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Fire Insurance Agent
! ?Representing 14 Fire Insurance
'Division Court Office, Clinton
Frank Fingland, $.A., LL.B.
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public
Successor to'W. Brydone, K.O.
Sloan Block ..,.. -- .... Clinton, Ont.
Barrister -at -Law
:Sclieitor of the Supreme Court of
Proctor in Admiralty.
Notary Public and Commissioner
t'lffices in Bank of Montreal Euildinr
Hours: 2.50 to 5.00 Tuesdays
and Fridays.
'Dr. F. G. Thompson
House and Office, Ontario Street
Clinton. Telephone 172
OFFICE HOURS: 2-4 in the after-
noon and 7-8 in the evening daily.
Other hours by appointment.
]Electro Therapist, Massage
'tOffice: Huron Street, (Few Doors
west of Royal Bank)
Hours—Wed. and Sat•, and by
by Manipulation Sun -Ray Treatment
Phone 207
Licensed Auctioneer
Specialist. in Farm and Household
Licensed in Huron and Perth
Counties. Prices reasonable; satis-
faction guaranteed.
For information etc. write or phone
Harold Jackson, R.R. No. 4 Seal'orth,
phone 14-661. 06-0121,
Love at First Fiight
y Charles Spalding
and Otis Carney
CHAPTER VI rung, with a red blur streaking down
runway. i eve tie ari'port
planes circled waiting.to land.' L' had
stepped on Atlas' foot and he had
dropped the globe.,
The crash truck drew alongside.
"Are you'all right?" The Officer
of the Day asked for the records.
I nodded.
Mr. Glossup Clammed his large
face' Into the cockpit..
"Yost ground-looped,"he gasped.
"You ground -looped."
"I didn't do it. She did." I pointed
all over 'the plane.
"You unlocked the tail -wheel too
01 soon," bawled Mr. Glossup. "You
idiot. You idiot!"
Barred Loin the Navy's : V-7 .pro
gram because he `,lacked two:years
of college math,' Lester Dowd tries
to enlist in the Coast Guard but is
turned clown because of a "facial
squint," The.' doctor refuses even to
examine hint. Commander Whitman,
au old friend of the family, en -
de r ors to get , a waiver for beater
so he can join V-1, but after weeks
of waiting Lester learns they still
insist on two years of college math.
He is successful in joining the V-5
Naval Association and is sent to
Anacostia Naval Base. Six ' weary
weeks of preliminary ground scho
pass by and he is finally driven to a
flying field. Scene time later he:
makes his first solo flight with con-
siderable apprehension.
the ,Ab ]
As soon as I was decently out of
sight, I began to fly aimlessly in
large • potbellied circles. After
twenty minutes I `convinced myself
I could stay up or come down at
will. Flying was enjoyable! If I
skidded in the turns, the •Glossup
lash could not fall on my ;shoulders.
If I' wandered off the beading, There
was no one to object.' I flew over
the Potomac and circled around an
excursion boat moving slowly down
the river. My control over the plane
was absolute. I was sure of my
mastery. Could this be love? I jam-
med the nose down and pulled it right
back up. That was the way to treat
the little woman. •
After an hour of sleighing about
the sky, I started back to' the field.
There would be no little enjoyment
in striding unconcernedly past Glos-
sup. This repine he would have to cone
to me. I ..practised a suitable mono-
logue in ,the smug dialect of the ex-
"Very nice upstairs today, Glos-
sup. Very nice indeed. Smooth at
four thousand. Average r.p.m:s 1700
fuel pressure 25. The left wing was a
tittle heavy, but that doesn't bother
or, does it, Ace?"
I might throw' in a 'nudge under
his navy wings, a sort of fraternal
high sign.
I turned my attent'on to number
two -ninety-six We had never got.
along like this before. Perhaps' it
wasn't too late to try again.
"Oh, you b.autiful doll," I sang,
'end patted her on the instrument
panel. t iri!
The field was 1-elow now. I fol--
lowed the correct procedure and
prepared to land.
"Oh' you beautiful doll, you great
big beautiful doll!" l courted ex-
The approach was rrofessionaI,
The tail struck lightly, and the
wheels followed immediately. It
was •a perfect landing. We rolled
swiftly down the runway.
"It isn't generally • known," I
cooed in a raptors at this totally
unexpected success,' "but you have
the cutest ailerons is the base.
Believe me."
There was a notideabie swaying
"Easy, dear," .I called in eleven..
I moved the stick to counterbal-
ance the disturbance. 'There was
no response; We skidded. We spurn
around in h lircle. After two dizzy
gyrations we Stopped at a erazy
angle on the runway. The propeller
continued to spin absurdly.
Dazed by the wicked turn of
events, I pushed the goggles up my
head and ° looked around at my
world.. The tower. was busy haul-
ing down the course flag. All the
cadets had gathered in a hunch in
front of the hanger= and .focused
their twenty-twenty visions on me
and my situation. The crash truck,
with officers hanging from every
Veterinary Surgeon
Phone 203 Clinton, Ont.
57 Bloor Str. W. Toronto Ont.
Fire Insurance Company
Head Office, Seaforth, Ont.
OFFICERS— President W. R.
Archibald, Seaforth, Vice -President
!6'rank McGregor, Clinton, Manager
Seoy-Treasi M. A. Reid, Seaforth. ,
,'7)IRECTORS- W. R. Archibald,
'Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton;
Alex. ' iBroadfoot, Seaforth; Chris
'Leonhardt, Bornholm; E. J. Trewar-
the, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seaforth
Alex. IiIcEwing, Blyth; Hugh Alexan-
der, Walton; George 'Leitch, Clinton.
AGENTS— John E. Pepper, Bruce-
field; R. F. McKercher, Dublin; J. F.
Prueter, Brodhagen; George A. Watt,
Myth' ° % B
Parties desiring, to effect insult -
wise or transact other business will,
be romptly attended to on applies
•tiort'to any, of the sibove officers !ad -
,dressed to their respective post offi-
ces. Losses inspected bythe director.
Trains will arrive at and depart
from,Clinton as fol'fows:
Toronto and Goderich Division
Going East, depart 6.43 aim..
'doing East, depart : 3.03 p.m.
• Going West, depart 12.09 p.m,
•Going West,, depart 11.10 p.m.
London, and Clinton Division
Coining North; arrive 11.20 a.m:
Going South, leave ....,,. 3.10 p.m.
It's a real
pipe e smoker's
No amount of` technical evidence
to the contrary could persuade me
that I had not been deceived by
feminine guile in a highly mechan-
ized form.
"I didn't do it," I repeated stub-
I rode sheepishly back to the
i hangar •on the crash truck, while
a crew pnAhed the plane off the run-
way, and life recommenced to flow
in its normal channels.
I In council it was decided that I
should solo again the following day.
Their lenient opinion was predi-
`cated`on the fact that I had upset
the consensus by returning at all.
The ground loop was frowned ,upon,
'but still it was an improvement
1 over the anticipated flight of the
'rock -
Elated by the reprieve, I still
felt that I had been purposely
sacked by number two -ninety-six.
There was something spiteful and
heartless about that landing. I
waited until all the planes had re-
turned front their.last flight and
then slipped down the line again.
She stood tinted, vain, and defiant
lin the evening colors. There was
ning,lit his eyes.
"When I :'am talking to another,
you will not interrupt me. Is that
clear:" he said icily.
He tutned;back to me.
"'Good luelc at Corpus Cha•is$r, he
'said under his breath.
"Oh, excuse me," mumbled the
"Excuse me what?" dentanded
1 Mr. Glossup, speaking from Olyan-
"Take over, Freud!" I mur-
mured, making . for Fearless' car-
riage. With luck, I could pack, cheek
lout, and catch the evening train for
Chicago, ,We weren't ordered to
pus Christi until October six-
teenth. There was time for a three-
day leave;, . r
fi *
I arrived home on a bright Octo-
her day, A fresh wind was strip-
ping the trees of their colored
!leaves, whisking them off the
branches and blowing then about
in swirls. Sometimes one would
flatten out on the car window, all
but in your eye, and you .could see
its ribbing and the cracks in its
dried surface. Everywhere, in
driveways and lanes, in school
yards and squares, autumn fires
smoldered • unattended and smoke
I bent by the wind drifted, spread
and dissolved in• a blue haze.
When. I reached the house,. Elsa
raced outside and then inside again.
"He ees come!" she shouted.
Mother came squealing down the
stairs: Father emerged from the
library in a cloud of smoke.
"Darling, don't squeal like that,"
he protested, shaking my hand.
"My baby]" cried Mother, swamp-
ing me with affection.
"Easy, dear, don't get dewy,"
cautioned Father.
Mother disengaged herself.
about her something will and un- h •d to
' principled i Father, "and I'll take the back."
• "You ta)ee the front " she said
"You St. ' Louis woman!" I cursed
her softly, and walked' abruptly to
, the bus.
For two weeks I,,stiugglcd for
precision, learned to land in a cir-
cle and how to make emergency
landings. There must have, been
some progress, because planes that
formerly bolted off like achool tots
fleeing the eighth -grade bully when-
ever two -ninety-six appeared in the
shy, now exhibited at least outward
calm. Gradually any status changed,
and at the enol T was regarded more
s a cripple who had learned to tap-
dance than as a sort of floating haz-
ard. ''
l Hawse.] my tweety-hour check
and became eligi.:le for advanced
training, at Corpus Ghristi. After
the ordeal. Mr. 'Glossup called me
aside, IIe took my arm and hustled
me around the. hangar. I was used
to being treated like cactus, and
gentle hands unnerved me.•
"Well, I got you through." IIe
broke down completely in private.
it was Glossup unmasked. "And
da you know hat .olid it? Psycholo-
gy!" He mouthed the password.
I stood mute before the revela-
tion, deprived of my faculties.
"Without psychology, • you'd have
been a dead duck" he snapped his
fingers. "I wouldn't have given
that Toa' ,you" --,he snapped his. fin-
gers again. It was the same asbe-
ing a dead duck.
"It's a marvellous thing"— I paid
my respects to science.
"When I saw you I said to my-
self, this fellow has to be handled
psychologically. And, 'boy" — he
slapped me jovially --"diol you re-
spond!" -
After a minute he said: "I
couldn't be like this and do you any
good. You understand that" lie
explained his past behaviour. In the
real ,Glossup, psychologically- speak-
iny,.there was apparently no there-
peutie value at all.
"Yes, I've been using it since
rl'dlho d, mused Mr. Glossup,re-
ferring to his art as if It were an
old boot -jack,
"I must send you some of the
new hooks,'sir'• It was the 'least I
could do.
A new eadet iu'lecl tip; not at all
sure of his ground.
"Pardon me," he introduced him-
self. "My name is Green. I ani
your new student."
Mr. ,Glossup winked, at tie. Cun-
She took a stand a few paces be-
hind pre.
"Now, look!" I protested. •
herself. However, grand occadion
were entrusted to - the professional
hands of " Mr. Raymonde, a man
whose highly stylized work could be
recognized as Milessoneo. Along
Life's Thorny Path. It included
such items as the First Birthday,_
Little Hunter, Achilles, and a suc-
cession ,of graduations. Mr. Ray -
monde wore much more hair than
our period requires, and about his
neck he wrapped a silken scarf
that shone like chromium.,. When h
smiled, he looked like a shark,
which explains to a great exten
the 'quailing expression in Little
Hunter. t
"Lester," ter,,» Mother called, "Mr
Raymonde is here to 'take a few
pictures of you."
s "The harbor was filled with sunken
and° wrecked ships, German and
French," said ';the coxswain, CPO.
Frederick McCarville of Charlotte-
town "The forts' and the waterfront
were pretty badly battered, but there
wasn't ,much .damage in. the ' city
The following is a clipping from
t an overseas paper.
The men ,of the aninesweepers,
who led theway to the beaches on
• D -Day, are still sweeping from a,nt.
till 10 pan. ,each day, keeping the
, p g
channel's swept and destroying the
"He just made it, •clidn't he?"; I
said suspiciously, "I'llbet you've
had hien, locked in the attic for
"Don't be absurd, dear. He stay
ed in, your room last night just to
be ready when you came,". said
"That ,Neanderthal Beaton slept
in my bed!" The dentist was proba-
bly chained. in the, 'guest room.
"Here he is, Mr. Raymonde,'
said Mother, leading me gingerly
into the hallway.,
"Ah," said Raymonde hungrily
"I suggest we go into the garden,
I stood fast.
THURS., DEC.). 21 'r'. 1911
good ,bowler .hat, and carrying an um-
brella to the city in, 1939—and anade
a bit of money when nobody was
"And then `2 was given sixteen
hours' notiog to go' to Sing•
apore.' 2 .
dropped my bowler hat in' the waste-
paper !basket, threw my umbrella on
the floor, kissed the typist politely,
and off L event,"
( Once the skipper of a sweeper
said to a staff officer of a flag ship
"If you could let.us have some food,
we should be awfully glad, because
we have run short. The staff officer
told- him, "You will have to go on
hard. tack!' The sweeper officer re -
'plied: "That would be grand, sir, batt.
we have not even got gay hard tack
mines which the Luftwaffe drops by
night. , I
When the sweepers anchor at To Protest Issuing Of Beer
night they have what is mostly dos -,1 y
ctike:l as "a rather- warm time, Licenses In Huron
watching enemy aircraft drop mines
Meetingo f Huron C
will have. to sweep next'•aunty
which they
day. Temperance Federation at Clinton
One night a sweeper signalled a . The 'position of Huron county in
captain: "A. parachute has just relation to the Canada 'Temperance
grazed my Oerlikon platform. I ,Act was under discussion at the an-
, think I had better move." The cap- i nual meeting of the Huron County
tain replied!' "Good show. Unbutton, i Temperance Federation, held im Wes.
drift away and have faith in God." z 2s church, Clinton, on
"That skipper is still alive, with
only one anchor and •one cable miss- Mr, F, W. Lewis, of the Ontario
ing, which seemed fair ` enough," Temperance Federation, addressing
said the captain." i the meeting pointed out that as the
"The men in the minesweepers aria county of Huron is under the Canada
in grand form and don't care two Temperance Act all hoer authorities,
' penne'orth of cold gin for Hitler or issued in this county are illegal:
anybody else,"" he said. I It tuns decided to authorize the
"They just slog along doing their Ontario Temperance Federation to
stuff, and I am proud of them. It is !appear -before the meeting of . the
an arduous and dangerous job, not r Provincial Liquor Control Board at
at all romantic. Kitchener on December ,it
to ,pro_
"We have had a considerable a- test on behalf of the Huron Feder -
mount of success, and more marvel- ation against the issuing of author-
lous still"— he touched 'wood --"we ities in this county.
have had a very small percentage o
casualties, fi i Rev. A. Johnston, educational sec-
ZRIII retary of the Ontario Temperance
Federation, addressed; the meeting
„GOOD MORNING" on "Temperance Education." A me-
tion was passed requesting the mins
"In my own ship the.NAAFI ean-!isters and superintendents of Sunday
teen has been empty for a month,!sehoois in the county to carry on
and 'no man has seen an egg or a temperance education as outlined by
piece of chocolate for weeks, They the Ontario Temperance Federation.
have had very little leave. They' Officers were elected for the com-
d have not complained or worried ing year as follows: Hon. presidents,
about it at .all. They realise what Gordon Lamb, Goderich, and Miss
•their job is only too we11." Jean Murray, Hensall; past presi-
When a ranine is blown up people dents, W. G. Medd and R. J. Watson;
who Iive down ibe'ow, like ship- , president, R. H. Lloyd, Wingham;
wrights 'and mechanics, come up to vice-president, Mrs. Geo. Johnston, •
have a look at it. !Goderich; secretary -treasurer, A. T.
"You see them then for the time". Cooper, Clinton.
said the captain, "One day I said toe—Goderich Signal Star.
them 'Good morning' They looked 1 1'
puzzled, and said. 'Beg pardon, sir?'I
I said. 'Good morning,. T have not i A pessimist is a span who thinks
seen you for three weeks,"
I l everybody as nasty as mself, and
"They are mostly amateurs like hates them for it—George Bernard
myself. I was wearing a perfectly Shaw.
"Why won't you go into the gar-
den with Mr. Raymonde?" asked
Mother in distress.
"I won't de it"
Mr. Raymonde absented himself
by gazing out the window until the
situation settled.
"What had you planned, Mr. Ray -
monde?" Mother asked.
(To Be Continued)
J. Durno Innes Appointed Chief
Inspector For Holstein Assoc
The Holstein -Friesian Association
of Canada has announced the ap-
pointment of J, Durno Innes, Wood-
stock, Ontario, as Chief Inspector
Of Selective Registration. Mr. Innes
has had a wide experience as a show-
man having exhibited Holstein an
Jerseys on the show circuits from
one enc] of Canada to the other. He
is recognized as one of the country's
ablest judges of dairy cattle, having
done a masterful job at the recent
Oakville, Championship Show, gen-
erally conceded to be the top Holst-
ein 'Show of the year. Holstein
breeders are fortunate indeed to se -
"You ju. t talk, dear," eon inancled cure a man of his seasoned judge-
Mothei'. "How was it? Did .
they'}�tnent for :This important position,
whip you?"' : ithe holder of which wields such an
• u
! No they didn't
whip me. Are influence on the future type of the
breed. For the past four years he
"Wonderful. You've no idea how has been a Director of the Associat-
they've improved your rear," she ion.
"She's been well, hasn't she?" Failing heath has'forced R. M.
Father nodded. Holtby, Poit Perry, former Chief
l'No, really. It's svelte now,' she Inspector, to -curb his activities.
insisted. "How's the: front?" she However,: his wide experience will
called to Father. not he entirely lost to the Associat-
"Glossy," he, said, ion as he will still be available for
consultation and advice to the newer
I "Talk, Lester," Mother said.: members of the field staff.
"There was a young man from W. L. Carr, Huntingdon, Quebec,
Racine." a former president of the Holstein
"Talk- about horsepower," Moth-
er urged.
"You'll love that."
Unwillingly I was launched on a
technical lecture concerning amen widely known locally.
dynamics and the theory of flight,
power plants, and the complex me-
chanics of •the carburetor. Mother
mover] around in front next to Fa-
ther. Both of them heard me; but
neither listened. They looked at
each other and then at me and then
back at each; other . ivith an in-
credulity' of two yokels gazing for
the first time upon the marvellous
doings of the latest electric icebox.
"Isn't that wonderful!" Moths%
broke in. "He used to be vapid,'
she said to . Father. "I've got to
go ,ipstnirs a minute," she apolo-
gized. •
Father and I retired to the library
and fell to discussing the progress
of the war. He had lined the room
with maps, all marked with vari-
colored pins, and' wherever an ac-
quaintance was stationed his prog-
ress and feats and the latest news
you having a gliod time?"
Friesian Association of • Canada, has
been appointed to serve, under Mr.
Innes as Selective Registration in-
spector for Quebe . Mr. Carr is
or him were duly logged. '
We talked : on awhile until I heard
the buzz of quiet talk iii the front
hall. It sounded like the low; un-
intelligible drone doctors cud nurses
speak in ,_outside their patient's
room n. I r o ized Mother, d
ec gra , an
then in a warm agonizing flash I
knewth other.
"Ts that who I think it is?" I
asked Father.
"That's who it is," , said Father
It happens that Mother is one of
those collectors for whom a family
photograph is "a Oleg of beauty
and a joy forever." Her albums fill
bins. Casual, • candid work she did
Kenora Crew Return to
Of and men of H,M.C.S.'Ken-
Ora, one of the tiny Canadian
minesweepers which helped clear a
path to the Normandy .beaches for
the Allied invasion, have returned to
Canada on Ieave, the Navy amioun-
Sane, Lorne Brown of Clinton is
a member of the Kenora Crew,.
The Kenora and three other Cana-
dian Bangor sweepers were in a
mixed British -Canadian flotilla
which made thevital pre -invasion
sweep the night before D -Day -June
A naval •press release quoted
Lieut, 11 W. Lowe of Calgary and
Vancouver, the Kenora's 'commanding
officer, as saying that about the
mostdifficult part of the operation
was manoeuvring en the Channel
through the "heavy traffic" of Allied
Ile described the invasion itself
as an "impressive" sight but .said
that apart from the mines they
brought up with their
ggraear the
Grew saw . nosign t of the
enemy during the :first week of
operations. :They were under fire
once, when enemy shore batteries
opened fire -and missed.
'The Kenora took part in sweeping
out the approaches to Cherbourg
Harbor, and that job gave the crew
a chance to get ashore in France.,`
citie S
Ns A P314 0 GULL
Watch your back-
ground. Our illustra-
tions show What a
difference it can
make Th the appeal
and attractiveness of
a subject.
'%'OU have probably read the ad-
monitions Tn this column against
trying to get Hollywood glamor into
pictures made of wives and girl
friends' to send to those in the Ser-
vice. It seems now, judging from
reports, that some sanatem•s'have
taken this to mean that it isn't nec-
essary toe give much thought to the
positioning of 'the subject or the
camera before snapping the shutter.
Well, that is important.
Extraneous obiects appearing in
the 'background or at tile sides of
your subject,' or oven in the fore
ground, will detract interest from
your principal subject. Correcting
this photographic era•or is very. sim-
ple. All you have to do is change
the position, or Iocation, of yetis
Our illustrations are examples of
good and distracting backgrounds.
To the left is an appealing sub
—mother and child—ttltieh• would
he welcomed by anyone itt the Ser-
vice. It's an excellent story -telling
type of picture but it Is weakened.
by an unattractive background.
By merely selecting a location a
few feet away, reversing the posi-
tion of the subjects and taking ad-
vantage of the sky and winter back-
ground, alt 'attention isdirected to
the subjects. Although the sand on
the beach is a natural reflector for
illuminating the shadow in 'snap-
shots like these, a reflector was used
to keep the subject brightness range
as even as possible.
ow a•reflector mayleadyou to
think of Hollywood and added ex- °
pense. You can dismiss that thought
from yoa• Mind because
a reflector
can be ofairlYy large square of white
cloth or paper held or placed in a
position to reflect the light Into the,
fasces of your subjects to eliminate.
harsh shadows.
The next time you start taking
pictures resolve tet think :and'look
before you 'shoot. Film is scarce and
you should :strive to make every
p!eture . a good one..