke!"
"Humph!' Fosdick began to turn
over some 'papers. He had no valid
excuse for holding up the legacy,
but he \visited he had. He despis-d
the young man heartily. there was
nothing ,• in Teddy's analce-up that
appealed to hint. I suppose you're
in debt, too, as usual?" he snapped.
(To Be ,Continued)
Bundle Of Leaflets
Is Deadly Weapon
There ,is a story (not' entirely
apocryphal) that when a heavy
bundle of leaflets dropped from aft
Allied aeroplane failed to scatter,
fell solidly 011 a small German bar-
ge in a G'ermati-occupied French
port, went through the: bottom ,of
the Barge and sante it, a .senior
Allied officer remarked, "At last
r 7 antconvinced` of -psyctiological
NAM -2W 1?&TTWF??
yITAi N BBi-CEi'S P1OM.'t:X
Strati rAU.F.4UPi STa1Pl$
Nothing is more depres:
!sing than headaches...
,Why suffer?.,.I,ambly's,
willgive instant relief,
Lambf'sis isgood 8
ache.tonth*che,ppainsin ;�
back, stomach , bowgls head -,
A Et L Y i S
city year CROCEiit
It is surprising the things one
can find to do around the house.
in stormy weather. For instance,
last week Partner and I got our-
selves a job of real hard` work,
lasting for two whole days. It was
no less than wrecking our old:
square piano. A black: piano that
had long since become a white
elephant. There was no other way
of getting rid of it. It wasn't vpz h
giving away; no junk dealer would-
take it in its entirety;. its case was
of no" particular value and none of
its"insides" could be usedfor re -
air work on
other type p any he Sp of
This piano, you may remember,
occupied a big corner of the room
we moved into , when we .went
"south". So imagine the state of
our bedroom for two whole days.
Almost the first. thing Partner did
was to unstring the instrument.
Have you ever .examined the works
of a piano? Have you noticed how
taut are the wires and how each
oneis tightly twisted around an .
iron peg? • Those pegs had to be .
turned by brute force to release
the strings -and Partner's hands
are still sore from the struggle.
* * *
My job.; was, dissecting the key-
board and in so doing I made
several discoveries. _ Haven't you,
often; wondered whatmakes piano
keys come up again directly your
fingers release them—or worse
still, why,. sometimes, they don't.
Well, I can give 'you the., answer.
Away at the end of each' key is a
tiny brass spring which controls
the action of the key. And of course,
you know what happens when a
spring "becomes weak or breaks,"
Really, it was- quite fascinating, this
job. In fact it seemed almost. a
crime to deliberately destroy the
marvellous and instricate work-
manship that had gone into the
making. of this aged -piano. Dear
knows how' much• glue• was used,
for glue was everywhere. Not one
nail did we find anywhere; nothing
but screws, wooden, pegs, brass
pegs—and glue. And yet, with all
this fine workmanship, the wood
was poor nothing more than
pine with a covering of thin veneer.
The only parts worthsaving were
the lid, the- hinges, and the screws
—we won't need to buy any screws
for years. Of course, the iron frame
and brass pegs will go to help
Gwendoline P. Clarke
beat I-Iitler, and if from the me t-
ing pot there emerge a few shells,
to go singing ' though the air an
a death dirge for Nazi devils, then •
the last music. from our old piano
may yet be its -best.
Don't Mix Drinks
That new Christmas Chnst as fountain pen
or any other fountain pen for that
matter, will give best writing ser-
vice if you stick tb one kind of ink
that sit it.However, s if you have
a desire to change the colour or
brand, it can be done without caus-
ing any harm if youare careful to
wash out the pen before .putting fn
tl.e new ink. Inks are oiled incom,
patible and mixing causes the in-
gredients to precipitate' intie pen
and clog it up. Use Cold' water and
fill and empty the pen several
times, then empty completely, wipe
off the point and it is ready to fill.
APPEAR when breakfast
includes Maxwell House
... the 'choice blend of
Latin-American coffees
that stimulates and cheers
you. Start the day well
with Maxwell House.
Invest your spare time and very
, little money in these sheer, lacy
doilies cif a hundred -and -one uses.
Crocheted doilies you can use as
chair -sets, plate doilies, dressesr or
buffet sets. Pattern 550 has direr-
tions for doilies; stitches.
Send twenty cents ' in coins
(stamps cannot_ be accepted) for
this. pattern to Wilson 'Needlecraft
Dept., Roost 9,21, 73 Adelaide St.
West, Toronto, Print plainly pat-
tern number, your name and' ad-;
with Lemon Juice • .
Men and women who suffer nagging
- aches and pains caused by Rheumatism,
Neuritis, urs Lumbago wan; to relieve
such symptoms promptly. To get such
relief ... try ALLENRU! Mix 2 table-
spoons of this 'fine medicine with one
tablespoon of lemon juice in a glass of
r water. Untoldthousandsof folks use
ALLENRU, Get ALLENRU today ...
85c at any drug store.
Wok Relief!
Jost a Few Drops Relieve
Stuffiness . .
Mate Breathing Easier .. .Give You Coinfect i 1
It's grand how Vicks Va-tfo-sol clears congestion ! . )•;•:.
from nasal passages -gives sinuses a chance drain.
Results are so good because Va-tro-not is Specialized
medication that worksright where trouble: is -to re-
e• t ' .easier,
a .res.
congestion, and m k
sieve sinful
g 1... ��,�K� '
Try it put a few drops.up each nos- ,."Tip -
017 -follow
directions in folder.: ' "