HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-11-30, Page 1Me Clinton News -Record Est. 1878 No. 6125 - 67th YEAR nto n 1�tews�Re� With Which is Incorporated The Clinton New Era CLINTON ONTARIO . THURSDAY NOVEMBER 30th, 1944 The New Era Est. 1867 CIIFJSTMRS IS ORRWIR NEAO, YOU SAT: - Have you thought of how many people you would like to make happy at; Christmas. - We have a nice assortment of useful as well as ornamental gifts. Watches, Diamonds, Necklaces, Earrings,Rings, Billfolds, Lighters, Fountain Pens, .Eversharp Pencils, Brooches, aria many other articles to choose from. : W. H. HELLYAR 11 JEWELER AND OPTOMETRIST RESIDENCE PHONE 174j 15ew Winter Goats 1 Of The Sporty Swagger Type If you have Not Yet Chosen Your Coat for Winter Wear, We Suggest You Make a Selection Now. Sizes in Stock 32 to 44. CHFHSTMAS. GIFT SHOPPING Your list will consist of pra- ctical gifts this year and you will delight in choosing from our a- bundant stock of . Gloves, Hand Bags, Lingerie, Scarves, Kerchiefs Aprons,Luncheon Cloths, Linen Teatowels and Handkerchiefs. You will also find here, your Cards. Ribbons, Ta 's, Wrappings g• II� p R. V. IRWIN d Gift Suggestions Shop now and use our lay -away Service if you wish. Lovely' Gift Boxes for all our Goods. New Lockets Bluebird Diamond all shapes and prices. Rings. Lovely Rings for all thq Watches of all kinds, family. Best selection ever. Sterling Silver Brush, Chests of -Silverware Comb and Mirror 'Sets. Baby Spoons. Lighters, Cigarette Cas - Parker Pens and Pen , era Pouches, Ronson Ser: and Pencil Sets. vice Kits, Lighter fluids) Billfolds, Key Cases, Men's Brush Sets Money belts.. cases, Writing Cases, Service" aprons. Flashlights. Corn Flower Crystal Goblets, Sherbets, Plates Fruit Juice • and otheil pieces. Single Place Settings in Bracelets, R..ad ,. ,s, • Neck" Sterling Silver. ;• 4 chains, Twin Pins, Bro- TTe,, c, is and Waldemar oches, Rosaries. Chains. Articles for initials or other engraving should be in )early to avoid disappointment. , ., Mantel Clocks. Pearl Necklets. Earrings , and Compactsl W.N.COUNTER Counters for Finer Jewellery for Over Half a t____ Century, in Huron County ' , RED CROSS NOTES The December meeting of Clinton Red Cross -Society will be held on Monday, December 4th at 3 p.m. in. the Council Chamber. A11 interest- ed workers are urged to attend. Mr;;( Arthur W. Ellis addresses the following message to , all Red Cro_s workers in Ontario;- "We know the war .must yet be won -we know too that there can be no viictory.:uhiah evil lead to lasting peace unless . we do our part. We must prepare and work for that peace just as 'much as we have de- vetsd all our fine and energy to the Winn ng of the war. Our work wlll change but it must go on -or we shall see that peace for which we have fought and 'prayed vanishing before it firmly established. { "Every Red Goss Branch -every Red Gross worker has a challenge and an important part to play in this work. The promotion of health is no idle .term -it is an active task. What service does your community lack? What are you doing• to p:; ov:de that service? . When victory 'comes the war will -still not be finished for many of the suen and women. What are your, plans to assist those who come home wounded and disabled? What are your plans to assist in health work among the children of your community? "Only you can know the need in your community. Study that need - plan to meet .it -then you will know that through Red Cross you are do- ing your part to build a world where all may live`in happiness and peace." Huron Oid Boys Association of Toronto The 45th Annual Meeting of the Huron Old Boys' Association of To- ronto was held in Haddon Hall in Toronto, on November 24th, and every part of , the old county was represented. H. M. Jackson, retiring President, stated all departments were flourishing. This Association is the ' oldest and: largteet of its kind in Canada and has never missed hold- ing an annual meeting. The late Sir John Willison was its first President in 1900. The members stood in silent mem- ory el those who passed away since the last annual meeting. They were J. A. McLaren, Mrs., J. ,A. McLaren, Mrs. Thos. McKenzie, Mrs. Walter Buchanan, John McKinnon, 'H, I. Morrish and George Ferguson. S. M. Wickens was elected Presi- dent and all other officers were the sante as last year 'by acclamation, Euchre •and, bridge were played and many prizes were, distributed. One of the most successful parts of the Huron Old Boys is the Junior Association which has shown steady growth and is very active. It has held several large dances and bowling tournaments during the past year. Among those present were: H. M. Jackson, 11i:r. and Mrs. S, W. Wickens, Mr. and Mrs. Athol Me- Quarrie, Mr. and 'Mrs, B. 'II. Mc- Crea*, Walter Buchanan, Mrs. Arm- strong, .Miss E. Buchanan, Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Stowe, Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Hodgins, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Pringle, Mr. and Mrs. John Moon, Mr. and Mrs: 1), D. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Belden, Mrs. W. A, Campbell, Ralph Shep- pard, Arthur Forbes, Mrs. J. Case, Mrs. Guy, A. C. Chapman, Mrs. Chap- man, Ariel 'Hamilton, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. P. Hessey, Mrs. D. Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Young, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Sprinlls, Mrs. D'. Brown, J. H. Day, Mr. and tMrs. M. A. Jay, Mrs. L. Young, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mas- son, Mrs. Hume, Mrs. P'angman, Mr. and Mrs, R. E. MacKenzie, E. J. McLauchlin, . S. V. McLaughlin, Mrs. M,' 'Proctor, Hilliard McGowan, H. C. Sloan, Mr. and, Mrs. Alex MacViear,, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Perry and many others, V Navy League News •The local Committee .wishes to aeknowled ge' two' 'more splendid t Ditty )bags,, one , from S..S. No. 6 b McKillop and one from the L.O.B.A. Lodge. • Also two very , nice scrap- c books have .been: sent, in from the. b Sea ,Club and . one from Catherine I Fingland. THE HOME PAPER MILITARY NEWS LOCAL ITEMS A.B. Douglas F. Andrews ar.ived ha regular. meeting of Murphy home on }Vlonday after seven months Lodge will be held cn '13hursday service in the Par East. eight, Nov. 30. It i; the annual meet • Mrs. K. V. Colquhqun .has re- ing'and e'ect;on cf ofeicers. A ,good ceived word that her husband PO. attendance is; requested: K. W. Co quho, n hoe teen p emoted • to the rank of Flying Officer. V Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. John ,Butler celebrat- ed their Silver, Wedding Anniversary on Sunday, N•oveinber 26th. Mr. and. Ales. But er were married in Wi il ng rani on November 24th,1919 by Rev, E. F. 'Armstrong. Mrs. Buller's maiden name wee Elizabeth Cruieleshanks, daughter' of Mr. and Mrs.- George Cru'ckshanks, of Wing- he,m. • They had a family of four, John, of London, Audrey, Mrs. Harvey Chuter, of Harriston and Lloyd at home, and Jean, who died in 1926. A very pleasant evening was spent After coming home from England on Saturday Nov, 25th at the hone on July 12, 1919, Mr. Butler and his of Mr. and Mia. Fred Potter, Huron brother Alex were hr the Butcher Read, West, when a number of j•eeir •b'usiness until 1926. Later he was relatives and friends paid them a empipyed by the Clutton Knitting Surprise visit. it being the thirtieth 'Company for sixteen years. Four anniversary day, also their, daughter years age Mr. Butler joined the Con- anniversary of their wedding day, al- federation, Life Insurance Cem; any so their daughter-Cleta's birthday. as their Clinton repre-eutative. Be was appointed issuer of Motor Per- Daisies the evening their three Per- mits in 1944 and at present is. in little grandchildren, Ila, Dawn and charge o£ the Blue Sunoco Gas Sta Bobby Grigg presented• them with tion. the gifts suitable to the occasion. The evening was spent in Social Mr. and Mrs. Butler were the re- cipients of many beautiful gifts. Friends and relatives were present from London, Wingbam, Stratford, Harriston, Verne: Goderich and Clin- ton. V Mr, John Innis bas purchased a cotta: e, on Dunlop Street, recently constructed by Mr. ,Bert Huller. Mr. Innis has sold his farm on the 2nd, Concession of .,Stanley to Mr. Roy Cantelon. v War Prisoner in Germany Mr. and Mr 7. Lesl'e Jervis of HolnresviIIe have -,been advised that, their son W.0,1 Ivan Jervis is a Prisoner of War in Germany. Wedding Anniversary Wcl Cab News On TI a s.:ay, Ncv. mber 23rd, the Cn I''ae- Bret m th t, ck don. The g op vied v r h t.e Grand Howl ar Flee; l3 Cak eerier'. direction of Sixer' Gerald Elliott. This. ire. '•01 owed by the Compe- tition whi ;t was won be the Green Six under Sixer 13111 Shearing, They made a total of fourteen' points. The sixes were then sent, to their corners for ,instruction.. Akela called the Pack into the cir- cle ani before the easing- Grand Howl awarded the following badges; Invested as Wolf Cub --Kenneth Carter. Artist's Badge -Cameron Maltby and Bill Shearing. House Orderly -Murray Maltby, Clare Maltby, Bill Shearing and Gerry Elliott. ° Garderier's Badge -Cameron Malt by and Gerald Elliott. Observer's Badge Cameron Maltby. Guide -Bill Shearing. Collector -Clare Maltby. V-• AMONG THE CHURCHES St. Paul's Church 10 0) a.m. Sunday &lrool 11.00 a.m. Holy Communion 3,00 p.m. Bible Class. 7.00 p.m. Evening Service The children are asked to bring their presents for Sunday School chat and games, after which each left Sole:dare in the Wet at 10.00 a.m. for their respective homes wishing The Ladies Guild will meet at the Mr. and Mrs, Potter many more horse of Mrs. Geo: Wa ker on Tues years of wedded •happiness. Special Meeting of Council A special meeting of council was held in the council chamber on Tues day night, at 'the call from the Mayor, to consider tenders for the street snow plowing, and to give the third and final reading to the sewer- age By -uses No. 14. All members were present with the exception of .Councillor Trewartha. Mayor Agnew presided at the meet- ing. Tenders for snow plowing from Messrs. G. P. Elliott and G. M. Lavis Fred Ford and assisted by $race The Lions Club - The Clinton Lions Club - held their regular meeting in' the Anglican members are requested to be 'pre- Chureh Hall with 'Lion Dick Jacob sent.' presiding. The minutes of the last The W. A. wih.aneet en Wednes- rneetiug were read and adopted, day afternoon, December 6th, in the All the members Introduced them- Sunday Schoolroom at 2,30, Will ail selves and thirty-nine answered the members try to be present as. this is roll call. the election of officers. A picnic lunch will'.he served, Dr. Oakes 'addressed the club on the urgency of increasing the' num- Baptist Church ber of Blood Donors. Bible School at 2.00 p.m. Note the The meeting was in charge of the change from 11.00. Come and bring day, December 5th at 3 o'clock. ' have many very interesting tales to relate of his exciting career as a Spitfire pilot. .At present he is enjoying a well earned rest. F./0. Wm. Cook Arrives Maine F.O. Will. 'COOK F.O. Wm. "Blondie" Cook arrived home on the noon train, Monday. A few weeks ago Mr. and Mrs. J. W; Cook were advi_ed by their son that he heti completed his second tour of 'operations and would probab- ly be home soon. It will be remembered that about two years ago, F.O. Cook was forced to bail out over France, and by good fortune made hi; way safely to Gib- raltar, England and home for a rest. He returned to operational duties, and completed his second tour in October. No doubt "Blondie" will Presbyterian Church d! 10.00 a.m. Sunday .School. 11.00 am,.. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed. A]1 Attendance Committee, convened by were ..read. After some consideration it was moved by councillor Shaddick and seconded by Councillor Brown, that council accept the tender of George F. Elliott :for the Street Snow Plowing and awarded him the Matheson. They had a debate with George 'Jefferson, Frank Fingland Dr. McIntyre, the affirmative and Rev. BuIteel, Dr. W. Oakes and Dr. Fred Thompson,, the negative. The affirmative won. the children. Evening Worship 7 00 p.m, Subject: Three Essentials in a well ordered, life." Wesley -Willis Church Sunday, December 3 First Sunday in Advent 11.00 -Nothing; Worship. contract for the 1944-1945 season at Vic. Roy was the winner of the Sermon Subject: "Debt", $2.50 per hour, with the understand- prize. The following are to write 12.10 Church School. ing the plow be attached to the new letters to the'following Lions in the 7,00 Evening Worship. Sermon International truck. Services: Eileen Sutter to M. Seim- Subject: "Doubt", A communication from Mr. F. nhais, Win. Johnson to Brownie and All our people are called to pre- FingIand advising 'council • of the Dr.' Thompson to Dr. Douglas. 'Pare toe• a real Christmas by wor- approval by- the Ontario Provincial shipping with their . brethren every Mmrieipal Board of the Clinton Sew- Sunday of the Advent Season. erage By -Law, was read. - "Rejoice, the Lord is Kim?; Local Hunters Shoot Yetr L -rd and I�;n' By -Law No. 14 for 1944, A. By -Law g- 'adore , authorizing- the borrowing of $199,- Large Wolf The W. A. will meet in the Church 000.00 upon•deberitures for Sewerage Hall on Thursday, December 7th, at Disposal purposes, was given the Last Saturday afternoon, Messrs. 3 o'clock. This meeting will take the third and final reading and passed', Harold, Glew, Bill Glew and Harold form of a Christmas Party. Mrs. Councillor Crieh' moved the ad- Frenrlin.went • out fox-hunting and Frank Andrews' group will be in jouonment: bagged a huge timber wolf instead. 'charge. Ln an 'interview with Mr, Harold Free Methodist Glew, who shot the wolf with a 12 Revival Services in_ the, Salvation gauge shot -gun, at a distance of, Army Hall closed Sunday, November approximately 30 yards, we learned 26th. Conference Superintendent C. that red foxes are fairly numerous E L, Walls left for Terminus on Fri - in the`,rural area surrounding'Clin- ton. Several farmers ,have suffered dableetings will continue on Sundays large losses among their flocks of sheep, which appeared to have been at 3 p.m. and Tuesdays at. S. attacked by a wolf.' The Free Methodists have rented the Salvation Army Hall for the The men were spread out on the winter. farm of Mrs. Ferguson on the 14th Ontario Street1•Chu concession of Goderich Township.United Church The wolf weighed forty pounds 11.00 "The Joy of the holy Spirit". and from tip to tip, measured' 6 feet Near. Noon: Ontario `St. Sunday 4 inches. Many interested people have School. ChurchServiee Women's Institute Bazaar The Women's Institute held a very successful Bazaar on' Baturday, November 18th in the . Council Cham- ber of the Town Hall, Those in charge of various booths were-- Rurnage--Mrs. Fairservice and Mrs. Nay. Home Baking -'Mrs, Adams, Mrs. Cudinore; Mrs. Epps. :Miscellaneous, Mts. Perdue and Mrs. Hayden,. Mrs. Hanley convened . the after- noon tea, Those with. tables-111es- dames Kyle, Holmes, Miller, Sturdy, Lobb, Verner, Nelson, Batkin, Roz- ell, Kitchen Come -Mesdames, Layton, Rose, Glew, Shobbrook, Rozell, Cox, Saville, Lobb, Holmes and McCri11. •Reception Com. Mrs. 'J. 'B:' Lavis anti Miss• Brigham., , All booths; and afternoon tea were. well patronized, and ,the Institute wishes to acknowledge tall, donations toward the •bazaar, which helped to make it a success. Also any` delus- ions which e w • w h ere received1 previously, owards the packing of overseas ores. Would anyone who might hays Ke.. elver" dishes at the bazaar with. eking on, piease return dashes to, nstittite Rooms, '80 a.S owner may lain mine, ani oblige. v Mailing Dates for Christmas United States (.eepeeiaily parcels to allow for Customs examination) before Dee. 10. British Columbia before Dec. 15. Alberta and Saskatchewan before Dec. 16. Manitoba and Mar•itiine , Provinces before Dec. 17. Ontario' and Quebec before Deo. 18. Local delivery Before Dec. 19. If posted later, delivery by Christ. mos not Guaranteed. SECOND LT. M. HAWKINS Second Lt, Made'eine F. Hawkins C.W.A.C. is the elder daughter of Mrs, Hawkins and the late Mr. W. T. Hawkins, Clinton who was recently appointed as assistant padre of No. 3 Basic Training. Centre, C.W.A.C., Kitchener. As a graduate of the Anglican Deaconess. Howe and • Wycliffe Col - called at Mr. Glew's to have a "close 2 00 Turner's lege, Toronto, Lt, Hawkins is ver -up'' view of the killer. When the 7.00 The Contribution which the ably fitted for. her new duties. Soon hide is . fully dried, Mr. Glew will Hymn Authors • and Composers of after her graduation she.joined the Music have made to the' Church and 'Lodge, have rt on display.staff of St, Farkh s and later National life. Some Advent and Na- of the Mildmay Institute, in Toronto. In addition to the thrill of shoot- tivity II•ymns. The Church pioneered In. 1941 Lt. Hawkins joined the ,ing the wolf, " Mr. GIew will also Singing. Hymns have a lasting qual- R.C.A.F. (W.A.) :and served for al. receive 'a $25.00 bounty' from . the ity. Corrie and let us sing whole- most two years and received a cone. Provincial government and if wit- heartedly. passionate discharge upon the dedtir nesses prove that stook have been 8.00 Monday: Young People's, Un- of her father a year ago. attacked, there will be 'a smaller ion, Christian Fellowship night. E.1 Enlisting in•the C.W.A,C, earlyin bounty from the township. The Merrill in change. Chrismas IlYmns. September, ,Lt. Hawkins received provincial bounty used to be •smaller 8.00 Wednesday: Prayer and Praise I her commission after a course at the but the hunter was allowed to keep Service. I C,W.A.C. Offleers' Training Centre, the hid a s a souvenir.Now• � they e The regular a u1 r meetrn o Y f the A. gW g MaCDona ld College, St. Anne de are used to line special garments for will be held Wednesday, December I Bellevue, Quebec. Before taking up the men of the Canadian Navy. 6 at 3 o'clock .in the Sunday -School her duties in Kitchener, she spent a In this way 'many people :benefit, Room. The election of officers will few days, taking a .special course at the, farmer, whose stock are free 9f a be held, and all annual reports should Rockville. savage attacker, the hunter, who re- be ready, Will quitters please come i Many good, wishes follow Lt. ceives a generous bounty, and the early. Le ss of the HuronRoad/East Hawkins for •suceess in her import - sailor, who wears a fur -lined vest. and London Road will serve. ant appointment.