HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-10-26, Page 5I;
''TIIURS„ ,OCT. 26th, 1914
Wei y
Space Sponsoiied by
Phone 184'W
Mr. Donald Ross of Galt spent the
• week end, with his mother Mrs. Fred
Mr. Harvey McGee has returned
home after a three months visit
with friends in the west.
Sgt. ,Robt. Craig and Miss Ila
'Craig spent the' week end with their
:parentsMr. and Mrs. Wm. Craig.
Mrs. John Tiffin and daughter,
-Miss Vera Tiffin and Mr. McIlwain
of Goderieh .spent Sunday with Mr.
Wm. 1VlieIlwain and Amelia.
Maes. Gordon Taylor :underwent . a
"minor operation in Clinton Hospital
'last week.
Miss Zeta Munro of Sarnia spent
' the week end with her parents Mr.
and Mrs. R. D. Munro; •
Mrs. Herb Mogridge and Mrs. Wm.
Marsh attended the trousseau tea of
•their niece Lois Manning,' daughter
;of •Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Manning, Lon-
. don.
Miss Laura Phillips collected $100.
M the recent Salvation Army Drive.
She wishesto thank all who contrib-
'uted to this worthy cause.
There were 784• ration books`dis-
+tributed from this centre last week
by Mrs. Earl McKnight and Made-
line Yungbintt, They were assisted
by Miss Mary E. Asquith, Mrs.
Harold Snell and Mrs. T. S. John-
Anniversary Services will be held
in Knox Presbyterian ,Church next
Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m.
Rev. Dr. W. 0. Rhoad of Ashfield
and Ripley Presbyterian Church will
be the :guest speaker. A sextette
from Goderieh Knox Church com
prised of Mesdames, Sauri'ders, Re-
nell, Kaitingand Miss Stowe, L.A.C.
Elliott, and A.C. Russell will fur-
nish .special music.
A. community social' evening was
held: in Knox United Church on
'Phutsday in honour of CPI. Bar.-
rick Wright who recently returned
from Overseas. Rev. H. Snell presid-
-'ed. The program opened with "a
sing song of favorite ' byntns with
Mrs. R. J, Phillips at the piano. A
duet was rendered by Misses Emma
- and Shirley Robertson, a reacting was
^: given by Miss Madeline Caesar, solo
by Marie Raithby, 'solo with guitar
accompaniment Jack Ladd, • short
address ,Rev. C. C. Anderson of the
Baptist church, solo Mrs, Wes Brad -
nock, solo Rev. P. H. Streeter of the
Anglican Church who also brought
greetings, solo Miss Josephine Weir.
Mr, Snell called Cpl. Wright to the
front and 'on behalf of the Commun.'
ity welcomed him 'back to Canada.
Cpl. Wright 'expressed his thanks for
the welcome he had received. The
program :closed with the National
.Anthem. Lunch was 'served.
The Baptist 2oung People, met on
Sunday ;evening with Miss Elaine
Johnston in charge. After a sing song
With Mrs, R. J. Philips at the •piano
the scriptur•re- was read by ,Roy, Web
sten. Piano solos were ' given by
Marie Raithby and. Shirley Robert-
son. James Raithby led in prayer and
a duet given by Evelyn and Allan
'Raithby. The topic on Thanksgiving
was given by Miss ,Amy Toll after
which Mrs. Wm. Haggitt sang a solo.
Miss Johnston thanked all who had
assisted with the meeting and
George Raithby then took charge for
the business period and the election
of officers Tie financial report • was
given by George Robertson showing
a balance of $20.71 on band and
daring the year 12 meetings had been
Officers elected were: President,
Wm. Raithby, Vice-president, Annul,
Robertson; Secretary -treasurer, Geo.
Robertson; Pianist, Mrs. R. J. Phil-
lapsr Program cornririttee,. The execu-
The meeting was closed with, the
singing Of the National Anthem.
Ladies Ald
The' Baptist Ladies Aid held their
annual meeting in the basement of
the church last Thursday and was. in
charge of the president, Mrs. C. A.
Rowson. The devotional; Period 'was
taken by Mrs. Frank, Rraithby'and
Mrs. 'Thos. McNall. "The secretary's'
report was given by Mrs. Earl Raith
by and showed eleven meetings ha
been held,' 9 quilts, 1 crib' gdilt,
quilt tops had been given to th
Red ,Cross and two quilts were co
plated for ' Home Missions; Mrs
Glen Raithby gave the treasurer's
report showing $62. in the treasury
and, a $50. Victory Bond, ,
The following program was given;
reading by Mrs. L. Irwin, Mrs. Wm.
Haggitt, Mrs; Earl Raithby Mrs.
Thos. McNeil, .solo Mrs. Glen Raith-
by. The topic "Thanksgiving" was
given by Mrs. (Rev.) C. C., Ander-
son. Mrs. Frank Raithby took charge
for the election .of officers which
resulted as follows, President, Mrs.
C. A. Howson; 1st vice, Mrs. Frank
Raithby; secretary, Mrs. Earl Raith-
by; Treasurer, Mrs. Glen Raith'by;
pianist, Mrs. R. J: Philips; visiting
committee, Mrs. G. C. ,
.. Joh1t1 c
Mrs. C. A. Howson, Mrsn .
Knight, Mrs. Glen Raithby; . Quilt
committee, Mrs. Earl Raithby, Mrs.
L. Irwin, Mrs. Thos. MeNall, Mrs.
Jas. Webster, Mrs. Wm. Haggitt;
Plower eommittee, Mrs. R. J. Phil-
lips, Mrs. Stanley Johnston, Mrs.
Earl. Raithby.
The meeting was 'closed with ' the
National Anthem and prayer by Rev.
C. C. Anderson.
TAYLOR—In Clinton' Public Hos-
pital, on Friday, Oct. 13th, to Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey':, Taylor :of Varna,
a daughter.
GABON—In Clinton Public Hospital,
on Friday, October 20th,. to Mr.
and Mas, A. Garen of Clinton, a
STIRLING—In Clinton Public Hos-,
pitel, on Sunday,'October, 23rd„ to
Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Stirling:of
Bayfield, a son.
GRIGG—In ,Goderich' Township, on
Thursday, October 19th, Matilda
Fisher, lbeloyed wife .of Edward'
Grigg, in herT77 th year.
r- ROGERS, Sarah Hartley-�Sdddenly,
d on Monday afternoon, 0et..23, 1944
3 at her home, 42' Indian Rd., after
e a sweet and :useful life, Sarah
m- Hartley, wife of the late James
• Alexander' Rogers, darling
mother of Elmore, Gladys and
Louise, and loving grandmother
of F.O. Hartley Rogers (overseas),
P.O. Burton Rogers, Calgary, and
Harris and David Oakes, Clinton,
Ont. Resting at the Turner &
Porter Funeral Home, 436 Ron-
cesvalles, at Howard Park Ave.
Service in the chapel Thursday,
Oct. 26, at 2 &clock, Interment
Pine Hills Cemetery'.
Women's Institute
Mrs. Edgar Lavison presided for
the .October meeting of the Women's
Institute which was held in the For-
esters Hall.
A letter of :appreciation for mes-
sage of sympathy received was lead
from the Anderson Family. A. letter
was read from Mr. Sparks, field
secretary for the Blind Institute,
'thanking the Institute for the 26.50
which had been collected here on tag
day. It was decided to have
a sale of home invade baking in the
near future, the proceeds to be given
to Overseas box fund. A solo was
rendered by Mrs. Wm. Haggitt, Miss
Ethel Washington gave a reading
and Miss' Enna Mutch gave a talk on
dressmaking. Miss Josephine Weir
rendered a solo. The guest speaker
was Mrs. W. J. Henderson, of Wing-
ham, who chose as her subject;
citizenship. A vote of thanks was
extended the speaker by Mas. R. J.
Philips. _A small' remembrance was
also presented her in honor of her
birthday which she was celebrating
that day. Tickets were sold on a prize
donated by Viola Thompson, the pro-
ceed's from which were for the boys
boxes fund. Mrs. L. Irwin held the
lucky ticket, The roll call was answ-
nswered by "where, you first attended
school and the name of your first
teacher". The meeting ' closed with
the singing of the National Anthem.
Lunch•was served by Mrs. J. Cowan,
Mrs. Geo. Sturdy and Mrs, Fred.
Londesboro Red Cross .News
A special Red Cross meeting, on
October 17th 'was: called to decide if
the Society .would serve a banquet
for the Federation of Agriculture.
It was decided to serve a dressed
Ham .dinner: for 75c a plate.
Ladies on Menu Committee are,
Mrs. Watson, Mrs. Little, Mrs. 3. H.
Shobbrook, Mrs. Brunsdon and Mrs.
Adams. Ladies tohelp in the kitchen
are Mrs. Little, Mrs. Millar, Mrs.
}leak and Mac. Caldwell.
Table Committee, No. 1, Mrs.I
Yungblutt, Mas. Townsend. No.` 2
Mrs. Brunsdon; Miss Mains. No. 3.
Mac. H. Adams, Mrs. Nott, Mrs.
Griffiths,"No. 4. Mrs: Pipe, Mrs. Len.
Shobbrook, Beni Govier, No. 5. Mrs.
McC'obl, ' Mrs. Prost, Mrs. J. Onaw-
!ford. ' • •
The Regular nnonthly meeting of
the .•Loridgsboro Red Cross will be
held 'Thursday Nov. and in the Com-
munity Niall..
The tondesboto Red Cross is spon-
soring a Hallowe'en "dance, Friday,
Oct. 27th. Prizes :will be given for
special dances:
GLAZIER—In memory of a dear
husband and father, Thomas Gla-
zier, who passed away five years
ago October 31.
Years of toiling, little of play'
Loving and giving, smoothing the
Kind and unselfish, husband and
father so true,
Our dearest possession is memories
of you.
—Sadly missed by wife and family.
The Tuckersmith Ladies Club will
hold their meeting on Wednesday,
Nov. 1, at the home of Mas. Leslie
Pepper. Will' all members bring new
ora used articles for the box to be
sent North.
The Holmesville Unit of the Red
Cross: held their October meeting at
the home of Mrs. Edward Grigg with
sixteen in attendance. A. quilt was
completed at this meeting and pat-
ches given out for another quilt,
Donations of various kinds were
brought in for the overseas Christ-
mas boxes and the 'committee in
charge packed them. A short busi-
ness meeting was.held with pres. Mrs
Will Jervis, in charge. It was decid-
ed to remember those of 'our boys 011
Canadian soil with Christmas greet-
ings. The knitting committee dis-
tributed yarn. At the ' close of the
meeting a dainty lunch was served.
Mr. W. H. Middleton attended the
HerefordSale in ,Stratford last
Wednesday, October 18th, and
bought a high. class Bull to head
his herd. It was consigned by W. T.
Janes, Almonte.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kay of Clinton
and Mr. and Mrs. Prod Wallis and
children were guests on Sunday of
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Welsh.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Welsh and
Catharine motored to St. Catherhies
on Friday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Ityckman, late; going on to Hamil-
ton to visit with Mrs. Snell and Miss
Mary Snell, returning home Monday.
We are glad to report that. Iris
Plewitt, • small daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Sam Flewitt, Who is, in Victoria
Hospital; London, is improving. ;
The Soutli' End' Red Cross Unit`
will meet on Wednesday afternoon,
Nov, 1, at the :home' of >' Mrs, John
Middleton. A good attendance is
A very enjoyable evening was
spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Hebden -on Friday' night;
S°4iiwilAY wane
For Every Occasion
Phones: 66w and 38I
Batkins Locker Storage
Nov. is a good time to store a
1/m of beef,
We can supply you with same' at
any time.
Salmon Steaks lb. 30c
Farmer Style sausages lb 25c
sponsored by Goderich Township
S. S. No. 4' Uniteof Red Cross•
in Town Hall, Clinton
Murdock's, Orchestra
Lunch Counter
For Sale
9 roomed, two atorey 'Brick House
with 3 piece bath. Central Location.
1/ acre Let on William Street. Apply
at News -Record. 20-tf
For Sale
14 Durham Steers, 750 lbs.; 4 Dur-
ham Heifers, 750 lbs.; 17. Durham
Calves; 4 Durham Cows' Due Dec. 10;
1 Durham Bull coming 8 yrs. old
pure bred. Apply Arnold Dale, phone
801r3, Clinton. 20-2
For Sale
2 Well-bred Shorthorn Bulls, about
6 months old. Apply W. J. Miller;
phone 46w. Clinton. 20-1
Strayed to lot 19 Con. 17 - G'ode-
rich Tp. some time ago, one yearling
cattle beast resembling Holstein
breed. Owner may have the animal
Iby, proving property and paying ex-
penses. Apply Oliver Jervis phone
802x23, Clinton. 20-2
For Sale
12 good •York pigs, 6 weeks old.
apply Fred McCool,. Londesboro,
phone 2$114 Blyth. 20-2
For Sale
400 bushels of mixed grain, $L50
per hundred, also weanling pigs,
Apply R. II. Leishman, phone 800r1G
Clinton. 20-1
For Sale
9 Yorkshire pigs, 6 weeks old. Ap-
ply to. Raymond' Townsend, phone
614r14, Clinton. . 20-1
For Sale
Quebec Heater in good condition.
Also stand to put under a stove.
Apply Mrs. Robert Webster, Victoria
Street, Clinton. 20-1
For Sale
Spy Apples. 50 cents a bushel on
the tree. :Apply . Carman Tebbutt.
Phone 902r31, Clinton.. 20-2
House For Sale
On Princess' street, close to down
town and schools. Warmly built, Art
brick siding covered. New Garage,
good dry garden. Priced right for
quick sale. Apply to Flank. Wilson.
Auction Sale
At the home of the late Charles
Falconer in Bayfield, on Wednesday,
Nov. let at 2 pan:
consisting of House and Household
effects and 6 lots. '•
:::Terrns Cash on Household Effects
and on property the terms . to be.
made at the time of sale.
Gordon" Grant Auetioneer,
when the members, and families of Clearing Auction Sale
the .Synth end of 5. S. No. 4 Unit oft Faun Stock and Implements and
the Red Cross entertained the mem-
household Fmupishirrgs
and their families of the north Township,
be held o1n/ mileLotn 3s2 Con.
south-we2 Stanleyof
end of the Unit, who were the win- 2st
ners in the contest which was con-
ducted during the earlier part of the
year. The .evening's entertainment
began with a song title contest, con-
ducted by . Josephine Muir, which
was won by Mss. Leslie Pearson.
and Will Jenkins. The remainder of
the evening was spent in, :proves.
sive euchre and other games. Lunch,,
consisting of hot dogs and ' coffee,
was served, .and, the social evening
was closed by singing the National
TUESDAY, NOV. 7th 1944
at 12.30 p.m.
John. A. Innis, Prop.
Harold Jackson, Auet.
E. P. Chesney, Clerk.
No reserve as prop. has sold his
farm, list will follow next week.
or ale
Now Playing "WHERE, ARE
Mon. Tues. Wed.
Dorothy Lamour, Fred Mac. Mur-
ray and Betty Hutton.
Pop wanted a soy bean farm and
his daughters' sang for it.
Thur.Fri, Sat.
Beauty fades . Age creeps up
dove returns! A new Bette
Davis triumph!
Bette Davis, ° Claude Rains' and
Walter Abel
Coming - "GOING MY WAY"
Bing ,Crosby.
Now Playing -. "FOLLOW THE
BOYS" with an amazing. east
Mon. Tues. Wed, Two Features
Cary Grant,: Janet Blair and Jim-
my Gleason' •
This picture- will malce life gayer
for you whether or' not you be-
lieve in Santa Claus"
Jimmy Lydon, Diana ,Lynn and
James Sanith In
Thur. Fri. and Sat,
Dick Powell, Linda Darnell and
Jack Oakie
Present Rene Clair's grand story
of aspiring youth & dreams crane
Coming Lynn Bari In "THE
Now Playing — "SHERLOCI
Mon. Tues. and Wednesday
Eddie Cantor, George Murphy. &
Joan Davis
With a host of assisting talent in
a great fun -show that is absol-
utely guaranteed entertainment'
Thur Fri. Sat. Two Features
George Sanders, Virginia Bruce
and Lenore Aubert
Telling° the thrilling story of two
adventurous newsmen and their
political .entanglements.
and as the added attraction, Walt
Business Services Offered
Cars Washed, Waxed or -Simonized
Work called for and delivered
Funeral and Wedding Cars
a Specialty
R. Earl Jenkins
Phone 222 Clinton
Under ,the auspices of the Clinton
Red Shield on Nov. 9th at 8. pm.
There will be a sale of both new
and -old articles. Also homemade bak-
ing and sandwiches and hot dog
More detailed notice later.
Keep Nov. 9 evening free.
Come have fun and help this wor-
thy cause.
Any citizen wishing to donate
articles new or old please call 326
or 1851
Harald Jackson,"Auctioneer services
in Town Hall, Clinton
Friday, October 27
Willoughby's Orchestra/
Proceeds for Red Shield
Public Meeting
in the
Community Hall Londesboro.
Thursday, Oct. 26th
at 9 p.m.
to explain the
0. C. F. Plan and Policies
Charles Strange, M. P. P.
Will be guest speaker
Everybody Welcome
For Sade
Pigs 6 to 10 weeks old. Apply
Gordon Turner, Phone 906r5, . Clinton
Will pay cash for your Baby
Grand piano. State make and age to
Box 39A, News -Record, Clinton.
Stamp Collector wants older
stamp ,booklet including Victoria and.
Edward. Cash. Paid. Apply Fred
Jarrett, 30 •Bloor ,St. W., Toronto,
Ontario. 20-2.
Farm For Sale
50 acres, 1Fz mile from Highway,
Goderieh Township, good ,clay land,
well fenced,'•good. buildings, well
watered. Apply to News -Record
Clinton. 20-tf
For Sale.
80 Acre farm. of good clay loam,
Concession 9, Goderieh Township,
about 5 miles from Clinton, 2 -storey
brick house, with good i barn and
driveshed, never failing well with
windmill, water in :barn, %%.mile from
school and one mile from Church.
Apply Edward Grigg, R. 1L. 3, Clin-
ton. 20-1
Trailer Tire and ,Rim, on No, 8
Highway, one mile west of Clinton,,
on October 21st. Finder please eall
T. • R. Jenkins, 9101'23, Clinton. Re-
ward, 20.2
To Let
3 room apartment downstairs,
private ,entrance. :A+pply at. News.
Record, 20-tf
The scripture hath concluded All j The blood of Jesus Christ
under Sin .. Galatians 3:22 His Son, cleanseth us from All
Sin. 1 John 1:7.
Accept Christ And Be Cleansed
TUNE IN; "Old-fashioned Revival Hour: 7-8 P.M. E. D. S. T. '
"Pilgrims Hour 12-12.30 P.M. E. D. S. T.
Mutual Network Sundays — Rebroadcast at various times
Chas. E. Fuller, P. 0. Box 123 Los Angeles 53, California
Space donated by
All dogs have to be tagged by Nov.
1, 1944 or will be forced by law.
Tax Collector
Under the Auspices of Women's
Association and Women's Missionary'
Society of Holmesville United
Saturday,' Oct. 28
in Council Chamber of Town Hall
Home-made Baking Booth, Fahey
Work booth, White Elephant Booth
Also afternoon tea served,
pressed chicken, Apple and pump-
kin pie.
For Sale
65 Rock Pullets, 6 months old,
started laying.. Apply C. B. Gibson,
Ontario Street, Clinton. Across from
Reg Balls .service .Station. 19-tf
For Sale
Colony House 10'x12', also .brooder
stove, capacity_ 500.: Apply to Wilbvm
Welsh, Clinton.. 19-2
For Sale or Rent
Lots 44 and 75 on the Maitlantl
Concession, Goderieh Township, 2
miles from 'Holmesville. Clay loamy,
all seeded, • water supply, some
orchard, house, barn, garage, and a
hen house. Apply to Catherine H.
Williams, R. R. 2, Bayfield.. Phone
000r22 Clinton. 19-2.
For Sale
Thirteen head of cattle. Durhams
and Herefords,' year olds and: two
year olds. Apply to James East, 21/3
males N. East of Clinton. R. R. No. 4
For. Sale
Roof in ono piece, 9' x 7'. Number
of outside window .sashes. Antique.
Table, Antique Walnut Conch, Plat-
form Walnut Rocker, Small Antique:
Cherry Table, Large felt mattress
in good condition. Apply. to Miss D.
Cantelon, Clinton, phone 193.
For Sale.192
Boy's snavy ' blue, melton cloth To Rent
F S overcoat, in good .condition. Will fit comfy four -roomed cottage, with
i'Stuecoedhous ,at 102 Huron cadY g ,
e n Read: a boy twelve, or '::thirteen. Price- two-piece bath,. furnished, 40 yds.
Go'deiich. Phone 931x14 GAtlerieh. !seasonable. Apply to the Clinton south of Radio School' Ph
20-tf :News -Record. 20-1'0 Watson 7721 H 11 18 1
Cemetery Memorials
Large stook of modern' memorials on
display at our
Clinton Showrooms
For the convenience' of our patrons,
office will be open on
Open • by appointment at any other
See' Mr. J. J. Zapfe, next door
Cunningham & Pryde
Clinton — Exeter -• Seaforth'
Voter's List, 1944, Municipality of
The Township of Hullett, Huron
Notice' is hereby,, given that I have
complied with Section, '7 of the Vot-
ers' List Act and that I have posted
up at my office in Londesboro, on
the 7th day of October, 1944, the
list of the persons entitled to vote in
the Municipal Election and such
list remains there for inspection.
And I hereby call upon all .Voters
M take immediate proceedings to
have any errors or omissions correc-
ted according to Law.
Dated at my office this 10th day
of October, 1944.
Jas. W. McCool,
•Clerk, Hullett Twp.
Notice is hereby given that r
complied with section 7 of the et-
ers' Lists Act, and that I have ',os -
ted up at my office at .Varna on the
12th day of October 1944, the list oft
all persons entitled to vote at Muni-
cipal. Elections and such list is there
for inspection.
And I hereby notify all persons
to take proceedings according to law
to have errors or corrections cot
rected. All appeals Snit be in the
hands of the clerk on or before
November 2nd 1944.
Dated this 13th day of October('
Chas. C. Pilgrim, Clerk.
For Sale
Quantity of Sprayed Spy Apples,
Apply Robert Smith, R. R. 1 Clinton.
Phone 804r34, Clinton. 19-2
House for Sale
Eight -roomed house in good lo.
eality. All modern conveniences. One
quarter acre of land. Apply at News
Record: 19-tf
Fer Sale
Chickens, ready for the pot. 33c a
pound, . Delivered; ` Phone 312. 19-2
Far Fuller Products
A limited number -of brooms, Nylon
Tooth, Hair and Shaving brushes.
Phone Winni£red O'Neil,' 753 Clinton.
For Sale
Leicester sheep; . ewe lambs lam
lambs, :also 2 -year old ewes. Apply J.
H. Quigley, three miles south of
Clinton, on No. 4 Highway. Phone
Clinton 916x3. 17-11.
House for Sale
Five roomed frame house on Alb-
ert Street, town water, quarter acre
of land. Rot further particulars
apply to Frank Fingland or J. W.
McCool, Londesboro 11-tf.
' Wanted to Buy
Old or disabled live horses wanted
for mink. feed.' Apply Elmer Trick,
phone 907x5 or 907r12,15-eow.
• Wanted to Buy
Wanted to buy, old horses and dead
tattle for mink feed, If dead, phone
at once. Fred Gilbert 908r22 or Jack
Gilbert 908r21. 58-t