HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-01-11, Page 1No G131 -Ot YEARCLINTON oxygiR1cc:1
. '' ''' • :'
Omit 'of .,eilVera'a, .. frAT
, .,:.• , ;,.., ., , „ .
iseautifullY:, lee'4'nc d_ . . • - ',
' • ,, ' ,. ' ' • ,' - '; of saitisf4,sliarita :,411 • .
awing ,you Oiave
lwa s u,.., , .. t yo
,. ,.eeexed the 'be
;Tile! iia 'uo.b... pYaaibie value in , any, thIng You' 3), /3Y:
assurance 'Oben' you buy
Come 1i.ndlet us -thew you, the inanyuseful artioleS you may
ehoose ' • t •,..
Stocktaking reveals innum-
erable short lengths of Materials
which you can 'possibly use to
good advantage.
Come in and look them over,
They are.greatly reduced in price
to clear.
They are comprised of--
and atheraterials
The. january meeting of ;Clinton
Red,Cross Society.was held en N'ov
211-, in the council chambers witb,
the president, Mrs, A. Oakes,
in the chair. he attendance at this
meeting, was very encouraging.. Now
that We have started a New , Year
we watild ask everY one. tb
your to double"their eforts and help
make1945 •a banner year.
,Olinton's next Mobile Blood Donor
Clinic is scheduled 'for Thursday,
jarruarty 25th. With your help, we,
could make this a record clinic.
The fallowing reports were re-
Quilts,. 20' larger 4 crib.
Cl•ntier: 10 girls pinafore dredges,
1 lady7s skirt, 1„- infant' t sleeping
bag, 1 girls coat, 1 man's bed jacket,
1 girls jumper and blouse, 1 lady's
nightingale: -
S. S. No..4: 10 girls pinafore
Hohnesville: 20 girls pinafore
dresses, 30 boys undervests.
,Surnmerhill: 5 girls pantie dresses.
Portershill: 35 girls blouses.
Tucltersmith: 10 Infants Sleeping
bags. A total of 126 articles.
A fine new selection Of Pierce Parashock
Watches for men. Although delayed many weeks
our shipment has finally arrived safely, and we aid
pleased to tell jou we have many smart models for
you to choose. frord. They are all waterproof, non-
magnetic, shockproof, and have luminous dials
and hands. Several have large sweep -second hands
if desired. Dials in different colours and cases .all
have stainless steel backs. 15 jewel movements,
$24.75 and $27.75. All watches are subject to Govt.
Tax. A goo.d watch' is a good investment. Make
your selection early.
Counters for Finer Jewellery for Over Half a
Century in Huron County
• Knitting 'Report
Girls Aux. 2 navy T. N. sweaters,
2 pr. A. F. socks, 1 pr. grey gloves,
1 pr.service socks.,
S. S. No. 4: .2 prs. grey gloves, 1
pr. double mitts, 1 pr. navy socks, 2
pr. H. C."anitts, 1 lady's sweater
Goderich Twp. .South; End: 2 ladies
sweaters,- 2 pr. H. C. mitts, ' 1 lir.
grey gloves 4 khaki H. N. sweaters,
Porter's Hill: 5 ladies sweaters, 5
pr. khaki gloves, 5 pr. H. 0, mitts, 3
.,he 1945
nienrker5,",4'aVitlr' iU3a4glera...9r
Councillor tP,,,liatitlidit 7, present.•
All rneatb4i''..hWAU 54'..;•.ta, 'VW
taken,:the ',,,ratir ;344.410
navy scarves. •
Holmesville: 3 prs. H. C. mitts
1 pr. navy mitts.
Summerhill: 7 prs. mitts, 8 prs.
A. F. socks, 1( prs. gloves, pr.
navy socks. .
London- Rd.: 5 prs. double mitts,
1 khaki H. N. seater.
Clinton Branch: 6 pr. mitts, 3 pr,
IL C. mitts, 7 navy N. sweaters',"
7 navy scarves, '7 pr. grey gloves, 7
pr. khaki gloves, 4 pr. ,A. F. gloves,
5 pr. khaki socks, 3 pr. navy socks,
14 pr,,grey socks, 10 khaki swearers,
.1 lady's 'sweater, 1 Child's sweater.
R. C. A. F.: Baby articles, 6 baby
sweaters, 10 bonnets, 5 pr. bootees.
Stitch and Chat Club: 3 baby jaC.•
kett, 4 bootees, 10 bonnets. A total
of 183 articles.
The annualLIZeport will appear in
next week's
Short Courses
Owing to the -bad .weather we have
been forced to cancel the first seven
courses, but hope to run them) after
we have completed the other sched-
Unless, there is adverse .weather
the remaining part of this week,
we will be starting next Monday
here at Clinton.
bi'.ballot elect',"
t .striltine7-cenkt
ed • inc the, .eleetie77-1.9
8 d'clect:in
All.inPribei'd•'.171'. 4
evening arieetm,g,,,--its„
M A ale*
grei?,&:• 0'4
LQTh t Id
F. W-. Lawrenee,Tedar
ses7', Statit sion. "Ilrlat's°45gri'l7'cielltedn two
passages 4v.goKipitireNXid; followed
with a few etelr,ierioeoli, enot 'fitting
rernarks .and4irraSrecrter''; guidance
for those in-,eliar'0/.04116
affairs arid fo4!King::#1,4",•„Eini/ire,
Trewartha---Ntitts tliatr.COariell
extend 'to ' 1•41,0t.rgtooffe4e4,,,:,.o.0
thanks. • and ",aPPZeal#liiUler.:''. Us
presence, and .rada15ertitioll,..tat-thl4,'
the inaugural oleetini5gelf,,104$.' '
I ' '.'45tt','''' ', ..• .:
Mayor Agnew:!.Wele aciti.,tlie; new
members. of Coinacil a '4 rad to.
the splendid co-oVerstir, . Winenr-
bers during 1944n " ::,,iiiittned
some of the tyorli-,W , ., e 'arit'et,
pated might be.64-..chiiitig
1945. 'Arliong " other 1, ',rejects; he
stressed, at far a '.thelindget•would
allow, street iiflroiflii1t, ;Tem'
Hall repairs an "" deaoration, „Com-
p -fete re -assess -meat - 'Plias; ' 1a71 for
future . addition -.to.. ther'.,Publid.' Hos-
pital, a town garbage cialleCtieri; and.
eonsideraticin for futurdAilant- for a
Mausoleum. "..2:',.; - .•.."7,7,....- V-. - • ,
The, Clerk waS:Mallecil-npOir:tili read
thereport of , the Strilting.,Com-
mittee. , ..' ,..
,Falconer -Butler .- ''Tltat...the" im-
part of striking eoininittee. as -read
be adopted. • ,f,.,, i „:',•'],e,:: -
shDawue atao M.
or.e.suig,naciatioaniir naltiatti:o.,Tii,
office waereceived from 'Dr. F. G.
Thompson. l".• ''.-- ' -.;.-", ',
e"Putler-Falcorthr -,,71$141,the : ap-
plication of 177r.F, G. T.thiaripSon a_s
Medical Officer :ef Health'. be receiv-
ed and dealt With at neXt'''.'regular
meeting.' ,7", ., ,
Communications Concerning Taxi
License from?' Reg ,Shiley and, -the
Transit Central Office. ,Avere!eatl.
and, tabled fel. '. furthee-informatiorr
pending. , ' ., „i ,„,-,1"4-•-••••• .... •
TrewarthNtt,:;fikat 'the' re-
quest.of, Well Sr garagett: Mrect a
0fin1 meetin for 1944 on u4,:1:.
fifty five yeais of 5c�iOQI wosk On
Corleated ,tip" ivi,oe'clity,;,‘Tanw ,
Sb1\ LoYtiur label todto side'g,!th, "tel,"
LARtL READ? - The of Education hal,,
s th day that Mr.
Le Ian A ilia 'started to teach.
g rY
, •
regular me4ing of the 'LadieS
Legitar Auitillary II. Was lield, -in the
riday 'night.
new areml3m.,
• Alte-r 'the peetiii: a social 'half
honr was' enjoyed by ever on
, • . c'
Legipri 'W.1°,,,,,,,,Inveated as a:
'• • ,
• '
' Mentioned in Dispatches
The ',name. of Cpl. P,,11. Gunn,
Was, contained:lit' d...„list.,,of -'arientlens
in despatthes. and Oa-
tinguisheO -service the 'Canadian
Army Overseas issued ' recently by
defense headquarters in Ottawa.
L. 'Cpl. Percy Gunn was well-,
;kriewn here as he worked inthe
Richmond, Hosiery Mill for a -nurnber
of years. He also rebrgitnized the
Cubs iri Clinton, and was keenly
interested' Scout work:
If we are forced to cancel the
Courses again, we will put the an.,
nouncement ever OKNX.
Goderich, Clinton, January 15, 16.
Hullett, Londesboro, Jan. 16, 17.
McKillop Winthrop, Jan. 17, 18
Tuekersmith, Seaforth, Jail'. 18, 19
Usborne, Eliinvale, Jan. 22, 23.
Stephen, Crediton, Jan. 23, 24
Hay, Zurich, Jan. 24, 25-'
Stanley, Varna, Jan. 25, 26.
Happy Christmas Spent At
Highw' ay - -Sign from garage, be
granted. •
TiW- Municipal '4eatid4k4er,t_an4,
and Kennedy solicitors ,.,,and agents
for our town maniac:iv the propos-
ed sewerage system, was. preserited
at, this 'meeting. ,
Brown-,-Mellurray - That Coun-
cil approve the payment a the ac-
count of Maelronald and Kennedy:
Toronto agents -fpr our town 'solici-
tor re the Sewerage system in the
sum of 303.79 as "submitted.
By-law No. 1 for 1945, a by-law
authorizing,. the rrowing Up to
$30,000. was read first, second, third
time and passed.
,FalconerButler. That the
charge*for weighing, at our stock
scale be as followit Bulls, 25c; cat-
tle, 10c per head; lidgs, 1 hog 1.0e
additional hogs, 5c poi head, defeat-
ed by amendment
Nott--Trewartha That we leave
conditions at sealed. the same.
Councillor 'Butler ineved adjourn-
ment. '
Huron County Homo
Christmas' 1944 was a very Happy
Dayfor each and all of the hundred
inmates of the Huron County Home
at Clinton. '
Twenty-one 8, 9'and 10 pound
Juvenile Hockey 'Schedule
Clinton at Exeter Jan. 9
Seaforth at Goderich, Jan 11
Exeter at Clinton, .Jan 12 _.
Clinton at Seaforth, J,an-16'
Goderich'at Exeter, Jar 16
Exeter at Goderich, Tan 18
Seaforth at Clinton;' Jan '19
Exeter at Seaforth,. Jan 23'
"Goderich at•Clinton, Jan. 28
Clinton at Gorier:eh, an 25 • • •
Seaforth at Exeter,. Jan 2,6
Goderieh at .Seaforth, Jan 30
Clinton at Exeter, Ian 30.
Seafortit at .Goderich, Feb. 1
Exeter at -Clinton,' Feb. 2
Clinton at Seaforth "Feb. 6 '
Goderieh at. Enteter,, Feb. 6
Exeter at GOderich,. Feb, 8 .
Seaforth at Clinton,. Feb. 9 •
Exeter.4•Seatortli, Feb. 13
Clinton at Goderich, "141). 15
Seaforth at Exeter, Feb. 16 •
Goderich at .Seaforth, Feb. 29.
, ,
Mr. Harold Lawson Was- engaged
as the, new seereterYr•treaelrrer, of
the 'Board' of E,direcition, ',..•
Advahce3d Airfie141ri,...111611411.4
Two Members of/ the "City of
Ottawa" TYphoon/quadion on their
first dive-bombing mission delighted
-the flight commanders with preci-
sions attackd on the railways shah-
ly east of Censchede,- near Dussel-
dorf, They were P.O. Gerald Pa
more, of Hensall, Ont,, and F, 0. -John
Wilier's, of Windsor, Ont.
chickens with all the trimming's,
graced the festive boardt and disap-
peared as if by magic. Gaily decor-
ated trees, large and small, and all
kinds of Christmas decorations wez
very much in evidence adding a very
Christmagy and colorful appearance
to the very homey _Home. Santa
Claus Was in and out for over a
week before, Christmas. Lange and
small parcels and the hundreds of
cards and letters that came pouring
in caused a lut of excitement and
plainly showed that in spite of the
war that we all pray may soon end,
friends and relatives of the imitates
do not forget them at the Christmas
season. Beautiful Christmas 'Servi-
ced in the ramming, the young girl
carol singers from St. PaaPs'Church,
Clinton. -in the theafterntion and
Christmas Radio service in the even.
ing added much to the enjoyiiient of
our, Christmas Sunday., The matron,
,Mrs. Jacob, the manager, Mr. Ervin
Jaet-kb, and staff were in. the best of
spirits, and certainly succeeded in
making it a Christmas long to be
remembered fonall who are fortun-
ate enough to be snaking their home
STREET-L,Melrlurray, Nett, Brown,
FINANCE-Trewartha, B, utler, Fel-
CEMETERY --Brown, Nett,. 'McMur-
FIRE & W4ER-Butler; Falconer,
PROPERTY Falconer,- Butler,
Shaddick • ;"
ILELIEF-Shaddiek, Falconer,,, Tre-
PARK-,Shaddlek,, Trewartha, Nott
SPECIAL -I Butler,. lqeMunay,
BY-LAWS,-Nbtt, McMurray, Trot.'
• war -the.
-:'. Brown, '°Murray, '''ShaZdick,
--Connell "rts a whole - •
M. 0. 1.1.,1 One memberltd•be
apppinted Tily Council.
Yeans,4$ Itlf, II.
F. L. Donald Jendey of Ingersoll,
Ont., who led one.section said, "This
was Passmore's first show. He was
flying behind :ire. His bombs hit a
small ammunition dump and there
was a hell of an explosion south of
Udem. He aimed hit bombs at a
little station and siding and hit dead
Two V2s climbing up to the north
and three German jet-propelled air-
craft in the distance -were seen by
F.O. Riehard Watson, of Oba, Ont,
and F.O. 'William Dunkeld of Pontiac
Michigan, as the squadron crossed
the Rhine.
"One of the jets stuck in the sun
and shadowed - us a little while but
then disappeared towards Holland."
The Lions Club
r The Clinton, Lions Club held their
regular semi-monthly banquet at
6 p.m., on Monday evening df this
week, under the sponsorship of the
health and welfare committee, in
the Owen. Memorial Hall. Frank
Fingland, K. C., who was appointed
to act as chairman, for the program,
called upon George H. Jefferson, of
the committee in charge to supple-
ment, as speaker for the_mvening, in
P. U. C.-'4 yr. Water R. R. 2.92
P. U. C. IA yr. Water T. Hall ..2.06
P, U. C. 1/4 yr. water Fountains 3,23
P. U. C. 114 yr. R. R. rental ..15.00
P. U. C. Board Room lighting 37.15
Mrs. L. Tideswell Care of R. R. 5.00
Geo. Beattie 241/2 yds. Marboleum
• "
with..,. elt,, laid ...... .... 70.60
A. Carter Time and material for
Board Room 8.26
A. Seeley Furnace repairs L2h
J. Cree Cook Time & Mat. B. R. 57.60'
Hawkins -Hardware Small general
.hardware ' 2.30
Hugh Hawkins Furnace & Stove
Repairs ..... 6.62
Hydrant Rental
P. U. C. 1/4 yr, R. of Hydrant 531.00
Very sincere thanks are extended.
to the, Lione Clubs of Seaforth and
Clinton lir their generous contri-
bution '-orfruit-, and to Mr. Stewart
LOCAL ITEMS , covenant Bible cuss IVIlddleton for two 13ushels of apples,
lb. 33 C. Lawson has returned to The report of the Home Readers
from his office in the Rank of Mon- quarter ending Bea. 31st 'Bre follow-
ing membera have, received honcrary
tree -1 Building. Mrs. Lawaoll &Tried mention: Mesclyrnes. W. J. Nediger,
on the business while Mr, Lawson G Saville, W. IL ]Pugh - and Miss
was serving in 'the %Army. l'aiilawr B. Braraeiren, Miss S. Pow
civilian life and ;will be operating of the Gayer:ant Bible Clasa, for
ell and 1(33. and Mrs. G. Jeff&Son
Harold will be on the job now and Mr. and "Mrs. No'inan 6% Holland
and 1ra thing that comes alOng. and Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Wise.
also to 1Vliss Turnbull's choir of
1 who came tip
young gir singers
from Seaforth for the carol' services
the St d 011 t
At the Final Meeting of the 1944
Council, held on Jan, 3r6, all mem-
bers, were present except councillor
An appeal from the 'Women's
Institute for -reftuul of rental was
read and dismissed and the clerk was
directed to reply.
Mayor Agnew read a brief an.,
nouncement Vont Mr. A. litiroyitz,
the first mayor of the recently ir;,-
eorriorated city of Cornwall. '
'"Dr. J. W. Shaw, M. 0. II., itis
present at the meeting to present
Iris annual report. This was a most
comprehensive record of the. activi-
ties of the local Board of Health,
and of the M. 0. IL in particular,
and covering a period 'ef Severer
years previous and relating some of
the serious crises -of the past.
The report for'1944 was very in-
toththweateSrtataennidenatnilokf wnt:
At the conclusion of Dr. Shaw'd
report he tendered his resignation
as local M. O. H. to be effective at
the time of the regular appointment
of the officer for 1945.
The resignation of Dr. Shaw was
received with deep. regret. The mayor
the absence of Dr. W. A. Oakes. The and Councillors Trewatrtha and But-
spaa"r, aohlo the edueatiehai ler
.spoke in eon:maim with the'
years agji keep the Town a Clinton, ,a sanitary
He also stressed *the encouragement
and healthy ;place in which, to dwell.
of Lionism, through committee mem-
A. highlight of the entertainment,
featuring vocal solos, was Clarence
Denomme, boy soprano, 12 years .of
age, a student of the 7th grade,
public school, who made his debut,
followed by quartettes and duets, in-
terspersed with singsong. '
The next regular aneeting will be
held in. the form of the annual
Robbie Burns Night with, the pip-
ing in Of the haggis and a 'that, on
January 22nd, under the sponsor-
ship of a special committee."
M. McEwan Salary 65.84
A. .Seeley ',Mower rep. and gen. 9.40
Geo. F.„ -Elliott Snow' plowing 10.00
Dry Earth Closet
A. Fulford Salary . 70.00
Park •
Miss F. Cuninghame Careof Ceti,
tial flower bed . 10.00
• Fire & Water '„ •',
Win. Cook Team removing snow '
from Fire Hall 10.00,
T. Leppington removing snow from
hydrants. 2.60
Police Protection
Bruce McDougall Salary .... 83.83
D. Elliott Salary. 75.00
Moved by Reeve Falconer, seconcb,
ed by' Councillor Burbler, that 'the
report 'of the Striking committee ar;
read be adopted by Council.
G. F. Elliott Plowing streets 233.75
A. Fulford plowing walks .. 15.00
Wm. D. Wells 83 tile at .06e .7.4.98
H. Brunsdon Removing limbs 3.00
A. Seeley sign posts, drain rods
mower repairs ..... .,.... 8.10
P. Roweliff Distributing s. fence 2.80
in ay before ris mas. W. Thirtbn 1 lead sand . . 2 00
Mrs. M. E Jacob and Mr. E. Jacob , . . • ' ''' •
G M-Lavis 24 yds, gravel ..18.00
wish to thank all those Who helped "`
Streetg ing . „. •
te 'make the Christmas Season cheer-,
P.. U. C. Lighting streets ... 228,00
,,, -
ful for the boys ,and girls at the _I, perty
, HUkan Cemity Home. ' r""a
. _Written and sent in by the Boys
and ' .1 of theH nie
M. T. Corless, Salary 83.33 CPirdc-
ting Voters,' Lists 65.10, two
C. of Revision 10.00 Old Age
• Pension trans. 10.50 168.93
N. Kennedy, Salary $50.00, Divi- '
sion'Ceurt 24.00 Two Courts
of Revision 10.00 84,00
H. T. Renee Division Court Sit. 24.00
D. Elliett .Attendance tWo C. of
Revision 8.05
Co. of Huron Indigent Patient' 4.35
Postage &Stationery
Clinton News Record, Voters Lists
and general printing .... 198.15
G. R. MeEnram Postage & Sup. 8.65
A. T. Cooper Postage & Sup. ..1.40
A. Seeley Rep. Book binders Vault
combination . . .. ........ 3.00
Board of Health
Dr. J. W. Shaw, M. 0. H. Salary
Expenses ..... 165.00
News Remird - Printing $1.50
Gen. Municipal Expenses
Bell 'Pelee lone General..$7.50
Mun. World Election Sup. .. $7.67
Judge T. M. Costello - Com't of
Revision $7:50
News Record :Sewerage By-LaW
• forms, Assess, .Suppplies $61.25
Rent . , . $6100
• . Lighting P. R. 1.04 Stock Scales ,... $27.55
C 1 ting Towr: Hall .1396 Cemetery , • . $207.0C
Hockey News •
St. Paul's Church
2nd Sunday after Epiphany
10.00 a.m. Sunday School
llmo aan. Morning Service •
7.00 p.m. Evening Service
Monday Evening, Annual Vestry
meeting at 8.00 p.m.
11.00 a.m. Morning Worship Ser-
mon Subject, "The Simplicity of the
12 10 Church School.
7.00 p.m. Evening Worship. Ser-
mon .Subject. "Running td Win."
The weather around zero puts the The annual meeting of the.cort-
spark into the Hockey circle, making gregation will be held on Wednea..
ice and putting the' .snap itito the day evening January 1701.
players. The old veteran defence The January meeting of ,the W. 24,
player Red Rath' has injected, some S. will be held. at -Mrs. Hearn's.
Thursday, Jan. 18th at 8 o'clock.
very snappy and , smart plays into
Mrs. Hearn's Group in charge.
the Juvenile team, sponsored by the
Clinton oLfions001.tibi4twynsdoenr andtlte hdiis-
rection Mr.2.00 pan. BilalBaelkistSebool,
committee, old hockey fans. The '7.00 p.m.Evening rship. Subject
boys will get, under way this week "SayingooBo Good-byetoGod".
on Friday night at Oaten when Annual MI , meeting with
Red Rath expects to have .a good e„,,,,,,,,,, the .17+1,
Exeter will be the visiting team eSimper lat. the chapel, Wednesday
showing on the.,ice Friday night 'T-he''''.King7s-.13.usiness should be
when the bell rings to .start t'he game fruit with Hisbi t
a -rolling.. They have been on the ice ' su 'es s.
for the, past two weeks and he is 1100notaraiem..Stre,netidUnited
s succeed6hlirellia
expecting good results from them
teaching the Disciples?"
this, year, having entered. in the Near2.oNoon:nlClinton Sunday School
0: M. H. A. Group 3, -which is com- p.nt. Turner's, Church Tucker -
prised of .Goderich, Seaforth, Exeter smith, Twp.'
and Clinton. The teams from these 7.00 p.m. Service will open V-7-44.„..,
ecial song service. Theme: "Stvrt,
towns also have had a lot of train- .1)
mg Points. for the New Year." Wkat
ing and are sponsored by local Lions
.re your' plans? For yourself, for
Clubs. Hockey fans, may look for God and His Church? Have you a
some real good! hockey this - season. nianv
The Clinton lions have. net for- ' Monday:'Jan 15th Young' PeoPle#3,
gotten that. it is ,necessary to bring union Will aneet. President in charge
along , the younger lads in order to . Wednesday Jan 17, Official Board
keep Canada's game rolling 'along will assemble. Committee of
haying entered a' Midget team in the IS3toeailyradst saget at 8.00 p.m. and
'Western Ontario Athletic Asseraia- Repo.rts'of ariocieties, •
tion, which is sponsored...by C.K.N.X. .
The president, Tory Grigg, spots
announcer for this station is well-
known. in sports to Clinton fans,
having played many games and also
' referred many id Clinton and sur-
rounding district. The Migets are
coached by Jack Nediger, another
veteran of this, famous sport who
is`,deing a firm job, putting lots, of
punch into aiese 'boys.
The chairman of the ;Sports' Gom-
inittee hares to get a • town league
under way soon.
would l7a17°PrPt"e:if"t'dthebY local
Yfoaunns-' for mail Amin •home to hear it we
Presbyterian, Church
The W. M. S. will hold their regu-
lar monthly' meeting en Wednesday'
„Tannery 17th at 3 p.m. , the 'harm
of Mrs. W. Nett,
Thursday evening at & o'clock
prayer service for the whole con*,
illuSnuintkciay January 14th.
10.02 alin Sunday •Sch,00l
11.00, axe. Divine Worship •
Sermon Subject: 'Tonle 'Misecar
eeptions. • •
,All weleoine at •our Services.
scores, •of 'boys aWay %just, 'weitine,
ger lscls, who aro, trying to ,..arry on ate ea„iryitts,.. a Great Ganle along p
they left it.
for the l'oPs over ,bh-re. Thete ara