HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-01-11, Page 6BEEF AT $4.50 A POUND. Teddy, grand champion steer of the Chicago Market Fat Stock' Show, raised by Ben Greve has been purchased by the Firestone I Tire :& Rubber Company. Teddy tipped the scales at 1,170 pounds and auctioned at $4.80• a pound. Russell A. Firestone (left). is seen taking delivery of the champion., 'Sargent' Complicates 'Major' -Situation It seems, • that a U: S. Maj. Sar- - gent has a sergeant' major., named Sgt. Majorworking for hint at a training camp., - - Maj. George' E. Sargent recent- ' ly-..was appointed special services officer of, the. AAF training com- mand station.. In the athletic de- par,tment. is T/Sgt. Steven.Major, who is the sergeant major, 'non commissioned officer in charge of the office. In an appearance at' a . boxing show there, Maj. Sargent compli- cated the major situation. He called Sgt. Major, thesergeant major, (are you following?) into the ring to stand at itis'side. "During your travels around $14,000 Nail The hazards' oh the farm were again ..demonstrated by the: death recently at Chicago of the famous Canadian Holstein bull, Ivlontvic Renown, which sold`' for the Can- adian record price 'of $14,000 two. years ago at .Brantford, Ont. 'A nail killed him, ,He had swallowed it, and died following an opeatien for its removal from his stomach. this training camp,". said the Ma- jor„ over the mike, "you'll probably see a lot of us, -I am Maj, Sargent, This soldier -at ;sty side is Sgt, Ma- - jor. If you call either of us 'Major' - you'll be right. If you calf either of us 'sergeant' — you'll be right." "But," he added, 'be careful what . you call these, second lieutenantsl" THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA' General Statement, 30th November, 1944 LIAttl LITRES Capital stock paid up - $ 35,000,000.00 Reserve fund- $ 20,000,000.00 Balance of profits wrrieddfo'rward as per Profit and Loss Account 4,247,671.56 Dividends unclaimed' $ 24,247,671.5650,675.46 ' .. Dividend No, 279 (at 695per annum), payable. 1st December, 1,344 625,000.00 24,823,247.02 Deposits by and balances due to Dominion Govern- $ 69,823,247,02- $232,148,156.00 Deposits by andbalances,duc to Provincial Govern- ments 21,453,136.10 Deposits by the public not bearing interest 807,245,414.46 Deposits by the public bearing interest, including • interest accrued to date of statement 592,851,469A0 - - Deposits by and' balances due, to other chartered - banks in Conado .. $,161:93" Deposits by and balances duo to banks and bankiog.. correspondents elsewhere than in Canada..':., 2 ,, 3,1$3,358:61 0' 1,676,884,696.19 ' Notes of the bank in circulation - 9,580,371.66 Acceptances and letters of credit outstanding 42,347,097.19 Liabilities to the public not included under the foregoing heads - - 1,616,390.59 ASSETS Gold'and subsidiary coin held in Canada 9 1,775,041.40 Gold and subsidiary' coin held. elsewhere 1,402,082.55 Notes of Bank of Canada 36,421,787.75 Deposits with Bank of Canada 105,209,611.49 ' Government and bank notes other than Cenodian79,047,151,39 Notes of and cheques on other banks - $ 75,260,199.08 , Deposits with and balances due by other chartered banks in Canada 6,674.81 Due by banks and banking correspondents elsewhere than in Canada 78,630,246.05 $1,790,251,802.65 Dominion Government direct •and guaranteed securities maturing within two years, not exceeding market value Other Dominion Government direct and guaranteed securities, not exceeding market value - Provincial Government turret and guaranteed securities maturing within two years, not exceeding market value Other Provincial Government direct and guaranteed securities, not exceeding market value Canadian municipal securities, not exceeding mar- ket value Public securities other than Canadian, not exceeding market value Other bonds, debentures and stocks, not exceeding market value Call and short (not exceeding 30 days) loans in Canada on stocks, debentures, bonds end other securities of a sufficient marketable value to rover Call and short (not exceeding 30 days) loans else- where than in Canada on stocks, debentures, bonds and other securities of a sufficient mar- ketable value to cover • Current loans and discounts in Canada, not other- wise included, estimated loss provided for..,$261,024,287.72. Current loans and discounts elsewhere than in Canada not otherwise included, estimated loss ' provided for 79,117,970.17 Loans to provincial governments - - 1,109,729.68 Loans to cities, towns, municipalities and school districts • 8,815,745.35 Non-current loans, estimated loss provided for, , 585,143.08 Liabilities of customers underacceptances and letters of credit as per contra Real Estate other than bank premises Mortgages on real estate sold by the bank Bank premises at not more than cost, less amounts,: if any, written. off Deposit with the Minister of Finance for the security of note cit culation 625,000.00 Shares of and loans to controlled companies - 3,987,786.72 Other assets not included under the foregoing heads - 1,027,331.38 .$1,790,251,802.65•' $ 223,855,674.51 153,897,113.95 438,082,169.89 299,945,251.15 43,459,453.93 28,645,660.60 16,754.325.72 81,310,288.45 27,493,292.52 25,885,985.74 34,620,089.00 $1,377,849,205.53 361,652,376.00 42,347,097.19 • 976,30149. 510,250.57 12,276,453.77 M. W. WILSON, S. G. DOBSON President. General Manager. AUDITORS' REPORT To 713E SHAREHOLDERS, THE ROYAL BANK 00 CANADA: We have examined the above Statement of Liabilities and Assets as at 3013, November, 1944. with the books and accounts of The Royal Bank of Canada at Head Office and with the certified returns from the branches, We have checked the cash and the securities representing the Bank's investments held at the Head Office at the close of'tke fiscal year, aridat various dates during the year have also checked the cash and investment securities at several of the important branches. .' We have obtained all the information and explanations that we have required, and in our opinion the transactions of the Bank, which have come under our notice, have been within the . powers of the Bank. The above statement is in our opinion properly drawn up so as to disclose ' the true condition of the Bank as at 30th November, 1944, and fa as shown by the books of ' the Bank. M. OGDEN HASKELL, C.A,, of Haskell, Eldcrkin & Co. GUT E..HOULT C.A., Auditors. of P. s. Rees .& Sons 1( - ' !device,!, Canada; December 22, 1944. - PRO T AND ND LOSS ACCOUNT Balance of Profit and Loss Account, 30th November, 1943 $ 3,815,487.77 Profits for the year ended seen November, 1944, after providing $2,127,214,86 for Dominion Govern- ment taxes and after makingappropriations to Contingency Reserves, out of which Reserves. provision for all bad and doubtful debts has been made - .3,812,183.79. $_ 7,627,671.54 APPROPRIATED AS FOLLOWS: - -Dividend No. 226'. at 6% per annum 9. 525,000,00 Dividend No. 227 at 6% per annum , - 525,000.00 Dividend No. 228"at 6% per annum 625800.00 Dividend No. 229 at; 696 per annum 52$,,000.00. $ 2,100,000.00 Contribution to the Pension Fund Society 880,000.00 Appropriation for Bank Premises 400,000.00 Balance of Profit and Loss carried forward 4,247,671.56 $ 7,627,671.86 M. W. • WILSON, - S. G. DOBSON, President; 'General Manager. Montreal, December 32, 1944. WHAT. 'SCIENCE IS DOING Vitamin Pills Vitamin pills had a severe joke played on then; at'-:Duke-Universi- FY's School of Medicine recently,' says the Christian ;Science. Monit- or. So did those who indiscrimin- ately dose themselves with :'vitam- ins., At the request of the Quarter-'. master General of the United States Army '200'volunteer medical' students and technicians offered'' themselves as guinea pigs for 30, days. They were divided into five' groups, "four "groups being given varyingquantities of vitamins, and the fifth' group being given nothing but inert pills with no medicinal or • vitamin value. Two doctors who conducted the experiment said, at the end of the time, that they found the seine beneficial effect .on the "pep" and health of the group gi'v= en the dummy pills as on . those who took vitamins! They added: It has 'been implied that, even v. hen no demonstrable deficien- cy exists, one's sense of well- being and ability to perform: • work can be- improved greatly by the addition of vitamins to the. dict. . There is at present'' n0- onclusiv-evidence to sub- . stantiate this point of view. We venture to assume that their findings will not be widely quoted in vitamin advertisements. EARLY BIRD -WOMAN Madame Helene Mortier, 67, France's first woman flyer, is pictured on recent arrival in New York en route to visit her husband, Col. Pierre Mortier of the French Air Mission, convalescing in Wash- ington. Madame Mortier started flying with Louis Blerlot in 1905. -Jags Cook Rice " - While On March Something new has been added to th0Jgpanese army. It's a mess kit that cooks rice while the soldirr marches. The Japanese News Agency broadcast the report that a Nip--- ponese inventor had perfected a. "Portable. mess kit and stove en- abling one to cook rice even while on a march. Ott- and one-half pounds of rice can •be cooked in, 30 'minutes." 'Billy' Bishop Still Allied,Aee of Aces And Greatest Living Ace Of All Nations, Says The New Yorker The Billy Bishop who shot down seventy-two German planes in the last war is now Air Marshall. Wil- liam - A. Bishop of the R.C.A,F.' and the author of "Winged Peace," a sober discussion of the future of aviation, He. is still the Allied all- wars ate of aces, and the greatest living ace of all nations. Vole had a talk with 'him when hewas in town last week and found him a good deal less weighted down by his gold braid (his rank is the equivalent of our lieutenant- general)than we have come to ex- pect of general officers. "In a way it's all a fake," he told' us amiably, "I'm nota military man at all. I'm';. in the oil businbss in Montreal. It's a great surprise' to me to realize. that I've spent twelve and ,a half years of my life in ubforns." Brok- en down, this figure, represents: three years at the Royal Military College, Canada's West Point; four and a half years in the last war; and five in this one. Bishop's re- cord as an ace was topped by Von Richtofen, who wa's credited with eighty planes, . and Foncic, the, Frenchman, who had seventy-five. Rickenbacker, the leading Ameri- can ace of the First World War, had only twenty-six. Richtofen was killed toward the end of thear, w , although not by, Bishop, as many think. Lately the American press has taken to saying that Bishop knock- ed down a: hundred and ten planes. "It's utterly ',incomprehensible to me," he said. "How American to want ,something better; as they say" He'd settle fora bit of credit "for bagging two German observa- tion balloons, something that no- body ever mentions. "Theyseem to think there's nothing ` to popping off a couple of pieces of rubber at the end of a string, but I'd as soon have shot down fifteen planes as one of those bloody balloons. They had some of ahem rigged up so they exploded all over you it you shot at them." THE LADY' DUNKS The Lady ,from Connecticut, Rep. Clare Boothe Luce, dunks a dough- nut at an informal party given by tith Army G..I. s for Congressional delegation visiting Italian front. British Columbia's Japanese ' Problem The Pacific states, which former- ly housed 110,000 Japanese, have a• population 50 percent, says the Vancouver. Sun, greater than the whole of Canada. In California, the Japanese represented less than, half of line present,;: of the population. In British Colgmbia they repre- sented nearly three percent. of the whole. Jap -town in Vancouver was relatively far more- prominent . than any single Japanese community in the Pacific States. of America. OTTAWA REPORTS That Canada's Resources In Men, Materials; 'Money oney IVInst Remain -Mobilized For War .in 1945 ` The prodigious effort of Canad- ians on the home front that in 1944 brought this country into second' place as an e,:potting nation will have to be carried into 1045, This was the, note sounded in New Year statements by the Min- ister of Finance, Hon. J. L. Ilsley and the munitions minister, Hon: C, D. Howe. ' "Our resources of men, materials and money, must remain mobilized for war purposes, and postpone- ment of cherished plans is the pros- pect'for 1045," Mr. Ilsley said. Mr. Howe's statement revealed that Canada enters this year with War output still close to its peak, and in certain' - types of amntuui- tion the output will be stepped up sharply, However he pointed out that improved ,tnethodli- coupled whit"virtual coilpietion'of war con- struction, !tate meant .a drop in expenditure. " Only 3061%" of Canadian- produc- tion goes to Canadian: fighting forces. The remainder goes to the United Kingdom, the Untied States, Russia, Australia, New. Zealand, India, China, France and other Un- ited Nations. Four-fifths of our pre- sent . foreign trade is estimated to be wholly of a wartime character. 4s: , * 4' Penicillin, the ,new' bacteria -kill- ing drug which is credited with saving thousands 'ofgtives both in the armed forces aiid among civ- ilians the past year, is 0o15 avail - ,able in hospitals throughout Can- ada, The part payed by Canadian farmers in aiding its production is disclosed by the Dotninicn Depart- ment of Agriculture. Between March and October last, some 1500 farmers ih Ontario and Quebec pro- vided 00,000,000lbs. of whey for the manufacture ksf milk sugar and whey powder.,Of, this 300 tons of Milk sugar have gone into the manufacture of penicillin: in Can- ada, and 1,000 tons of. whey pow-' der into'poultry and livestock feeds. The department quotes penicillin mauufacturdrs: as saying That with- out increased supplies of milk sugar,' for the:culture in, which. pent- ..cillin .mould . is grown the produc= tion., would not have reached its present--'peak.:"Lt .is estimated that 1045 production of this drug may . require over 60 tons °a' month.. v.,i t r After payment of inferest due to the public and' to they govcrnntettt, - the Canadian Nation l Railway System will be able to 'remit a 1044' cash ,surplus to the treasury, R. C. Vaughan, the president, says in his annual review. ' With only a slight increase . in equipment, the system. ca rried twice the alnpunt of freight and express carried in pre-war years, and four times the number of passengers: IlrOU CIiECKED 1111 int limey Back Mone Bac 111 or k Y For quick relief from itching caused by eczema, athlete's foot: scabies, pimples and others tching conditions. use mire, cooling, medicated, liquid D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Greaseless and stainless. Soothes, comforts and quick! calms intense for 0. ID. D. miner. RIPyTIOdruggist f li di es MONTHLY 't io re eve. sir $ of MONTH Y1 Fema 1e-Woakn ss'. � e Lydia. E, Plpkhani'§,Vegetable. Cont Pound is made especiaily'for women to help relieve ; -periodic pain. with weak, norvbus,, tired, trr£table-feel- ings—due to functlonal.monthty' disturbances. Plnkham's Compound helps_ nature and that's the kind of medicine to buys Follow label directions, Worth tryingl LYDIA E. PiNKHAM'S coMPe^uno 'FL.YIN.G WINDMILLS' FOR Tk1E ARM Quantity production of "flying windmills" for the U. S. Army is now under way at Nash-Kelvinator's Detroit, Mich,, plant. The ' unusual photo above dhows a trio of the R -e helicopters during , demonstration for military observersand, industry officials. at the plant. airport. , New Year's Toast Now, then, let's couple the Fu: tore' of England with the past of England. The glories and victories and triumphs that are over, and the sorrows that are over,. too. Let's drink to our sons who made ., part of the pattern and to our hearts that died with them, Let's drink to the spirit of gallantry and courage that made a strange Heav- en. out of unbelievable Hell, and let's drink to the hope that one day this country of ours, which.tt9e love so: much, will find dignity and greatness and peace again. • —New Year's Toast from Cavalcade by Noel Coward. Scrap iron front battle areas is being salvaged by Allied troops in huge quantities. They'li Walk •Soldiers. who get seasick crossing the Atlantic have .formed a new - organization. It . is: "The Associ- ation of Americans Who Don't Want to Go Horne Until They Build a Bridge Across the Atlantic So We Can Walk." 'Sign Aid Treaty • Signing of a mutual aid, agree- ment between Canada and India has been announced. The supplies to be provided by Canada, it wad • disclosed, consist' chiefly of auto - votive equipment for the Indian Army. Russia's population of 193 Mil- lions consists off nearly 200 differ- ent nationalities. Special notice ABOUT COLDS Now, when colds strike, relieve miseriesRobthwithat home:proyed Vick, Vapo ACTS2WAY$ AToCFee It PENETRATES toupper bronchial'. tubes with soothing medicinal vapors. It STIMULATES chest and back ,surfaces like a warming poultice. And what's. more, 15 keeps right on worldng for hours-- even while you sloop!' Just rub throat, chest and back with good old Vioks VapoRtib at bedtime. VapoRub goes to Work Instantly to relieve coughing spasms, ease muscular soreness. or tightness. It invites restful, comforting sleep. And• often by .morning,most"of the misery is gone. Try VapoRub•s epeeist 2 -way action tonlghtt When a cold strikes, be sure you 11861 lilac - tested Vicks 'VapoRub: VOICE OF' 0 C THE PRESSE MODERN WITCHES, Folks Who used to make strange predictions about the future were burned' as witches. Now they be- come columnists: for newspapers. -- Brandon $un. • TOO MUCH An optimist is a man who expects a home atmosphere in a hotel and hotel service at home. —. Wall Street Journal. LAWS FOR OTHERS The reason. `why •thereare so many laws is that most .of them were made for"the other fellow." — Kitchener Record, "COOTIES" "Strange Little Things' Stick to Memory at the Front." Last war, they stuck to.shirts. — Windsor Star. RA IV 0111(2165'. 100 CHICKS FREE WITH EVERY ()EWER OF 100 PUL- let ULlet chicks, we give 1110 free chicks (our choiceLeghorn pullets. $21,05 per 100, barred Rock pul- lets 01096 per 100. White Rock Pullets $24:95 per 100, Brown log - born Pultete 024.98 per 100. All chicks sold backed by high egg 7 Pedigreed bucelf boolcs D. Garn 100 70 live delivery, Itent Hatch- ery. Chnthatn, Ontario, DANISH BROWN L'EGHORNS 251X- ed 20 cents. Pullets 35e, Barred Rocks mixed 141661. :Pullets 2561. Largo English White Leghorn mixed 12e, Pullets 26c, All stock blond tested bred to lay and high (Manly. (ochrane's Pou1try Farm, R[dgetown, Ontario. 83.00 ROOKS YOUR 010DE11 ORDER YOUR 1946 CHICKS NOW, and - not be disappointed. Ali chicks are from guaranteed test- ed stock, and from 26 oz. eggs or better. Barred Rooks mixed 912.00 per 100.''White Leghorns' mined $11.00 per 100, Burred Roch Pullets 510.00 per 100, white Leghorn Pullets $22.00 per 100, while Rocks • mixed $16.00 Per 100, .white Rock Pullets. . 524,00 per 100, Brown-leghsrns mixed' 513.00 per 100, [frown leg - horn pullets $24.00 pet 100. We guarantee 100% live delivery, balance paid. C.O.D. Maple - City Hatchery. Chatham. Ontario. • TOP NOTCH CHICKS GIVE YOU. n liead start quicker. . with betterprofit. A chick thatis 'big and healthy.. has a handicap. Over one that is small and wealc. Ev- ery Top Notch chicle is from bloodtested Government Approved stock, assuring you chicks that are known for their quick grbwih, stamina -and high livability. Spec- ial discounts offered for Carly booking -and early delivery. You 'can purchase January hatched non -sexed White Leghorns ala low as. $11.45 per hundred, Barred Rocks 812.45. Send for catalogue and early prleetist. Also laying and ready to lay pullets for lin- mediate delivery. Top Notch Chlckerfes, Guelph, Ontario. . ORDER YOUR CHICKS NOW. AND YOU ARE GUARANTEED your chicks for next sprint, .when you want them. [Jarred Ruck • mixed 512.00. per 100, white leg - horns mixed. 511.00 per 100, Bar- red (tock Pullets 510,00 per 100, white lsghorn pullets $21.00 per 100. Heavy Breed Cuts. 55.00 per 100. Leghorn Otis, 82.00 -.per 100. All chicks hatched from 26. oz., eggs or better and from special mated Clocks.. Uaaranteed 10095 live delivery, '81.00 boons your order, b'tlance QO.D, Rainbow .Hatebery,' Chatham. Ontario. YOURLAST-CHANCE -TO ENTER the bean contest, Make $60.00 the easy' way. 33 prizes in all. Send for full.. details. Contest closes January 16th. You can also save $2.00 p r hundred •on'non-sexed chicks , $4.00 per hundred on pul- let chicks,' providing we receive l5th:'.fo rdelivery� anytime in Teti ruary. You will not only save money but youwill mince extra money with TWeddle Pcbruary hatched chicks. Great Britain . 'waits five hundred thousand cases'offresh eggs between Sep- tember 1st and .December Mat, 1045. Earlier pullets, better grown pullets is. the key to adjusted production. Twaddle Hatcheries can supply bitter laying stock and can give early delivery. 10- cubators now running. Also lay- ing and ready to lay pullets for Immediate delivery. Free cat- alogue. ue Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited Fergus, Ont. 25 PULE CHICKS Ot1R FOUNDAT1ON STOCK IS registered and pedigreed birds. Nothing better In Carisda. Order. now.' Prices for mixed baby 'ehtotcs, males and femaites: Bar- red' Rocks, 919,00 per hundred; White Leghorns, $11.00; White. Rooks, $16,00; Brown Leghorns, 513.00. P11110t prides: Burred Rocks, 519.00; White Leghorns, 522500; White' Rocks,:.,• $24.00:: Brown Leghorns, $24,00. •25 free chielts, our choice, will be given for each 200 mixed chicks 'order ed and 25 free chicks for each 100 day old pullets ordered. , Goddard Chick. . Hatchery, Bri- tannia Heights, Ontario. IT'S VERY IMPORTANT1,0070 der-:chicke now to avoid later disappointment. If you .have the enuipfnent, an early start with January -February chicks gets you into the good paying .-markets. .for poultry and eggs,' But whatever YOU want, Whenever- Sou wish delivered, order now. Bray Hatch ery, 130 John St. N., Hamilton, Ont., DYEING & CLEANING • HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning. Write to us for information: We are glad to. answer your questions, Depart- ment H, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To- ' ronto, HAIRDRESSING' LEARN. HAIRDRESSING THE . Robertson method. information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy. 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. FOR -SALE TWO CARLOADS, WELL BROKEN Draft. horses, Percherons,Bol- klahs, 4 ^to 7 years old, weighing 00 to 1700 lbs, Apply Ross E. Matlock, Box 29, Gortitz, Sa0k, ONE JET BLACK GELDING Standard Bred weighs, 1200 lbs., stands over 16 Hands, sound and right, well broken to all harness, and has a good way of moving. One Black gelding, Sire Hackney. Dant Standard Bred, weighs 1200 lbs., stands 10 hands, weighs 1200 lbs., star in forehead and two 'white hind -Fetlocks, rising .-6 years - old sound and right and well broken to all harness. This is a good classy town and $000 buys them F.O.B. Russell, Ont„ MclOs'en, Russell, Ont. REGISTERED 'G'REAT 'DANE black mashed golden fawn pup- pies, otpihll,lines. tao Percy champion blood ari FOR S AL'E—BROOICNILL ELDOR ado, an outstanding son of fam- ous Supremo General whose daughters sold eo well to Fore- most Farms, Eldorado's Dam Hillsdale Dora, graded excellent Toronto Grund Champion several records.Etdorado's daughters uni- form typy excellent producers. Charles Behul, Glanford. Station. COCKER SPANIELS, CIIOTCE. PUP- pies, blacks,' reds, part) .colored, champion blood lines' Shipped on approval. Dr. Watson, , Holvick, Rue. 731IOWN FERRETS, SUIRD HUNT- ers, young males 10.00, young :females 56.00, yearlings $7,00. Armstrong: Bros., R.R.". 1, Perna, HANDY r GIFT,' PLASTIC CIGAR- ette case, assorted color, in fancy' b o x, -nosta •e Included 51.25, quantity'- limited, J. E. Beaune- dour, 4557 Pnptnesu Ave.,' Mon- treal. COMPLETE SAWMILL, 10 TO 16 thousandcapacity, ready to. go,, Steam tractor, power -edger, nut - off, etc. Will consider part cash, part lumber.. Contact H. V. Sim - ,merman, Manager, at Pinewood, Ontario, or write Pennington, Lumber -Co. (Canada) Ltd.,, Birn- amwood, .Wisconsin," 100 ACRES. CLAY LOAM,LEVEL,. 16 ,ores, bush, good drainage, two. storey brick house, 2 barns, good. .'water and roads, ':3' miles from West • Lorne. Coo,. market for cash crops. Price 80,5(10. Discou'nt,. for cash. - Box 190,. 73 Adelaide St. W., Toronto Pion -.SALE, IN -VILLAGE 01r Zephyr, shop - with - or without blacksmith, tinsmith, carpenter,. mason and woodwork tools; also house and I'ot with hydro close to school and'church,,good water. Apply to'Jas. M. Meyer, Zephyr, ,Box 39, Out. CHOPPING' MILL :EXCELLENT business, wonderful .,water power, good tia3t2r7s investigation. pox sale; stand 3Ade- laWe W., Toronto. SNOW PLOUGH, V TYPE WITH side wing, mounted on Whits Truck. Richter Truck & Auto Parts, 874 Wellington St. Mon- tree!, Que ELECTRIO MOTORS NEW, USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; belts, pul- leys- 6rusbes. Allen Electric Com- pany Ltd., 2326 Dor Perin .St:,."To- ronto. PROFESSIONAL LETTERTNGi, P14(J)'ESSIONAL LETTERING ON' Honour nous, Old English 10a per Mame, retouched .Ila. The Pen Artist, 20 Wentworth South, Ham- ilton. ` • MEDICAL BAUMEEI{A FOOT' BALE debtroye offensive odor instantly; 45c bottle. Ottawa agent, .Denman Drug Store, Ottewa. MEDICAL IT'S EXCELLENT, REAL RESULTS after taking Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic, Pain hnd Neuritis. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1,00, STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause et 111 -health to humans, an ages. No one im- . mune!.. Why trot find• out 1t this Is your trouble? Interesting par- ticulars -Freer Write Mulveney's Remedies, Specialists. Toronto - 3. PEOPLE ARW 'TALKING Al3OUT the good results .Prom taking • Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pal us and Neuritis. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa, Post- paid $L00. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FRED A. BODDINGTON. BUYS, sells, exchanges musical fnstru merits, 111 Church, Toronto 2. FARMS FOR SALE 100 ACRES GRENVILLE COUNTY, County road. Good well, build- ings,. Iron .root's, concrete stable floors.' Immediate possession. Box 303, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN BE "A htAIRDR6SSER JOIN. CANADAdresa'S LE,A OI NO SCHOOL Great Opportunity, Learn Hair - t ng Pleasant" dignifiedprofession, good wages, thousands succeestui. Marvel graduates. Amer -lea's greatest sys- tem. Must rated catalogue. free.. Write or call- - MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 058 BLOOR W, TORONTO Branches: 44 Ring St. Hamilton, & 74 Wenn Street. Ottawa. (wren TO; INVENTORS, AN OFFER ,TO EVERY INVENTOR List of Inventionsandfull infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay CO., Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 .Sank Street, Ottawa, Canada. PA'T'ENTS FETFIERSTONHA UGH & COMPANY Patent. Solicitors. Established - 1890; 14 I0tng, Went, Toronto.' Booklet of Information on re- quest.. PERSONAL "ELI J A H l' 1161 1 11y. az 011RE Christ," wonderful book free. Megiddo Weston, Rochester 12,' TME . TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films pieperly developed and • printed 6 OR 8 10X1080 RE ROLLS 25e REPRINTS 1 ror 25c FINEST ENLARGING SEltt'1CD You may not get all the films you want qualityhn year, but. you can get all e and service you desire;. by eending your flims to f0i1'p1RIA1, .PHOTO Se':It410E Station J. Toronto I1141.I' 'WANTED ' WANTED, CAPABLE MARRIED man to '.assist on progressive poultry breeding form and - ery Six other employees, Ex- perience not essential but must like poultry wont.` Single- man .also eceded. Near Rural lton. Wages include new house,.-. elec. trieity. Write giving reference, experience,' wages required -first tetter. Apply The Fisher. Orcle. cards, Freeman, Ont ' HOUSEKEEPER FOR FARM 1.10M11 Niagara district. Two adults. Light work, good wages, gener- ous time off. F. Houser, Camp- den, Ontario, - WANTED) HAY & STRAW WANTED '135 RAiL• OR TRUCK, Kellen Feed & Seed Co., 780 Don- ercourt Road, Toronto. - BASSWOOD LOGS Oh VENEER quality, Will take a small' per- • tentage - of elm,- The Oakville Bastcet Co, Limited, Oakville, Ont. ISSUE 2-1945