HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-02-15, Page 5^THURS., FEB." 15111 1945 HE LINTON N.EWS-IIECORD BILLS..,. BILLS... BILLS... Wondering who to pay first.. , how to catchup on those ovelwdue accounts. ' Put your affairs in order with a per- : sonal loan at the Royal Bank„ Square • all those bothersome accounts at once ... thew budget for monthly re- payment to the bank over 12, 18 or even 24 months. This way you protect your credit, avoid worry and .embarrasstnent. Our Managers are constantly making loans for this and many other per sonal purposes. Your local Manager' will be gladto discuss a personal loan with you at any time. PERSONAL LOANS AVAILABLE To pay doctor, dentist or hospital bills ... to meet taxes... to consolidate debts ...to buy fuel.. , to repair or improve the home .,.to meet educational expenses ... to take advantage of bargains and businessoppor-`• tunities .. . to meet emergencies, etc. ,, THE ROYAL RAND OF CANADA CLINTON BRANCH J. G. McLAY, Manager The Beattie Funeral chapel Service -- -- — adds Church — Like at'mo3phere. BEATTIE FUNERAL HOME GEORGE B. BEATTIE AUBURN Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Robertson of. Goderich visited with Miss Susy Blair on Sunday. 'Miss • EIma Mulch i`s visiting • friends in Toronto this week. Miss Zeta Munro Ieft on Monday for Toronto where she will enter Western Hospital as nurse -in -train- ing, Donald Ross of Galt spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. Fred Ross. Miss Ila Craig of Stratford was a • week end visftor at her hone here. -Miss Mary Munro, R. N; has ac- • cepted a position on the staff at the hospital at Weston, Fit. Sgt. Harold Asquith' is visit- '. }ng Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Malaveen at Botvm'anviile.• Mr. and Mrs. John R, Weir have -returned to Ottawa after visiting the former's father Dr. B. C. Weir•. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Million have :moved+ to the Charlie McPhee farm in Colborne township. Mr. Charlie Million- of GoderSch has, purchased this father's farm and he and Mrs. Million intend moving to it in the near future. W: 11I. S. Mrs. Harry Gooier opened her. "home for. the February meeting of the W. M. S. of Knox Presbyterian • ,Church. Mrs. Herb Govier was in .charge and opened the meeting with prayer. The scripture was read byi Mrs,. Wellington Good, .and a poem -was read by Miss Minnie Wagner; r Mrs, Govier gave a paper on "The Church and the Jew". The topic was taken by Mrs. John Houston who. grave •the 'history of four hymns; " `Stand up ...•Stand rip for. Jesus" `"From Greenland's Icy Mountains" "Onward Christian . Soldiers" and "The Morning Light is Brealtie Prayer was ' offered- byE -:Mrs. Jas. `Woods. Arrangements were made for the World's Day of Prayer which is to be hold in the Baptist Church on Friday, FebruaryHitt, G Tlie roll calf was answered by a verse of scripture containing th4 reed'" " n pray "The meetingclosed with the Nation • al Anthem and the Lorci's prayer repeated in unison. Lunch was s ed;by Mrs.: Edgar Lawson unci 'Mrs. John Iiouster.. Mts. Ladies Aid The Baptist Ladies Aid held their February` meeting at the home of Mrs. C. A. Howson on Thursday afternoon. The president, Mrs. How- son was in charge. The devotional period was taken by Mss. R. J. Phil- lips and Mrs. Frank Raithby. The roll call was answered. by each members" favourite hymn and one verse was sung. Red Cross .blocks were made. The topic "The gates e Light" was given by Mrs. Thos. Mc- Neil. A reading was given by Mrs. L. Irwin and Mrs. Earl McKnight and MVIa•s. Earl Reithby sang a duet. A quilt Ives given- to the Red - Cross, Society and Plans were made for the Worlds Day -of Prayer which will he in charge of the Baptist Ladies Aid. Mrs. Howson closed the meeting with prayer, A pot luck lunch was enjoyed, ountsent away $172,51. Supply Expenses $6,87, Mission Band 4,50. Baby Band $1.85. _. Mrs, Fred Reid was appointed Secretary. Flower Committee, Mrs. Ings, Mrs.. W. Johnston, Mrs. W. Stephen - eon; Ushers, A. Horner, Ed, Poster, Geo. Reid, Ben Rathweli; Stewards, Anson Coleman, Lorne Coleman, Bob Taylor; Will. Clark, Albert, Horner, Ed. Foster, E', Webster, J. McAsh; Organist, Anna Reid; Audi- tors, Mrs. Geo. Johnston, Albert Hor- ner; Trustees, Geo. Johnston, Geo. Clark, Alf Johnston, W. Stephenson, Albert Horner; Financial Secretary, Bob Taylor; Treasurer, . J. McAsh. A vote of thanks was even, Rev. Herrn for her work as pastor and also to Mr, McAsh for his work as trea- surer. _ The council' met February gtlr as per adjournment, all the members present. The Public School Inspector, Mr. R. O. Staples, was present and ex- plained very thoroughly the ad- vantages of a Township school area, and advised the council to tape the matter up and call a meeting of the ratepayers.• - The auditor, Mr. W A. Grant, of f London, then came forward and gave hi's report which showed- a •small deficit for 1944, owing to the large amount expended on maintenance on roads, , :The read voucher' for January Was $512.28; and General voucher No. '2, was ;$413.75. The council purchased some more °snow fence from the Lundy Fence Co. ' VARNA. The February' meeting of Varna W. M. S. was held at the parsonage. The meeting opened by singing 0 God,of Bethel and No. 753, the Bene - diets Was read responsively from the Hymnary. The President -ead the daily meditationefrom Zoller and led in prayer'. From Ocean unto Ocean was then sung. .Seven mem- bers answered, the roll call with the word peace, Thetext word for March is I{ingdom, The allocation is good warm cloth- ing for men or women -size; 40-44, 0100 'sewing- or knitting for ehildren. We are to join with the :Anglicans for: the .Day of Prayer. Miss Horn took up an'.beta:eatin stud : China • en , prepared 'by Mr: Wilmoo tt' .a worker in China; Ari interesting letter was read front Violet M' cCly- mcnt, The hymn Zion's rKing Shall Reign Victorious was -sung and Rev, Rein closed with player. The annual meeting of •the Varna, United Chuteh was held • in ,the Church on February 6th and resulted as follows, Wnt. Stephenson 'gave t ., 11C S, , c . 'eport,. Total recei>ts 9. l 9,37: Balance on hand,; $26.54. seineof which was to he given to the M. and M, Fund zg and Personage f.-. 1 tial Mrs,' Geo, Ref d ave the e M. S• r tire. 17, ep t. Amount a�aised $7:87.].8 Ain Presbyterian W. A. The Women's Association of the Presbyterian Church held their regu-, lar monthly meeting on Wednesday, afternoon, February 7th in the Sun- day School room with a large atten- dance.- Mrs. Stevenson, the President, was in the chair and opened the meeting by singing hymn 465 after which the President read the 84th Psalm follow ed by prayer. • The Secretary, Mrs.` Streets, read the report which was adopted, ,also several letters of thanks for flow- ers and , sympathy for the past month,• was. -read A letter was read from a boy in the, Navy, who re- ceived a D;tty Bag at Christmas packed by the W. ,A. and W. M. S. from the Presbyterian Church.. of Clinton. Mrs, Nott then'ave treasurer's report g the p t which showed a very subst ti[il sum on hand. Mrs. Wilseii and Miss Sterling' were appointed •to represent th e Presbyteriair Church at the. Red Cross quilts• and. Mrs. Stevenson, Mrs• Streets add Mrs, Wilson to assist', at tile ^B'ooc] .Donor• Clinic... It wa's decided' at this meeting. that ,the W:,' .A, hold d ,their annual Bazaar in June; and plans were. made and diffetent.0on-mittee$: formed. Atter the singing of Goof Save the. King, : Mrt. Fox closede l . . tie meeting with prayer, Lunch ' a ' v s:servel c and a sa ' hen:" ,Jcrit (,.pent in sowing'• WEDDINGS CARPENTER--TIDESW ELL A quiet wedding took pIace at the Presbyterian 'manse at Midland on Saturday, January 27, when Jessica Clara' Tideswell, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Tideswell, Clinton, he. came ,the bride of Walter George Edward Carpenter, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. d. Carpenter, Midland, Rev. A. C. Stewart officiated, The ,bride looked charming in a powder blue street -length si'Ilc jersey dress with matching accessories and •a corsage of Sweetheart roses, Miss Phyllis Bremner•^was bridesmaid, woai•ing flowered silk jersey dress with navy .accessories and corsage of Talisman roses. • The best man was Albert Stewart, Midland, Afterhire wedding the happy couple deft on a short. motor trip through Southern Ontario. Theywill reside in, Midlands . V _ ITOLMESVILLE The Holmesvihe Unit held their Red Cross meeting, on February 6th at the home of Mrs. Bill' Jervis: Fourteen "members were present. The ladies giiilled one quilt, ` after which a meeting took place with the President in charge. It opened with repeating in union .the Red Cross Prayer. The Secretary's report was given. The knitting committee TO - ported 18 articles completed. The sewing committee reported; 10 over- coats, 3 pr. boys' pants and 1 quilt finished in January. The sewing. convenor, Mrs. Stock, distributed , ewing for February and the quilt- ing eonvenor, Mrs. McClinchey dis- tributed blocks for a quilt. It 'was decided, to have groups, again for packing the overseas boxes with Mrs. Elmer Potter continuing to act as Treasurer of the Overseas box and expense fund, Mrs. Walter kindly consented to serve as President in place of Mils. Bill Jervis for an in- definite period, until Mrs. Jervis' health improves. Mrs, E, Trewartha will take Mrs. Walter's place on the cutting committee. Mrs. Tavener spoke a few words of appreciation of the President. The meeting closed. with the Mizpah Benediction. A lov- ely lunch was served, BIRTHS FREMLIN—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Friday, February 9th, to L./Cpl, Harold Fremlin- (Over- seas) . Over-seas).and Mrs. Fremlin a son. EVANS--In Clinton Public Hospital 011 Tuesday, February 13th, to Mr, and Mrs. 'Richard Evans of Goderich Township, a daughter. COLLINS—In 'Scott ,Memorial Hos- pital, on February 2, to Mi. and Mrs. Stanley Collins' Brucefieldy a son, (James' Newton), - DEATHS COLCLOUGH-In Goderich Town- ship, on Monday, February 12th, 1945, Robert Edward Colclougln, in his 63rd year. ' HULLETT TOWNSHIP The regular monthly meeting of the Lafalot Club was held at the home of • Mrs. Frank McDonald on Wednesday afternoon, February 7th, with twelve ladies in attendance. Two quilts were quilted and the regular business was dealt with which included paying of fees. The Secretary -treasurer gave the report, During the 'afternoon a picture, donated by Mrs. George Bayley, was raffled, the lucky ticket going' to Mrs. Humphrey Snell. Proceeds amounted to $1.20. • A dainty ten -cent tea wasr served by' the hostess and the -meeting closed' by Singing "God Save the King", The next meeting will be held at the iioine of Mre. Theo. Dale on Wednesday, March 7th, I•t was de- cided to have a shower of new 'or us- ed clothing at this meeting. Help Wonted Sy MMCinley's .Farm and ••ILat- chery. One Man for farm work end two girls or women for work in house and hatchery, Apply to J. E'. McKinley, R. It, 1, Zurich. 36-2 Work Wanted Teaming of all kinds. Septic tanks looked after promptly. Apply Arthur Fulford, Clinton. 35-3 For Sale Little Pigs toady to go. Apply Adam Steep, .Phone 9061.12, Clinton. 36-1 For Sale One Incubator, 600 capacity. One used Pulper in good condition., One 10 inch Grain Grinder, H. Charles- worth,' 36-1 Farm For Sale There .will he offered for sale by public auction, subject to a reserve bid, - and,other conditions of sale, on MONDAY, MARCH 5th, 1945 at 1.30 o'clock in the afternoon se the Town Hall, Seaforth, Ontario. The -west half of Lot 16. Comes - siert 6, Hallett Township ,• The said. farm consists of 50'`acres , ' more or less, and is first class level land•. Lt is all seeded to grass andwell• water,- ed atered by a never failing spring. Grow- ing thereon are a number : of good Ior. further particulars''aliply+'to- the' inndersigied. i'day ed th f5 13t1r- o F ' . f ebruary,. If If Jackson, 'ATotkoneer, Bince•.1VIed't, '1#. R. 1'::Seafcrtls, Robert ,7a meson R.' R: 1' n , Londesboxro EX;eeirt-ee ,af alio` Estate .af, Aker- ainclei Lentchi' J _ PAME 5 ROXY THEATRE �quarrel, Now P laying — Jean Gabin ae "THE IMPOSTOR Mon. Tues.' and Wed. Deanna Durbin, Gene Kelly, Rich- ard Whorf. and Dean Harens, Lovely Deanna plays, her greatest role in W. Somerset Maugham's, thrilling novel. "CHRISTMAS }TOLIDAY" Thur. Fri, Sat, Two Features • Olsen and Johnson, Gloria Jean and Martha O'Driscoll, Spooks in every corner! The most hilarious haunt hunt, in history? • "GHOST CATCHERS" Robert Paige, Louise Allbritton and Diana Barr•ymnore. The story of a young married " couple who arrive at Reno; where, in a..come- dy courtroom scene all is explain- ed and, forgiven. "FIRED WIFE' CAPITAL THEATRE CODE LCR Now Playing -- "JANIE" starr- ing. Joyce Reynolds. .Mon. Tues.Wed. Jdn Hall, Leon Erroll, Eivelyn Ankers and Man Curtis. 11. G, Wells' story, "The Invisible Man" suggested this thrilling sequel TILE INVISIBLE MAN'S REVENGE" GIoria Jean, Evelyn Ankers and Patric Knowles feature Bob Cros- liy and his orchestra in a lively melody hit, "PARDON MY RIIYTHM" ThurFri. and Sat. Diana Barrymore, ;Robert Cumin, logs and Kay Francis. with John' Boles and ,Andy' Devine in Henry Koster',s, rippling fun -treat "BE7.'WEEN US GIRLS" Fibber McGee ad Molly with Eug- ene Pallette complete a rib -reek- ing lnograni with "HEAVENLY DAYS" YOU WILL SPENDi ETERNITY t l — WHERE? IF EVERY LIVING PERSON KNEW WHAT EVERY DEPART- ING SOUL DISCOVERS .. EVERYONE would be sa've'd TO -DAY! "'It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment." Heb. 9:27 "For whosoever shall call upon the name of tht Lord shall be saved." Romans 10:13 - TUNE IN: Pilgrim Hour 7-7.30 E.D.S:T. Sunday evening LOCAL STATION CKLW WINDSOR TRY OUR Jelly Roll Chocolate Cake Tea Biscuits Do -Nuts or Long Johns The Rome of Good Eats BARTLIFF'B PHONE 1 CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. ♦ . COOKS FLORIST Phones: 6&w and 669 Batkins Locker Storage Now ,is a good time to use your stored fruit and vegetables, Try, urs for all kinds of fish. We have liver on hand now. WE BUY HIDES - Casings for Sale FROZEN 10001S Ait1f 1315'.CTER FOODS-' For Sale - Shorthorn bull, 10 Months, old; Registered heifer, will, freshen; middle of summer. Apply Stewart Dale, R. R. 4, Clinton,. Phone 247r21, Seaforth. 86-2 Clearing AUCTION SALE Farm, Farm, •Stock, Implements, Hay, Grain, Etc. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, has been instructed by the undersigned Proprietor, to sell by public auction at the farm. on No. 4 - Highway One and a -half miles South of the Village of Blyth, on • TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20th commencing at 7 pan. sharp, .. the following:— FARM .STOCK: Team, of Horses; Cow, recently £reshoned;' cow, rue to freshen in April; Farrow cow;.2 .steers • (1000-1100 lbs: each); 1 2 - year -old Helfer; 3 yearling cattle; 3 Calves; 8 Pigs, (approximately 1.50 lb`s.)' About 50 Hens. - Cemetery Memorials Large stock of modern memorials on display et our Clinton Showrooms For the convenience of our patrons, office will be open on , • ' Fridays Open by appointment at' any -other time See Mr, J. J. Zapfe, next door Cunningham & Pryde Clinton — Exeter Seaforth PHONE 41 NOTICE • MALTING BARLEY • v "We are now contracting acreage for the growing of Barley from next season's crop, For Further partici- firs, contact, G. T. MickIe & Sons, Hensalk, Ontario, Telephone 103 Hen sell. 34-4 Work Wanted Plowing Gerdens, Cleaning Septic Tanks, collecting garbage or ashes. Open for any• work. Apply Philip iiowcliffs. Phone 2$1, Clinton, 25-1 ` Lost One pair Green Eye. Glasses iu Black case. Please return to Bank of Montreal. Reward.. 36-2 Farm Fo, Sale 'Hibbert -100 acres ribh soil, bush, bank barn, • brick house, • garage, school handy, moderately priced. Wm. Pearce, Realtor, 'E'xeter. 35-5 For Sale • A Quebec Heater, in, good, 'condi- tion, $10.00, New Modern Dresser, $30.00. Phone 223, Clinton 35-2 35-1 •Pigs For Sale 9 young pigs, 8 weeks old, weaned two weeks: 'Also 12 chunks, 3x/a months old. For .particulars apply to J. W. Crich, phone 617r23 Clin- ton. • 36-2 REGENT THEATRE smarms - Now Playing — 'PARDON MY RH.YTI-JM" and Abbott and Cost- ello in "IN SOCIETY" Mon. Tues. and Wednesday Donald O'Connor, Peggy Ryan & Susanna Foster, Jiggling' with ad- olescent bounce comes a rollick, ing musical comedy, "TOP MAN Basil Radhbone and Nigel Bruce, Mystery. chills and fun in a;tingl ing tale of the unfailing ,Sherlock Holmes, "THE' SCARLET CLAW" Thur, Fri. Sat. Louise Allbritton,; Robert..Paige and Robert Benchley, The etory.of a gal who hunts ' for a head -hunt. or and finds something. else. "HER PRIMITIVE MAN" Martha O'Driscoll, Noah Beery Jr. and George Baubiee Music and merriment'' abound in "WEEK -END PASS" H.. T. RANGE "NOTARY PUBLIC Fire Insurance Agent Representing 14 Fire Insurance CoraDivision Court Office, Office, Clinton Frank Fingland, B.A., LL.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor to W. Brydone, K.C. Sloan Block .... • , , Clinton, Ont. IL C. LAWSON Insurance, Fire - Auto - Liabih'ty - Life Office: Bank -of Montreal Bldg. PHONE: Office 251w Residence 251j Clinton, Ontario Agent --Mutual Life Ass. Co. ARTHUR E. PARRY Commissioner, etc. A quantity of good mixed hay for sale at barn, H. C. MEIR Barrister -at -Law Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Ontario " Proctor -in Admiralty. Notary Public and Commissioner Office in the McKenzie Hotel Hours: 2.00 to 5.00 Tuesdays' and Fridays. Dr. F,• G. Thompson House and Office, Ontario Street Clinton. Telephone 172 OFFICE HOURS: 2-4 in the after- noon and 7-8 in, the evening daily, Other hours by gppointmgpt, D. H. McINNES CHIROPRACTOR Electro Therapist, Massage Office: Huron Street, (Few More west of Royal Bank) Hours ---Wed. and Set., and by appointment FOOT CORRECTION oy Manipulation Sun -Ray Treatment Phone 207 HAROLD JACKSON Licensed Auctioneer Specialist in Farm and Household Sales, Licensed in Huron 'and Perth Counties. Prices reasonable; sada faction guaranteed. For information etc. write or phone Harold Jackson, R.R. No. 4 Seaforth, phone 14-661. 06-042 Properties Per Sale DR. G. S. ELLIOTT Tenders will be received by the / undersigned, for the sale of the fel- Veterinary Surgeon loivhi• 1130py:tties1 .(til the East side of Matilda Street, Cliiltoii, Ontario, up to 19th of .February, A.D. 1945. ,.(1) Lot 53 Gordon's New Survey, Clinton, on which is said to be erect- ed a one and one-half storey frame house, 6 rooms, town water instaIl- ed, in a fair state of repair. (2) Lot 54 Gordon's New Survey, Clinton, on which is said to be erect- ed a one story frame house, 5 rooms, in fait condition. (3) Lots 55 to 59 inclusive, Gor- don's New Survey, Clinton. Tenders may be submitted on one or more properties. The highest or any bidder not necessarily accepted. Frank McGregor, Clinton, Manager For further- particulars apply to the Secy-Treas. M. A, Reid, Seaforth. undersigned. ' DIREC.TORS W. R. Archibald, Dated at Clinton, this 29th day of 'Se•iforth; Frank McGregor Clinton; January, 1945,Alex. Broadfoot , Seaforth; Chris 'Hartley James 1danaghan, Leonhardt, Bornholm; E. Jr. Trewar- Administrator of the Estate- of tha, Clinton; John L. -Malone, Seaforth John Josling, Deceased, Alex. McEwin Bi Clinton, Ontario, 34-3 g, Yth;t Hugh, Alexin. der, derWalton; George Leitch, Clinton. TPersonal.•AGENTS John E. Pepper, Bruce - If YOU want to get married, field; R. F.'McKercher, Dublin; J. F. IMPLEMENTS: 1 M. H;'. Mower, write Box 358, Juliaetta; Idaho. Send Prueter, Brodhagen;, Geor a A. att stamp. g W (6.ft. cut). 1 M. 'Binder;'.1 M. H, 30-4 Blyth. Elly Rake; 1 Cultivator; _Roller; Farm fora S lc Parties desiring to effect Maur - Wagon;, Top Buggy;'"Set. of Sleighs; One 'hundred acres, lot 13-' con. 2,ahs Hullett p or transact other business iea- Cutter; running min.; Set oaf I•Ia,}•-Township, including about 10 beprom promptly acres of hardwood bush good tion . p attended to onf applicd- vows. 'Seed Drill; Hay Reek. Pig , g Fault to any their the pecti officers ad- Rack illy Kona and .Car ` barn, stable, never failing supply of dressed to respective ; Fork, P • , Saw water, at both front • an inspected e post ctor, Horse; Sugar Keetle; .F.orlcs • Shov- farm; d back of ccs. Losses inspected by the ,director, in,. stone . house, five rooms, .. els; Saws; Tools, :Etc. small or hard,' To wind + rip an es- HAY, CRAW, ' wee; e; 250" to 300tate. _ .AeolY to George Maan,,Iti_Kti :' bus, Oats; 50':lius.::Wheat; ,10 ton of No. 4, Clinton, Hay; A' quantity of Straw; 6 br, 7 loads of 'Marigolds, PARK WILL BE OFFERED ?OR I - L Phone 203 - Clinton,. Ont, ERNEST W. HUNTER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 57 Bioor Str. W. Toronto Ont.. THE McKILLOP MUTUAL Fire Insurance Company Head Office, Seaforth, Ont. OFFICERS— President W. R. Archibald, Seaforth, Vice -President. • Also, at the same time' and place, the very' desirable Faenrwhich' ie favourably located,; and consi is •a. 84'aeros' ill s ,> w be. "' 'offereri for sale;; subject 'to -a ,Reserve TERMS —0A81-1 sH'. Geo, GAIRE,TT, Preprretor:. tate ld ..)',sciceent Alict-eines House for Sale -Five- roomed frame House on 'Alb- ert Street, town water, quaitereacee. of .land For `-fntrtlier particeliire apply to Frank.: Fingland.or J. W. lifcCooI,= Lendesboeo 11-tf. Wanted to- y Bu . , Wanted to buy, , old liaises. y> and dead Gettig West a :. , depart art .. 17.10, p.m;, cattle for plink feed. 11dead, phone London and Clinton Division at once. Fred Gilbert 908/.22 or Jaelc Comnig North, •arrive ' ... 11.20 a,ny Grlbeit '908r2i ss tf Going South, 'leave , .. , ;,, . „ 3.10 p.m, a > CANAti ik ATIONA" 'TIME TABLE Trains will arrive e at and depart rutin'Clinton as follows: Te•onto and Goderich Division szon Goin. mg. East, depart 6.43 a.m. Going East, depart ..... , . 3.03 pen. Going West;depart. � � 12.04 p.m.