HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-02-08, Page 4ETON NEWS -RECORD ,..ath,1945 LIS as Your Opportunity To save money on Ladies Coats Ladies Dresses Ladies Hats and all winter goods shown on our SECOND FFLOQR A. T. COOPER. In Businese Since 1885 STORE OPEN EVENINGS 6 TO 8 PONES 36W BAYFIELD '> There was no service. in Trinity Church on Sunday: Rev. 'and Mrs. 11 G Holmes were called to Brigden on Friday owing to ,the illness of her mother and critical condition of her fatheu:r. Owing to the bad roads Rev. D. J. Lane was not able to reach Bayfield on Sunday and the service in Knox Presbyterian Church had to be can- celled. Pte. E11en'MacI{ay, C.W.A.C., Lon- 18 at the time so I• certainly know don was home over the week end. how you feel about losing your Cha'r'les Guest of London spent son. ,,.,., inireNtv. vvi• .. w.... r ............. �. Over indulgence may result in upset stomach, if so' in your case • we know of nothing better than BISMA-REX It neutralizes acid and gas, and assists your stomach to function naturally. It's worth a try. We know you will be agreeably surprised. For Stubborn 'Coughs and Colds use CERTIFIED BRONCHIAL SYRUP There's nothing better. W. S IL HOLMES PNM. B. - 'b' 'CLINTON, ONT. PRONE 51 .,•..++.+,,,,,,,-„.,,,.......-......n .am........-..v,..++.......v...w.w.«++�w much ;better now. I .see by your letter you are: from Clinton Ont. Well I am not such long Way off, I and from London, Iani very sorry to hear You 16'st a son in the 'Warr. So I 'know h.* You feel. I lost a twin, brother and the only brother. T had. Tett couldn't tell usI apart. He was killed when a torpedo struck his ship in• the 'return from' the invasion 'of" Africa: He was; .only the week end with his mother, Mrs. C. Guest. . L.A.C. Fared Weston, R.C.A.F. No. 0 S.F,T,S. Centralia spent the week end with his wife .and little daugh- ter at their home in the village. Little. Miss Margaret Howard daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E., Howard is in Clinton Hospital, hav- ing undergone" an :operation for the removal of her appendix on. Satur- day ]afternoon. Margaret's onanY friends will +be glad to know she is making good progress towards re-. covert V17395 A.B. Robert L. McLeod, Thursday, Nov. 30th•1944 Dear Friends: Well, I suppose you have been wondering what has happened to me and, maybe you will think I've been a bit !slack in not writing. But I've been moving around quite a bit since your last letter Mrs. Prentice. And then again I'm not much of a hand at writing, but I hope that you will forgive ;me for this long delay and I shall try to do better in the future. I received your last parcel ok. I think it was in July. That's the one Maude Wston packed and if I haven't thanked you yet I wish to now, thank you, one and all for your kindness. You might be surprised to hear that I ani Overseas (again) and although I cannot tell you the name of place. I have been here quite often' before and you have heard me talk of ;it, 'so you probably have an idea. It might surprise you more to know that at present I ant in the "Royal Naval Hospital" over here with a slight leg injery. But I assure you it isn't tierious and if it comes along 'ok. I should be out of here in a short time. I hope so anyway, as I don't want to miss my ship and it does get pretty lonely and monotonousin one of these places. It might seem sort of early .for Christmas greetings, but better early than late, so I want to wish you and .all the Bayfield Community a very Merry and Happy Christ- mas: This will be my fourth Christmas away from home and although the wereincomplete before, this one seer's .more so because I am married how and antis my wife very much, in fact we have only had 'six weeks together since we were marribd in April. However, let us hope this is the last one away from home and friends. There are thousands more like me so I guess I shouldn't com- plain too much. Although I am over here my ad- dress on the ship is H.M.C.S. "Parry Sound" % F.M.O. St. John's Nfld. So when you write, se!:d it there and if it is or isn't changed in the mean- time, it will be forwarded to me eventually. Well friends this isn't a very large letter but I just want to 1J convey to you again my Best Wises and Many Thanks for your kindness in the past and I hope to see you all again when this is over. I haven't :seen any other Bayfield boys for quite a long time except John my brother who incidentally . expects to be home on leave soon. So I shall 'close now and expect to hear from you boon. Very sincerely yours Bob MacLeod A-4525 Pte J. W. •Sturgeon 15th 01111. Gen. Hospital C. M. F. Italy Dec, 26th 1944 Dear Mrs. Prentice and all: Just a few lines to let you. know that I ani now in the 15th Cdn. General Hospital. I was wounded on the 13th so I !spent'a real good Christmas here. We had all kinds of candy,oranges, nuts. The Red Cros+b and Salvation Army gave '11s scarves, socks, gloves so we were treated very well. I was wounded on the right hip by a very Large piece of shrapnel, so I have been operated on three times—hope it's the last. 1 ant getting along fine but I am suffering some pain. The weather here in Italy is real nice. How is it back there? TMs is a very poor letter this time. When I get feeling better I will write a better oee., So I will close for now. Give my best. regards to :all and I wish you 'all a Happy New Year. Your friend • lames SKATES and SKITS LADIES BLACK SKATES MEN'S BLACK SKATES SKIIS, HICKORY SHIN GUARDS SHOULDER PADS ANKLE SUPPORTS $5.75 $9.95 $9.$0 $1.65, and 4.50 $4 00 and $5.00 60c EPPS SPOIL SHOP • Headquarters For All Sporting Goods CeSNAPSINOT GUILD IMPROVE PICTURES BY CROPPING e6 00 I was on convoy duty overseas in 1941 at the age of 17 myselfand have been with it ever since. The hospital here is a new one and' is certainly nice and the nurses are fine.• Well I guess that is about all the', news I can tell you, hoping youhad a Merry, Christmas and a Happy New ' Year. Let us all -hope .' and pray it will, be all over by next Christmas when we all can unite with our families -once; more. • Yours very sineerely Ralph H. Carr. v _ • V-47695 Robt, Patterson C.K.S. H.M.C.S. "Avalon” Bakery '% F. M. O. St. John's Nfld.I Mrs. J. Cuninghame, Olinton Ontario._ ' Dear Mr's. Cuninghaine: I received a ditty bag with your name on it and I` with; to thank you and the other ladies for your kindness. It really was swell of you for remembering us fellows. I -want to thank you especially for the New Testament which you so generously included among the other lovely things. I really appreciated your thoughtfulness. I have always done my best to live up to its teachings. You certainly mist do the same to have reached such a grand age. I certainly hope you have many more years to look forward to. One of my Chums says he knows a fellow whose name is Jack Cunin- hanie and he comes from Clinton. 'Is he a relative of yours? I do not come from Ontario myself. I live in Winnipeg where I have a wife and a mighty fine son who will be three years old this May. I certainly hope that this war ends soon that I can get back to them.. I guess everyone is hoping that it will 'soon be over so they can get back home.. It cer- tainly is kind of Ladies• like your- self who make up these ditty hags. They are always more than welcome and •appreciated. - Well I will close now. Thanks again and the very best of eyery- thing to you and yours. • Gratefully yours Robt. Patterson. 0-lere's a good example of how a picture can be improved' by cropping and enlarging. LOOK through most any collection to see if cropping and enlarging.,.. of snapshots and. you will find many. pictures that could be greatly improved by cropping. 'What's cropping? It is simply a method to eliminate unessential or .extraneous areas surrounding_ the main subject in a picture. If you ,,could always get close up to your :-subjects so that lust the main point -of interest would x811 the negative :;area, cropping would seldom be necessary; but you can't. The illustration •above shows you how snapshots can be improved by cropping .,and enlarging, The lowe=r picture was made from the full neg- .'ative. Notice how your attention is attracted from the main subject (the 'terrier) to the interior of the car and the steering wheel to the right. But look what happened when the ;picture was cropped and enlarged, :as shown, in the upper picture. The perky little terrier is the main at - 'traction and you have a picture that brings out all his personality an& ,ene that you and your friends will will improve the picture. When you look at fine photo- graphic illustrations in magazines and hooks, remember that in every case a photographer saw the picturo first through the camera. He com- posed it in his finder and snapped the shutter. Chances are, however, that he cropped, or,masked, his neg- ative to eliminate ' objectionable areas when he made the final en- largement for reproduction in the magazine. ' • f A- convenient and easy way to study a picture for cropping is to mit two "11' shaped pieces about an inch Wide from white paper or card- board and then use these two pieces as an adjustable frame to mask out the objectionable parts in your print. • When you find an arrangement,. that pleased you,outline it with a pencil and your, photodinisl cr will follow the instructions for cropping when he makes, the enlargement. Look over some of your old prints and negatives. You are pretty sureto find rawly that can be transformed, by cropping and enlarging, •from ordinary snapshot caliber toexcel lent examples of good photography. 301mu van Guilder The nexttime you receive prints mad negatives from your photo - finisher study your picture carefully GOL)ERICH TOWNSHIP Miss Grace Lobb, Miss Phyllis Harris and Miss Estelle Cox visited at their homes last week end. V IN THE LETTER BOX V-17483 A.B. Ralph I3'. Carr No. 1 R. C. N. H. •F.M.O. St. Johns, Newfound'Iand, Dear Mrs. Corless: Received your most welcome ditty bag containing many ,useful things and It was certainly kind of you to send it. . We .Just arrived here Christmas day and' I received the ditty bag and the next day I was sent to hospial' With swollen and •absessed tonsil's). where I am now, but I alp feeling Yes 15 million chicks - got their start in life in 1944 on 'SHUR-GAIN 18% Chick 'Starter. We believe that's at 'least twice and likely three times, as many as were fed on any other brand of Chick Starter in Canada. Why this enormous preference for SHUR -GAIN CHICK ,STARTER - and why does its popularity grow year after year? Let's look at the reasons: ATTRACTIVE FEED Chicks like fresh tasty SHUR-GAIN Chick Starter. It's made from the choicest, freshest and meet palatable ingredients. That's why chicks eat it so freely and grow so quickly. ATTRACTIVE CHICKS - Chicks live and thrive on SHUR GAIN Chick Starter -be- cause they get the proper balance of vitamins, minerals and high quality proteins (with lots of animal protein). That's the way to efficiency and success. ATTRACTIVE PRICES - Local -manufacture of SHUR-GAIN Chick Starter - at your neighbourhood SHUR-GAIN Feed Service Iv1iI'1 - saves money. • 15 million chicks were fed on SHUR-GAIN in 1944, by farmers w'ho knew the answer SHUR-GAIN Chick Starter. Can 15 Million chicks .be wrong? Shur -Gain 18% Chid. Starter $3e10 per cwt. SHUR-GAIN 18% HATCHING MASH 2.85 per cwt SHUR-GAIN 18`x° LAYING MASH 2.70 per cwt Made and Stall Ey Clinton Feed Mill Jna. Aidington Clinton Varna J. K. Cornish Alex Wells Brucefield Londesljor o "iipwwwwwwwwwil February Coat Sale Continues at the Toggery Shoppe Ladies' BOATS 1: RACK OF LADIES FU OAT 1> GROUP OF FUR COLLARED COATIS w PRICE 1. GROUP OF FUR COLLARED COATS at Vs OFF 1. GROUP. OF CHOICE TWEEDS Reg. 24.50 at 17.00Each Check, last week's advertisement for 'sizes, color and price Men's Overcoats Special rack at $17.00 Reg. $24.50, Many more have been added to replace sold numbers. M ADDED SPECIAL 1 RACK OF STUDENTS OVERCOA TS HALF PRICE be a long before qualities and values as these''can be Take advantage of ,these extraordinary bargains,. It may g time offered again - Sale continues one extra. week NO EXCHANGES NO REFUNDS NO ALTERATIONS Phone 324' The TOG iY "Beecher, Streets in Charge" • Clinton Ontario