HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-02-01, Page 9• CLIN sl Few Mid Season s Specials to Clear 1. BOB SLEIGH regular $6.75 to clear at $4.95 1. SMALL SLEIGH regular 85c to clear at 65c USED COOK STOVE • $10.00 USED COOK STOVE $35.00 NEW FINDLAY OVAL $97.00 s • ' ' s HARDWARE. PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS J' ON 147w. CLINTON, ONT. February Sale Prices At this season of the year we find ourselves with on many Winter Overcoats on our racks. These ust be turned into cash regardless of the fact that he *probabilities are for a greater shortage of mat - rials than ever. They are all this season's newest styles in Heavy weeds and Fleece Materials, Mostly Greys and rowns and all on sale at greatly reduced prices. Come in and get the coat you want at a real Bar-, ain Price. • •Boy's Overcoats in Brown Freie also at 'Bargain, rices. A few childs suits in airforce blue coat and pants ith leggings sizes 3 to 6. A good warin suit for a maltboy at a reduced price for February Sale. Plumsteel Bros. Anew Skirts - Adam Hats - Scott Si McHale Shoos for Men Agents Tip Top; Tailors. SCARCE GOODS NOW IN STOCK . . 'Pillow Cases, Sheets, Sheeting, Bleached and un - Leached Cotton, Bath Towels, Facecloths, also. oweling, Crib Flannelette and Wool Blankets. • BROWN'S One Door North of Royal Bank NOW -ON SALE o pair of Gores and Ties Were'$7.50 and $8.00 Now Clearing for $2.95 23 pair of Gaylace. Rubber Galoshes in Black or Brown $1.50 Clearing at 75c Come in and See us We May have your Fitting To Churchill hoe Store sts, IMIS11110.Naeolima•NON• • ONO Parents of Clinton -Children ---Safety First During recent weeks a number of accidents have been narrowly everted on our streets by extreme vigilance on the part of drivers if motor vehicles. Parents of children are asked to- co-operate in he prevention of serious results by ibstructing their children in heir behaviour on the streets. An ounce of prevention, is worth' pound of cure. The Safety Comntittee of • The Clin ori L0113' C11.2)). first business of the phil- BOTH WAITING n• its to part wish corieeit, for impossible for a man, to learn, "John, I'v been lying awake for he thinks he already know,- hours., waiting for you to •come us. ' lionie from that wretched club, • , 0 harp tohgue is the only edge- "If that isn't just like a 'woman, it grown. keener with con%And I've.been at the club for hours ton Irving. waiting for you to go to elee ." 8 • This week we axe fea ing Drury Lane stationery of the very, finest quali y. • Small tablets 15c Fold -over tablets 25c Large tablets 25d • Envelopes to 'match15c • Also •special feature Haddon Hall kid finsh. Small tablets 10c. Fold -over tab!ets 10c • Large tablets. 10c Envelopes to Match 10c This is exceptionally good value. G. R. McEwan Co. Books & Stationery 'OFTEN THE CHEAPEST ALWAYS THE BEST" PHONE 84 Miss R. V. Irwin is spending a couple of weeks in Montreal. Miss Lois Kearns, of Winerstocli, spent the week end with her par:. ents, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Kearns. Mr. Ninian Heard of Stratford spent the week end in town with Mrs. Heard. Miss Mildred Heard and Miss Flor- enee Aiken spent the week end In Goderichat the home of Mr.' and Mrs. Fred Sandy. VARNA. The" Varna Red Cross annual meeting was held on Friday eveting, January 19th, in the hall with a good attendance, and splendid reports froni all the committees with every- body hoping next year would be as successful. The meeting opened with the 'President, Mrs. George Reid, presiding, Rev. Reba Hern opened the meeting with prayer then Mrs. Reid spoke of the work of the society Rev. Reba Han then gave the trea- surers report: Receipts Balance on hand Jan 1944 284,55; National Cam- paign and •Special donations 970.50; Special grants $650.00 Special fund raising activities $178.93; Salvage 24.35, Int. 6.36. Total $2114.69. Expenses: To National Campaign, $1400.00 To 'headquarters for jam 350.00 To headquarters for work room supptes $152.58 To Mrs, Mos - top,: 17,44; To Mn J, T. llic.sh; $3.18 To various R, C. members $7.40 Stamps $1.75, National Campaign Expenses 1.80. Total' 1634.15. Balance ee habil Januar ii• 1945 �Wers for Ev6ry •(Cie0agoil F.:R. CUNINGHAME • Member of Florists Tel Del.As• Persona i careLgiven every "order and special attention given, to Funeral Orders. • • Phone 176 and ..31 Lever's Fish *and Chips Will be closed on Sunday) and Monday each week and 11 o'clock every night. Open- Tuesday noon. till Saturday night. BINGO St. Jessph's Church Hall Wednesday, Feb. 7 Fifteen regular rounds 3 Specials and 1 Share -the -Wealth Jack Pot. $12.00 • 33-1 HOCKEY MATCH • BRUCEPIELD CLINTON RESERVE ARMY In Clinton Arena - Thtrsday, February 1 Game' galled at 3.30 p.m. Boys are well coached. Actrniasion: Adults 25e Children 15e :Proceeds. go for a good cause Valentine Bazaar & Tea IN COLTNOIL•CHAMBER Saturday, Feb. 10th Prom 3 to 6 p,m. Under Auspices- of Girls> Club Presbyterian Church • BOOTHS GIPT-Quilt, homemade aprons, gifts and knitted articles. HOMEMADE BAKING - AFTERNOON TEA-Selad plate - Jellied chicken, salad, pickles, • bread and butter, pie 'and tea. • Admission 30e Everybody Welcome COME TO Londesboro Community Hall • on 0: 10.1!*'' EB ria: `GEAIN •) 2 lbs. 2,1c FIVY'8 COC Yr lb. tin .. , • 19e :MICE, 20 oz. '2 tins ..19c •CLARK'S MUSHROOM SOITP' ;Al • oz, 2 tins . CfATELLIS- MACARONI' Or ' • SPA.OHETTI. 16 oz. pkg. ..10e DDRHAMi•CORN STARCH pkg. 1.0e 111,ILLORET SHORTENING lb, 'lag 111UNCHIES' The New cereal, • 2 plce-S. „ , 25a O'LD DUTCH CLEA,NSER 'Tin 10e VA.NCA1VIPS PRELCO'OICED , BEANS 12 oz. -pkg. , , 5t L GLENWOOD DICED BEETS or CARROTS 20 oz, tin 2 for 25e RUBY CANNED PEAS 20 oz. . ORANGES, Size" 2883 Doz. .... 37e LEMONS, size 300s 3 for .... 13c GRAPEFRUIT, size 112s 4 for 25e HEAD LETTUCE ige. size 18c WASHED CARROTS lb. 5c POTATOES 15 lb. peek 45e T. R., Tit11:11APSOI WEEK END SPECIALS 5 13ars WONDERFUL Soap ... 19c 11 pkg. WONDERFUL Soap 'Powder 19c 2 CAlces P."& G. SOAP „ 11e l• SNOW FLAKE A • 2 p cgs. namorna 11e 1 Can BABBITTS Cleanser .... 5e 1 can SUCCESS Paste Wax .... 32c 1 Bottle SUCCESS Liquid Wax 59c 1 Gan Aylmer Tomato Juice .... 10c 1 Can ALLEM Apple Juice 15c 1 Pkg. ROBIN- HOOD Quick Oats 27e 1:1b: MAXWELL HOUSE -Coffee 43c 3i lb. Gran (ir Yellow SUGAR .. 25c 2; pkgs. PUDDING Powders Asst. Flavours 19e 2; CUSTARD POWDERS • 19c 1; Jar GREEN GAGE Plum Jam 19e lbs. WHITE BF)ANS 20e 31 LEMONS 360s- 10e 1 Doz. SUNKIST Oranges 288s 57e • CARROTS, PARSNIPS, TURNIPS ETC. W. L.JOHNSON PHONE 286 GROCER Wednesday, Feb. 7th DELIVERY HOURS 4 to 6 p.m. at 8.30 porn, National Film Board of Canada presents February 1st to 3rd "Battle of Russia", "History of Pow- I er in Canada", "Musical Overture No. 5", "Canada in Action": FREE See these outstanding films and enjoy a Modern and Old Time Dance, Lunch Counter provided by- Ladies sponsored' by , Hallett Branch of the Federation of Agriculture • DANCE 35e 34-1 NOTICE The annual meeting of the. Clinton Hospital Association will be held in the Celina. Chamber, Clinton Town 12 '1945 ' Hall, on Monday., evening, February at8.00 e cioek. 34-2 $4£0,54. Rachel Johnston, SeeretarY then gave the report of whet had been shikiped to headquarters. Knitt- Treasurer Mr. John McConnell. ing sent 105 pr. •socks, 11 navy scar- ves,' 13 pr. khaki gloves 2 khaki ' Election of offieers then followe with Mr. Elgin McKinley as Chai sweaters,,, 90 helmets. To British Civi man and Rachael • jOhnSton Seem lion 19 large and 1 small quilt, 71 - tory for the evening 1945' officers girls dress and pantie sets, 80 baby's Pres. Mrs. Geo. Reid; elected for 3r gowns, 5 girls skirtsand blouses, 2 ladies nightgowns, 1 g*is' slip and 1 term; lst vice pies. Mrs. R. N. Peck , and viee pres. s. Alex IVIcConnell baby, jacket, 5 pr. child's mitts andl , Sec. Rachel Johnston; , Trees, Mr 2 pr. youths initts. TO Hospital 125 face masks, 50 hot water bottle cov- Geo, H. Beatty; Convenor of work room Mrs. Alfred Ings; Eeeutiv er3, 300 white haniciee, 40 wash comm... • , x cloths, 100 personal property haTee teree Mr. George Reid, J -' T. McAeh, Mr. Elmer Webater, M r. 11'7 pr, men's pyjamas, 15 house - Morten, Elliott; Program Committee wives, 2 hospital quilts, 2 bales of Russian Relief. Forty-three meet- mi G. Beatty, Mrs. Geo. ILI Johnston, Mrs. Geo. Ti. Betty; Mrs. Mg, were held during the year with Russell &eat, Miss Edatile Beat', an average attendance of 12. Mrs. Miss" Li/lian Ell'att, Mr. ,Elein, Me - George. Reid then gave the report Kinky., win. 4. sienhezon, Mr. frcm -War Services Club in absence Morton Elliott, Mr. Lloyd Keys, Mr. of Miss Lillian Elliott. Cigarettes Harry Aidtinaide; salvage sent in 1944• $25.52. 7 Christmas boxes, $48.07; 6 boxes. sent in April tee, Mr. Jack Smith Sr. Mr. Ben T' ,,.... COWAN'S Perfection cocoa 1 lb ' 21e PLUM JAM 2 lb jars 29c CLARK'S Mnshroein soup 2 tins 19e 2 Tins HARRY HOMES Cocoa 23c P. & G. Soap 2 bars' 11c VAN DAMP'S TOMATO' SOUP 3 tins , • 25e SUPER SUDS pkg. ...... 20e PREM, in tins ,33c AYLiIVIER, Diced Beets tin , 15c BEAUTY BRAND Tomatoes 28 oz. tin 2 for 29e HORNES :iquid gravy browning bottle • 23e APPLE JUICE in tins' 2 tins „ 29e, SMARTS Pumpkin 28 oz. tin 2 for 25e SUPER floor wax 1 lb. tin „ 25e MOTHER JACKSON'S JIFFY PIE CRUST makes 2 delicious pies only :per pkg 25c a GARDEN • FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES OUR .MEAT COUNTER CONTAINS d, FRESH Sausages 1.) 25c FRESH 'Wieners lb. 27e M COTTAGE Roll piece lb• • • • • 39c .• BOLO'GbTA in piece lb. MACARONI & Cheese Loaf lb , CANADA'S FINEST A LONG L -- ASTINGrECONOAL A,41E TOILET SOAP CAKE 5c. $24.16; Puled and Pen sets $17.82; Ml• Geo . Clarke' • Orin 1 •Obo Mikcellaneous $44 21 . Total receipts I We also have a list of .several $189.05 Total Expenses 159.'78 Bal- from et* commenity attending' the • Reid also gave a renort from Varna t still urgent. Won't you. hand in your 2ele 30e ante 011 hand $29.27. Mrs. George Blood Donor's Clinic but the need is • 11 School junior Red Cross. Cash on name too, to' 1VIrs. Gee J 1 t and 2 de 4.80; meas 2,00 Paper, 7.23 Varna. • . 0 itis OA IVIilltweed 8 60; Bayfield Fair 3.00 Window Loxes 4.28; Christmas con- •-------/r----• ei. , 24.26 Te al $73.67. Expenses, * 'Finnan Cod' onation" to Junior Red Cross, 20.00 avy league $10.00 War Services Ceiling prices recently established lid> 10.09 Local Charities 10.01) for finnan cod are the seine Is those, ditty bags to navy $23:40 Total 73.- for inedtaM-eized finnan hadclies, 0. President, ivris Mr)-iy E. Beattir, according to an sunouncewnt by the • Mia • The Red' Cross Will hold ` their nronthly meeting fit the Commun- . ity on "Thursday afternoon, Feb. 'ist 1945. • IVIiss Laudie Yeurig .is spending the winter with 1VIrs. 'Wm.' Lyon. Miss FerA 'Watson speht the Free Delivery LONDESBORO snl-A4.1 k4 41,r, esa. ,so ns, '""`""""""''''''"•"`••••'•-••••••••••••....."a•seeeea-eieareiree-eareareeeeeroaaaew-emaa......„00, THURS., FEB.. 1st 1945 ' VALUE ]'OR FEI3i1TARY 1nd,PAd 3rd, PATS pkg. " ' ' 21c 'PEAS' 2 pkgs. 25e .. .... ----_-_,-------.,_,-------- ourox QuAERa , ' , cualaNG pltI4D . VAN' 'CAMPS Quip( SERVE iun4wArs ' . BEANS- pkgs., ' ..1.5c . TEA, 20 bags 21e NOODLES .CATELLPS EGGWHEAT pkg.. - 10c, , . . ' qua,,Twoon DICED , ulimwoon nictp •'BEETS 2 •tins , 25c' CARROTS 2 tins • 25o • „., ......_........„...... .......__________ ,..._..L.,__.-,......-..-- . mummy 3LisT . • „n4s-TANr PEA •PEAS -2, tins . "25c . SOUP 2 tins_ 25c. ..........___„.________ , • I. LIFEEITOY % V 1: I , 8 NLIGHT • ..,,Sop 3 for 20c ,..sk \ ' ' .1 .•.,...' ',Soap 4 for 25c -,si...3.` - JIFFY PIESi1,••-eapoilesile, ,.....,- Red. & White Toni. : ' : Crust pkg. 25 ' •5„00,0 ' Soup 3 tins 25 ..tb • ,. • 1.404„ ,, ,..-- GIANT POPPING uf ft • Wm% te.:, ZDA LIGHT Corn ib. 15c lb. pkg. 20c . Bulbs 60w. 15 GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES HEAD LETTUCE . - CELERY --• TOMATOES - RADISHES NEW CARROTS -SWEET POTATOES -NEW BEETS- SPINACH CALIFORNTAi JUICY 220's ONTARIO NO1 WAXED ORANGES .doz. 490 TURNIPS Ib. ., 3e MARSH SEEDLESS 112's ----(5NTARIO CHOICE GRAPEFRUIT 4 -250 PARSNIPS 2 lbs. 13e (AT IFO"NIA JUICY 360's.cs ARIO NO. 1 WASHEDLEMONS 3 for 11e ' CARROTS lb. 5c C. M. SHEARING • PHONE 48 FOR QUALIT,Y FOODS CLINTON . - Things Look Brighter . • New stock is arriving which will help to fill many .• requirements. '. - . We have a new assortment of End Tabloes, Coffee .. , Tables,. Tea Wagons, D4vertports, Chesterfield Breakfast and Bedroom Suites. BALL ei ZAPFE Dealers in Hardware and Furniture Modern Ambulance Service, Funeral Directors Store Phone 195 DOUGLAS G. BALL Phone 110 JOHN J. ZAPPE Phone 103 "avaminiwnionsioseamemessimmemosimmeemommesostuminommiwommoriweswie • Notice To Farmers.. 1 We are looking forward to operating our Cucumber Station in your District this year and again supplying you with a market to r Cucmnbers. Contracts are now available. Plan on growing Cucumbers this year and realize gSod returns. See your Local Representative W. H. Lobb, Isaac St. Clinton Phone 314j at your earliest convenience H. J. Heinz Co. of Canada •Biltmore Hats The Maker Hat of Canada. Brow», Grey, Blile and Green Wool Felt at $2.25 Fur Fielt $3.50, 4.00, 5.00 and 6.00 Sizes 61/2 to 71/2 DAVIS & HERNIA CUSTOM TAILORS - Be Measured by a Tailor. ,WW••••••••••••,..41V/V/VOVI,V,I,INIrlinpory • SKATES and SKITS LADIES BLACK SKATES MEN'S BLACK SICATES SICUS, HICKORY SHIN GUARDS " SHOULDER. PADS ANKLE SUPPORTS $5.75 $9.95. $9.50 $1.65, 3.25, and 4.50 $4,00 and $5,00 600 EPPS SPOILT SHOP • Readquarter9 For AH Sporting Goods Mrs. Nellie Watson Mrs. Bentham of Clinton spent the week end at the heine of her sister, Mia, R. Townsend; Albert Austin has returned home from the London Hospital. We are glad. to report that Mrs, Lillie Webster is improving. The W. M. S. and W. A. are porn- . . m. g ien. meetings with the World's Day of Prayer which will be on Thursday after:loon,' Feb. 3th, in the basement of the church.. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. James Paiaservice were,Mt. and Mrs. Harold Adams and jean, Mr. end Mrs. jack Pipe and Mr. and • Y, • At the Worship service on Sun- day, the minister'a subjeit will be: "The end of Christianity." The annual congregational" meeting was held -on Teesclay. .A pot leek dinner was served at 12.30 P311,, awl - the business meeting followed. Alt reports indicated that the church, was in a healthy financial condition. The pastor'a report revealed a iota)/ Of 224 resident memberssix having been added clur lig the current year, It was decided to determ'ne 'whether an electric ongab could be installed?, and a committee Was appointed tn. arrange a visitation of the farnilieta wbh a view te