HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-01-18, Page 8i., The >LITTLE :RANGE thet'does a pm JOB o E cooking &heating.; A scall modern -stove witli Ali the cooking and heating efficiency of meny :larger and more es?, pensiVe ranges, Fakes up very little floor space, yet hes a full size 14 inch oven; ::Bums either wood or coal. You'llbe delighted' with the ability of this Findlay range — and with its moderate price. See it today. Cris Findlay Condor Range fu'l Enamelled .......... . ... $125.00' 13ne Findlay Range, Oval High closet and reservoir .. $97.00 Cns,used McOlay Cook stove with High shelf ...., .....: ,.. $35.03. tr:`e Used Cook Outer Type .. . . $10.00 Ironing Boards and Pads UTTER & PERDUE M RDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS P*ON= 147w: CLINTON, ,ONT. January Specials Girl's eiderdown .bath robes sizes 8 to 14. Fancy patterns in red and blue shades. Too late for Christmas. Selling now $2.39 Girls rubber overboots sizes 13, 1 and 2 only. To clear at $1.98 Boys high top leather boots, double sole. A good heavy shoe for School' wear. Special Price . $4.19 Boy's breeches in Whipcord and Mackinaw cloth .... $2.00 to $3.50 Boy's Overcoats, brown tweedy made in double breasted style .with. half -belt. Sizes 29 to 37. Priced from • $11.95 to $17.50. Men's winter Overcoats in striped Tweeds, Grey or brown Freize or Fleece and made in new slip on 'style with military collar ' Priced at $22.50 to .$29.50 Plumsteel Bros. Arrow darts - Adam Hats — Scott & Marsis Shoos tar Mut • Agouti Tip Top TsU..& if we have what you want The Price is Right. BROWN'S One Door. North of Royal Bank ' NOTICE I have moved tuy office from the Bank of Montreal Building o the McKenzie Hotel opposite the Post Office where I shall be lad to see clients and friends at the usual consultation hours uesday and Friday afternoons. H. G. Meir Barrister oc. 81-3 NOW SALE 50 pair of Gores and Ties Were $7.50 and $8.00 Now -Clearing for °$2.95 Come in and See us We May have your Fitting T. Churchill Shoe Store The beginning of : a New' Year is the time : to cheek on ; your work books so we list .a, ;few froth our Stock: Ledger Cash Book Journal Day Book - Columnar Book Minute Book Also Index 'Cards, Letter Files, Order 'book, Time Books as well as other office supplies. G. R. McEwan Co. Books & Stationery 'OFTEN THE CHEAPEST ALWAYS THE BEST" PHONE 84 W.O. Percy Brown of Toronto, was visiting in town this week, with hirbrothers and sister. Miss Celestine' Shanahan of London, spent the week end at the hom of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Shanahan. Mr. Ninian Heard, of Stratford spent the week end in town with Mrs. Heard. Miss ghyllis Herman, student at the University of Western Ontario, London, visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Herman over the week end. 1r - VARNA. The Annual Vestry meeting of St. Johns ,Ainglican Church will be held in the church on Thursday evening at 8.00 o'clock. All church members are requested to be present. • Cpl. Floyd McAsh of Hebert N. S. is home on leave with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Jno. McAsh., • A most enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Mr. • and Mrs, Fred Reid on Friday when Mrs. Reid and Mrs. Geo. Johnston enter- tained the yottng people of their Sunday School Class. After a hot supper had been served by the hos- tess the evening was spent in Social 'chat, contests and games. Cpl. Wm. McAsh of New Brun- swick has returned after spending his furlough with his wife and two small sons •Gar•rie , and Douglas and his parents Mr, and Mrs. Jno. McAsh, The Varna Red Cross annual meeting will be held in the Township Hall, Varna on Friday Evening Jan. 19th 1945 at 8 p.m. All members are urged to be present to hear the re- ports from the dafferent Committees on last years work of the Society. The Varna United Church W.M.S. held their 'meeting last week at the home of Mrs Lee McConnell. SUMMERHILL. In last week's issue it was stated that during the year the Red Cross had sent $143. to headquarters. This amount should have read $430. Mr. Ross Lovett of London spent the week end with his parents, Mr: and Mrs. Win. Lanett. Mrs. Won. Mairs is visiting her' mother Mrs. Thos. Doyle at Auburn. Mrs. Warren Gibbings had as her guests on Saturday afternoon, Mrs. McKinnon of -Clinton, Mrs. Percy Gibbings and'Doris, Mrs. Eph. Snell and Jane Mary. • Mr. Ira Rapson returned home a week ago, after an operation at Clinton hospital. Glad to report he, is progressing favorably. Sympathy of the community goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Cornish on the Leath of M'ss Edith Cornish,' sister of Mr. Cornish. Mr. and Mrs. Graydon Neal were hort3 at n very lovely dinner party in their home last Theirs. evening. Mr. and Mr,. ' Goldwin Sin • Mrs. Don :Smith and Clayton Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vadden, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Gibbings, Miss Kay McGf1, Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Merrill, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ball, being the guests. After dinner eards were enjoyed by all, • Say '';it With Fl owexs' for Every Occasion F: R, CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel.` Del. ;As. Personal care given every order; and special attention given to Funeral Orders: ° Phone 176 and 31, COME „TO Londesboro Community Hall on Wednesday., .Jana' 24 at 8.30 National 'Flint Board of .Canada P•resents?:FREE "Battle of Russia",.. "History of Power in.Canada","Musical Over= ture No. '5", "Canada in Action". See these outstanding films and enjoy a Modern and Old Time Dance Sponsored by Hullett Branch of the Federation of Agriculture . Dance 35d 32-1 BINGO St Joseph's Church Hall Wednesday, Jan. 24 Fifteen regular rounds 4 Specials and Jack -Pot ,32-1• ANNUAL MEETING Clinton Spring Show on Saturday, January 27 in •- Agriculture Board Rooms Every person interested in the SpringShow is cordially invited to attend this meeting. A, J. McMurray J. B. Matheson Treasurer •Secretary 32-2 Annual Meeting War Services Assoc. on Tuesday, January 23 in the COUNCIL CHAMBER at 8 :p.m.. Election of Officers 31-2 S",NJ Red Shield The Red Shield have received "let- ters of thanks from the following boys for parcels received; Sgt. Frame, M., Pte. C. E. Gliddon, Pte. Bezzo, W., Spr. R. McCabe, L. Cpl. J. Cree, Pte. H. F.. Sidman, L. Bdr. Ferg. McKay.._ The regular iueeting of the R. S. W. A. will be held on Tuesday, Janu- ary 23rd. The meeting 'will be held in the N'ew quarters at Mr, Tasker's -old store, next to Ball's auto supply store. Every .member is asked to be present as lots of quilting and knitting also sewing will be on hand. V GOD'S WILL—NOT MINE Continued from page 4 the exception of Him who is prepar- ing,an Eternal Home ter us they wersymbolic of humanity to -day. God does not always answer our prayers the way we 'want Him to, but in allowing us to be hurt and disappointed, He has made it a means of drawing us closer to Him and we havelived in. many instances, to see the day when we have thanked Him that He answered our prayer in His own way and not according to our will. Jesus 'Christ' prayed that the cup would pass from Bim, but after God had tried 'mid tested Hien to the full, He was able to say, "It is finished" and "Father, into thy ,hands,I commend my spirit". God's Will is always best, and as we pray that His will may be ours. we earnestly hope that we will be ab:e to trust Rini in such a way that there will be no question in our minds as to whom we will follow. • "There is nothing to fear for the faithful heart ' Though storm clouds break, and frien'ds depart; • There is nothing to fear;:' forthe battles won When we learn to say; "Thy will be done." There is nothing to fear for those who pray For strength_ and guidance en the way; Though the last faint hope Iras all but gone -- The trusting soul goes bravely on tit perior Store P}14UN$;11`1-dL1:NTON.' SPECIALS 1 JANUARY 2 -ROBIN HOOD QUICK COOKING, OATS 5 lb. ]fag . , 25c INGERSOLL iIALTED-`CHEESE` FIVE ROSES FLOUR 7• lb. bag 27c HILLCREST SHORTENING RUBY BRAND Peas 20 oz. 2 tins 25c PREM -A; COOKED 'PORK SPECIALTY TIN . ..... 31 e HAWES FLOOR WAX 1 lb tin '45e SNOWFLAIKE AMMONIA 2 pkgs. tic P. & G. SOAP 2 bars 110 CAMAY SOAP 3 bars .........19c SUPER. SUDS' LARGE- pkg. 25c SANI WHITE' TOILET TISSUE' 3 rolls 190 ORANGES, size 288s Doz. 37c LEMONS, size 300s- 3 for 13c GRAPEFRUIT, size 126 5 for 25c HEAD LETTUCE lge. each 19c CELERY HEARTS each 415c C00KING APPLES spy's 5 lbs. 25e i. R. iR�MPS�N WEEK END SPECIALS 1 Bag ROBIN HOOD QUICK OATS 29c 1 BAG VITA B 10e 1 Bag EATMORE WHEAT BERRIES 25c 2 tins. HARRY HORNES Cocoa 25c 2 pkg. PUDDING POWDERS 2 pkg.' SAVOY CUSTARD POWDER........ 19e 2 pkg. LIPTON'kS NOODLE Soup 25c 5 lb. COOKING APPLES .. , . 25c 3 lb. .READY, CUT Macaroni 20c 1 pkg. GOLDEN SPRAY Clieese 22c 2 tins Tomato Juice ....... , 19e 1 pkg. Cheese-A-RONI ......... 19e 1 lb. tin CALUMET B. POWDER 25c 3 GRAPEFRUIT 96s 20c 5 lb. C00KING ONIONS 25e SUNKIST NAVEL ORANGES' CARROTS, CABBAGE, Sp. ONIONS W. L. JOHNSON, PHONE 286 GROCER DELIVERY HOURS 4 to 6 p.m. January 18 to 20 BULK COCOA lb, 17c GROG—PUP DOG FOOD pkg. 25c VAN CAMP'S Tomato Soup 3 tins 25c YORK Sandwich Spread 15c SMARTS Pumpkin 28 oz., 2 tins 27c SMARTS ASPARAGUS tips tin 22c AYLMER Cauliflower Relish jar 21e HEINZ beef steak sauce btl. ..27e CHEMICO', a fragrant antiseptic non -scratching cleaner for Bath and household cleaning Try it tin , 25c BISON The all purpose cleaner 2 tins 19c LASCO cleaner 2 tins 9c BAY ; of FUNDY Herring 10 oz. tins 15c VALUES FOR JANUARY 190. and 2Qih' CANADA CORN STAR01-1 2 ,pkgs. GIAINT POPPING. CORN Ib. QUAKER PUFFED 19c WHEAT 2 pkgs.. 15 MOTHER JAGKSONS JIF)±< 15c PORRIDGE plug .,183 CO,UNTRY KIST- PEAS.2 tins GLENWooD DICED 25c CARROTS2 tins 25c GLENWOOD DICED BEEPS 2 tins DEVON 25c TOMATOES 2 tins 25c SOUP Red and-White'Tonc. or Veg. 3 for CANADA'S FINEST A jONO LASTING—ECONOMICAL TOS.st SOAP CAKE 52 25c Griffin Chicken Jiffy Pie Handle Tin 25c - CRUST pkg. 25c Smoked Cod Fillet's Ib. 39. T East Coast Mussels Tin 29q esh Cod, Fillets lib. 353 CARE 5c. GARDEN FRESIL FRUITS AND 'VEGETABLES MUSHROOMS,,—RA/DISHES —SPIN.A:CH. --SPANISH ONIONS SQUASH —CABBAGE. -PARSNIPS — CARROTS — TURNIPS SUNKIST' JUICY 220's CHOICE HEARTS OF ORANGES doz. 49c CELERY bunco 19c CALIFORNIA JUICY 380's LEMONS 3 for ilc MARSH SEEDLESS 112's GRAPEFRUIT 4 for 19c CHOICE CALIFORNIA TOMATOES ib. 29c CHOICE LARGE HEAD LETTUCE each 15c C. M. SHEARING PHONE 48 FOR QUALITY FOODS — CLINTON Sleighing is Good SO CALL AND SEE' OUR STOCK OF CHILDREN'S SLEIGHS ALSO RUNNERS FOR BABY CARRIAGES., WE I1AVE. A GOOD STOCK OF KIDDIE CARS AND TOY SETS' ALSO. A NEW STOCK OF WARDROBES. BALL & ZAPFE Dealers in Hardware and Furniture Modern Ambulance Service, Funeral Directors Store Phone 195 DOUGLAS G, BALL Phone 110 JOHN J. ZAPFE Phone 103 THE' CLINTON NEWS -RECORD January 15th, 1920 Mr','W. H. Davison of Paisley in town this week completing the purchase of the hardware business of Mr. R. Rowland, of which he will take possession next month. Miss Flossie Cole of Goderich Township is the guest of Mrs. C. H. Holland. Mrs. Telfer and child visited Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Potter for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cole of Sandusky, Mich, are visiting friends and relatives in and around Clinton. Messrs. E. F. Merner of Bayfield and H. J. Merner of Seaforth werg in Clinton on Monday looking after matters in connection with the new flax mill to be erected here. Meme: Bros. have purchased the Copp place at the "Y" and they expect to' have a mill erected and equipped with the necessary machinery in clue time. Rev. E. 0. Forde and Mr. D. K Prior were in London on Monday in connection with the Forward Move- ment in the Baptist Church. ;Rev. Dr. Medd, who preached in Wesley -Willis Church on Sunday was the guest for a few days over the week end of his -brother, Mr. J. G.1 Medd of town. 7 .z Mrs. Matthews, of the Sterling Bank, Auburn, last week, arriving home oat Monday last. I! Flight -Lieut. Will Wiseman, eldeat son of Mr, and Mrs. 3: Wisenaq . arrived home from overseas. He en- listed at Edmonton with the 51st Mrs, John Code, of Trowbridge and her daughter, 'Mrs. (Rev.) P. Sutton of Snrokey Lake, Alta, visited the former's sister, Mrs. Turner,: Joseph Street, for a couple of days last week. Messrs. D. Cantelon, J. Dunford, J. Noble and L. Harland started fro Winthrop on Tuesday to attend the' annual meeting of the Hullett Dis- trict L. 0. 2, but turned back on ac- count of the storm. HARRY HORNE'S Liquid 'Gravy maker bottle 23c CHUTNEY SAUCE! bottle .... 25c DALTONS' Pudding powders sweetened 2 pkg..... .. 150 INTERLAKE TOILET TISSUE 3 rolls 25c FRESH FRUITS & VE'GETABLE'S FRESH Sau?age lb. 25c FRESH Wieners ib. ......... 27c Bologna in piece. lb: 24e Back Bacon lb. 59e COTTAGE. ROLL in piece lb. 39c CANADA'S' FINEST A LONG LASTING'—ECONOMIFAJ. CAKE 5c ()rya! THE CLINTON NEW ERA, January 15th, 1920 Miss Gladys MnGnire is visiting with relatives at Belgrave. Mrs. (Judge) Dickson,' of Goderieh, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Bowden this week. Mrs. J. B. Lihdsay, of town, and daughter Mrs. Kyle, are visiting friends in Toronto this week. - Mr. Malcom McTaggart returned to eollege in St. Catharines on Mon- day after- spending the mid -winter, vacation at his home here. Mr. J, .7. Merner was in town on Tuesday and closed a deal with Mr. Jos. Copp for his 50 acre farm, south of the tracks, which with the barn Will be used in his. new flax busi- ness here. ' Mrs. J. L. Kerr. returned on Tues- day from Toronto after spending a - few weeks at the'.parental home. - Mr. Thos. Coless, of near Sud- bury', has purchased the house and lot of Mr. John Wiseman and- will get possession next May. Mrs. Cor- less is a sister of Mrs. A. J. Me - Murray, ' Mrs. Harry : Fitzsimons and Mrs. Kennedy.The trice paid i re- Lt e . reported to be $1800, Mr. and Mrs. W. S.. Downs, and 'Miss Muriel, 'visited at the 'home of h Free Delivery Battalion and after recovering from. wounds he received in France, joined the Royal Air Force and saw see.. vice in Egypt, and was sant to Cal- . onge, Germany. When the Present Century" Was Young THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD January 19th, 1905 Mr. John Moore from Exeter, spent Sunday at hone. Mr. John` 'Reynolds of Detroit, is visiting his aunt, 'Miss Ellen Shana- han. Mrs. Thos. Rumball, Elmira, whe is accompanied by her two sons, Masters Wilbur and Norval, canto up last week to help nurse her mother, Mrs. Jas. Walker Sr. who has been very ill, but is now irnp proving. Mr. William Koine of Langdect, North Dakota, was in town the past wveek visiting friends, among the number his cbusin, Mr. Harry Houl- den. Mr. and„Mrs. Martin Charlesworth al of Dakota are visiting relatives an old friends in town and townships. They are both well known here, Mt, Charlesworth. particularly in Gode- rieh Township where his brother its the days 'gone by owned what is now known at T'ricic's ;Mill. Mr. Norman Boles left on Monday morning for Toronto. Mr. James Elliott of near Grandiia, North Dakota, was in town the past: Week the guest of his nephew, Mr, Elliott. Mr. Elliott' for'lrierlyi lived on the 6th concession of Code - rich Township. Mrs. F. W. Watts, District see tary of the Royal Teinp]ars of Tom, perance, will attend the annus4 District meeting' to be held in Exeter. Mr. Garnet M.Brien left .on Mott.: day for Niagara Falls, having tie. cepted a position on the staff of the Record of that place, Master Fred Eagleson of Goderielt spent the last week the guest of hip uncle Mr. Peter Orr, Mr. George McRae .returned to Detroit on Saturday: Mr. George .Emerson of London was, in town on Tuesday. Miss B. Grigg of Grimbsy wilt visit far the winter at the home ell er uncle, Mr. A, Hooper,