Clinton News Record, 1944-11-16, Page 2PAGE 2
The Clinton N ew s -Decor, d
with which is Incorporated
X1,50 per year in advance, to`Can-
adian addresses; $2.00 `to the U.S.or
other foreign countries. No paper
.discontinued until :all arrears are
,scald unless at the option of the pub -
..fisher. The date to which every sub-
rser•iption is paid -is denoted on the
advertising 12c. per count 'line for
first insertion. 8c for each tubae CHAPTER I lie looked. glumly away as if h
quoin insertion. Heading counts 2Y
lines: Small ,advertisements not to' suspected out :next. move was t
AL nine o'clock on Monday .morn -
a �;di•a the river.
exceed one 'inch, such as Wanted, g
"Strayed", etc,, inserted once ']ng, Aecentlrer eighth, nineteen -tot -
"'Lost", I Two das later the, enlisting office
3 csubsequent i ty-one, 1 was in the mood to take up i Y "
'for 5 , Balch insertion turned -.up. in the. Merchandise Mari
15c. Rates for :display advertising the sword. The ^ officer in charge looked throuo
made known on . application. "Come back with a birth cer'tifi-
By Charles Spalding
and Otis Carney
said loudly r
e c y while in full' flight:
o " "You have a facial squint,"
He. disappeared into another
✓ room. ,
t,! I shoved. a. little 'slower after this
gh burst of old family kindness, In
one corner a ,huge +ntan with a stem; I
ach like a barrel stood naked wait
ing• for his examination. As I start-
rl ed 'to tales off my clothes, the doctor
I "You with the :facial squint, keep
your clothes on," he ordered,
.1 "We, can't use a man with a
squint," he menaced.
n Lacking two years of college
math, it was best to keep a sweet
g even disposition. •
e "1 never had squints in my .life,"
ce I said irritably..
"You have now," said the. doctor.
"It's just cold and windy out. As
soon as I thaw out, it will be all
He laughed derisively.
"There's the sort of man • we
want" -he pointed at the. Boulder
Dam in the corner.'
"I'm a •college graduate," I"said,
trying to rouse his interest.
"Where did you go?" he asked
"Yale University."
He placed both hands on leis hips.
"Now, where is that?". he asked
in a silky•voice.
It was plain that the name of
Dowd would not ,be. added to Cae-
sar's rolls this day,
"Brattleboro, Vermont!" I shouted
at him.
His face opened.and fell,
Communications intended; for pub- care, a transcript of your 'high certificate, ;, i ''1
llication must, as a guarantee of good school and college, record, and three; "Lester Dowd,eh"?" -'
faith, be accompanied by the name letters of reference. Then we'll talk' -'yes, sir," I said, wondering
G. E. HALL, Proprletee, to you'' I the question of legitimacy woul
- That was all the Navy bad to say. arise,• t. � , ,
At any rate, that was all the officer l ' He ]toured over the records.
iu charge' of enlistment' on Chiea- "Where is Yale University?"
my paper's, He studied the birth
,._.;_.. H. T. RANCE
Fire Insurance Agent
go's Navy Pier had to say. He was asked, unable to resist the tempta
a large, squat' man with a ruddy don. •
q .Rtepresenting. •14: Fire Insurance .face, Now . that the war of nerves !' "New . Haven, sir," I said whe
Companies was finished he was nntch relisved. the laughter i 1Division Court Office, Clinton gtter had died.
• In fact, he was feeling first nate, i „You're the boy we're lookin
"Where did you go to college?" for;' he, continued earnestly, "W
Frank Flit' lad B.A. LL.B he asked genially
r s t „ need •°,fficers, We need men- lil
Yale University, sir." • ,Dewe
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publicthat?" y then.• like Farragut, and
Successor to W. Brydone, R.C. Where is he paved blanp- Jones, We're counting on you boys.
Sloan BToek .. .. Clinton, Ont.
ly resetting resorting to a •time -worn device Wait a minute," he said, looking
that fetched a gale of laughter from closer at my college record.
the crowd of applicants.I• Dowd have
' you had two years
"New Haven sir,"I said red- .
'' • of college math?" he faltered,
dening. Then I Ieft. I "I took it at prep"•school,. sir,". I
Approximately two `weevs later 1•countered truthfully.'
returned armed with a birth certif]- "But have you had two years of
cats, transcripts cf my academie
efforts, and three high-powered let-
ters of reference that w.uicl have
sold slavery to the North.
e' , He came over •to me
- - .H. C.MEIR
Solicitor of the Supreme Court of
Ontario 1
Proctor in Admiralty.
Notary Public and Commissioner
.Offices in Hank of 'Montreal Bnilldins
Rowse 2.00 to 5.00 Tuesdays
and Fridays.
Dr. F. G. Thompson
college math?" he insisted.
"What sort of math is that, sir?"
"It's just two years of college
math," he thundered dumbly. "The
"A leader, yet withal not over- Bureau requires it. Look here"—
bearing. He is strong, yet adapt- he pointed to a list of specifications
able; light-hearted, but not trice- I `- Two yens of college math for
lout, steadfast in the Iine of duty, V-7 candidates."
House and Office, Ontario Street ever hewing to the distant Truth. II "But, sir, I had advanced tnathe-
Clinton. Telephone 172 unhesitatingly recommend this boy mattes' in prep school." I clung to
'OFFICE HOURS: 2-4 in the after-tq. the Navy and the service of our my point. A little thing like some
,noon and 7-8 in the evening daily. country: I have known Itis family misplaced ,trigonometry was not go-
Other hours by appointtnent, for; twenty-two • years.—Sincerely, ing to come between us.
• Edgar R. Lumpkin." i "The Bureau says you have to
D. 11. McINNES
• Electro Therapist, Massage
Thus -wrote the vice-president of take it in college. .1 hate to lose
Bittersweet Condiments, and he was you, boy, but if you haven't had
well within himself. two years of college math . • ."
With this to back me I expected a I "Do yob actually use it?" I asked,
Office: Huron Street, (Few Doors measure of ,success. I was apply- wondering how much tints John
west of Royal Bank) ing for the V-7 program which Paul found for scientific algebra,
Hours—Wed. and Sat., and IV' turned 'college graduates into off]- i'« •`� "That's
he adl;ting" wistfully.
appointment: Thais the funny titin
. FOOT CORRECTION cers and gentlemen in ninety days• ' y g•
lay Manipulation Sun -Ray Treatment A yeoman sat at the desk where I I never took any mathematics in
Phone 207 had previously found the enlisting ml -age, and consequently I .. never
--- officer. The place was empty. ; got into the V-7 class, It Was a
"I•t's .Tuesday," said the, yeoman. disappointment. From the begin-
"It certainly. is." That , much I ning my preference was for the Na -
knew. vy,a sentiment that cannot logical -
"Nobody here' he gestured. at ly be : explained. Perhaps it was
the empty* room, "Never anybody Abe lure of ships. Perhaps it was a
hereon Tuesday." Ivain conception that the Navy was
I} ve come to enlist in the Navy's ever so choosey regarding its per-
Officer Training School right, now," Sonne', There was at. conviction
The yeoman crossed his arms on among us that it took a pretty good
his chest, and rocked back 'and ,10011 to get into the Navy.
"Fine," he said,` We : get the cream," beamedI Commander Whitman at dinner one
Where are the authorities:' T' night. Ile was stationed at the
• "Go to: the seventh'fGreat La
loor of the old
Training Centre. He:
Post 0•ffice Building." It 'soundedknew father in the last war and
like the ghostly advice you get ru was a frequent visitor of our house.
To the cream," I toasted. the
Commander's statement.
"Be it ever so thin," muttered
Father, who was an Arany man.
Beyond this ma.y have , lurked a
subconscious desire to frustrate the
best -laid plans of the draft 'board.
This never amounted to a willful
evasion of the law. I could not con-
vince myself that the Army had my
Lest interests at heart. The Navy
was different. They gave you ,your
Choice: They did until • the gimmick
of college math appeared.'
At first I had an astronomical
haft number. , , sz!
"You ean find 'ern down on ^twen-
tY-eight Canal Street," he said: You won't go until the Germans found nobody' but another yeo- get You
•Indianapolis," Mr, Greeny
head of the board, advised rue-
fully from his office in Lite-tyviile.
Them, with a pretty' eye for sym-
bolism, he had set up headquarters.
When the Japs started: coming
through the floor, he was forced to
revise, the estimate., _ And then I 're -
Licensed Auctioneer
Specialist in Farm and Household
Licensed in Huron and Perth
Counties. Prices reasonable; satis-
faction guaranteed.
For information etc.:write or phone,
Harold Jackson, R.R. No. 4 Seaforth,
phone 14-661.'. 06-012
Veterinary Surgeon
Phone 203 Clinton, Ont.
57 Moor Str. W. Toronto Ont
Fire Insurance Company
Head Office, Seaforth, Ont.
OFFICERS President W. R.
Archibald, Seaforth, Vice -President
Frank McGregor, Clinton, Manager
Secy-Treas., M. A: Reid, Seaforth. -.
DIRIi CTORS- W. R, Archibald,
Seaforth; Frank McGregor; Clinton;
Alex. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Chris
Leonhardt, Bornholm; E. J. Trewar-
graveyards at midnight, but I was
in a hurry to join the legions. I
hurried off.
The Navy's room on the seventh
floor of the old Post Office Building
wits occupied so'e y' by another" yeo-
"It's Tuesday," he said,
"Where is everybody?" I asked,
"This bein" 'Tuesday they moved
to' another office," explained the
yeoman, ' :
Tuesday seemed to stir the Wan-
derlust in city -bound seafaring then
to the point of madness,
Haan down on twenty-eight C l
'tha, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seaforth Street. The Navy apparently sta
Alex. McEvring, Blyth; Hugh Alexan- tionerI them abont like buoys.
der, Walton; George Leitch, Clinton. "Nobody here: They ain't-ar-
AGENTS— John E. Pepper, Bruce- rived yet," he said.
This beim' Tuesday I never. ex -
field; R. F. McKercher, Dublin; J. F. pecte'd them.
Prueter, Brodhagen; George A. Watt,
Blyth, I l ' Outside I explained, the problem idoubled 2117 efforts. 'More than. ever
to the cab driver, who was tiring I wanted to serve With the Navy.
Parties desiring to effect lusty- of the phase. The lure of ships can be a very
ansa or transact other business will "They're somewhere between here Potent thing at times.
be promptly attended to on applies- and theseventh floor of the Post Barred from the V-7, I was
tion to :any of the aboveperi • officers ad-
dressed to their respective Office Building," I told him. -- nonetheless • determined to be en-
Gas Losses inspected by the director listed by sundown The Coast Guard,
Trains will arrive at and depart
'froth Clinton as follows:
Toronto and Goderich Division
'Going East, depart 6.43 a.m.
'Going East, depart 3.03 p.m.
Going West, depart . • . l • , 12.04 p.m.
'Going West, depart 11.10 p.m,London and Clinton Division
,Coming North, arrive 11.20 a.m.
,Going South, leave ........ 3.10 psn.,
needed men, -
"Why don't . you go and see
It's a real
pipe smoker's
thein?" urged the enlisting officer.
"They're on the seventh floor of the
old Post Office Building."
They actually were.
It was' blowing hard outside. The
winter wind had pinched :my eyes
up protectively. 1 got ,just inside
the Coast Guard -quarters when '. the t
examining doctor croised from one
oohs to another. He was in his
hirtsleeves and taking large, rapid
str;dos. Spying,ine in the doorway,
'•o pointed with his stethoscope and e
They moved it stone by stone,"
I was still shouting- in the hall.,
IFora month I sulked like Achil-
lcs. It was a tantrum with limita-
tions, however,. I never elaimed
an influence with Mr.' Green 'com-
parable to the Greek's sway. over
Agamemnon.' It is not much of a
sulk if you know that the local draft
board can rout you out of your tent
any day it chooses.
I was not the only victim of pet-
ty discrimination. Jumbo Russell,
who was built like a bronze and
had never known a- sick day in his
life, was discarded. His nose was
always stuffed. Rut you get used
to that. It takes a good deal more
that a sinus block to stop a man
like Jumbo. Still, no service would
touch him with -a ten -foot pole. Tim-
my Guile had an operation on his
pyloric valve ' when he .was eight
months old. That put hien out in
spite of the fact that twenty -three -
years later he was a' picture of
American youth. On the other hand,
Mr. 'and Mrs. Quinn announced the
enlistment of their son Walter, jun-
ior in the paratroops. Nobody bad
counted on Walter formore than a
couple of pints of plasma at the
most. Here he was in the para
troops, To • those who were turned
away on .the grounds of facial
squint, or sinus block,: it was a
dreadful. blow.
"I don't know," Juutbo told me
dazedly, "Lt's taken a lot of wind
out of my sails."'
In one strategic prove Walter
metamorphosed from worm to won-
der while alias- established charac-
ters, - such. as Jun*o..Russell .and
Barney Tree, who had a flat foot,.
fell off one to five points. On every
side; one heard- what a fine chap
Walter - was, ',what a w'onder'ful fel-
low he always had been, and what.
a world of good the paratroops
would do for any minor failings he
might possibly have -owned. 'Before
the date of his induction, Walter
Quinn, junior, was a, green ,gem of
sin. I suspect that after the Pow-
ers have made another just peace,
he will return the 'same despicable
toad he went away. However, there
11 a 'theory, in any home -town that
Armageddoo. had a medicinal effect
on' all,;blightod. souls, They will not
accept the . sad, truth ,until Walter
establishes it. Those .of no `who phew
and loathed hire are counting on
the boy to keepourfaith..
After .Walter took the high road,
there was feverish activity among
those of military age. The young
people turned ,to, Washington :itt
heir moment of. crisis, Invariably
there was a friendly captain in the
Bureau with a sympathy ;born of
an ancient 'wedding panty. IIe wet,
r'cached on the :long-distance Wire—
xpense was no matter when the
riI}IURS., NOV. 16th, 1944
Including ;Farmers
By an order signed on August 15th, 194.4, by the undersigned
Minister of Labour under authority of '
National Selective Service Mobilization' Regulations, 1944:
1. Commencing August 22nd, 1944, every documents he has not checked before, and
employer as requii}ed tocheck the docu to report to the Registrar for his MVlobilize
meats held by each newly engaged male ation Division at once on any such em.
employee, within 7 days of the employee's ployee found not to possess documents as
engagement, to determine if such employee referred' to; •
possesses documents to show that he is in
good standing' under National Selective e Any male employee here referred to, se
Service Mgl,iliaationRegain Lions, 19i4(that : required by the Regulations to present
is, in relation to the Military Call-up); his documents
;to lits employer for outposts
of inspection;
9 tut..ery employer must report ---
Schedule 9 to the Registrar for his Mobiliz
ation Division,concerning any employee
found not to possess documents as
referred to;
3. Every employer is acquired' Similarly 6. Penalties aro provided for any employer
to cheek the documents held by each male or male employee who. fails to comply
employee now working for him, whose with these Regulations.
' By an earlier order, employers were required to check the documents held
by their male employees, and to report by May 1st, 1944, on doubtful
cases as well as eases where employees did not possess documents.
Employers are asked to remember that they do not report on men who
do possess the necessary documents—only on those who fail to present
documents for, examination, or ,there, there is doubt that the document
presented actually proves good standing.-
tanding.The employers of Canada, including farmers, co-operated very satisfactorily
on deaf first check, made up to May 1st, last. This co-operation was
decidedly helpful, and is very much appreciated. Further co-operation'
is now earnestly requested. -
Schedule' 9, for reporting to the Registrar, and details as to documents which prove
good standing, are available through the nearest Employment and Selective Service Office,
Farmers not needed on the farm during the winter, who answer the
urgent call for winter workers in other essential industries, will be given a
continuance of postponement of military training while away from the farm.
Minister of Labour Director, National Selective Service
country was imperiled -•-and ques-
tioned about: available billets. Deal-
ings of this sort were kept a strict
secret. If the details were detect-
ed, it .motivated a scene like the
Oklahoma land grab as everybody
between eighteen and forty-five
stampeded for your claim. When
the business was successful, the.
lucky prospector peeked his ' bag
in the dead of night, slipped off,
and was next heard from as an aide
in Australia.
I concentrated on Commander
Whitman. I explained my Prob
]ern, and he promised to obtain a
waiver in no time, Weeks went past,
and still the V-7 stood on two years
of college math.
"The point is," said Mother, glar-
ing at the Commander gorging him-
self on our very good food, "is Les-
ter the cream or nett?"
There was never a definite an-
swer to that question. However,
the Comanander's face and that of
his wife vanished forever from .our
table. -
I was about to give myself up: to
Mr. Green when a call for volun-
teers issued from the Navy dirigi-
Their house has only dreams far
And sunlight thoughts for beams,
And yet their happiness is proof
There is deep joy in dreanrsi
He is a half world away,
And she, in a bare loom,
Thinks of a promised perfect day
When happiness will bloarn.
She buys a piece of linen fine
Enough Inc.that bright place.
It •bears a heaven -trade design
That nothing ean deface.
For it is bound with thoughts of hint;
Like everything she bays.
The home -that -will -be does, not dim
Before her dream -filled eyes. -
She walks 'alone within its walls
(As many war brides do!)
Till his step echoes, his , voice calls,
To make her dreams come true,
Anne Campbell'
"It was so cold where we were,"
boasted the Arctic explorer; "that
the candle froze and we couldn't
blow it out,"
"That's nothing," .said his rival.
"Where we were the word's came
out of our mouths in pieces of ice,
and we had to fry them to see what
we were talking about."
lied Cross serum is saving the lives of hundreds
of wounded sailors, soldiers and airmen. But
thousands of additional blood donors are needed.
Give a pint of blood to save a life. Call Redi
Cross Blood Donor Service.
Ct � � i�
3 ,.IS MAS CA s
This year early shoppers will get the best selects
ion of Christmas Cards, as the manufacture of these
has been limited.
We can show an attractive line of personal cards:
that is, with your name and address imprinted.
The News -Record
Clinton, Ontario