HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-11-23, Page 8AGE 8 e Carry A Full Line ot: PYREX, COOKING UTENSILS & FLAMEWAR3 A. NEW SHIPMENT OF BURWOOt TRAYS, PINE HOLDER, BOWLS and NOVELTIES 1. RANGETTE JUST ARRIVED 2 - COAL OIL HEATERS. • SUTTER ,& PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING 1 ELECTRICIANS PHONE 147w. CLINTON, ONT. There's Nothingsmarter Than the new Tweed Overcoats and it's smart to buy yours now. They are made in button through or fly front styles and come in shades of brown or grey. The supply is bound to be limited See our line at $24.75 One of our best coats in the darker shades "Weatherwear Fleece" is a coat we are justly proud of Nice medium grey, made .in either Raglan or set in sleeves and a coat that has brought us repeat orders Priced at • $27.50 A few only Boy's overcoats sizes 29 to 34 made of heavy brown material and well lined for cold weather. n Men's and Boy's Navy Mackinaw Breeches now inStoek. Plurnsteel Bros. Arco.. Skirt. — Adam Hots — Scott & McHal. Shoos for Haw Agents Tip Top Tailors. .04/40.....11141141.4,111\111NIK.O.... Fingering Yarn Four Ply Twelve and one half cents per .ounce BROWN'S One Door North of Royal Bank DANCE In Town Hall, Clinton. Friday, November 24th T'o the, music of Bert Worth and the C. K. N. X. Ambassadors Dancing 9.30 to 1.30 ADMISSION 50 cents LONDON ROAD The London Road Club met at the home of Mrs. Labeau on November 1.6 with eleven members present; Mrs. W. Moffat presided. After the regular opening procedure and busi- ness the ladies settled down to quilt and during the afternoon finished the quilt. A letter of thanks for a box re- ceived was read from Laster Labeau of Newfoundland. 1 Flannel dress and 2 pails of socks were 'turned in and: yarn for 5 pairs of mitts given cut. It' was decided to ,hold` a sale of miscellaneous ' articles, home baking and produce on December 2nd in Mrs. T. Riley's egg grading room. An invitation was extended from the Tuckersmit'.n Ladies Club to the London Road Club to attend' a euchre and dance ,held in their school ,house on November 17, with proceeds for Red. Cross purposes. The inv:tat'on was gladly accepted. The next meeting; will be held on Wednesday, December 13th,' instead of Thursday. Members are urged to be present for the annual election of officers. The Hostess served re - fret] merits e-fre>1:anent; durirrr the social hour. THE It^is but a short time to Christmas. May we sug- gest you visit our store' while ` doing your Christ-' mas shopping. Just a few suggestions: Wateiman's Pen and Pen- cil sets Albums The Latest Books China Placques and ornaments Boxed. Papetries Toys and Games A varied assortment of Christmas cards to suie every. purse. G. R. McEwan Co, Books & Stationery 'OFTEN THE CHEAPEST ALWAYS THE BEST" PHONE 84 0 0 II 1, IIIIIIN:I :'111111itscj .� 11I....- u� II,IUIIIII:u111_ - 1 un�ngm'oUl I I� h ,. ..�`��" •,��•.. i ... III IIIY Illihl1u- Miss Lois Connell visited friends in London for a few days last week. CIJNTI 30c °Mean--Fish&Chips LEVER'S. FLSH & CHIP '.•' RESTAURANT Mary ;1St. Clinton, . Phone 91 Wishes to advise that their Fish` and Chip Restaurant will be open' at 8.30 p.m. every Monday evening in- stead of • Tuesday. as previously ad- vised in this .paper. 'Delivery will. start on Tuesday, noon 20c per order. 2 orders' being the Minimum of 40e for delivery which Will commence every noon. Delivery 12 to '1 p.m. evening' delivery, -;5 to 6.30 p.tn. Restaurant open for Fish and Chip Meals noon and , supper time and every night from Mon. to Sat, at 8:30 p.m. Delivery of six orders' or more for parties at night: Phone 91. 30c Meal includes Fish and Chips, Tea or Coffee and Bread and Butter. Home made pie 10e per cut Tobacco and Soft Drinks Wesley -Willis Girls' Club The Thankoffering meeting of the! Girls' Club was held at the home of Mrs. W. Seeley, on Tuesday, Novem- ber 14th. Mrs. Gordon Miller. pre- , sided and Mrs. Agnew was pianist for the evening. Miss Winnifrcd O'Neil was in charge of devotipnal exercises. Very fine solos were sung by Mrs. Dev= ereux and Mrs. W. A. Oakes. Mrs. Miller read an appeal from the Red Cross, an appeal directed to the "Women of Canada". The Thankoffering collection was taken by Mrs. Inkley followed by a prayer :by Mrs. A. Steep and Mrs. A. Inkley. `. Mrs, D. J. Lane gave an impres- sive thankofferirg address. The theme of her talk was "Women of the Bible" .by H. V. Morton. The story of Rebecca was interestingly told and the life of Deborah; the first nationalist among 'women was re- viewed. The speaker's fnal message was an appeal to every woman to be interested in patriotism and to live up to the conviction, "Jesus Mist is the hope of the World". • Mrs. Jefferson moved a vote of thanks to 'those assisting in the pro- gram: and Mrs. L. Jervis seconded the motion. The Mizpah benediction closed the meeting. Afterwards the hostess and L.A.C. Maiv:n McKim is visiting group leaders served lunch and a TURPENTINE 12 oz. bti. ..., 25c this' week w:th his grandparents, social time was spent. SUNLIGHT SOAP 3 bars .... 19e' Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Potter. THL TR•S., N O<"i?': 2.3s'd'19!4 PAPER WHITE Narcissus Bulbs have just arrived Plant early and have bloom for Christmas. 10 cents each or 3 for 25c LOVE BIRDS FOR SALE If interested, see our birds soot as limited number 'only for sale. F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del. As: Personal care given every order, and special attention given to Funeral Orders. Phone 176 and 31 Superior Store ('HONE ihl—CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR NOV., 23, 24, 25 OUICK QUAKER OATS lge. pkg. 19e PALMOLIVE SOAP 2 bars 11c AYLMER DEHYDRATED BEANS with sauce 3 tins. 15c SANIWHITE TOILET TISSUE 3 Rolls ORANGE & GRAPE'F;RUIT MARMALADE 24 oz. jar .. 29c FRY'S COCOA 1/ lb tin 19c 1 lb. tin 31c PRINCESS FLAKES Ige. pkg25c CHAN FLOOR WAX Ib. tin 59c 19e . ppe .an son o n o Bowrnanville are visiting Mr. and Mrs, 0. W. Potter: Mr, and Mrs. W. M. Aiken and Miss Florence, spent the week end' visiting rel,tives in Allenford. Mr. A. H. Wilford of Toronto, presi- dent of The Transport News, visited at the News -Record Office on Thirsday. 14Ias. F;oyd Lodge of Go. erich re- ceived word this week that her sister, Mrs. A. R. Ccoper, has arrived' overseas. Mrs. Robert Draper of St. Cathar- ines and Mrs. George McLeod of Edmonton, Alta., are guests this week of Mr. and Mts. Caryl Draper. Mrs. Dia Co_nish has returned home after visiting. in Detroit and Deer born, Mich'., and Windsor for a week and a half renewing old acquaintan:es. v ONTARIO ST. W.M.S The November meeting of the W. M, S. was held in the School hall on Tuesday afternoon the 14th, Mr. Barton inchatge, in the absence of the president, Mrs. Aiken. A very suitable poen "Just For To -day" was read. first then the hymn, "Talk w'th us Lard, Thyself reveal", was song, 'all joining in the Load's Prayer. Mrs. Olde read the Scripture Les- son. Mrs. Burton gave a quotation from one of Stanley) Jones' Books, and led in. prayer. Another hymn was sung, "Hold Thou my hand, so weak I am and helpless". The "Se,relary, Mrs. Wi;t e, read the minutes of the last meeting, and reports were given by' the Trea- surer and convene- s of committees. Mrs, ,Shipley, Mrs. Farnham and Miss H. Courtice were named a com- mi.ttee.to draw,up a slate of officers for 1945. Mrs, Townsend• gave a reading on Christlanl Stewardship. Then Miss H. Courtice introduced the, interesting new study book, "West of the Date Line." The singing of the Hymn, "Jesus keep me near the Cross," and prayer l y Mrs. Wi:tse Lrou ht the meet'nl to a close. V GILLETT'S LYE Tin 12e Evening Auxiliary of W. W. The Evening Auxiliary of Wesley - Willis United Church held their Study meeting Thursday Evening, Nov. 16, at the home of Mrs. Wilf. Jervis. The President, Florence Ship- ley, opened the meeting with the Nat:onal Anthem followed by prayer by Viola Nelson and Lord's Prayer in unison. The Reports were adopted as read. Helen Nediger was chosen as the new President for the coming year. Miss Rudd kindly invited the members to hold their Christmas meeting December 1.3th at her home. The Devotional period conducted by Dnethy Muteh opened with the singing of hymn 525, Miss Rudd of- fered Prayer. The Roll call was responded to by a verse on 'National Life'. After the singing of hymn 511 the Topie 'Peoples of Islands of East Indies' was discussed by various members. It included a description of Locat'on of Islands—Climstie con- ditions --Animal Life—Ra{cels—Occu- pations — Religions —Christian Mis sions and Hopes and Fears for the Future of these peoples. D. Muteh and Evelyn McGuffin led the dis- cussion following. Hymn 239 and Mizpah Benediction brought the meeting to a close. Re- freshments were served by the Hos- tess, V STANLEY At an Auct:on Sale held at the farm of Mr. J. Innis, the Stanley Community Club sponsored a hot dog and coffee seals, .from which they realized over $20.00 the pro- ceeds to go for .patriotic purposes. Miss Mary Torrance, teacher at S. S. No. 1 entertained her school sec- tion ata party on Friday evening. A large crowd of ne'ghbours and friends gathered recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Innis to bid them farewell aild to express sincere re- gret at los'.ng so estimable a family from their niidst. As, a token of kindly feeling. "on ;b_half of the coin, run:ty, Mr. W. McEwen and Mr. E. C. Glenn .proselted Mr. and MTs. Innis with a purse. M-. Innis respon- ded in a few well-chosen words. The evening was merrily spent in cards, dancing to the Welsh Oches= tra, social chat and lunch was served. A sharp tongue is the only edge - tool that 'grows keener with con- stant use.—Washington, Irving. LIGHT BULBS 25-40-60 Watt 15c ORANGES, Texas, size 250 doz. 39s LEMONS, Size 300s for 13c GRAPEFRUIT S:ze 112s 4 for 25c CRANBERRIES Ib. 55c 1.R 1HI1MPSON f rsu Delivery LONDESBORO Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tannblyn, To- ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. F. Tam - Mr. and Mrs.' Wm. Govier and Mrs. Elizabeth Lyon, with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lyon, Thorndale. Mrs. Lillie Webster, and Jack, with Mr. and Mrs. W,II. MeD nald, Kintore. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sinclair, Ann and Marie, Kippen, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Riley, Goclerich with Mrs. Chas. Watson. Mrs. J. H. She:Ibrook was in Sea - :forth this week, visiting her uncle, Mr. Wm. Morrison. ' A very enjoyable time was spent, Friday evening', when the Orange- men and their wives and families gathered in the Community Hall. A very delicious chicken dinner was served, and the evening was spent playing games. Londesboro L.O:L, 863 held its an- nual meetng last week and the enters were elected for the, coming year. Worshipful Master, Emerson Resit; Deputy Master, John McCal- lum; Secretary, Arthur Weynneuth;, Treasurer, John Nott; Chaplain, Thomas Adams; Lecturers, Howard Shobbrao:k, and "William Bromby, and George Maine; Di.e tor of Cere- monies. Mr. Jack Tant',lyn arrived home on Saturday after' a -ending two months in the west. Jack also took a trip to Vancouver, B.C. V. REBUKED' "Do you have fits of giddiness?". a doctor asked a middle-aged;.. stern - looking. woman. "No, I don't," came the .snappy retort. "Pm a respect- able married. woman." 't TN i''d�F�S"'1 'i VALUES FOR NOVEMBER 24th & 251h , Q:UICIC QIJA'KER ' AYLMER APPLE VATS lg. pkg. 210 JUICE 2 bottles . 25c1 CATELLI'S DALTON'S Chees-a-Roni pkg..- 18: PUDDINGS 2 pkgs. 13e VAN CAMP'S PRE, COOKED CATEL,T I'S EGG WHEAT BEANS pkg. 10.1 NOODLES 2 pkgs. 25e RED & WHITE TOMATO 1TIINSON'S ; TOMATO SOUP 3 tins" 253 JUICE; 3tins 253 F,RY'SSUNBURY'S . Cocoa 1/21b 19c � ; , Tea 1/2 lb. 35c HEALIHGLO I "• ioe �_ SUNLIGHT *Nsicr a•'°'� P&G Soap 4 for 25c CAKE 5c Soap 4 for 21c LIPTON'S NOODLE SOUP DR. JACKSON'S MIX 2 pkgs. 25::; MONCHIES 2 pkgs, 25 GIANT POPPING AYLMER CAIULIFLOWER CORN ib. 15e RELISH jar 23e GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES RADISHES -TOMATOES -LETTUCE -SQUASH-CRANBEERRIES SWEET POTATOES —TURNIPS —CARROTS—CAULIFLO'WE)2 NO. 1 COOKING CHOICE HEARTS OF APPLES 6 lbs 253 CELERY bunch 170 TEXAS JUICY lg. 176's FLORIDA SEEDLESS 96's ORANGES doz. 57e GRAPEFRUIT 3 - 25c CHOICE' FIRM LARGE CALIFORNIA RED CABBAGE each 103 GRAPES •1.. 25c Ce M. SHEARING PHONE 48 FOR QUALITY FOODS — CLINTON or Verd-A-Ray The New Electric Light Bulb that will solve all your lighting problems most satisfactorily. They use less power, Throw More light, No Glare and last longer than the ordinary Bulb. Ask for Demonstration. We are Sole Agents for Clinton and District. BALL & ZAPFE Dealers in Hardware and Furniture Modern Ambulance Service, Funeral Director Store Phone 195 DOUGLAS G. BALL Phone 110 J. J. ZAPFE Phone 103 Time now for weather-stripping, before the cold winds come. STRIP -SEAL The modern way of sealing, plugging and caulking -makes a water -tight seal -adheres to wood, metal,glass, tile or masonry. Buy a package now at 45c Also, we have Frost King, leather and felt weather-stripping A Good Supply of Hand -Mede Stove -Pipes on Hand Hawkins Hardware PLUMBING AND HEATING PHONE 244 WEEK END SPECIALS' 5 Bars Won;erful S ap 19a CULVE;RHOUSE Tomato Juice 1 Pkg. Wonderful Soap Powder 19a 28 oz. t'ns 2 for 25e 1 pkg. Pr:neess Soap Flakes .. , 25o HOME'S Quality Cocoa 2 tins , 23c 1 pkg. (new size) .Super Suds .. 25e SUCCESS Wax 1 Ib. tin 32e IDEAL Catsup 105 oz. tin 690 1 pkg. Robin Hood or Purity STOKLEY'S 'Tomato Juice Quick Oats 29c, 20 oz. tins 2 for 19c SPECIALS 2'pkg. Prairie Nuts (puffed wheat) ZEST Apple and Strawberry Jam, 25c 'Aylnner .4 Ib. •tin 490 Western Glow Macaroni 2 pkgs. lac 5 lbs. Fe Oatm.Quick Shine ,Stove Polishhtl. ., 17a 3 lbs. Ready or CutCoarsMacaronieal ..... 225e 0o Baby Foods either fruits 20e 1 or Vegetables 3 tins 25c • 3 lbs. Spaghetti 1 plug. Cheese -A, -Boni or Kraft 1 GOLD MEDAL Pumpkin 28 oz. Dinner 19o' tins 2 for 290 RAM tin 33,c 1 tin Super Success Wax 59e SWANS DOWN Cake Flour pkg. 35e 2 Tins Sto:k'ey's Tomato Juice 19e SUPER SUDS pk;. 220 2 Tins Aylmer Pumpkin 19e CHIPSO pkg. 25a PEP Cereal deal 2 pkgs. and free 3 lbs. Gran. or Brown Sugar .. 25o� tumbler for 250 3 Grapefruit 112s 20e CHEESE-A-RO'NI pkg... .... . 17o I CLUB HOUSE Co:fee reg. 49e ,1 Doz. Texas Or.nges 344s 290 Turnips, Cranberries Grapes etc. W. L. JOHNSON PHONE 286 GROCER DELIVERY HOURS 4 to 6 p.m. First Mortgage Loans If additional money is needed to help you butt a rroductive farm, send us particulars. . Possibly we can assist you through our loaning department.. Alttractive I terms. All inquiries treated confidentially. Huron&Erie MORTGAGE CORPORATION London Windsor 9t. Thomas Chatham Special lb. 43c FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES Fresh Sausage lb. , ., ,25e Fresh Wieners lb. 27e Bologna lb. 24c Minced. Ham lb. .. .. 49c • Cottage Roll lb. in piece 390 rya I hobit Free Delivery