HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-02-08, Page 1i''he
0. 6135 - 67th YEAR
Clinton News-RecordEat. 3878
Reliable Wat011S
We again draw your attention to our :grade of watches. Good
aerial, fine finish and accurate adjustment are: al]'combined in
each watch,.
Our aim in,
theart as now, has not been a question of priee, but
quality:. A good time piece, like anything else is always cheapest
in the end.
So if you want a reliable watch come in and let us show you our
Also Jewelry; Billfolds, China, Silverware etc.
With Which
Floral Head Scarfs
Treat Yourself
to one of these
They are Spun Rayon
Printed in Different
Floral Designs
Assorted Colored Borders
Regular $1.00 Values
Special 69e
Famous Names
Several shipments of Men's watches have arrived
ecently . Watches with outstanding names noted
or unfailing accuracy and long performance, under
11 conditions. Make your selection now as 'stock
's limited in these models.
ido Multifort, Super -Automatic, Waterproof,
hockproof, Non magnetic, Radium Dial, Shatter-,
roof glass, Unbreakable Mainspring, Precision
ovem'ent, Priced from $55.00 up.
Rolex famous timepieces.from $32.75 up.
The Feb. meeting of Clinton. Red
Cross Society was -held in the Coun-
cil chamber on Monday, : February
5th,- with the President, Mrs. • W. A.
Oakes in ,the chair. There was a
splendid turnout of , members. All
reports were " very encouraging.
Hospital visitors for February are
Mrs. D. J. Lane and Mrs. Jane
Clinton's next Mobile Blood Donor
Clinic is scheduled for Tuesday,
Feb.' 27th. Plan now to make this a
record, clinic.
Lorie Submarine - a real witch in every. respect
Bulova Water-tite, 17 jewel movement, a watch
ou can depend on. Models at $39.75
Incorporated The Clinton 'New. Era
FEBRUARY 811, 1915
The New Era Est. 18`
• The regular meeting of the Council
was held in the Council Chamber on
Monday evening, Feb.'5th., All mem-
bers were present . witl'tle Mayor
An appeel • was ; read .'from the
secretary of the Clinton S12ging Show
for a grant of . $15x.00 for • 1945.
Notice of the resignottori`,of Arth-
ur Fulford as town .Se11veitger was
Sewing Report
Iiolmesville: 5 girls' pinafore
dresses"size 10; 10 girls' coats size 6;
3 pr. boys' shorts size 6.
Tuckeilsmith: 7 girls' coats and
handkerchiefs; size 6; 30 drapers:
S: S. No. 4: 72 diapers; 5 pinafore
dresses, size 10.
Summerhill: 10 girls' pantie dres-
ses, size 4.
Portershill: 6 girls' coats, size 6.
London Road LadieS: ''10 diapers.
Clinton: 20 girls' coats, size 6; 5
boys. Coats, "size 4; 9 hoya' shorts,
size 6; 148 diapers; 25 girls' pina-
fore • dresses, size 10; 5 personal
property bags non quota. A -total of
370 sewing articles.
Pierce Parashock, high in value moderately priced
from $24.75.
Watches subject to 25% Govt. Purchase Tax
Watches exported by us for you are not taxed
Counters for Finer Jewellery for Over half a
century in Huron County
Accommodation frond the - Depart-
ment of National', Defence°covering
the option to renew the,,,, lease for
rental of the town hall.. was mead.
Council agreed • that the• renewal
was in order.
An appeal from the Hgron County
Flying Club for a retired of the
rental of the Council Chamber on
Jan. 17th; and doe to the fact that Clinton -Goal; Riehl; defepce,
the County of Huron i5 c paying the Steep and Chowen; forwards, Men -
expenses of thedelegates to the con- zies, Miller and Denomine; subs.,
ventibn it was moved by;Councillor Taylor, ManMall, Matthew's, Me -
McMurray and seconded by Council Donald, Maltby and McAllister. -
lor Shaddiek that three,' dollars be Referee -Rath, Clinton.
refunded as requested thy ', Mr. F.
The regular annual appeal for a
grant was received from. SIajor Buck-
ley of the Salvation Army; for their
welfare work, and it'was.`,moved by
Councillor 'Nott and seconded irk
Councillor Shaddick that Council
grant Major Norman ,Buckley of the
Salvation Army $25.00 for their wel-
fare work for the year 1845.
A notice to Employers was re-
ceived from the Unemployment In-
surance Commission containing di-
rection in theme employment
of help A motion by ; Councillor
Brown and McMurray regarding
SMITE! was passed by Council.
Mr. F. Fingland advised_ Council of
the sale of his insurance business to
H. C. Lawson.
Searforth ° Midguts Defeat
Seaforth Midget; defeated the
Clinton Midgets in Clinton ,en Mon-
day night by 8-2 m a' Western
OntarioMinor League game•
The game was close for the first
Clinton Blood Donors Clinic
Tuesday, February 27th.
The next Blood Donor Clinib will i our fighting meta -your wounded',.
be held in Clinton m the forenoon twill rise up and call you blessed-
of Tueoda�-, February 27th• The Have you read of the wonders' alp
a airour last' clinic was. gr•ati- l ready accomplished among - our'
two 'periods. I{night scored p response too�,
with. Menzies replying tying-. g•..We still need many more new wounded• through the instrumentality
for Seaforth, Y s
donors both men and women. If you of plasma? Don't' You.
have already volunteeredy wnt to•
your blood, have a share in the victory. Don't.
be ,sure to .answer your call to forget that you have an appoint-
donate; if you have not, register .anent to ,save a life on Tuesday,_
with Mrs. Gordon Miller, Phone 57, l February 27th, at Wesley -Willis
Clinton. Your donation is needed by Church, Clinton.
for the locals. ,Smith gave Seaforth.
another goal in the second period
for the only tally and a 3'1 edge.
Hubert set off the visitors' rally
in the last period with his first
goal, Munn followed with two,
Smith another and Hubert got two
more, while McDonald,' banged in
Clintonts lone counter.
Seaforth-Goal: Wann; . defence,
Smith and Strong; forwards, Hub-
ert, Knight and Munn; subs, Lau-
denbach, Conte, C'ullntan, Briehtrol
and Jones.
Knitting Report,
Girls' Auxiliary: 4 pr. grey glo-.
ves; • 1- navy T. N. sweater; 2 H. N.
khaki sweaters; 1 pr. grey service
socks; 6 baby' sweaters.
S. S. No:4: 2 boys' sweaters; 3 pr.
khaki gloves; 4 pr. service socks; ,3.
navy scarves; 1 pr. double mitts.
Goderieh South End: 9 pr. khryki
gloves; 4 pr. service socks; 3 navy
scarves; 8 khaki 11. N. sweaters; 1
boy's sweater.
Tuckersnith: 11 p2. gloves; 3
boy' 'sweaters; 1 pr. double mitts.
Holmesville: 8 navy scarves; 1
navy T. N. sweater; 4 boy's swea-
ters; 2 pr. service socks; 2 pr.
gloves; 1 pr. double mitte;
Summerhill: 3 boys' sweaters; 3
pr. service socks; 7 pr. khaki gloves.
Stitch and Chat Club: 5 baby
booties, baby.
jackets, 6: pr.bo , 1 bonne
R 0 A. F.: 5 pr. booties; 4 bon
netts; • 3 • jaak'ets. •
Clinton: 16 navy scarves; 5 pr.
H. C. mitts; 24 pr. khaki' gloves; 5
pr. grey gloves; 2 pr. double mitts;
13 navy T. N. sweaters; 5 khaki H.
N. sweater; 2 boys sweaters, 21 pr.
service socks. A total of 213 knitted
Trewartha-Nott-That Council ap-
prove the transfer by ' Mr. F. Fine
land of the Town's Insurance, eaxried
by him, to H. C. Lawson.,-•
Shaddick-Nott-That • C6uneil ' ap-
1 94 5%
following grants' fci 4
the:o win 7t s 1
g b"r
Clinton, Pubhe:Ltbral'p;.jg¢ei A'y40 ‘t0;•
Clinton Sprung Farr:Boaiht 1G0.OD:
By -Law No. 2 for 1945 relative •to
the appointment of certain officers.
was given first, second and third
reading and passed. Dr. F. G. Thomp-
son wars appointed M.O.H. succeeding
Dr. J. W. Shaw.
By -Law No. 3 for 1945 making
appointments to the *Clinton Fire -
Brigade was given first, second and
third reading and passed. Bob Car-
ter was appointed a member of the
Evening Auxiliary
Will all the members please bring
to the meeting Monday evening,
February 12th, their donation of a
gift for the girls' personal property
Killed in Action
Mr. and Mrs. Warwick P. Cole of
Detroit, Mich., have received .word
that. their only son, Pvt. Vincent
Cole, United States Army died on
Active Service in Belgium on Janu-
ary 12th.
He is fairly well-known in Clin-•
to and district as he visit-
ed here several times. His father
was ;born and raised in Goderich
Township, and his mother was for-
morly Miss Mattie Biggins of Clin-
Board of Education
The inaugural meeting of the
Board of Education was held on
Thursday evening, February lst. All
members were present. Mr. A. F.
Cudmore was appointed chairman of
the Board for 1945 and the following
committees were appointed. Col-
legiate Property, C. W. Draper, Dr.
W. Oakes, and A. M. Knight; Publib
School Property, G. ,Scribbins,• G.
Ross and Mrs. Trewartha; Collegiate
Purchasing, A. M. Knight, F. 0.
Ford and .D. H. McInnes; Public
School Purchasing, Mrs. Trewartha,
G. Ross and F. Fingland, Finance
P. Fingland, G. Scribbins and C. W.
Draper; Study and Welfare, D. H.
McInnes, Dr. W. Oakes and F. O.
Mrs. Harry Watkins, of Goderfch,
has received word that her husband
Cpl. H. E. Watkins, is doing nicely,
after_ a serious operation, when he
was taken ill two weeks ago.
Jack F. Little, eldest son of Mr.
and Mrs. Ernest Little, South Street
Goderich, has enlisted with the Ac-
tive Service and is at present htation-
ed at Wolaley • Barracks, London.
Jack has enrolled as:a student at the
Technical and Trades ,School, Hamil-
ton for 10 months course in draft-
ing where he will go shortly.
- v
By -Law No. 4 for 1945 appointing
Town officers was given first
second and third reading and passed.
By -Law No. 5 for 1945 amending
Taxi By -Law No. 6 for 1941 was
given first, 'second and third reading
and passed.
The M.O.H. presented the report of
Dr. A. E. Berry, Director of Sani-
tary Engineering Division of the
Provincial Department of Health,
advising of the certificate of approv
al as required under the legislation
on compulsory pa'steuri'zing of milk,
to Murch Brothers and Fairhohne
• Considerable discussion arose as
to plans for the Park Improvement
and a meeting is to be called by the
Mayor for a date in the near future
with a view to appointment of a Park
The regular business was transac-
ted and various 'accounts presented
for payrnent.
Mr. A. M. Knight was appointed
the Count
Board byY.
ember the
Member of
Council. for.•, -three,yeiu tonal.`
H. Pickett removing snow , . 2.00
H. Fairservice removing snow 2,00
Geo. F. Elliott plowing streets ai
119 hours' at 2.50 297.50
G. M. Levi's, Truck & Man with
wing 23 hours at 3.0069.00
J. C. Proctor, Mounting Power
Plow 10.00
CASH to employees removing
snow, (see statement).. 138.53
Street Lighting
P. U. C. Lighting streets .. 228.00
Dr. 'F. G. Thompson Appointed
At the regular Council Meeting on
Monday night, Dr. F. G. Thompson,
was appointed to the office of Medi-•
cal Officer of Health, succeeding_
Dr. J. W. Shaw who held the office
for the past fifty-two years.
Dre Thompson is a son •of the late
Dr. C. W. Thompson. He was .bora
at Granton and ,came to Clinton when:.
his father commenced practice here..
He received his education in Clinton,
Public School and Collegiate and'"'
graduated as M. D. at London in
1924. He interned at Vittoria Ho-
pital, London, and commenced prac-
tice here in 1927.
.Lt. Col. Thompson served in the
First Great War from 1915 to 1919
and -'in the present war from 1939'
to 1944, the greater portion in over -
peas service. Since returning from:
overseas he was for a year in com-
mand of a military hospital at Lon-
don, and later at Lethbridge, Alberta._
Fifteenth 'Anniversary.
The Huronic Rebekah Lodge mem-
bers and Odd Fellows held a delight-
ful Fifteenth Birthday Party on
Monday night, February 5th.
Five Hundred was played during
the evening. The prizes were won by
Mrs. Len. Heard and John Sutter,
and chair prize by Mrs. Roy Pluni-
The Birthday Cake with its fifteen
cand'ea was the centre of attraction
at lunch time and was donated, as
were the other delicious cakes, by
Mrs. Tom. Riley.
Red Cross to Appeal for
$10,000,000 •
In March the Canadian Red.Cross,
Inspector Staples visited the , will make another national appear
Clinton Public School en Tuesday, for $10,000,000 to carry on the
Wednesday and Thursday of this''' Society's work bringingrelief and
week. comfort to our prisoners of war, the
wounded' and the troops in the held.
This year the dutiarrs and privilege.
AMONG TRE'`CHURCHEs for servaee by the Red Cross havo
]u ,•t a civili p
e ed to. n"rtc d h &
been inch. as
e .
• Hite Nations
'v i ins • of the -United `wa tet
•lurch '
k 1
Presbyterian CI
10.00 sari. Sunday School. who have suffered bo much during
11.00 a.m. Divine Service. the period of •occupation.
Sermon Subject "Renewal of This year the 'Dominion Govern-.
P. U. C. Lighting Rest Room 1.04
P. U. C. Lighting Town Hall 15.94
P. U. C. Lighting Stock Scales .75
P. U. C. One Light Bulb.... .30
Mrs. L. Tideswell Care of R. R. 5.00
Ball & Zapfe Gen. Hardware 2.80
Hugh Hawkins Gen. Hardware. 5,75
John Hall, Time and material for
Red Cross Cupboard , .. 33.81
J. B. Mustard Coal Co. 7090 lbs.
Coal at 12.50 44.50
Sutter & Perdue Gen Hardware 82.04
M. McE:wan Salary 83.33
Balt & Zapfe one 6" elbow .36
G. F. Elliott Power Plow. , 10.00
Fire & Water
C. Draper Sect. Fire Brigade
/ yr. Firemen's salary. , 232.50
T. Leppington clearing snow 6 80
H. Hawkins One coal heater 21.00
Sutter & Perdue One Firemens
Ladder - .. 54.00
Wesley -Willis W.A. Councillor McMmnay reported on
The W. A. of Wesley -Willis church the snow removal from the maim
met in the church hall on the after- streets and the street plowing.
noon of Feb..lst. The President, Mrs. Councillor Butler reported for
M. Nediger, was in the chair, Mrs. the Fire and water Committee and
Charlesworth was pianist. stated ,some of the requirements of
During the devotional period the the Fire Department. He was author -
Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. ized to order two flashlights, a fire-
"VanHorne from Psalm 19. Mrs. A. T. man's lantern and 'a spare tire for
Cooper' offered prayer, followed by the' Fire Truck and directed to get
the Lord's Prayer. quotations on Fire Hose.
The secretary, Mrs. Jefferson, Reeve Falconer reported for the
and the treasurer, Mrs. P. Manning Property Committee, and his re
gave their reports. The correspond=' ,narks concerned' the matter' .of the
ing secretary, Mrs. Mans read heating for the entire Town Hall
interesting letters front Dr. Douglas Building.
and Fit. Lieut. Craig Cooper, the Falconer -Butler --That accept the
former writing 'from Holland, and tender of Sutter and Perdue to 'in -
the latter from Palestine, thanking stal a new heating system in the.
the W. A. for boxes of chocolates. Town Hall, for the sum of $2227.00.
Mrs. Cr•ee Cook reported for the The system to be as lair down in
the specifications In their tender and
flower. committee, Mrs. Saville fon p
Property, Mrs. Laidlaw for Corn- the ;said system to be to the entire
muni on. satisfaction . of the council before
Mrs. Reg Shipley was appointed payment is made.
Social hostess, •
$5.00 was voted to the Deaconess
Work of the United Church.
Mrs. Addison and Mrs. VanHorne
will be the visiting committee for
Arrangements were made for a
sapper -party for the'ehoir; and for
aM S The next regular meeting of the
in tl e, Legion Hall on Monday, the . annual St. Patrick's Tea, which
February 12th at 8.15, will take place on the 17th of March.
A lovely solo was suing by Mrs.
John Innis entitled "Home at Last".
The next regular meeting of the .4 verse of 'a hymn and the Mizpah
aene;ict'o-, brio's ht the meeting to
for Farmers. •Knill L.O B.A. will be held on Tuesday, g
The Clinton Jun a close after which tea Was served
A,•ltur` Board•February 13th All members pease ... nm ' ry .
An are welcome at our services.
St. Paul's Church
10:00 A M. `Sunday School
11.00 a.m. Morning Service. Rev.
Canon W. Townsend. .
3.00 p.m. B1ble Class
•7.00 p.m. Evening Service.
Ash Wednesday Service 7.30 pan.
Tlie W. A. will meet at the home
of Mrs.' Caryl Draper on Tuesday
afternoon, February 13th.
Baptist Church
2.00 p.m. Bible School.
7.00 pan. Worship hour. Subject
"Be 'still and know that 1 am God"
This is sound advice today.
Ladies Legion Aukiliary will be held
Miss Shirley Henri has 'taken a
Siton in Milady Beauty Shoppe in
eat t'n - the grtc e
F',�hra avv 18th. attend::
e son a Agro
F. Fingland Prete Library Books
and Equipment 32.50
H. C. Lawson prem Library t
Building 20.00.
Dry Earth Closet
A. Fulford Salary 70.00
nient asked the ;Red Cross :if in its.,
appeal this year it would include
funds for Allied Relief, in the rats--
ing of which the 'Canadian Unite&
Allied Relief Fund would collabor-
ate. .
The Red Cross Blood Donor Ser-
vice must be :maintained; more food:
parcels must be shipped to prison; •
en's -of -war; and comforts for the
wounded must continue to go for-
ward. In addition to these •services •
the Red Cross has undertaken te=
bui:d Lodges at the military hospit-
als in Canada where next-of-kin can
meet and be entertained by their -
invalid relatives. The Society is
also providing assistance for the
Britt h wives of Canadian troops on,
their journey to the Dominion.
Wesley -Willis Church
11.00 a.m. Morning Worship. Ser-
mon Subject "The Fount , of Day".
12.10 Church School.
7,00 p.m. Evening Worship. Ser-
mon Subject "The Long Way Round"
The Young Peoples' Union Fire-
side Hour after Evening Worship.
The Girls' Club will meet at the
hone of Mrs. Alex 'Haddy, on Tues;
day'evening, February 13th, at 8 p.m.
Mrs. George Jefferson will give the
topic and Mrs. Ernest Adams' group
will me in charge. Members are re-
quested to bring in old silk stockings
and quilt patches of print.
Police Protection
Bruce McDougall Salary :... 83:33
D. Elliott Salary • 75.00
M. T. Corless, Salary 83.33 vital
Statistics Return 46.50
N. Kennedy Salary 50.00
Co. of Huron Indigent patient 14,85
Victoria Hospital Transportation
Indigent patient 43.50
Councillor Trewartha read.the•
Financial statement for January.
Trewartha-Nott--That 0. L. Pail.
sley, W. H. Lobb and .H. Corey be
appointed as an assessment commis-
sion for 1945 at a salary of $125.00
Trewartha-Brown -, That Council
approve the settlement made by its
Tax collector to cover tax account of
A. D. Finch in full to December 31,
Financial' Statement
A Fulfoul 'Piowin: -walks .... ,
V :.
Hockey News
Exeter defeated 'Clinton in R.
Western Ontario Juvenile Hooker
League game on Friday night is
Clinton by 4-3, in an exceptionally
keen and close contest.
Hayter and McDonald 'scored for
each team in the first period but
Hennessey, with two goals snd
iiayter 'scoring his second in the
second period Exeter went ahead
ss McDonald replied with only one -
for Clinton.
Clinton then notched the only goat.
in the last period, with H. M ller
Evangelistic Centre getting the credit.
Services each night except Satin- , Exeter, Goal, Waghorne; defence,
day 8.00 p.m. Speaker Stanley A. petty, Hayter; forwards, Wilson,.
Sharkey. Muasser, H. Bristnell, Subs H -n -e
Some of Subjects ssey, Fletcher, D. Bristnell, Whyte,.
Can the church guarantee us a I Taman.
place in Heaven.- Clinton, Goal, R. Miller; defence,
So many religions, 'how can` we II Miller, Fingland; forwards, Mc -
know the sight way. Donald; McKenzie, Char -hill. Su ss
Are we li!aing in the last day's. R. Hanly, C. Hanly, Elliott, Arm -
How much is a man's soul worth. strong,.
Are we positive ;or•negative Chris- Referee -J. Nediger, Clinton. ''
trans. The Juveniles were again defe•te1
A hearty invitation is extended to in . Seaforth Tuesday night by a.
everyone to come and enjoy this score of 10-2 The return game wi 1
be played here of Friday night.
tune of fellowship.
Pdatage & Stationery
Underwood Typewriter Co. .. 1.50
.General Municipal Expenses
Bell Telephone Co. General.. 9.96
The Municipal World, Assessor &
Collector supplies 10 ?subs. 4150
Dept. of Highways Two motor
licenses & exchange 4.15
G. M. Counter, Postmaster
Excise btamps 1-65
Rentals • $40 50
Licenses 25.00
Stock Scales 15,95
Cemetery . 83.00
Ontario Street United Church
11.00 a.m. "The Glary of God in the
Face of Jesus".
Near Noon Sunday School.
7.00 p.m. Turner's Church Wor- On Monday evening the Fernr=
ship' and Sunday School. j Fornm of S. S. No. 1 met t t 3.
7.00 • p.m. Song Service at the hone of Mr, and Mrs. Nob e Bolla 1
Beginning Topic "An uproar in the Irwetas m n ow reg
Howse of .Prayed.'' doItit theBert absencein ofwashthe reg lar seer
Tuesday -800 an. Young People'sltart• The sub e't `C -op at' s
. p the' Marketing" was discussed with muck
Union will meet at 'Church to g
put on a program for the County interest by tho e p: esent• We ' egi t.
Horne Folks: that
The rso-rteecreat•on '-enol of the numberwass wereepent alli"•sr
Wednesday Sunday School Sleigh sent owing to 1 lsess.
Ride. 1
The Girls' Club will hold their Community singing, after which Mrs,.
monthly meeting at the home o" Holland, and her clau•hter;s, M :t.
Misys Ehtnta Plumsteel to -night Victor Heeley and 'Mis Marie 11
(Thursday) at 8 00 o'cl^ck, land, served a dant lune e.