HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-01-04, Page 5hurs. Januati 4th, 194 THE CLINTONNEWS-RECORD 1'AGE $ THE,EISA BEATTIE, V , SER ICE EVERY FAMILY CAN AFFORD WITH ECONOMY AND PRIDiE d. BEATTIE FUNERAL I{O'ME GEORGE B. BEATTIE ♦ ♦ut: yV Myr ' '.'.ww .'v ?k lift �HH1.t0 AN+1.OA**ON..f �1wf :10.�t9W1 �}?M''��.C9:-Wnt-gt.4 v i TO THE CITIZENS OF CLINTON: I wish to ,express my thanks and . appreciation to you for your iIf trust and confidence in electing me by acclamation to the position of Mayor for 1945.. z I sincerely /hope that this year 'will bring Victory, ,Good -Health 4: and Prosperity to you all,ii M. J. AGNEW 4 s slat Z«toa-rg++. ;w L«I 44.6.4,1,44t:,t« 4441«: '«fwl..: FWAR41 44. THANK YOU ELECTORS I wish to take this opportunity to express my appreciation and to thank you for your splendid support shown at the recent election. As Reeve of your municipality, I w'ilI endeavor to assist lit hand - t ling the town's finances oreditably, and see that Clinton receives an equal share of its just rights from County, Council. 1 again thank you. V. D. FALCONER TO THE CITIZENS OF CLINTON: I wish .to extend' my sincere 'thanks to all who voted on my behalf in the .recent election. Sincerely MELVIN CRICH I TO THE CITIZENS OF CLINTON: I ; j I extend my sincere appreciation for the splendid support given !. me at the polls en January 1st 1945, I shall endeavour to serve the municipality in a way to uphold your confidence. I appeal to all -citizens. to unite in an effort to build and make Clinton a better municipality for all citizens, Wishing all a Prosperous 1945. Your humble servant, ' A. 3. MoM'(JRRAY TO THE, LECTORS OF CLINTON: I take this opportunity of thanking all who .voted on my behalf in the past election, Y ours respectfully, JAMES CHOWEN TO THE ELECTORS OF CLINTON: I wish to ±hank the Ratepayers of the Town who so kindly supported me in maty eacnpaign and trust I may receive your continued confidence. Sincerely wishing you and yours the Compliments of the Season. "' G, W, NOTT .. t TO THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWN OF CLINTON: I take this -opportunity of thanking you for your splendid support extended to me ort January lst. Yours' truly •JOHN R. BUTLER, TO THE! CITIZENS OF CLINTON ` . Your patronage on election . cl'a'y is sincerely �apreci ated. a Yours respectfully y ERNEST BROWN. ; .r BAYFIELD Mr. and Mrs, filmy Barker and four daughters and Ronald Burt of London' Stoker Howard Burt R.C.N. V,R. Toronto, Pat' Graham of Wood- stocic spent the New Years week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Baker, Mrs. Burt and Mary Lou wlio remained with her parents, at Christmas, returned to London with them oat Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh MacLeod and two children of Kingsville visited Mr. and Mrs. John MacLeod this week. • Miss . Elva Dewar who spent Christmas with her parents,, left on Friday to visit ;her sister, Mrs. E. Rolm and Mr. Reim -in Detroit be- fore returning tc,Toronto, 'Mr. ' Craig Kerr returned' to To- ronto after having spent New Year's with his wife at the home of her parents, 1VIr..and Mrs. Wilmer Blair. Mr. R. Larson and son, Clarence of London were home for New Years. At the' Annual meeting of the School Board held recently, John ar er was returned to office as as .School •Trustee for anoth- er terni of .three years. The Board, consisting of Robert. Blair, Lloyd Scotehmeroand John Parker received I with regret the resignation of the Secretary -Treasurer, Moss Frances Fowlie who has been most efficient in that -office for the past number of years. Leslie Elliott was appoint- ed to take her place. Mrs. N. W. Woods and Miss : Lucy Weeds were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. R. H. Middleton, Henson, over the New Years week end, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scotchmer of Toronto spent ,Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert .Scotehnmer. Pte. Ellen ]MacKay, C.W.A.C. Lon- don spent her five-day New- Years leave with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. MacKay. Miss Viola Leitch and Master Avery successful dance was held in the Town all on December' 26 for the Bayfield Community Active Service Fund and Red Gross Society. McDonald's Orchestra from Clinton furnished the music for the dance. During the evening L.A.C. Charles. Parker, R,C.A.F., and L.A.C. Fred Weston, R.C.£F. were called for- ward and Mrs. Malcolm Toms, 2nd Vice-president, read the following address: `L.A.C. Fred Weston, L.A.C. Charlie Parker: We, the members of the 'Bayfield Community Service Fund wish to show our appreciation of your loyal service here in Canada and 'perhaps overseas service in the future. We are proud to have members of our Community give such proof of their loyalty and devotion to our Country and our Empire. Our good wishes go with y.0 wherever you are called to serve and TU THE ELECTORS OF CLINTON: adies and Gentlemen: Through the medium of this paper I wish to` thank all who voted for me on Monday last for the Reeve - ship of Clinton. Truly yours, W. IL LOBB. 0 THE CITIZENS OF CLINTON: I wish to extend my sincere thanks o all who voted Monday on my Behalf. Yours truly CLIPINYRD H. EPPS 0 THE RATEPAYERS OF THE TOWN OF CLINTON: we ask you to accept this little token of our interest and esteem." The gifts of pen and pencil set,. sweater and socks were then pre- sented to the boys by Mrs. Walter Westlake: and. Mrs. D. Prentice, On behalf of himself and his --brother- in-law, L.A.C., Fred Weston expres- sed thanks for and appreciation for the gifts, and honor accorded them. Owing to the inclement weather the A9nual New Year's Euchre and donee held in the Town IIall under the auspices of L,O.L. No. 24 was not as well attended as usual. Winn- ers at Euchre were Mrs. Wm. Par- ker and Ford Johnston while the consolation prizes went to Miss Donna. Baker and Harry Baker. McDonald's Orchestra which _ was to have played tire music for, the: dance was 'unable to be present ow ing to the stoma. Mrs', Vietor Burt at the piano anti James Lirccfsay, Violin "filled .in" 'in the emergency. R-78850 Cpl. Biggins J. B. _ R. C. A. F. Overseas ;Somewhere in England Nov. 26th 1944 Dear Mrs. Prentice and Friends: Received your letter and T can tell. you that I was very glad to hear from you and to hear the news. Mother has told me some of it but expect that she doesn't hear, very- much of the happenings around the old town, so the news is very nice to hear. The only boy I have seen from Bayfield is White Weston. Have seen him a couple of times. We are meeting new faces every day, so may meet some of the others who are over here. Don't know, yet, whether we will stay in England or not, but you can take it from me that the climate won't.be any worse wherever we go. Please express my thanks to your club and tell them that I appreciate their efforts to help us all out over here. Cigarettes are very hard to get over here and so the boys are watching the mails every day. Will drop you a line when I receive them. Thanking you again, I remain. Yours Sincerely J. Brown Higgins A-589.36 24th Cdn, Field Ambulance, ILQ., Coy, R.C.A.M.C., • Cdn. Army, Central Mediterranean Forees Dear Mrs. Prentice and Friends.: I received your parcel yesterday, sure swell, and glad to get it, The things in it are greatly ap- preciated. I am going to enjoy it very much. I guess Buster Clarke will be home now. I saw l hn in our Hospital• when he was evacuated. I hope he is doing alright now. I don't see Many boys from home lately. Well• I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I ant receiving 300 cigarettes every month from "The Bayfield Community" and wish to thank them very much for same. I hope to be home soon. Bruce Cann The Bayfield Community Nov. 20th 1944 Dear Mrs. Prentice and Friends— I wish to thank you all for the very nice parcel I received to -day It arrived in splendid condition and I assure you the contents certainly are a treat. , The • choice of items is tops_ and as I have not as yet received a damag. ed parcel from the- Bayfield Com- munity, that is proof of the fine job done by the ladies in packing, as a few boys get them in very bads shape and lose articles' through same. I ant Sure this will he the last 'Christmas that it will be necessary for so mndhy grand organizations as ROSY TRE Now Playing—',CHIP OFF THTHE1 OLD BLOCK" ' & "TIMBER, QUEEN Mon, Tues, Wed. Tyrone Power and Myrna Loy in "THE RAINS ° CAME" Ronald. Colman and Claudette Colbert in ` UNDER .TWO FLAGS" Two mighty dramas of bygone years return -to give you an evening of genuine entertainment Note—The. above Double Bill will be presented once only, each: evening, commencing at 7.30 p.m. Thur. Fri. Sat. Fredric March plays • the title role in a beloved American classic "MARK TWAIN" A favourite of old and young alike CAPITAL THEATRE GOB VZCH' Now: Abbott and Costello "IN SOCIETY' Mon. Tues. and Wed. Fred McMurray, Barbara' Staii- wyck & Edw, G., Robinson. • An engrossing story mixes -com- edy and drama in entertaining doses. "DOUBLE INDEMITY" Thur. Fri. and Sat. Sydney Greenstreet, Faye Muer - son & Zachary Scott In the story' everyone is discuss- ing. It's the Wainer Brothers kind of thriller "THE MASK, OF DIMITIZIOS"' C'omiing "Cowboy ' Ciauteen" and Coming "BRIDGE ` OF SAN `Beautiftnl but Broke". LUISREY" with Lynn Bari. Matinees - Sat. and Hol. at 2.30 Matinees — Wed. Sat. & Hol.2.30 REGENT THEA MAYOR Now Claude Rains & Bette Davis' MR. SKEFFINGTON" Mon. Tues. Wed. Deanna • Durbin, Gene Kelly & Dean Havens A lively, lilting xnedoly of song, zomanee and history. "CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY" Thur, Fri. Sat. Eddie Bracken, : Ella Raines & Raymond Walborn telling • the riotous story of a mouse who acquired the inhibit- ions of a lion, "HAIL P5511 CONQUERING- HERO" ONQUERINGHERO" Coming "HOUR BEFORE THE DAWN", "HI •DIDDLE', DIDDLE" Matinees — Sat. & Hol. at 2.30 CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. • e COOKE FLORIST Phones: 66w and 68i Batkins Locker Storage Salmon Steaks ib. 30c Ocean Trout lb, 27c White Fish lb . . ............. 25e Smoked Fillet lb. 35c Cod Fillet ib. 35c Haddock Fillet lb. 35c Frozen Grebsa Peas box 27c Frozen corn off cob box 27e Frozen Strawberries box 39c WE BUY HIDES FROZEN FOODS ARE: BETTER FOODS Casings for Sale DEATHS ROWCXaI'FFE: In Goderich Town- ship, on Monday, January 1st, Martha Burton, ,beloved • wife of Philip Roweliffe, in her 77th year. VOLUME—In 'Bayfield, • on Friday, December 29th, Dr, David' .A:. Volume, in his 74th year. BISSETT—In Goderich on January let 1945, Donald Robert Bissett, infant son of Pte. and Mrs. Donald Bissett. WATSON—On Thursday, Dec. 28, 1944 in Hamilton General Hospital after a lengthy illness. ' Olive Laura, wife of Eldward. T. Watson, 26 Edgevale Road, Mother of Madeleine and ;Ronald and'... of L,A.C. Ted, (killed overseas) and sister of Mrs. G. A. Walker, Clin- ton. Interred in Woodland Ceme- tery, Hamilton. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Mr. W. 0. Herbison who passed away Janu- ary the first 1944, ' Oh, what 'would I give to clasp your hand Your dear kind face to see, Your loving smile your welcome 'I voice Ther 'meant so much to me. I No one knows: the silent heartache, , Only those who have such, can tell: Of +bhe grief that is borne in silence Of the one I loved so well. Ever remembered by wife and daughter Mrs. W. C. Herbison and . Mrs. W. S. Rankin. yours to send parcels to us boys on this side of the Atlantic. Give my thanks to the little girl or her Christmas card. It is very ice. In closing I wish you, all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Friend Pte, W. Dnncalf I appreciate ;very much the strong f upport that you gave me on Etc - ion. Day.. r Wishing the town a Prosperous 945. N. W. TREWARTHA, 1 Councillor, .i BIRTHS THANKS COOPER—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on 'Monday, January. 1st, to. Mr. .and Mrs. Edwin 'Cooper of Clinton a son, Edwin Bruce. TEPHENS—F.10.. and Mrs. L, A. Stephens, (formerly Norma Cook):i wish to announce the birth o£ their I jail to thank the Electors for ' I rein support in the recent election, S ALBERT SHADDICK, I Meeting of ` Huron County Council The next meeting of the Huron County Council will he held in the , Council Chambers, ', Court House, Goderich; commencing' 'Tuesday, 1 January, at 2.00 pin. 1 •Ail accounts, notices of deputations and other business requiring the at- tention of Council should ibe'iis the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday January 13th. N. W. MILLEIR County.' Cleric Goderich, Ontario. 80-Z Councillor • daughter, Jane McGregor, at Clin 1 ton Hospital, Saturday, December' Lest BI80thSSET, 1944T--ltt .voderich General Hos- -'"1 Boston Bull Dog, Anyone knowing TiANY8 Mrs'. N. W. 'Trewarthe, agar warded‘ ' by the town, a seat on The bard of Educalon for another two- ear term, wishes thrcugh the local '. ress to publi ly express her sin - ere a.: precintion for this orpo,'ttm- pital, on •Sattirday, December 80th, to Pte, and. Mrs. Donald Bissett. (trmerly Bessie Livermore) of Goderich, a sbn, Donald Robert. MdBRIDE—In Clinton Public Hos- pleat on Monday, January 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. • Clare '. McBride of Zurich, 'a daughter, Gwendolyn Glace, its whereabouts please • phone 165. 30-1 For Sale 8 acre farm, 2nd lot North of Clinton on No. 4 Highway. Good' buildings, hydro, town water, 3 piece bath and furnace. Apply to -E,d. Welsh, Clinton, or Phone 80542, Clinton: 30=3 ARE YOU SAVED BY *KEEPING THE DEEDS OF TI3Ei LAW? "—a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law," *DOING GOOD WORKS?' "Nbt by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us.--" • Romans' 3:28 Titus 3:5 Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and Thou .Shalt Be Saved Acts 16:13 TUNE IN: Pilgrim Hour 7-7.30 E.D.S.T. Sunday evening LOCAL STATION CKLW WINDSOR ' TRY OUR Jelly Roll Chocolate Cake Tea Biscuits Do -Nuts or Long Johns The Home of Good Eats BABTLL,IFF'S PHONE 1 FOR SALE Retail Coal Business Stock of coal etc. also coal sheds and office building at Clinton, Ont. The undersigned will receive ten- ders until 12 o'clock noon E.D.T. on January 6,1945 subject to a reserve bid; for the stock in trade, buildings, etc. of the John B. Mustard Coal Company, Clinton. Alexander James, Mustard,. and The Canada. Trust Company, London, Ontario, Executors of the Estate of John B. Mustard, 29-2 Complete Sewing Service Repairs, parts, needles, .oil, belts, new or used machines for sale at your nearest Singer Depot. Just call write or phone 727. Our new location 78 Ontario St. Stratford, Ont, 30-2 CLEARING AUCTION SALE on WEDNESDAY JAN. 10 1945 at 1 pan. at lot 25 and 26 Base line, Goderich twp, 114 miles. north of Clinton. HORSES --1 mare, 6 yt s, old, (light Bay); 1 mare '8 yrs. old, (chestnut); 1 mare 12 yrs. old', (Brown); Filly rising 2 yrs. old, (Bay); Filly rising 2 yrs, old (Black) CATTLE -1 "cow, 5 yrs. old due in March; 70 Hybrid pullets laying. IMPLEMENTS—M. H. 18 run fertilizes dri11; M. H.6 ft. mower; M. H. 6 ft. binder; M. H. Hay rake; M. H. bean snuffler and puller; M. H. Sleigh (nearly new); M, H. 21 walking plow; M. H. 13 tooth cultivator;. M. H. Manure spreader; M. H. root pulper; Nixon outhrough disk; land packer; wagon; box stock rack; Hay rack; and' gtkvel box; buggy; cutter; hay car rope and pulleys; 2 set double harness and collars; :Delaval cream separator, (No 12); sugar kettle; sugar beet plow; 4 section drag Harrows; .2 colony houses;` 2 brooder stoves and hovers; Stewart horse clippers;, quantity lumber; 1 miller (250,) in - catheter; 1 daisy churn, milk pails; Collie dog; 200 railroad ties; Hard coal; Some Household effects. Listen to CI{NX Winghatn en January 9th and 10th. TEHMS GASH Victor Bisback, prop. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.._ Cemetery Memorials Large stook of modern 'memorials on display at our Clinton Showrooms For the convenience' of our patrons, office will be open on Fridays Open by appointment at any other time See Mr. J. 3. Zapfe, next door Cunningham & Pryde Clinton -- Exeter — Seaforth PHONE 41 Wanted To Buy A Second Hand Upright Piano In Good Condition. Reply to the office of the Town Clerk of Councilloit Butler. Clinton Town Council For Sale 22 pigs over 6 weeks old. Apply; Ed. Boyce, BrucefieId. Phone 625r2, Clinton. 29-2 For Sale An attractive seven roomed cot- tage bungalow, all modern conveni. ences. Good ,garage, and small gar., den. The home of the late Mrs. Z 13: Carter, Victoria St. Apply to Mr. Elmer Finoh, across the street or Mrs. Wm. Campbell, 86 Gordon St. Brantford, Ont. Personal If YOV Want to get married; write Box 858, Juliaetta, Idaho. Send's stamp. 30-4 For Sale 1 driving horse, reliable and quiet Will work single or double. Apply; Robert Taylor, Clinton, Phone 906x83 Clinton. 28-2 For Sale 6 Durham Heifers, due to freshen around February 1st. Apply J. H. Quigley, three miles south of Olin - ton on No. 4 Highway. Phone Clin- ton 619r8. 26-tf Raw Furs Wanted I ant buying all kinds of raw furs and stretching is not necessary if bought fresh. Highest prices paid. Norman East R. R. 1 Clinton. 274 Farm For Sale Lots 44 and 75, 11'Iaitiand Conces- sion onces sion Goderich Township. Two miles from Cheese Factory, 1 mile from school and church. Farm has been under grass for 10 years. Clay loam well drained, Good buildings, good well, also 2 never failing springs. To wind up the estate of the late Chas. Williams Sr. Executors ---Chas. and Katherine Williams, Apply Chas. Williams, R. R. 2, Clinton, phone 902r23 Clinton. 26-5 Rouse for Sale Five roomed frame house on 'Alb- ert. Alb -est. Street, town water, quarter acre of land. For further particulars. apply to Frank Finglancl or J, W McCool, Londesboro 11-tf. Wanted to Buy „ Wanted to bey, old horses and dead cattle for mink fee& 31 dead, phone at once,' Fred Gilbert 908r22 or Jack Gilbert 908r21, 58 -tip Wanted to Buy Old or disabled live horses wanted,, for mink feed. Apply Elmer Trick, shone 9071.5 fir 907r12,1-