HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-02-08, Page 8lAQ We Have Just Received Shipment, of High Quality , Enamelware ITtoiliding, Mugs,• Charnbers, Coffee Bowls, Mixing B1 oulztle Boilers, Tea Kettles, Potato Pots, Stew Kettles, Patio, and Roast1ng'AilL'INI111111111' caii and See for Yourself MARDWARE; PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS • -.. CLINTON, ONT. MEOWS 147w. ' • --- February. Sale Prices At this season of the year we find ourselves with too many Winter Overcoats on our racks. These must be turned into cash regardless of the fact that the probabilities are for a greater shortage of mat- erials than ever. They are all this season's newest styles in Heavy Tweeds and Fleece Materials, Mostly Greys and Browns and all' on sale at greatly reduced prices. Come in and get the coat you want at a real Bar- gain Price. . Boy's -Overcoats in Brown Freize also at Bargain Prices. • A few childs suits in airforce blue coat and pants with leggings sizes 3 to 6. A good warm suit for a small boyat a reduced price for February Sale. Plumsteel Bros. Arrow Shirts - Aden, Hato - Scott & Mende Shoes for Mew Ayeate Tip Top Talley*. I t I3oo s tati(:inery termarisPn 4 Pencils 35T ito 'NOW IN STOCK Women's Sweater Coat, Pullovers,. Knitted Sults, Scarfs, etc. 'at one half price. Men's Sweater Coats, Pullovers criced to clear. BROWN'S :":",•c• One Door North of Royal Bank' Playing Cards 50e to 1.80 Bridge Segres 4 for 100 and 10c each Jig -Saw Puzzles 500 Children's Jig -Saw puzzles 25e NOW ON SALE 50 pair of Gores and Ties Were $7.50 and $8.00 Now Clearing for $2.95 23 pair of Gaylace Rubber Galoshes in Black or Brv4j.5O Clearing at 75c •:\ tand See us e May ha T. Chur •Shoe Store, Fitting Benefit Concert The Clinton Lion's Club take pleasure in presenting May Rance McKinnon in an Evening of Dramatic Sketches, Monologues and Singing on • TOWN HALL, CLINTON Th stia3r Feb. 22 1945 at 8.15 sharp • Proceed s -• Aid of lions' Firithh Cbild War Victim's Fund Admission 50e Recipe -Clipping (Book 50c Eride's Scrap Book Rubber Balls Chamois Sponge Artificial Flowers BOOKS • 90c 25c. 25e , • 8c each Earth and High Heaven Ride with Me Being Met Together • Keep Your Quilt Mary Ann G. R. McEwan Co. 'OFTEN THE CHEAPEST ALWAYS THE BEST" PHONE 84 •••••••••• WOW' Inammom...... MM. E. E. Gibson is spending the week with her sister, Mrs. R. F. ,Reid, Varna. Miss WSma Ractferd, of London, spent the week end with her par- ents; Mr. and Mra. J. C. Radford. Pte. K. B. Streets and Mrs. Streets, of London, spent the week .end in town with Mrs. C. Streets and family. Mr. Frank Fingland KC. spent the week -end in Toronto, attending the re -onion Amer of the Oagoode Hall Class of 1925. Mrs. Oliver Duricrn and daughter Barbara, from near Grand Valley, spent the week end with the lady's mother, Mrs. Beaton. Stoker 1st class Mervin McCartney, •R.C.N.V.R., of Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, visited last week with his wide, Mr. Harvey McCartney, and other relatives in Clinton and Goderieh. Miss Catherine Jefferson accompas ied by Miss Jerry Sannders, o Brandon, Man., students at Alma College, St. Thomas, will spend a long week end at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George H. Jefferson. Mrs. Henry D. Ring, of Rush Lake, Sask., formerly C01-2. Ingold of Auburn, Ont., is at present vtsit- ing her niece and nephew Mrs. Arthur Fulford and Mr. Win. 'tenger. .She is accom- panied by her son, Herbert Ring, of Moose Jaw, Sask. Mrs. Ring has been renewing acquaintances at Godes-tell, Auburn and Blyth. It it: twenty-nine years since Mrs. Ring left for the west. V HURON ROAD EAST HAPPY WAR. WORKERS The February meeting of the "Happy War Workers. Club" was held at the home cif Mrs. George , Glazier on Feb. 1. The meeting open- ed by singing "Jesus Lover of My Soul" which was followed by "The Lord's Prayer" and the Club Creed. The minutes of the, last meeting were read and adopted. A letter of thanks for cigarettes was read from E.R.A. H; V. Heeley, fol- lowed by the Treasurers Report. During the afternoon a quilt was );miltecl, after which a lovely lunch ko served by Group 1. elY "Crazy Work" quilt top d in to the dub by Mrs. e and .Mrs. Torn Seatth. We ta this opportunity to ? members who are r,,,,,,,N1 our meetings for they are handing "Sunny Jims" With; prepar4,44,.'. •.!gro*tr, tki • • , proire..interestbli," 'Let' .--!show F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. bet, As. Personal care geven' every order and special attention, giTen to Funeral Orders. • Phone 176 ziad 31 nINNIMIIMMI•441.0•41•1•44.;44VIIII.,:i...44.4,11.9,11.• Lever's Fish and Chips Will be dosed on Sunday, and Monday each Week and 11 o'clock every night. Open Tuesday noon till Saturday night. Valentine Bazaar & Tea IN COUNCIL CHAMBER, Saturday, Feb. iOth . From 3 to 6 p.m. Under Auspices of Girls' Club Presbyterian Church BOOTHS GIFT -Quilt, homemade aprons, gifts and knitted articles. HOMEMADE BAKING -- AFTERNOON TEA-Sdad plate - Jellied chicken, salad, pickles, bread and butter, pie and tea. Tea 30e ' Everybody Welcome NOTICE 'The' annual meeting of the Clinton Hospital Association will be held in the Council Chamber, Clinton Town Hall, on Monday evening, February 12 1945 at 8,90 o'clock. 34-2 BINGO St. jo,seph's Church Bali Wednes0ay, Feb. 14th Fifteen regular rounds 3 Specials and 1 Share -the -Wealth Jack Pot St. Vafentine Dance • n iectssved by 1;11e" isisdereighed.,:UOJef,5 eldeekpa* Fehrtiary 15th,:.fas; the "positiOn ',.4e,40(1""1OOdara tOwnlecavenger -"' e0niii- inent,ixtecessarir be isuPrOlied. by applidant. 'Thitlea • begin at onee. ea er. 'i.cievrn of .0 C. C. I. AUDITORIUM. Friday, February 16th. R.C.A.P. ORCHESTRA 9.30 p.m. Adnaission 75c Proceeds for Junior Red Gros All Seats may be Reserved th.4.1 .en itu7::inni.aeeweesfsbpi:s,l0:;11.3,sk;:;:fbi,pc ii:t.ciiiltilpd,100., „,. , " .theti:ri,eletipnig.. . 1 • lady's children's Socks' and several ', efh Collection arrioun ` Flower Fund .31;,,ma $2 37. . owing- to ' bad weatheitt. FRANK'S DAY ,OR NIGHT SERVICE DAY PHONE 178, NIGHT PHONE, Residence, 267in Ontario Street NV,. A. The - Women's AsSociation of Ontario Street Church met Wednes- day 'February 7th with Mrs. Town- send in the chair. Mrs. Wiltse was in charge of the "devotional period and •read the scripture lesson. Mrs. E. Kennedy led in prayer. The Secretary, Mrs. Olde, read the report which was approved. The Treasurer, 1VIrs. Proctor gave the financial 'statement The Corbsporid- ing Secretary, Mrs. Kennedy, read six letters of appreciation fpr flow- ers or sympathy. and during the month had written ten- letters. Plans are being arranged to ho'd a. Bazaar on March 10th in the Council Chamber of the Town Hall. The committee appoiistecl to look after this is; Mrs. Radford, Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes, Mrs. Townsend Mrs. Olde, Mrs. Venner • and Mr. Rumball. It was also arranged to have each ward make a quilt • and assinne the cost. The Program consisted of a,piano solo by Mi.05, Florence Aiken and a vocal solo by M Coronna Wendorf accompanied by- Miss Elva Wiltse at the piano. Superior Store 4 PHONIC Ill-CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR F1BRUARY 8 9,10 PLUM JAM 24 oz. Jar • . 25c STOLEY's TOMATO SOUP re oz. -2 tins 15c CHOICE RED PLUMS 20 oz. tin 15c KELLOGG'S RICE KRISPIES 2 pkgs. ... 2.5c KRAFT DINNER pkg. 18e KEENS MUSTARD IA lb. tin 27c BROCK'S BIRD SEED pkg. 18c ROMAN MEAL pkg. 29e A. J. PANCAKE FLOUR pkg15e COWAN'S COCOA 1 1h. tin 24c NABOB COFFEE 1 lb. bag 450 IVORY SNOW pkg. 25c IVORY FLAKES pkg. 25c • PRINCESS FLAKES. pkg. .... 25c ORANGES, Size 288s, doz. .... 37c i.avroNs, Size 30Cts 3 for 13e GRAPEFRUIT, Size 112s 4 for 25e WAXED TURNIPS lb. 3c HEAilLETTITGE 5s each 15c TTD Turinfi Den LiuN free Delivery WEEK END SPECIALS + +I, • • ' • 7 . " il[1101t. $17h 191t5, 5 Bars WONDERFUL Soap •" 19c 1 pkg. 'WONDERFUL Soap Powder 19c 2 Cakes P. & G. SOAP 11e 2 pkgs. SNOW FLAKE Anunonia 11c 1 Can BABBITTS Cleanser 1 can SUCCESS Paste Wax 32c 1 Bottle SUCCESS Liquid Wax 59c 1 Can Aylmer Tomato Juice 10e 1 Can ALLENS Apple Juice 15c 1 Pkg. ROBIN HOOD Quick Oats 27c 1 lb; MAXWELL HOUSE Coffee 480 3 lb. Gran or Yellow SUGAR 25c 2 pkgs. PUDDING Powders Asst, Flavours 19c 2 CUSTARD POWDERS 19c 1 Jar GREEN GAGE Plum Jam a lbs. WHITE BEANS 20e 3 LEMONS 360s 10c 1 Doz. SUNKIST Oranges 288s 37e CARROTS, PARSNIPS, TURNIPS ETC. W. L. JOHNSON PRONE 286 • • GROCER DELIVERY HOURS 4 to 6 p.m. • February 8 to 10 COWAN'S Perfection cocoa 1 lb. tin • 21c PLUM JAM 2 lb jars , 29c CLARK'S Mushroom soup 2 tins 19c 2 Tins HARRY HORNES Cocoa 23c P. & G. Soap 2 bars 11c VAN CAMP'S TOMATO SOUP 8 tins , 25c SUPER SUDS pkg. 20c PREM in tins 33e AYLMER Diced Beets tin ..., 15e BEAUTY BRAND Tomatoes 28 oz. tins 2 for 29c HORNES :iquid gravy browning bottle • 23c APPLE JUICE in tins 2 tins 29c SMARTS Pumpkin 28 oz. tin 2 for .... .... ....... .„ • 25c SUPER floor wax 1 lb. tin 25c MOTHER JACKSON'S JIFFY PIE CRUST makes 2 delicious pies Baptilit Ladies Aid only per pkg. 25c GARDEN , FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES The Annual meeting of the Bap- tist Ladies Aid was held at the Par - OUR MEAT COUNTER CONTAINS sonage on the evening of Januasy FRESH Sausages lb, . . 25e 30th. The Presi'ent, Mrs. N. me - FRESH Wieners 10 , 27c Lean was in charge of this meeting COTTAGE Roll in pie- e lb. 39e and it was opened with prayer by the BOLOGNA in piece lb. .. . . 24e Pastor; Rev. C C. Andersen. This MACARONI & Chees. Loaf lb 30c was followed by the scripture read - h I b Mrs Max- STORES • •`VALTJES.170BATBMICAEVAtti raunI,Mith, • AUNT I'EmilVIA PANCAKE FLOUR pkg.. ,• 15c • VANCA1VIP'S QUICK. SERVE BEANS pkg. 5c R.EA1DYCUT MACARONI 2 Ibs. • DENSON'S TOMATO , JUICE 3 tins 25c LYNN VALLEY BEET COUNTRY KIST GREENS 2 tins 25c •PEAS 2 tins - • RED & WHITE TABLE'' 13c SALT 2 pkgs.,. tinvoN TomATOEs tin SOt3° CLARK'S TOMATO or OXTAIL 3•tins- 25c COWANS • Scrbury's Black - Cocoa lb 21c Tea- 1/2Ib 35. CANADA GoRtr Starch pkg. 10c CAKE 5c Viking Toilet Tissue roll -5,c POST'S CORN Flakes lg. pk, 10 CAKE.,5c GARDE -N FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES MUSHROOMS - - GRAPES -- TOMATOES -- SPINACH PARSNIPS - TURINIPS CABBAGE. RADISHES' CALIFORNIA JUICY 360's MARSH SEEDLESS 112's LEMONS 3 for 11e GRAPEFRUIT 4 for 25c B. C. DELICIOUS 125's CALIFORNIA JUICY 228's APPLES doz. 19c ORANGES doz. 37c, NEW BEETS ""•-• HEAD LETTUCE - NEW CARROTS SPANISH ONIONS - CELERY • - COOKING'ONIONS •C. M. SHEARING • PHONE 48 FOR QUALITY FOODS - CLINTON We can supply you with a fine new range of Plate Glass Mirrons in various shapes and !sizes as well as a range •in. Prices ,of a few swell Cedar Chests. „ alway,t.s Carry a large stock of Spring filled Mattresses, and. . Steel Beds also Cribs, Baby Carrfages, Baby Baths and High Chairs, BALL & ZAPFE , Dealers in Hardware and Furniture Modern Ambulance Service, Funeral Directors • Store Phone 195 _ DOUGLAS G. BALL JOHN 3. ZAPPE Phone 110 Phone 108 Attention Syrup Makers OrderSap Pans Now Don't Be Disappointed Hugh R. Hawkins Plumbing, Heating, Sheet Metal Work Agent for Reda Furnance PHONE 244 Biltmore Hats The Master Hat of Canada. B-rown, Grey, Blue and Green Wool Felt at $2.25 Fur Felt $3.50, 4.00, 5.00 and 6.00 Sizes 61/2 to 71/2 DAVI'-' 8c HERMAN CUSTOM TAILORS - Be Measured by a Tailor. Courtesy means "Safety" 1. 'Be alert before crossing the Street, Look first to the Left, then to the Right. 2. Use the neighborhood playgrounds and not the street to play. in 3. Do not run into the street from behind parked cars or moving Vehicles. 4. Hitching to inoving Vehicles is "Dangerous', ' , Parents can help prevent serious Results to our Clinton Children; by reminding them of these traffic rule. The Safety Committee of The Clinton Lions' Club. • The Ladies of -St. James Ward will serve in March with Mrs. Ross and. Mrs. Iddo Crich conVenors. , The meeting closed with a •hynitry' and prayer led by Mrs. Hawke afte'Y - which a pie/lie lun h was served by the sceial committee.' There were forty-six present. nieral)ers • and four Imre - eresent. The Mareh meeting will be • 1,„ V held at the home of 'Vire, .• 4,4! e • 19c L • Annual meeting were re'd by the , g, w was reacty . ‘,,e11 from Psilin 91. A poem WA,' rnti by Mrs. Kennedy `Irtist Bon" sing.ng a hymn, Mrs. W. Aikenhead read an article on "The. Ge eralistimo of China and his w fe". Mr-. • Arderson read" a short poem, "Hs Lamps are We" The business of -the month was atten'ed to. The miutes of the last • officers: President, Mrs. McLean; Vice-presidente, Mrs, Anderson and Mils. W. Ocshrane, Treasurer, Mrs.: Johnston; Secretary, Ma's. Craig and. Preps Secretary, Mrs. Aikenhead; Work Committee, 'Mrs. LePpingtok... -Mrs. Beattie and Mrs. Kennedy. Auditor, Mrs. John. Bdtler. Mee. lieLean endeavoured to en• eourage the ladies vats a few words concerning the two:* done dur-• ing the year, which has been a ve y • ,good one. The meeting was closesil after the •singing of a hymn, and prayer. A pleasant time Vas, spent, over the lunch table before- separate. ing. ZEING• CONSISTENT 1eti*D� you know you're Wearing you're wearing Your ring ot51