Clinton News Record, 1944-11-16, Page 6.• '
re Shows—Lt General Sir '.C,, 0.0 O., No:them Ireland.
Cumningliarn, ,
T1ILJRS, NOV 10 li, 194
erne Grapevines' Larger . Inter -Train Communication .,.
• Than'Comtherciat Yards' I..atest Electrical Feature
Most gr'apeviaes in ,..uome gardens A ieng_feet need for a means of
or arbors are larger than vines in communication between trains
ecunrherciel vineyards becanse .the
- whether moving or standing, and bec
i i niant.tween trains and wayside stations is'
Mete been pruned less. .As a result,
while a vine in a commercial '" --..-'helieVed to -have been met in the
ing is tiSuallY trimmed to 40 hilwl, train telephone system used 'On. the
k raPevines maY have more' buds ieft...,lev:alliaiderreeh.rebaxrclIi of the PenPsYl-
or less each year, the home garden ..-.
to, bear a crop. A large vine cover
Since the earliest days of experi-•
Mg an arbor might be trimine:ir mentation with radio, a recent issue
150 or 200 buds. The larger the e of Railway Age points oUt, the rail -
the More fruit it is capable of bear.,
roads and manufacturers of electric:
ing, but it should be pruned each cal equipment have been attempting
'year to keep he fruit large and the to solve the problem of providing
vine within bounds. . reliable'communication on and be -
The clusters of grapes that devel-'tween railroad trains and wayside
op this season will grow on shoots stations.
from the buds of last yeer's canes.
This innovation is the latest of a
Grapevines that grew normally last long list Of improvements developed
year haVe so many of these canes ,
oy therailroads in cooperation with
and buds that unless most were cut various electrical manufacturers to
;off, the clusters of grapes would be expedite train min/erne/its and af-
Mmall, many with only three or four ford better service for the public.
Discoveries and developments Manci years
berries, and the vines would spread
an .
The best canes to keep for bear- utilized lay the railroads in numerous I
Clark penetrated into the Pacific
ing the crop are ones about the ways,
and constant research is un- Northwest, Northwest, the Amazon served as
diameter of a lead pencil or larger, '
der way to find Means of further
the route for the first tranecontinent- ,
th about. fivh or six inches be- in reasing the efficiency of railroad
al crossing of America when Fran -
d tang1. d ofelectronics have been
13 I A • ;Repot•V Ti•eatirie4t of Gas '
, • ,
PiaX1 e Gangrene With Penio ut.
As Comnlunication Artery Many Types of Painting ;
The mighty Amazol river valley, I , The successful treatment with
When soldiers tra ned at the qnar-' 'penicillin of a case otgas gangrene -
ether teepieei 1:1.0deote into the' 4e, hey l he, eq p a Arnerieari Medical ASSOQiatiOn. The- •
ber, quinine, , ers, --------,erimera s army at Carrip Lee, 'Va., return •to.
ff of the Allie authors say that it was recently
now pourikg a vast , wealth of rub- termaster painting school of • the reporte4. in the Journal 'of theRt.
' 1
united, war e ort er may with a new aptitildC or emPlaY- ,atated that penicillin, experimental -
development of the South A.reerican struction in painting, a considerable IlYg is a potent agent in -gas bacillus" •
;infections, but up to thet time there..
soon play another vital role in the merit. In addition to general in-
republics. Colombia, amount of signs and general paint- had been no studies of hurnan cases„ •
Ecuador, Peru an& Belivi, the six' ;the painting course was in progress emphasized by the fact that although
The hriportance of the eeport is
Brazil, Venezuela, ing was taught and practiced while•
and its tributariet, are taking ,e°11" school stated: ,
at Camp Lee. A report from the, gas gangrene is a comparatively
nations bordering on the huge river
certed action to solve their mutual "They'v-
e painted thousands of ,
rare infection in civilian life, it is.
a serious menace in military opera --
into one of the great Pan-American tions. The mortality rate in civilian,
Problems and convert the Amazon signs --street labels, traffic warning
!signals, regimental regulating signs
-, cases has been estimated at 49.7 per
arteries of the future..mess, platoon and other entitling la- :cent while the death rate from the.
Use of the great inland waterway hels, as well as hundreds of desk
as a link between South America's signs for use in offices and orderly infection in .the American •tionary forces in France in the last,
virtually unexplored and unknown Iroom. They've made countless bac' war was 48.52 per cent.
interior and the sea, and as a means isic military training, aids in posters : , Three California physicians report
of bringing out inexhaustible natural
.for visual instruction and many gen- that "We observed a severe gas in -
resources, has a precedent which jeral morale posters. They've , done ;fection in a seven-year-old girl. After
400 years ago, a century before the
isional sign on the side of a truck 'all routine measures, including se -
goes back four centuries. More than everything from painting an occa-
i Pilgrims landed in North AmericT Irums, sulfonamides, and amputation,
an 1 finishing furniture and other jobs int had failed, penicillin was providedg,
in sufficient quantities to treat suc-
264 before Lewis in the motor training school to re-'
coordination with the carpenters eessfully the patient, whose outlook
school. Countless offices in camps seemed hopeless. The isolation of
have been.painted and decorated by our mountain hospital made it len-
tween the buds. Smaller canes and o eratione: Among more recent con -
Cisco Orellana led his hardy tattered
'rows of buildings used by the baking
trainees in painting school, and the prepared and unequipped to fumes
as much old wood as possible should tPributions in the field of electrical
followers from this City to the At- exhaustive laboratory studies. The
be cut off. Young canes that grow and electronic developments are cen- lantic and . thence to their native . - chrucal significance, of our obser-
'school were painted both inside and • • •
out. \ration, however, remains important.
to save, so that old wood farther equipment detectors, cab signals, Shorter than the Mississippi -MIS- painting pro -enough to justify more investigations
gram contemplated assignment of of this treatment."
out -near the main trunk are the best tralized traffic control, dragging
Spain. The army traininginthe fruiting area close to the trunk.the soldier pai te after completion The girl was found. lying on the
in souri system or the Nile, the Arna-
out may be removed. This keeps radio -telephone tugboat dispatching,
It is wise to leave several spurs (or yard engine tele- er in the world in point of volume, an
of their instruction at Camp Lee, to porch of her home with a fractured
telephone eatrinatioetrinscing systems zon is nevertheless the greatest riv-canes cut to two buds) close to the ... mg ac
e and with its tributaries forms the army camp, post, or station in left
forearm, in the. middle of which
trunk, to make fruiting canes for thelargest river network on earth. was a bleeding puncture wound. She
phone systems, gnaflux method
this country, or to a unit in the hos-
year. of examination of axles for cracks,
apparatus for detecting
Along its surface ocean steamers'
bat zone. Many painters are needed was immediately taken, to the If a small vine M to be trimmed Sperry.
fla s in rails and- the like. inquartermaster bases and depots
pital and sulfathiazole powder was .
to 40 buds, not all canes need to be ' may soorebeat their way 2,000 miles in the theater of operations imme. sprinkl d thewound hi h
e on w e was.
: with them the products of civili- steille dressed. Four days later gas
same length of 10 buds each.
t in very great strength at- belt, of S. E. Gennany. Picture taken
Nuremburg on March 30/31st at an ,R.A.F. S Dation of Bomber
Bo nbe: Command. made the 'Command on the night of the attack.
mile there -and -lack flight in Pictu.e shows:—The Station Com -
lit of a half moon which was nutndar end other officers watch the
t".ey rtturned. Nurem'erg returning aircraft from the balcony
-e of the great pre-war Nazi of the Control Tower while the am-
rsillits, Les in the. indu trial balance and crash tender stand by.
ing wit
into the heart of the continent, bring- diately back of the front lines. •
ation and carrying out the rich gangrene had developed to. the point_
Clean Thoroughly Before
treasures of the region- where amputation was necessary but .
cting the Barn natural Seed Flat IJseful little improve -
in there continued to be
First Women To Land In France
ersonnel of Queen Alexandra's
erial Military Nursing Service
e the first women to arrive on
Noirnandy beachhead, On Jude
seven days after the initial
ins of the Allied. Expeditionary,
es, Lieutenant Colonel Helm,
'o chetter, arrived with two sis-
follcwed three days later by, a
of 50 sister:. Their purpose
n D uring Summer ment. On the seventh day after the.
accident penicillin treatment was
Solution Helps Check
Spread of CattleGrub Thorough cleaning should always
precede the application of disinfec-
Use of a rotenone and soap solu- tants in treating barns, is the rec-
tion will enable farmers to control
ommendation of veterinarians.
cattle grubs, which annually cost Moistening of the litter and wood -
thousands of • dollarsproduction, and in lowered values work and -then the removal of all
in lost milk
for cattle hides. litter is recommended. The walls
and ceiling should be thoreughly
In late winter, these grubs, caused brushed. to remove cobwebs, old
by the ox -warble fly, crawl out of whitewash, and any other objection -
have remained there about five
manure and about four inches of in materials. Then remove all
lumps on the cow's back, after they a...e.
top -
weeks. They can be destroyed dur- soil in barns with dirt floors. Follow-
ing this period by sprinkling and .ng
1 this, clean soil should be sub -
brushing, stituted for that which has been
mals a solution of three-fourths of
brushing, on the backs of the ani -
pound of 5 per cent rotenone and
Disinfectants should be applied in
three ounces of soap in a gallon of hot solutions, preferably with a
after the first "grub bumps" are will apply
pump. The force of this spray
water. This is used about 25 days
seen, says Prof. H. H. Schwardt of apply the disinfectant into all
the New York State college of agri- cracks and crevices. Some livestock
men like to mix fresh water, slacked
culture. with lime, with the disinfectant as
As not all the grubi mature at it helps in' keeping check on the dis-
the same time at least four treat- infected areas.
ments a month apart are recom- One pound of lye to 20 gallons of
mended. A gallon of the solution pro- water for general barn disinfection
When Buying Clothes,
Buy Them Big Enough
When buying clothes, buy them
big enough. It's better to buy a
dress a size larger and have it al-
tered to fit trimly and comfortably.
Any article of clothing should be
loose from the waist up. It should
fit comfortably, not plaster tight.
Clothes should not pull against the
chest, the diaphragm, or the back.
Money spent on expertly fitted
clothes is not wasted.
Drooping hem lines, sagging
seams, pull across the middle, or
hanging off shoulder seams can't
make a well-groomed appearance.
What about our skirt ‘length?
Straight' skirts should be longer be-
cause without fullness they natural-
ly pull up when you sit down, and
then knees aren't pretty. Gored
skirts can be shorter because of the
extra fullness.
A seed flat is useful in the garden started and exactly one month after.
throughout the year. In hot, dry the accident the girl was sent home.
summer weather it is often very
difficult to obtain good germination
from seeds of lettuce, endive, kohl- Uses Old Engine to: ,
rabi, and som. e others sown in the
garden. Split Wood for Seasoning,
This is as difficult in rainy weath- With an old gasoline engine re-.
er as in dry, when the soil is some- built into a wood -splitting machine,
what heavy, because rains compact a Wisconsin farmer took the back -
the soil over the seed, the heat ache out of getting next winter's.
bakes it, and the seed sprouts can- wood supply ready for seasoning.
not emerge. The state extension forester urged,
But a seed flat can be filled with farmers throughout Wisconsin M .
sandy loam, placed in a shady spot, take a tip from the inventor who
and easily kept moist, 'so that seeds solved his winter wood -splitting job
will germinate as easily as in the by revamping an old three horse-
teildatteththeye power gasoline engine into a split -
spring. By allowing the plants to
reeeanchue ting machine.
auagllayadbesitzreaniasplthane First he removed the cylinder:
garden with small loss, and your head from his old engine. To form
second and third crops proceed to a wedge he welded two sheaths of?
grow on schedule. 'truck spring onto the end of the pis- •
Many gardeners feel that it is ton and bolted an extra large wheel.
easier to transplant lettuce and en- on one flywheel to which he applied
vides one treatment for about 16 is recommended. It should be re- Good posture along with well -fitted dive from a flat to the garden row, a beltfrom a one -ha
frlf horsepower
cows. In small herds, the grubs. membered, however, that caustic clothes can do a great deal to ;im-
than it is to thin out the row, when
prove our looks. the seed is sown in the open.
By engine, and a base -block 17 inches.,
electric motor. The motor, the old;
can be' squeezed out by hand. lye is a poison, an a
If all cattle were treated for re-; should avoid lereathing in or getting
moval of grubs, the pests could be. the fine lye dust into the eyes.
destroyed, as the grubs that escape
sowing your flat a week or two be- from the front of the cy .
Keep Barn Dry fore the previous crop is exhausted, 'securely bolted to a heavy plank.
are the only source of mfeCtion. the eaves," suggests Prof. A. M.
Keep the dairy barn "dry behind wheeled chassis so that it could be .
This was mounted on a light four-.
no time is lost.
Calcium Builds Teeth Goodman of the New York State col- easily moved about the farm yard.
Ninety-nine per cent of the calcium ..Griddle Cakes The blocks of wood are split as ,
Short -Snorters in the body is used in building and 'lege of agriculture, "in order to pro-tect the health of the animals, and One of the commonest faults in they rest against the base block at -
The Short -Snorters club originally repairing the bones and teeth. The
I. prevent decayand rottingof the griddle cake making is over -mixing. one end. The wedge is forced into
was composed of people who had one per cent does special jobs in the .o trteelf.,, If griddle cakes or pancakes have each block by the forward motion of,
flown over an ocean and then ob- blood and nerves for the body's baro s uc ure itself.' been rather heavy and soggy, stir the piston from the power applied.,
trained signatures of two short -snort- health and efficiency. Every, cow breathes out about five only until the ingredients are well .
hi h became akers should include as guar
i t and this water condenses
quarts of water every 24 hours, he
blended. Further mixing gives a.
Griddle cakes can be
ers on a dollar bill, ve c Homem
that person's certificate of member- much milk and milk products in
organization. Since the war began, daily meals as wartime conditions
permit, and should waste none.
ship in the exclusive but informal
across oceans and been admitted to While milk is the number one
source of calciuin and no other food
however, thousands have been flown
the Short -Snorters and today thou- is nearly so rich in it, greens frotn
sands of others who have flown only the garden are a pretty good number
over land consider themselves short- two source. Greens that yield good
snorters and will produce creden- calcium returns include loose -leaved
tials to prove it. varieties of green cabbage and green
Many short -snorters enthusiasti- lettuce, mustard and turnip greens,
cally collect signatures from all broccoli,. collards and kale. Head
fellow -passengers on trips and all lettuce and head cabbage have xela-
th mbers at bars and when tively little of this mineral. Dried,
points out,
on the beams, ceilings, and even on
the roof and in the jay overhead.
Ventilation through doors and win-
dows does not carry off much of
the water or else chills the cows.
A real ventilation system is neces-
sary for most dairy barns.
Cost of new stable ceilings and
beams, and hay lost through mold-
ing, can be saved by a ventilation
system, says Professor Goodman.
Ventilation also helps prevent rust-
ing of metal roofs and of nails that
hold the roof tight.
made with either sweet milk or sour
milk. The sweet milk 'ones are
usually thinner and more moist,
while buttermilk or sour milk gives
the light, fluffy, tender type gener-
ally preferred.
As for the baking, the griddle
should be hot. Heat the griddle or
heavy iron skillet slowly, so that the
heat will penetrate evenly. Above
all, turn the cakes only once and at
the proper time in order to give
them a professional look. If they
lasses are turned too soon, the batter will
possibly from another country, to do spread from underneath the brown
the original membership bill. High supply.
their part toward the calcium
Take Up Space top and give a ragged edge. If
turned too late, the bottom will be
Since only file seed of garden peas 7
pitMd and the cakes will brown
b o er-me
one bill is covered paste a new one, beans, soybeans, eggs andmo
denominations often are used now.
They must carry their credentials
„ or, if caught without them by fellow -
members, pay the penalty, which
may be a round of drinks for all
members present, or payment of $1
to each member present, or both.
was the :ettjng up of a Gsnerfl Hos-
pital to douse 600 patients, and with
the assistance of Pioneers and the
R.A.M.C. the hospital was qMekly
established; and is now functioning.
Picture shows: The illatron, S.nior
Commandant -Mellor, addressing the
nurses and detailing them for their
A total of 155,148 governmental ful in judging size and distance is
units levy taxes and render public the feeling of the ciliary muscle in peas should be made 'early as pos-
Everywhere the first sowing of
services in the United States. Includ- contracting the lens, and the, pres- sible, having in mind that the finer
--county areas in Rhode Island are justing the eye. may decay if the soil remains colvarieties, which have wrinkled seed,
ed are 3,050 counties in 47 states sure of the external muscles in ad -
not organized for governing pur- Distance and size of objects also ,ind damp too long after they are
poses—and 18,884 townships. .There are judged by referring them to oth- sown. Smooth seeded peas will not
are 16,189 actively organized munici- er objects. The size of the moon,
teeny so easily, but they are not of
palities, including cities, towns, bor- for example, seems larger when as high quality as the wrinkled
oughs and villages. near the horizon
onthan when over- ,.• .,
Largest category is school districts head because it is seen coming over Where spring comes fate, and
constituting '70 per cent of the total, a house or tree, and appears large sutnmer follows quickly, only one
according to information to the In- an reference to such ' familiar ob- crop of peas is likely to be success-
ternational City Managers associa- jects. Optical illusions arise chiefly ul, and for this an early dwarf van -
tion. Excluding these, municipali- from guide lines and angles that con- -.ty should ,be grown.
ties comprise about- 33 per cent, fuse the eye in its judgments.
• , .
townships 41 per cen , spec' d'
tricts 18 per cent and counties less
than 7 per cent of the total.
.t. are used, the food yield is small
Judging Distance compared to the space they take. poorly. Watch for the moment when
is brown on the underside
How do the eyes judge the size They are a cool weather crop, the cake.
and puffed and lightly set, but not
and the distance of objects? Chiefly and do best in sections where spring
pitted on top. Serve as soon as they
by the size of the tiny picture made comes so early that there is time
before hot come from the griddle. When cakes
on the retina of the eye. The big- for them to mature
he northern are stacked, the ones on the bottom
the image
ger the object, the bigg
• weather arrives: or in tget steamed and soggy.
Move the object away, and the tier of states where the summers
GUnits tinal image smaller. Also help- are relatively cool.
nmenta1 is
Manganese Steel
Units exist primarily to conduct While the effect of hydrogen is
local government in the general mu- evident in ordinary steel, it is ex-
nicipal sense; 'to supply some spe- aggerated, in most steels confaining
cific local public service oreto carry manganese. On the other hand, cer-
out any of the numerouS possible tain special manganese steels do not
combinations of general or specific show it. This is attributed to a dif-
functions. , ferent arrangement of the molecules
in the lattice that makes up the
metal crystals. In general, where
Feed EeenenlY they have the arrangement known
g " h drogen
To help homemakers M eliminate as face ceetered,. morey
In food waste, here are some point- is dissolved than in the alternative
era in food handling. 'Serve second "body centere,d" lattice. In body
helpings' rather than too much at centered lattice, the atoms are arc
first, so that waste will not have to ranged in cubes, one at each corner
be Olt into the garbage pail; remem- and one at the center. The center
ber that certain Minerals and Vita. atom of each cube forms a corner of
mins "loVe to swim"; save the green adjacent cubes, and so they inter-
topS of root vegetables; buy suffi- lock. 'The face centered arrange -
.,5,,+ fciod, hut ' dot so ranch that ment, a the other hand, has an atom
It will spoil before it can be us6d;
end store food carefully •to avoid its
in the center of each face of the
Greatest Ilard-Ore Mass
Described as "the greatest known
hard -ore mass, and easy to equip,
develop and mine," the Cave Peak,
Brazil, area contains an estimated
15 billion tons of ore suitable for
high grade steel. Beginning this year
and continuing for three years, an-
nual production of Oh million torts
of ore will be divided between the
United States and Great Britain.
The Peak is located in the center
of the iron region df the province
of Minas Geraes and rises 4,500'feet
above sea level. The peak has no,
overburden of earth, and open pit
mining, with drilling arid blasting,
will begin near the top. Two large
electric Shovels, powered by General
Electric drives, will load the ore.
into trucks which will carry it three-
ouarters of a mile down a fairl
Benedictine Liqueur
"Benedictine," the famous aro-
matic liqueur, take A its name from
the Benedictine order. It was the
product of a single Benedictine ab-
bey, Fecarnp, near Le Havre,
France, and was never made at
Monte Cassino. Its history is ro-
mantic. In 1510' a monk who dab-
bled in chemistry produced the
refreshing cordial. The monks
!named it after the order, "Benedic-
tine,D 0 M (Deo Optimo Maximo
--to God, most good, most great).
Although a commercial product
today,. it keeps its old name. The
alcoholic content is 52 per cent. The
present distillery buildings occupy
the grounds of the old abbey of
Water Buffalo
The water buffalo, says the Na-
tional Geographic society, is found...
in many regions of the world, but
only in India does it exist in the
truly wild state. It wanders through
the swamps and jungles at the foot'.
of the Himalayas, in the Ganges.
Delta, in the Central Provinces, and:
fa some extent it is found in the'
jungles of western Assam.
Domesticated, it has proved to be
a valuable "worker" in Italy, Tur--
keyin the fertile valleys of the
Nile, and in the marshlands of Hun-
gary and Crimea. It is practically
indispensable in the flooded rice -
fields of the Orient where horses or
mules are seldom used for agricul-
tural purposes.
Millions of these animals are kept.
in India for their milk and meat.
Although slightly bluish, the milk.
is exceptionally rich and high in but—
;Loop read to the processing plant..
Infant Mortality
Switzerland had the lowest rate of
infant mortality in the world in 1942,
according to the Statistical Year-
book of the League of Nations for.
Switzerland's rate was 38 per 1,000
in 1942, a decrease of 3 per 1,000
,since 1941. Second were the Nethe
erlands, with a rate of 40 per 1,000,
and the United States, also with a.
rate of 40. Both countries showed
decreases since 1941. Rates of in-
fant mortality in other countries for
' 1942 were Union of South Africa, 48;
United"Kingdom, 52; Canada, 54;
Germany, 68; France, 70; Belgium,
78; Argentine, 84; Italy, 108; Bide
garia, 127; Portugal, 132; Cyprus,.
185; and Chile, 195.
Tomato Seed 00
When crude tomato seed oil is re-
fined by the use of caustic soda,
bleached and decolorized, the oil is
entirely suitable for edible purposes.
In Italy the crude oil is used for
soap making, the press being used
for stock feed or fertilizer. Johns
and Gersdoff state that such press
cake contains 37 per cent protein.
Rabak and Shrader early bete&
several methods or separating the
,seeds from skins and other residue,
one being by suspending the waste,
in several volumes of water and agi-
tating; the skirls, being lighter, have
a tendency to float whileethe seeds
41 e sink
cube, an there is no niter,lock
Healthy South
There are now 3,000,000 More
Southerners living in other sections
than there are natives of other sec-
tions living in the South. This emi-
gration is more likely to increase than
to diminish, for the South is more
prolific, and at the same time health-
ier, than the national average, if.
Vital statistics/ Mean anything. In
1940, the 1.1 states that composed'
the Confederacy had a birth rate 14' •
•per,cent higher than -the average for.
the nation, and in the same year, a'
death rate about 41/2 per cent lower,
than the average, Southerners live,
long and multiply •