HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-11-30, Page 5':THURS.,:.Nov.:30th, 1044 THE •PEIIS[1RAL tflANS AVAILABLE) To pay doctor, dentist or hos- pital bills ... to meet taxes ... to consolidate debts .. , to buy fuel to repair or improve the home . - to meet educational expenses . , , to take advantage of bargains and business oppor- tunities . to meet emergencies, etc. Endorsers not necessarily required. Junior's a big boy now .. • He's going to be pretty mad if he doesn't get a\proper bed soon. But beds cost money ... and dad sometimes lacks the ready cash for even such an essential purchase as .this ... There is an answer. Loans to meet all kinds of personal financial emergencies are con- stantly being made by The Royal Bank of Canada ... loans that can be repaid in con- venient instalments over 12 months, or evert longer if necessary. Making Personal Loans is part of our day-to-day banking business. The cost is low. There are no "extras". Should you require a personal loan for any reasonable purpose we invite you to talk it over with the manager of our most con- venient branch. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA CLINTON BRANCH J. G. McLAY, Manager Dependable Service... Immediately , at any time of day or night, 'for those who know that in such matters"time is priceless." One high standard to all patrons—from your home, your church or our chapel. Clinton. BEATTIE FUNERAL HOME Phone 184V' AUBURN Mr,'Gordon R. Taylor is installing -a cold storage locker plant. Mr. W, R. Brown of Chesley is the contract - 'or for the Locker room arid locker, and R. E. •Schott of London has the -contract for the refrigeration plant. Mr. Taylor expects to have the plant in operation late in December, The 'locker plaht should ,be a wonderful -asset to the Community. Mrs. Kenneth 1VIeDougal and baby -daughter have returned home from Goderich Hospital., M'rs, John McKnight has retthrned home after visiting her daughter Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson, Goderich. Mrs. Chas. Jones and baby daugh- ter have returned home froin Wing- hain Hospital. Born—at Ottawa on Sunday,, November 26th to Mr. and Mrs. Ray O'Neil (nee Margaret Ferguson) a daughter. Mrs. Wm. Mairs of "Hulleft is 'visiting her mother Mrs. Thos. Doyle. Women's Institute The Women's institute held their; :Noveinber meeting on Thursday ill the Foresters Hall, The nresideet Mrs. Edgar Lawson presided. Follow- ing the singing of the "Ode" the Lord's prayer was repeated_in uni- son led by •Mrs. Fred Ross, T'he. secretary Miss M. King read a letter from: Miss •Clark, Superintendent of Women's Institute, regarding the Grant. The treasurer announced $60. had been realized at the Sale of -Home "Made baking. The proceeds 'were for the Overseas Box Fund, A Vote of thanks was extended Mr. Edgar Lawson who had 'donated, 10 • Raithby were appointed to look after the exchange of Christmas gifts at the next meeting which will :he held one week earlier. A reading was given by Mrs. Herb Govier. Misses Sadie Carter and Elm Match ren- dered a duet. Current Events were given by Mrs, Fred Ross who also 'displayed a Toronto paper. dated Jan. 1905 'showing the price of oltlthtng then and now. A 'complete report of the Area Convention recently held' in London was given by Mrs. C. a1. Straughan Mrs. Gordon Taylor favored with a solo. A prize donated 'by Mrs. L. Irwin on which tickets were sold was won by Mrs, Thos, McNeil. The roll.eall was respondedto by a dis- play 6f Relics and their bis - tory. Among the relics shown was a .sword ,which had been iii tire Campbell fantly. since 1812. The singing of the National Anthem ' brought the meeting to a close. Lunch was served by Mrs. Edgar Lawson, Mrs, R. J. Phillips and Miss Mae Ferguson. • b. Y. P. IL • The Young People's Union held their November meeting in the eh.uibeh. Sunday evening' with Win. Raithby in charge. The -meeting opened with a sing song, with +Mrs. R. J. Philips at the piano. The scrip. tire was read .by Boyce Phillips. A solo was rendered by Jean Kirk- connell, Marie Raithby gave a read- ing: The United Church Sunday School Orchestra gave aevenal selec- titins. Mrs. Sidney McClinchey gave a .piano instrrneental. ,Wm. Raithby. conducted a Bible-.Quizz, The topic; given by Mrs. OleirRaiths by Wats GODERICH TOWNSHIP Mr. and Mrs. Everett Meliwain and daughter were guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wallis. Mrs. Randall Pepper and daughter Carol Ann, of . Warren are visiting Mr. and Mrs, D. L. Stephenson at Bayfield. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Jervis and family spent .Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. F. Mulholland spent last week with friends in Detroit. V Women's Institute The Nov. meeting of the Women's Institute was held on Thursday, Nov. 23rd in the Agriculture Board Rooms. There was a fairly good attendance. Mrs. B. Lavis• presiuent, presided, and the meeting opened with the singing of "0 Canada," Our Ode, and repeating the Lord's prayer. The minutes Were read and ap- proved as read and the Treas. report given. .Thank you notes were read froin sick and shut-ins. The Roll Call was responded to by the mem- bers stating' something for which they were thankful. The War Work Committee report 31 articles having been 'completed. Please note that the next -meeting will be held Dec. 14 at 2.30 pan. Mrs. McKinley gave a very inter- esting and detailed report of the Institute Convention •held in London recently. She stated'—`We have great opportunities, the duty is ours; Don't let us let the work down' Nothing can- succeed without the co-opera- ation of the women. Mrs, M. Nediger sang two plea- sing solos, accompanied by Mr:. M. ,Agnew. Mr, Geo. Jefferson then gave a short talk about 'Our Canadian Navy', giving 05 some fine infor- mation about our navy—appreciated all the more rine to the fact this is iavy week, He stated that ditty bags had been filled and sent 'by several school childrear as well as others:—showing their interest in sending comforts. to those in peril on the seas, A vote of thanks was extended to those taking pari in •the program. After the singing of the National Anthem, dutch Was served: The CLINTON NEWS -RECORD CUT FLOWERS FLORAL ` DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. V. COOKE FLORIST Plionee: 66w and 691 Batkins Locker Storage Our new lockers are now ready. Conte in and pick yours out now. We have some frozen green peas also strawberries. We have lots of Beef 'on hand rib*. Come in and pick out your ?/4. We buy Hidele. FROZEN FOODS ARE' BETTER FOODS • MARRIAGES STIRLING-THOMPSON — in St. Andrews United Church, Bayfield on Saturday Nov. 18th, 1944, Helen only daughter of -Mr; and Mrs. Fred. Thompson, Bayfield Line, and Grant, son of Mr. and Mrs: James Stirling, 6 Con., Goderich Township, were united in marriage. Rev. A. S. Colwell officiated. BIRTHS O'NEIL—In Ottawa, on Saturday, November 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ray O'Neil (formerly Margaret Ferguson, Atnburn), a, daughter. POTTER—In Clinton `Public Hos- pital, on Tuesday, November 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Potter, a daughter, Catherine Effie. SMITH—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, Nov. 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Goldwin Smith, R. R. No. 1 Clinton, a daughter, Janet Susann. IN MEMORIAM DAWSON: In loving memory of my Dear husband Robert Dawson who passed away one year ago Dec. 3, 1943. ,A Wonderful Memory dearer than gold Of a Husband whose worth can never be told. Happy and Smiling always content, Loved and respected wherever he went. To a happy life came a sudden end He died as he lived, everyone's, friend. v PAGE BOXY THEATRE CLINTON CAPITAL THEATRE GO1IIMICH . REGENT .THEATRE ' 3EA Q %TH Now. PlaYing — TIMBER QUEEN & JACK LONDON Novi Playing — ','HOMED IN IN- DIANA" Walter Brennen — In Technicolor — Now Playing - Pat O'Brien in "SECRET COMMAND" e Mon. Tues. Wed. TWO Features "LOUISIANA HAYRIDE" hasThisJ dy..She sinugs she because dels & she shrieks and so will you. Judy Canova, Ross -.Hunter and Richard ,Lane. Also --",MR. WINKLE GOES TOWAR" with Edward G. Robin-\ son. Mon: Tues, Wed. Two Features Galel Sonclergaard. Nigel Bruce, and A Conan Doyle stony pits the in- ,•separable sleuths against antis- tress of murder.American "THE SPIDER WOMAN" Donald' O'Connor, Peggy Ryan & Ann Blyth. in . their newest and most hilarious hit, A CHIP OFF THE OLD BLOCK Men Tues Signe CoapoW Larmaine Day and Hasso, Tolling the gripping story of an.. doctor whose heroic deeds saved the lives, of forty marines, "Dh• WASSELL" Thur, Fri. Sat. 'Dual' Features . Charles Starrett, Dub Taylor and Julie Duncan. The shooting., lighting and riding cowboys become pilots to keep the enemy at bay. "COWBOY IN THE CLOUDS" Added Attraction—.FOOTLIGHT GLAMOUR with the Bumsteads. Thur. Fri. and Sat. GEORGE FORIVIBY Britain's top Komedy King joins the navy and runs into hilarious complications that "jolly well serve him right". "BELL-BOTTOMED GEORGE" Thur. Fri. and Saturday Irving Berlin's Technicolor sen- sation! "THIS IS THE ARMY" starring George Murphy, . Joan Leslie and Ronald Reagan. This medley of music and varied entertainment features Kate Smith and her Men of the Armed Forces. Coming — Gary Cooper in "THE STORY OF DR. WASSELL" Coming — "IN OUR TIME" with Paul Henreid. Tenders For Snow Plowing Township of Goderich Tenders will be received by' the undersigned until Dec. 13 for supply- ing a truck and operating the town- ship snow plow at a price per hour. The plow to be attached to a truck at the expense of the Township. Work to be under the direction of the Road Supt. or Reeve. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further information consult any member of Council or Road Supt. R. G. Thompson, Clerk R. R. No, 2 Clinton 24-3 LONDESBORO At the worship service on Sun- day, the sermon -subject will be "The Secret •of a Great Life". Cpl. Melvin Brunsdon R.C.A.F., of Langara Island, B. C. is home for a few days. Sgt Frank Hooper, London, spent Sunday with his sister Mrs. L. Pipe. Frank has been overseas live years and he was wounded three times. He is home on a thirty-nine' day leave and then he will be posted in London for six months. ieut, Spence Hann and Mrs, Hann, Barrie, spent the week end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gooier. Mrs. Sidney Lansing is visiting her Aunts in Toronto this week. ' Miss Marion Stewart, London with her parents,._ Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stewart. A very pleasant time was spent on Wednesday evening at the com- munity Hall, when the Masons and their wives sat down to a chicken dinner, it being the 25th anniversary of the Masonic Lodge here in Lon- desboro. Mr. Willows Mountain the Master proposed a toast to the Sing, Res- -Ever remembered by his wife. i ponied by The National Anthem, Deer is found dead on Driveway 0, L. Paisley was surprised, when leaving his residence Thursday morn- ing, November 23rd, to find a young deer lying dead in his driveway. Examination of the animal revealed that its neck was broken also one of its front legs. Marks showed that r the animal had entered the driveway by leaps and bounds as though chased d by dogs or frightened by a car. A space between the •outbuildings is, closed; in by -a wire fence evidently b unseen by the deer, for it had runt against it with such force that the wires were bulged, accounting For the s broken neck and leg. Mr. Paisley in -I formed .Provincial Officer Taylor who v had the carcass removed and dressed. S The toast to Grand Lodge propos- ed by Mr. Geo. McVittie and Res- ponded to by Mr. James Neilans. A toast to the ladies, proposed. -by Rev. H, J. Snell, Responded to by Mrs. A. E. Menzies. Thanks to the ladies of the Women's Association proposed by Mr. Frank Fingland, Responded to by Mrs. Laura Sundercock. The rest of the evening was spent in playing games. Don't forget the •Red Cross meet - ng in the Community Hall on Thurs ay December 7th, at 2.30 pan,. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Govier, Lieut. Hann and Mrs. Hann were in Trow - ridge on Saturday visiting the lat- er's parents Rev. and Mrs. Hann. 'Mrs. Bentham, Clinton, with her ister Mrs. R. Townsend. Mrs_, Chas. Watson is in Kippen isiting her daugEter Mrs. Jack inclair, v— M Banquet at Brucefield A banquet was held in the United a Church, Brucefield, by upwards of. A 150 .mergers of the Huron County organization for the Seventh ,Victory n Loan. J. H.' Vandewater • said the The Live Wire farm forum met onday evening at Mr. Joe. Lyon's ome with thirty-two present. Dis- cussions were carried on, followed by contest under the leadership of ?thin. Cleric and Murdie, Young, after which lunch was served. The ext .meeting will be held at Murdie I'oung's home Dec. 4th at 8 p.m. county total of $3,819,150 did not} include conversions, an'J the actual total of sales was well over $4,000;- 000. Rev. W. A. Beecroft, county chairman,. presided for tele program. ,Mr. Beecroft was presented with a leather -brief case and a suitable gift to Mrs. Beecroft from the executive, the presentation •being. made by Dr. Campbell and Major McLean. Award's for outstanding bond -selling efforts were made to George 'McE'wan, Godes ricb; J. H. Wylie, Wroxeter; Watson Brown, Grey Township; A, J. MOMur- ray, Clinton;' and Milton Oesch, Zur- ich. A musical program included vocal solos by J. A. Stewart, Sea - forth; violin selections by Hugh Gate, Saturday Special Tea Biscuits Fried Cakes Do Nuts Pumpkin Pie Blueberry Pie Whole Wheat Bread BARTLIFF'S PHONE 1 Licensed Sewing Machine Mechanic Repairs all makes of machines, Workmanship guaranteeci -18 years experience. Apply • at Sutter and Perdue's• Hardware Store, Clinton. 25-3 For Sale Girl's black tube skates size 3, $2.00; also navy wool ski -pants size 12 to 14 $2.00. Both in good condi- tion. Apply News -Record. 25-1 Strayed 2 grey nese. Finder please call 629r5, Clinton. 25-1 HOLMESVILLE The annual meeting of the Red Cross • will be held on Tuesday, December 5, at the home of .Miss S. Acheson at 2 o'cock. Will anyone having sewing or knitting finish and hand in .before the meeting so that a full report of each may be given. A full attendance is requested. The November meeting of the Hohnesville Unit of Red Cross was held at the home of Mrs. McClinchey. The President was in the chair for the business meeting, A quilt was completed in the afternoon. A dainty lunch was served by Mrs. Les. Jer- vis' group. Mrs. McMath'.s group held a successful .supper party at the horn of Mrs. Walter recently. A. social time was enjoyed by the group members and their families, v PORTER'S HILL Miss Maud -Stirling, Bayfield con- ducted the service at Grace Church Sunday. Her- talk on India was in- deed very interesting. Mr. and Mrs, Will Townsend have -roved from the Bayfield line and are settled on their farm here, the old Howard Cox farm. We weleome there to our community. Mr. and Mrs. Rands and family V have moved to the Towneend farm, the old Hamilton place. We under - I • VARNA. stand Mr. Rands will assist Ernie Townsend en the farms, home after visiting friends in -Lon- don. Mr,. and Mrs, M. Elliott, Miss" Lil- lian, Clayton and Roy attended the wedding of their nephew and cousin Lt. Ross Morrison of Kitchener, on Saturday. Mrs. Jno. Rathwell has been visit- ring Mrs. A. 'McN'atighton and Mr. J. T. Reid of London. Misses Mary and Doris Reid spenta few days last week with friends' Four new pupils have started to S. S. No. 5. (the Rands children). • Betty Newton has taken a position in the office of the Western Flour Mills, Goderich. I, Mr. Arnold Fuller .was in Terento for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Torrance entertained over eighty • friends at a euchre and dance at their home Friday' •evening Nov. 24. Winters at euchre were Mr, and Mrs, Allen Betts i]es. Consolakion prizes: went tp' Miss Cemetery Memorials Large stock of modern memorials on display at our Clinton Showrooms For, the convenience of our patrons, office will be open on Fridays, Open by appointment at any other tithe See 'Mr. J. J. Zapfe, next door Cunningham & Pryde Clinton — Exeter — Seaforth PHONE 41 • Rooms To Rent Furnished rooms with bath. Apply Mrs. James Levy, James Street. 26-1 Geese For Sale 2 grey Geese, 1 grey Gander, 4 years old. Better than young geese for keeping over. Apply Howard M. Crich, R. R. 3, Seaforth. Phone 614r3, Clinton. 25-1 For Sale Maroon Baby Pram, in fair con- dition. Will sell cheap. Phone 284J, 25-1 Help Wanted Cleaning woman wanted for two or three half days a week. Good wages. Phone 81. 25.11 Wanted Furnished Light Housekeeping Room close to Business Section pre- ferred, urgently required' by Airforce N.C.O. and wife, Here for about five months, Very quiet couple. Apply at News -Record ,office. ° 25-11 For Sale 1932 Studebaker sedan, Serial 9950107, six tires, $200. or best offer or would trade for coach.. Apply at News -Record. 24-21 Wood Lots for Sale A few more second growth hard wood lots. Purchaser has until April 1, 1946 to remove. Apply 0. R. Forster, R. R. 2, Clinton, phone 165 Carlow. 24-2 Hardwood For Sale A few cords of Hardwood eut this Fall, Phone 239, Clinton, Mr. J. Nedi- ger. 24-1' For Sale Leicester sheep; ewe lambs rant lambs, also .2 -year old ewes. Apply J.. H, Quigley, three miles south of Clinton, on' No. 4 Highway. Phone Clinton 916r3. 17-tf, For Sale 9 roomed, two storey Brick House with 3 piece bath. Central Locdtion. '/4 acre Lot on William Street. Apply, at News -Record, 20-tf Wanted Hatching eggs for 1945 hatching season. Guaranteed premium paid, plus hatchability premium. Flocks culled and bloodtested under Govern- ment Supervision, free of charge, Write for full details. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont 21-4 For Sale Spy Apples, hand picked and stored 60c per bushel in your own contain- ers. Apply T. R. Jenkins, phone 910r 23 Clinton, 21-1 Farm For Sale 50 acres, '/ mile from Highway, Goderich Township, good clay land, well fenced, good buildings, well watered. Apply to News -Record Clinton, 2042 For Sale Stuccoed lrouse,,at 102'.Huron Road, Godericb. Phone 931r14 Goderich. 20-tf Nouse for Sale Five roomed frame house' on Alb- ert Street, town water, quarter acre of land,. For further particulars apply to Frank Fingland 01' J. W. McCooii Londesboro 11-t1. Wanted to Buy Wanted to buy, old'hareea and.dPdtA