HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-01-04, Page 1tori News -Record' Eat.. 1878
6130 • 468th: Year:,;
With ; Whie
ncorporated The
ton Nevif.r.i
The New Era Est. 1861
t 'Glass`
Crystalglass' of the finest quality, cut in the CORN FLOWFr1
pattern, . We • have received .n supply of ,bud vases, candy 'jars,
aherberts, plates and tumblers in two, sizes, one for ' tomato juice
the other for-watea,
WESTCOX'3#LARMS • A small number of alarm clocks have
arrived.: Price 42:0.7, tax paid.
It Is January
and our Annual
Stock -taking Sale
is in progress.
Spend your Christmas Gift
Money to the
Best Advantage.
Special Price Reductions
on all
Winter Coats
A fine new selection of Pierce Parashock
atches for men; Although delayed many weeks
our shipment has' finally arrived safely, and we are
leased to tell you we have many smart models for
ou to choose from. They are• all waterproof, non-
agnetic, shockproof, and have luminous dials
nd hands. Several have large sweep -second hands
f desired. Dials in different colours and cases all
ave stainless steel backs. 15 jewel movements,
24.75 and $27.75. All watches are subject to Govt.
ax. A good watch is a :rood investment. Make
our selection early.
Counters for Finer Jewellery for Over Half a
Century in Huron County
The annual meeting of Clinton Red
Cross. Society was hold on Thurs.
Dec. 28. For a detailed account of
this meeting watch your local paper.
The January meeting will be held
on Mon. 8th at 3 p.m. in the Council,
Chambers. Your presence will help
make for -a imore successful meeting.
Clinton's 'next Mobile Blood Donor
Clinic is scheduled for Thursday. Jan.
26th. It is not too early .to start
planning now to make this a record
The following are the officers for
Pres. Mrs. W. A. Oakes; 1st vice
pres. Mrs. Geo.. McLay; 2nd vice
pres. Mrs. D. J. Lane; ,Rec. Sec.,
Mrs. P. Manning; -Corr. Sec. Mrs. G.
Miller; Treas. Mrs. D. 11. McInnes;
Knitting Convener, Mrs. T. Berman;
Wool Conveners, Miss Shaw, Miss
'Stirling;, 'Sewing Conveners, Mrs.
Mrs. Raying
Cree Cook M s C. Connell; B
y g
Conveners, Jars J. M. Elliott, Mrs'.
W. Seeley; Cutting Convener, Mrs.
C. Venner; 'Packing and Shipping,
Mrs. A. -Haddr; Fund Raising, Mrs.
Hanley Quilt Convener•, Mrs. Hudie;
Property, Mrs. W. H. Robinson;
War -Services, Miss D. O'Neil; Hos-
pital Supplies, Mrs. P. Livermore;
Hospital, Requisitions, Mts. F.• G.
Thompson; Russian Relief, Mrs. G.
Jefferson, Miss L. Brigham; Prison-
er of War, Mrs. A. T. Cooper.
Christmas Treat
During the Christmas Season, a
,eery happy afternoon was spent at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Cuninghame when Mrs. Cuninghame
was hostess to a young group of
carollers from. St. Paul's Church,
who were keenly interested in "The
Scene In The Manger" so cleverly
designed and made by Mr. and Mrs.
Carolling and story -telling were
much ,enjoyed, and the antics of a
pair of very beautiful love birds
caused much merriment. Refresh-
ments were served by an open fire
and' the happy group disband'ed', after
wishing the compliments of the sea-
son to the very generous hostess.
Ontario Street United Church
First .Sunday of The New Year
11,00 a.m. "But What went Ye
out for to See."—A man clothed in
soft Raiment?
Near Noon: Sunday School
2,00 pan. Turner's Church (Tuck-
ersmith Township).
7.00,p.m. Week of . Prayer. this
coming week and the Topic for the
week is The Lord's Prayer.
Sunday evening we will take the
first part of our Theme "Our Father
Who art in Heaven". Evangelistic
Hymns will be sung.
Make a special effort to start the
week well.
2.00 Bible •School.
7.00 p.m. Evening Worship: Sub-
ject, "The Inescapable Christ". Start
the year right by being in the place
God wants you . to be on the Lord's
Day and every other day. Let us •be
more concerned in being on God's
side than having Him on our side.
St. Paul's Church
Sunday after Epiphany
10.00 •a.m. •Sunday School.
11.00 a.m. Holy Communion
3.00 p.m. Bible Class.
7.00 p.m. Evening Service.
W. A. meeting, Tuesday 3.00 p.m.
at the home of Mrs. G. M. Counter
The Friendship Club will meet at
the home of Mrs. George McLay on
Wednesday, January 10th.
Wesley -Willis.
Sunday January 7th
11.00 a.m. Morning worship. The
sacrament of the Lord's Supper' will
be dispensed.
12.10 p.m. Churoh School.
7.00 p.m. Evening Worship: Young.
Peoples Service. An Installation of
Officers • of the Y. P. U. Padre
Lawrence will be guest speaker.
The official Board will meet on
Friday, January 5th, at 8 o'clock.
The Girls Club will meet at the
home of Mrs. •Shearing on Tuesday
evening, January 9th, at 8 o'clock.
Mrs. Oakes will give the topic and
Mrs. Inkley's group will be in charge
Organ ; Recital
After the evening service in. St.
Paul's Anglican Church, L.A.C. H.
Keefer presented' an organ recital,
which was largely attended and very
much appreciated.
L.A.C. Keefer played compositions
by Bach, ; Mozart, Purcell and Boc-
Inaugural Meeting
The inaugural meeting of the 1945
Council will •be ] eldl in the Council
Chamber at 8 p.ni. Monday evening,
January 8th. Following a past tra-
dition of havnlg ',some one •of the
Clergy. open the file: session, F./L.
F. A. Lawrence, Padre at the R. C.
A. F. School, Clinton, will be the
guest speaker. The citizens of Clin-
ton are cordially invited to attend.
This, as all other meetings, are open
to all citizens of the town.
a V--
The next reggular meeting of the
L.O.B.A. will be held next Tuesday,
January the ninth. All members
please keep this date in mind.
The regular -meeting of the Ladies
Legion io Auxiliarywill be held in the
Legion Hall on Monday, Jan. 8 at
8.15. Members are asked to bring
addresses of husbands and sons for
.the cigarette list. There will be In:
stallation of Officers.
Week of Prayer
Week of prayer Services will be
held in Clinton Churches, Jan. 8-12
as follows:
Monday Jan. 8th St. Paul's Anglican
Tuesday, Jan. 9, Baptist Church
Wednesday, Jan. 10, Ont. St. Church
Thursday, Jan 11, Presbyterian
Friday Jan 12, Wesley -Willis Church,
The theme for the' series is "The
Lord's Prayer". All meetings will
begin at 8 p.m. The offering will be
taken each evening to be donated to
the relief of destitute children in
war torn Europe.
Agricultural Short Course
The short courses sponsored by
the Department of Agriculture whieh
w •re canctlled this week owing to
the storm, will be held in the next
week, following the same seheffhle,
beginning at Ethel on Monday.
This year a. series of two day
Short Courses are being held through
the County commencing the first
week of January. The subject to be
discussed are soils and Management,
which will include Erosion, Crop
rotations, reforestration and many
other points relative to the main-
taining of our soils.
Instructions will also be given on
maintenance'and up -keep of tractors
and other implements around the
farm. There will be many helpful
hints on Farm Machinery. Qualified
Veterinarians will take up cattle and
swine diseases whieh are fairly pre-
valent throughout the county and
discussing control measures for the
seine. There will also be discussion
on Permanent Pastures, method
of seeding and Pasture Improve-
ment. Advertisements will appear in
the County papers so be ready for
the one which is most convenient
for you. There will be one course in
each . township,
The following , is a list of the
places where the courses will be
West Wawanosh, Dungannon
Jan. 3, 4.
East Wawanosh, Belgrave Jan 4, 5.
Morris, Twp. Hall Jan 5, 6.
Grey, Ethel, Jan. 8, 9.
Turnberry, Wingham Jan 9, 10.
Howiek, Gorrie, Jan. 10, 11.
Colborne, Carlow, Jan. 11, 12.
Goderich, Clinton, Jan. 15, 16.
Hullett, Londesboro, Jan. 16, 17.
McKillop, Winthrop, Jan 17, 18.
Tuckersmith, Seaforth, Jan 18, 19
Usborne, Elimvale, Jan. 22, 23
Stephen, Crediton, Jan. 23, 24.
Hay, Zurich, Jan 24, 25.
Stanley, Varna Jan, 25 and 26. '
Instructors are:— ,
Harry Strang, B. S. A. Exeter
Gordon MoGavin, Walton.
Dr. Murray McLennon, V.. S. Wing -
Dr. Geo. Elliott, V. S., Clinton
J. B. Matheson, B. S. A. Agricultural
,Representative. Clinton.
F.O. W. F. Cook wins D.F.0
Airforce headquarters, Ottawa, I
announced on January lst, that F.O.I
W. P.o
C ok among others, rs,
had been
awarded the D.F.C.
F.Q. Cook recently returned to
his home in Clinton, after complet-
ing his second tour of operations,.
Choir Entertained
Mr. Lorne Tyndall, a faithful
friend • of Ont,:rio Street Church
Choir, was again hoot to the mem-
bers of the choir on Friday night
entertaining them at Mr. Bartliff's
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Fa_•quhar and
Betty Lou of Dearborn, Mich., have
been holiday visitors at the home
of Mr. Jos. and Mrs. Clegg. On
their return, they were accompan-
ied by the former's mother, Mrs.
Mr. Jack Clegg is attending a short
Course at the Agricultural Col-
lege Guelph this week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. ,R. H. Noble of Otta-
wa spent .i;hristmas, and thg:. holi-
day with the former's parents Mr.
and Mrs. John Noble.
Local Board of Health
1944 ,Record of Births and Deaths
Resident Male 31 Female 15 46
Non -Resident Male 28 Female 28 56
Still -births Male 2 2
Total . 104
Under 1 year Male 3 Female 0 3
Maternal 0
Pneumonia 0
Tuberculosis 0
Cancer Male 2 Female 5 7
Heart Thrombosis M. 5 F. 5, 10
Accidental Male 3 Female 3 6
Other causes Male 11 Female 5 16
Total 42
Deaths. Non -Resident
Male 18 Female 16 34
Pte. W. Leppington of Camp Bor-
den has received word that his bro-
ther W.O. Gordon Leppington who
was reported missing a few weeks
ago, is now officially reported as a
prisoner of war in Germany.
L.O.B.A. Annual Meeting
meeting and election of officers.
The following were the officers in-
I. P. M. Sister Deeves; W. M. Sis
Burton; D. M. Sis. Castle; J. D. M.
Sis. Vanderburg; Chaplain Sis. Sia-
man; Rec. Sec. Sis Tyndall; Fin-
ancial Sec. Sis. Judd; Treas. Sis.
Miller; 1st Sect. Sis. East; 2nd Sect.
Sis. Vanderburgh; Gardian, Sis.
Shobbrook; Inner Guard, Sis. Taylor;
Outer Guard, Bro. Deeves; Visiting
Com. Sis Shobbrook and Sis. Mc-
Clinuhey; ,1st: Com. Sis. Vanderburgh
2nd Com. Sis McClinchey; 3rd Com.
Sis. Turner; 4th Coin. Sis. Sioman;
5th Com. Sis. Judd; Flower Com.
Sis Turner and Sis. Donelda Vander -
burgh; Auditors, Sis. Donelda Van-
derburgh, Sis Turner, Sis Deeves;
Sick and visiting Conn. Sis. McClin-
ahey and .Sis. Shobbrook; Physician
Bro. Deeves.
After the meeting was adjourned,
the members had refreshments at
Glennies Restaurant. The next meet-
ing will be held Jan. 911.
Mr. and Mrs. John Fingland
the Sixtieth Anniversary of
Their Wedding.
Mr: and Mrs. John. Fingland cele-
brated their • sixtieth Wedding Anni-
versary at their home Tuesday,
December the twenty-sixth. Their
inarciage ' took place at Dr•ornore,
Grey County, Ontario, in December
1884, Mrs. Fingland being the for-
mer Catherine Baird. They resided
in Rockton, Ontario till 1893 when
they moved to their farm south of
Auburn. In 1917 they removed to
their present residence in Londes-
boro. For several years Mr. Fingland
served on the Municipal Council and
as Clerk and Treasurer of the
Eight children, four sons and four
daughters were born of this -marriage
all of whom
are living arid were
home for the celebration. These are,
Rev. William of Niagara Falls, Ont.,
Colin of Walton, Frank, K. C., of
Clinton, Murray hi his Majesty's
Forces, Mary, (Mrs. Robert Grier-
•i •-
son), of Sunderland, formerly of
Korea, Jemima, (Mrs. John Barker),
Toronto, Miss Alice at home, Flora,
(Mrs. William Jones), St. Thomas.
There are eleven grandchildren
and one great-grandchild, but all
were not able to be present These are
Mrs. Harry Beer, of Hamilton, the
Former Peggy Fingland, Catherine
and Frank Fingland, Jr. Clinton,
John and Jean Fingland, Cochrane,
Flt. Sgt. Kenneth Grierson, Over-
seas, Doris Grierson, Sunderland,
R. S. M. Ross. Barker, Camp Borden,
Sgt. Donald Barker, Trenton, Ronald
and Mary Alice Jones, St. Thomas,
Elizabeth Anne Balker, Toronto. On
behalf of these, little Mary Alice
Jones presented the Grandparents
with a beautiful :basket of sixty
American Beauty roses.
At the family dinner which took
place on Tuesday, December the
twenty-sixth, thirty-five immediate
relatives were present.: The bridal
table was centred: with the wedding
cake and pale pink roses, Rev. Wm.
Fingland was Master of Ceremonies'
and on behalf of the family, pre-
sented Mr. Fingland with a gold-
headed cane, and Mrs. Fingland with
a diamond brooch and to both a
purse of money.
During` the day among congratu-
latory messages, gifts and flowers
were received. Among these were
messages from their Majesties, the
King and Queen, Prime Minister W.
L. MacKenzie King, Premier George:
Drew, Dr. Hobbs Taylor, M.P.P.,.
Mayor George Tighe, Niagara Falls,.
Ontario, Lion's Club, Niagara Falls,
Blyth Telephone Board, Board ' of.
Education, Niagara g a Falls St. An-
drew's Church Session, Niagara -
Falls. A beautiful floor lamp was
received from 'the citizens of Lon-•
'Wednesday, December the twenty-
seventh, Mr. and Mrs. Fingland were
at home to their friends. During the
iafternoon some eighty-five guests
called to pay their respects. Reiff.
Wm. Fingland and Mrs. Fingland
and Miss Alice 'assisted their par-
ents in receiving the guests. Tea was
served in the dining -room under
direction of Mrs. Colin Fing-
land. The tea table was beautiful
with lace and outwork cloth, pale
pink roses and tall pink tapers in
silver holders, Two daughters of the
family, Mrs. Robert Grierson and
Mrs. John Barker poured tea. Tea
hostesses were, Mrs. H. Beer, Miss
Catherine Fingland, Miss Janet
Iiingsbtug h, Miss Doris Grierson.
and Miss J. Fingland.
IMany messages were also received
on this day, from friends who were
unable to be present but who wished
to' extend their good wishes to this
esteemed couple.
Result of Monday's Election
A Run for Reeve and Council. The P.U.C. Commis
sion and Board of Education, and Mayor
went in by Acclamation.
McMURRAY, A. J. 438
TREWARTHA, N. W. ....._ 424
NOTT, G. W. 388
BUTLER, JOHN R. a..... 323
Corey, Harry
Epps, Clifford H.
Chowen, James 199
Wm. H. Lobb
Melvin Crich ....._,....