HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-02-15, Page 4,s ortu n� ��� t, o' save ;money on Ladies 'C oats L .,. ies Dresses ad _.. LaIdi. Flats nes di winter goods r � O u Q iSECO1 r I) 1' y-� LOC)R, T. COOPER.' In Business Since -3885" STORE OPEN EVENINGS 6 TO.8 PHONES , 36W t,,,,,•...-,,,,;:,,,.,...,,,,, ........ ,,Over indulgence may result in upset stomach, if so in your case •we know of nothing better than BISMA.-REX It neutralizes acid and gas, and assists your stomach to function ,naturally. Ws worth a try. We know you willrbe agreeably surprised. For Stubborn Coughs and Colds, use CERTIFIED BRONCHIAL SYRUP There's nothing better. W. B. 5. R. NOLMPNM. ' CLINTON, ONT.ES ees .skim PHONE R1 HAUGHS BIG 88 Pants, Shirts, Smocks and Overalls CARHARTS Pants, Shocks, and Overalls OVERALLS $1.75 to $2.95 WORK PANTS $2.25 to $3.50 WORK •SMOCKS $1.95 to $2.7" WORK SHIRTS - $1.35 to $8.75 DAVIS & HERMAN CUSTOM TAILORS — Be Measured by a Tailor. • -SKATES and SIUT'S LADIES: BLACK SKATES MEN'S BLACK 'SKATES SKIIS, HICKORY SHIN GUARDS SHOULDER PADS ANKLE SUPPORTS $5.'75 $9.95 $9.50 $1.65, 3.25, and 4.50 $4.00 and $5.00 60e EPPS SPORT 'SHOP Headquarters For All. Sporting Goods PORTER'S HILL The Farin Forum that was to have met at S. S. No. 5 Monday, Febru- ary 5, was not held owing to bad roads.' But was held Monday night, February 12, at the school, The showing of the National Film Board that was to have been held February 8th at Porters Hill school :is postponed until some time in .April, Mas. JimDurnnin, London, .spent 7ast,week with her father Mr. M. woods. Ordinary Seaman Jim Young is home: on a three week furlough, from Halifax. • Mr. anal Mr's. J. Lockhart spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Bert Row - den, Hohnesville. There has been quite a lot of dis- tussion over the township snow plow...Wond'er if we will see what it looks like thib spring... -Born to Mr. and Mrs. 'Jas: McMil- ten, February 12th, a daughter. There has been no service at Grace church since the middle of December ileason: Bad: roads'. ' The Porter's Hill -Red< Cross meet- ing, which was to have been held on February 19th, has been cancelled. Will the sewers and knitters, who have not received any work please get in touch with the convenors, v 'TUCKERSMITI 'The Tuckersmith Ladies Club „held :their regular meeting on February 7th atthe home «l Mis. Austin 'Matheson with the . president, Mrs. Frank 'Waiters, pre5ikling. The meeting was opened by the Opening Ode and the Lord's Prayer. The fol- lowing reports were given, ,sewing, knitting ,and treasurer's' report. The Photo contest was won, • iby Mrs, Warren 'tVhitmore. Mrs. Ed, Johns gave a reading and Mrs. A. Mettle- son and Mrs, Ernie Crich favoured with a piano duet. The chip decided %to take. over •cleaning of :the church Tae "segulax, nleotinl; of tiro' Iced Shield was :held at -.`the work rooms: over $I earrng's Groegry $lore on Tuetiday, at 2 30 p:m.: ° Twenty-five nsesniiaers were . • pxesent Donations gratefully i'eeeivecii, are as follows: 1 crib guilt frem ;Mrs, E•' Ken nedy 1 dust•mop, 14Iss W. 01N'eil; 1 turtle reale swoater;:Stanley: Mahle Leaf: GIiiU; 1'. pi seeps, 1• sal 11 pr. panties, 4 ,lir, pyjamas, 1 child's jumper and blouse 1'dres`s 1 small hat,.5` 1 quilt, 1 complete, layette front the Happy War Workers. 1he:'. collection amounted to „$7.15. e next meeting -will be on .Tuesday, F•eliruary , 20th at 2.30 pant: Visitors are always welcome: The; next meeting will be ' packing for .the year. The convenors for the g'rourlx are Mrs. E. Crich, Mrs. W Whitmore, Mrs. W: Rogerson, Mrs F. Walters. The roll .call for the next meeting is Household ;pests and how to get rid of these. The meeting was closed with the homemakers Prayer and the remainder .of the afternoon was spent in quilting. - V Evaporated. Milk Pr•oditetiou of evaporated nsilk in Canada its 1944 is expected to total 175 million pounds, and, while stocks at the beginning of 1945 willbe high in relation to past years,, there will be a market for ,all the evaporated BAYFIELD. CLIN' 1+1,'7EWS-1t>�"C0RD PERIM TOVMSH. 'phe S., S• bre 11 Branch ea the Rea G'"ros$ wilt tnegt at the tome of Mips, . Jack Gibson `.on , Wednesday, 7°:111-1 ai yLl�at,meeinge , council et iii Ilolinsaville oi'Febru,ary 5, Reeve Gina Was .pre-. ,sen only for a BoaYd' of IXealth. neeti;ig, then left :tor Toronto to at - .meeting of the Federation of Smith Agriculture Couneillr o _ Sm <h w ea s. appointed -Chairman' Pro Tem. The. S. Rimy' asked the usual grant and $15,00 was granted again this year, alio lassocsa ion o Rural Municipalities asking membership; no action, 'l'he County Treastireri cent a list of lands 'table -to be sold' for taxes, filed. County Clerk N. W, Miller asking for information for advertising the Township was left over until next meeting. Dept, of Municipal ' Affairs re surety bonds of officials, council . approved the present'' amounts as sufficient. Sick Childrens• Hospital asked. a grant, 5;00 was given. Mr. R. 0. Staples, Public school inspector, addressed the council en school areas. If all the schools in the •township were in a school area the additional grant would amount to .$2320. If two or more sections Porn an area the grant would be equal to one mill on their assessment. Some of the advanta- ges would be quantity purchasing would mean cheaper books for the pupils and every child would have equal equipment to work with. Mr, Staples said he would attend any meeting called by any section or sections and explain the working of school areas and what he considers the advantages. A, school area must be formed not later than the last of June in order to begin functioning the following January. The following accounts were or- dered paid: Town ai Goderich, our share of division court 14.00 Muni- cipal World subscriptions 7.00 Sick Childrens Hospital donation 5.00 R. G. Thompson registering Births, Marriages and deaths, 4.00; R. J. Lovell, Co. stationery 39.71; Salva- tion Army 15.00 Miss Acheson use of house, 5.00; Supt pay roll No. 2 232.20. Council adjourned to • meet on March 5th. The February showing oft the Na- tional Film Board will be shown in Taylors' Corner School, S. S. No, 2 on Friday, February 23rd at 2.30 and 8.00 p.m., afternoon for the children and evening for the adults, This is hi conjunction with the. Federation of Agriculture. The President will give a report of the Ontario Convention at this meeting.. All is free, and all are invited. their production, the most popular were potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, beets, cabbage and bean (green or The auntie' meeting of Bayfield Apiculture' Society' was held in the Town Hall, Bayfield, o'a Tues day,.Feb, 0th, with a fair attendance, The following' officers -and directors' were appointed for 1945: President, Murray Grainger; 1st vice-presi- dent, Matta Fred McEwan; and vice- president, A, If: Wainer; secretary, A. E. Erwin; treasurer, John How- ard; Directors,: Frank Keegan, ,Rus- sel Sparks, Albert Dunn, Card Deihl, Colin Lawson, Mrs. George Little; T. M. Snowden, Win. Sparks, J. E. Howard; .Associate Directors, Mrs. T. M. Snowden, Mrs. Cox, Mrs. Prentice, Stewart Middleton and Charles Wallis; auditors, Harold Stinson and, Lloyd Scotchmer. The directors decided to have the 're - maiming 30 feet on the south side of the show room reshingled in the spring. Glen Smith of London spent the week end with his grandmother, Mrs. Chas. W. Parker. Mr. R. Larson and Clarence were also home. Sgt., Arthur Hopson of Camp Bor- den spent the week end with his wife and family in the village. Mr. Sam, 0, Houston accompanied his daughter, Mrs. Wm. Moran who motored to • the village on Friday last, to London where he will visit for several weeks. • 'Keith Brandon of London and Muss Juen Brandon of Bensall were Jaime over the week end, The Fintmce Committee of the Red Gross and Bayfield and Com- ntunitlg (Active Service Fund held a successful euchre 'and dance in the Town Hall on Friday evening. Pri- zes at euchre went to Mrs. Walter Westlake, (high), Mrs. T. 0, Bailey, (law). Melvin Davison (high) J. H. Sates, (low) Collins Orchestra from Brucefield played for tine ciente. Mrs. C. Guest returned on Satur- day after having spent a few days in London. She was accompanied by her son Charles, who took a course at the Technical School and is again enrolled as a pupil at Bayfield. Much tsympathy is extended to Mrs, R... G. Holmes in the death of her father, Rev. J. T. Elsdon who diedu an Saturday. Following a brief illness he was taken to Sarnia General Hospital and then to the Toronto General Hospital, Following a private service at the parsonage, the funeral was held on Tuesday from Bi'igden United Chur'cli, of which 'lie 'was Pastor at the time of his death, He was a veteran of the First Great War. He graduated from Victoria College and .was ordained gin 1921 and served for many years in the West, holding charges there during the drought and ;depression periods, ,Several years ago he came East and hacl ,bean 'stationed at Rutherford and Warwick before be- ing' appointed to •Brigden,. Surviving are itis wife, two daughters, Mrs. R. C. Thinks, Bayfield, Mrs. Clar- ence Wilkinson, London, two sons Pte, Lloyd: Elsdon, overseas with the Canadian army, and Pte, John Elsdon, stationed: at Brampton. Mrs. J.. E. Howard, who .has. been staying' in Clinton, accompanied by little Miss Margaret, came honiai on Saturday. The latter is recuperating milk that can .be produced in 1945, I nicely after tier recent operation, stateas the current Review of Agri- cultural Agri culturall 'Conditions in Canada. Collection Of Clothing v Bird Migration Begins Although it is stili February, Mi- gratory birds are on the. move. Don't assume that this means an early spring. According' to ornithologists of the Royal Ontario Museum, ;bird migration • commences at this time of year, every year. February is the "month when Snow Buntings and HornedltLarks, birds which have Sojourned in the united States, re-enter our province. Toward the end of the .`month scattered bands of claws also can be expected to wing their 'way 'aver or asouthern' counties. Far to the south, in South America, many; kinds of abisds . are becoming restive. Shorebirds of several kinds which will nest within the ,Arctic circle are already on the move northward. •Cheer up, maybe spring is just around the corner, V Gana4lian apples held in storage at January 1, 1945, were :estimated to' be 5,551,904 bujshels, as ' oompared with 4,171,706 bushels ,at January 1, 1944, and with 7,864,977 •busbe'1s in December, 1044. ' Appeals for donations of clothing andsuppliea, for Allibd countries have been placed under a permit to be secured throug'ir the National War Service 'depaiatment. The announce- ment was made by the Wartime Prices and: Trade Board According to a statement by Board officials the new order will ensure that claims of al'l relief organizations an Cana- dian: 'supplies will be eo-ordinates with production and,° distribution prograny$' covering, war and essen- tial civilian and relief requirements. Donations ,or purchases' of sttpplies for. distribution in' •C'anada oa to, Canadian armed forces c1• merchant seamen are 'exempted from the re- staiction, Rill relief agencies have been notified to disconttnt`te any an: - rent campaign and leave been asked to. submit their applications to the War Services department, for cone sideilation, Arrangements Ita;ve been completed for the delivery and clo nation . of "Aid to laussila" campaign until February, 20. ` Perniissioh' to wind up thiscaiispaigit,on this basis'' does slot authorize the purchases of clothiiig'througli keel ',branches or othes'wice. fjasli distilbations to [ the aidtto Russia fungi ayenot rohiite BIRUCEFIEJ4 mho, 'Young' People's Hard, Time Skating ., Party, 4Vienday Night, was largely attended and+ en;ioyed by ail. 11t'see Winners were: 1st palao hard time east -tune( Joyce Molle can , and prizo'•hard. 'time costume, Betty- Allan; ettyAllan; Best Lady Skater, Wonnetta Henderson; Best Goat Skater, . ,Gor- don Hahn; Best Skating" Couple, June Murdock , and Glenn' Swan; Oldest Skater, Bag'g'y Zapfe, • Lunch was served in the basement of the Church, V— The vegetables least grown in war- time gardens in Canada in the past year were eggplant, kale, -asparagus, broccoli, and peppers. In order of $68,85, ;salvage '$1,29.72 'Tnterest jh5 0$v' Total $2008.34., '111*P endt'tures ;Reel , Cro4s division for wax 'wont` $1281,71; Red Cross yarn„ $15841,r Red' Cross material, $51.14, local purchase $12.68, Red. Grose' ,iasn . $50.00', Sundry expenses Rev, Mr. Atkinson visited for a few days with has daughter in Detroit. Pte, 'Kenneth ScOtt of Landoll spent' the week end at his • home here, Mac. Robt. Dawson e i w on has x to nod home after visiting at her home in Inwood, Wren Norina Collins of Ottawa spent a few days with her grand- mother, Mrs.. M. McKenzie. Miss Ellen Scott 'of London spent the weelc encl with relatives in the village.• » Miss Anna Cornish spent a couple of days in London. We heartily congratulate Miss Genevieve Smith who was capped last week at Stratford General '5los- pital. • Skating is the order of the day. The Community have a wonderful rink in. Brucefield and old and young are taking advantage of it, The Vasa. na boys came over Thursday night and played a 3 all tie. Mrs, A. Rohner and Mrs. R. Daw- son spent Sunday with Mrs. H. Dal- rymple. Mrs. S. Collins and little son ar- rived home from Seeforth Hosp'i'tal on Sunday. 53.03. Total $155618'7,. Balance on nand 41501.47, At the ,Red"C}ogs 'annual ineeting held .recently the following officers were elected; honorary• President, Mrs, ` R. Allan, Hon.." vice pees'. Mrs, T, Carr, Mrs, W. Nesbitt, Mas. J. O'Brien and Mrs. 1-1. Aikenheadi, Pres, Miss, Edith Hovey, let : vice- pres.: Mrs, W.'- Douglas, 2nd vice Pres, Mrs, C. Haugh, Secretary, Mrs. W. MoBeath, Treasurer Mrs. h. Dalrymple; ; eonvenors of the dif' ferent committees, Buying, Mit, •H Berry, y, ~cutting, Mrs., A, ,Paterson,. sewing Mrs.: W. Douglas; Knitting, Mrs, H. Aikenhead, packing, Mrs. J. Cairns;. next of kin prisoner of wait' Mrs, J. Cornish, press secre- tary, Mrs, C. Baugh, Auditors', Mr. R. ',Scott and Mr. J. K. Cornish. V_. The February meeting of the W. A. of the United Church was well' atteiidecl on the afternoon of Febru- i arY 6, thirty-one members being present. Miss McDonald, the Presi- dent was in the chair with Mrs. W. Scott, Secretary and Muts. A. Mc- Queen conducting the devotional part of the meeting. Hymn 3 was sung after which psalm 701 was read rehpensively, .Hymn 46 was sung. A Ietter from Lewis Dutot was read. The letter was sent from Germany, thanking the women of the United Church for a parcel ;sent him. Bill Burdge also sent thanks for a very welcome parcel. Part of the after- noon waa spent in. Dewing a quilt. Group one was appointed to look after the program for March and an exchange of cotton goods will be held at the March meeting. The meet- ing closed in the usual manner, In 1944 the Brucefield Red Cross shipped 204 articles for army and air force, 96 articles for . seamen's comforts, 29 articles fog• hospital supplies and 459 articles for British Civilians. Receipts for the year were: Bal- ance in Bank Dec. 31st 1943, 391.03; donations and subscriptions $72.53; Huron County Grant, 5600.00, cam-, wax), 'Deign $790.25, fund raising events, r Tuckersmith Council Meets The Tuckersanith council niet in the Town Hall, Seaferth, on Saturday last with Reeve Nicholson in the chair and members, Harold Jackson, Chas, MacKay and J. W. .Crich pre- sent. The main feature of the meeting was the` opening end considerating of tenders for a power grader. Tenders were received from five different companies and representatives were present from two of those companies. Council deci'd'ed to make further in- vestigation into the suitability of the various makes ,before placing en or- der to purchase, but it is expected that a decision will be made within a week. 'YRS"FEB' 15,t 905 OBITUARY, mat. WM,' B'AI RD On Tueeday, February 60. at`th home of her daughter, Mrs.' Aa'ihu Stlifford, . 217 Uniyereity Ave, Feet dale Miehigan, Jean Lawrence, via .of the late William Baird passs peacefully, )away in her 92nd yea Trip, deceased Was: born in Allo, Claekmarson&hire, Scotland, Jun 2nd, 185$ and with'4ier parents; m grated to'Canada at the age [of 1 years and: settled •;in Tuekersmf1 Township. e was inn�ied to Willi! BanShti on, Sept. 2Stah, 1$75 and fro than union raised a family of sons and two daughters, John ar George who predeceased her . Detroit,' I nota Wham n w of 1'h'nt M1e1 James and David,. Mrs. Alfred Hari sort and Mrs, Arthur Stafford all Detroit, After residing in Tuckersini Twp. for sometima they moved Kent County, 'and from there in 191 the family .all moved to Detroit. A private funeral was held fro the Noire of. Mr. George T. Baird Stanley Twp, on Friday, Feb; 91 with Rev. David Lane of ,Clint officiating. Interment was made the family plot' in Baird's Cehiete the'palllbearers being great nephe of the deceased, Messrs, Wal Moffatt, Victor Taylor, Alex Tho son, Norman Baird, Walter Bai and Stewart Baird. These . attending from Deti were, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Staffo Mr. and Mr's, James Baird, Mr, Mrs. David Baird, Mrs. Alf Harrison, and Mrs. George Baird, By-lasv No. 1, 1045, appropriating $25,000 for road expenditure in 1945, was given its required readings and finally passed, signed and sealed,sub- ject to approval by the Department of Highways, .and' Bylaws Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, appointing auditors, cleric treasurer, tax collector,. relief' adncin- iatrator, medical health officer, sani- tary inspector and member' of Board of Health, weed inspector and: road superintendent, respectively,. were given their required' readings and passed, Guants were matte to the Salvation Army and Clinton Spring Shnw of $25.00 each. Arthur Nicholson, Harold Jackson and E. P. Chesney ware appointed as delegates to the Ontario Municipal Association Convention in Toronto. Janes A. flay was appointed asses- sor for 1945 at a salary of $150, and the services of D. F. McGregor, as advisory-elerk, were retained at a sal- ary of 520 per month. Accounts were passed as follows: Hospitalization, $9.60; grants, $50,00 Ration Board, $5; relief, $10; road accounts, $1,271.91; salaries, $120.00; postage, $4.00. Huron Expositor IN THE LETTER BO V-79634,.' Stoker S. • H, 141: C. S. "Tr % F. M. a Halifax, N The Women's Association, Presbyterian Church . Clinton, Ontario. Sorry that I haven't had the t to write, you to thank you for "Ditty Bag" that you so thou fully sent ire. I can't say that i my life that I have seen so useful articles in one bag. Being from Ontario myself, I more than thrilled to receive "Ditty Bag" from good old Ont As this was my first Chris away from home, you can int how I felt when I received lovely gift. Due to the fact where I was, there wasn't 'a flat snow for Christmas, and it 'thoughts like yours, whi'cls m feel more like Christmas. To the Wbmen's Association, byterian Church, Clinton,.Onta send all my thanks and 1 also the best of Iucic`to your organiz, for the New Year. Thanks again Stuart Last Week Of February_ Coat Sale V ,Sometimes calves which have kept in the ,barn for some time develop rickets but, this cons may be remedied if the calf is 1 in bright sunshine, , at the Toggery Shoppe Ladies', Misses, and Men's Winter Coats and 'Overcoats LADIES' MISSES and MEN'S WINTER COATS AND OVERCOATS 1 Special Group HALF PRICE A $24.50 Coat for $12.25. Etc. 1 Special Group One -Third OFF • - • A $29.50 Coat for $19.67 Etc, 1 Special . rack of Misses TWEEDS Your Choice $17.00 Men's Fine Overcoats Extraordinary value, each $17,00' Students Overcoats HALF PRICE Take advantage of this special sale. It may be a long, long time before values such as these can. 17e offered again. ThiA is positively the last week. Ladies Fur. Coats , See these at their very Special Prices Phone 324; The TOGGERY SHOPPIE,' Operated by G. Edighoffer and Son `,`Beecher Streets in Charge'? Clinton_ Ontario