HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1945-01-11, Page 2How Can l?
By Anne Ashley
Q. How Can I iron curtains so
that there will. be no crease in the.
A. Fold the curtain 'lengthwise
with the selvage to the right, with-
in about an inch of , the center,
being, careful to keep the selvage
straight. Unfold and iron without
stretching the two inches, in the
center which were omitted- when
the curtain was folded. This ..will
make the curtain look like new,
there- will be no fold in the center,
and it will. hang perfectly.
Q. Bow tan I get rid of crick-
ets? '.
A,Put cucumber .peeling,' cut
into. thin strips, on the floor at.
night near their haunts.
Q. How can I remove indelible
pencil marks from' fabrics?
A. Soak the fabric in denatured
alcohol and then launder,
Q. How can I remedy a dry skin?
A. Cleanse the face night and
morning with a good . cold cream `.
instead of using soap and water.
This will keep the skin soft, and: no
trouble will be experienced . in
e t making the powder adhere to the
face. '
Q. How can I remove discolor-
ations from aluminum: ware?
A. Fill the vessel with a cold
weak solution` of vinegar and wat-
er, about 1 tablespoonful of vine-
gar to a quart of water, bring ,slow-
ly to a boil, and let boil five min-
REX G E M it
I The Great BREEDANG Aid
$INCEUf/N. Aw*otl
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Look out for Trouble.
11 your back aches or 11 you have.
disturbed sleep. burning or, smarting, look
out for trouble, 1`hiacondition is a sure
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ridding your, blood of poisonous acids
and wastes. When the kidneys slow up,
wastes io[lect. Backache, dizzy spells,
yuffy,eyesand rheumatic pains may follow.
Your kidneys need help—and there fa a
terve-tried, proven way to help them
known as GOLD MEDAL Haarlem 011
Capsules. These Capsules containcare-
fuily measured quantities of that widely
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will find their action fast and effective.
Be sure you get GOLD MEDAL Haarlem
011 Capsules, the genuine and original
Dutch Drops—packed in Canada. Get a
40c package from your druggist. it
ISSUE 2-1945
• January 14
Matthew '3 :13.,--4:11.
Golden Text•—Thou shalt wor
ship the Lord thy God, and him
only shah thou serve. Matthew
John the Baptist had been, for
sometime preaching in the wilder-
ness calling upon the people to re-
pent and: be baptized. Here it was
that, -Jesus emerged from his prie
tate life to commence his public
ministry. John, reGognizipg Jesus
as the Son of God, hesitated in
baptizing him. However, Jesus said
"Suffer it to be so now for thus it
becometh us to fulfill all righteous-
ness." •
Coming up out of the water fol
lowing his baptism, .the heavens
opened unto Jesus, and the Holy
Spirit descended upon • him in the
form.of a -dove. For several hund-
red years no prophet front God had
visited Israel, but here God spoke
in approval of Jesus as His son,
in whom He -was welt ,pleased.
• First Temptation
• After being filled with the spirit
Jesus was led out into the wilder -
Imes' to. be tempted ' of the devil.
The devil was not a myth as some.
would have us imagine,' but a per-
sonal being, seeking to overcome
the Son of God. Jesus was Inman
in body, and' following forty days
,.of fasting we can understand how
the bodily resistance would be low-
ered, and the temptation to yield
to the desires of the flesh multi-
plied. Satan was aware of his con-
dition, and he .first sought 1o, win
-Jesus by, urging him' to use .his
power as the Son of Gado to turn
the stones into bread. With scrip-
ture Jesus gave him no room for
argument. "Man shall not live by
bread alone, but by every word
that proccedeth out of the mouth
of God."
Satan continued in his tempta-
tion of the Lord' Jesus, .and took
him up to, the temple. where from
a high position he urged the Say-
' -lour to cast himself down to test
his power as Lord. The .devil as
he rotten does used scripture. "He
shall give his angels- charge con-
cerning thee: end' in. their hands
• they shall bear thee up, lest at any
,time thou dash thy foot against a -
stone,' ,Agem • the Lord- replies
with scripture, "It is written thou
shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.':
Third Temptation
Even after two rebukes the devil
tempted the Lord a third time, of-
fering him the glories of this world
if he would but fall down and
worship him. Many have sold their
souls for a little of this world's
glory but Jesus had his eyes on the
task he came into the world to do;
to save the people from their sins.
He commands satan to get hence
"For it is written thou shalt .wor-
ship the Lord thy God and him
only shalt thou serve."
After his 'third victory over sa-
tan, we are told that angels carne
and ministered unto' him. It is not
stated in What way they minister-
, ed, but probably with food and
comfort. May we profit by this
record of our Lord's encounter with
the devil, and be prepared fo fight
hint with the Sword of the Spirit
(GtTs Word) when he seeks to
tempt us. For thou shalt worship
the Lord thy God, and hint only
shalt thou_ serve. •
Slang Is Taking
Place Of English
A correspondent writes in to em-
phasize that the word is spelled
Y-E-S—not "Yeah", or "Yah", or:,
"Yee,' or "Sure", or "You bet", -or
The point is well -taken. . Slang'
and corruption •are rapidly taking
the place of English as we used to.
know it. The comics and 'not Web-
ster or. the New Oxford Dictionary,
arc becoming our nut y. We`
say "nuttin" and "sompin". We
feel "good", when we mean "well",
and we often declare we "are do-
ing good", when we feel no charit-
able sentiments whatever. We run
into Yiddish when we answer a
question by saying. "You telling
nae?" and into Polish when we an-
swer "S'detso?"
What about a campaign` to re-
store the well of English undefiled..
to its former purity?'
This little Dutch lad stands before shattered house in his liberated;
home town in Holland. An infant' when Nazis invaded country in
1940, boy has known only oppression and war, but he smiles as
new day dawns for Holland.
New General—Use
Light Plane Tested
• Lockheed Aircraft, pioneer build
er of transports and warplanes, is
flying a test prototype of an all-
metal, two -control light plane po-
wered by a two-cycle engine, de-
signed for general appeal, says
Newsweek.. Itflies at more than <e
100 miles• an hour, but because of
wing flaps and other safety fea-
tures, it can be slowed . materially
in bad weather without stalling:
Company executives believe that
the selling price on 'a quantity ba-
sis may
a-sis.may be brought down. to $1,0,00.
.-This is the figure they are shooting
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the Jade God
u ce u. v0 v v .., r Kr
"make you, you paid imposter!"
* * *
But to reach hint through that
crowd of fashionables,-to get him
away from Pam, . seemed for a
Landon was greeted by friends and
acquaintances. One woinan asked
for Teddy Banks, another—having
heard that the fine looking 'strang-
er was also a cousin of Landon's—
asked to have Mark brought to her
"He's so interesting," she said;
"se unusual!"
.Landon was in a white fury when
he finally got Mark at the door of
the, smoking room. It vers beyond
the 'conservatory and the departing
guests had drifted out of it. The
room was empty save for the dis-
solving clouca of cigarette smoke.
Landon beckoned to Mark.
"A word with you!" he said
lsbersely, closing the door; Ile was
pale with rage.
Mark stood easily, facing him;
there was. a splendid vigor about
him that Landon. had not seen in
his poor, rough and ready suit of
clothes. It could not be said that
clothes made the man, but the man
'shone radiantly through the clothes,
there was something about hint—
in Allis..house-broken, scented at-
mosphere—splendidly, heathenish-
ly alive. He smiled at ' Archie's
* * *
"You've lost," he said casually;
"I'in asked ,ate _ dine."
"I know it," replied Landon
fiercely, "but you won't -you'll go
"Better take your defeat more
calmly," counselled Mertz; "you're
not a good sport."
Landon gasped with anger. "I've
watched you," he said thickly;
"you've trespassed here—you've
dared too • much. Now, you'll get
Mark's eyes met his mockingly;
for a moment their glances ground
on each other like crossing steels,
then he laughed.
"Listen—I've won anti I'll stay
the dinner was the acid test, you
know. Do you think they'd lik
you for trying to cheat them? I
you drive me out, I'll tell tliem
what you did—we'll go together."
Landon • whitened yet more,
"You've got to go," he raged; "I'll
Mark saeutfg around in pagan
fury; he seized taint and shook
him. Landon was big, but in the
other's hands he might have been
a recd. Svfark threw him aside like
a helpless puppy; then he slapped
the money, five hundred dollars,
down on the' table.
"Take it, there's the price; it's
infamous, unthinkable; I repud-
iate it! I'll stay because I'm asked;
because 1 will! Go out' there and
tell your story—if she believes it
Mfrs. Lynn will show ' you the
Landon 'knew it; lie reeled ain-
slcadily on his feet; be sew stars,
Isis face was ghastly. He struck
marked attention, studied him, too,
Landon thought, as if he searched
his memory for that face,
As for Pam, she sat ' next to
Mark and loolced up at aria' with
wide, .fascinated eyes. Ile` was '•s°
different," that was what all the''
women thought. Mrs. Lynn, who,
liked a new lion first at her table,
smiled across at Archie Landon,
Her look said plainly: "Thank you;
he's delightful!" And Archie gnaw-
ed again upon the bone of his
wrath: How to get him out -that
was the question. Mark, knowing
it, threw him, once in a,_ while, a
dare -devil loolc But Mark himself
was not ashappy as he looked.-
ooked:The atmosphere of the; plate was
like • a ` hot -house, fragrant and
warm—the glow of shaded lights-
the soft voices of the women. -
Abruptly arose the; vision of prison
fare -fifteen years of it. Thedare-
deviltry that had made', him fling
defiance at. Landon melted in
Pane's shining glance. What right
had be, an ex -convict, to sit be-
side her, to touch her hand, to
look into her eyes? A kind of fever
seized him; once or twice it was
in his mind to rise and shout the
truth at them. ,Then Burleson held
him from it—one of the men who
had helped send him to prison;
who, no doubt, like Fosdick, be-
lieved him guilty. Covertly, now he
studied •hilar; a gray face, a worn
old Wean, grown mightily' prosper-
ous, but not happy; lee had. lost
his wife and three sons; riches
alone weighed upon hint. Did he
ever think of the boy he had help-
ed send. to . prison? It gave Mark
a kind, of irhpish satisfaction to sit
at his table, only ,he wanted to
shout his name at him—to defy
him. Then Mrs.' Lynn addressed
him, smilingly.
"Mr. I3yram, I want to ask you
about Stella Byram's wedding.
Were you there by any chance?"
(To Be Continued)
"What a Christmas
Present"! His Wife
"Holy Smokes!" yelled Sgt. Jo-
seph Waldt, "What a Christmas
The "present" was his wife from
Baltimore, Md.,- She walked into
his hospital •room and it was the
first time he had seen her in three
Mrs. Waldt was a gift from a
grupp of Tulsa people who had
earned Joe's -story, The sergeant
had been wounded in 'France and
sent to an. Oklahoma Army hospie
tal to convalesce. His wife missed
hint in -New York and she• was a
working woman of modest means
so she copldn't follow him to Okla-
homa. So Tulsans got his wife a
plane reservation, a hotel room
and sent her a stack of $10 bills for
expetises. -A delegation met her at
the airport pinned a gardenia on
her and took her to Joe.
the money As
and flung it in
the fire, As the flame caught it AWAITING ORDERS
and the costly smoke went -up he
heard Mark's tormenting laugh.
"Tell them, '-eeou've played a •
mean trick on your ho'tess; you've
done a thing nollgentleman should
do; a thing to damn you socially;
go and tell herl You'll suffer.. I'll
stay," said he with sudden passion,
his eyes flashing their flame at
Landon, "I'll stay—and you can't
put me out—the wager's wont"
* * *
Mark Grant kept hie word. He
stayed. Inn the first flush and, ex-
ultation of his love for Pana he
would have walked through fire
to stay. But he !tad no such or---
. deal; Landon had felt his fingers
on his shoulder; the cinch of them
had left the young man's muscles
sore. He wanted no more of that.
He gnawed his rage in silence.' He
saw that he ' was trapped. If he
told the truth to get Grant out, he
would -go but himself in disgrace.
Strange to say, he had not thought
of that, he had it to digest while
he watched Mark's triumph at the
dinner. This strange 'Fellow; this
heathen with iron fists, whoever
he was, had found his tongue;; he
talked well. Not of travel and ad-
ventures, Landon noticed, but of.
life. He had a horribly lucid in-
sight; be saw through people's
motives, and he was well read. No
one could question that. He had
caught Burleson's interest the
great ,"inne usually wearied and
self-absorbed, listened to him with
Individual Devil's Food Puddings
54 cup sugar • . 1 cup , flour -
cup milk Ye teaspoon soda
2 squares, unsweetened choco- 34 teaspoon salt
late (a oz.) . . - • . • 32 cup milk .
34 cup shortening, Ye cup All -Bran a
34 cup huger tee teaspoon; vanilla extract
1 egg • 1- cup whipping cream
Combine .% cup sugar, % cup- milk and Chocolate sed cook, 'stir-
ring occasionally until thick. Cool. Blend shortening sugar and egg;
beat until light and fully. Add chocolate mixture. Sift flour with soda
and salt; add to first mixture alternately •with % up milk. Add. All -
Bran and
llBran'and vanilla. Pour into star or any fancy shaped' molds, or shglloyv
greased bakingpan and bake in `a -moderate oven (500 F.) about 40
minutes: Gut, into squares, verve with whipped -create, if desired,
Like thousands of our boys onthe
weetern front, 'this alert soldier
awaits orders before moving tank
further forward..
Heips Check Colds Quickly
You can ten cheek to cold quickly
if you follow these instruction
Just ae soots as you feel the cold come
ing on and experteneo headache, pains
in the back or limbs, soreness through
the body, take a Paradol tablet, a good
big drink of hot lemon de or ginger tee
and go to bed,
The Paradol affords' almost nettled-
iate relief froth the pains and aches and
helps you to get off to sleep. The dose
' ' may be repeated, if neceesary, accord-
ing to the directions.; If there is store -
zees of the ;throat,,gargle with two
Paradol tablets dissolved m water, Just
by Parade' the next time you have a
cold and we believe, that - you,will be
well pleased. Paradol 'does not disap- .
Dr. Chase's': Paradol
Gwendollne P. Clarke'
•._- *. •. •. *.
Well now, have you got all .those
"thank you" letters written; the
tree and all -the Christmas decor:
"tions taken down, and your New
Year resolutions made? If you have'
then you have done better than I—
but then it is only New Year's eve
with, me so • I have hardly had a
chance yet.-
.. * * *
But I have been thinking about
the new year and how 'best we can
make use of it. Don't you think we
often let these winter months slip
by without making as much use of :
them As we might? May and June,
' with all the work that early sum-
mer brings, is right with us before
we can turn around, and it some-
times finds us with jobs that could
very easily have been done on. cold
winter dyas. What about. those
housedresses and aprons, those
school dresses for theekiddies, and
the light -weight underwear that
maybe we didn't have time to mend
before it was put away. It is a
great time too, for housecleaning
drawers, cupboards and closets,
isn't it? And of course, some of
you will do just as I do—put things
away so carefully you never find
them again!
And then there are letters to
write; and maybe there are friends
we have neglected . . . the new
year is a grand time to check up
on our sins of omission -and per-
haps clear up a few misunderstand-
ings. There are times'when the
best ' of us give, or take offence,
when no offence was ever intended.
I -!tad an instance of Ibis just re-
cently. A few months ago when I
was in Toronto I•phoned a friend
with whom I correspond—not fre-
quently .but enough to keep us in
touch with one another. She ans-
wered my phone call that day, and
her voice just about froze ane...
"'Well," I thought, "so that's that!"
But at Christmas time I got a let-
ter—my friend had been in a bad
way for months'—nervous break-
dow3n, I imagine, and she said "I'tr
is taking me' quite awhile to Bath -a
er up the broken threads—especial-
ly those of friendship—will you
write and let us renew :our friend- -
ship even if we cannot see each
other very often."
That letter has already been ans-
veered but had my friend not writ-
ten how easily we could have drift-
ed further and still 'further apart.
Modern -Etiquette
By Roberta Lee ,
1. Is it necessary for a bride-to-
be to write notes of thanks when
a shower is given in her honor and
she thanks each one who presents
her with a gift?
, 2. If a salad fork or a dessert
fork is the only silver on the .table,
where should it be placed?
1. Is it in good taste for a man
of limited income to give extrava-
gant tips?,
4. Is it obligatory for a guest to
speak to herhostess before leaving
a reception?
5. If- the employer in a large, of-
fice is so be married, should are
employee give him an individual
gift? ,
t a .
1 is invited o If ,a person
house warming is he supposed to.
spend ,the night?
\ Answers
y, No,S A verbal • "titanic you" is
sufficient,blit genuine apprecia-
tion must'' be shoien, and, the girl
-must'be very tactful in showing no
partiality to, enyy certain gifts, pay-
ing less attention - to others. 2. To
the,riglttof the plate. 3 Not this
is vulgar, particularly' if he makes
a display of it to. impress his com-"
Nations. 4, Yes, ,she should eiepress
appreciation of ,the pleasure she has
had, unless- it is a very large af- -
fair and the hostess is- elsgaged in"''
receiving orentertainingother
guests. 5. It. would be better to
suggest to other employees that .
a contribution be given for'the pur-
chase of one gift from all. 6, Not
`unless he has a definite 'invitation
to do so.
Seal Brenner Pass
Allied air inteligence officers
said last week -end that they are,
reasonably certain that allied
bombs have sealed off the.'Brenner
pass between Germany; and Italy.'
to Nazi military trains.
* *
Life is too short for misunder-
standings; too fleeting for us to
taut Ttcete&
all the children, in
no time at all! They're knitted on
two needles in a straight piece.
Well -fitting, in sport yarn.
Make gay stripes out of scrap
wool. Very easy to knit. Pattern
579 contains directions for mittens
in sizes 4, 6, 8 and 10.
Send twenty cents in coins
(stamps cannot be adcepted) for
this pattern to Wilson Needlecraft,
Dept, Room 421, 73 Adelaide St.
West, Toronto. Print plainly pat-
tern number yo,ur frame and ad-
dress. -
bear a grudge for fancied wrongs.
In our friendships, in our family
circle, and in our social life,
couldn't we learn to be ' a little
more tolerant? We cannot all think
Alike—it' would be a dull world if
we did—but we can at least recog-
nise the other ,person's right to
differ from us without getting
peeved about it. So, in this new
year, wouldn't it 'be a good idea
to think, not so much about what
it may hold in store for . us but
rather of what we have in store for
it, The former is beyond our con-
trol; the latter is something else
Incidentally we might learn to
accept present conditions with a
good grace. Do you know I heard
of one person who sentan order
to a mail=order house for over one
hundred dollars worth of goods.
The order when filled amounted to
a little over seven -fifty!
Bogus B. B. C.
The Germans are operating a
"bogus B. B. C." on their counter-
offensive sector of the Western
Front, radiocasting "doctored"
news bulletins in English, it was
disclosed recently..
Here's triple -acting
'.� speedy relief from
DON'T be miserable. Don't suffer
another minute from muscular ache
or pain. To get quick relief, all you
need do in many cases; is take a fast-
astacting Instantine tablet. Instantine
goes to work immediately—acting in
three ways to give you comfort:
7; Speedily eases pain.
2. Prolongs relief from pain.
3. Reduces' depressed' feeling."
Gives mild, stimulating "lift."
And, you'll find Instantine'sfastaction
equally effective in relieving the dis-
comfort which often comes with a
cold or sore throat. All drugstores have
Instantine. 12 tablets 25t1.
a product of The Buyer Co., Ltd.,
Accept. This Generous Offer!
,Any drug store will return. your
money, if one bottle of nu -Ma does
not give you relief from rheumatic.
aches and pains sore, eve ellen
Painful Joints. -o Matter
how long
you have suffered, you must get re-
lief or "no pay,' Tay Ru -Iia and
be convinced. Accept this: generous
offer now. -
gives quint relief to back
pains, caused by drains e, exposure to cold.
preventing rheumatic et muscular lumbago
complications One application gives results
Ma 08155565 rang, nur Ps .1s it *nem