HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-11-16, Page 4a;i'A(E 4 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD DoYour Christms Shoppillg Inove ( To .Avoid Disappointment The Chinaware Gift Department and Toyland are jammed with Suitable Gifts for Old and Young A. T. OOOPER• STORE OPEN , In Business Since 1885 EVENINGS 6 rO. 8 PHONES 36W 36.1 You Will Be Glad to know we have our exclusive Christmas Cards on display 'again - and at exceptional values. We have been telling you about HALIVER O'APSULIS for building resistance against colds. Many have got them -:HAVE YOU? W. 5, B. HOLMES PHM. 8. zu CLINTON, ONT. • PBON'E 11 Stanfields Underwear Gold Label all wool Shirts and Drawers Red Label Combinations Blue Label Shirts and Drawers . A. C. Combinations $1.95 a garment $3.95 $2.95 each $3,95 each Also Penman' 95 Combinations and Separate Garments Penmans' 71 Shirts and Drawers and Combinations • DAVIS Sc HERMAN. CUSTOM TAILORS - Be Measured by a Tailor. Listen To "SUCCESS" Self Polishing Liquid Wax and Paste Floor Wax Every Friday Morning, At 10.15 37 Prizes Awarded Each Broadcast C. K. N. X. -- WINGHAM For Sale at.all Grocery and Hardware Stores KHAKI DUCK HUNTER'S COATS ALL WOOL KERSEYempirS REVERSIBLE HUNTING CAPS MEN'S GABARDINE SPORTS JACKET LAADaxosP BPORT JACKETS $12.85, 1 $4.95 $1.86 $6.50 $7.95 and up OP Goods EPPS SPORT SHOP Headquarters For All Sporting VARNA. the best of health.µ Mr. Holmes, the new Rector of St. Johns Anglican Church, will be in charge of the service Sunday war- ning Nov, 19 at 11 o'clock. Rev.` Mr. Hicks of London has taken the ser- vice for the past six weals in Bay- field, Middleton. and Varna. Mrs. E. McDonald of Hensall and daughter: Margarete of Windsor spent Sunday with the former's sis- ter Mrs. Jno, Rathwell. Mr. and Mrs..Alvin Elliott and 'babe spent last week end with I17r. and Mrs. M. Elliott and family.' Mrs. -W. Ball and little son Nelson spent Saturday with her mother, Mrs. Mossop. Mrs. G. H. Beatty attended the teachers Convention in Clinton, on Monday. We are very •sorry to report that M Wilfred Ch to ' The L.O.L. 1035 held their annual fowl supper in the hall Friday night with a good attendance. An enjoy- able evening was spent by all. -Mrs. Horner and Mrs. Kruger and daughter :of Zurich were' guests at the home -of the former's :daughter, Nes. Ings, Saturday. Rev. G. G. Burton of :Clinton was in eharge of the' Armistice ..'service on Saturday and ,gave a very inter- esting talk on trench warfare. After the service the procession headed by veterans of the last war and school children marched to the cenotaph where wreaths were laid. MnMr, and Mrs. Jno. Smith had a family reunion on Sunday last when all the members •of their family with their wives, husbands, and .children, were present except one son Walter REX FROST ADDRESS (Continued from page' 11 always struggle for every achieve- ment. Tee Federation of Apiculture will provide the means or obtaining fair consideration. Therefore, in order to achieve. the ,best, good lea- ders crust he chosen as the instru- ments. It will be no, better than what we make it Ourselves. At the condos}on of his address, Mr. Frost s?' owed several reels of beautiful moving pictures of rural Quebec and unlovely pictures of the horrors of war •overseas. Mr. hwin expressed his apprecia- bleu in 'being appointed . president again for the coming year, , and urged, those who did not belong, to join thve unit during the corning dear. Mr, Win. Jewett, on behalf of those present, thanked the guest speaker, for his adda"ess and movies, and the ladies -of Londesboro for the 1 splendid banquet served. earlier do t the evening. The meeting chased with the Na- tional Anthem, and then followed several hours of dancing, concluding a most successful annual meeting, V IN THE LETTER BOX Clinton News Record, Dear Sirs: It would be greatly appreciated if you would convey, through your valuable paper, to the people of Clin- ton, on behalf of the Committee and Salesmen of The :Seventh Victory Loan, our deep appreciation of the loyal support given by them to this Loan. . The continued support of the pub- lic in the matter of War financing has been outstanding and is deeply appreciated by all who have taken an active part in the matter of these loans. We also wish to express our ap- preciation for the most valuable publicity you .have given , in aid of this as well as former Loans. Yours sincerely A. J. McMurray H. E. Rorke T. G. Scribbins THURS., NOV. 16th, 1944 I3.AYFIELD Summerhill (Zed Cross A. number of pupils from the Senior room 6f Bayfield Public School under the direction of Mrs. Boyes illustrated these -part round singing at the South Huron Teachers convention in •Gunton on Monday. Mr. Thos. Johnston of Goder•ieh has moved, to the village and is stay- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Malcom Torts. Mrs. J. M. Atkinson returned to Detroit on Monday with her husband and Marion who were here for the weed.. O.S.- Stewart Atkins The ladies 'of the Surnmerhill Red Gross met at the home of Mrs. E. Farquhar. With the president in charge, the meeting openecl with the Red Ci'oss Prayer and the. Lord's Prayer: The minutes of flee previous meeting. were read and adopted. Eighteen members and, five visitors were preeert.' It was moved airs seconded" that Mrs. ' N. Wright Ibe the'treasurer until Mrs:. Gibbings is able to attend Atkinson R.C.N. .the meetings again. V.R, of H.M.C.S, "Provost" was also A. letter of app:eciation was read ;. here for the Week' en:l. from L/Opt. Leonard Vodden for An aged buck ran into.a' ear driven 'cigarettes .lie bad received, A letter by Milton Talbot on the Blue Water was also read frain Piia. Ray Mason Highway just South of the village on who is serving in Belgium. Friday evening. The animal was 'kil- Two cups and -saucers donated by led 'by the impact and later removed Ma's. ID, Farquhar were raffled off by the police to the County Horne. and 'won' by Mrs. C. Farquhar, A The ear was baily .damaged. dollar and ten cents was made on; • Milton Talbot and Louis Badour them. eft on Tuesday for Brantford where hey Will work for the winter. -Mrs. Talbot and, children intend to spend some tire; with her parents in Forest. Miss Jeanne Dunn is spending a few days this week in Toronto. The death occurred in •Clinton on November 12 of William George Orr, youngest sen ' of the late Sarah San- derson and Robert Orr. The deceased man Wee born in Stanley Township, July 28, 1884 and lived there until? 1925 when be came. to Bayfield to make his home with his niece, Mrs. Walter Westlake. Due to failing health he went to reside. at the Coun- ty Hanle five years ago. He' suffered. a heart attack on Sunday afternoon and passed away at 10.30 p.m. The funeral service was held on Tuesday afternoon from the home. of Mrs. Walter, Westlake. The service was conducted by Rev. D. J. Lane, pastor of Knox Presbyterian church •and interment made in Bayfield cemetery. The pallbearers were Ford Johnston, Albert Leitch, Hugh Gil- mour, Chas. Genreinhardt, Wm. Orr, Walter Westlake. He is survived by a brother, Robert Orr, a nephew, Wm. Orn• and two nieces, Mrs. Walter Westlake of Bay field and' Mrs. Alberti Leitch of Goderich. Mr. James Robinson left on Sun- day -for' Landon after having closed his grocery store for the winter. Jim intends to, spend several months in Florida. The many ,fkiends of Rev. A. S. Colwell who has been ill in bed for two weeks; will be glad to know that On. Thursday afternoon the W. A. He is able to be up again. Mr. Ben- was entertained at the home of MTS. son Sutter of Clinton took the ser- vice in St. Andrew's Church on Sun- day. Mrs. Albert Leitch and Miss Viola served by. the hostess, of Goderich spent a few' days this Mrs. Moffat of Seaforth, spent a week with their sister, Mrs. Walter Westlake, owing to ` the death of Mrs days loot week: with her sister, Mrs. Les. Cox. their uncle, ,George Orr. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Howson of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cox spent Kippen and Mr. and Mrs. McNain the weelc end with friends up North. and children of Amberley spent Mr. and Mrs, Glen Lockhart, Carol Sunday with Misses M. and E. Reid. and Don, of Clinton, were Sunday Miss Ethel Finnegan has returned visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lock - to Seaforth after spending a month hart. et "Trail Blazer cottage". On Sunday, Mr. Granger of Hay - Miss , Dorothy . Ann MacLeod re -field, had `charge of the se,Jvice at turned home last week after having Grace Church owing to the illness' brude of the R.C.A,F. now in Lachine, Quebec. The unveiling of the honor Roll and a memorial service in honor of Pte. Ratty Parsons will be observed in the United Church, Sunday even- ing, Nov. 19th at 7.30 o'clock. Rev. Mains of Thames toad United church will he the guest speaker. Mrs. W. Fee of Seaforth; visited her sisters Mrs. E. bhutor and Mrs. M. Reid, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Hannal and MTS. M. Anderson spent Tuesday at the home of the lady's brother„ Mr. B. Keys ar•d Mrs. Keys. • Mrs. Jno. Aldington is visiting her parents at Staffa. • V HULLETT TOWNSHIP The regular monthly meeting of the Lafalot Club met at the home of Mrs. J. Johnston oe Thursday after- noon, Nov. 9th with fifteen ladies present. The meeting opened with the usual routine of work and business. Two quilts were quilted and it was decided to send smokes to the four boys of this community overseas. Tickets were sold ,on a flower holder donated by Mr's. J. Johnston, lucky ticket going to Mrs. W. Hun- ter. Proceeds amounted to $1.30. Dur:ng the afternoon Mrs. P. MclCay read an address to Mrs. Leishman who is proving to her new home shortly and Miss Margaret Freeman presented her with a pair of silver candle holders . and candles also: a silver dish, On behalf of the members of the. Club, MTS. Leish- m-an•very fittingly thanked the ladies for their kindness. The' neat meeting is to be held ab the home of Mrs. Geo. Mann, en Wednesday, November 29th. The meeting closed by singing, "God Save the King';. The following is the address to Mrs. Leishman: ' It is with deep regret that we, the members •of the Labelot Club,•have learned, of your departure from our midst. Your oheerfelness• and willing- ness to help at all times, will ever be remembered by each and everyone of us gathered here this afternoon. We realize that our great lose will mean another's great gain, so at this time we take great pleasure in presenting yori with this small remembrance as a token of oer esteem. Wishing you the best of he,lth,; happiness and •success in your new home. Signed on behalf of the Lafalot Mrs. r re u t is not enloymg serving overseas and L.A.W. Ger- Club. Our next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Forbes. The ladies to 'serve are Mrs. Penfound, Mrs. Murch Mrs. Hoggart and Mrs. Cornish. The roll call will ;be ansvveied" by a honre made Christmas decoration. Lunch was served at the close of the meeting, followed by God Save the King. STANLEY Mrs. John McCowan, Sr. and M1. and Mrs. John McCowan, Jr. visited Mr. and Mrs. Albert Batt of Stouff- ville for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Baird. of Toron- to spent the week end at the home of his brother, Mr. Geo. Baird. Mrs. J. Pearson, and her brother, Mr. John McEwen, of the Bayfield Road left this week to, spend the winter with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Holmes at London. The -Stanley Maple Leaf Club packed a Christmas Bale for the North at their regular meeting. The November shipment for the Red Shield consisted of the follow- ing: 4 pair hand knit seeks, 1 suit of men's 'woollen underwear, 4 men's suit coats, 2 girls' dresses, 1 pair boy's boots, 6 girls' nightgowns, (new), 1 boy's ski suit, 1 girl's win- ter coat, 2 boys' sweaters, 1 man's winter overcoat. V - PORTER'S HILL Les. Cox, Sixteen ladies were pre- sent and during the afternoon a quilt was quilted. A lovely Lunch was been discharged from the W,R.N.S., of Rev. A. S. Colwell. owing to 111 health. Pte. Bessie Young, G.W.A.C., has Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Jowett left on Friday to spend the Winter with been transferred froth Kitchener to eir daughter, Mrs. LeRoy Poth, Caledonia. Tire ,Reverend Mr. Hicks of Lon- n who has been taking the services Trinity Church for the past few eks announced •on! Sunday that ehbishop Seager had appointed the verend R. Holmes to the parishes Dayfield,' Varna and Middleton, e new Rector will have charge xt Sunday 'when, the service hi inity Church will be held in the ening. Mr. Hicks made a strong peal for support of :the new Rea- th in do iIt we Ar Re of Th no Tr ev aP Edmonton to complete her course. 0.5. Jim Young, who has spent the past few weeks in Nova Scotia, is now taking a gunnery course. V GOIDERICH TOWNSHIP • Mr. anti Mrs. Charlie Wallis and Margaret'spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bean of Colborne, where the immediate family met to celebrate the 44th wedding anniver- sary of Mr. and Mrs. William Addi- tor by regular attendance at church. son of Londesboro. He also thanked, the congregation Mr. and Mrs, Robert Dunbar of for kindness extended to him. Lambeth, spent Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. J. Orawford and Mrs. F. Mrs. Oliver Welsh. Johnston have returned totheir homes in Pickford and St. Ignace, Mich., after having, •'visited their sisters, Misses A. M. and E. J. Stir- ling, and other relatives here. Sgt. G. A. Hopson of Camp Bor- den spent the week end with his wife and children. Pte. Ellen MacKay, C.W.A.C., Lonclon was hone over the week end. Mrs. Renoutf Johns left on Thee - day to join her .husband at Montreal. Flight Lieutenant Johns flew from England. He has been loaned by .the R.A.F. to British and Colonial Air The ,following Coiiimunication by post card from Flgt. Sgt. John Arm- strong shows. • that the cigarettes sent to the Prisoners of War in Germany' are being received: Kriegsgefangerrenlager July 17 1944 Dear Mrs. Prentice-- Received rentice-Received Gig,' sent by Community Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Middleton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James E. Brown of Brantford. Sneak thieves have ransacked a house and outbuildings on the 4th Concession, breaking the lacks and carrying off • a quantity of loot. The owner has been absent for a length of time owing to illness.: The police have visited, the scene of these crookb activities and it is hoped the culprits will be brought to justice, as they are a menace to the ,eenrnrunity. Mr. Alex Sparks and family dfave returned to London for the Winter months, one son remaining in Gode- r'eh to complete- his education. It is reported wedding bells will soon ring one the 6th concession. There are quite a few foxes seen in the woods and en farms this Fall: Fund. They_ were cer(a'nly app "ecia, V ted. Hope everyone a;nun 3 Bayfield M`ss Mina Proctor of Toronto is well. Tom and I are 0.. K John •A,' came a Saturday to flet her aunt; � Mrs. Geo. Ring of Bayfield. How to let your hogs know yQu expect • . w ,ylll�i.. .•,y Nei, •e't".••„• eekese mire It's no use lecturing your hogs - they're not interested in you OR your pep talks! • There's only one kind of language a hog understands, and respects. Tout hogs will respond immediately to your demands for better bacon production - when you start to feed them properly! Better grade hogs need a special type of feed, scientifically made to supply just the right proportions of all the essentials required for Grade A developus nt. It'a .the Quality proteins, minerals and: vitamin found in SHUR- GAIN HOG GROWER that make the difference. . SHUR-GAIN HOG GROWER has them all, and more. It's the Freshest feed you can get - no palatability or feeding value is lost through long storage - because it is made only as needed. So, speak pig language to your hogs - with •SHUR-GAIN HOG GROWER - and they'll give you the .right answer on the grading question! •SHUR-GAIN HOG GROWER Made and Sold by Clinton Feed Mill PHONE 580 The Christmas Seal Campaign Mr. Thomas F. Walker, Chairman of the Ohristmes Seal Committee, stated that Queen Alexandra Sena- te -limn will, this week, launch its 17 annual Christmas seal campaign and that, to the offices and homes of the counties of Middlesex, Lamb - ton, Kent Elgin, Orford, Perth and Huron, thousands: of letters will carry the Christmas Seal, which for forty years has been the token in sixty-one countries of the world, of the help which people in all walks of life, are giving in the great fight against Tuberculosis. This year is a notable one in the history of the Christmas Seal and in the life of the Sanatorium, It was just forty years ago, that the Danish Postmaster, Einar Hol - Welt, seeing thousands of letters going through his office at Christ- mas time, thought of what a wonder- ful thing it would be, if everyone sending a letter, would just give a penny to help the needy sick, and so his memory ' is to -day honoured be- cause he gave to the world, the little Seal that started the Christmas campaigns, which have already saved the lives ofthousands upon thous- ands of people. And it is a great year, said Mr. Walker, for the Sanatorium which (celebrates its thirty-fifth anniverse ary; first established in 1909 as a 'little 42 bed hospital, it is to -day a. great institution of 600 beds, the third largest in the British Empire, but best of all, the Sanatorium has ;seen the death, rate from Tubercu- Ilosis, reduced front 200 per 100,000 of our Canadian population, to 26.4 here in Ontario, the lowest figure ever recorded, but while the average for -all Canada is 51.7, some of our. pro. Ivines range as high as 70 or 80. Tuberculosis, therefore, remains a great menace. It still kills over 6,000 Canadians a year, It is still the greatest cause of death in young persons between the productive ages, ,15 to 45 years, and so long as a single case exists, we cannot relax our ef- forts. 1 •Our motto this year is "Help defeat Tuberculosis, A little from the many, Will speed the Victory." IMr. Walker and F. Fingland, K.C., chairman of the Clinton Committee, express the :confident hope, that, when the Christmas Seal arrives at your door, every one will remember our motto and join the great army of those who, by their generous cone tribution, are helping Queen Alex- andra Sanatorium to obtain Victory over man's 'most devastating scourge' -Tuberculosis. Final Returns of Victory Loan. Cairvassiiig District Quota ToDate Subscriptions 46,000 71,850 Wawanosh West.. .. . , .... 69,000 100,000 Stephen West :... . , 66,000 90,150 Exeter .. 151, 000 200,000 575,200 129,600 206,000 79,850 265,000 80,750 91,000 105,600 . 191,000 220,000 76,000 86.650 ' 76,000 85,650 101,000 112,300 180,000. 200,000 100,000 108,600 104,000 112,050 101,000 107,000 85,000 90,000 101,000 . 104,000 102,000 103,000 94,000 95,000 118,000 118,500 ,0 66,000 133,00066 0 203,650 ... 3,113,000 Goderich 435,000 Tuckersmith 101,000 Seaforth . , 166,000 Colborne . .. ..•.. - 66,000 Howick .... .. .... .... 226,000 Wawanosh East .... , . , .. 69,000 Zurich & Hay West .. 4Vingham , Brussels .._, Turnberry .... Hullett .. Clinton Usborne „ Ashfield .., Heneall & Hay East .. Goderich Township r. McKillop .. . .. .. Stanley Morris .. Grey . Stephen East ,,, Air Schools • , . , Huron County Total i,.. 3,710,400 tentage Per - 156.10 144.91 136.59 132.44 132.23 128.31 124.09 12098 117.25 116.95 116.04 115.18 114,01 112.60 111.19 111.11 108.60 107.76 107.00 105.87 102.97 101.98 101;05 100.42 100.00 151.05 119.27