HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-10-26, Page 1tI'he Clinton Plewa -Record Est. 1878
O. 6120 — 67th YEAR
is Incorporated The Clinton New
The New Era Est. 1867
After all Victory does come first with Hellyars and their customers
Yes, there are merchandise shortages in our store too — but we
believe you feel as we do . . that .every one is willing to make sae
rifices so that vital metals may "Fight for Freedom."
However we have a nice line of Watches Jewelry, China and Silver-
ware to choose from: •
Space Sponsolted by
R. V.
Ea t eta, alae e
Sftemed #40a r,er
"face iftefff Ve ,Vetey
56c, ;r, PER:: DAY BUYS' $100
1:10 PER `:DAY .BUYS
A• 200
p1A Space Donated By
N �O�T
We don't want to Fight, but byiingo if we do
We've got the Men, and Weve got the boats,
and We've got the Money, too
And we Should use that Money to BUY MORE VICTORY BONDS
Maybe it seems a little soon to be
taking thought for "after the war"
. and yet, every industry, corpora:
tion, country and home is beginning
to ponder "what will come after."
So far as Canadian Red Cross is
concerned, the end of the war will
not be the end of effort. Front-line
service will ";become •diffusel—spread
out. The Occupied Countries of
Europe have been stripped to the
bone. Those people lucky enough to
have survived the blood bath of the
Nazis have emerged bereft of pos-
sessions. Their needs are boundless!.
Women who have turned their
hands selflessly and eagerly tothe
making of socks and sweaters and
hospital supplies and layettes • will
find' themselves faced with new de-
mands, on their time and effort. For
the supplies and comforts that go
out to the homeless in Europe most
assuredly must come from the men
and women in the Americas who
still have much to give!
It would be a sorry thing if after
the dust of actual combat had settl-
ed, voluntary service settled with it!
Our vision must be wider than that—
our sense of responsibility more en-
Canadian. Red Cross has made an
enviable name among volunteer 'or-
ganizations. The red Cross on the
white' ground 'betokens certain (
standards of service high in the eyes
of all men. It is the privilege of all.I
"Red Crossers" now to keep the flag'
Engagement Announced Award Scholarships
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Aikenhead of
Brueefield wish to announce the en-
gagement of their youngest daugh-
ter, Anna St. Clair o Mr. Yeoman
Henry Aldwinekle, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Aldwinkle of Varna. The ceding year while attending the
marriage to take place early , in University of Western Ontario were
November. announced by Dr. K. P. R. Neville,
FSO. Cook Cables Parents
Are you interested in learning to
care for yourself or your'family in
case of accident or illness? The local
Red Cross is now forming classes in
First Aid and Home Nursing and
would appreciate hearing from you. I
To enroll in First Aid please phone;
172, Mrs. Fred Thompson. For Home
Nursing, phone 16, Mrs. Walter '
Second hand cloth##eg; for Russia
to be in by October 30th.
Free Hallow'en Party
Come to the Hallowe'en Masquer-
ade Party in the town hall on Tues-
day night, October 31st. All children
and their parents from. Clinton and
the surrounding district are invited
by the Clinton Lions Club and the
Citizens'• Committee ,to come to the
party' and really have some fun.
Dress up in costume and you will
be assured of a gay time, all the way
from the Public School ` grounds,
where you are' asked to assemble at
7 p.m.; the C. C. I. bugle band will
have the honour of escorting you to
the town hall, where the masquerade
will get under way as the old witch
greets you at•the door. There will
be a good program consisting of
music and recitations by the children.
assisted by local talent.; Prizes for
Prizes will be.given for the best
costume for girls under eight; boys
boys eight 'and under 12;girls 12
and under 16; boys 12 and under 16;
boy and girl under 12; special'prize
for fancy costume; lady and gentle-
man 12 years and under;` 100; and
for -the` largest fainily'attending the
show; and an eating contest.
If you. care to donate the price, of
an ice-cream cone or a chocolate bar,
the old witch at'
the door or ill gladly
g Y
First awards of two $100 sebolar
ships voted last year by Enron
County Council, to the' two students,
male and female, making the high-
est marks in any Course in the pre -
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cook received
a cable on Friday, October 13th, from;
their son, -F./O. Wm. Cook, telling
them, that he had completed his
second tour of operations and would
dean of arts. The winners are George
Thomson of Bluevale and Phyllis
Herman of Clinton.
Also, announced' by Dr. Neville.
were the . winners . of the two Phi
Kappa Psi diplomas and Phi Kappa
Psi - medallion. The medallion is
awarded to the student getting the
Clinton has 11.20 per cent Collected
in Three Days.
Gordon Scribbins is 4th from Top'
of Urban Salesmen.
At the close of the first three
days of the Seventh Victory Loan,
Clinton residents • had subscribed
probably be home soon. highest marks in the combined sea- $20,200.00 which is 11.20 per cent of
the $180,000.00 total.
While on leave in London, F./O. and and .third years of the business Mr. T. G. Scribbins, one of the
Cook met four' other lads from Clin- administration course, and goes to Clinton . Salesmen, at• • present is
ton, Bill Counter, Gordon Monteith, John Cooper of Brampton. fourth in Urban Centres, in amount
Phil Sperling and Jack •Perdue..Some
of the boys had not met for over Of the two diplomas, one is award- of subscriptions collected. A sinal:
three' year and no doubt had a very ed to the student with the highest
happy get-together. standing in Junior Group II who
V subsequently registers in business
' administration, and this year has
LIONS CLUB MEETING been given to John MeNee of Lon-
don. Lions Club held their regular don. The other is awarded to the
meeting Tuesday, October 24th, with student with the best previous aoa-
Lion Dick Jacob presiding. He turned demic record 'entering honor eco-
the meeting over to District Gover- ! noetics and :political science, and
nor Wm. Waterman of Windsor, who goes ' to James W. Johnston of
was introduced to the Club by Inter Mitchell, o
quantity of 20 M. M. anti aircraft
shells has been allotted to Huron
County. They will be awarded' as
follows:—Rural, one to each sales-
man in . the two canvassing districts
with the highest percentage over
quota; and Urban one to each sales-
man in the .two canvassing districts
with the highest percentage over
Mr. J. H, Gundy addressed the
national Councillor Nelson Hill, of •`, General Sales Conference in Clmton
Goderich. Mr. Waterman gave a very 'and explained three main points, --
fine talk, which was enjoyed by allAMONG THE CHURCHES 1. You have the idea.
present. There were three visitors 2. You have the confidence in
from Guelph present at the meeting. Presbyterian Church yourself,
V Rev. T. L. Yates, of Saskatchewan 3. You have the confidence in your
• will occupy .the pulpit next Sunday product. added to .the, fact,—
Ration Book 5 0 cloak clock. Sunday School • at 10 Our bank deposits are.higher
The distribution of Ration Book 'The W. A. will meet on Wednesday! Our crops are. good.
Ne. 5 for Clinton and surrounding afternoon, Nov. 1, in the Sunday We have the. Banner County.
area was effected. mainly, Thursday School room at 2.30. Will all mem- TheAnsweris up to You—This
and Friday, Oct. 19th and 20th. Ow -hers try to be present. Loan Should Be the Best Loan Yet.
ing to the labor, situation on farms I 1Speakers over C.K.N.X. Wingham
and restrictions on , gasoline, the I The W. A. will meet on Thursday
day also. the Church Hall. Thursday, .Oct. 26th, 12.20 pan. W. L.
time was extended to coven Saha- afternoon, Nov. 2nd at 3 o'clock Sunday School Anniversary at 11.in Whyte.
With a ' very • efficient . staff ofFriday, Oct. 27th 12.20 p.m. Dr. A. R.
Volunteer Recorders another distri- Campbell.
P.m. Rev. Reba Bern of Varna will Saturday, Oct. 28th 12.20 p.m. Geo,
bution of Ration books to consumers be the guest speaker. I Jefferson.
was completed with perfect system, The minister will be in charge of No. 9 S F.T.S. Centralia now have
and satisfaction' to all During Thurs
Chairman—A. J. McMurray, A. M�
Public Relations—Geo. Jefferson.
Salesmen—H. E. Rorke,' T: G. Setib
bins, A. J. McMurray.
Chairman—John Armstrong
1 Salesmen—John Armstrong, W. R,
Jewitt, W. J. Dale
Chairman --E. P. Chesney
Salesmen—Wm. Southgate, A. Nich-
olson, E'. P. Chesney.
Chairman—Elmer Webster
Salesmen—John McAsh, Edgar Butt,.
Carl Houston.
I Goderich Township
Chairman—Benjamin Bothwell
Salesmen—C. Laithewaite, Charles:
E. Wise, George Ginn.
1 It Pays To Advertise
1 In last' week's issue of the News -
Record a resident of Goderich• Town --
day and Friday some 3300 books evening worship. 148% of their quota Four plants l
Were received• bythe heads of house- Remember the Christian Education Canada Packers, Clinton; 1:+`ry and
Institute in Ontario St. United Blackhall, Wingham: Sherlock Man -
holds while on Sat. some 200 late -. Church on Thursday, Oct. 26.
Man -
comers •received books making a ring. Clinton; W. H. Gurney & Son,
total at Clinton Council Chamber of I Baptist Church Wingham, exceeded their quotas on
3500 books.
The Ladies Aid will nieet on Tues- the first day.
Distributionalso took place in day, Oct. 3], at 7,30 in the Church.' V
Clinton area ' at Bayfield, Varna, , The ,Boll call will be answered with
Auburn and Londesboro when books a verse fromyour favourite hymn. i British Bride Arrives 111
ship advertised that astray dog had:
come to his farm. Mr. J. A. Beechie;,
of Bayfield, owner of the dog, was.
so hippy to .get, bis dog back that he
gave $100. to those kind en-
ough to return his dog. to hint. It
Does pay to advertise.
V ..
Scout News
; Results of Scout Apple Day
Sale of'Apples $204.65
Expenses ..., , . , .. 47.00
I Profit $157.55
j Scout meeting next week will be'
on Wednesday night, Nov. 1 instead
of the usual meeting night because
were recorded: Bible - School at 11.00 Evening of .Hallowe'en. This' meeting •will:
I Brncefieldg
uting Chief for Clinton announces Romance of. Haute Missions" Read, Mrs. Irene M. Aikenhead, wife of V
names as' thea volunteer Checkers 12 Million Baptists America wasas• one S. thekgroupd of British ielr j Bayfield
appreciation the following Acts 1:8.
in'ca are . of group of War � Fall Fair
and Recorders on the following planning a forwards movement in Brides who arrived in Canada this The Bayfield Agriculltural Society
Sure defence against future wars: held avery successful Fair on Jet.
,11 and 12th when a large crowd at
St. Paul's tended to see a fine display in . alt
10.00 a.m. : Sunday School. classes, «
11:00 a.m. Morning Service Clinton; October 11944 j One of the most -`outstanding
3 p.m. Adult Bible Class features of the Fair .was the splen -
To the rate -payers of Clinton. did work done b
splen -
7 Evening Prayer. y ,schools and the
Ladies gentlemen:— lar
The Friendship Club will meet on ge entry of fine exhibits in each
Wednesday "evening, . November 1st, Permit me to express on behalf of class.
,Radford. at the home of Mrs. H. ensbeenber- th'e Council and myself our thanks The shield, donated* by the Bay-
J.For Friday: Mrs, 0. Lobb, Ms Mc- ger.and ,appreciation for the splendid' field Agricultural Society to tire•'
y support you gave to .the Sewerage School, winning the highest number
Ontario Street United Church By -Law on Wednesday, October 18t1i. of points in prizes at the fair was
Rev.• G. G. Burton will Preach.'I am sure you will not regret your won by S. S. No. 3 Stanley with total'
11.00 a.m. Topic: "Mountain Mov- decision to make your Town a more of 910 points, an average of 70
ers" ' healthful place in .which to live. points per pupil of school attendance.
2.00 p.ni. Turner's Church I We also wish to extend our grafi- Other schools tasking part in order of
7.00 pan.' The Significance of Dr. tude to, all members of the Citizens standing were:
days:—Horne and Foreign Missions. as a week
Thursday and Friday.
Checkers, Mr. M. Ransford, Mrs, E.
Adams, Mrs. F. Hanley,.
Recorders on Thursday: Mrs. P.
Manning, Mrs. W. Wallis, Mrs. F.
Townsend, Mal. Thorndike; - Mrs.
-Shanahan, Miss Carbett, •Mrs.,
•• Denomme, Mrs. I. M. Nay, Mr's:'
Vote Appreciated
Gill, Mrs. J. McKinley, Mrs. B.
Levis, Mrs. G. German, Mias D.
O'Neil, Mrs. Wells, Mrs. P. Man-
ning, Mrs. 'McGuffin,. Mrs. Thorn-
For .Saturday: Mr. Jefferson, Miss
E. Jamieson and .Miss K.j ,MeGill Stanley Jones' visit- to London, Ont. Committee for their good work, and S. S. No. 8 .Goderich Twp. 410 • p ts..
teachers of Public .School Staff. during the month of November. Dr. especially for -their sound advice and S. S. No. 8 Bayfield Senior room 640
10 Goderich Township
1 Stanley
6 •Stanley
8 Stanley
8 Bayfield (Junio
7 Stanley
The members ' of the School Com-
mittee of the Fair Board would like•
to thank the School Inspector and'
Teachers taking'
part '
for the 'splen--
did effort and fine co-operation,,
(Your obedient servant, given by them, which added so much:
Morgan J. 'Agnew, Mayor to the success of the Fair.
Mayor Agnew voicing his own Jones is a world known parson. Com recommendations. ' S. S. No.
eppreciation; and. that of • all consu- ing so near to us, we shallmake an 1 Allow me to state my personal 3. S. No.
mers of Clinton,. desires. to publicly effort to hear his message. view, that, if any one person deser- S. S. No.
2nnounce , his appreciation . of the Mon. 8.00 pan. Oct. 80th, H'aho- ves outstanding recognition, that S, S. No.
volunteer • services of all. the . above ween Night with The Young Peoples person is our M. 0. H., Dr. 3. W. S. 8. No.
Mentioned .names . for ;their -part- so Social Program and<,Refreshments, Shaw, whose great aim and untiring S. S. No.
ably completed in this another " 'Wed 8 p.m. Nov.. 1st Prayer and efforts to make Clinton a better and
Dominion -Wide war -work. !:'daise and Fellowship service. more healthful place tolive in, and
Mr. Norman ` Kennedy, Secy for I ` ,The ,W. A. will meet. on Wednes-' I trust he may be spared many more
Local Ration Board, assisted in re -day Nov. 1st at 3� o'clock in the years
to us. '
receive your free-will offering and ,eeivin_g supplies, .and in malting` re Sunday School room, • Will quiltgssI I am,
use it for "The Milk for Britain" turns' to Administration Board, Lon- please come ; early. Ladies of St.
fund. don. ( Georges Ward will serve.'