HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-11-30, Page 2FACE 2 J he c;linton .News-ICecord with which. is Incorporated THE NEW ERA, 11TF,RMS OF S.IBSCRIPTION $1.50: per year in advance, to Can- adian addresses; '$2,00 to the U.S. or other foreign countries.No paper discontinued until all arrears are paid unless at the option of the pub, usher.' The date to which every sub- scription is paid is , denoted on the label. • L11 ADVERTISING RAMIS' Transient advertising 12c per count line for hist insertion. 8e for each subse- quent insertion. Heading counts -2 lines. Small>. advertisements not to exceed one inch, such as "Wanted," "Lost", "Strayed",'etc.,: insertedonce for 35c, eaeh subsequent insertion 15e. Rates , for display advertising made known on application. Communications intended for pub- lication must, as a guarantee. of good. faith, 'Tae acooinpanied by the name of the writer. G. E.1 HALL Proprietor H. T. RANCE NOTARY PUBLIC Fire Insurance Agent Representing 14 Fire insurance Companies Division Court Office, Clinton Frank Fingland, B.A., LL.B. Barrister, .Solicitor, Notary Public Successor to W. Brydone, K.C. Sloan Bloat .... — . ,.. Clinton, Ont. H. C. MEIR • Barrister -at -Law { THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD `THURS., Nov. 30th, 1944 love at First F"i'igl By Charles Spalding and Otis Par;aey cienweeemeoseawnewiescoreesuoices CHAPTER III Ensign Fitch says :' ox, "But !hock Avenue, River Valley, Va.," Lieutenant Sands says ." i at the top of each effort, which The showdown came when the looked suspiciously like a large - men arrived together for Saturday's scale advertising scheme to the gritnd. inspection. The kit was in skeptics. They argued, that Mor - enlist in the Coast Guard but is, the first"drawer.. gar, the_ cavalier, unless he. had' a squired, down because of a "facial i : ,`My Godl" shrieked Fitch: mind -like a sieve, must' have known squint." The doctor as even to the wh'oreabouts' of his .lovely- Iii examine !lime. Commander Whitman Agar• „ the' end, however, ' a. comes ond' I told Mm to put it. there, saidp an old friend of the family, endeavors•once that ,was estimated in tonage to get a waiver for Lester so he("the lieutenant. I "You did, Mr. Sande?" Mr.' proved her fidelity, and the inevi- cant' join V-7, but after weeks of :I itch. was fnerednlous, "After: all table name iii s -the left-hand'corner waiting Lestet learns they. still in-' was taken to be one of those arae= list on two years of college math. I S"our training.. countable "little things" that nnade He is successful in joining the V-5 "A. study of Rule 13, sub -Bead - J him love her so: Naval Aviation and is sent to .ing 2, will disclose.' that shaving Barred fi'orn the Navy's. V-7 ymo- gran because he lacked two years of college math, Lester Dowd tries to Anacosta Naval Bese., equipment properly goes in the first : ' drawer," said the Marine; acidly. • 1 winced. The loser would ser - The instructions went on in the tainly salve his wounded pride at ",Ai woman, is passing by," and if same ,chilly vein to explain the my expense, the manufacturers gave this a name arrangement of articles about the "So it does." Fitch was jocuiar, it aright have been "L'Audace," washbasin.Great fighters, the Marines. Al- The letters tbiemnselves were never "Towels will •be stowed in locker. Kays gave a good account of them- brief, simple notes recapturing illu- Washcloth will be hung on goose- selves. Unquestionably, well -disci- sort' sensations boat of the heart's plined, but you couldn't expect Navy yearning. Her billets=dour came under the heading of freight. They were essays, wrist -thick, - than scribed in studied detail the con- dition' •of a soul that suffered ex - Miss C'laeendon's regular expres- sions of passion were scented with a gas that screamed, not whispered; neck." The gooseneck, reflection :made it plain, was the mar of things. I didn't know what the gooseneck Solicitor of the Supreme Court of was. There had been up to this Ontario moment no reason for traffic with make them gloves, does it?" He "Sheep'stely twenty-four hours a day. Proctor in Admiralty. "Sheep's" effect was• cyclonic. The Notary Public and Commissioner goosenecks. Iia basins wanted to go drove the point home with this Offices in .Bank of Montreal Building around in goosenecks it was per- mental nail. "The kit goes in the sit archness consumed her like Hours: 2.00 to 5.00 Tueedayi fectly all right with nee. They button drawer,' , he said imperi- a Nessus shirt. He had reduced the and Fridays, could wear 'slacks if they wanted. easily. poor girl, if the length and fre- I approached the .mate of the deck "And if you fill a potato sack queney of her letters were any :n- on the subject. with apples you still sell them over dication,fto round-the-clock record- on almost choking to death. on the apple counter." The Halls of l trigs ce her love -drugged being. a lump of bubble guns the size of a Montezuma rang with the chal-,. "Sheep, my dearest," she invari- ablytennis bail, be arose unsteadilylenge. "The kit opened, lending a sacking - tennis g goes in the first from ids seat, still suffering from drawer," said ,Sands, folding his chair melancholy to the flood of shock, took my hand and led me arms and : looking toward Tripoli, i tender introspection that followed. ceremoniously to the 'basin. Ensign Fitch was shaken by the This morning before breakfast L "This is, the hot water." last charge. , taco' electric-volt-cut�t�ents running "This is the hot • water," I re- "Do you really think it goes in !through rte." seated as if reciting after • nurse, the first drawer?" he asked, ad- , By high noon there was usually Chapter One ,in the . Big Animal nutting the need of discussion. 1 a violent turn for the worse. "The Electro Therapist, Massage R•ook. f "I'm riot sure at all," said the'titunclet that is my own Sheep peals Office: Huron Street, (Few Doors "This is the stopper," lieutenant, giving a little ground within me," ahe wrote as all hell west of Royal Bank) "This is the stopper." himself. "It's the most ticklish is- bloke loose. Hours—Wed. an'di Set„ and by sue I've had to face its the service. appointment ( Then leaning over he pointed um e, 1 The afternoon journal, .which car - FOOT CORRECTION ! • Couldn't the .Skipper handle •'led well into the night, described cerneath at an iron intestine. And this? Captain's mast or some such" g ' by Maiaipulation Sun -Ray Treatment that's• the 'God -dammed goosenecks" 1 post-matinsh wcot developments. Irn • the Phone 207 =the Ensign grasped for straws.' evening she knew wrap:native peace he shouted. What do you think, Dowd?"„. ,, an Once things ,were on a friendly asked Fitch, remembering that las he came to iter: to an Alpeil way, HAROLD! JACKSON ` footing with the plumbing, T turned occasional lf intellibut the moon in any stage of ageam o'gence to the stowing of belongitugs in bit- shone inthe ranks. reau and then waited for . inspection ' "Tt seems to ane, sir,” I said, Except that my khaki shirts were straining every muscle to stay off cozily snuggled next to my black the report, "that it is neither flesh emttly as if they were copies of tite socks in the second drawer, instead nor fowl and should be stowed in Vol•stead Act. Then, convinced that of udder my shoats in the third the middle drawer with the, under- be still possessed the same old w :hewer, all was well until a fine ear. „ wham, he prepared to compose "No , , compromising," snapped some himself. TJnlike his beloved, Lieutenant Sands. ' Sheep did not burn continuously., "Remember Munich," added En- but by staring •at her picture for sign Fitch. • varied periods of time, he could Both were gallant gentlemen, !flare up at will, . Fired by the Yogi- "I suppose it will have to go to ,like exercise, he was able to match Washington?" I asked. her stormy. recitals. As our train - "That's it," cried Fitch. "The ing progressed, 1 thought he was Bureau!" , - 'forced to wait•longer and longer ERNEST W. HUNTER for inspiration. I often wondered CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT • "The Bureau!" -cried' Mr, Sands. if he woeld not be turned into stone Both men swore to see the thing before her image whish site perished. 67 Blear Str, W. ' Toronto Ont, through, come hell or high water. ' from malnutrvtion, and they both "Where shall I stow it for the Iiv,_d ou, a lovely legend in the Air next inspection?" I hoped the closet Corps• However, he married her would do until the heat was off, but secretly one week -end, and it is they left me to shift for myself. j probably TWO, prettier that way. Shaving sus der these, circtiimstances The six weary weeks of prelim - "I don't 'care if you have a skull bad become too much of en ordeal. ,:nary ground school finally passed, in itl" he 'bellowed. "All. kits are At firat.;I was for throwing the kit and one .morning before daybreak regarded as 'msseell'aneous in the into the Potomac like . Excalibur we were herded onto a requisitioned Navy and so stored in the bottom and going off on the magical barge' bus and driven' to the fixing field, drawer. This is a final warning." with ,Singing Sant the Banbasol The overland route passed. right • The next'' day . 'Lieutenant Sands,' Man, . The choice ultimately fell!tha'oitigh the heart of Anaeostia, a U. S. M. C., had the inspection. Com- between a guaranteed -depilatory little suburb of the city, wound ing to my bottom drawer he stepped or .the new electric. razor 'with four around the Maryland countryside, away as if he had fotuid his wife blades that made twenty-five hun- and ended . tap at a dismal .plot if et the Astor, died contacts with the beatd per land' .known as "Iiyde Field". I took "My God!" he shrieked. "What second. : ' 1 ..settled for thelatter. a seat right behind the driver, an insight or finesse from such men. "A kit, all man, is a kit,?' he kind- ly declaimed. "If you . put your hands in ,your shoes that doesn't Dr. F. G. Thompson House and Office, Ontario Street Clinton. Telephone 172 OFFICE HOURS: 2-4 in the after- noon,and 7-8 in the evening daily Other hours by appointment. D. H. McINNES L, I CHIROPRACTOR LicensedAuctioneer Specialist in Farm and Household Sales. • Licensed in Huron and Perth Counties. Prices reasonable; satis- faction guaranteed. ' For 'information etc. write or phone Harold Jackson, R.R. No. 4 Seaforth, phone 14-661. • 06-012 DR. G. S. ELLIOTT Veterinary Surgeon Phone 203 Clinton, Ont. the sky, her .prose dissolved into a baleful wail. Sheep read these volumes as sole interpretation of the rules• turned success into disaster. The boudoir booklet stated in its intimate way: "Toilet articles stall be stowed in top drawer.: Bottom drawer shall be reserved for miscellaneous." My equipment was well housed in a shaving kit, wl'tich I placed without much thought in the top drawer. During inspection Ensign Pitch browsed around the ,bureau. Open- ing the top drawer he same ,across the ,kit. "My Cod", he serearued.' "What's this doing here?" "I have my shaving things in it, sir, and the rules--," • THE 1 tcKILLOP MUTUAL Fire Insurance Company !lead. Office, Seaforth, Ont. OFFICERS— President W. R. Archibald, Seaforth, Vice -President Frank McGregor, Clinton, Manager Secy-Treas. M. A. Reid, Seaforth, DIRECTORS— W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Alex. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Bornholm; E. J. Trewar- tha, .Clinton; John L. Malone, Seaforth Alex. MeEwing, Blyth; Hugh Alexan- is this shaving kit doing in the hot- It went in the gear room with the der, Walton; George Leitch, Clinton. tont drawer?" vacuum cleaner, and ,there were AGENTS— John E. Pepper, Brace-' "A kit is e kit, sir, and"tile rules no questions asked. stare—car field; R. E. McKereher, Dublin; J. F. " - d: * g' o Prueter, Brodhagen; George A. Watt,' "I don't care. It has ` shaving Following the anidday meal„ the er Bly b •, .• i' Hari't��II things ,in it and. as such should be mail was parceled out in the bmvk ,. "C'mon, Fearless," they holled • ''."1•421 stowed . in the top drawer. This is room The Divine Plan provided, at the helmsman, whose driving Parties desiring to effect ineur- yosl final warning." according to spine, a peculiar girl had 'become legend. "You can get arae or transact • other business. will Serape), fidelisl for everymale, and a study of the sixty out of her, boy." bop tomany of the above officers to on lies The only way I kept myself out post proved the scheme was making' "Pass him, Fearless, he's hold- dressed to their, respective post off: of trouble was by answering "Well headway. Every man was equipped ing up the war effort," ces. Losses inspected bythe director. with -a number -one woman who Fearless was ,a sensitive but wrote to him ore an average of every�dyrnamic individual who' felt ;the • • •,day. g occasion_ , passage of time as keenly as if it ot!^er He might hear i A i . ally from any, member of "satellites, were .'hot Lead running down .his ATIONA q Al :wit, but these were held of no account }rack. Taking advantage of tetrea TIME- TABLE O �® because in their turn they each were ethyl gasoline, en:teen-cylinder mo- l.arnessed to ass opposite for whom I tors, and capitalizing in general enlisted man who was spurred on to madder and madder • things •by wild 'cries of exhortatiot from the ANADIAN Trains will arrive at and depart from Clinton as follows:' Toronto and Goderieb Division Going East, depart 6.43 em Going East, depart 3.03 p.m.: Going West, depart ;... j 12.04 p.m. Going West; depart 11.10'. pun.' London and Clinton Division Coming North, arrive 11.20 a.m. Going South, leave ........ 3.10 p.m. VIRG1mA PIPE TOBACCO ht's a real pipe smoker's tobacco they regularly filled reams of pink on the age's advances, he strove paper. to catch: tap, with the Grim Reaper. Sometimes, as with "Sheep" Mor- A suspicionthat lie was 'losing gin, this routine. was • carried to made him redouble hit efforts. He beautiful extremes. "Sheep" played tore through intersections, paid no A:be'ard to a pretty thing . who, put heed tostop signs, and careened out at the rate of two letters a day. down the highway as if he hada She .printed her ram and caress, isenelezvous with Death. I wasn't Miss Pat Clarendon, 205 Holly- 'prepared for this Sort of thing so Chateau Frontenae Again World Wai" Center. Sage% nee XTithin the massive walls of 1'7 the Chateau Frontenae and nearby . Quebec • Citadel, plans were laid over a year ago for the events which this year re- sulted in the invasion of Europe. and its subsequent sweeping Vic- tory of France. Prime Minister Winston Churchill and President Franklin D. Roosevelt, alongwith their chiefs of staff both military and political, conferred with such success in Canada's oldest city that now they are meeting again, just a little over a year later. Today's plans have to do with final crush- ing of Nazi Europe, and the step- ping -up of the next great task, elimination of the Japanese Em- pire as a world force. During these days, the eyes of the world,,. United Nations, our, enemies, and hundreds of thou- sands of peoples in still-bondaged Occupied lands, are focussed on Canada and the figures which are shaping the world's destiny. It is a tribute to Canada and its people that this country has been chosen for a second conference, and the civilized, world will await with patience and confidence the benefits that must surely accrue. soon after 'bxieakfast, and clawed at the seat cover as the bus roared down a steep grade. Fearless, re- alizing he was giving one of his four star performances, turned back to me. "Some ride, eh, Mack?" he said delightedly, ' usitng the Navy's in- formal "thou," a • "Some .ride, Jack," I agreed through clenched teeth, "I really make her dance, don't I, Mack"—he added another burst of throttle. "Yon really make her dance, Jacl.•." ` "Jeez," muttered Tim Carpen- ter, as he was wont during periods of 'great strain. We rushed on a sharp corner. There was a screeching of brakes, an.unoertain moment on •two wheels, then a triumphant racing turn into Hyde Field, and two blasts on the horn to announce us, Fearless looked at his watch. "Forty seconds off my rsii$rd " he swore. "They say I'm too old to fight, Mack, but, by God, I'll see you boys don't Iose any of your flying time." "Bless you, Jack," I muttered, pulling -myself together. "Keep 'em flying, Mack," and off he raced. Fearless disappeared over one hill as the sun's red elm edged above another. The outline of the field emerged in the early morning light, and dawn at the far end the mechanics began tuning the planes up. (TO BE CONTINUED) v JOY IN LIVING There is joy in living .'what'er the gronchers say. There is happiness' in giving, and forgiving every day. In passing by the briers, in pluck ing roses red; in strewing life with flowers what- ever paths we tread. There is joy in labor, though idlers may deny • — A heartfelt . satisfaction! We know it, you and L There is joy in helping a brother la his need—,- So, life is joy and gladness and 'hap- dress indeed. Helen B. Anderson. v -- THE SECRET A man must learn the humble way If he would be in every day A happy one, and wise. Iris.heart;ntust learn that others, too Have things they hope and strive to do And lid must. step' aside. His trust inheaven should vest secure And. thoughts of all his fellows rune •IYIus;t prove, and free 'from scorn. To do his best in all he rintst Be first to know that he was dust And will to dust return. . Nancy Hasselbring Cultivator Shovels The shovels of the field cultivator are made of crucible steel and must he heated carefully when being shar- pened. The edges should ;be heated to a faint red, dipped in water for a second, and allowed to cool on the ground. If fully quenched in water, the shovel will be too bard and will probably break. In warehodtses and other storage places, stooks of different ages of grain should be mixed. The older stock should be disposed of first be- fore it becomes infested with insects, and unsaleable, V Apple. Juice 'Again For the past three years, apple juice has been reserved for the aimed forces. Thin winter, about 500,000 cases of thejuice, fortified with vitamin C, will 110 available for the public. It will not be rationed. v Speech is civilization itself. The. word, even the most contsaidietory word, preserves contact—it is silence which isolates.—Samuel Johnson ORDER YOUR PERSONAL CHRISTMAS CARDS NOW This year early shoppers will get the best select• ion of Christmas Cards, as the manufacture of these has been limited. We can show an attractive line of personal cards• that is, with your name and address imprinted. ORDER YOUR CARDS NOW. AT The News -Record Clinton, Ontario