HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-12-21, Page 8•• .' . . ' • ' , . • „. . .„‘ •• CLINPA N EWS-RECOR13 Df,'C. 210,1944' g SUTTER ei PERDUE ° RARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS i0;•: tiq PHONIC 147w. CLINTON, QNT. A i.itrittitotta=tggiMmDFADeAttzcsItmaimamwacoaDarzw)atmatemiilatac 'ioxcte•tmitwitititmrgOtMctltitititititctitik.c4tieVJtititirdzitiVtititititititttitctrtitwtigsv Boy's Clothing B.oy's twfteed suits all sizes from 26 to 36 have 2 pair of pants and made in single breasted styles ac- cording to W. P. T. B. regulations Priced from • r $10.50 to $25.50. Combination Suits for small boys Overcoats, Caps and Pants with Leggings. Just the thing for the cold weather. Boys Overcoats stylish and warm Made from good heavy material and priced to sell. . Men's Suits and Overcoats: Materials and manship„guaranteed and .priced from $22.50 up. Special. Values in footwear of all kinds. Plumsteel Bros. Arrow Shirts — Adam Hato — Scott. & Magmas Shoes ,Itao Mar Azento Tip Top Tailors. A .attirsnolitsattraattialiantaOnnatatAblinatatainiaiaM.Ottiarat:StrcattilhatatZtitintriatlftliteelS. -voizioizseiziticsessiziostmccesi616itietzwitttitstit[s9ogictrOMOKititistOiMMI[1: a We Wish you All A MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR BROWN'S a One Door North of Royal Bank nONIMOINAMINIMENIV, NOTICE 1 Complaints have been reported to the Police re-, garding juveniles disturbing householders by their pranks. -1,A1 • Unless parents assist in controlling this annoy- ance by more strict jurisdiction over their children, and by closer observance of their conduct, the Town will be compellbd to enforce the curfew, and com- pelling children of certain ages to be off the streets at 9 oclock p.m., unless with a parent or guardian. By Order Chief of Police Town of Clinton NOTICE Car Owners are requested not do; leave Cars Parked on the Street in Such IVIanner as to impede 'Traffic or hinder the course of the Town Power Snow:Plow. Please observe this Order and save the owners' expense of any Necessary Removal. )13y Order of the Connell ?Town of Clinton the Season, and * 'Greetings of best wishes for a Happy New Year to all our Cust omers and friends with sincere thanks for your patronage „, Do bh °at ' ' et, cliaton:and, ' Enjoy a Plait and Chip IVfeal ' AT, 'LEVER'S livs4 AND CHIP RESTAURANT on. XarY” Street one block West of Skating Rink Will be open' to serve meals Tuesday, 12, noon to 12 midnight and every day during Christmas Ma St St Clinton, Phone 91 ANCE TOWN HALL, CLINTON Tuesday, December 26 Sponsored by CLINTON SPRING SHOW GOOD MUSIC 'Come and bring your Friends to Back the Spline, Show • Admission .50 Serviceman .35 G. R. McEwan Co. Red Shield Books & Stationery The.regular meeting _of the • 'OFTEN THE CHEAPEST ALWAYS THE BEST" PHONE 84 tIIiIIlIuI 1111111 mitt mmo,•.,mmo•••••••••• Miss Mildred Lobb of London spent the week end at her home M town. Mr. Jones of Delaware,' is- visiting 'this week with his daughter, Mrs. W. A. was held in the Army Hall. It was packing day. Further par- ticulars will be given next week about the Rehabilitation work. The following donations are grate- fully received; Baptist Church, 3.00 Glee Club, 5.00, Mrs: Dia Cornish, 2.00, Mrs. Sam Glidden 2.00, 3 hand knit sweaters -brought in by Miss Maude Chambers. Miss Chambers 1 -as made 9 hand knit sweaters. There will not be any meetings fbr some time as the members of the Red Shield feel they need a holiday. Further particulars of the next meeting will be in the paper. • Proclamation , • MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS Brock Olde. Nominations Elections Pilot Officer Alvin Cook and Mrs. Friday, Dec. 22 Monday, Jan.'1 Cook of Toronto are visiting' at 1944 194[9. the home of Mrs. Henry Garrett. Miss Wilma Radford of London spent the week end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bad - ford. Miss Bessie Sloman of New Rochel- le, N. Y. is spending the Christ:. mar season with her sister, Miss Sara Manion. L.A.C. A. H. Allen of Edmonton, Alta, stationed at Patricia Bay, Vancouver Island, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Kearns and Miss Joyce. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Henry, of Por- tage La Prairie, Manitoba, are M. T. CORLESS, Returning Officer. the guests of Mrs: Henry's Aunt, Mrs. David Steep. for the first And if necessary, the election to fill time in forty-five years. the above named positions, or any of Mrs. E. Nickle was in Port Cob. them, will be held im • borne over the week end attend - MONDAY, JANUARY 1st, 1945 ing the funeral of her sister -in - at the following places, and by the law, -Mrs. Herb Schoenhals, which following named persons, that is to was held from the Scott -Merton say, in Funeral Home on Saturday after - St Andrew's Ward: At the Town noon. Hall, J. W. Manning, Deputy Return- NOTICE Is hereby given that a meeting o the electors for the Nomination of Candidates for the positions of Mayor, Reeve, Councillors, Public Utilities Commissioner, and mem- hers of the Board of. Education, for the ensuing term will be held in the Town Hall, Clinton FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22nd 1944 Between the hours of half past seven and half ,past eight in the evening. 10411a,44sev0 4,stmar,Orteer Cliri3toias Wreaths Door WI ea h also IVIernorial Wreaths now in stock. Christmas Plants - Begonias, 00,,clamen, Cherries Violets, Primulas, Pots of Ivy, and all Make choice Christmas gifts f?. 1/aP er-White . , Narcisslis bulbs are easily • grown mad give fragrant bloom in a few weeks 3 for 25c We are open evenings • Will" gladly secure any plants for you, R. CUNINGHAME —Tad Member of Florists Tel. Del. As. 0 lig I Personal care given every order and special attention given to Funeral Orders. 114 [shone 176 and 31 111 1, Superior Store PHONE' 11I--CLINTON. Sincerely Wishing you A Merry Christmas And Every Happiness in the New Year MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE 1 lb. 43c RTDEAU 011E5SE 1/2 lb. pkg19c MIXED NUTS lb. 55c WALNUTS ib. 53c AYLMER APPLE men btl.• 14c FLOWERDALE TEA sh Ib :45c CALIF. GRAPES lb. 294 APPLES, 111cINTOSH RED 3 lbs, 25c HEAD LETTUCE EACH 18c, SPANISH ONION -S 3 lbs. ...... 25c GRAPEFRUIT, Size 112s 4 for 25c fi COOKING FIGS- WHITE lb. .... 23c COOKING FIGS BLACK lb. .. 21c PORTER'S HILL Mrs. Jim Cox left on Thursday for Indianna to spend a while with her sister. The S. S. No. 5 School Concert will be held Thursday, December 21, ing Officer. St. Jatnes' Ward; At B. Glidclon's Shop, Victoria, Street, R. B. Fitz- simons, Deputy Returning Officer. St John's Ward: At Ed. Munro's Barber Shop, Or. Wallis, Deputy Re- turning turning Officer. , St George's Ward: At Russel A Merry Christmas and a Happy ,Jervis, Office, Aibert Street, Chas. New Year to the Editor, Staff and Manning, Deputy Returning Officer. readers of the News -Record. Qommencing at the hour of nine PORTE,R'S HILL RED- CROSS The annual meeting of the Porter's Hill Red Cross was held December llth in Grace United Church. Twen- ty six members were present. The ,president, Mrs. Alvin Bettles con-. ducted the meeting. The meeting opened by the sing- ing of three Christmas carols fol- lowed by the Red Cross Prayer. The minutes of the November meeting. were read and adopted, also the treasurer's monthly report. The treasurer's yearly report was read, also the sewing convenors annual reliort as follows: children's blou- ses 50, sheets 22, hospital jackets 30, lady's -blouses 24, diapers 10 dozen and 7, sanitary . pads 18 dozen, by's nighties 50. The knitting nvenor gave her annual report aS 1Mws: men's weaters 4'5, scarves 9, clts 31 pair, plain mitts 6 pair, rricane mitts, 10 pair, lady's eaters 6, gloves 23 pair. During ba CO 0 10 hu avv, the year 26 quilts were,. quilted. o'clock in the forenoon and continuing until the .hour of five o'cloelt in the afternoon, and the results will be publicly declared in the Town Hall, on Tuesday, the 2nd day ef January, 1945 at 12 o'clock noon. M. T. CORLEs, Clerk an Returning. Officer. • Twenty boxes to bey's of the com- munity overseas Were sent in 1944. Letters were read ": from some of these boys. , The matter concerning proficiency pins was explained. Tickets on a goose, which was tlonated by 1VIrs. Toni • Elliott, were handed out to each member, these. to be handed in to Mrs. E. Townshend, no later than Dec. 20. The 'draw will be made at Porter's Hill Christmas Concert on December 21st. Mrs. Reed Tor- rance and Airs. Allen Battles volun- teered to help at tlie next Blood Do - nos Clinic. • SERVIETTES 70s pkg. 15c T. R. I9PSON fre, Keep Yourself fit " A LL work and no play .4.1 makes Jack a dull boyl" To make a suc- cess of the old battle of life you must develop physically as well as men- ' tally, \ Billiards on the modern Brunswick equip- ment of our recreation rooms is the game to do it. M. J. AGNEW billiards A Gentleman'e Game Pres. Mrs. Reed Torrance, Vice Pres. Mrs. D. Harris, Sec.-Treas, Mrs. Jack ,Torrance, Knitting Con. Mrs. Allen Bettles, Recorder, Mrs. Mrs. Les. Cox,, Quilt Com. Mrs. Greenslade, Mrs.' Westlake and Mrs. Vic Elliott, Cutters, Mrs. W. Cox and Mrs. G. Young, Packers Mrs. R. Torrance and Mrs. Allen Betties, Knitting Supervisors, Mrs. Vic Elliott and MTS. Geo. Greenslade, Social Corn. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cox, jr. and Mrs. Bort HarriS and Mr. and Mrs. Don Harris. Packer a boy's boxes, Mrs, Allen Bettles, Recorder, Mrs.' YligttiViMittetkigkttitiOtgatititkititikti4W%VitiNt0"4"tietititi ttUttlr, tAlt,thyg‘ - „ tr, GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES TANGERINES — CRANBERRIES --i,GRAPES — BANANAS Vp APPLES — CELERY — TOMATOES' — RADISHEiS CARROTS ORANGES' doz. - 47c LETTUCE bunclh 10c CALIFORNIA JUICY 360's LEMON'S 3 for ONTARIO NO. 1 'WAXED - lie TURNIP'S lb. 30e FLORIDA SEEDLESS 96's CHOICESEET GRAPEFRUIT 3 for 203 POTATOES 2 lbs, 23c SEASON'S GPREETIN008., We Extend to you one end all Best Mshes..fOra Verx, C. M. Shearing and Staff._ STOKELY'S HONEY POD MITCHELL'S VITA,MkNIZED„ PEAS 20 oz. tin , 17e Apple Juibe 20 oz. tin 15e AYLMER CHOICE IIBBY'S T0141TO,,, TOMATOES 28 oz. tin JUICE 20. oz. tin 10c, SMARTS SLICED CLUB HOUSE...MIXED BEETS 20 oz tin 17c OLIVES 9, oz. jar 390 AYLMER CHOICE WAGSTAFFES WAFER 1 PUMPKIN 28 oz. tin 15c PICKLE'S jar 27c CHRISTMAS NOVELTY SMITH'S TOMATO' ICRACIMS ,boat 49c KETCHUP bottle 190 "ROSE PLAIN OLIVES 9 oz. jar * HEINZ SANDWICH - 29c SPREAD jar 25e gI • FLORIDA JUICY 216's CHOICE. LEAF C. M. SHEARING PHONE 48 FOR QUALITY FOODS — CLINTON ..immara124,-1=NaDlnommoizmaDmoosmaimmIsamummommtmomolo1. 4,vtk:-A-m,2,,,,sf,qwa4zt4g-,mttgteoma,zk,:mittttvmotetmtcv,meKwtttc-ttmwmtomrm- VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS 11 Again we Wish you All A re § r- DOUGLAS G. BALL JOHN S. ZAPF-B g Phone 110 Phone 103 ...,taintwettzttatrs-ZamitUtotomosztintotzetiolzlutorzizi-ztUiznitbirspitltmOi' Dam t. NiiS[simens•imtseiglaimiaset.,Z4MettiesVoits.[ZoimiZititietoometototapotgigtalgtoom This Store will be closed Tuesday December 36th (Boxing Day). BALL f?_ ZAPFE Dealers in Hardware and Furniture Modern Ambulance Service, ,Funeral Directors Store Phone 195 1 Hearty Christmas Greetings to All A Few Suggestions for Gifts Carving' Sets, High 3 -way Folding Clothes Racks, Beatty Tub Drainers, Rocking Horses, A good line of low priced Dust Mops Tube -Skates at a Special Price Bags of Blocks for Young Children ole Hawkins Hardware 'Hugh Hawkins. PLUMBING AND HEATING PHONE 244 IsOrbtzoCazthenDiramtiMOIMIntiPtOnsel IMUMOrtthIlt174DIMANAM-DrADIPt • CHRISTMAS Specials 1 lb. Maxwell House Coffee ...45c 1/2 lb. Blue Ribbon Tea 28c 1 lb. Lard 2 Cans Harry Hornes Instant COCOA 19c 25c 1 Tin Peas, Gr. Corn or Tomatoes 15c 7 lb. bag Purity or Five Roses FLOUR 29c 1 Pkg. TEA BISK lSc 1 pkg. SOS Pads 15c 3 Cakes Big Bert H. W. Soap ..15c 3 Cakes Lux, Camay or Lifebuoy SOAP 20o 3 Tins Asst, Soups 25c 12 Pkg. Lemon Pie Filler 19c l3 Rolls Interlake Tissue 25c 1 lb. Bag 1VIcCormicks Sodas ..15c 3 lbs. Rehdy Cut Macaroni .... 20e ORANGES, GRAPES, YAMS CRANBERRIES, ETC. W. L. JOHNSON PHONE 286 GROCER DELIVERY HOURS 4 to 6 p.m. • Money to Loan on. 'first Mortgages Now is the TIME to stop pay- ing rent and to buy a farm. Write us if you have been think- ing about it. We may be able to help you with a loan. All inquiries treated confidenti- ally. Har0/10.8tErie MORTGAGE CORPORATION London Windsor Sl The 1945 officerd are as follows: Alvin Betties t. Thomas , am Chath Fe P11 • -"; ;; To 041 our friends and oust, - orners we send the peasoxea, Greetings. -- On behalf of our. entire staff. I wish to .expresa.:. our thanks and appreciatiogi'. for the kind consideration ex-, • tended to us during this past year. We wish for one and all A Merry Christmas and -- Happy and prosperous New Year. Orval Lobb,