HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-01-18, Page 7PAC An Instantine tablet brings QUICK RELIEF! 1•••••••••=0,•10111 FOR quick relief from headache.pain, just take an Instantine tablet with a glass of water: Chances are you'll dis- cover as thousands have dorte, that prescription -type Instantine is a modern way to fast mild. from head- ache pain. Instantine works in three ways to bring prompt relief: 1. Speedily eases pain. 2. Prolongs relief from pain. 3. Reduces "depressed feeling." Gives mild, stimulating "lift." InsMntine never pampers pain. It's specially compounded ,to give quick relief. Try it to relieve muscular ache or pain, and for the discomfort you feel when a cold gets you down. All drug- stores have Instantine. 12 tablets 25f. itisfanfine a ;welled of The Bayer Co., Ltd WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING Tractor Seat - A special coil spring, and a shock absorber,. is the bask Of a , new suspension -type tractor, seat which. Will take ail the jolts out of riding ' the farm 'tractor over rough .ploived, land and ease the work of the drive, s. It niay perhaps, decrease the high degree of kidney, and skeletal, disorders among farmers blamed or; the ..all -day -long tractor jarr-' Mg., The new tractor seat was de- veloped in Chicago by an automo- tiee equinnient company, which developed ant' has made ehousands of seats for war tanks. file coil , spring is placed directly under the driver's Seat, and the triple -action hydraulic shock absorber at the rear, The abso:ber is. similar to those coo:molly used in automo- biles. Tmeetber the two devices give- stability that enables the rider to stay • level while the tractor bobs over rough ground. The construe-' tion of the nen/ device:, is simple and 'inexpensive,' and it can . be in- stalled on all makes of tractors. It can also be applied to truck seats. • (I. K. Has Coldest Christmas Since 1872 Now .it can be +old that Christ- mas, 1944, was Britain's coldest since 1872, the date that systematic temperature readings were begun. Londen was the coldest spot, _with tlie reading 13 degrees Fah- r mheit, but there were record sales of ice cream newly returned to the matket after a wartime economy ban, In one restaurant Waitresses wearing overcoats , old out the ice cream stock in tWo hours. Easy Way to Relieve RHEUMATIC Aches and Pains Rare is a simple; easy way to get relief from the agony of molten, rheuthetle joints and muscular aches and pains. Go to any drug store OM get a bottle' of Ru -Ma. If you are not p)e5000 with the help it , gives you—go get your money back. Tins is a generous offer you can not afford to Ignore • 49i7 .3% PdultIeu of •*WS reliaia Us, bans est OM, heels quickly, no Mal, 28e 22e 50e 51.00. • "MECCA" OINTMENT Skin Eruptions Here is a clean, stainless, pene- trating antiseptic oil that brings 'speedy relief from the itching and discomfort. Not only does this tenting 'anti- aeptic on promote rapid and healthy healing in open sores and wounds but boils and simple ukere are ales relieved. In skin affectiens the itehing of , Beaune is quickly Stopped. :Pimples --skin .ereptIons dry up and scale off In a very few days. The same is true ot BarberIs Itch, Salt Rheum, Ttching ToeS and Peet and other in- flammatory slcin disorders. You ean obtain Moone's Emerald 011 in the • original bottle at arist modern drug store. Satisfaction or money .back. • WIL:LIAMS cAM,PNORATED MUSTARD CREAM when spread on the lorehead asa Inhaled through Ole nose relieves head atheS and breaks up head colds. Gives prompt relief and prevents fertile) tornitlisati0(111. oasis COMO= Main ik ir Oa eva TTAWAREPOjli A • 'I'het BritaihHas ' Cut ,ImPorts • Of Agricultural Products, FrOlu "•8500,000' Tone: To 1,000,000 Tone ;Annually, Ottawa played host -Met Week • to the Mart who ,has directed l3ritish 'farming during the war—/Vfinister , of `Agriculture, Hon. R. S Hudson. Mr. Hudion, who his held the ../iritth. Agriculture portfolio singe 1940,,told A preas conference at Ottawa that bY mechsnzing farin work "tO the -hilt" durilig the war years, Britain had mit imports from 8,500;000 tons • to 1,009,000 tons annhally, eaving vitally -needed , Shipping space.' DoMestic Product- ion has been concentrated on the More bulky • types of foods, and ' shipping space Ilia been 'allocated to the more concentrated, energy - giving foods. Mr. Hudson remarked that daliy produce was a problem, and commented: "We won't be able to end our present rationing of milk until 1949.4' British milk • output at present is 14,000,000,000 gallons a year, and it is hoped. to increase this by 350,000,000 gallons in the next four years. Sixty thousand Italian war pris- oners are employ'ed on British farms, the • Minister disclosed Turning to post-war plans for Agriculture he said: It is planned to train 100,000 ex -service men for that farming after the war. Most of these men will b directed into the operation and maintenance of farm machinery. * * Source of one of the finest lub- ricants for marine engines, rapeseed production is to be stepped up thi$ year. Canadian farmers will be asktd to sow seven acres for every four sown in 1944. * Five hundred million Canadian eggs, eah stamped with the 'word "Can -da," will go into Britisfi homes and restaurants in 1945. Stamping is a British requirement. That this offers Canada ate oppor- tunity to make Britain conscious -5 the high quality of a Canadian food -product is emphasizid by the Doininion egg and poultry mar- keting service. * * * Price control in Canada appears to be working very well,, judging from the official cost -of -living in- dex. Last month this stood at 118.5, down considerably from the December 1043 level Of 110.3. For the past five months the index has beezt held below the level of the previous year. Lower prices for eggs, vegetables and fruits contri- buted the major portion of the drop.. Panzer Cub Nazi child snipers are still active. ' An 11 -year-old German boy, with a man-sized telescopic sight rfile was pulled out of a tree in France, The youth wore a child size hel- met arid a camouflage cape. In- spection of his identification papers revealed his age. — The Maple Leaf. Fewer Farmers Produced More ' Analysis of Agricultural Bureau statistics reveals even more specta- cular farm prosperity than over-all figures, indicate, says Newsweek. The largest crops on record — 1043 and 1941 — were produced by a farm population some 20 per- cent smaller than in 1940. (About a fourth of the workers entered the armed services; Most of the rest Went into war industries.) Thus not only has farm cash in- come incrsased by $10,000,000,00e, or nearly 120 percent, between 1940 and I044, but the increase is shared by only 80 percent of the former ntnnber of farmers. Ford »To Produce A Post -War Car • At Pre -War Price At least some of the private enterprises of the United States realize that the survival of private enterprise depends upon • vigorous competition and the lowest pos- sible selling price of goods, says the Winnipeg Free Press. The Ford Company announces that, despite advanced Costs during the war years, it will produce a new and thoroughly modern car at pre-war prices. when peace comee. This adnOuncement denies the generalexpectatiof that cars must sell at higher prices after the war because manefaeturing costs are higher; for, against, higher costs stands increased efficiency and its full ` use. ,* Mr, , C. E. Wilson, president of General Electric announCes that when hisfirm goes` back to civilian production its good will sell at pre-war prices, despite all the in- creased costs of operation. Other manufacturers in the same line have been suggesting that their goods must advance from 10 to p percent in price. Mr, Wilson sees no such necessity, and Ileproposes to maintair, his present wage level. He can do both. he evidently be - neves, by heeding on to the con- suther and the wage earner the -benefits of, mass production and impraved techniques. BIC, PUSH ON THE TRUNK IJNE Using his head in a big way, Karunavathi, Indian ',work elephant, helps Allied soldiers move a 2600 -pound electric refrigerator into the Post Exchange of the Southeast Asia Command headquarters. Karunavathi's pay for the job was a quarter stalk Of bananas and bread. An Airman's Creed For all emotions that are tense • and strong • And utniost' knowledge. I have lived for these. Lived deep, and let the lesser things live along,' t The everlasting hills, the lakes, the trees. Who'd give their thousand years to sing this song Of life, and matt's high sensibili- tie's. . Which I Unto the face of death can .sing, — 0 Death, thou poor and disap- pointed thing — Strike if thou wilt, and soon; strike breast and brow. For I have lived; and thou cans't rob me now Only of some long life that neer has been. The life that I have lived, so full, so keen. Is mine; I bold it firm beneath thy blow And dying, take it with me where I go, (Published in Contact, Nation- al Magazine of the Royal New Zealand Air Force.) • UNPOUCHED 4ftinte Unfeeling mother of Cuddles, 21,4: month-old kangaroo in the Sacra- mento Calif., zoo, tossed her out of the maternal pouth and left her to shift for herself. But cuddles is happy, having been taken into the • home of zoo director Anthony Spencer, Above, Mrs. Spencer feeds the warmly sweatered baby. Nonstick Bandages A Boon To Mothers A new kind of Cotton bandage will soon be available that will not catch in the wound and yet will stay in place without being bound so tight as to he painfel, David- 0. Woodbury writes in Difficult, iejuries to dress, such as wounds on -the head, knees and el- bows, can, be , given a complete covering without . exerting pres- sure and without preventing , the movement of the Iiinbs. The trick is simple: a ehemicel treatment for the cotton thread used for hospital gauze that, makes it elastic, and at the same time slightly rough, so Unit it will adhereto itself and not slip at present bandaging gauze flueS. The new gauze, already in wide use in naval hospitals, SvilV be a boon to mothers who have to do a quick bandaging job et home WI thou t experience. • I "WhyAseliu onnding a.Dnistufe icylre;Irne, . From Disease Send. for circular Redloh Publishing Co. 315 Victoria Ave, . Windeer, out. 1,1,11110. STUFFY NOSE? Nose plugged up? Head cold threaten- ing? Juqt . smear NOSTROLINE 1 in each nostril, Feel clogged mucous loosen, stuffiness vanish, breathing passages come clear. Relief is instant. !NOSTROLINE clears head, stops discharge, relieves catarrh, head colds. Convenient. Pleasant. Adults and children. 50c—all druggists, OSTR,CILINE CLIFTON, eitlielot, eatotkato Free Enterprise System Explained From "The Economics of A Free Society" by William B. Benton The free -enterprise system is a system of production, investment, and consumption under which private individuals and business firms, largely by their own Mit- iative tend responsibility, combine the community's labor skills, man- agerial skills and capital to pro- duce .the bulk of the goods and services men 'want. Its most char- actenstic features as compared with other economic systems are: maxi- mum dependence upon competition and the free play of prices to determine wha shall produce what, maximum dependence on profit as an incentive rather than on compulsion or prestige, and maximum emphasis on free per- sonal choice among the economic opportunities — be they goods or jobs — that are available to men, * * * Unde: a free -enterprise system, men risk their resources in private venture in the hope of personal gain. A free enterpriser is a young man going to night school to train hinisel, for a profession, a lawyer moving to another locality in the hop( of developing a better pe'actice, a worker taking special training to „achieve a skilled status, a znan shifting 'from one job to another in search of a better oppor- tunity, In a sy'st1-1, of free enter - ',rise, private assets whether of rior-ey, ta,ent, ambition, or energy e risked in the hope or gain — whether by a businesiman seelcing profit at the risk of loss, bY a tenant buying his own farm at the risk of a mortgage debt: or by a young man starting his own small business at the risk of losing his savings and the steady job he held. A true system of free enterprise thus encourages venture and risk takmg, whether by an individual winker or by a group of individuals io the form of a co-operative or a big corporation, 1,167 Fighting Ships In Growing Navy. • The largest Navy in the world, fighting the most extended war lis history now has 1,167 Men -on - war to carry the battle to the ene- my. And it is still growing. This wa reported by the Unit- ed States Navy in a review of ship production whiell showed that In the last year 0,911 new vessels — 420 of thein fighting ships — joined tbe fleet, boosting the over- all total to 61,045 Navy ships of all types, Headache Nothing is moredepres- sing than headaches... Why suffer?...Lambly's will give instant' relief; Lambry's is good forest - ache. toothache, pains in nu/ hack. stomach, dowels. .44,451:// HEADACHE POWDERS_ so VIC 101 CHECKED a Jiffy, R -or Money Back Per quick relief from itching caused by eczems. athlete's foot, scabies, pimples and °Switch:211i jerroresisWiteiffilik mg=sligar.ei ak5ildes9 Soothes, &mimes and qinekly calms intense itching, Don't suffer. Ask you, druggist today for O. O. O. PRESCRIPTION. YOU W MENWbWSUFFERFROM,, 1410T,FIASNES. ,Y you sufieff. from hot tizienes, Neeak, nervous kietable feelings, 'are O bit blue at itines-49.te to the func- tional "mIddle,age" period peculiar to wornen—try Lydia H. PinIchant's Vegetable compound to relievasttch sstoPsorns, helps nature/ Follow label directions. VVertntryAngf LYDIA EPINKRANI'S gig= IICEpRIsOrs • GODS COUNTRY? t*ominonly we dojo:it sufficientlY, realize that this continent is, the only considerable land, area in all the vrorld that has not ekperiericed the actUal visiMtion of enemy ` armed' orces. —Stratford Beacon -Herald _0_ NOTICg The Globe and Mail did' not ap- pear on the day after' the great storm. We suggest an amended publication notice: "Published every lawful morning except awfifl morning," . —Toronto Saturday Night AND THEY'RE NOT HATS The milliner who said the ctirrent- ly styled women's hats are "pretty Mitch alike" is wrong- on three counts, They aren't pretty, they aren't much, and they aren't alike, • —Kitchener Recorill —0— DOES HER BEST An old-fashioned wife is one who still thinks part of her job is darning her husband socks and trying to mend his ways. —Guelph Mercury —0 -- "CASE" GOES TO COURT Stratfold man who stole a watch was let go on suspended sent- ence. And if that doesn't wind up his criminal career he'll be run down again. —Ottawa Citizen anuivaioxEly. "I'm ,flurrunoxed," says screen star Ida Lupino, above, meaning that she's all confused about her future, She wants to quit act- ing and become a full-fledged writer, because, she says, she's tired of getting up at 5 am. and starting a day of dashing hither and yon about the studio. There's A Reason —And A Good One The. silk in a parachute used by the boys who drop behind the enemy lines would, we are told, make -46 pairs of ladies' silk stockings. Ladies who can't buy their stocking needs may not be eomforted by this information, but at least they'll know there's a reason. —Lethbridge Herald A' Pjece Of Canada For 'lleturnettlYien Municipal authorities • of , Fort Propose to make eVery homes conning sermenlan and wetnan tile recipient of a building lot in pleasant surroundings, says The Hamilton Spectator. When is building has been erected within a reasonable period a lear deed would be given. The question would have to be app!;oned by tilt electors, but Fort Erie is said to possess ample land blocks and something is to be said for award* ing a Little piece of Canada to those who, have riskesf their lives to defend it against tyranny • •,Recently discovered deposits of bauxite, the raw material of alumin- um, have created a boom in land in Jamaica. SAFES Protect your 100010 mad OASIS from VIRE nod TurnvEs. Wo have a size and type of 'Safe, or Cabinet, tor any purroso. 111N, or write tor prleee, etc, to Dept. W. (.1.6CJ.TAYLOR LI MITE0 TORONTO SAFE WORKS 145 Front St. 15., Turont• Eletabilebed 18011 "For Your Healths Sake" write to Peoples "Malnutrition" ,• League 323 Victoria Avenue Windsor, Ontario RADS/ CHICIts BABY CHICKS 5000 BREEDERS ON ONE PLANT BOOK YOUR 1945 CHICKS NOW , and get Your chicks when Yoe want them. Orders are pouring In. Breeder Hatcheries are always sold out early. Don't take chances on ordinary chicks. Place your 'order NOW. Pure Bred Sussex, Large .Type Leghorns, Sussex 5, New Hamps., Sussex X Leg -horns, Rock X Leghorris ock X New Haines., Barred RB ocks. send tor large Mustrated Catalogue and Price List Lakeview Poultry Farm, Wein Bros„ xxeter, Ont., 100 CHICKS FREE wina EVERY ()EWER OF 100 PUL. let chicks, we give 100 free chicks (our choice). Leghorn pullets 822.95 per 100, barred Rock Pul- lets $19.96 per. 100. White Rock Pullets 824.96 per M. Brown leg - horn Pullets 324.96 per 100, .8.11 chicks „bold backed by high egg pedigreed stock. 81.00 bookyour order, balance Guaranteed 100% live delivery. Kent Hatch- ery, Chatham, Ontario, DANISH BROWN LEGHORNS MIX - ed 20 cents. Pullets 35e, Barred Rocks mixed 14%e. Pullets 26e. Large English White Leghorn mixed 12c, Pullets 26e. All stock nloodtested, bred to lay and high quality. Coehrane's P o,u 1 t e Y. Farm, Ridgetown, Ontario. 411.00 MOMS YOUR ORDER ORDER YOUR 1945 CHICKS NOW. end not be disappointed, All ' chicks' are from guaranteed test- ed stotk, and from 25 oz. eggs better. Barred Rocks 'mixed *12.00 per 100, White Leghorns /Weed 011.00 per 1011. Barred Rock Pullets 519,00 per 100, white Leghorn Pullets 122.00 per 100, white Rocke mixed $15.00 Der 100, white Rock - Pullets $24.00 per 100, Brown leghorne mixed $13.00 per 100. Brown leg. hare pullets 824.00 Per 1.00. We guarantee 100111 live deliVerY, balance paid C.O.D. maple CRY Hatchery, Chatham. Ontario. THE EARLY CHICK GETS 'run worm and the chicks hatehed and ordered now for early delivery are going to "get the worm" next fall wilco egg Prices tkre at their peak. You can rely on Top Notch ehicles —healthy, husky babies rom Government Approved bloodthsted breeders. They'll live and lay for you and don't forget the liberal discount we are offer- ing for Early Orders tor Top Noteh chicks. Get the inform- ation --write today, Also laying - and ready to lay pullets for im- mediate » delivery. Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ontario. ORDER YOUR CHICKS NOW. AND YOU ARE GUARANTEED Your chicks for next spring When you want them, Starred Rock mixed 512.00 per len white leg- borna mixed SILO() per 100, Bar- red Hoek Pullels 519.00 Per 100, ' white ieghorn pullets $22.110 per 100. Heavy Breed eels. 30.00 per 100. Leghorn Ode, 52.00 Per 100. A.I1 ohicks hatched from 20 oz, eggs or better and feom special meted flocks. (Maranteed live » delivery, 01,)10 beoke your order, helance C.0J3, Rainbow Hatchery, Chethem, Ontario. BARRED ROCK -AND N'EW RAMP - Mock, Kenney's Breeder Thitchery, RR. 2, SAULT sxrg.'M.Alitl, Ont. 20 FREIE (MUCH* OUR FOUNDATION STOUR' IS • registered and pedigreed birds, Nothing better in Canada. Order • how. Prices for oinxed baby chielcs, males and' fern/Get: Bar- red Rocks, 812 00 per hundred; W hi te Leg horns, 611.00; • White Rocks, $15.00; • Brown Leghorns, $13.00. Pullet priees: teed Rocks, 019.00; Whlte Leghorne, $22.00; White , Rock, $24.00; Brown Leghorns, 024.00, 25 free chicks, our choice, will be given for ench 200 mixed chicks order- ed. ancl 25 free chicks for each 100 dity old pullets • ordered. Goddard Chick ..elatehery, Bri- tannia Heights, Ontario. EARLY ORDER BOOICING D1S- count. If you order your chicks early you save 50e per hundred on non -sexed chicks , 91.60 per hundred on pullet chicks. If you tette delivery enrly you can save an additional $2.00 per hundred on non-eexecl chicks, r$4.00 per hundred on pullet chicks. By tek- ing delivery ently you will not only SnVe mosey» but yop will • make •extre. money. Tho buyer who takes,ectely delivery is gen- erally the poultryman that makes the most money. Send for Early Booking and Early delivery .prIce list and catalogue today. Also laying and readY to tleY Pullets toe immediate delivery. Tweddle CnIck. Hatcheriee Limited, Fergus, Ontario. IF Y011 14AVI11 THE 10201,410 EQUTP- .ment, get it working with Xtray early hatched chicks, They get into the better paying markets • •for egge. and poultry later on. But whatever you wont, when- ever delivered, give us your order now with breed, quantity, deliv- eity .date. Bray Hatchery', 130 Sohn St. 11.,, Hamilton Ont. , WANTED TO PURCHASE, BREED- ing eockeeele Black Mittoreas, Black Australorps, New' Hemp- narrod Hocks and White Leghoens. AIR() hatel,ing eggs. APPlY Box No. 1, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto, giVing full details and NOTICE TO POULTRYMEN WE DON'T RECOMMEND THIS use of Oyster Shells—Use Can- adlan Pure "White Gars, and save 25% and produce better,eggs, We offer you White Soluble(98% Calcium Carbonate), and White Insoluble (over smsinco. Both available for immeidate shipment in carload lots, or less—Agente wanted—Write for prices and samples. ST/NSON REES SUPPLY COMPANY LIMITED, 5585 DELORIMIER AVENUE, MONTREAL, QUE. DYEING & CLEANING RAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS ' dyeing or. cleaning? Write to um for Information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H, Parker'e Etsre Works Limited, 791 Yong. Street, To- ronto. HAIRDRESSING. LEARN HAIRDRESSING TRB Robertson method. InforMation on request regarding chums. Robertson's HitirdreesIne Aced- • emV, 127. Avenue Road. Toronto. Fon galas EANDY GIFT, i PLASTIC CIGAR- ette case, assorted colore tn fancY b ox, postage included 51.26, quantity limited. J. E, Benuse- JOur,- 4567 Papineau AVe., Mon- treal, • SNOW PLOUGH, V TYPE WITH side wing, mounted on White Treck, Richler Truett & Aut.? Parts, 879 Wellington St. Mon - _trim% Que liLzepiuo m0.70its, Nnw, 05E0, bought, sold, rebulitt, belts, pul- leys Welshes. Allen Electric Com- PatlY Ltd., 2326 Oufferin St., To- ll:Mt°. FOUR NANNY GOATS. APPLY 37 O'Loanc) Avenue, Stratford, DAY-OLD WHITE PEKIN DUCK- lings, Available for March. Write for information. Book early. Ux- Spring Farms, Uxbridge, Ont. ma &tux 017 NotrilinInx ONTARIO S 51 A L L COMPLETE PACKING plant, with refrigeration. 17 acres of land with house and other buildings, Will sell as is Unit or equipment separateiy. 13ox 5, 73 Adelaide W.. Toronto, 2 SETT WATER POWER CUSTOM woollen mill for sale on good river. Must sell milt oe machinery by the 151 of April. SpeedevIlle Woolen Mill, Route 1, Preston, GARAGE, BLACKSMITH SHOP, implement Warehouse end equip- ment for sale in central Mani- toba,- Box 4, 73 Adelaide W„ To- ronto. POULTRY MAN'S SACRIFICE. Look, something new and guar- nnteed, Electric Chielcen Plelcing Machine, Dreams 200 chickens ber hour. Saves 00% pielcing costs. Spertal for eaeh $150.00. lieng,ieg Richt for chickens, e feet long; strong, ettirdy, shipped hi knock. ed. -down condition that only re- quires boltieg, Del -Mar Farms, 19 Centre E., Richmond 15111, Phone 117J. MODEL 25 Northweet h -yard shevei-dragline combination, re- paired., 813,000. MODIIIL.105 Northwest shovel.crene combination; , fair working con- dition; 85,300. VARIOUS clam Shell and draglIne buckets, booms, compressors, boilers, ole. Engineer Equipment, 83(0 GREENWOOD, Teronto, Ont. BREEDING STOCIC FROIVI REAL Embden, Buff or Toulouse, $20.00 per trio. Lot a trio of geese pay your 1945 taxes. Conlites Goose /farm, Cardinal, Ontario. port 8,+.1,r2 COUNTRY GENERAL STORE /ncludes Mean' stock bat invoice price).; egg, feed mid garage bus- iness. First claee Money maker. situated In an outstanding farm- ' ing eommunity. Ruildings in ex- cellent condition, dwelling at- taehed. Entire layout can be par- t:basica reato»ably. Owner selling owing to 111 health. Eeenimise /Jilting SCOTT CRANE CO. 110 Ontario St. Stratford BAUMEERA Finn BALM destroys offensive odor instantly, 45e bottle.' Ottawa agent. Denman Drug Store, Ottawa. SATISFY YouilsiaLs, -- EVERY sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Seld only Menro's Drug Store, 235 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid STOMACH ,AND T1010Ies410 WORMS • often are the caese bf t 11, humans, all ages, No one im- Mune! Why not find but if' this Is met trouble? Interest:mg par, Meiners—Free! Write Murvenesne Remedies, Speciallets. Toronto 3, , , l'ES• PROVEN ---EVERY SUFFER. er of Rheumatic Pains or Neur- itis ,'should try 1)IXOT1.9 Ilomedi Sold only Munrcest"Drug Store, 336 Ingin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1,00, MUSICAL INSTRPINENere FRED A. BODDINGTON BUYS, sells, exchanges /slugfest meows ments. 111 Church, Toronto 2. oPPORTLINITIES FOR WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SOHOOBI Great Opportunity, Learn Hair- dressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful. Marvel graduates. America's greatest eye - tern, Illustrated catalogue free. Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 368 BLOOR W., TORONTO Branches: 44 King St. Hamiltott, & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. OFFER 'PO INVENTORS' AN OFFER TO EVERY 61VENTOS. List of Inventions and full infor- mation sent free. The RamettZ Co., Regtstered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. INVENTORS GET THESE HELPS FREE EVERYONE WITH A GOOD IDEA. should promptly secure the Mug- trated Booklet "Fortunes front Inventions." and the handsome form "Record of your Invention." Got them today—Free—from W. Irwin Haskett, 53 queen Street, Ottawa, PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH & COMPANY Patent solicitors, • Este hnehed 1050; 14 King west, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re. quest. PERSONAL "ELIJAH t'() MING BEFDRIS Christ," wonderful book free, Megiddo Mission, Rochester 11, N.Y THE IMMORTAL SOI)L—DIV/Nia plan, or buman speculation? Whatever your view, 500 vrin want to read the booklet. "N: Clergyman on the Immortality oe the Soul." For tree ropy write, • Chrietadelphian Gospel Proclam- atlou, 319 North Linsmore Cres. cent, Toronto 6. pno,rocnnvor TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films of over* developed and printed 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 25a REPRINTS 0 ror 25e FINEST ENLAII(ilen: Sl0itVti You may not get all the films you want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desire by sending your films to IMPERIAL Pinery stens acre Station .1 Toronto SPECIAL PRICES ON COLORED A.'. n'NetInIED ENLARGEMENTS Quality Eettirgemeet.4 4s11" in Beau. eesel mounts, 3 for 20c, Fr irn- ed in Gold, Silver, Circassian WCIlflut or Black Ebony finish frames, on 'ivory mats 759" 69e each. If coloured 700 each, ANY SIZE 1:01.1 6 or 6 exposates DEVELOPED AND t-'1!:.TED 25e Get prompt flliibb eerviee on quality work at low cost. 8/U)5f1ed cutdonn ere all over Cenada toll/ tell you that Step Snapshot Service does the best worlc, DON'T TAKE RISKS WITH YOUR FILMS Snapehots can never be taken again. Send your rolls to Canada's largeet and finest finishing studio— STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box Poeta! 'Pm mina] A, Turonto Print Your Name and Addrees Pininly on Ali Orderm. HELP WANTED GOOD STRONG 130Y, 011 EL,DERI..y man for general work s, attley, farm, Appiy A. L. Scebecic, White - vale, Ont. wAwileo HAY & STRAW WANTED' BY RAIL. OR TRUCK. Kelley Peed & Seed Co,. 780 Doe. ercourt Reed, Toronto» aexss w von Loos 05 VENEER quality.. Will take 9 small per- centage ef 0150. ,The Oakville 13iteket Co. Limited, Get. WANTED --LARGE • FARM TRAC. tor with four -furrow plow and heavy-duty discs; four -row cul- tivator, two -row corn picker. Send fell particulars. to A. A. liolbeck, R. 1, KingsVIlle, Ont. WANTED -3 SMALL MOTORS, 1-3, 31, 41 horsepower, 230, volts, D.C.: else 20-horsepowee, 8 -phase, 550 vette, 25 cycle squirrel cage rno. tors. Hobertson Beef:here, Tom Jeffery, 109 Queen St. E., Toronto. ISSUE 3,-1945