HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-01-11, Page 81N, NE?RECQ:. 444, •iy„i•m .Rowast, P044.10.2,– The LITTLE ,RAN.GE that does BIG JOB of cooking &heating: 40'14 A email modem stove with all the cooking and , heating efficiency of many larger aid mote ex- pensive ranges, Takes up Veryiittle finer apace, yet has: a full size 14 inch oven: Enroll either wood or goal. You'll be delighted with the ability of thio Findlay ranee—and with rte moderate price, kOm, Findlay Condor Range fu'1 Enamelled•> $125.00,00 em Findlay Range, Oval High closet and. reservoir $9197.00'. •n; used McCIay Cook stove with High shelf 35.0.0;' 35 re used Cook Outer Type • • • $ Ironing Boards.,anti Pads' SUTTER 8? PERDUE HARDWARE. PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS CLtN'rON. ONT. WWI 147w. January Specials Girl's eiderdown ,bath eobes sizes 8 to 14. Fahey patterns in red and blue shades. Too late for Christmas'. Selling now $2.39 Girls rubber overboots sizes 13, 1 and 2 only. To clear at $1.98 Boys high top leather boots, double sole. A good heavy 'shoe for •Sehool.wear. Special Price $4.19 Boy's breeches in Ililliipcord and Mackinaw cloth •. , . • $2.00 to $3.50 Boy's Overcoats, brown tweedy made in double breasted 'style with half -belt. Sizes 29 to 37. Priced from , , ..... , . • $11.95 to $17.50 Men's winter Overcoats in striped Tweeds, Grey or brown:Freize ex=: Fleece and made in new slip on style with military cellar •- $22.50 to $29.G0• Priced at The"heginn�ing of a New Year its the 'tiixie to check" on your work books . so we list a :feW from olix stock:. Ledger Cash Book Plumsteel Bros. £ r.w $ li — Arca Eat — Scott & Mena& shim for ilr•' Arista Tip Top Tat... if we have what you want Right. Pricy �sThe BROWN S One Door North of Royal Bank • NOTICE I have moved my office from the Bank of Montreal Building. o the McKenzie Hotel opposite the Post Office where 1 shall - be lad to see clients and friends at the usual consultation hours uesday and Friday afternoons. r ' H.G.A�ieir ._ Bannister oc, 31-3 • e N N SALE OW 50 pair of Gores and Ties Were $7.50 and $8.00 ,Clearing for . 9 Now .0 g$z 9S in and See us �iO111k1e May have your Fitting We � ill eh T Churchill' Shoe Store Journal Day Book Columnar Book. • Minute Book EDT)7 DIGMAN 0BTNSQI The home of Mt and Mts Robert E; Rebin:en, Stanley rToWnehlp,: • on Mondity Jandary 1st at 10 'arm. was $he acme of & , ol►arming wedding 'when their only daughtereHeletl Mee became the ,bride. of sWilliam .Earle son of Mr. and Mrs. David Digman; Hensall, Oat, eltev, Reba Hein -offic- iated. The brihti music was played'. by Mrs Elmer .Keye of Varna who Sang "0 Perfect 1Love” ,preceding the ceremony, and "b Love you- S, my ' during the signing of the register. '. The attractive bride- entered 'the, living room: on the arm: of her .;father ,and stood beneath an arch 'of'pink and white roses and: Old Ehglish Ivy with Canyon blue' satin drapes:` For hex wedding, the bride chose a floor length'. gown of ivory. brocaded; satin with sweatheaet neck • line and tiny covered buttons,.down the;: front of the long fittelebodiee. She- wore a three-quarter length- tulle veil, ar- ranged from a feather headdress and carried is Cascada bouquet of Peerless• .Red Roses. The brides only ornament was a gold heart shaped:' locket, gift of the groom. The bridesmaid, Miss Gladys Wal per of Grand \Bend wore a floor length gown of white sheer crepe and wore a.' halo of white flowers,in her hair and carried' a cascade bou- quet of White Ivory carnations and white pom-pom chr'yeantheanunis, The groom was attended by the briMe only brother, Douglas Robin- son. The bride's mother wore -a black sheer. 'flowered crepe dress and a corsage of pink Virginia carnations. The groom's mother Wore a blue crepe -dress and a corsage of pink carnations. For the wedding trip the bride wore a pearl grey dress 'trimmed with, black sequins and a Fnshia hat with black accessories. Also Index Cards, Letter Piles, ' Order book, Tiene Books as Well as other office supplies. G R. McEwan Co.. Books & Stationery `OFTEN THE CHEAPEST ALWAYS THE BEST" PHONE 84 � i iimiiiN�i ,ouoi�m����m ,�iaui,imLu_IIIIIIIIIII Cpl. P. H. Atkinson returned to • Dartmouth N. S. after spending his holiday at Clinton and Grand. Bend• ' Mrs: P `H. `Atkinson and Carlyle axe home,fiom the east and will spend the winter with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Charlesworth. Mr. Bill, Holland attended the Short Course 'at Guelph during the past week. ' Mr. Frank Trewartha has returned to Kingston after spending two weeks - with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Trewartha. Mr. Glenn . Price of the 2nd 'C'oncea-' sion spent Christmas and New Years with his sister, Mrs. James Adams and other friends in Hamil- ton. V V GODERICH TOWNSHIP Mrs. John Middleton entertained the the members of her Young, People's Sunday School Class with a dinner party given at her home on the evt ing of, Dec, 26th. , Miss. Ruth' Middleton • of 'Stratford ,Normal, , is practise teaching illi week at 'S. S. No. 10: Three members of -the, Seat& 'End Red .Gross' unit attended th _ annual meeting held in Clinton: " • The secretary pres8pted the- foll- owing report of articles completed in 1944 by _ the Goderich Township South End Red Cross Unit. Knitted Articles: - 30 grey and blue T. N. sweaters„26 khaki H. N. - sweaters, 11 airforce T. N. •sweaters, .1 ady's sweater (a total of $8 sweaters); B prs. sea' men's socks; 14 prs. hurricane mitts, 5 pr. grey mitts, 21 -helmets, 7 pr. N. gloves, 16 pr. khaki gloves, 10 pr. airforce gloves, -19 pr. service socks, 10 grey toe caps, 2 pr. mine- sweeper's •mitts, 11 navy scarves. A total ief 186 'knitted articles. We sent in 7 quilts; our sewing .quota was completed and consisted of 598 articles,'• namely: 50 pantie dresses, '•220'diapers; 225 sanitary pads, 100 night'•gowns. These articles make a total of 788 CLEA m SA , NARCISSUS BULBS ` While they last :7i c dozen F ' R CUNINGHAME Member, of Florists Tel. Del. As:; Personal' care given every order. and special attention given to Funeral Orders. Phone 176 and 31 uperior Store PHONIC 111—CLII$TON:; • THtJRiS.,,•J,AN, •,1161; 1915 SPECIALS -FOR JANUARY.' 11, 12, .13. CANADA CORN STARCH ykg. .9c GRAPE JAM 24 :oz. jar ' 29c VANGAMP'S PRE-COOKED BEANS 3-12 oz, pkgs. BEE HIVE CORN SYRUP 2 lb. tin 5 lb, tin e completed articles sent to Red Ore& headquarters by the South End unit. Donald Middleton, Edward Wise, Keith Miller and Gordon Steep have Wesley -Willis W.A.. returned from attending the •&'bort course given at the O, A. C. Guelph The January meeting of the W. last week. . `r A. was held in the Church Hall on the afternoon of the 4th, with the president, Mrs. M. Nediger in the chair. Mrs.. A. T. , Cooper was pianist. .. The meeting opened with a New Year hymn. Mrs, McKinley offered prayer, and Mrs. Haddy chose the 8th psahn as the scripture reading. The secretary, Mrs. G. Jefferson, and the treasurer, Mrs. Percy Man- ning gave their reports.. Mrs. Hearn reported for the flower committee. Letters of thanks were 'read from many who had received gifts of flowers or fruit at Christmas time. -Some interesting ones were from boys of this congregation overseas, Norman Fitzsimons, Tom- my Steep, John Cuninghame, Doug- las ..Andrews, Philip Sperling and Gordon .Hearn to each Of whop had been sent a box of chocolate bars. Splendid annual reports were titer recei ed from the different depart- ments of ;work. Also from ,the secre- tary and treasurer.• Mrs.`'Ballantyne, of •Toronto, who addresses . organizations -in Ontario for the Robin Hood ;Mills, gave a most interesting address on "Kit- chens of yesterday and tomorrow". She told .of the new glass houses, and pre -fabricated ones, many of will be erected in, England, and; all the, new gadgets for making the work •of preparing meals ,easier ,and more interesting. • A vote. of thanks was• tendered herclose theof her d' humorous and' at instructive talk. The National Anthem and the mizpah benediction brought the meeting to a close after which a delicious tea was 'served by Mrs: J. Nediger Jr's. group. v Ray Wise returned to London after snending the Christmas vacation at the home • of his parents Mr: and Mrs. Chas.. Wise. v— BLOOD DONOR /LINIC in CLINTON on VALUES TOR arA,NUAitY and 1.3th Tip Top No. 4 HEINZ' Pure FosdS Aylmer Dehy, PEAS BEPIDTS ` 20 oz.' fila' 1Jc- Chow Chow PICKLES Jar 25e Tip Pop !choice B f • Steak Aylmer: Choke TOMATOES , 2 tins 13o' SAUCE a bottles. 27e ' PUMPKIN 28 oz. in ' 14e28 oz. fin 14o Creo•rn of Tomato SOUP 2 Mins .19ie Tip Top Choice Aylmer Choice' TOMATO JUICE . Inrants APPLE :JUICE' 28 oz. tin .....12e'TOQDs 3 for: 25c 2 bottles .. , , 25c E ttnbury's TEA. :. Vz lb. pkg. • Prepared igUSTARD jam 9e' McLezens Hi Ho vegetable • PUDDINGS 35c• SOUP 2 tin:; 25e 2., pkgs. . 15c Pure Cdr Vancaan'!e Toni:to VINEGAR btk 1'5c Ca!eelli. `Egg wheat • SOUP Chicken Noodle NOODLES 2 'ibis 15e SOUP 2 tilos 29e' 2 pli:g's. 25e GARDEN FRESH FRUITS—AND VEGETABLES HEAD LETTUCE TOMATOES • — CELERY — GRAPES CABBAGE - PARSNIP TURNIPS TANGERINES - RADISHES 15e Sunkist Juicy 252's 25c 57e CANNED PILCHARDS 1 ib. tin 17c HILLGREST TOILET TISSUE 3 rolls' 25c ROMAN MEAL Pkg. 29e IVORY SNOW ige. pkg: 25e IVORY SOAP lge• bar 10e PITTED SAIR DATES NABOB' COFFEE 1 lb. -bag ....45c ICING SU•G"AR-]b• ilc ORANGES size 288s doz r : 87c LEMONS, size'3005 3 for. .... ".d3c GRAPEFRUIT size 112s 4' for .:25e COOKING ONIONS 6 lbs. COOKING APPLES 5 lbs. , , , . 25e THURSDAAY JANUARY: 25. Summerhill Red Cross Annual Report During the year of 1944 the Sum- merhill Red Cross has held twenty six meetings,; with • an average -at- tendance of twenty five. During the year the Red Cross has 'sent $143 to headquarters. The' ladies have patch- ed and quilted 27 quilts. The following is the sewing report 20 'pre. men's pyjamas; 15 men's bedjackets; 30 pillow eases; 23 women's blouses size 40; 25 hand- kerchiefs; 23 prs.: babies rompers; 8 prs. boy's pants; 50 boys under- shirts; 10 girl's blouses;: 15 babies sleeping bags; 5 girl's pantie dres- 'Ieen'; .compresses. A ;'total of January 11 to 13. BULK MACARONI Cut in :.initials 5 lbs. for , 25e PEP Cereal deal 2;'pkg, and free. tumbler for :. 25c OLD DUTCH Cleanser' 2 tins .. 21e HABITANT Pea' Soup 28 oz: tin 2 for 25c WHYTE LARD Lib pkg... , . 18e IDEAL CATSUP 106 az. tin 69c AYLMER diced. Beets tin , ::1 15e CANADA" SEAL Herring iny. tomato :sauce' tial ,... 17e AYLMER asparagus cuttings tin 21c COWAN'S Cocoa 1 Ib. tin , . 21c O T CITY Baking oder FOREST C g p w qt. sealer .... 330 AYLMER Tomato juice' 20 oz. size 2 tins 19c LIPTO'N'S Noodle soup 2 pkg. 25c KRAFT DINNER pkg. :'17c NEWPORT Fluffs 13 qt. size. bag with cup and saucer 39c MAZOLA cooking oil , , 32e CLUB HOUSE Coffee 1 lb. tin 39e .F,RESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES OUR MEAT COUNTER CONTAINS BOLOGNA lb, .... 24e MINCED' HAM 1b: ... 49e COTTAGE ROLL in piece lb. .. '39c FRESH SAUSAGE lb. . .. 215t FRESH WIENERS 1b.' ........ 27e • 1418 articles. 1. I1 I 1 ' 171i'q 11111 'To- o wlna is the knitting re- port for the army: I le - 60 pr% socks; 10 helmets: 1 scarf; 16' pr. gloves; 8 pr. double: palmed mitts; 2 pr. mitts..:• For the Airforce: 14 pre, socks; 10 prs, gloves;. p For the Navy:, OnTal Lt, 3'pr. gloves; 11 pr. socks 5 pr. double • • 'knitted mitts. •A total of 140•: articles: Free Delivery T. H. THflMPSON WEEK END SPECIALS 3 Tins Asst. SOUPS .... •.. , ... 25e 2 Tins Clarke's Mushroom Soup 19c 19c LB.: Choice McIntosh ORANGES Doz. , , . 43c APPLES 5 lbs. 25c Gili£ornii Juicy 360s No. 1 C'ok'as LEMONS 3 for „lie ONIONS 5 lbs. 25c Mash ,re-dloss 96s • No. 1 Washed GrRAPEFRUIT 3 for .20e CARROTS 5 'lbs. .... 25c C. M. SHEARING PHONE 48 FOR QUALITY FOODS'— .CLINTON Sleighing is Good SO CALL AND SEE OUR.'STQCK OF CIIILDREN'S SLEIGHS • ALSO RUNNERS il'OR BABY ' GrARRIAGES.. WE HAVE A GOOD STOCK OF KIDDIE:CARS AND rUQY SETS - U SO` A NEW STOCK OF WARDROBES:: - BALL & ZAPFE Dealers in Hardware and Furniture Modern Ambulance Service, , Funeral ' Db ectors Store Phone 195 DOUGLAS G. BALL JOHN J. ZAPFE •Phone 110 . Phone 103 4,1151kpir • 1 Bag Robin HOOD OATS .. , . 29e' 1 Pkg. VITA B. Wheat Germ .. 10e 1 Tin Apple Juice lye 3 lb. Gra. or Yellow Sugar 25e 3 lbs. Ready Cut Macaroni , , , , 20e 2 Tins Harry Hornes Cocoa 25c 1 lb. G. & S. or Maxwell House Coffee - 450 5 Ib. Cooking Apples 25c 3 1b. Washed Carrots ....... , 13e 3 Tins Dey, Beane 25c 1 Bag' Butter Cream Sodas , , 15c 1 Jar Plum Jam 19e 1 Pkg. Kraft Dinner or Cheese .. 19e 1 Jar Bingo Horse Radish 20c ORANGES 288s doz. 39e GRAPE FRUIT 112s 3 for 20c W. L. JOHNSON - PHONE 286 GROCER DELIVERY HOURS 4 to 6 p.m. • Navy League News THE CLINTON NEW ERA, Mr: J; W. Stevenson has been itt. January 8th, 1920 I'town during the past week. Mr.. 11. Livermore of the Londott Miss Margaret Schoeithals spent' Road is moving to town this weeist the New Year's Holidays at Sarnia. 1 and is taking possession of the reel. • Mr. Fred Ford of Otterville, spent deuce he purchased, lately from Mr. a few days in town at the parentalElmer Finch._Mr. Livermore itis, home. ' I not been, lit- the: beat of health for Mrs. Agnew was a r wmmut wtrust his condi. Mrs. Haiste of Brusselsvisitoduring the' tionsoe mtiay e improveb.e. past week. Mr. Gordon Johnston, Mary Street left this week for St. Catherines where -ate has taken a position in a Mre. Frank Fingland, Cor'venor Ditty. Bags, Clinton Conimittte, •Navy Lea gue of Canada, Clinton Ontario..., Dear Mrs. Fingland: • Enclosed please find receipt for one -ditty bag making a total of 165 d' t b it supplied b the Among those who have returned' to the various, institutions of leave- ing after spending the midwinter knitting factory. He will move his vacation ih townoe:6i Misses Maritnee. family thus month he expects. We McCamus, Gertrude Wallis and Mes- are sorry to see the family go. Mr. sm. II. Shaw,. It Ranee to the Johnston was a valuable member of University of Toronto, Misses Ruth the Kiltie Band. McMath, Harriett Cantelon, and Mee. - This week Mr. Charles Potter and wife moved from Blyth anditave en Erskine Evans and Harold Kilt, - taken up housekeeping over Chaff's to Faculty, Doreen Stephenson t' c'. store. Mr. Potter is the new London Normal and M. Anderson to section foreman„ on the L. H. & B. Western University. taking Mr. Brown's place, who has I Miss Kathleen McConnell has re - retired from the service, turned to her school at Walton. Mr. N. P. Warrener, sonof Mrs. I Miss Alberta Jackson has returned G. Warrener, Mary Street, and an iso Stratford, Normal to resume her old Clinton boy, was elected by ac- studies. • clamation'to a seat at the Hensall Council Board. i Tuesday evening about .730 o'clock the house of Mr. W. A.. McGuire, North Street was destroyed by fire. The family were sitting in the, dining room after supper when flames broke out from a partition whtre a When the Present Century Was Young THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD • ,stove- pipe went. through. Fortunate Dire A. D. Beaton, who recently be- ly all -the'furniture was removed. Carne a resident of Clinton, has Rev.. Mi. McCainus was in Gode-' bought trier grocery business of Mr. rich on `Wednesda .eight addre sin Harry Cantelon and is now .in pos. • a big Union Balky. g` b•session, Mr. Beaton' was for sixteen. "years a resident of Whiteelu -'Miss: Bessie Murphy • of Clinton where he carried on the -.business o2 and Miss Emily Ford of Hopei hville general itercliant, were week end visitors. at the home •. of Mr. and , Mrs. Rich. Murphy of Miss M. C. Lough, B. A. left on it y cgs m a supe le y re Exeter: Monday for Toronto, where she wilt Clinton Navy League Committee Mr. and Mrs, 'High B. Grigg left do special work for the Dominion. last week for London where Mr. Council its connection with, the Young Nothing that we could say could Grigg resumes his position with the Woman's Christian 'Association itt possiblyadd toyour satisfaction n Monsons Bank in that City. the different Collegeses of Toronto. • Mr. Frank A. Copus, of Strat securing such* a large number of townthis r ask Miss Gibson, who has been manag- r her illness leaves On Tuesday,morn. into the pages of this nation's war- The funeral of Sarah Tune relect g., time history. of the late George Harland- took . Rev. Dr. Cook preached in St. g Thomas last Sunday. ford was m us' v ` in the store for Mrs. Shier during gifts for those brave men whose tis Win Mason of Blyth Was a g ships have written undying chapters visitor in town this week• in next for her home in Paisley. place of Wednesday morning on the airv ofh London t i al the on on rain, e - ceased died at Detroit after a short illness. WeJ would like to ecngratulate you Th de Mr. J. B. Kenredy of Detroit:, and: extend ' to yourself and spent Sunday at his home in town. the members• of your Committee the Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Henry from very grateful thanks of our Women's - ' ” Manitoba have veen visiting Clinton Committte and the President andTHE CLINTON: NEWS -RECORD friends. January Stir, '920 Mr: John Laird returned his To- Ironto on Monday to resume is du- '. The municipal elections were held ties get the University. on Monday. Out of nearly 1000 vot- •Mise M. Evans left Tuesday to ars only 543 were cast for mayor' spend a few weeks with'Miss Bever-' Officers of the Navy , League for their willing and valuable : help in supplying these comforts which do so much to cheer and encourage out brave seamen. We know 'from past experience that these gifts are great- ly appreciated and we do hope you the torrent year for Portland, Mame, having. in char. Mayor• Thos Cottle, Reeve: R. Jt and 518 for reeve. The council for ley of St. Thomas. will . corsist of: Mr. Arthur Cook left of Tuesday will, receive anany letters 01, ack- Millers Councillors: C.' G. Middleton; ge a oaeload of export apples for nowledgnient.'from the lucky reeipi- H. Wiltse, A. -J. McMurray, W. J. ents of your: gifts. We know to have Nediger, J. E. Johnson and Bert firsthand word from those who re- Langford. ceive the.bags is of great encourage- Mr, and Mrs. Tyner and their Merit fa Our workers: son, Mr, C. H. Tyner, having sold their farm ':its � Sulimerhil'1 ". to Mr, Itobt.°Kent•,'of London, have 'perches-. Looking forward to your cont nuerl ed the David ; liplady house on home from Detroit on account of the. returne to s .o hi father d help and with best wishes for the 12attertlinry street from. Mr. Ralph lilac s f s New' Year, 1 am Stephenson of ,Stanley and have al- that city 'on Friday nnorning, ready taken possession. Mr. Thos. Tipling Jr., once alt Yours very sincerely, Mr,Syd"'Watts of Stratford spent operator at the Clinton G. T. 11 Mrs, J. d. Mackay, the holiday at hie home in town. '.station, but who' has been in the Secretary,: Women's. Com.; Mr. Harvey Rath' of Paris is visit- West for some years, vielleod friends ing Mr. and ;Mrs, S. Kemp, in teat tinis week. Mr. D. Cantelon. • Mr. and Mrs. '3. 3. McCaughey, visited the forme -Vs brother, Mr, Frank ;McCaughey of Lucknow ort. Wednesday last, • ' Mr. Thomas Ginn, who was called