HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-01-18, Page 5Agth,
'This is going to hurt. And to make matters
worse, his tumble is ;going to damage his
-pocketebook. too.
Loans to pay Doctere bills and to Meet other,
unexpected calls- for 'ready cash are eon:
stantly being made by the Royal Bank.
These personal loans, fOr small amounts or
large, can usually be arranged quicicly and
simply; and you repay by instalments tO
suit your convenience, over twelve, eighteen
or even twenty-four months if necessary.
When you need ready cash' to meet some
personal emergency', or for anyreasonable
s purpose, your logical cotirse is to discuss ,
your problem with the, manager of our
nearest branch. s •
To pay doctor, dentist or hospital bills. • .
. to meet taxes ... to consolidate debts... to
buy fuel .. . to repair or improve the home
... to meet educational expenses ...to take
advantage of bargains and business oppor-
tunities . . to meet emergendies, etc.
J. G. McLAY,.Monader
O Day and Night Service
O Use of our chapel at no extra charge
0 Restful and quiet location.
0 Ample Parking Facilities.
O Sympathetic 'Understanding to all details
O Cost to suit your requirements.
Miss Sadie and Mr. Joe Coiner
have returned home after a two
weeks visit with Mr. and Mrs. Nel-
son Hill, Goderich.
Mr. Reuben Taylor of Sask,, is
'visiting his brother Jeremiah Tay -
kir and other friends.
Mr. -and -Mrs. George Lawlor have
received word that their son Pte.
Wilbert Lawlor is. reported missing
'overseas. Pte. Lawlor has been
wounded three times. His wife re-
sides in Ingersoll. His parents and
one sister Jean reside in Auburn,
Another sister F'ern is employed in
T•he packing and inspection- com-
mittee packed and: shipped the fol-
lowing articles to Toronto:
19 large quilts, 52 pair ser-
vice socks, 2 pair gloves, 1 girls
'dress, 2 mothers night dresses, 20
'pair pyjamas, 2 extra pair trousers.
W. M. S,
Mrs. Herb Govier opened her home
for the W. M. S. of Knox Preebys
terian Church on Thursday. The
1st vice-president, Mrs. Govier pre -
:sided and opened the meeting' with
prayer. The scripture was read
sponswely and Mrs. Edges Lawson
•offered prayer. In the absence .of
'the ,secretary the minutes of the
last ,meeting were read by Mrs.
Fred Roses Letters of appreciation
N9W Playing — "HEY ROOKIE"
wilin Larry, Parks and Ann 'Miller
XOT1.Tue. ant WednesdaY
stimnge and startling story of
a man s a in love that he was will-
ing to kill for a woman who long
ago, had sold what soul she had 'to
the devil. Fred lVfac.1VIurray, Ear-
* bars. Stmiwyck and Edward G.
Thur. Fri. Sat.
• _Bud Abbott, Lou Costello and
Marion .Hutton. Two ,plumbers iu
a mansion fix •a leak and create
a flood which will Sweep you in-
to roars of laughter.
"IN somurr,
Note Unless otherwise advert -
Now Playiags— Donald 0Connor
and Peggy ItYan ."1'11S•IS,
T1111 LIFE"
•Mon..Ties. Wed. 'TWo reatures
Anne Shirley,•' Phillip Terry and
Dennis Day. Present •a singing
romanee, bright with laughs and
feattiring five new tunes, •
Wally, Brown, Alan Carney and
Joan. Barclay. There's" a lot -.of
furs when two nil. wits- outwit the
raps as •
Now 'Playing — Claire Trevor &
Albert -Dekker in
• “wawaOF T
IVIons Tues. Wed. Dim) Features
Fred 111ac.Murray and Barbara -
Stanwyck Co-starred in the
matie story of an insurance sales- •
man and: a sinister woman. -
Thur. Fri. and -Sit.
Maria 1VIontez; Jon Hall and Sabu
With a cast ineluding Lon Ghaney.
and Edgar Barrier in a tale of a
tropical romance.
ised the Roxy- Theatre will pre-
sent -the first show each evening
at 7.30 p.ni.
Coming — "OHRIST1VIAS 110L-
IDA.Y" with Deanna Durbin.
Mon, Tues. and Wed.
Charles- Starrett, Jane Frazee &
Vera Vague. With a. host of -
western stars and musical ent-
ertainers' in a gay western.
Joan Davis, Jane Frazee and: John
Hubbard Top the year's record
in laugh- production.
For Every Occasion
Phone.: 66w and 66J
Batldns Locker Storage
Fresh Lake Herring lb. ....... 150
Fresh Sea Herring lb. 18c
'Smokedi Fillet lb. • -35e
Fresh Fillet ib. 35e
Haddock Fillet lb. ' 35e
Salt Cod Fillet lb. ..... 350
Frozen green peas box 27c
Frozen corn box 274
Frozen Strawberries -box 39e
Casings for Sale •
, We buy Hides
was in good shape. It sure is nice to
have a little snack from home once
in awhile. Thii army grub is not as
good as it could be. A fellow gets
sick of bully beef and hard tack. I
don't blow how I am going to thank
you enough- for all that the commun-
ity has done for me. I want to thank
Mre. 'COOpg and Mrs: Middleton
especially for packing that' grand
Christmas parcel.
Well there is very little I have
left to say, so will close, as it, is
time to hit the hay. I will write again
soon. • Yours truly
Melvin Steep who Is in Italy, in a
letter to his. mother, Mrs. Ad. Steep
asked her to express to the Com-
munity his appreciation and thanks
for the lovely Christmas parcel -which
he had received in good condition
and also for the cigarettes.
Confidence" was given by Mrs.'
Rev. C. C. Anderson spoke briefly
on "Going into a New Land", The
roll call was answered 'by a verse of
scripture. Rev. Anderson cloned the
meeting with prayer.
The following- interesting letter
was received lately.
Somewhere in- Holland Dec. 4 1944
A59584 Mai, H. B. McCullough
Dear Mr. and Mrs, F. Middleton:
Well I received your most wel-
colne letters yesterday and wag
sure pleased to hear from you. I am
well so far. I had a little cold And
felt sick for a few days but I am in
the pink again. We have been fairly
busy since we came over here but
that is the way I like it, a fellow
doesn't seem to Mind it so badly 1
haven't seen any of the boys
lately. I saw. A.b. Craig in Franee. I
know -where he is but I don't seem
to get to see him. Albert and I
came' over on the same boat from
Canada., I am so glad Sam. got
stationed -with some of the boys
from home.
The National Film pictures Will
be _shown in Porter's Hill school 4,
Friday, January 26th at 2.30 p.m.
for all the school children of the
Township and in " the evening at
8 p.m. for -the adults in conjunction
with the Federation meeting.' The
President, Mr. Altun Settles, will
also give a report on the Ontario
Provincial Convention at the even-
ing meeting, School Boards should
arrange to get the children to see
these pictures as they are ver', edu-
cational. Every -body 'welcome in the
The S. S. No. 11 Red Cross Group
will meet at the• home of Mrs. Nor -
mac Holland on 'Wednesday, ' Jan.
"—a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the
law." • Romans 328
"Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but
according to His mercy He saved us.—" Titus 3:5
_ Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and Thou Shalt Be Saved. Acts -16:13
TUNE IN; Pilgrim Hour 7-7.30 E.D.S.T. Sunday evening
Jelly Roll
Chocolate Cake
Tea Biscuits
Do -Nuts or
Long Johns
Tlie. January meeting of the W.A.
was held at the home of Mrs. G. M.
Counter on January Ith. •
The meeting was opened by Mrs.
(Rev.) R. M. Bulteel. Mrs. Fred
Ford read the scripture passage.
Mrs, Bulteel read an interesting ar-
ticle on "Co-operate :with God."
Two letters from missionaries
were read, one from Miss Frances
Hawkins, with the Japanese Cana-
dian at Tashme, B.G. and one ,from
(Rev.) Marsh, telling of their
journey tir
• December 30th, 1944
Bayfield Community and Active
Service Fund,
Mrs. Turner: ,
am writing to thank you for the
most welcome Christmas parcel I
received upon my arrival back in
Cornwallis after my kale.
had to wait in line for over an
hour to get it but it was well worth
it, as all the things will come in very
The Fund is doing a fine job and
here's hoping they keep it up.
I don't expect to be in Cornwallis
much longer. My next move will be
to Halifax and then a ship and it
is not a very nice time of year to go
to sea but a person can't expect nice
things in this outfit. Sqdn. Ldr.
-My stay in Bayfield was very the week end
srs. Howard
and Mrs. J.
Lawson near
ed from 31A
Middle East.
in Vancouver. He is now stationed
at the R.C.A.F. Station, Clinton.
The regular inonthly meeting .of
the Lafalot Club met at 'the home
of Mrs. 'Humphrey Snell ois Weines-
day, Jan. 100.. '
In spite of the cold, stormy day
there were twelve ladies its atten,
dance. Two quilts weru quilted dor;
ing the afternoon. • ' '
I Tickets were' sold on an ovenware
pie plate; • lucky number • goings to
Mr -n Geo. Bayley.--` .' , • • '
Mrs:, Wm. Huntei sent her' ilicialta
Well it rains here •almost every for fruit sent her at Christina,. .
The Home of Good Eats
Fleece -Line Your House
Cemetery Memorials
Large stock of modern memorials on
display at our
Clinton Showrooms
Foi• the convenience of our patrons,
office will be open on
Open by appointment at any other
See Mr. J. J. Zapfe, next door
Cunningham & Pryde
Clinton .--t• Exeter — Seaforth
Blown Rockwool insulation apiilied
to -walls and ceilings of your home
will save fuel with more -comfort
summer and whiter. Trained crews
and ,modern equipment used. For
free estimate and terms phone 4,
Clinton or write Pneumatic Insulat-
ing Company, Rowland Ray, 5
Thornton Ave., London. 31-4
come through. We aro quite the
looking birds. •
There has been a new mail office
opened in London for Canadian ships
so you can change my address again
to H.M.C.S. Algoma C.F.M,O. 24
Haymarket St., London, England.
So long Ment
short but I enjoyed every minute of
it and I should get my annual leave
soon, I hope.
Well this isn't much of a letter
but thanks again for the parcel.
I remain Youra Mac.
V88350 0/Smn. MacLeod, M.G. 2RIII
% Sub. F. M. 0.
H. M. C. S. Cornwallis,
Cornwallis, N. S.
The following excerpts are from
letters written by Merton Merner to
his sister, Mrs. Grant Turner. '
V'49317, ERA, 'Memel", -M. E.
• .. November 27, 1944
Dear Sis: . --
5 guess by this time you have been
wondering ' what has happened to
me as it has been quite some time.
since I .have written. It has been
over a month now -since, I have had
any mail from you, but I guess I
will be getting some ode of these
days when 'they cath up to u'o I
got d package of cigs that you had
sent, 'they, •eame through. Nfld.- I
had a letter from Aunt Mag.. and one
from Mrs. Prentice some time ago..
so if you see them tell -them' I got the
day ther was a bit of hail this Articles t� be sent into the Red letters OK. •
'morning but it was nice this after- Shield are' four :quilts; 1 pr. stock -
noon, it is pretty mudJy though. The ings, 2 ladies dreises and 1 child's
Out h tell me they generally get a d
. c less.
for gifts received at Christmas were couple of inches of snow between •
rMrs. 5. I" Weston and
Christmas and New -Years. It is 0 A ,dainty' ten Cent: lunch waS
cad from
J. .T. Yunghlnt. long ‚time since I saw snow. I am served by the ,he'tess and the meet -
'The topic, "A new Years Message". staying with an elderly couple, they ing (dosed by ,singing - "God Save
'was given by Mrs. Lawson., A read- sure nee me good. I like the Dutch The King". ' - n
'Mg, was given by 1V/iss Minnie Wag- . 00 le the re t yet, their lanestiage'• The- next Meeting, is to be held at
- ner. The roll call was answered by easien to understand. I know quite thehome of Mrs: Frank -McDonald
a verse of scripture with the, Word a few words now. A great namber on We'nesdayS Feb. 7. •
' "Hope". •The next, meeting will be .,,,..,s Englith • •I The Farm -Forge -of S. S. No. 1
Well, Sis. there is very little news
to write about over here. We have
made several trips to France bit so
far have not been ashore there, and
even if we did get ashore I would not
be able to tell you anything about
it, I just g.ot back off seven days
leave, we he'd a Very good time but
we did not get to . S.cotland as I
planned. '
I guess this will be all for 150-1N,
tell all the folks that I am 011.
held at the home of Mrs. Harry . , .... " met aii the home of 1Vir. and ,Mrs. -and that we can not even bay
Govier and the topic will be given I,g104,•,-.Yal-, will be PTettY busy agent Irwin on January i5th. ' •An Christmas eards'•over here, at least
isy Mrs. Jen Houston. The meeting this _Win' Pr- with :al/ 'the cattle.:'
91-11g;Tii.geresting .diseuSs.ien on the topic I have not seen any and I can't
closed with the singing of the farms here an. Pnetty small. TlibSys-4.61,,-,
s ,.,.
,.is e cevening was enteredinto writethem all letters as I don't know
National Anthem and the Lord's just keen 4 few cattle :141i. very : :'g44";.b:•''''.illlan'i..Tire.serit. Mr. Bill. Holland what I could s,ay- to therri; so ' wish
prayer in 'unison. • ' ones. Well tell Ted '5- was aic-illin .fPrinsy,is,',"anilititet °anise of ' -the. Short everybody it Merry Christmas for
The hostess served refreshments. hint. I will ,5ee Min next y.ear I hoPasisisetssnAnrensi held at: Guelrh. - me and I hone it is not long after
Baptist Ladies Aid 1. Games , ,and a Sing Song with a
, she' seemed to like Enghrd' reogi aa iy a eh condi:toted' by Bob
The Baptist tales , Aid met at nursing sisters are really Co ng a 'min, folowed bn Ittneh rounded
the home of Mrs. C. A. Howson on wonderful f ob and the boys really r
onu a very rlea'ant, everting. .The
'Thursday. The president, Mrs. 'How- appreciate what they do for them, meeting, neeel „nth the nn,gssg ss
son was in the ellail'. Following the they have no easy job, fat harder t"Gocl Save The Ring".
opening hymn, Mrs. E. Phillips led than 'Wm -Icing in a -civ n hoesiital. I
In the Lard's Prayer. The scripture am not manned yet, -haven't got V
'was read by Rev. C. C. Anderson ' time_to bother +with ,small things .
'and Mrs. Frank Raithby leil in like that What would- I do with 6
". prayer I woman, I have a hard enough job DEATHS
1. had a letter ftom Mass, ca ,
Earl Raithby gave CORthe secre- I looking after myself. I want to -do , NISII—Tn Clintoor Thursday,
tary's report and Mrs. R. J. Phillips some travelling after this • war. I i , .
gave _the treasurer's report in the want te go to B.C. 'and down through,'' 1 11t11, Edith Edna Col ss
'absence of Mrs, Glen Raithby. the States. , , claiming of t•he _1 atnie slames an
. Readiag's • were giverl,, hy Mrs. T., Well I 'want to thank the domIlrae'CO1111Sh.
mun- • • .
. or
-101inston, Mns. Eari Raithby and ltn fthe cigarettes and gum. They TIPLADY—In Clinton, on Wednes- haircuts so we have about an inch
- Mrs. Thos. 1VIcNall, A solo was 'rens I are realln swell. I received.
&lin, dauosry 17th Harriett Ship- of hair all oyer our' heads. We are
dered by -Mrs. Gorton Taylor. The I the Cannimnity Clp:istmat "parcel 1 len, wife of the late William Tip- can ,to gel; some .pietOres taken so.
',Ier,In "The New :Year •-an'cl .-Qiikt and it was simply grand, everything lady in irer 82nd year I will send yen one, as soon as tlieY
Christi -nos before we are back in
Canada. Thhatrs are looking anite
lot better 'over here now so I don't
think it will be too long.- •
• Dec. 15, 1944,
C. M. F. O. •
.24 Haymarket,
London, Eng.
Dear Sis:
Just a line to kit you know that
the parcel came through OK. and
that I am still 'going strong and
feeling fine.
I guess its a good thing 1- 'won't be
home San.'Christnias as the oilier day
there were two of us that needed
'Wilil which is Incorporate -d
$1.50 pes year in advance, to Cart
adian addresse$; $2,00 to the U.S.,
other foreign countries. No pa
discontinued until all arrears ar
paid unless at the option of the pubs
Usher, The date to which every sub-
scription is paid is denoted •on the
advertising 12e per count line fort
first insetion. 8cfor each subse-
quent insertion. Heading counts 2
lines. Small advertisements not to
axceecl one inch, such as "Wanted,"
"Lost", "Strayed", etc., inserted once
for 35c, each subsequent insertion
15e. Rates for display advertising
made ,known on application.
Communications intended for pub-
lication must, as a gus,ranMe of good
faith, be accompanied by the name
of the writer.
G. E. HALL - Proprietor
Fire Insurance Agent
Representing 14 Fire Insurance
Division Court Office, Clinton
Frank Fingland, B.A., LL.B.
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public
Successor to W. Brydone, K.C.
Sloan Bleak — .... Clinton, Ont,
Tenders For Wood'
Tenders will be received; for 15
cord of green body maple wood 16"
long to be delivered: to the School
House at U. S. S. No. 12, Hullett
and. Goderioh, at Summerhill, not
later than April lst, 1945. Tenders
to be in the hands of the Secretary
by January 21st.
81-2 Sec.-Treas.
Allan T. Johns spent
with his brothers Mes-
and Edwin. Johns of
He also visited Mr.
Davidson and Mrs.
Johns recently return -
years service in the
His wife and son reside
Tenders For Wood
Fire - Auto - Liability - Life,
Office: Bank of Montreal Bldg.
Office 251w Residence' 251j
Clinton, Ontario
Agent—Mutual Life Ass. Co.
For S. S. No. 10 Goderich Town-
ship 18, cord of 12" body maple and
beech, to be deliVered by March 31st,
1945; Tenders close January 31st.
Bayfield, Ont.
Miss .Zemila and Mr. -Glen Cornish
and 'Mrs. McFadden desire to ex-
press their appreciation of the many
acts of kindness and expressions of
sympathy extended to them during
the -recent illness and death of their
beloved sister.'
Radio For Sale
A De Forest. Radio in . first-class
condition, Apbly to News -Record.
Commissioner, etc.
A quantity of good mixed hay fot
sale at barn. .;
For Sale
8 acre farm, and lot North of
Clinton on No, 4 ,Highway. Good
building's, hydro, town water, 3
piece bath and, furnace. Apply to Ed.
Welsh, Clinton, or Pho-ne 805r12,
Clinton. 4 30-3
— •
"For Sale
Seven room frame house on
Orange Street, equipped with bath.
Apply to V. D. Falconer. 30-4
Farm for Sale
Lot 31, Concession 7 Hullett, 100
acres, good grass farm with fair
good buildings. Apply on the -farm,
R. J. Watkins. 32-2
For Sale
12 pigs, 7 weeks old.'Anply to Ross
Hoggart, R. R 1, Clinton. 32-1
Farm For Sale
100 acres good clay loam in the
best of shape, good hardwood bush,
good buildings, 2 bank barns, brick
house, winchnill. Situated one-quar-
ter mile from school. Apply to Free
McCool, Londesboro, Phone 283:14,
Blyth. 82-2
Farm for Sale
160 acres, at present all in ggass
and has been pastureci each year by
a limited number of cattle. 'The soil
is good clay loam, a never -failing
spring creek and 2 springs furnish
an abundant water supply. The larld
is slightly rolling and naturally
drained. Approximately 130 acres
ready. to cultivate, the -remainder in
bush and partly cleared. There is
also a good bank barn 40' by 60' on
stone wall for stabling; underneath.
The 'San n is situated 1 mile from
highway no. 8 on concession 14
Goderich Township. and is. composed
of lots 23 and 24, Apply 'to Mrs.
Alice Ferguson, 26 Well St, Strat-
ford Ont. 31-4
Farm for Sale
One liandred acres, lot 13 con, 2,
Hullett Township, including align 10
acres of hardwood bush, igooct bank
barn, stable, never failing supply. of
'water, ae both front • ead back of
farm. stone house, five • wooing,
small' °tabard. To wind • up an es-
tate. Apply to George Mann, R. ,R.
No. 4 Clinton. • 31-tf
. Barrister -at -Law
Solicitor of the Supreme Court of
Proctor in A.cliiiiralty.
Notary Public and Commissioner
3ffices in Bank of Montreal Suildbw;
Hours: 2.00 to 5.00 Tuesdays
and Fridays.
Dr. F. G. Thompson
House and Office, Ontario Street
Clinton. Telephone 172
OFFICE HOURS: 2-4 in the after-
noon and 7-8 in the evening daily.,
Other hours by appointment.
Electro Therapist, Massage
Office: Huron Street, (Few Doors
west of Royal Bank)
• Hours—Wed. and Sat., and by
ry Manipulation Sun -Ray Treatment
Phone 207
Licenied Auctioneer
Specialist in Farm and Household
Licensed in Huron and Perth
Counties. Prices reasonable; aatis-
faetion guaranteed.
For information etc. write or phone
Harold Jackson, R.R. No. 4 Seaforth,
phone 14-661. 06-012
A widow has recently written us:
"I owe yea- a debt of gratitude for
the way hl-Whi011 you have handled
Imy accounts".
The same service is available id
you. Simply send in your list to -day,
and •.watch the pleasing results
No collection, no commission.
Collection -Specialists,
- :Orangeville, Ontario.
If YOU want to get married,
write Box 358, Juliaettit, Idaho. Send
stamp'. 30-4
• For Sale
• 6 Durham Heifers, due to freshen
around February' lst. Apply , J. II,
Quigley, three miles south of Clin-
ton on No. 4 Highway. Phone Clin-
ton 610r3. • 26-tf
Raw Furs Wanted
am buying all kinds of raw furs
and stretching is not , necessary if
bought fresh., Highest prices paid.
Norman East IL R. 1 Clinton. 27-6
• Wanted to Buy
Old or disabled -live horses wanted
for mink feed. Apply'• Ebner Trick,
phone 907r5 or 90712, 15-eow,
Veterinary Surgeon
Phone 203 Clinton, Oi4,
•' House for Sale
Five roomed frame house on Alb-
ert Street, -town water, enart,er, acre
of 'land, For ' further particulan's
apply to Frank Fingland or' J. W.
McCool, Lenclesbtnio ' 11 -if.
Wanted to Buy
, Wanted to buy, old,' horses ansi dead
cattle for mink feed. If dead, phone'
at 'once. Fred Gilbert 908r32 or Jack
908r21, 58.41
57 Bloor Str. W.
Fire Insurance Company
Head Office, Seaforth, Ont.
OFFICERS— President W. R.
Archibald, Seaforth, Vice -President
Frank McGregor, Clinton, Manager
Seey-Treas. M. A. Reid, Seaforth.
DIRECTORS— W. R. Archibald,
Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton;
Alex, Broadfoot, Seaforth; Chris
Leonhardt, Bornholm; E. J. Trewar-
the, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seaforth
Alex. McEwing, Blyth; Hugh Alexan-
der, Walton; George Leitch, Clinton.
AGENTS— John E. Pepper; Bruce -
field; R. F. McKercher, Dublin; J. 17.
Pruetcr, Brodhagen; George A. Watt,
Parties desiring to effect insur-
anee or transact other business will
be promptly attended to on applica-
tion to any of the above officers ad-
dressed to their respective post offi-
ces. Losses inspected by the director,
Toronto Ott,
Trains will arrive at and depart
front Clinton as follows: •
• Toronto and Goderich Division
Going East; depart .... 6.48 a.m.
Going East, depart 8,03
Going West, depart ...1... 12.04 pm.
Going West, depart ..,... 11.10 par.L.
London and Clinton Division
Corning North, arrive ...:. 11.20 a.n
doing" South, leave 3.10 .m.