HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-12-21, Page 6TITE CLINTON NEWS -R C grononlists Extract Syrup Isolate Chemical' Aid Tests Show Action of U. S. Revives Interest 11Craut Small Cabbage ,„: ' • From Cul Tangerines 1' 1.4aSt winter the department of ag- eictittare's,,citrus products statian,at Whiter Haien, Fla., hwestigatecl ses'ffir cull tangerines. The juice was difficult to extract, poor in fie- ' vor, raid did not keep :well, But the, • 'nvestigators made a bland syrup irnilar to the syrup; made from cull `'. atiples that, has so many potential uses, both in the food field and In Inanstly, The scientists found that apple syrap—whieh is now at a.pre- ' onium because of the short crop of , ''• , apples in 1943—can be supplemented 9 tangerine Vann. • Th Ntinter Haven studies also re-• - 'tilted in a concentrated tangerine esh fruit. [ jaw useful fen . a , beverage biee. is syrup is light brown, with an ttractive, distinctive flavor sug- eating honey and fruit. It retains gm one-half to three-fourths of the itamin C (ascorbic acid) in the Florida• produces more than two • illien boxes of tangerines a year. i • ecause the frtzit is not desirable • -third of the crop is not shipped enough for the fresh tangerine mar- ket. Some tangerine oil has been • recovered, and a presscake made for cattle feed, but a large part of the unshipped fruit has been dumped int e pastures or harrowed into the soil for its limited humus valee. Growers must pick all the fruit •to get satisfactory crops in later sea- sons, some return from harvesting ons, and the tangerine syrup prom- isesthe poorer fruit. 'Juices Retained When Frozen Meats Are Cooked Frozen meats can be cooked suc- cessfully even when they are in a isolidly frozen state. The meat juices will be retained in the cooking proc- ess, although the cooking time for frozen meat will be longer per pound than meats partially frozen or thawed. Extend cooking time 15 to .20 minutes per pound more and cook at low temperature. Uniform cooking of meats is more rlikely to occur if the meat is at least itwo-thirds thawed. This also saves both thawing and cooking time. In Ithawing meats, the slowest method lis the best, so that there will be very Ilittle loss of moisture. However, cir- cumstances may dictate a speedier rway. Below are ways of thawing meats, followed by instructions for 'cooking specific cuts. On refrigerator shelf, 5 hours per pound; at room temperature, 2 hours per pound; at room texripera- ture in front of fan, 45 minutes per pound; in moderate oven with fan blowing into oven, 25 minutes per pound. Completely thawed meats can be cooked exactly as meat liuman,Growt when children and yoting animals grow, they do so because of a chem- icai regulator pro4uced by th ping- tary gland, known as, the growth hormone. This chemical has just been' isolated an .pure form by Dr. Choh Hao Li, leeturer and reSearch associate, and Dr. Herbert M. Ev- an, director of the Institute of Ex- perimental BiologY on the Berkeley cam us of the University of Cali - Trial so far has been limited to animal experimentation, Dr. 'Li re - ,ported. Growth -has been produced in young rats after their pituitaries have been removed. However, Dr. Li predicts impoitaht developments for Inunan use as soon as enough of the hormone has been produced. It is sure to help the dwarfs, espe- daily the young ones, he said. It night possibly influence the older ones, too. In this laboratory •added growth has been secured in rats that had stopped growing. First, testa must be made to see if the chem- ical, which is a protein, will be tol- erated by the human body. The pure chemical is very rare at the present time. There is enough to affect the growth pattern of a few rats, but not enough to in- fluence even one human. The iso- lation technique is long and tedious, and includes grinding, extraction with alkaline solution, salt fraction- ation, and isoelectric precipitation. The yield is low. " Find Man- htered htered y Cows Carried Calves It is good practice to have valu- able cows examined for pregnancy before they are sold for slaughter. According to a report recently re- ceived from Oregon, about 20 per cent of the dairy cows and heifers sold as sterile for beef in that state were found to be carrying calves. A good many other cows thought to be barren are also found to be in calf when killed. A high per cent of these animals are heifers but some are good cows, quite a num- ber of which would go on as top pro- ducers for several years. A few cows continue to show heat periods even after they are in calf. This naturally fools the person who is in charge of the herd. When an attack of breeding trou- ble strikes a herd, the chances of getting adequate returns from the herd are greatly reduced. It is only by regular calving every 12, to 14 months that good lactations an be maintained, and this usually makes time and money, spent on periodic examinations an excellent invest- ment ... • e, 'which has not been frozen. • -aseists, Marshall Islands The Pacific Marshalls, 32 low is- lets and 867 surrounding coral reefs halfway between the Hawaiian Is- lands and northeastern Australia, first were visited by the Spanish in ,the 16th 'century. In 1767 an Eng- lish navigator touched on their shores and 11 years later they were ' explored by Captain Marshall, for whom they are named, and Captain Gilbert. After the Spanish-Ameri- can war Germany acquired them by treaty from Spain for $4,500,000 and they became the center of a trade war between German and Australian interests. Germany was evictor until the beginning of World War I (104), when Japan seized them, the Marianas and the Caro - 'lines isa the name of the Allies. Post- war Settlements gave Japan man - 'date over all these. The population, about, in 11-iumber, is chiefly Malayan and Polynesian and the total area. is about half that of New York city. IN° official statistics have been avail- able since 1935, when Japan with- drew from the League of Nations, land last year the Tokyo radio re- vealed that Japan, in violation of tthe League mandate, had been forti- dying the islandefor 20 years. Flood -Free Johnstown, Pa.,is no longer at the mercy of its rivers. The reason dor 'this is the completion of an 'eight,million dollar flood control I proj ect. The project includes nine miles of work on stretches of three streams —deepening and widening of chan- nels, realignment of courses, and ithe facing of banks with concrete lup to 12 inches thick. Retaining kwalls range from 37 feet to 67 feet in 'height. Johnstowners have long been icon- ocious of their water peril. First flood recorded in the city's history 'toccurred in 1808. From that year to the present, about 23 have been Ibig enough for mention in the city's annals. Dying Out • The present rate of reproductton is 'barely sufficient to sustain the con- dor, a very large American vulture, and in addition to this, the fight dor preservation zs a losing one, as sooner or later civilization will abol- ish the carrion on which the condor • completely depends for food. The 40 or more birds still in. existence must eventually go the way of the dodo • and the passenger -pigeon. And yet, in contrast to those tWo species, the condor is one of the most mtelligent , members of the animal kingdom. One condor, nicknamed "The Gen- • eral," was taken when very young by Mr. William Finley, and -made the most extraordinary pet, equal to a good dog or horse in intelligence. • - Ancient Volumes Two very ancient and historically important volumes, printed in Latin, have recently been discovered in the private library of Mrs. B. B. Jen- kins of Takoma Park, Md. Both are bound in parchffient, one dated 1660 and -the other 1686. Both deal exclusively with the early records and achievements of German tribes and their rulers from 300 A. •D. to about 1630 A. D. The tyes used are all early faces, black -face predomi- nating. The title page of the earlier of the two, with 577.pages, reads: Opuscula Historica Varia res Germanicas. The author was Henricus Meibomi- us. The title page of the later book shows. that One volume of 404 pages was bound 'up with nine others of slightly over pamphlet length. All deal with early German history. The title of the first book included—Ger- mania Media (ete.) by Paulus Hack- enbergus. This was printed in Jena. It is followed -by a pamphlet of 32 pages, De Orighie Illastrium Ger- inanorura. Then follow pamphlets of various lengths .dealing with and magnifying the German and related doing a affecting Rome and Italy, as well -as Central Etirope. • These works were acquired by the father of Mrs. Jenkins, the late Col. David Gray Purrnan—shortly after the Civil war. Retinal Images Those tiny pictures on the retina of the eye, by which we .obtain most of our khowledge and information about the outside world, are incred- ibly small. Experiments have proven that in the central part of the retina known as the fovea, which is the area of sharpest vision, retinal images may be less than one thou- sandth of an inch in size. Images brought to a focus outside the cen- tral area must be several times as large to give distinct vipion. Be- dause of this difference in acuity in the retinal areas in tasks involving close focusing, as in reading, the eyes are turned so that the images are brought to a focus in the retina's central area of sharpest vision. Infected Swine Discharges of aborting sows or gilts or the discharges of infected gilts and sows that farm* normally often contaminate the premises and spread disease, the department of animal pathology and hYgiene of the University of Illinois college of agri- culture warned in advising slaugh- ter of animals infected with brucel- losis. Though exposure to infectious abortion or brucellosis late in the stage of pregnancy may not cause abortion, there is the strong possi- bility that such antnials will become infected. Infected boars often spread the infection to susceptible sows at the time of breeding. Infected swine can be detected by blood tests. Vita in Dur ng Cdolung Last minute information op wha' happens to the vitamins during 'the • cooking and storing Of focicle,' worked out in experiments in the de partment of borne economies on the • Berkeley campus of the University of California, has been released Most easily lost vitamin is .asoor, bicnacid, or vitamin C; next are thiamine, B-1, and carotene. • Rib> flavin, B-2, and the two parts of the B complex known.as niacin, and pan. tothenic acid, are less readily de, stroyed. The vitamin C and an the B vita. mins are soluble in water, hence will be leached out into the water used in cooking vegetables. In sten age, the experiments showed there is little loss of vitamin C in de. hydrated carrots, spinach, and mus• tard greens up to three months. In dehydrated fruits, vitamin C is pro. tected by sulfur dioxide. Losses of thiamine in storage oc- cur over a period of months; raw navy beans lost 40 per cent of thia- mine when stored six months, and red kidney beans 39 per cent. When canned, the navy beans lost 79 per cent' and the kidney beans lost 86 per cent. • In contrast, there is little loss of niacin in storage. Riboflavin is destroyed by light. Carotene is destroyed at high temperatures and by exposure to air. - Early Spring Time for Pruning - Raspberries Raspberries should- be pruned in early spring before the canes start to grow, but after all danger of se- vere freezes and low temperature is past. This plan makes sure that dead wood is removed, yet offsets the danger of overpruning. Red raspberries are grown either in hills or in hedgerows, but most growers train the canes in hedge- rows. Rows are usually set seven feet apart and the rows are trimmed to a width of about one foot. Dead and weak canes should be cut out, and the rest should be thinned to stand four to six inches apart in the row. Do not cut off the tops of the canes left for fruiting. Removal of the weak growth at the tips of the canes has little effect, but heavy cutting back reduces the crop. If the canes are more than four feet tall, they will probably need some support when the berries ripen. Posts can be set about 20 feet apart in the row and the canes can be supported on wires strung between the posts. This spring and summer shallow cultivation will help to keep down the maze of suckers which sprout up in and between the rows of red raspberries. In R nue ough Fiber Supp les n Sp ng • During the pas.t few years consi& •ellthough falLis usually the seasen • enable interest .111„ ramie has been • for ' krautmg or brining cabbage, revived in the United States. This small supplies may be put up in plant, a perennial shrub, was intro- the spring for family use. A jar duced into this country in 1855 by of two-ceitart size is ideal because the department of agriculture. It is it holds just -our pounds of cabbage extensively cultivated in China and shredded and mixed with salt. Jalian and to a limited extent in In- Shred the cabbage the thickness dia. In China, it was one of the of a dime, either with a special cut - principal 'fibers used for making ter or a sharp knife. Thoroughly cloth previous to the introduction of mix the shredded cabbage and the cotton into that country abouts 1300 salt in an enamel pan, using eight A. D. • teaspoons of salt to four pounds of Six thousand years ago the slaves cabbage. A pure medium -coarse of the Pharaohs dragged the huge salt, such , as meat or dairy salt, stones for the building of the pyra- should be used. Pack the cabbage mids with unbelievably strong ropes and -salt mixture into the jars, fill - made from the tenacious fibers of in them just to the shoulder, as ramie. By way of contrast,' the space must be allowed for fermen- sheer wrapping cloths that were tation. Put the lids on the jars and wound about their mummies and fasten only the top wire. Set the which through the ages have re- jars in an enamel pan and keep tained both strength and fineness, them at room temperature (75 to were made from this fiber. 80 degrees Fahrenheit) for about The name "ramie" is generally four days or until bubbles are no used by English-speaking people to longer formed, designate the plant Boehmeria ni- Remove the lids each day and vea. It belongs to the nettle family tamp or press the kraut down so but does not have stinging hairs it will be entirely covered with growing from perennial rootstocks, it liquid, and pour back into the jars sends. up herbaceous shoots or canes any liquid which may have bubbled one-half to three-quarters of an into the pan. At the end of the inch in diameter to a height of five fermentation period, place the rub - to six feet: These canes bear near- bers on the jars' and clamp the lid ly round or heart -shaped leaves, on tight. The fermentation should rather thick in texture, dark green be complete in about 10 days from above and woolly white on the under the time the shredded cabbage is surface. At maturity they produce placed in the jars. near the tops branched clusters of The brined cabbage is ready to very small greenish -yellow stem- use at once within the next few inate flowers and later still higher up weeks if kept in a Cold place. If on the stems clusters of pistillate or it is to be kept longer, jars should seed -bearing ftowers. be processed in a hot-water bath as in canning. Census Shows Big Modernization Job Ahead Bringing existing houses up to date will keep the nation's plumbing and heating contractors busy for many years after victory. The ex- tent of the potential market for plumbing and heating equipment in the modernization and rehabilitation of existing houses is indicated by a study of the 1940 census returns. Nearly'40 per cent or 14,320,000 of the nation's 37,000,000 dwelling units do not have either a bathtub or a shower. This is the percentage for the country as a whole. In rural areas 88 per cent of houses do not have a bathtub or shower and only 17 per cent have running water in the house. Exactly 58 per cent or 19,802,230 dwelling units lack central heating, Equally significant with respect to the need for repairs and overhaul- ing of existing equipment is the fact revealed by the census that 22,171,- 329 dwelling units, or 59.4 per cent, are 20 years or more old. The aver- age house in the United States is 25 years old. Ally of Mars 1 For every 5,000 -pound bale of cot - I ton lint there is 900 pounds of cotton- seed, with not a pound wasted, not even the hulls. This yields 140 pounds of vegetable oil for food; 400 pounds of meal and cake for live- stock feed; about 240 pounds of hull for feed and chemicals; and, finally, 89 pounds of linters for smokeless powder, plastics, and other things. Linters—fuzz on the seed—are the best natural form of alpha -cellulose for making smokeless powder. From hulls come transparent nose sections of bombing planes and the finest synthetic yarns and fabrics. About two-thirds of the billions of yards of cotton cloth go to war. They use cotton in self-sealing gasoline tanks for airplanes; for electrically heated flying suits; for parachute , cords and harness; for jungle ham- mocks, canteen covers, anctrot proof shoes for jungle wear; for tarpaul- ins', camouflage netting, surgical supplies. The list is almost endless. Every soldier requires 250 pounds of cotton or 10 times what the average civilian wears. Vacuum Cleaners To keep cleaners in good gondi- tion, first, keep the dirt container emptied and clean. Empty the bag by shaking it gently upside down into a paper sack. Every two or three weeks the bag should be turned inside out and brushed care- fully With a stiff brush. The bag should never be washed. Some cleaners use dirt containers made of paper, and these should be changed often. Next, keep the brushes on the cleaner free' from hair and threads. And if the ,brush is the kind that turns around inside the nozzle, make sure the bristles- are long enough to sweep the rug. When the bristles wear down, the brush, or the roll on which it operates, can be lbw- ered. Where cleaners have a rotating roll with a rubber belt, the manu- facturers' directions likely recom- mend taking this belt off the fan shaft each time the cleaner is put away. This helps prolong the elas- ticity of the belt. Poultry Vitamins - While there are several different vitamins D for all practical pur- poses they ,may be divided into two groups, vitamin' D2.---eiso called cal- ciferol—and vitamin D3. Vitamin D2 , is -the name applied to the' vitamin obtaineclhy irradiating or activating the provitamin, found generally in yeasts, fungi, .and other plant sources; while vitamin D3 is the name for the vitamin obtained by irradiating the provitamin foundin animal tissues. Vitamin D2 is quite ineffective is preventing for curing rickets isa baby chicks; While vita v Control Meningitis New investigations during 1943 show that the sulfonamides are ef- ficient in controlling meningitis, bringing the total number of deaths from 17 for each hundred cases 'to 3 for each hundred cases in various epidemics. Physicians in one large army camp stopped the spread of an epidemic by giving regular doses of sulfathiazole to all the soldiers who might be exposed to the infec- tion. Deaths from pneumonia in many army camps were less than 1 per cent. In civilian life the num- ber of deaths was reduced from 27 out of each hundred cases to 7 out of each hundred infected. New sulfonamides were developed in 1943, including sulfamerazine, which was said to be less toxic than previous forms and which was rec- ommended particularly for use where there might be complications related to the kidney. Research showed that baking soda or sodium bicarbonate taken previous to the giving of the sulfonamide drugs tends to prevent such kidney com- plications. The sulfonamides were found to be especially effective in the treatment of dysenteries and diarrheas. Rubber Flavor Boiling synthetic rubber rings for glass jar tops 5 to 10 minutes in a solution consisting of a pint of water and a teaspoon 'of baking soda will remove any flavor -imparting qual- ity they may have. Synthetic rub- ber used in wartime jar rings has a characteristic flavor occasionally carried over into the jars of canned food. Rinse the rings well in water aft- erward, and give them a second boil- ing of two to three minutes in fresh water without soda. If the water from this hatter boiling has no rub- ber flavor, the home canner may be certain that the food in her jars will also be free of it. Exposing the canned food to the air for an' hour or two before it is cooked also helps eliminate any possible rubber flavor. Polishes Jewels A single strand of nylon polishes jewel bearings for navy precision in- struments in. a new use in which the synthetic monofilaments are re- placing wood or topper wire. Fifteen -thousandths inch in diam- eter nylon in one -inch lengths was found ideal for the delicate opera- tion of giving the tiny bearing holes in the genie a highly polished finish. Nylon did not chip the jewels, held very. well the dianioad dust used in polishing, and had superior life. Ex- amination under 20x magnification showed surface's polished with nylon scratch -free. TWo other firms have now adopted nylon for the same op- eration. - Wheat Germ Meal Cuts Stiff Lamb Disease Toll Sheep growers inay prevent losses of spring lambs from "stiff lamb" disease by feeding wheat germ meal to the ewes in the barn for a week before lambing, and to both ewes and lambs during the nursing period. Lambs born in March or early April before the pasture season, are often struck by the disease so they cannot walk, or walk with great dif- ficulty, and so are unable to get milk. Many die, and some that re- cover are never profitable. Lambs are usually two to seven weeks old when the disease strikes, usually after they have violent ex- ercise or are driven some distance to pasture. Though the disease has occurred in flocks fed many differ- ent rations, ewes fed a ration of al- falfa or clover hay, oats, barley, and cu/1 beans seem 'to have the most "stiff lamb" trouble with their young. Prevention of the disease requires only the feeding of one-half to one- third ,pound of wheat germ meal daily to each ewe in the dry lot a week before lambing and during the time the lambs are still nursing. Lambs should also be fed the wheat germ meal in the creeps. Wheat bran can be used if germ meal is not available from feed dealer. Clean Milk For production of clean milk here are a few brief suggestions; Have a good milk pail, preferably one which is seamless and has a small or hooded top; keep a strainer which is large enough and can be cleaned easily; clean and sterilize all utensils just before milking to re- move dust and bacteria and banish odors. Have a clean barnyard and a clean, well -ventilated barn or milk- ing shed; keep the cow clean and healthy. Brush the flank and ud- der before milking, and wash the udder, in front of the udder and the flanks, with chlorine water. The milker should be healthy. He should wear clean clothing, should wash his hands and disinfect then) before milking, and milk with dry hands. He should coo] the milk immediately after milking, and keep it cool to prevent bacterial growth. ,Dry Soybeans Dry soybeans are very, easily cooked but must be previously soaked. An overnight soaking peri- od gives the best results, although a shorter period may be used. Since the dry beans increase from 21/2 to 3 times in size, it is necessary to use enough water for the soaking; three cups of water for each cup of dry beans will be satisfactory. Aft- er the beans have been hydrated, they can be cooked either by boiling for 1 to Pk hours in salted water or in a presSure cooker at 10 pounds pressure for 10 minutes. One and one-half cups of salted water to one cup of soaked beans is enough if the pressure cooker is used. Sound Sleep There had long been a theory that the first few hours of sleep are the soundest,' and hence the most valu- able. The -superiority of the early sleeping hours, on the basis of some criteria at least, would seem to be supported, by the established fact that, while every normal person, al- though probably not aware of it, par- tially wakens or turns osier several times in the night, during the second half of the night these semi -awaken- ings generally occur more. frequent- ly until they end in complete awak- ening, although some people (abetut one-thitcl of the total) are said to reverse this and sleep ,most soundly in the last half. of the night As- suming that the quality of sleep is a peoduct of the depth and 'duration, the mere profound. the ,sleep, the less required. ' • 1914 Wesley-Willi.s W.A. St. Paul's W. A. The December meeting of the W.A. The iogular December meeting - of- Wesley-Wilhs Church took , the end the Arineal meeting of St. form cf a Christmas Party on the VES W weee held on TuasdaY eternoon of the 7th. The Church aftern at the home of Mrs, Hall wes prettily decorafed in tied /3artliff; Thee vice-proident, Mrs. l. and green and the table from which Iludiq condueted the meetings. The refreshments were served had a gay passage of seeipture was read by little Christmas Tree in the centre, Evelyn Hall. The minutes and re.. and ,red streamers, 'ports of treasurer, secretary and Mrs. M. Nediger was in the chair, committees were received. Mrs. Agnew and Mrs. Charlesworth ' The annual meeting showed /An were t,pianist. The opening hymn inerease in membership over the, w.ts y to the World". Mrs. Britton previous year, and all affiliated units orfered prayer, and :the Scripture telaierryLiintgtleonIfetlhpeeitt! wanoidit.Juniors were lesson was was ,the beautiful o hot business meeting was held, Stove told by Mrs. Nelsen. A I The surplus funds Were ;voted to the secretary, Mrs. Jefferson and various departments of Mission Work ' Teeesurer, 'Mrs. Ping -land gave theirTiacua he Di:etesme isosfiontl:eKAanTritet' meiGsisurotZ repoets. The latter also gave a re - h sume of finanCes of the last three the local Budget, Deaconess House, . years, showing that s1550,00 had Educational fund, Flower Mission Leen presented to the Church Board andrDominionB.Life membership for bythe W. A. e ms.le Ti.e Corresponding secretary, Mrs,I Rev, R. M. P. Bulteel teak the Adams, read lettera of thanks for chair for the election of officers :foir flowers sent to the sick. Mrs. Hearn 1945. The slate of officers present - gave the report, for the flower corn- ed by the striking committee are: mit-tee. Two interesting letters were President, Mrs. L. M. McKinnon; read, tone from Mrs. T. Venner, tell- lst vice, Mae. (Rev.) It M. P. Mule . frig, of the safe arrival in England of teel; and vice Mrs. W. H. Robinson;, her son Gordon, 'who is now a Pilot 3rd vice, Mrs. F. Hudie; Treasurer, . Officer, 'and one from Miss Gladys (Mrs. C. H. Epps; Secretary, Miss Addison, Nursing Sister who wrote Mary Holmes; Horses secretary Mrs. from England thsnking the W.. A. 'Rat Thompson; Social Service,. for a box of chocolate bars. Miss Alice Holmes and Mrs. 1-1. Mrs. W. Pinning- reported 4 quilts Battliff; Prayer Partner, Miss Alice, completed by the work committee, Holmes; Superintendent of Little 3 of thee were for the Red Cross. Helpers, Mrs. G. A. Walker; Assist. Rey. Lane conducted the election tent, lairs. G. McLay; Superintendent of Officers for 1945. The report of' of , Juniors, Mrs. C. Arnold; Living, the striking committee was accepted, Message secretary, Mrs. G. M. Mim- es read by Mrs. Nelson who • was ter; Representative to Board of Man- . convenor. agement, Mrs. Fred Ford. • Two de'ightful tr'os were sung by The meeting was closed by the three young ladies, wives of members Rector after which a social time of the Radio School, Mesdames was enjoyed. • Devereux, Moore and Conron. "While V Shepherds watched their flocks by night." and "Silent Night, Holy Night". Mrs. McKieley recited a poem by • Tennyson. "In the Children's Hos- pital", in her usual pleasing manner; and Mas. Jeffeeson -gave an interest- ing reading- by Nellie McClung, "The; 1 milkman's Christmas." Carols were sung throughout the "0 Come, let us adore Him Chriet seemed to pervade the gathering. afternoon and the "Christmas Spirit"! • the Lord," The Mizpah -benediction brought the meeting to a close, after which I a delicious tea was served by Mrs. F. Andrew's group. There was a large attendance. The Officers for 1945 are: Hon. president, Mrs. Andrew Lane, President, Mrs. M. Neiiger, ist vice- presideet, -Mrs. J. McKinley, and vice president, Mrs. Walter Oakes, lee - cording secretary, Mrs.. G. Jefferson, Corresponding secretary, Mrs. E. Adams, Press' secaetarY, Mrs. A. T. Cooper, Treasurer, Mrs. P. Manning, Convenor of Property Coin. Mrs. Saville, Convenor' of Work Coin- mitte, Mrs. C. Nelson, Cenvenor of Communion Com. Mrs. Laidlaw, Con- venor of Mance Com, Mrs. Pickard, Convenors of Program Com. Mrs. J. Innes, Mrs. Haddy. Group Leaders, Mrs. J. Addison, Mrs. J. Nediger, Mrs. F. Andrews, Pianist Mri. Charlesworth, Mrs. Cooper (A. T.) V • Presbyterian W. A. The W. A. held their regular mon- thly meeting on Wednesday after- noon Dec. Gth in the .Sunday School room with a large atbendance. 'The president Mrs. J. Stevenson Was in the chair and the meeting opened by singing hymn 729. Mrs. Lane pre- - sided at the piano for the singing ;of' the hymns. This -was followed by the reading of the scripture and prayer. -Ms. Streets read the secre- tary's report which was adopted and Mrs. Neilans gave the treasurer- er's report, showing'the' • past year had been a very successful one fi nancially, Mrs. Lane then teak the chair for itIibieloewl:.ction of offic.rs which are as Hon. Pres. Mrs. E. Ward; Pres: Mrs. J. Stevenson; 1st Vice- Pres: Mrs. D. J. Lane; Sec. Mrs C. Streets; Treas. lairs. W. Knott; Social Com., Mrs. W. Shaddick, Convenor,- Mrs. J. Wilson, Mrs. M. D.' MeTaggart, Mrs. G. D. Rokerton, Mrs. Axon and Mrs. E. E. Gibson; Quilt Corn. Mrs. W. J. Cook, Convenor, Mae. J. Snider, Mrs. V. Streets, Mrs. Neilans, Mrs. C. Clifton and Miss Agnes Stirling; Visiting Com. Mrs. Geo. ,Roberton ed and hoped, the officers for the year for what, they bed acaornplish- and Mrs. Snider; Flowers dMorlei.ke.T... Neilans and Mrs. Fox. thanking the officers for. the past Mes. Ward then spoke a few words coming year would be able to like- wise. Lane then read a Christmas •story and 1;tiMilg;19S,tciev7;s1ho,ii}?yr;nand 560a Christen:la peem. ed • Christmas Message The Christmas bells are again soon to rye. C. lea -tines', and what; does it all mean? Christmas', and what does it mean to us? To many people it is but another holiday, -La time for more giving and getting,—a 'time for fun, for frolic and for feasting. But to many other lives, and trust to tie, Christmas means fax more than that. We who cherish faith 1 in the Living, Almighty God, 'we Who have experienced God's gracious providence; we who have heard God's voice, again and again, speaking to souls, to us, Christmas is the glad time in each calendar year foo commemorating a great world event, 1 —the birth of the world's Saviour and Friend, Jesus Christ, the Son of God. "Thou shalt call His name Jesus, for He shall save His people from their sins." (Matt. 1-21) Yes, "We love Him, ;because He 'first loved -us." We worship Rim I because it is His due , and because Rd is worthy.. "0 come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord". And ea we worship Him in spirit and. in truth, may He, the Christ of God, Who is the "Prince of Peace", dwell in our, hearts, guide our thoughts, use ctrs hands and our lives for His glory. Cora , Baker Halls 1943 Christmas: poem is not out of place for Christ. mas 1944. I • It's Christmas timeand women's hearts are breaking, . Like Mary near the Cross they weeping stand, And, helpless, view their own loved. I lads departing, To die, if need be for their native land. • It's Christmas time—and women's hearts are breaking, I 0 come, Lord Jesus, to the earth I once more, 0 come,- dear Christ, and end this night of weeping - 1 Thy government set up the whole, world o'er. 0 come, dear Lord, for many heads are waiting, 1 And Thou art still • the ;blessed I Prince of Peace, And swords shall • then - to plough- shares in Thy .reigniaeg, The eurse for war for evermore shall cease: Again, to all -readers- of the "Clin- ton Ne"ws-Record",' 'I extend nay sincerest wishes fOe Merry Christ- mas, and a Happy- New Year. • ' '