HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-02-01, Page 5GE 4
20% or
more DISCOUNT on .all
Ladies COATS left in 'Stock
50% or moreISCOUN'T on all
;Ladies HATS left in Stock
This is Your Opportunity
.. T, 000PER.
In Bnsiness Since 1885
Over indulgence May result in upset stomach, if so in
we know of nothing better than
your case
It neutralizes acid and gas, and assists your stomachto function
naturally. It's worth a try. We know you will be agreeably surprised.
For Stubborn Coughs and Colds use
There's nothing better. •
RElR Cod Stars
HULLETT TOWNSHIP Convention, held in the King Edward
Hotel, Toronto on December 6 and 7,
1944, gave a report of the proceed-
ings at that convention,
Mrs.. Pepper served a• delicious'
hunch, followed by a social hour.
1 in Getnnany.
The Farm Forum of S. S. No. 1
Hullett met at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Pepper on Monday night,
As it was review night, instead of
the usual discussion period, Bert
Irwin, a delegate to the AiinuaT Pro-
vincial Federation of Agriculture
Ited Shield,
The regular imeeting of the R. 5
W. A. was heldrin Mr. Shearing's
rooms with seventeen members and
three visitors present. ' The eollee-
''ttbn amounted to .$2.20, ' Donatint,s
gratefully received are 4. children
nightgowns, London Road Club; $1;40
Mrs. Walton; $9.06, Glee. Club; $2.00;
Miss Harrison; 50e, Mrs. Sloman;
quilt lining, Mrs. Swan; quilt top,
Mrs, Robinson; clothing, :Mrs. 'Ross
Fitzsimons. The next meeting will
be held on Tuesday, February 6th in
the form of a pot luck supper. Please
come aria baling 'a friend.
Jan. let 1945
Dear . Madam: •
Please accept this note as a token
of my appreciation for your swell
parcel. We really do feel that the
work you are doing does so much for
our morale. We were at sea when we
opened the parcel you sent and
really it was a grand feeling to know
that we have those at house who
work and pray for us and all man-
'The postponed Showing of. Mite
National •Film- Board will be held) in
Porter' frill' school on February 8th
at 2.30and 8.00 p.m, All school
children cordially invited in the
afternoon and: adults in evening', no
admission charge asked.
Mrs.anies Johnston.J
of Godouclt
is spending a couple of weeks with
her daughter, ,Mrs, Fred Middleton.
Pte. Richard-, lVfiller,
,Chanute Field, 111,, spent the week
end with Mr. and, Mrs, :Feed Middle-
Miss Elizabeth Middleton, student
at the University of Western Ontario
London, spent the week end at her
Jan. 1945
Dear Mrs. 14Iiddletoni;.•
Just before Christmas I recdived
your parcel .from the South End
Community. I wish to thank you and
all the members for that Christmas
at. It helped brighten up an other-
wise rather. •quiet season, which was
spent aboard. the ship.
Wishing all. of you and the neigh-
bours of the. South End a Happy
.kind. "God bless you and your work.; New Year. I reivain Sincerely
Alfred Butler,
The Subscribers of the Municipal
Telephone System held their annual
Meeting, Friday the 26th with a •
George W. Grant
ILM.C.S. Pomndmaker,
% F.M.O. Nfld.
Mr, and Mrs. Charles Ferguson of
London spent the week end with Mr.
and Mrs. Laurence' Stephenson.
Mrs. C. !Guest returned to the
village last week after having
visited in London for a month.
Mrs. Jas. Ferguson Ieft on Fri-
day to visit her son, Jas., P. Fergu-
son and Mrs. Ferguson in London
for several weeks.
Mr. R. Larson of London spent the
week end at his home here.
Mrs. F. W. Baker left on Satur-
day to visit relatives in London.
Sgt. Arthur Hopson of Camp
Borden and his sister-in-law 'Cora Le
Roy of Toronto spent the week end
with hips wife and family.
The following post card eommuni-
cation was received recently froth
.W.O. John Armstrong son • of Mr,
and Mrs. A. Armstrong, Bronson
Line, Stanley Twp. who is a P. 0. W.
Group No. 1 1-3 Off Regular
Fur -trimmed Coats with luxurious collars o£ Silver Fox,
Mink, Squirrel, -etc.
1. size 16. Black Silver Fox Collar
1. size 15. Black Silver Fox Collar
1. size 40. Black, Silver Fox Collar
1. size 12. Red Opossum Collar.
1. size 20. Brown Opossum Collar.
1. size 18. Grey tweed, Wolf Collar.
1. size 18 Black, Red Fox Collar.
1. size 19, Tweed, Blonde Fur Trim
1. size 40. Tvivaed, Blonde‘ Fur Trim.
reg. 89.00 for 59.35
reg. 89.00 for 59.35
reg. 125.00 for 83.351
37.50 for, 25.00
65.00 for 43.25
reg. 65.00 for 43.35
.75.00 for 50.00
reg. 65.00 for 43.36
reg. 6900 for 46.00
1. size 201/ Black, Persian Lamb Trim reg. 59.00 for 39.35
1. size 261/2. Black, Persian Lamb Trim reg. 59.00 for 39.35
1. size 38. Black, Persian Lamb Trim reg. 45.00 for 30.00
1. size 221/x. Black, Squirrel Trim reg. 47.50 for 31.70
1. size 20. Black, Persian Lamb Trim - reg. 49.50 for 33.36
14 Y3eautiful Coats, all interlined and Chamois lined back.
Group 2. 1/2 Price
Fur-ti-inllned - Quality Cloths.
1. size 14. Beige, Bignde Fur trim reg. 45.00 for 22.50
1. size 18. Black, Persian Curl Trim 'reg. 35.00 for 17.50
1. size 16. Green, Persian Curl Trim reg. 32.50 for 16.25
1. size.16. Black, Persian Curl Trim reg. 32.50 for 16.25
1. size 13. Blue, Grey Rabbit Trim reg. 29.50 for 14.75
1. size 12. Green, Persian Lamb Trini reg. 39.50 for 19.75
1. size 40. Black, Sable Trim reg. 39.50 for 19.75
1. size 14. Black, Brown Squirrel Trim reg. 35.00 for 17.50+
1. size 38. Black, Sable Trim reg. 32.50 for 16.25
1. size 42. Black, Sable Trim reg. 29.50 for 14.75
1. size 221/2. Black, Sable Trim reg. 35.00 for 17,50
11 Excellent Coats that will give years of service
GROUP NO. 3. Your Choice
Untrihnned Dark Tweed " `Coats with
button in Chamois lining. 1. size 12, 1.
size 14, L size 1.6, and L size 18, reg.
24.50 for.
4 very serviceable oats
good number present. Chairman W.
R. Lobb of the Board of Commis-
sioners occupied the chair. Routine
business was attended to. The An-
nual report showed a nibe balance
for the year's' operations. Auditors
appointed fotr 1945 were Chas.
cooper and' Wm. Wise. The retir-
ing commissioner was 0. F. Edward
and when the ballots were "counted
he was declared Elected again for a
three year term.
.Mr. and Mrs. Larry Birch of
Detroit, spent the week end at their
cottage at the Highlands.
Mr. and Mrt, H. Johnson of Mack-
lin, Sask., are visiting the ladys
brother, Mr. Fred. Thompson, Bay-
field Line.
What danger can ever come from
ingenious reasoning and inquiry?
The worst speculative skeptic ever
1 knew was a much better man than
the .best superstitious devotee and
bigot. -David Hume,
VIT17RS.?• .FSB. 1st, 1945
ide.. Simon M'cVittie, an esteemed
resident of Hullett• towndhip, died
at his home Thnu•sday' evening, an.
25th, in his, 78th year after an ill-
ness of two weeks. He . suffered a
alight stroke and " heart condition.
M. and
1 •
AR's. lYl:eVitti � celebrated
o e elarated
their golden wedding' anniversary
en Dee. 16 at the homef their'
slaughter, 14Irs. Leo Watt, The late
1VIr, McVittie was'. a member ' of
Burns' United" Church, 'a charter
!iienber of Blyth Odd Fellows `Lodge
and had been assessor of 11ullett"for
a number of years. He was the son
of the late Simon `IVIeVittie"and Jane
Waters McVittie.
Besides his wife he is strevived by
a; family of four, one son, Reiland;
12th concession " of Hallett; Jessie,
Mrs. Leo Watt; Olive, Mrs. Nelson
Lear, both of Hullett, and Janet
.Mrs. • James Scott of Toronto. Oise
son, Duncan, died eight years ago.
There are also 12 grandchildren.
The funeral was held on Saturday
� v
Funeral rites for John Vodden,
whose death occurred at his home,
Tortmsend street; on Wednesday,
were held at the Beattie funeral
home on Saturday at 1.45 p.m. Ser,
vice was conducted by Rev. D. J.
Lane, of Clinton Presbyterian Church
Mr. Vodden, who was in his 87th
year, was born in Hullett Town.
ship, son of the late William Vodden
and Ann Adams Vodden, pioneers of
Huron and of English nationality.
He received Itis education in the
public school of his home section and
in 'June, 1879, married Elizabeth
Waite, by whom he was predeceased
two years. They fanned in Hallett
for 50 .years and in 1929 retired and'
took up residence hi Clinton. Mr.
Vodden was a Liberal and Presby-
There survive four sons, William
J., Goderioh Township, Albert W.,
on the homestead farm in Hullett,
Robert H., Clinton, E'rneit D., Bay-
field; two daughters, . 1Mre. Robert
Scott, Londesboro, Mrs. W. R. Mal-
mo, Toronto; two brothers, Willlasit
A., and Albert. C., and a sister, Mrs,
Bert Langford, all of Clinton. In-
ternment was in Ball's Cbmetery, Hul-
After taking stock of our Ladies and Men's Coat's, we find
we have too many on our racks, -.SO 0•UT THEY GO - We
list here a complete inventory for your convenience the
season is still in full swing and. Weeks of cold weather are
still ahead so choose how and take advantage of this great
saving. Here you will find coats in Misses sizes, Women'S
sizes, and Half sizes, which gives every one a, chance for a
pleasing selection, not with standing limited numbers in
some groups. Qualities as thecae may not be shown for a
long, long time as materials are scarce.
This Sale Last' for 10 days
ruary lst., and ending Tuesday, February 13th.
' No Alterations
No Refunds.
No Exchanges
See these Splendid. Coats for yourself and you'll really Want
One ---
ur. ain
ate hingMash
Hit - or- miss feeding of the laying flock is a memory
of the past! Well informed . poultrymen have long
been Convinced of the wisdom of feedingfor the , artic
p alar
results they want to achieve.
Feeding for high hatching results is no exception. The
eggs you collect that, are intended for the incubator should
come froer flocks. fedjust'
� for this 'purpose. A good lay-
a -
g y
ing ,mash won't do - you Deed a rnaslh intended, ,solely for
hatching flocks.
SHUR GAIN;18% Hatching Mash supplies the high'
quality proteins and minerals needed to keep the flock lay-
ing well, and is extra fortified with vkaminn, particularly
Riboflavin, to improve h'altt hig results.
SHUtR-GAIN 18% Hatching Mash is an economical feed
too - you'll get more and healthier chicks, less mortality
in the shell, 'and save on your feeding costs as well.
Shur -Gain 1$% Hatching Mash
SHUR-GAIN 18% CHICK' STARTER . 3.10 per cwt
SHUR-GAIN 18% LAYING MASH 2.70 per cwt
Made and Sold By
Clinton Feed Mill
J. K. Cornish
Jno. Aldington
Alex Wells
The death occurred at Ailenford,
on Friday, January 19th, of Thomas
J. Aiken, elder brother of Mr. W.
Moffat Aiken of Clinton. He was
the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Adam
Aiken, who also lived for many
years in the vicinity. of Allenford
The late Mr. Aiken, through
his Iife time, was' influential
many walks of community life.
The funeral service was held
Alienford United ' Church and
very largely attended.
Smart looking Ulsters. Half belt Raglans and loose Rag-
lans in Silvertones Tweeds, Qvercheck Fleeces and Herr.
ingbone designs, Cloths that Will give real service and com--
fort. Note the sizes and shades, all at one price Your Choice
1. Size 40. Tweed reg. 24.50
1. size 38. Brown Overchieck reg. 27.50
1. size 36. Brown*Fleece reg. 22.50
1. size 37. Grey Fitted reg. 22.50
1. size 35. Brown Raglan reg. 18.50
1. size 42. Brown Silvertone reg. 24.50 ��,
1. size 36. Grey Silvertone reg. 24.50
1. size 38. Raglan 1/2 belt reg. 27.50
1. size 38. Green Tweed reg. 24.50
1. size. 44..D'k. Grey Ulster reg. 2450
Your Choice any Coat for $17.00
Tailored by one of the best Fur Manufacturer's in Canada
Electric Seal, Coney's and Muskrat Heads --
Smart looking Coats in the Correct styles.
1. size 40. Electric Seal
1. size 40. Electric Seal
1. size 36. Electric Steal•
1. size 14. Coney
1. size 18. Coney
1. size 12. Coney
L size 16. Coney
"1. size 14. Muskrat Heads
1. size 16. Electric Seal
1.' size 18. Electric Seal
reg. 158.00 for 106.00
reg. 168,00 for 112.00
reg. 148.00 for 99.00
, reg. 125.00 for 83:75
reg. 125.00 for 83.75
reg. 125.00 for 83.75
reg. 125.00 for 83.75
reg. 175.00 for 131.25
reg. 158.00 for 106.00
reg. 158.00 for. 106.00
NOTE Electric Seal is choice dyed Rabbit, Coney (dyed
Rabbit) 10 Lovely -Coats to Choose from
Smart Untrimmed numbers
1. size 14,
1. sine 16.
1. size 18.
1. size 20.
reg. 24.50 for 19.75
reg. 29.50 for 23.50
reg. 34.50 for 29.75.
reg. 34.50 for 29.75
See these choice patterns sizes run loose -
Phone 324
Operated by the G. Edighoffer and Son, Mitchell
- "Beecher Streets in Charge"
Clinton Ontario