HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-11-09, Page 5c'. 'IIURS., NOV..9 h. 1944 THE :CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE 5 DEPENDABLE For;many years' We have been salving these delicate problems and our reputation is 'our most highly prized possession. Onehigh standard of service to all patrons from YOUR HOME, FOUR' CIIURGH, — OR OUR' CHAPEL. Clinton BEATT.I.E FUNERAL HOME Phone 184W AUBURN • Mr. and Mas. Gordon Snell. of. Kingston are visiting Rev. and Mrs. Mrs. C. M. Straughan attended the Area convention of the Women's Institute at London last week: Ma. Gordon Taylor was 'a London visitor' last -week. A' concert under the auspices of 'the Public.' Library was held in the 'Foresters Hall on Friday evening. The President, Rev. H. Snell was chairman. The program opened with a number from the United Church Sunday: School. Orchestra. A solo 'with guitar.accompaniment was 'given'liy JacLadd. A piano duet was •given' by Mrs. H. Snell and Miss Maty Munro, a recitation, by John Seers, a chorus- by the pupils of Auburn Public School, an action song by: the ,Junior pupils of the 'school. Rev. H. Snell rendered' a solo. Community singing was enjoyed "led by Rev. H. •Snell. A chorus was given by the pupils of S. S. No. 9 Mullett, a piano duet by Evelyn Raithby and Margaret Jackson, a 'chorus by the school, solo Jack Ladd' and a solo by Miss Coronna Vend, orf of Clinton. Rev.' Snell spoke briefly on the 7th Victory Loan. He Also thanked all who had taken part in the program. The accompan- ists were Mrs. Harold Snell and Mrs. Wendorf, Music Supervisor of :the schools. The Thankoffering meeting di Knox United •Church was held in the ' Sunday :School .room on Thursday --afternoon with Mrs. Fred. Toll in chargeof the devotional period. Prayer was offered by Rev. H. Snell. A violin duet was rendered by Mrs. Wm. Craig and Rev. H. Snell accompanied by Mrs.. Snell, A. solo was rendered by Miss, Josephine Weir. Miss Elma Mutch ,gave a 'reading. The heralds responded Mrs. 'Harry Yungblutt en Christian 'Stew- ardship and Miss Ethel Washington on Korea. Mrs. Earl Wightnian gave a report of the Sectional meet - 'Mg held at Blyth. Rev.. H. Snell Was the guest ' speaker and gave a talk on "The,World for Christ". Mrs. 11. Snell took 'charge for the business period. Mrs: Ernest Pat- terson, Mrs. Jas.' Jackson and Miss time Match were'appointed a nom- inating .committee to present a slate of officers at the December meeting. Mrs. Snell closed the. meeting with , ..,prayer. GODERICH TOWNSHIP Mr.i and Mrs. 'Arthur Welsh and tMr, and Mrs. Oliver Welsh and Helen • spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. L,, ,Stephenson of Bayfield, Mrs. Oliver Welsh spent a few days last week with her cousin Mrs.. • J.' Balantyn of London. Mrs. 'J. Middleton and Miss P..s " Middleton spent., Saturday at Lon - ..don. Mr. arid 1VIrs. Harold Down of t COUNCIL MEETING (Continued from page 1) year was approved. Councillor , Trewartha moved the adjournment; PAY SHEET Street A. Pickard', weeds 5.75 W. Burton, man & team .80 Wm. Fulford streets .... , . 5.00 G. M. Levis, 600 yds. gravel 450.00 Street Lighting P.U.C. Lighting streets . 228.00 Property P.U.C. Lighting R. R. . .85 P.U.C. Lighting town hall 12.57 P.U.C. Lighting ,stock scales ,. .75 P.U.C. Repairing Foundation 1.05 Mrs, L. Tideswell Care of R. R. 5.00 W. J. Miller 5870 Iles. coal ... 36.70 J. B., Mustard Coal 6340 lbs. ..39.65 �aiie election, if any, on Dec. 4, in No 1 ward at Orange Hall Con 4 Eveiet Mcllwain D.R:O., Graham Johnston 'Clerk; No. 2, •house of Reward Stur dy H. Stardy D. R. 0., Cliff. Sturdy, Clerk; No. 3, House of Geo. Hopson, Thos. Hudie. D.R.O., Geo. Hopson, Clerk; No. 4, House of Arnold Rath- well, A. Rathwell' D.R.O., Elmer Trick, Clerk; No. 5, House of 11. Mc- Cartney, H. McGartney, D.R.O., W. R. Lobb, Clerk; No. 6, House of RI. Rowdefs, R. Rowden ' D.R.O., E Trewartha, Clerk, Accounts paid: Town of Clinton our. share Division court costs, 5.66; Signal Star Printing 8.80; Huron County Hospital account 10.50; Reeve, Clerk and ,Assessor selecting Peron 10.00; Miss Acheson use of house 5.00; :Supt •pay roll no. 11 1,779.33. The Reeve was instructed to pur- chase 1500 feet of snow fence if posts can be had for same. Owing to County council meeting on Nov..15, council will meet at 7.30 pan. on Nov. 15 in order to allow the Reeve to attend. V LONDESBORO Misses Dorothy Little and 011ie Moon, Toronto, were home for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Ferguson, London with kr. and Mrs. John Snell. - Mr. and Mrs. JAI. Shobbrook, are visiting friends in St. Marys. Mrs. Cook, Clinton and •Mr, Mason, Toronto with Mrs. Wen, .Brunsdon. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Radford, Clin- ton and Miss Wilma Ntrdford, Lon- don, with Mr. and Mrs. H. Adams. Mrs. Bert Lobby Clinton, with her mother, Mrs. H. Lyon. - • Mr. Lloyd Carter, London spent the week end at home. Mfrs. Robert Fairserviee was in St. Catherines over the week end. Mrs. Derwin Carter, and her aunt, Mrs. Wood of Auburn, returned home on Monday after spending three weeks with the former's daugh- ter . Mrs. Dr. Mewhort of Demean, Vancouver Island, B. C. V 0 Londesboro Red Cross News The November meeting of the Londesboro Red Gress anet on Nov- ember 2nd at 2.30 pen. in the Com- munity Hall with a very good at- tendance. The President, Mrs. B. Brunsdon, presided. The meeting. opened with prayer. The secretary, Mrs. H. Adams gave the minutes of the previous meeting and the tree surer gave her• report. A report on the overseas ;boxes was given --'19 boxes having been sent: overse. Sewias ng was,given out including pyjamas, Housewives, Handkerchiefs. It was decided not to have the baz- aar in December and for the hostel; es for Noventiber and December to Pay their hpstess money at the December meeting. It was - moved ]rat a new knitting quota be sent Stratford were visitors on Sunday for. with Mr. and Mrs. Fred, Wallis. i' Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Salkeld, Mar- garet, Mary,- Helen and, Lawrence, of, Lucknow, spent Sunday with Me. and Mrs. Fred" Middleton. Pte. Richard' Miller, U. S. A. and Donald . Mi.ddleton and Barbara 1Viid dieter) spent the week end in Gode- • rieh with 'Mrs, 'Hattie Stewart. .A nominating committee to get' officers for 1945 was appointed, Mrs. M cVittie, Mrs. Townsend, Mrs. L. Shobbrook. .A letter of thanks' was 'ead from B. Hall for a box .he had I. Council met in Hohnesvil'le ori November 6. The Treasurer reported t having our Victory' Loan, 'interest. • Dept. of Public Welfare re fuel to The Society ;wish to thank Mrs. A, Radford for cream and sugar donated for the dance, Mrs. Pol- lard for sugar :and Mrs. Snell cream, also Mrs. G. Shobbrook for 3 pounds, of butter, Mrs. Lansing donated a Pyrex dish. Tickets were sold with , hi'n eedls amountinm to $3.00, Tea collection was $2.65. The. meeting c`':osed by surging the National -recipients. .•of Mothers Allowance Anthem. not having: any, 'this was filed. A Goderich Doctor asked' payment of an account "for ,a resident of this Township, the Connell think the man will pay his account, Rev, G. W. Oli- ver protested bis assessment which is too low now, Ito action was taken By-law No, 6 providing for nomin- ation and 'election was, read a third tine and passed. Nomination will be held in the council chamber Clintan,; ori Friday, November 24 at 1 pan, TOO LATE "1 _ don't like .these p}',1tos at all," "he said, "Nook like en ape." , The Photographer, famous for Iris• wit as well as for his aq favored Min With a glance of Softy disdain. • "You should lhaye thought of that before you had them taken" was his replyas he turned'back to work. A. D. McCartney, 6500 lbs. „ . 39.00 D Elliott 4 cord eeda'r .. , 3.75 Sutter` & Perdue' Hardware & repairs 2.90 Cemetery M..'MeEwein Salary 65.84 Palk - Wm. Cook, cutting grass .. 5,20 Dry Earth Closet A. Fulford, Salary 70.09 Fire Az Water W.S.R. Holmes 'Soda . , " .... 1.25 Geo. Hanley Conditioning Fire Truck' ,, 6.42 Police Protection Bruce McDougall Salary .... 83.33 D. Elliott Salary 75.00 Salaries M. T. Corless Salary 83.33 Norman IKennedy Salary , .. 50.00 M. J. Agnew Selecting Jurors 4.00 M. T. Corless Selecting jurors 4.00 N. Kennedy Selecting jurors 4.00 Hospitalization Co. of Huron Indigent Patients 57.70 Postage & Stationery The Municipal World Treasurer's Receipts 18.42 Underwood Typewriter Co. Service and ribbon 1.50 R. McPwan Postage & sup. 4.80 General Municipal Expense The Bell Telephone Co. Gen. .7,83 G. M. Counter, Postmaster Yearly Box Rental 5.00 The Municipal World. Advice re Assessment matters' .. :. 2,00 Allowance for exchange ' Elliott Underwood .15 Municipal World .15 Receipts Rentals 60.50 Licenses 1.00 Stock Scales 40.35 Cemetery 269.00 370,85 V St. Paul's Jr. W. A. Elect Officers The 'Junior W. A. of St. Paul's Anglican Ohureh met last Friday afternoon in Owen Memorial Hall, This was the first meeting of the new fall season and the election of officers resulted as follows: Presi- dent, Jane Hartley, vice-pres. Joyce Hawkins, . secretary, Joan Murray. treasurer Mary Scribbins. The superintendent is Mrs. Arnold, and her. assistant is l<fiss' Norah Bulteel. • VARNA. Misses Doris and Mary Reid, spent the week end with their aunt at Hol- mesville. Miss Anna Reid spent the week end with friends in Clinton. Varna Orange Lodge fowl supper will ,be held in the Township Hall, Varna, on Friday, November 10th. All members, wives and families are cordially invited. Mrs. H. Clarke is at present with her mother in Sarnia who for some time has been on the sick list. Mr. Ernie Pollock has moved into the village. We welcome him to the Village, Mr, and Mrs. A. McConnell, in company with Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mc- Connell spent the week end in Tor- onto. Mr. Jas. ,Stephenson ]has disposed of his farm, to Mr. fettle of Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnston were guests . at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ings, Sunday. The W. A. .of St. Johns Church met at the home of Mrs. M. Elliott Thursday afternoon. Quilting was the order of the day. At the close of the meeting all partook of a hot supper provided by the hostess and Miss Lillian. There was a good at- tendance. Mr. and Mrs. O'Rourke arid son of Brucefield' visited. with Mrs., hart, Sunday. Mr. and. Mrs. ' , Aldington spent Sunday with relatives in Hibbert. Hallowe'en passed off with little damage when masqueraders' both old and yotmg visited' elf the homes in the 'village and sone extending to the country. A few misplacements of machinery and lawn decorations are still in the foreground. 1fSty[ d�Ji01--,�,. „ w CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. ♦ • COOKE FLORIST Phones: 66w and 861 .; Batkins Locker Storage Now is a ,good time to store ''a ye of ,beef. We can supply you with sante at any time. Salmon Steaks lb. .. ...... 30c Farmer Style sausages lb •.,. 25c FROZEN FOODS ARE BETTER FOODS DANCE sponsored by Goderich Township S. S. No. 4' Unit of Red Cross in Town. Hall, Clinton FRIDAY, NOV. 3rd Murdock's•' Orchestra Lunch Counter 20-2 LOCAL ITEMS Hallowe'en plays many strange tricks, ' but this is a new one. Mr. Thos, Leppington's Jersey cow gave him twin calves for Hallowe'en. Miss Persil Hbbden, A.T.C.M., travelling representative and pro- motion manager for the Toronto Conservatory .of Music, will visit Clinton music teachers on Friday', November 10th. MARRIAGES NASH-GERBY—In St. Paul's Church, .Stratford,' on Saturday, November 4th, Ruth Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Gerby, Stratford, and Pte. William Nash, Queen's Park London, son of Mi. and Mrs. Daniel Nash, Stratford, were united in marriage Rev.: M. Ii, 11. Farr officiated. IJLDWINCKLI:,,--AIKENHEAp— At Brueefield United Church parson- age, en Saturday, November 4th, Anna St. Clair, youngest. Baugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Aiken - head, Brumfield, and Yeoman Hen- ry Aldwinclrle, son of Mr. and Mrs, Henry Aldwinekle of Varna, were united isa marriage. Rev G. F. N. Atkinson officiated. BIRTHS HAMILTON In Clinton Public Hos- pital on 'Monday, ,November 6th to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hamilton, (formerly Marie Grainger) of Uxbridge, Ont., a son, stillborn. GUDMORE--,In• . Belleville Hospital on Monday, November 8th, to L.A.C. and Mrs. R. L. Cudmore of Trenton, twin daughters --sisters for Beth. TAYLOR -In Clinton Public Hos- pital, 'on •Saturday November' 4bh, to Mr, and Mrs. Vic. .Taylor of Brucefield, a daughter. DEATHS i TYNDALL-dn Clinton, on Friday, 1 November 3rd, 1944, Arthur John Tyndall, in his 85th year. HARRISON--In Goderich, on Thurs- day, November 2nd, 1944, Richard Harrison in his 64th year. V ' IN MEMORIAM LEPPINGTON—In, loving memory of our 'Dearly loved Son and Bre- ther William Thomas Edgar Lep. pington who passed away 2 years ago' November' 8th, 1942. What would we, give, his hand to elasp His dear face to see, To hear his voice, to see his smile, As in the days that used to be. —Sadly missed by his parents, sis- ters and brothers. v IN MEMORIA.M LEPPINGTON—Ic1 loving memory •of our) dear ,brother Tommie Lep- pington, Who passed away two years ago, November. 8, 1942, We do not forget you, nor do we las tend We think 'of yon often, and will to the end, _ Gone 'and forgotten by some you, may be pear Brother to our memory you ever will be, L Sadly missed by his sisters Edith • and Iona BOXY THEATER ' CI+urroN CAPI'J AL' THEATRE , GoD1tIIIC1 REGENT` THEATRE IIS&Po1ri' 1 Now Playing — "STEP LIVELY' & "NIGHT OF ADVENTURE'' Now Playing — George Formby "BELL-BOTTOM GEORGE" Now Playing "JACK LONDON" & "ROOKIES IN BURMA' Mon. Tues. Wed. Dual Features Cary Grant, Janet Blair & James Gleason, A fabulous tale about a man,a boy, and a caterpillar whom fate brought together to teach a less- on in values. "ONCE UPON A TIME" Also — "HENRY: ALDRICH PLAYS CUPID" Mon. Tues. Wed. Two Features Allan Jones, Kitty Carlisle, Leo Carrillo with; Alvino Rey ris orchestra and the King 'Sisters in ,a melodious feast of fun and °romance LARCENY WITH MUSIC" Anna Sten, Kent Smith and Paul Guilfoyle : Real action filmed , and fought under fire. "THREE RUSSIAN. GIRLS" Mon. Tues. Wed. Bing Crosby, Baa'r'yFitzgerald & Rise Stevens the year's most popular picture is this story of a priest who bas - ed. his life on ideals :and influence. "GOING MY WAY" Thur. Fri.' and Saturda y Dick Powell, Linda Darnell and Jack Oakie If you knew today what would happen tomorrow would you -gain or lose? Thur: Fri. Sat, THE WOMAN OF THE TOWN' In the paha of her hand she held. the hearts of two men, bringing to both a touch of love and laughter and forcing all three to share the Shadow of unhappiness. Claire Trevor, Albert Dekker" & Barry Sullivan. Thur, Fri. and Sat. Pat, O'Brien, Carole Landis and Chester Morris-' In the most exciting Saturday Evening Post story ever- to hit the screen' "SECRET COMMAND" Coming — LADY LET'S DANCE and "ALDRICH HAUNTS A HOUSE" Coining — Eddie Cantor. in SHOW' BUSINESS" Coming — "III DIDDLE DIDDLE and `VICTORY BY AIR POWER Ronson Lighter Repaired Send with confidence ' by anal' your lighter, ;Ronson - for repair which will be returned C.O.D. Eight days. service. Reasonable price. A. Briere, 6789 St. Denis Montreal, Quebec. IN MEMORIAM LEPPTNGTON In Loving Memory of my dear Brother Thomas _fd- gar Leppington, who passed away November 8th, 1942. Sunshine passeth, shadows fall Love's remembrance outlasts all. And though the years 'be many or few,' ' Are all filled with remembrance, dear, of you. —Sadly missed by sister Ionra and brother-in-law Albert .Leibold V Nations are equal in respect to each other, and entitled to claim equal consideration for their rights, whatever may be their relative dimensions or strength, or however greatly they may differ in Govern= pent, religion or manners. ---James Kent. Card of Thanks The Tyndall family wish to extend their sincere thanks and apprecia- tion to, friends .and relatives • for the kindness shown in their recent sad bereavement in the passing . of Arthur Tyndall. Special thanks! to Rev. A. Lane, and Rev. G. G. Burton. Wanted to Rent A piano for about 6 months, Must be in good condition. Phone 292 Clinton. 22-2 For Sale Playtime Washings Machine com- plete with wringer in good condition. Can be used with 'betor. Phone 900r13, Clinton. 22-2 For Sale 100 Barred Rock Pullets, 6 months old. Apply Robert F. Reid, Varna. phone 630r11, Clinton. 22,1 For Sale Oxford Ram Lambs. Apply Charles F. Dale, R. R. No. 4, Clinton phone 131614. '22-1 For Sale 1938 Buick Car, Al shape. Serial 206729. Good tires, 2 spare tires, $450..4ppply to Jack Plumtree, Clin- ton. " 22-2 For Sale Two Young bred sows, Two chunks around 60 lbs. All Al stock. Apply Bert *unseen, Londesboro, Ont. ' 22-1 Wanted Man for general farhn work. To hire .by the year. Apply at News Record. 22-1 Auction Sale of .t Property and Household Effects in town of Clinton on Albert Street FRIDAY, N'OVEMBE'R, 17th at 1 p.m. 2 Quebec cook stoves, 1 Quebec Heater, 1 glass cupboard, 2 dropleaf ,tabies', 6 kitchen chairs, 2 dining room tables, 6 leather bottom chairs; 6 dining room chairs, Number of sinall tables, 1 New William sewing machine, 1' conch, 1 sideboard, 1 chest of drawers, clock, 2 bedroom suites, .springs and mattresses; 2 rugs 91c12, 2 •eongoleum rugs; number of rocking chairs, 1-5 pieee parlor shite (walnut), Hand washing 1VIa- chine, lawn knower, boiler, wash tub, dishes of all kinds, •kitchen, utensils, sealers and .a host •of rather articles. Preperty• I 11/2 story, 8 room house in the town of Clinton well located on Albert Street. Hydro and town water Terms: Chattels east:. Property 10% downy balance in 30 days. Re- serve 'bid, Estate of the late John Snyder. Harold Jackson Auctioneer BUY VICTORY BONDS Space donated by BARTLIFF'S PHONE 1 CORN KING MINERAL We are pleased to announce we have taken the agency for CORN KING MINERAL. Call or phone in your requirements to . the JERVIS HATCHERY,: Phone 194. 21-8 Meeting of Huron County Council The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House Goderieh, comineneing Tuesday November 14th, 1944, at 2.00 p.m.. All accounts, notices of deputations and other business requiring the at- tention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, November 11th. N. W. Miller County Clerk -Cemetery Memorials Large stock of modern memorials on display at our Clinton Showrooms For the convenience of our patrons,' office will be open on Fridays Open by appointment at any other time See Mr. J. J, Zapfe, next door Cunningham & Pryde Clinton — Exeter - Seaforth PRONE 41 Farm For Sale 50 acres, 1.4. mile from Highway, Goderich Township, good clay land, well fenced, good buildings, well watered. Apply to News -Record Clinton. 20-tf For Sale Stuccoed horse ,at 102 Huron Road, Goderieh. Phone 931'14 Goderieh. 20-41 For Sale Thirteen head' of cattle. Durham and Herefords, year olds • andtwo year olds. Apply to James East, 2% miles N. East of Clinton. R. R. No. 4 19-tf. For Sale Leicester• sheep; ewe lambs ram lambs, also 2 -year old ewes: Apply J. H. Quigley, three miles south of Clinton, err No. 4 Highway. Phone Clinton 916r3. 17-tf, 1' House For Sale On Princess street, close to down town and schools. Warmly built, Art brick siding covered. New Garage, good dry garden. Priced right for quick sale. Apply to Frank Wilson.f 20-2 For Sale 14 Durham • Steers,' 750 lbs. 4 Due. - ham Heifers, 750 lbs.; 17 Durham Calves; 4 Durham Cows Due Dee. 10; 1 Durham Bull coming 3 yrs. old 21-2' pure bred. Apply Arnold Dale, phone 801r3,' Clinton. 20-2 NOTICE COURT OF REVISION Take Notice that the Court of Revision will meet at Clinton on the 15th day of November 1944, at 7.30 o'clock in the evening, in the Council Chamber, re the matter of Assess- ment appeals. The Municipality of the Town of Clinton M.T.CORLESS, Clerk & Treasurer 21-2 Wanted To Buy Modern house with - conveniences Preferably East of . Albert St. Apply News -Record Box 39 "J". For Sale Car thanes, antique couch and table Apply Miss D. Cantelon, phone 19j, Clinton. 22-1 Pigs for Sale 20 pigs, 6 weeks old. Apply Roy Tyndall, phone 9071.3, Clinton. 21-2 For''Sale Spy Apples,' hand picked and stored 60c per bushel in your own contain- ers. Apply T. R. Jenkins, phone 910r 23 Clinton. 21-1 CLERK'S NOTICE Of First Posting of Voters' Lists for 1944 Municipality of Clinton, County of Huron. Notice is hereby, given that 'I have complied. with Section .8 of . the Voters' Lists Act and .1 have posted up in my office at Clinton on the 28th day of October, 1944, the list of all 'persons entitled to vote in the Said Municipality at : Municipality ' elec- tions and that such list retrain there for inspection.; ,And I hereby ,call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or .omissions eoreet- ed according .to law, ;the, last day for appeal,being the 21st day of Novem- her 1 44, Dated at Clinton this 28th day of October,'~ 1944. M. T. C01LL"ES4. ;Clerk ;of the Town of aClibton 21.3 For Sale 9 roomed, two storey Brick House with 3 piece bath. Central Lopation. K acre Lot. on William, Street. Apply at News -Record. 20-tf Strayed Strayed to lot 19 Con. 17 Gode- rich Tp. scene time ago, one yearling cattle beast resembling Holstein breed. Owner mavi have the animal by proving property and paying ex-, penses. Apply Oliver Jervis phone 802e23, Clinton. 20-2. For Sale Heavy tile reel Chesterfield Coat, plaid lining. (interlined) size 14. Donegal Tweed Coat (fitted), detach- able ties, pleated back size 14. Also a' wine and beige Gabardine Jaeket (lined) with zipper front and detach- able hood with white fur trim size 14. Apply at the News -Record, 21-1 Wanted Hatehing eggs- for 1945 hatching, season. Guaranteed premium,, paid, plus hatchability prerninm., Flocks culled and bloodtested under Govern - pent ,Supervision, free of charge. Write for full. details. Twaddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont. • 21-4 For Sale A winter tweed coat. Also a snow suit, -botlh size 12, in good condition. Apply at News -Record. 21-1 For Sale One gasoline Engine; one cutting box ,and, carriers; one wagon. Apply Feng. VanEginond, Clinton. 21-2 House for Sale , Five xoomed frame house on Alb- ert Street, town water, quarter acre of land. For further particulars apply to Frank Fingland or J. W. SVIcCool,, Londesboro, • 11-tf. Wanted to. Buy Old or disabled Eve horses wanted for mink feed. Apply ISImer Trick, phone 907r5 or 907r12. 15-eow. Wanted to Buy Wanted to buy, old horses and dead cattle for mink feed. If dead, phone at once.` Fred Gilbert' 908r22 or Jack Gilbert 908x21, , 8844