HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-02-08, Page 5., ''0'FiB.;+;8{11,.1045 HE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD hateihe Rig, i°SPEAK .... TO PLANOUR FUTURE AS WE WILE NVB Canadians are democrats. Adolf Hitler would never have had a chance in our country. The Fuehrer ranted and roared his way to leadership. His beer -parlour oratory impressed his countrymen . they were ready to be swayed, eager to be convinced. Here was a dictator's opportunity. We Canadians don't do things that way. We don't like being led by the nose. We want to think for ourselves. We want to do things in our own way ... to plan our future as we will. This is the way we have built Canada . into the great nation she is today. . From a primitive land, uninhabited but for • a few tribes of Indians, Canada — in a short 300 years—has grown from. a terra incognita tot one of the greatest trading nations of -the World. This has come to pass through the vision and pioneering spirit of our fokefathers, through their determination, enterprise, self- reliance, and the deep-rooted knowledge that only through hard work, intelligently applied, • can anything worthwhile be built. • We have made our war•elfort in the same way, contributing in the Struggle of the United Nations to a degree that has amazed every. one — Hitler included. We are well into our stride in petting this war assignment over, and when Victory comes, we will face the problems of peace with the same determination to do things in our own way. . . We have not reached our present place in the scheme of things without mistakes, and we will probably make mistakes in the future.But, as in the pas ,so in the future,we will profit by our errors ... building sanely and steadily by individual determination and self-reliance to make life a strong and worthwhile thing. * * * This message is published as an expression of faith in the future of Canadaby the Bank of Montreal, which has been working with Canadians in all walks of life since 1817. PEACE OF MIND, FOR THOSE WE SERVE The. assurance of experienced, personal service - - — — Any Hour of the day or night. One high standard for all.patrons — — In your HOME — YOUR .CHURCH, OR OUR CHAPEL. BEATTIE FUNERAL HOME GEORGE B. BEATTIE TURNI: We are paying to -day 60c per. Bushel Canada Packers Limited phone 580 Clinton Ontario AUBURN Miss Frances Houston R. N. of Kitchener way a week end visitor at the home of her parents Mr. and John Houston. . L•A.C. Stanley McNa•1l of Brant- ford spent the week end with his parents .Mr. and : Mrs, Thos. McNeil. Mr's. Joe. Carroll has returned home from Goderich Hosphal where • she had been a patient for the past few weeks. Mr. Hairy ^ Sturdy is in *Toronto this week. Library Meeting :The annual meeting of the Auburn Public Library was held in the Lib. vary on :Monday evening. The presi- dent, Rev. H. Snell, .prdst'ded• The. various reports were . given. The Librarian, Miss M. King, reported that 2,666 books had been read dun- ing the :year. Of these 104 were C1'aes, 976 'Fiction,' and 265 Juvenile, Thin is air' increase of over 1,000 from 1948, There is a 'rn.elnberShip ing .officer§ were elected, President, Rev. H. Snell, secretary -treasurer, Mit. Fred Ross, Librarian Miss M. King. ' Book Committee, Mrs. Law- son, Mrs. Cowan, Rev. H. Snell, .C. E. Asquith, 0. E. E.rratt, Program and finance committee A. J. Fer- guson, Harry Sturdy, Frank Raith- by, Miss Josephine Weir, Ms 'Edna Cowan; Representative to .County Library association Rev. H. Snell, alternate, Mr. O. E. Asquith. • SUMMERHILL Mrs. Win. Merrill •had the ,mis- fortune of slipping on the floor,. fall- ing and breaking her left wrist, last Monday evening. •1VIrs. Ed. Ball spent last • week with her daughter Phyllis in Toron- to. Miss Elcla Tackaberry of Lion's Heacl and Mrs. George Herd of Holyrood are spending a week with the latter's slaughter, Mrs. C. Bali, ' Ma'. and Mrs. Wm. Lovett and Mr. and Mrs. E. Ellis spent :last Monday evening with Mr. add Mrs. T. Mason. last year. - The treasurer, Mrs..Fred Ross, re- ported that after all expenses had been paid there is a balance in the treasury of $34.97. _Mention- was made of the Ixplendid, progress the Library hacl made during the year. They belong to the Huron County Library Association which is a great assist ,as books are • clitributed to the Library every three months through this association. Harry Sturdy, Chas. Asquith ansi Mrs. Edna. Cowan were elected to the Board for a three year term, other directors being 0. E. Ersatt, A. J. Ferguson, Rev. H. Snell, Frank. Raithby, Mrs. Lawson and Miss Josephine Weir. ' Mr. R. D. Munro who has been'•a 'Member of the board for a number of years asked to be relieved, Words., of appreeiati'on of the valued:i.interest taken iby Mr. Mun- ro daring his 'term of office' was voted() by 'meaibeirs of the Board,. also of the splendid services of the, ROXY THEATRE carom Now Playing - ; "COBRA WOM- AN" In Technicolor wijh Maria: Mon. Tues. Wed. Dual Features "MUSIC' IN MANHATTAN" A, whirligig of fun, . music and song."` Anne Shirley, Dennis' Day and Philip Terry. ,SHERLOCK HOLMES AND THE VOICE OF :TERROR Sherlock Holmes •: and Dr; Watson. solve tbe mystery of. alt ;unscrup- ulous ,spy ring operating;; in, Eng- land. Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce. Thur. Fri Sat.. • Jean • Gabin Richard Whbrf, ' All- yn Joslyn tinct Ellen, Drew. ', The most' dangerous . nian a woman ever ever loved,' condemned) by, the las!of the woman Who 'loi ed hila. A. brilliant wa' drama! "THE.. IMPOSTOGR. Coming — Deanna. Durbin "CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY"' CAPITAL THEATRE GODSRIC13 Now Playing -- Bob Hope and Paulette Goddard Irl - "TEE GHOST BREAKERS" Mon. Tues. Wed. Two Features Alan Marshall, Laraine Day and Marsha Hunt ''Embark .;,on a mar- ital' ar-ital• lark and find the •course a true , love is still bumpy: "BRIDI9 BY MISTAKE" Tom Conway -Audrey :Long•." and \Edward Briphey Jan' a fistful of excitemeelt into one long NIGHT' OF ADVENTURE" Thur. Fri. and Sat. Joyce Reynolds, Edward Arnold and ' Ann Harding as clean, and as merry, as an apple orchard in' springtime comes : Warner Broth- er's 'National Joy Show "JAIME" Coming "THE INVISIBLE MAN'S REVENGE" 'and "PA,RIY- . kEGENT TIJEA ssttxoarrs Now Playing ccEA DAYS" and "NIGH OF VENTURE" Mon. Tues. ,and Wednesday Lynn Bari„ Altimn Taniiroff Frances Lederer A great in -drama, a simple people, in s surrounding's, told in simple THE BRIDGE of SAN LUIS Thur. Fri. Sat.' Gloria Jean,' Evelyn Ankers Patric Knowles -with Bola Oro, Orchestra and a great cast fun -makers in 'a happiness Hi "PARDON MY RHYTHM' Bud Abbott and Lou Costello pltnnb your sense of 'humor .its depths. Coming — "TOP MAN" and SHERLOCK HOLMES SCAR CLAW ON MY RHYTHN" Matinees _ Sat. & Hol. at BIRTHS WALLIS—In Clinton Public Hos- pital on Saturday, February 8rd, to Mr. and '.Mrs. Charlt:'s Wallis, Blue Water Highway, a daughter. SMITH—In Clinton Public Hospital, on. Thursday, February let, to Mr. and Mrs. 'Jack Smith, a son, Douglas Wayne. 'ADDISON=In Clinton Public Hos- pital on Thursday, February 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Addison:,o$ Londesboro, a daughter. HORNER-•In 'Clinton. Publis Hos pital on Monday February 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. • Gordon Horner of Varna a daughter. DEATHS WALLIS—dn Clinton Public Hos- pital on Sunday, February 4th, • infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wallis. SHEPHERD—•Suddenly at Gilbert Plains, Manitoba, on Tuesday, February 6th, Arthur Shepherd, nephew of Mrs. Robson, Clinton. YOUR BLO. CAN SAVE Thousands of blood donors are needed each week tel supply life-saving serum foe' the Armed Forces: Give a pint of blood to save a life: For appointment call: Red Cross Blood Donor Servicer • CLINTON BLOOD D YOU WILL SPEND ETERNITY 1 1 —WHERE? W EVERY LIVING PERSON KNEW WHAT EVERY DEPART. ING SOUL DISCOVERS . EVERYONE would be atfved TO -DAY! "It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment." Heb. 9:27 "For whosoever shall call upon the name of•tht Lord shall be saved." Romans 10:13 TUNE IN: Pilgrim Hour 7-7.30 E.D.S.T. Sunday evening LOCAL STATION OKLW WINDSOR TRY OUR Jelly Roll Chocolate Cake Tea Biscuits Do -Nuts or Long Johns.. The Horne of Good Eats. BARTLIFF'S PHONE 1 CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. V. COOKS FLORIST Phone: 83w sad BflJ Batkins Locker Storage Now 4,4, Clod .ti'nte to red fit t vegetabi~ Try uls for all kinds of fish. We have liven on hand' now. • WE BUY HIDES Casings for Sale your FROZEN FOODS ARE BETTER FOODS SAFE Billy—If I ani naughty ,I have to go to bed 'without dinned. Bobby -That can't happen. to me. I have medicines to take after each meal Photography Photos, taken indoors or out, night or day, or at your home; Enlarging and tinting done by a professional. J. B. Lobb, Victoria St. 34-2 Farm Fe, Sale -Hibbert 100 acres ribh soil,,: bush, -bank barn, brick house, garage, school handy, moderately priced. Wxn. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 35-5 Work Wanted ....Teaming of all kinds. Septic tanks looked after promptly. Apply Arthur Fulford, Clinton. 35-3 For Sale • A wing overstuffed chair, in very good eondition, 515. 'New Modern Dresser, 530. Phone '223, Clinton. 35.1 Cemetery Memorials Large stock of modern 'memorials on . display +mt our Clinton. Showrooms For the convenience of our patrons, office will be open on - Fridays Open by appointment at any other time See Mr. J. J. Zapfe, next door Cumungham & Pryde Clinton — Exeter — Seaforth PHONE 41 GRATITUDE e A widow has recently written us: "I owe you a debt of gratitude for thg way in which you have handled my accounts". The same service is available to you. Simply send in your list to -day, and watch the pleasing result follow. No collection, no commission. - KELLY & AIKEN, Collection. Specialists, Orangeville, Ontario, 32-4 NOTICE MALTING BARLEY • • "We are now contracting acreage for the growing of Barley from next season's crop. For Further particu- lars, contact, G. T. Mickle & Sons, Hensall, Ontario, Telephone 103 Hensall. 34-4 H. T. RANCE NOTARY PUBLIC, Fire Insurance Agent Representing 14• Fire Insure Companies Division Court Office, Clin Properties For Sale Tenders .will be received by' the undersigned, for the sale of the fol- lowing properties, on the East side of Matilda Street, Clinton, Ontario, up to 19th of February, A.D. 1945. (1) Lot 53 Gordon's New Survey, Clinton, on which is said to be erect- ed a one and one-half storey frame house, 6 rooms, town water install- ed, in a fair state of repair,. (2) Lot 54 :Gordon's New Survey, Clinton, on which is said to be -erect- ed a one story frame ;beige, 5 rooms, in condition. fair r (3) Lots 55 to 59 dnclusive, Gor- don's New Survey, Clinton. Tenders _may be submitted on one or more properties. The highest or any bidder not necessarily. accepted. For further particulars apply to the tlndersigned. Dated at Clinton, this 29th day of January, 1945. • Hartley James Managhan, Administrator of the Estate of John Josling, Deceased, Clinton; Ontario. 34-3 Wanted Girl for.• general housework in Guest home. Goocl wages and hours. Apply National Selective Service Office, Goderich, Ont. Refer to File No. 1195. 34-2 Personal If YOU want to get married, write Box 358, Juliaetta, Idaho, Send stamp. 30-4 Farm for Sale One hundred acres, lot 13 con. 2, For Sale Hullett Township, including about 10 Sitngle Iron Bed, Spring's and acres of hardwood bush, good bank Mattress. Also Steel .Cot. Enquire at' barn, stable, never failing supply of News -Record. Office. 35-1 water, at both front and back of • farm; stone house, five rooms, For Sale smalls orchard. To wind up an es - Ari 'Electric I kture, suitable for tate. Apply to George Mann, R. .R. living or dining room. Enquire at No. 4, Clinton. 21-tf News -Record. 35-1 100 acre Ho Auction Sale Five roo House for ,Sale Frank Fingland, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Successor to W. Brydone, Sloan. Blatt ... — . Clinto H. C. LAWSON Insurance Fire = Auto - Liability - Oflfice: Bank of Montreal PHONE: Office 251w Residence Clinton, Ontario Agent—Mutual Life Ass. ARTHUR E. PAR • Commissioner, ete. A quantity of good mixed sale at barn. H. C. MEIR Barrister -at -Law , Solicitor of the Supreme Co Ontario Proctor in Admiralty. Notary Public and Commis Office in the McKenzie Hours: 2.00 to 5.00 Tuesd and Fridays. Dr. F. G. Thomps House and Office, Ontario Clinton. Telephone 17 OFFICE HOURS: 2-4 in th noon and 7-8 in the evenin Other hours by appointtne D. H. McINNES CHIROPRACTOR Electro Therapist, Massa Office: Huron Street, (Few west of Royal Bank) Hours—Wed. and Sat., and appointment FOOT CORRECTION my Manipulation Sun -Ray Tr Phone 207 HAROLD JACKS Licensed Auctioneer Specialist in Farm and Ho Sales. Licensed in Huron,:, and Counties. Prices reasnable; faction guaranteed. . For information etc. write o Harold Jackson, R.R. No. 4 Sc phone 14-661. DR. G. S. ELLIO Veterinary Surgeo Phone 203 Clinton; ERNEST W. HUN CHARTERED ACCOUNT 57, Bloor Str. W. Toron THE McKILLOP MUT Fire Insurance Comp Head Office, Seaforth, Oi OFFICERS— President Archibald, Seaforth, Vice -Br Frank McGregor, Clinton, M Secy-Treas. M. A, , Reid, Seafo DIRECTORS— W. R. Are Seaforth; Frank McGregor, C Alex. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Leonhardt, Bornholm; E. J. T tha, Clinton; John L. Malone, Se Alex. McEwing, Blyth; Hugh A der,, Walton; George Leitch, 1 AGENTS-- John E. Pepper, field; R. F. McKercher, Dublin Prueter, Brbdhagen; George A. Blyth. Parties desiring to effect anae or transact other businet be promptly attended to on a tion to any of the above offict dressed to their respective pos ces. Losses inspected by the di AN I jNATtONAl ^ 1. 4 TIME TABLE