HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-11-16, Page 3THE CLINTON ',NEWT, -RECORD :.
THUft�„ NOV. 16th, 1944
+ia&‘'a��.. i::.
The worst inflation came AFTER the war the last time ... to be followed .by disastrous
deflation, unemployment and confusion. For. Canada to manage successfully the change
back to peace, maintain employment, and meet the world's competition • • we must,
continue ,to have stable economic' conditions. To protect the individual from rising costs of
living and later unemployment we must continue to prevent inflation•
To prevent a repetition of the conditions following the last wear
This can only be done if production is efficient and economical, costs are kept down
and consumers refuse to pay more than ceiling prices.
Some Notes of the News in 1919.
One person can start it!
When one person demands more for
goods or services he compels others to
do the same and Price Control goes out
the window.
••11iIIMIll MM.
visited the parents of the former,: in town from . overseas last Thurs-
Mr. and Mrs. William Cantelon. •.1 day evening and are visiting at the
Mrs. Fletcher McCartney who has parental home of the former. Mr.
been in the west for a year or .•so, Grigg enlisted with the '' 33rd Bat-
hes been visiting relatives in town talion in 1915 and Was attached to
during the past week and is now rn
Mrs. Leppington has sold her Clinton boy overseas and he is still, !wholesale ceiling price. Under Prices
house on Ratterubury street to her •attached to the pay office staff. Due Dates for ,Board regulations co-operatives
son, Thomas, and has moved to thea( Ration Coupons handling poultry for a group of pro-
ducers are classified as wholesalers.
Ration coupons now good are but- V
tel•. 82 to 85, sugar 14 to 45, canning
sugar Fl to F10, preserves D•1 to 32.1
.the pay staff,.on account of his
banking experience. As far as the can
learn Rte. C. Sheppard is the last
Ma 3
cp,r ted o_r cp rated in conjunction:
with pan? jack:), �bsrrel, cistern and,
pitcher pumps, wood well pumps,.
pump jacks, watering equipment -
cups and bowls, incubators — 150'
eggs or under, brooders, beekeepers''
supplies, electric fence controllers,'.
sickle knife grinders, tank heaters,
track laying type tractors, milk
cooler sefrigeration units, irrigation•
and d ainage equipment other than
types designed for use by individual
farine:s, diamond, flexible and
spring tooth harrows, cream separa-
to s,power sheep. shearing machines
and aminal clippers, egg cleaners and
TR :CLINTON NEWS -RECORD 'Road, and calling on anany, friends. he
I has made on numerous former visits
November 13th, 1919 to town.
Miss A. Bartliff is visiting in Lon --Mrs. Walter Kmg left Saturday.
don this week. for Detroit where she was present
Mr. H• Alexander af London was for the diamond wedding of Mr. and
in town over the week end.
Mrs. T. Mason, formerly of Clinton,
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rumball were but who are now with their daughter
here from Goderich fog the week Mrs. Josling of that city.
end. Mr. Sy
d. d. Watts of Stratford visit -
Mr. Harry Car.talon, who:has ,been ed home in town over the week end,
making his headquarters at Toronto " Mrs. A. F. Collyer and; two little.
for some time, is now taking up daughters of Landon visited the
residence in London. lady's •parents, Mr. and Mrs. James
Steep, for a few days over the week
Mr. W. F. Egg of Montreal arriVed end.
on Tuesday evening and is spending 1 Mrs. D.
the week with his relatives, Mr. and j Mr. and
Mrs. John Holmes of the Huron Hensonl motored up
house on - Princess street recently
vacated by Mrs. Brimfield.
Mr. T. K. Mair of Hullett has pur-
chased the residence on Joseph st.
of Mrs. W. Glen and will take pos- Canning sugar coupons expire De- I
session soon. Mrs. Glen will spend cember 31. Butter coupons 86 to 87„ Be,ause of increased production tempt—mostly.•silent—for the per.
the winter with her daughters insugar coupons 46 and 47, and pre- larger. allocations have been arrang',son who asks them "where is the,
Montreal and Toronto, but' intends load of serves coupons 33' and 34 become ed for the manufacture of fertilizer money to come from?" Those who
returning to Clinton in the spring. valid November 23. in the 1944-45 season and two orders• i do attempt to answer that question
A. large number from Clinton took
Was Young
November 17th, 1904
Butter Decline Is Now
For the first time in several mon-
ths, the report for October of the
Creamery Instructors . of Ontario,.
issued by C. E. Lackner, Director of
the Dairy Branch, Ontario Depart, -
merit of Agriculture, indicates a.
trend towards an increase in butter
production as compared with last
yea?•. The repot states that while,
October production was down a little
from 1:343, towards the end of the
month production trends for.most
section of the Province indicate
that the quality of cream" being.suppled to creameries •shows a def-
inite. improvement over a year ago..
Considerable interest is being
in local group meetings of the
Ontario Creamery Association in the
48 hour week for creameries, Mr.
Lackner reports.
No Profits, No Taxes.
(Reprinted from The.Tweed News.'
Fertilizer September 28, 1944)
Socialists have nothing but' con -
Mr. R. Fitzsimmons shipped a car-
load live hogs to etrolia on Mon-
day. The price paid. this week is
Ebner Taylor, who was assistant
G. T. R. station, has resigned
arid has been succeeded by Mr. Vic-
tor of Goderich Township.
e evxn whohas
checker, has been promoted . and
in agent. e
urers to ere•
average of 600' persons lose, damage centage of potash in mixed'fertilt aren't going to- be any 'ft.
Mr. E. Bender of Blyth was a On Monday evening Ogle Cooper,, or have their ration books stolen zers and at the same time meet an large 'incomes. Production is to be- _
(visitor in. town on Monday.' Jahn Johnson and Harry Bartlrff (monthly hi Western Ontario. Care -
expected demand of well .over 40,0001 "for use, not profit", and everybody
Cantelon ori Algomah d ry
Sunday and
V 'restricting the use of potash, animal, ask another: "Where. did we get the
in the fowl upper at Holnresville on ,fish and other organic substanceslmoney. to finance the war'?" The
Tuesday.. Some drove, some went by Lost Ration Books have been revoked by the Wartime answer to that, of •course, is that we•
train, some by automobile and •some at the i e Prices and Trade Board. In Septem- get it out of taxation and victory
An appeal to consumers to wr t
h• ber of 1943 there was a severe short- loans. These were secured from the'
toi M their names and addresses on the age of potash and an order restrict- profits of industries and businesses,
Charles M N ' , h been cover and the stubs of coupon sheets
ing its use as.a fertilizer in Eastern from large and small incomes, sales
Noveinbed 13th, 1919 id their food rat'on books_ has been Canada was issued. Increased pro- taxes, etc•, etc.
made relieving H leaves m a made by W. Harold McPhillips, fol- duction will now enable mantvfact i But under a socialist state, such
Mrs. Jackson, of Stratford, was in few days• Alf.'Butt succeeds him lowing a survey which shows an return to the normal per i as proposed by the CCP., there.
town this week• here•
Something from Everybody
Generously -
-• Give eney
Christmas Seal Committee - •382 Wellington St., London
shopper, o • of everybody
o dodge an auto eat a fortn]ght deer than theft b otliens, is res- of bone meal, lin- else, without mercenary or' selfish
Street, tried t they spent rather h y use in fertilizer
but the auto Wasn't Being They had a pleasant outing and each ponsible for the greatest number of seed oil meal, fish scrap, cottons motive. If there are
Mr. William Higgins, of Ratter- arrived Home from w ere lessness on the part of the s pp ' tans. The order winch prohibited
bury Str
Last week
the is to work for the go
to be dodged and the f x Ibrought home
be no profits
o finer is. ,row a deer. lost books. It was pointed out that if to tax; and if, as is propoed by the
walking with a decided. limp. He meal and bone flour has also been
Mr. W. Jones' cottage on Ieaacf books had their proper identification rescinded., 1C•C,F. handbook, taxation.on in-
ehim. dMT but no f the halm time y
befell Mr_ Hanley of the London street, which has far .someows n bias t marksttie owner, afitete they ilyhad wteen
occupied by Mr. Thos. D
Road was the driver of the car. p
Mrs. G. A. McLennan is visiting been,leased by Rev. Mr. Magee, the pinked up from in Detroit with .her brothers. new pastor of the Baptist church,
who moves his family down from
Mrs. Lal. Paisley was °a visitor Goderich next week.
with her sister Mrs. Tebbutt, in Mayor Hoover was in London this
Goderich last week. week on W.O.W. business.
Mrs. Geo. E, McTaggart of Blyth, Mrs. Robert Watkins left on Wed=
Spent the week end with her sister,
Miss Jessie Thompson.
Mrs. A. J. Holloway returned last home.
week after her extended. visit with Mr. and Mrs. Thos.' Rowson moved.
her daughter, Mrs, I. R. Rattenbury Tuesday to Hensall where they have
at-Petenlioro. taken possession of the Commercial
A. welcome visitor in town this Hotel. They were exceedingly popu-
week was Mr. David Watson, who
has spent' the summer out West. He
looks as ig the West agreed with
him. 1l4Y. Frank Witson 'has taken a
position in Port Huron.
Mrs. R,oambanis and son Master
Theodore, returned to 'Toronto last
Saturday. Mrs, Jos. Townsend ac-
companied them to the city' a re- with friends in Mic]tigan, were forks, 'shrtgs and attachments, pu -
Mr. Ebner `Belecbm'of 'Toronto„ lof the Jackson Mfg. Company,
Week, He has been turned home last week. ( guests of Mr, and • Mrs. R. J. Ciuff .pers; churns, hand -operated sprayers,
sack.O.C.F.te economists
have some
eyslut teor
in t theitown this s ital for the.past'y
in , Military, his
� Mr. M. Staple in n in, of London
Mrs. Sunday
Geo George and
Hudie visited
.G de*and
i'ch sprays s,, hand barrel erated sprayers, met- o to spring on the "enemy" at the last:
6 weeks owing to,'his injured leg. and ' Sarnia the beginning g (hand> or w'ndgiill moment.
Pte. 'Hugh Grigg and wife arrived
,week. ' Township. al well; pumps
nesday to join her husband in Stet -
ford where they will make their
lar as host and hostess of the Mason
House in •this town and we doubt
not but that they will soon win .the
good will of the. citizens of Hensall
and surrounding country.
Mr. C. C. Rance, after several
weeks absence in ,Easters Ontario
land Quebec and the provinces down
the souindino- sea in the interests
comes below $3,000'a year are •to be
reduced where is the money to come
n store counters where. from to maintain the , greatly in -
they were left by their 'owners. rallll M9ehinev•y Rationing crea.ed "public services", social se -
ITo ensure the delivery of new amity, public ea , � ,
machinery and. equipment to se and all the other schemes proposed
-t urgently need then a for the good •of. the
y t bl' health, baby bonuses
Turkey Prices who mo_ < Y
Primary producers selling turkeys I present rationing system wille ace- Civil servants,
e van s, no luster
how civil
might be,
. th
or direct to indiustr'al firms and Masi- tinued, according to an,
nesses for employees' Christmas ment by W Harold McPhillips, re- could hardly be expected to work for
gifts may obtain the legal retail gional price and supply represents- nothing.
ceiling price, according to an an-tive. To heir., keep present, equ,'p-- The question as to where the
nouncement made at the Western merit in operation there is no l'inmit money is to come from to govern-
Ontario regional office of the War- , on the ' production not repair supply ofo and is one that ratee a socialized
should state.
time Prices and Trade Board. Whole- which are not rationed: P
i sale dealers selling to the same out- farm machinery for Canada in 1945 and make clear to the people of Can -
lets must not demand more102 per cent of the .1940 ads Ibe ere it asks them to accept -
available supply. At the present its elaborate program
time there are '35` lines of farm equ-vices. With all the productive in -
Mr. Harold,Wiltsie of the Saver-"ipnent not rationed. These include dustries and commercial institutions
eign Bank, Zurich, returned to duty hand tools, band operated seeders or run on a no -profit basis, and the big -
after a few days' illness at his home planters, wheelbarrows, one -furrow salaried men eliminated, ' the only
here., • walking plows, horse, hoes, grape I source a revenue }would be the so -
Mr. and ,Mrs. John Fair, of Bervie, and berry hoes, hand -operated cult,- ,called . "common man",—but then,
who were returning from • a visit vators and • weeders, scufflers, hay'his taxes are t obe e uced that the
1 l . It may be