HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-01-18, Page 3• CROSSTOWN By Roland Coe "My goodness --if you think HE'S dumb wait till I tell you about MY husband and the ration books." THIS CURIOUS WORLD By William Ferguson w'0 f ME U.S., PRE-WAR CENSUS FIGURES SHOWED BABIES BEING BORN .EVERY if SECONDS, AND THE UNDERTAKER BEING SUMMONED EVErPY23SE-COM:UV COPR. TNA OY NEA SERVICE. IN& M. REO. U. S. PAT. OFF GATHERING IS EXTREMELY' 4:1•4NGEA Roc.u. SINCE THE COCONUT -LIKE FROIT PODS, EACH CONTAINING A DOZEN OR TWO NUTS, DROP FROM THE 150 -FOOT TREES LIKE CANNONBALLS. AND NATIVES USE $N/.EZ2 S OVER THEIR HEADS FOR PROTECTION. ANSWER: New York, SIDE GLANCES By Galbraith COPR, 3P%3 BY CEA SERVICE. INO. 7.. M. REO. 0. N. PAT orr, - t "That's just it --Sill puts all women on a pedestal! He'd be as easy for some foreign dame to catch as he was for me!" THIS ARMY Illy `OWCAufhR, d The 1000A L.¢. Comfier.. Armv np.spapar In Italy. CNANI wpyrtpha "Look wots cotrnin';-Otto be pui+ty safe round Wel" WITTY KITTY IRel.n.e DT Th. BOR SY. IV 17 1'. Convalescing Connie 'says the nearest she'll get to . a southern resort will be the synthetic sunshine et her bedside. Housekeeping Hannah says a far- mer has nothing on the housewife this year when it comes to sitting back and reminiscing about the harvest. IMCened oy Th. Don tlyodua.. IRF, Fun -loving Flora says while momentarily she was bowled over,. she's decided it's going to take more than taxes to make a sour puss out of her. HOLD EVERYTHING oit ER Icof0. Tfw eV NEASENVICe We. 7.N.NthU, a. PAT. off. "Shouldn'tthey be in bed?" GANADIAw.PROVINCE HORIZONTAL 1, 8 Depicted portion of Canada. 14 Set again, 15 Open (poet,). 17 Slow (music) 18 Upon. 19 Compass point. 20 Edge 21 Nova Scotia (abbr.). 22 Either. 23 Street (abbr.) 24 Transpose (abbr.). 25 Near. 26 Southeast (abbr,). 29 Withers. 33 Fixed look,' 37 Aseepd 38 Having ears.: 39 List of names. 41 This province. has many Y - .'villages, 43 Male. 45 Dress edge.,; 47 Article, 48 Witticism. 3 Answer to 1?>♦•Jevto te, Puzzle M© ©EGO MANN RIM ©0®__'®® 6i DIATAIZI Ail ©©e❑© 11ZIAA ©©0© ©0©©` ©O © 4212E1E1 El ©OILN RA Eita©.;o�©'WINTER• ©Q• Qo ©�© ©.SCENE QUIN 1;10MI 1;115 ©©® r�'.21id®{�© 41 >©©©d ff© °�o c/• iti P11:1001 © T1J . 50 Hops' kiln. 53 Each (abbr,). 54 Doctor of Divinity (abbr,), 55 Like. 56'Oder (poet.). 58 Music note, 59 Debit note (abbr.). 60 Mineral rook. 61'Soarlet, 62 Measure of cloth., 64 Its largest city is --. 4 5. 12 Self (p13t 13 Inner part: 16 Print measure 27 Constellation. 28 Third month. 29 South Amer. Ica (abbr.). 30.1Vtissionl, $1 Worm. 32 Placed. 33 Perceive, 34 Convert into feather, 35 Heed again. 36 Editor (abbr.) 40 Without 65---- is the (prefix). capital of 42 River. (Sp.). Canada. 43 Courtesy title. VERTICAL 44 Much --- is 1•Golf teachers: used here. 2 Lease.. 46 Craze. 3 Bone, 48 Market. 4 Small 49 Norwegian aperture, river. 5 Roman road. 51 Let it standv 6 Heart, 52 Incline. 9 Roof finial 56 English money 9 Arm bone. of account. • 10 Direction: .67 Road. (abbr,): 11 Exclamations 60 'Upon. rA Of coldness. 63 Music note. 9 10 Jf 12 MOPSY byC LADYS PARKER THIS THE TALL ' ,"770 DARK AND WAND— " SOME I WAS SUP - POSED TO MEET AT SIXTH AND MAIN? fireNAM t;GtoYStart I:R,. TRE SPORTING THING BY 14N6 ARMSTRONG 47 ill al■so DIDN'T' &ESP ALL N Iea? � 49 55 .:.44 51 57 56 45 sit III • 46 1 ii is 111111 dl1.. .67. ,1 II 6+ (/ ,� .K,y • �� om- ..L.^i� .,�/ 1MIi '1IQ/Ule \1 �_ C�r. _,,,,.., .\ ,.�—: 11111111111111 65 . 1111111 FUNNY BUSINESS By Hershberger 7-0 to n. "1 must be slippin'! Dat one ain't colorin' up right!" "He says .�..zz alN1.1943E NTA 5E WCE. IN , 7, M. ' G; U. 5..147:WE. ',....,. //•,E6 the extra attachment is a sneeze bag." its 4k —it's warmer, too P' "Ah—Chao t" MUTT AND JEFF— Hope Jeff Wasn't Trying To Sell His Tonic On The Installment Plan By BUD FISH 11 MUTT WHAT6 THE MATTER? You DoN'r f- I'M WORRtBD,y'/OU ABOUTSOMETNINsi I CAN,TStEEP! I fiAVEN'7SLEPT ALL NIGHTI pI I DIDN'T' &ESP ALL N Iea? NO! YF I DoN'T GET" Ito()BYPRtDAYIM SUNK! ILL LOSE MY hioVSE,MY HoME-ILL LOSE EVERYTHING!' WELL,WHY DIDN'T N CNA GAY S0. wRV HAVEYot) t DN'T You COME 501 THE. To ME BEFORE MONEY? TNIS7 Nd, BUT I'M SELLING AMEDICINEHERETHAT A1LL CURE' YOUR THAT IA! GVARAN7EEDTo MAKE YOU SLEEP! oN LY FIFTY ceNTS A^' jt THAT'S WHAT CAA GET FoR TRYIN' To HE L! APA •;',s\ ', '�,r�/� I1p\vim V t® �;I, �'H /�IYI �! .J.aSh'� i.• �. fih%\ .. j ,A��:l�u... : SA A'''. � 4• ^w y.,�jl, 111 r n -d„y 'ar%'At..(' � t .n 'tel:` _ tQi/.yv�,7, ,I (/ ,� .K,y • �� om- ..L.^i� .,�/ 1MIi '1IQ/Ule \1 �_ C�r. _,,,,.., .\ ,.�—: Ad�9 41, o/Z � ^ �� UtN I. YI iii {" I l _ '.--,' bn 1 - _> �y-Y� II __ y POP—Pop Delves Deeply Into Personalities WHAT WAS YOUR JO!3 REFORF TWE WAI' 7 By J. MILLAR WATT T ORO7 44Y The 9022 7444.1 REG'LAR FELLERS—An Orderly Retreat OUR PO5ITION IS ,PRETTY TOUGH! IT LOOK5 LIKE WE'RE GONNA NAFTA RETREAT! RETREAT TRIPLE -L UICK,,MEN! FOLLOW ME- I GOT A GREAT IDEA! t'LL MAKE THE, ENEMY PUT A STOP TO THEIR FIRING ! (47,. itt7 smisa