HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-11-16, Page 5TIITJRS., NOV. 16th, 1944 36 i //fL if✓&A/k, : /T PERSONAL LOANS AVAILABLE To pay doctor, dentist or hospital bills... to meet taxes .. , to consolidate debts... to buy fuel.., to repair or improve the home... to meet educa- tional expenses... to take a dvantage of bargains and business opportunities ... to meet emergencies, etc. 6ndorsert nal necessarily ' 'centred. 1'o delay urgenthome repairs because you lack • ready funds may prove costly later on. When you are faced with such a problem, see The Royal Bank about a personal loan and get the job started right away. ' Loans for such a purpose—or for any reasonable personal need are available at any branch of The Royal Bank of Canada. They can be repaid over a period of six, twelve, or even eighteen months, by monthly, quarterly or other instalments to suit your convenience. When you need a personal loan to, meet some sudden or unexpected need, go to The Royal Bank of -Canada. The manager will be glad to discuss a per- , sonal loan with you. THE ROYAL SANK OF CANADA CLINTON BRANCH J. G. McLAY, Manager Ss O'urObligation To provide dependable, thoughtful siervice to every family in the community ... at prices which they can afford , , , with economy and pride. Clinton BEATTIE FUNERAL HOME Phone 1841 AUBURN Mrs. Edgar Lawson rias received word that her nephew k'.)0. Donald 'Staples of Regina. had :been killed; in action overseas •on Nova 2nd: Mrs, A. J. Ferguson is visiting hes - daughter, Mrs., Ray O'Neil and Mr ' O'Neil, Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs, Cl;fford Brown and family •of Walton spent Sunday Witft Mt, and Mrs. Geo; Beadle. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Rutledge re- ceived word that their son Lloyd Rutledge has been promoted to I1t. Sgt. He is at presentstationed at 'Goose Bay, Labrador. Miss Ruth Arthur. and Miss Muriel LaFortune of London spent a fest days with the formes's Mother Mrs. John Arthur. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will be held In the Foresters Hall. on Tuesday, Nov. 21st. The subject "Historical Research" will be given fey Mrs. Fred Oster of Blyth. Current Events will, be gven by Amelia Mcllwain. Roll call, Display Of Relic' and giye its history. Hostesses Mrs, Mogridge,. Mrs. R.3, Phillips, Miss Mae Fergus SOD. Mr. and Mrs.. William I3. Thomp- son have moved from their present 'home in Auburn to the 6th Conces- sibn of East Wawanosh where they "have purchased a farm. Mr. and Mrs. John Finlayson, Mrs. John •Sclater and daughter Marian, Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Herberger and daughter, Mrs, Cole, and Mr. Deng' "Knowles alis df Seaforth Visited with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anderson ort' Miss Sadie Carter and itIr, Joe. Carter have returned to Auburn after spending the;summer at Port LRgin. The November meeting nt the W. THE tor the meeting was taken by Mrs, C. W. Robertson. A. vote, of thanks was extended to •Mx.;rand Mrs: Haath- by for their hospitality. The funeral of Edward Jones was held on 'Wednesday afternoon from the farm of his son, Charles Jones, and was largely attended. Mr. Jones died irk Flint, Mich., on ' Monday where he had been visiting his daughter, Mrs, James Foreman. He was in his 80th year, and was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Jones. He 'was born on the farm where .his son now resides and spent his entire lifetime in that township, His wife Jessie Thom passed away in 1915. He was a member of St. Marks Anglican Church. He is sur- vived by one son Charles Jones of M. S. of the Presbyterian Church Auburn, d;,hree daughters, (Annie) Mrs. Fred Mrs. James Foreman, Flint, Miss was held at the home of • Ed„,„ Jones of Detroit, and (Ellie)„ Ross on Thursday afternoon. The Mrs. Ray -.Scott, Toronto and four sided and opened the meeting with ducted by Rev. P. B. Streeter. The prayer, After tate opening hymn the pallbeare president, Miss Josephine i Weir, , pro grandchildren. The service was eon - . scripture, tine 2nd chapter of 2nd "" J. Robertson, T'imot'hy, was read responsively and Nelson utiedgMcLarty, Robert 5eott,,,,Rab- zt J. Rutledge, rTohn Houston and the president gave explanation of 'John Moulden. Beautiful floral same, The Tidings prayer was read ,tributes were carried .by relatives of in unison. It was decided to snake a the departed, Interment was made quilt for the Xted Cross. Readings it Dtmgamton Cemetery. CLINTON NEWS -RECORD tdrl�_u,�,• CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. V. COOKS FLORIST Phones; 66w and atu Batkins Locker Storage We now have 'some frozen Peas and Corn, also Strawberries. We can sell you a .,good Ys beef at any time. FROZEN F'OO'DS ARE. BETTER FOODS. to .a close in the usual manner. The roll call for December will., be an- swered by "•A...Suggestion for 'Christ- mas." v Wesley -Willis W.M.S. The November meeting of the W. M. S. was held at the home of Mrs, Hearn, Thursday evening, November the ninth. The President, Mrs. Frank -Fing- land, conducted the business period. The secretary Mrs. A. T. Cooper gave her report and Mrs. Sutter, treasurer, presented: the financial statement. A 'splendid resume of the Sectional Meeting Held at Duffs 1VIcKillop church was given by Mrs. Addison and Mrs. McKinley. Mrs. W. McHwan condaoted the worship service—prayer was offer- ed by Mrs. Britton and •the scrip- ture reading taken 'by Mrs, Pickard, . Very interesting current events were given 'by Mrs. A. T. Cooper, followed by a beautiful solo, much enjoyed by all, by Mrs. Hearn. Mrs. McEwan gave a most inter- estingtalk on the 'racial problems confronting the world of to -day, Ieaving with her hearers much, food for thought, The Study Book, "West of the Date Line" was ably introduced by Miss Stone 'and a splendid beginning made in this most interesting book. The 'sheeting Closed' with the Miz- pala Benediction, V-- LONDESBORO The Thankoffering meeting of the Mission Circle was held on Tuesday evening at the home of Miss Alice Fingland with an attendance of thirty-seven. The president, Mrs. Jack Pipe, presided over an inter- esting program consisting of a vocal. solo by Miss Doreen Armstrong, a reading by Mrs, H. Adams, the study book by Mrs. Menzies assisted by Miss M. Tamblyn, Miss M. H. Prest, Miss Betty Snell, Miss Doreen Arm- strong, Mrs. R. Peck and Mrs. A. Shaddick. An interesting set of lan- tern slides entitled "Into all The Villages" was presented by the pas- tor. Alt the worship service on Sunday the pastor will speak on "The Father of the Jews." The Missionary meeting was held Thursday, November 9th in the base- ment of the church, Mrs. Townsend the president in_ the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and the roll callwas an'- wered with a verse containing the word "Give". The word for December s "Bring". Group No, '4 then took harge and Mrs. T. Adams read the Bible lesson. r 1 1VIrs. F.. Tautblyn reviewed chapter in the Study boot. w( MIs. Webster gave the . Temper- nee report and Mrs, Eliwin Woods paper on Christian Stewardship. Mrs. Bert ,Shobbrook gave a splen - id reading. Mrs. Menzies sang a olo and the 'fleeting closed' with Hymn 523 ,and the Lords prayer. I Miss Grace Lobb of Goderich Twp.' pent the week end with Velma Hesk Miss Bina Kirk is spending a week in Windsor. A number of neighbour's met at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Bert hobbroalc to foals : a fern) forums. roup. There were ten families .pre-' ent. The name ,of' the Forum is The Live Wires" with Bert Shob- rook as Secretary; Mrs, Bert 'Shah - rook, press secretary; convenor; r next month, Art Clarke; Recrea-k on Conr. Art Clarke and M. Young. The next meeting will be held ap November 27th at the home of,Mr. , were given by Mrs, Herb. Gooier and • Mrs. Wellington • Good, The . topic, i A large crowd attended the Home - "Prayer I "Prayer is Power" •was given by, made baking sale and country fair Mrs. Edgar Lawson. The roll call sponsored by the Women's Institute was answered by a verse of scripture and Victory Club• in the Parish Hall containing the word."Obey". Mrs.' on Saturday. A draw was made in Lawsosi invited the society to her the evening on a cine latish which home fo'r the December sheeting. The load been donated by Raymond Red- `s meeting closed' with the singing of mond. Mr. Roland Vincent was the a kynin, the National Anthem and holder of the lucky ticket. The pro.'' prayer by Miss J. Weir. Lunch was' ceeds amounted to $220. which will e 'served by the ba'stes's. go to •the Overseas Box Fund, to (provide treats and cigarettes to the Ladies Aid !local boys Overseas. The Baptist Ladies. Aid met on V Thursday at the home of Mrs. Frank, ' a Raithby with the paesilent, Mrs. 0.l BRU a A CEFIELD , HovS'sori, in charge. The. devatioaat period was takenMrs. Jas, Web= Twenty-two by W I y inernbers answered d ster and Mrs: John Raithby. The the roll eall, when the Women's At- s first part of the afternoon was spent soeiation met for ,the November in making Missionary quilt blocks, meeting oat: the afternoon of the the materiel Dain; provided by. Mrs, seventh. s Raithby. The fol owing program .. The first part of the afternoon Inas enjoyed, readings by Mrs. L, was spent in sewing. Then the Irwin, Mrs. Jas. Webster, ,Mrs. John meeting was called to order and Raithby end 1Virrs. Earl RR;aithby. Mrs. Atkinson 'as usual ebldncted' Solos Were rendered by' Mrs, Glen the devotional. A psalm. was read S Raithby an•3 Marie Raitbby. The and: two hynvns. 258 and 553 were g topic from the wo ds of St. Paul,, sung. In keeping with Remembrance s "This One Thing I do" 'was given Day the roll, call was answered by ., 1 1 ROXY THEATRE $ New Playing Claire Trevor as `TIIE 'WOMAN OF THE' TOWN' Mon, Tues. Wed. "SHOW BUSINESS" :� tale of footlight thrills and disappointments, of what it takes to be, great in the entertainment world. Eddie Cantor, George Murphy, Joan Davis and Nancy Kelly. Thur. obki. and Saturday Pat O'Brien, Carole 'Landis, Chester Morris and Ruth Warrick Dramatic dynamite blasting ac- ross the screen with all•the fury, of a sabateur's .bomb as brother is pitted against brother in• :a shipyard where some 'work for Victory and' others against it. SECRET COMMAND Coming - HOME IN INDIANA In. Technicolor CAPITAL THEATRE CODEIRICH Now Playing -- Pat O'Brien in "SECRET; COMMAND" Mon. Tues.' Wed. Two Features Martha Scott, Adolphe Menjou and Pole Negri with Dennis O'Keefe and June Havoc' in -a musically treated ro- mance and a truly great picture HI DIDDLE DIDDLE" Walt Disney's stirring saga of aviation, VICTORY Through AIR POWER Thur. Fri; :Sat, Technicolor Joel McOrea, Maureen O'Hara & Linda Darnell A. grand ,story of the plains feat- ures the life history of a color- ful oldtimer. "BUFFALO BILL" Coming - "LOUISIANA HAY - RIDE" and ?'MR, WINKLE! GOES TO WAR" BIRTHS RATH.WELL—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday; November 12th, to Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Rath - well, a daughter, stillborn. MOORS--IIn Clinton Public Hospital on Wednesday, November 15th, to Mr. and Mrs.. Joseph 11. Moore, Goderich, a son. To Let Light housekeeping rooms. Apply, Mrs. R. Raton, Bayfield Road, Clin- ton, 23-2 For Sale "Clare Jewel", White enamel cools stove, used three years, in,,very good condition. Apply to Mrs. Grant Tur- ner, Box 43, Bayfield, phone 634r14, Clinton. 23-1 Notice Will the party who took the ex- tension ladder from behind Mr. Heilyar's store on Monday night, please return it before Saturday. If not `returned further legal proceed- ings will be taken. 23-1 For Rent or Sell 6 room frame house, compact in plan, central location, furnished or unfurnished. (new 'bathroom). Im- mediate possession. Would consider sale of same for suitable cash offer. Apply Box. 39M, • 23-1 TWO DAY CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Implements and Household Effects.—At Lot 4, Cdn 6, Huliett Township, half mile east of Kinburn, on TUES. and WED., NOV., 21st and 22nd; Tuesday, Nov. 21st at 12,30 o'clock sharp, the following: HORSES—Clyde mare, 10 yrs. old; gelding, 6 yrs, old 1800 lbs. Harness —set of heavy harness, number of collars. CATTLE_Durham. bull, 3 yrs. old 2 Hereford cows due' Feb. 1st; black cow, due Feb.; 1st; Holstein cow, fresh 2' mos.; 2 Hereford cows fresh 2 mos.; brindle cow fresh 1 month; 8 Hereford and Durham. last spring calves; 5 Hereford and Durham fall calves; 5 Durham steers rising 2 yrs. old; 3 Durham. heifers rising 2 years old, PIGS -8 York chunks 85 lbs.; "York sow with ten pigs 6 weeks old, York saw due in Feb.; 3 young York sow bred' 1 month. SHEEP -17 Leicester ewes, 1 ram. POULTRY: 200' White , Leghorfs pullets, -Feb. hatch,. 1 colony house, new; 2 rain shelters, 15 ducks. IMPLEMENTS—McCormick Deer- ing hay loader (new in July); Me- Cormiek mower 6 ft.; 10 ft. McCor- sni6k rake; • McCormick Deering binder 7 ft. cut, like new; 1 disc harraw, 1 diamond harrows, 1 walk- ing plow, 1 M,H. 13 run seed drill, cutting box, seater, Wheelbarrow, 1 new electric fencer, tool cupboard; quantity 'of tools, farm: wagon, Ill ft. flat hay rade, •new; 1 set of farm sleighs, 3� bunches of 5X shingles, fanning mill, 30 rod of . woven wire, new; 80 rod of .barb wire; 2 45 -gal. barrels; 2000 lb. stock scales, 2 iron kettles, 1 pig crate, 1 root pulper, 1 hydro pole, 25 ft.; quantity of cedar posts; quantity of lumber and plank: 30 cords •of dry hardwood, 8i ton of ,hard coal, 1% ton al Doke; Eatonia cream separator, 600 lbs.; 11F h.p. M.H. gas engine, ireits. HAY & GRAIN --20 tons alfaTla hay; 20 tons hay,. 50 bus.' of osoice mixed grain, 150 bus. of fall wheat, 231s tons of bran,•600 bus. .mangels and turnips, 2 bus. of timothy seed, •1 Cyclone grass seeder, block and tackle, hay fork rope 175. ft, neW Everything will be sold' as farms has bean sold, HOU'SE'HOLD EFFECTS — On Wednesday, Nov. 22nd at 1 p.m.: Easy electric washing' suatth ne, new; Westinghouse friigidaire, new; elec- tric hot plate and. oven; 2 electric wall laanps, electric clock, 1 new walnut .bedroom suite, Coleman lamp mining room table, 6 dining loom chairs, Chesterfield suite, new; 1 walnut, oval table, 1 whatnot, small tables, I new china cabinet; hail rack, congoleutn rugs, new' linoleum ear - nets end scatter mats, 1 antique clods, organ, nlelodion, antique settee 2 chests of drawers, 3 antique beds, springs and ,mattress, 1 child's crib, baby buggy, play pen, earl table, rockers, morns chair, cupboard, book 1 case, fire place' screen, coal oil stove e and heater, wash tub, lawn mower, asap cot, Coleman lamp, 2 robes, waif robe like new, 3 camp chairs, b Itchen utensils, peat skis coat size 44, uulley clothes line, wringer, fruit, 0 Ales, potatoes, JOHN NOTTINGHAM Prop.;. Harold Jaekson, :Auctioneer; E, P.. Chesndy, Clerk. by Mrs. R. J. Phillips. The meeting "Peace". Mrs. R. Scott took charge b.. was closed by prayer ,hy Mrs. Row- of the business meeting, It was ar- son, A pat duck Punch was enjoyed. ranged that the W. A. would. eater fo The weekly prayer service- was for the Odd:fellows' •dinner, ditto to ti held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. l -•e dee}ded latest Two•contests oe- Frank Raithby',on Thursday 'evening, cupied the rents/lacier of the after - On account of the illness of the pas- noon, and the meeting was brought Saturday Special Tea Biscuits Fried Cakes Do Nuts Pumpkin Pie Blueberry Pie Whole Wheat Bread BARTLIFF'S PHONE 1 DANCE in CLINTON TOWN HALL ' FRIDAY, NOV. 24th music of Bert Worth end the CKNX Ambassadors dancing 9.80 pan, to 1.30 a.m. ;Aelmission 50 cents Work Wanted Will cut wood by the' cord. Apply to William Glazier, Clinton. 23-2 Strayed From the premises of the under- signed, a black steer, 11/ years old, with a small white ster on its fore- head, and a white patch on its left flank. Anyone knowing• the where- abouts of this animal, notify Mr. Ben. W. Churchill, Clinton, or phone 904r31, Clinton, 23-1 Auction Sale of Property and Household •Effects in town of Clinton on Albert Street FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17th at 1 p.m. 2 Quebec cook stoves, 1 Quebec Heater, 1 glass cupboard, 2 dropleaf tables, 6 kitchen chairs, 2 dining raoin tables,. 6 leather bottom chairs; 6 dining room chairs, Number of small tables, 1 New William sewing machine, 1 couch, 1 sideboard, 1 chest of drawers, clock, 2: bedroom suites, springs and mattresses, 2 rugs 9x12, 2 congoleum'rugs,num'ber of rocking chairs, 1-5 piece parlor suite (walnut)", Hand washing Ma- chine, :lawn mower, boiler, wash tub, dishes of all kinds, kitchen utensils, sealers and a host of other articles. Property 1st% story, 8 room house in the town of Clinton well. located ole Albert Street. hydro and town water Terms; Chattels cash. Property 10% down, balance in 80 days. Re.; serve .bid. Estate of the late John Snyder. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. CLERK'S NOTICE 0f' First Posting of Voters' Lists for 1944 Municipality of Clinton, County of Huron. Notice is hereby given that I have complied' with Section 8 of the Voters' Lists Act and 'I have posted up in my office at Clinton on the 28th day of October, 1944, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the Said Municipality .at. Municipality elec- tions and • that such list remain there for 'inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to . take immediate proceedings to lave' any' • errors' or omissions eorrreet d according to law, the last day for appeal being the 21st day of Novem- er 1944. and Mrs. Joe Lyon. Dated, at Clinton this 28th day of etober, 1944. M. T. CORLES Clerk of the Town of Clinton' 21-3 REGENT TI EATR SIIAFOSTAI Now Playing — Dick Powell "IT HAPPENED omoal( Mon.. Tues. Wed. Dual F'eatua Belite., James Ellison and 1 and Fraek There's music, romance and entertainment in this bril skate -and' -dance treat "LADY LET'S DANCE" Thur, Fri. and Sat.; Frank Sinatra, George Mun and Gloria De Haven with Adolphe Monjou, ' 7Jut Follette and a superlative cas a ,breezy fun -tale, "STEP LIVELY' tComhtg — ONCE UPON.e i TI & WHERE Are Your CHILD' Cemetery Mentor's Large stook of modern .nem display at our Clinton Showroo For the convenience of our office will be open o Fridays Open by appointment at an time See Mr.. J. J. Zapfe, nex, Cunningham & P Clinton — Exeter-- S PHONE 41 Lost Leather Jacket between Station, Clinton and 111 Sion of Goderich Towns Saturday' afternoon. Finde. call Elmer McClinehey, 90 ton. Reward. Farm For Sale 50 acres, mile from Goderich Township, good well fenced, good buildi watered. Apply to Ne Clinton. For Sale Stuccoed house at 102 Hu Goderich. Phone 931r14 G For Sale Thirteen head of cattle, and Herefords, year olds year olds. Apply to James utiles N. East of Clinton, R. For Sale Leicester sheep; ewe la lambs, also 2 -year old ewes, H. Quigley, three miles Clinton, on No. 4 Highwa Clinton 916r3. House For Sale On Princess street, close town and schools. Warmly brick siding covered. New good dry garden. Priced t quick sale. Apply to Prank For Sale 9 roomed, two storey Brie with 3 piece bath. Central L acre Lot on William. Street at News -Record. Wanted Hatching eggs for 1945 hs season. Guaranteed premium Play hatchability -premium. culled .and bloodtested,t) tder e ment ,Supervision, frees of Write for full details. Tweddle Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, 0 For Sale 1933 Buick Car, Al shape. 206729. Good tires, 2 spare $450. Apply to Jack Plumtree, ton, For Sale Spy. Apples, hand picked and 60e per bushel in your own CO ers. Apply T. 5. Jenkins, phone 23 Clinton. CORN KING MINERAL We are ' pleased to announc have taken the agency for 0 KING MINERAL. Call or phots your requirements to the JEI HATCHERY, Phone 194. For Sale Playtime Washing Machine plete with• wringer ;ingood condi Can be used with motor. P 000r13, Clinton. For Sale Lady's Suit, Oxford Grey, siz in good condition. Apply at Record. For Salo Used Beach Range with front. Also 4 good doors phone Clinton. Rouse for Sale. Five ,roomed frame house on err Street, town 'water, quarter of land. For further )".arse apply to Frank Fingland or McCool, Londesboro Wanted to Buy Wanted to buy, old horses an cattle for mink feed. If dead, at once. Fred Gilbert 908r22 of Gilbert 908r21,