HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-11-16, Page 8-1%6E8 If Carry A Full Line of PYREX, COOKING UTENSILS & FLAMEWARl. A NEW SHIPMENT '' OF, BURWOODI TRAYS, PINE HOLDER, BOWLS and NOVELTIES 1. RANGETTE JUST ARRIVED 2 -`COAL OIL HEATERS. SUTTERPERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS PHONE .147w. • CLINTON, ANT. There's Nothing smarter Than the new Tweed. Overcoats and it's smart to buy yours now. They are made in button through or fly front styles and come in shades of blown er grey. The 'supply is bound to be limited See -our line at $24.75 One of our best coats in the darker shades "Weatherwear Fleece" is a coat we are justly proud of Nice mediuh grey, made in either Raglan or set in sleeves and a coat that has brought us repeat orders Priced at 527.50 A few only Boy's overcoats sizes 29 to 34 made of heavy brown material and well lined for cold weather. Boy's Navy Mackinaw Breeches now in Stock. Plumsteel Bros. Arrow Shirts -- Adam Hata — Stell & McHab Shoos ter Mon Agents Tip Top Tailors, Fingering Yarn Four Ply Twelve and one half cents per ounce BROWN'S One Door North of Royal Bank Women's institute The regular meeting of the Women's Institute will be held on Thursday, November 23rd, at 2.30 in the Agriculture Board Rooms. • Mrs, W. Perdue is convenor of the lunch •committee. v A Successful Venture --� The Managing Committee of the Red Shield Women's War Auxiliary (Mrs. Chas. Elliott as chairman) on behalf of the members • and associat- ed workers, publicly express their sincere appreciation to the towns- peorle fortheir great number of salable articles contributed toward the sale. The result of the sale was very' gratifying. Gross receipts total- led over the Two Hundred Dollar mark besides a considerable number of .both new and good second hand children's women's and men's cloth- ing, which was reserved for The Salvation Army Home Front Work, while all new garments will be pick- ed for S. A. Rehabilitation,. work, they assist in the' different devas- tated countries of Europe; thus bringing the total receipts well over the Two Hundred. and Fifty Dollars with comparatively few ex- pense ,bills. Besides the filling and sending of ditty bags; monthly gift parcels to thirty town boys at different points in European War Theatres and their- Christmas parcels 'shipped early in October, the ;R.S.W.WA. are now nearing the completion of a heavy Rehabilitation Quota and all such shipments to the Headquarters in Toronto for repacking foe, over- seas shipment, must be made before December/31st, Mrs. N. W. Trewartha, President of the Red Shield Women's 12Var Auxiliary, the writer of the above, sincerely expresses her appreciation to all members of the R. S. who gave so freely of both tithe and means; far the ,good will of the townspeople expressed. As long as our boys .are fighting at the front, we must keep up the fight at home and back thein up. Clipping From Army Paper In a" letter Pte. I. B. Hoggart, R.C.A.S.C., sent to his sister, Mrs,' Raymond Townsend, he enclosed this clipping, which was cut out of 'the Maple Leaf Pap.er in Italy. CANADIAN SUPPLIES Editor, Maple Leaf: It is about time something was done about the canteen situation and the distribution of Canadian supplies. Buying my weekly allot- ment the •other day .the following items were listed: Palestine choc- olate; Rangoon orange drink; Eng- lish cigs.; Australian shoe polish Indian .matches and Italian nuts. It seems eppareet that once a soldier leaves Canada he becomes part of a forgotten army. I wasalso to receive a vehicle— new that is to us only, as thio truck had ;been "across the desert about four times. I am' 100 per eent'Cana- dian and I'would like to believe that I belong to the best trained, best equipped and best fed army in' the world. Sgt Joh ' D • BOOK TALK Being Met Together By Vaughan Wiliiinsl; author of `Seven Tempests and "And So -- Victoria" Forever Amber ` By Kathleen Winsoi "Not since 'Gone with the Wind" has a novel aroused such feverish excitement as Kathleen Winsor's Forever Amber" Sixty Below By Jony Onraet Corporal, Jony Onraet 'oP the Royal Canadian Army, trapper in the North-West Territories tells his story of his life in the Arctic. Earth & High Heaven By Gwethalyn Graham: The book by a Canadian that is being greatly adver- tised now will be in soon. Nov is the time to order your Magazine subscriptioi' for Christmas U''•ifts. G. R. McElwain Co. Books & Stationery `OFTEN THE CHEAPEST ALWAYS THE BEST" PHONE 84 Mrs. J. Gamier of Toronto is visit- ing Mrs. F. A. Axon. Miss Beairi-e Gibson is visiting her aunt Miss -M. A. Gibson in Toronto.. Mrs. H. B. Fife of Toronto sp t1' week, end with her sister, M W, T. Herman, Miss Vera Hogged was the gu of Miss Maxine Ball, of Kitchen over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. ,R. J. Rumbalt Montreal are visiting ,his mother, Mrs. Clara Rumball. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lucas of Deville, Alberta, returned home Saturday after visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Lucas for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Brown of Petrolia and Mrs, Albert Willettand son. Bev. of Sarnia, spent the week end with Mrs. Wan. Shaddick. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gl.ew have re- turned home after visiting their daughter. and .son-in-law, Me, and Mrs. Abe, Orpen, of Hamilton. Lieut. Madeleine. F. Hawkins. of Mac- Dona'd College, St. Anne de Belle- vue, Que., spent the week 'end• with her mother, Mrs. W. T. Hawkins. Master Ted and Bob Kennedy, of Toronto, were weak end visitors with their Grandmother and Grand father, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ken- nedy. ent ra. Benefit Card Party CLINTON NEWS- 1hey A 30c Meal---Fish'&Chips L13VER'S'FISH & CHIP RESTAURANT 144ry St. Clinton, Phone 91 'Wishes to advise that their Fish and Chip Restautant will be open at 8.30 p.m, every Monday evening in- stead of Tuesday as previously ad- vised in this paper. Delivery will Aria on Tuesday noon 20c per order. 2 ordersbeing the Minimum of 40e for delivery which will commence every , noon., Delivery- 12 to 1 p.m. evening delivery to 6.30 p.m. Restaurant open .for Fish and Chip Meals noon and supper time and every night from Mon. to Sat. at 8,30 p.m. Delivery of six orders or more fore. parties at night. Phone 91. 30c Meal includes Fish and Chips, Tea er Coffee and Bread and Butter.` or soft drinks 7c extra. BAZAAR under the Auspices of. Women's Institute Saturday, Nov. 18 • • at 3 p.m. In the Council Clamber of Town Hall Booths - Miscellaneous, ,Baking etc, Ramage (Any Donations gratefully received) Afternoon tea from 3-6 p.m.Menu: Meat end, Salad plate Brown and White bread buttered Apple or Pumpkin Pie and Tea TENDERS For Snow Plowing Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to Friday 6 p.m., Novmber 17th. 1944, for a truck for removal of snow from the Town streets for the 1944-45 season. The Town plow to be used. Further in- formation if required may obtain- ed from Reeve Falconer. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Town of Clinton, M. T. CO;RLESS, 22-2 Clerk & Treasurer, est eP, To be held in the Odd Fellows Hall of Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Dale, and Sarah Sifton, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Sifton, Master Lyle and Mi s Nancy Sifton and Aunt of St. Thomas, visited. at the home of Mr. W. A. Dale over the week end', Mr. Murray Dale of the National Radio Research Council 'of Ottawa, and his bride, have returned' to Ottawa after spending part their honeymoon with the former' father Mr. W. A. Dale and aun Miss E. Brickenden of the Huro Road East. Constable Bab Eiggart, R.0 M P. of St. John's, New Brunswick, is spending a leave with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Biggart. Mr. •WiJliant Docking of Neepawa, Man.', has been in this district the last few lays renewing acquain- tances, Mr. Docking, who with his father's family lived in Holmes- ville for many years went west in 1890, and settled at Neepawa, Man. where he farmed for years. He has not been in this district since 1920, when he visited many former Holmesville friends. William holds his age well, and looks hale and hearty at seventy five. His family of two bays and one girl, have their own homes, in the west, and some are with the armed forces. His old friends were delighted to. meet him and renew old friendaYips.: He left on Tuesday afternoon, to visit other friends near Mitchell,: Tuesday, Nov. 21st at 8 p.m. Euchre and five hundred. Lunch .willbe served Everyone Welcome Admission 25c Wolf C !ab News Oh Thursday, November 9, the Wolf Cub Pack met in ,the Cub de", The competition for the evening was won by the White ,Six under the leadership of Gerald Elliott. The sixes 'were 'then re -arranged as fol- lows: Senior •Sixer—Cameron Maltby, Black Six—Sixer—Bob Elliott, Seconder—Jack Cowan. Red Six--Sixer—Clare Maltby Seconder—Ronald Carter Blue Six—Sixer—Gerald Elliott, Seconder—Billie Ducasse, Green Six—Sixer--Bill Shearing Seconder—bill Managhan, o1 Akela had the privilege of invest, s ing ,Senior Sixer Maltby and Sixer t Shearing as two -star Cubs. These n boys are the first ih the pack to pass these tests. In Cubbing they have two eyes open and are to be congrat- ulated' on their achievement. Legion Auxiliary, The Legion Auxiliary held their regular meeting in the Leaion Hall on Monday night, with the president 1 Mrs. N. W. Miller, in charge. There V was a very large attendance. The meeting opened with "0 Can- ada" and a minutes silence. Two t boys aeknowledg-d riga-ettes, which I they had received for their birthday. i P A letter of thanks was read from ,M the Legion for Poppies sold. The ;111 Auxiliary have bought ,a Fifty Dol- S lar Victory Bond. I One new -1. meennber, Mrs. Royce i W Fremlin, was enrolled: T The meeting...dosed with "God . M Save The King, and a social half J hour was enjoyed C PAPER ; WHITE Narcissus Bulbs have just arrived Plant early and have .bloom for Christmas. 10 cents each or 3 for 25c LOVE BIRDS FOR SALE If interested, see our birds soon as limited number only for sale. F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del. As. Personal care given every `order and special attention given to Funeral Orders. Phone 176 and 31 Superior Store PRUNE 111--CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR NOV., . '16,17,18 NABOB COFFEE lb. bag 43e P. & G. SOAP 2 bars 9c CHICKEN HADDTE Tin 29c SUPERIOR BAKING POWDER 16 oz.: tin 23c ROBIN HOOD QUICK COOKING OATS 5 lb. breg' 29c OXO CUBES 10 CUBES 25c IVORY SNOW Lge. pkg. 25c PRINCESS FLAKES' Lge. pkg25e 2 IN ONE• SHOE POLISH Tin , 100 PALMOLbVE SOAP' 3 ige bars.25e NEILSON'S COCOA ib. tin , . , , 29c READICUT MACARONI 2 lbs. 13c LA FRANCE pkg. 15c SATINA pkg, 7c Texas ORANGES Size 200s doz49c GRAPEFRUIT Size 126s 3 for 19c CARROTS 3 lbs. 10e TURNIPS, Waxed Ib. 3e COOKING ONIONS 6 lbs. , , , 25e T. fl. THflMPSON Free Delivery MILITARY NEWS Mr. and Mrs. A1ialert Seeley have received word that their son Harold Seeley ]las received his commission as Pilot Officer. P.O. Seeley is stational at Lethbridge, Alberta, lr— TUCKERSMITH The November meeting of the Tuckcrstnith Ladies Olub was held' at the hone of Mrs. Leslie Pepper with eighteen members and eleven visi- tor; present.' The meeting opened with the ode followed by the Lord's Prayer. A song was then sung. The secretary read the mintetes and the Roll Call, was answered by telling what you brought to put in the .box to send North. The treasurer, the Red Gross Treasurer, Quilting and Knitting reports were given, Mrs. Lawson conducted' a contest,' after which a song .was sung. A ratty, at the school house was plan nod. The meeting was brought to a close by singing "God Save The King" followed by the Homemakers Prayer. The Officers for 1945 are as fol- ows: President, Mrs. F. Walters; ice -pees.; M-rs. B:11 Pepper; Secre- tar'y, Mrs. McGregor.; Treasurer, Eleanor Pepper; A.si Secretary- reas. Mrs. Bill Pepper; Press sec., Mrs: J. La•n 11olough, Mr'. Leslie epper; Pianists, Mrs. Rogerson, rs. E'. Cr.'ch; F -ower Committee, rs. Garrett, Mrs.' W. Whitmore; ewing , Committee, Mrs. Matheson, Mrs: E. Crich; Social Coin, Ms. E. hitmore, 'Mrs. B. Pepper, Mrs. J. urner, Mrs. W. Pepper; Knitting, rs, Fear; Quilt Cant,, Mrs. H. ohns, Mrs. Vs•nderbourg; Buying oin., M: s. Lawson, 'M•rs. R. Pepper. ' VALUES FOR NOVEMBER ;17th and 18th'' P,RIOR'S PINEAPPLE Marmalade JAR 39c. THURS., NOV. 16th, 1944. COWAN'S PERFECTION "COCOA lb. tin 21c ROSE; BAKPNG POWDER lb. tin 15G REGENT EXTRACT VANILLA 2 bottles 11e QUAKER Corn Flakes pkg. Country. Kist Peas 2 tins 27 GOLD MEDAL Pumpkin 2 tins 29e WALKERS Sodas 2 lbs. 25' r- WAGSTAFFE'S RHUBAI; JAM jar ` ` 29c YORK CHOICE T'OMATOES 2 tins 29e, Pride of .Niagara Tomato. JUICE 2 tins 19 R. & W. Floor Wax tin 29e.; CANADA SEAL: • Herring • if 2 tins ` 19c C+r ..acoso�uut, cont Aylmer Dehy. • CAKE 5c Beans 2 - 15c GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES TOMATOES —LETTUCE' —CARROTS CAULIFLOWER—BEET RADISHES RADISHES — MUSHROOMS — SWEET POTATOES — G,RAPES CALIFORNIA SWEET 288's OH010El STALKS ORANGES doz. 39c CELERY 2 for 19,c,• MARSH SEEDLESS 96's ONTARIO NO. 1 WAXED' GRAPEFRUIT 3 - 25c TURNIPS lb. 3c • TEXAS JUICY 216's C'HOTCE+ FIRM ORANGES doz. 470 CABBAGE lb. 4e C. M. SHEARING PHONE 48 FOR QUALITY FOODS — CLINTON CALL AND SEE Our New stock of Tables, Boudoir, Bridge and Tri -Light Lamps, and a large assortment of Shades We are showing a nice assortment of Cedar Chests, Coffee and Lamp Tables, Mirrors, Hassocks, and Breakfast -Suites, BALL & ZAPFE Dealers in Hardware and Furniture Modern Ambulance Service, Funeral Director DOUGLAS G. BALL SiOre Phone 195 Phone 110 - 3. J. ZAPFE Phone 103 See the amazing new 4 in 1 electric appliance ELECTRESTEEM Baby bottle warmer — Sterilizer — Food wanner Egg and potato Cooker Cannot cause fire because the temperature in the warmer never exceeds 212 deg. F. Fits any standard electric cord, A real gift for Mother and the baby. Hawkins Hardware PLUMBING AND HEATING • 1ST. ANNIVERSARY AT NEW STORE SPECIALS Thanks to you for your patronage during the past year, we offer as specials for this week end. Coffee (Maxwell House, Gold Medal or C. & S., 1 lb. 43 Soups, Veg., Asp., or Tomato. 2 tins 19 Liptons Chicken and Noodle soup 2 pkgs. 25 Pep, Bran Flakes with Tumblers 2 plug's. 27c Eatmore Wheat Berries 5 lb. for 25c Rolled Oats Fine or Coarse 5 lbs, 25e Pudding Powders Asst. Flavors 2 pkgs, 19 Success Liquid Wax bottle' 59c Success Paste Wax in tin 32e Robin Hood or Purity Quick Oats pkg. 29e Ready -cut Macaroni 3' lbs. 20e Many Flowers Toilet Soap 4 elm20c Lux, Camay or Lifebuoy Soap 3 cakes 20e Sunlight Soap 3 for 20c Gran. Sugar 3 lbs 25e Cranberries, Grapes, Turnips etc. Oranges; Grapefruit PHONE 244 SPECIALS CULVE;RHOUSE Tomato Juice 28 az. Mins 2 for 254 HOME'S Quality Cocoa 2 this , , 23c SUCCESS Wax 1 lb. tin 32e c IDEAL Cafsup 105 oz. tin , , , , 63e STO'KLEY'S Tomato Juice o 20 oz. tins 2 for .......... 190 ZEST Apple and Strawberry Jam 0 I 4 Ib. tin 49e I Western GIow Macaroni 2 pkgs, 130 Quick Shine Stove Polish bd., , 17e Aylmer Baby Foods either fruits or Vegetables 3 tins 25c - GOLD MEDAL Pumpkin 28 oz, c tins 2 for ,., 29e I KAM tin 33c SWANS DOWN Cake Flour pkg. 35e. - SUPER SUDS .pkg. 22e CHIPSO pkg. 25e • PEP Cereal deal 2 pkgs. and free tumbler for 25e CHEESE-A-RONI pkg.. • 17c CLUB HOUSE Coffee reg. 490 Special lb, 43e FRESH FI4UITS & VEGETABLES Fresh Sausage lb. .. .. , . , , 25e Fresh Wieners Ib. 27e Bologna lb. 240 49c ' Cottage Roll 1b: in piece 354 - W. L JOHNSON PHONE 286 - . GROCER DELIVERY HOURS 4 to 6 p.m. First Mortgage Loans If additional snenev is needed to help you buy e r^eductive farm, send us particulars. Possibly we can assist you through our loaning department. Attractive terms. All inquiries treated. confidentially, Huron etErie exr'emeAGE conpo AT,es, London Windsor: St. Thomas Chatham,, Minced Ham lb. OrlTal Lohb)E Free Delivery