HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-02-01, Page 3URS., FEB. 1st; ;1945 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD' THE HAPPENINGGS IN CLINTON EARLY IN THE CENTURY Some Notes of the News in 1919. 1 Presbyterial W. M. S. Meets at Clinton attendance was not as large .as usual, The fifty-ninth annual business Clinton, on Tuesday', Jan. 9th, 'with meeting' of Huron'Presbyterial- of the Presbyterian' Church in Canada was held in the Presbyterian Church,. morning and afternoon sessions. Owing to weather conditions, the but representatives were prezent from Seaforth, Blyth, Clinton, Gode- rich and Hensall,i and- were welcom- ed by the president, Mrs. W. J. Thompson of Seaforth. ONEWS-RECORD The meeting 'opened with the singe When the Present Century itig of a hymn, followed by the Scriptureesidelessonnt. read _by Mrs. E. A. Was YoungWrightvof;;Seaforth, ' and prayer by Mr. and Mrs: C. H. Potter spent the pr Mrs. Thompson's New Years mes- the week end with Blyth friends. THE CLIN750N, 'NEWS -RECORD based on the ""God Mrs..Kelle, who has been:visiting February 2nd, 1905 sage was to make Hiswordsoe abound her 'gone daughter, Mrs, E. W. Morrison, Miss Sitsie Coolc comes home from unto you in all things." She stressed has to Hamilton on.a visit. the fact that the grace of God is Miss Fowler of ,Seaforth hasbeen yVingham this week. always sufficient for all our needs. Miss Jackman of Palmerston is.In tine of trouble andsorrow He is. the guest of Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Bur- • visiting at Mr. John Powells, hear to us; and when we.,, are weak •Kett this week, • Mr. Harry Morrish left on Monday and discouraged we can rely on Him Mrs. James .Shepherd and Mrs. Co visit friends in Hanover and for strength. Realizing our neeer Cod's help, and trusting in His pro- THE CLINT,N JANUARY 29th, 1920 Robson- are spendings a few week with Toronto friends. • • Mr. W. H. Davison, of Paisley; who vicinity. • mise to .be "a very present help in Mr. Thos. Tiplady of 'Detroit is in every time of need;" we ,can go for- town this week, having come over ward without fear, to face the duties ' has purchased 1VIr. Rowland's hard- to buy horses. and responsibilities of the conning year. ware, is in town this week preparing Miss Lily Dunlop .of Goderich was to take over the business. the guest over the week end of her Reports of the year's ,activities friend Miss Dot.'Baker.. lwere given by the department scare - friend, Hattie Baker of Mitchell; has ' raises •and were most encouraging, Mr. William Foster of .Preston is In the absence .of Miss L. Jeckell: been visiting in town for a few days, home for a few days, while the firm of Exeter, the home helpers'" report being the guest of Miss Florence Cumin home. where he is employed, is stock tak- was given by the' secretary, show g ' kTi:'Min ing. ling a membership of 207 and marl. Mr.. Geo. Burnett has purchased the Mr. Thos. Lewis of London, who buttons amounting to 8273.99. Marna cottage on Princess Street and is accompanied. _by his little daugh- I /341:3. G. 'MacEwen of G lo and ter,ich is'the read the report of the literature guest of his brother, Mr. library secretary. Books were on des- Pete Lewis of the Hotel Normandie. 'play at the January and executive Mr. J. S. Chambers of Grenfell, meetings, and the fall rally. Sales been visiting her mother, Mrs. A. Assa., who left Clinton for the West for the year amounted to $41.77. In Forbes, since the ratter's illness, re- twenty years ago, is in townon busi- the library department many booksand magazines' had been sent to the turned •home this week, her mother ness and pleasure bent. different camps and these were accompanying her. it is his intention to fit it up some- what' and occupy it himself. Mrs. Russ, of• Hamilton; who has Mr. John Townsend, brother of Mr. greatly appreciated. • Albert Townsend of town, who` went The life membership secretary, .Mrs. T. Dunbar, and children of Mrs. G. Walker of Hensall, reported to San Antonio, _ California, a few 'Sarnia, are visiting at the home of a splendid y'ear.in this department. the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, months ago with the hope that a One honorary membership certifi- Burnett. Mrs. Dunbar came 'borne to change would benefit his health, is nate,' one in memoriam, nineteen life see her sister, Mrs. Townsend, who • daily growing weaker. I memberships and twenty-three jun- SNOW FLAKES ;,�n,...,,,, •,,.,.,rr,,, By "PEG" In recent weeks many of our cities Here 'through the instrumentality ,of have had an experience of snow a poor workman he was converted. such as few of the inhabitants had,Although Spurgeon was influential any recollection of. For perhaps the in leading many to Christ yet he first time in - history some of the I realized that it did not need an edu-. stores had to remain closed as thea sated man to bring men and women, employees could not get to work, and�bbys and •girls to our Saviour. Many even had they been able to get there Mother's and Fathers who have had there would be few customers who 1 very little schooling' have been the could wade . their` way through to means of sending sons into the hay. Even the schools were, closed. world who have been able to bring The highways were blocked and many to, Christ. A praying Mother, motorists were warned to keep off or Father can have an.'influence the roads. 1 over a child which no one else can Many instances could be told of possibly have. • the strange happenings of December I It• is a wonderful thing, when a eleven, nineteen forty-four. It is a wife and husband have been able to day which as far as some of the celebrate their !golden; 'wedding, but, cities are conserved will go down in when they have added year to year history to be resurrected probably a, and, have lived on and with the help hundred years from now as one ofof, God have .raised their sons and the most trying days of the century.' daughters, and -then Have been able There were of course some' men to gather together an unbroken and even women who on account of their executive position had to get through some way and it is indeed interesting to hear how they man- aged it. Some storms have been seen from time to time in the country districts, but not in our. cities. One could write a book about the interesting things which happened. The inhabitants of the cities and country 'districts effected retired the night before thinking very little of the few snow flakes which were fall- ing and it .was indeed a surprise to look out in the mond/1g and find a blanket of 18-24 inches of snow which was covering the hard ground. In the majority of places there was no snow falling before twelve p.m. An air force roan who 'was train- We sometimes wonder if children ing in Canada knew that we had a honor their parents now the way great deal of snow here, but 1te had they ought to or might we say have the idea it came down in big balls or we reason to honor them? Parents chunks and could. not understand and children have a great deal to how the little flakes piled one upon think about along this line. Some another coiild snake the amount of one speaking about homes for the snow we have here. However he was aged recently said it was a 'good disillusioned on the Canadian winter. thing there were such places, for As we look out we ofttimes on often parents were niucii happier in der the same thing. One of the most a home like that than they would beautiful things we have in nature be in the homes of their children is the snow `flake with its myriad where they were not wanted and of different shapes. Did you. ever where they were made to feel that. take a piece of black cloth and hold Thank God for the families who it so as to catch acne snow flakes? think enough , of their parents to try If' have a magnifying 'glass it"to make' their last days...coinfertable. will . yive at. better view. God has was here from the west, but who called home on Friday by the illness of her husband. • Mr, J. A. Irwin has moved his fam- sly into the house known as the "Web" place on Victoria Street, Mr. Two rinks from Goderich ettrledon i totalnof b $7 5,ps almost and Seals'doumade le the a the user rink last night and won by amount of last year. seven shots, one being four up and In a discussion on raising. mone' the other three. The Clinton players for life memberships • the following were: R. Graham, M. D. McT'aggar-t, methods were suggested: Talent N. Fair and 111. E. McLean. 2 J. money, mite boxes, birthday box, Stevenson, T. Jackson, JHoover, , B. bazaar, rummage sale, play and seiv- ing, meals at a banquet. G. H. Elliott of Goderich Township C. L. Cranston, having bought the house they have On Tuesday Mr. George Diehl died The report of Mrs.' F. Ross of "George" t his residence in Toronto Auburn, Glad Tidings secretary, just vacated. ' The genial George a , aged 76 showed. 307 subscriptions for the intends moving into town as soon as Years. Old residents of Clinton will year, an increase of five..• he gets his sale over.' rememfer hint as "an active business I Mrs. C. Hudson of Hensall, wel man and prbgeessive citizen. come and welfare secretary, report- • Mrs. Albert Colclough .of Goderich v 1 ed 1046 calls made on sick and shut - Township spent the week end with in members,' 48 letters. written, and cards . and flowers sent which have brightened many a dreary day. The supply secretary,' 1ti:iss A. With Queen Alexandra nt Senator Macdonald of Goderich, reported r that $147 was contributed for sup• cus •rmtual campaign entering its plies, and that quilts' and Christmas last cilia -liter; Colonel' F: B. Ware, Christmas gifts will be most needed. JANUARY 29th, 192D Secretary of the' Central London The Presbyterial treasurer, ..Mrs. Committee, today infor.mell Mr. F. J• B. Russell of Seaforth, reported Fingland, K. C., Chairman of the that $3110.96 had been contributed, Clinton Conmtittee, '(or the News- and she was pleased, to announce Record')' that Huron Count that this was $310 above ,the alioca- y is rapid kion. ly approaching the: objectives set. A letter was read asking consider- Goderich ' has "passed• the 88% aeon for a post-war plan for Syne- mark, Seaforth 93, Wingham 95, dical representation ., in the various Clinton84%, Provinces. This would tall for three Exeter is over the top, boards in Ontario, instead of :one while the rural communities of the large Provincial society, and counties have reached the 95% mark. Huron would be included in the The campaign conducted by the Synod of Hamilton and London, Sanatoria of Canada and the United There was some discussion on the States, 'are purposely extended to peace thanksgiving ,fund; the meet- ing then adjourned, and lunch was the 15th February eaeh year, in or. served by the Clinton ladies. a visit with her mother, Mrs. ..A dei; that the many who require all their available funds . during the 1 Afternoon Session MMGarva. • period, may send in their coitribu- The afternoon session opened with Mr. 3: P. Cole who recently sold tions in Januarythe •singing of a li *mn followed his farm near Kippen has bought or February. , a by This .year, . every contributor will the Lords Prayer. Mrs. E. Leatherland's - )farm near The • Mission Band secretary, Mrs, Seaforth on the Kippen road" receive at an .early date, an acknow- D. J. Lane of Clinton reported leclgement card, which• will be ac- splendid work dobe by the leaders Mr. J. M. Govenlock M. P. P. for ceptable for Income, piuposes. during the year. A considerable Centre Huron; was in town on With clearing weather and ' the amount of;handwork was done by the Wednesday. He denies the rumour opening of snow blocked goads the boys and girls; one Band sent a box > of to and other articles to Rocky' that he is resigning in favor of Hon. Committee feels confident that Clin- Mountain Hospital; another put on a Mr. Raney.ton and all ••the other Huron County fine concert and had a sale of articles centres will 'go over the top, thus made by the boys and girls. The 'Mrs. (Dr.)' Jackson, of Chicago, supporting • the Sanatorib greatest need at -the present time. i rn in. "lie is spending a couple of weeks .at ' is' fol• more Mission' Batiil leaders. the hgme of her parents, Mr: and.grand 'Work it is .doing in the treat- ment, cure, and 'prevention of the Mrs. A. •D. McEwen of Hensall, 'Mrs. Edward Rodaway, Huron Road, deadly scourge of Tuberculosis. Y. W. and C.G.LT. secretary, re - having been called here' on ,account of the illness of her aunt, Mrs. Wal- ker. • her parents, Mr, and Mrs. George Queen Alexander Christmas Burnett. Seal. Campaign V THE MI. NTON NEW EWA Miss Madelon Shaw is visiting in Wingfiam, The Board of Health held their Statutory meeting last week and re- organized for 1920. Chair,inan, Mayor Cottle; M. H. 0.,. Dr, J. W. Shaw; Secretary, D. L. MacPherson,_ Mr. A. J. Holloway made a busin- ess trip. to Guelph this week: Mr. N. W. Manning of , London Was in town this •week on business. 'Mrs. (Rev.),. Diehlreturned to her home at Port Burwell after making Wednesday morning the slaugh- ter house of Mr. S. Castle, on the London Road, was totally destroyed by fire. v Restrictions .on Residence ,, in Ottawa r porter] one young women's auxiliary doing fine work. One new C.G.LT. Group was formed, making a total of five for the corning year. Toys and scrapbooks have been made. A Only essential workers in war or number, of girls went to Kintaii Camp in July. Others are assisting in Sunday school, and in' the Junior Choir, and presented an dperetta to raise funds for the work of the C.G civilian services who have obtained a permit in writing from an emer- gency shelter administrator mayIt is reported that Cecil Simpson occupy a residencg in Ottawa .under I.T• The recording secretary repoertesed will: start a store in Brumfield. eleven senior auxiliaries in thPe recent restrictions-by`the Wartime Mr. Bert Hovey has been confined byteiial, one ,young women's auxil- iary, Prices and Trade Board. The order five sirs' i to the house for the past few weeks „g'' groups, three` mss with the prevailing cold. effected because thele is an acute *ion bands, and twelve home helpers. shortage of family quarters in the Two executive .meetings were held Mr. Will. Wiseman leaves this area which shortages' cannot be met and the fall rally was held in Aubtu Week ,to visit his .ester, Mrs. (Dr.) by new construction pecause urgent One diamond jubilee was celebrated, n McCallum at Kingston.national requirements have 'caused by the senior auxiliary of Goderich. Reeve James. Miller is attending unavoidab'1:, scarcities of ibuildin�' beThtween the been clobsrr cher of the g n` g betwoeu the various branches the the. County Council at,Goderich. materials acid skilled labor" does work, and this has been helpful to Rev. �S: E.. McKegney took the not apply' to single rooms with no all ycucerned. Eighteen guest speak- g Y y. services at Petrolia .on Sunday. housekeeping privileges, • j �, s have brouglit''new inspiration to fainly: to praise their Heavenly Father, in the celebration of their Diamond wedding it is still more wonderful. In recent weeks a joyous occasion like that took place. They did not jump to their sixtieth year without trials of one kindand an- other. Friends can well remember when they went to the village church as one family. God was the Head of their home and from the very young days of their boys and girls they were taken to the House of the Lord and were brought up to love Him. Like the little snow flakes their clays went by one by one until it was God's pleasure ,to grant them sixty years of wedded life together with their family gathered around them to love and honor them. Attention! Canadian Women YOU CAN HELP TO BRING VICTORY IN 1945 If you are a British Subject, between the ages of 18 and 45 and have no dependent children, you are urgently needed in the CANADIAN WOMEN'S ARMY CORPS For information, write to: DISTRICT RECRUITING OFFICE 379 Richmond Street LONDON ONTARIO These home conditions which put:much .beauty into 'even: such a1prompt 'the old folks being "shoved tiny thing as it snow flake. There is l oat" do not come on all at once It nothing made by God which is not ]s just one difficulty following beautiful unless it is or has been •another as one snow flake falls marred by man. . upon another and makes 'a pile., God The vast amount of snow which is in the snow flake but He is not in fell during the memorable night all the home. troubles, What is the came down in little flakes and what a matter to -day ' anyway? For one great change in ones life even a thing people let their tongues run 'snow storm can accomplish! " away with them. There is only one Rev. C. H. Spurgeon one of 'ting -whiwil] help that and that greatest preachers of his day •onthece tlis prayer.ch We know by experience said, "I sometimes think I might that God does. answer prayer and he have been in darkness and despair will smooth our home difficulties. If now, hat it not been for the goodness Iwo will not exercise the power of of. God in sending a snow storm on phich He hus, then Sunday morning, January 6„ 1850 everayer needwnot exp`eetae Hisgiven help. There when I was going to a place of wor- I are many instances where parents ship. When 1 could go no further I i cannot' be cared for at home, theRe- turned down a court and came to a ; sons ,are various but if our parents little Primitive Methodist Chapel." have' to be taken to a home then d'o , not neglect them while they are here. Add snow flake to snow flake of kindness to them to stake them feel that they are wanted and are loved. One of the most pitiful things the societies, and . if each member will do.her part faithfully, by prayer and loyal servieti. tate work will prosper. The reports were received and nr our world is a -neglected old man or adopted, and an invitation was ex- woman. An elderly gentleman used tended by the Goderich Auxiliaries to go to the' Post Office day fter to hold the fall rally in Goderich, day, in quest of a letter 'Egon:aItis when the diamond jubilee of the, Preg"byterial will be celebrated. This dauglice. They were well_, to .do and invitation was accepted, could well afford to write even a A• letter was read concerning the note every day and to send him a possibility of having ,Miss Lily Mac- parcel, but as a rule he would ,donne neelltur of Toronto e with eonn Ban<l toHleaderso away without even a card. They do and it was 'decided that the earlyrturon not need to lknite now for he has wards' Commander In France It was 'recently revealed that l Division in France. Major-General Allen H. S. ADAIR; Picture shows:— Major -Gene s g i commanding the Guards Armoured I Alien Adair. part of May would be most conven- ient. The president spoke of the' pass- ing of. faithful members during the year, and expressed the sympathy of all the members • to those who had been .bereaved. The allocation of 82,935 was re - gone on. • There are many sons and (laugh-, tees who to the. end of their days will regret not caring for their par- ents in their elderly years, but there is no need to worry now. The worry - reeved and accepted, and Mrs.W. ing should have been done while they Freeman of Seaforth took the.chair could have made them happier, not for the . election of officers, and con- when the or . souls have; through God's mercy,old been taken to a better lanes. OT the millions of snow flakes which fall no two are alike, but it. ground awhile they become soiled ains out of little things that have with the dirt and grime of the world,significance. and if we persist in mingling with From time to time the snow me the adverseries of Christ we will but if we try we can with God's h soon become es they are. leave an enduring monument. • God grant that we will strive day As the flakes are different. so no• l day, to, in His brave pile up acts two people are the same but in spite kindness and love In order to do of that the snow flakes work togeth- we must trust Him. er, so should we, but let our endeavor be to work for Christ. Make it a ruled "Build a little fence of trust that if we dislike anything in any Around to -day, one else let us correct it in ourselves, ; Fill the space with loving deeds If we do that we will find that we 1 And there in stay, wi11 have no time to find fault with Look not through theshattering others. I Upon to -morrow, The snow does, at times, a great God will help the bear what come deal of harm by piling up, and we Of joy and sorrows" .can do the same, by making mount-. F ducted' the :installation ceremony Officers Elected Mrs. Gordon Bisset brought in the report of the nominating committee and the following officer's were bikes, Each one to snake up the storm elected; President Mrs. W. J So a flakes are lain with man dent, Miss A. M. Toll, Blyth; 2na 7honpson, Seaforth; let vice -press- sides others are of the most intricate vice-president, Mrs. H. C. Dunlop, d .andrat berhauopltifuliner,defoisign. It's claimed ams are connected with :tlie very high clouds and zero temperatures. The complicated types are found in low or medium 'clouds. Snow is one of the many forties of moisture which falls upon the Earth, but it is always the same as it drifts down pure and white., Do we ever think of these things. as God's writing In the winter he writes with 'the snowflakes acidin the summer with the green of the grass and the leaves and flowers. The four seasons come and go but "Jesus Christ is the sauce,, yesterday,' to -day andforever". and Goderich; 3rS vice-president, Mrs, E. Lawson, Auburn;' secretary, Miss B. .Campbell, Seaforth; treasurer, Mrs. J. B. Russell, Seaforth; Mis- sion Band secretary, Mrs. D. J. Lane, Y.W. and C.G.IIi°. secre- tary, Clinton;Mrs. A. D. Mcilwan Hensall; home helpers and student secretory,, Miss L. M. Jeckell, Exeter; life aneni- bership, secretary,_Mrs.- G. Walker, Hensall; . Glad Tidings secretary, Mr's. F. Ross, Auburn; press secre- tary, Mrs.' A. Taylor, Goderich; wet, come and welfare secretary, 'Mrs. G. Hudson, Hensall; supply secretary, Miss A!B. Macdonald, Goderich; aav change, library and literature secre- tary, Mrs. G. Bisset, Goderich: On her return to the chair, the president tendered' a vote of thanks to the .Clinton ladies for their hos- pitality, and the meeting closed with the singing of the doxology, followed by the benediction pronounced by 1VIrs, W. 3—Thompson. The R.A.F's 12,000 Pound Bo The R.A.F. is using a new bomb bomb with great success. - which is torpedo in shape and, weighs' 12,000 lbs. Lancasters of Bomber ` Picture Shows: R.A.F. arm° Command have been delivering this at work on the new 12,000 Ib. b as true followers of His we should be the same. Christ gives us Each day clean and pure from Isis hilnds just as the snow is clean. Where the flakes are on the Behind The Coastal Comman Behind every story of successful attacks by aircraft of Coastal Com- mand there is another story' of vast preparation and detailed planning. A great deal of this work is' clone by l W.A,A.F, officers anis airwome different branches of the Servs Picture Shows:. A Special D? Cleric Plots the course of a fl boat returning from patrol