HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-10-19, Page 8E; THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD SUTTER 8 PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUSIBING & ELECTRICIANS PRIGN S 147w. CLINTON. ONT. Space donated by Plumsteel Bros. Arrow Skirts — Adam Hata — Scott & McHale Show fstr Mr Agehte Tip Top Tailors. If we have what you want The Price is Low. [. table of remnants and Cretonne Squares at Half Price, BROWN'S. One Door North of Royal Bank A ci;,4r, Seyeflh Victory Loan Campaign CK X Winghan � u 45�� � Monday et F• er 23rd Rev. W. o A e eecroft Chairman HURON COUNTY NATIONAL WAR FINANCE, COMMITTEE sit at home . We sit at bonne where it's nice and safe while our young ,nen face death hourly. They fight with their blood, their lives , for every incl: they gain in occupied countries. Not very fair, is it? �ti So how about squaring up the score ,,bit? Row about, doing 'without 'and making do with what we have to back them with every last dollar. Let's turn our savings into Victory Bonds today; then buy an extra bond and pay for it by instalments every pay day. Its Little enough to do— as we sit at home! divest in Victory G. R. McEwan Co. Books & Stationery PHONE 84 Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Paterson of Wiarton, are visiting friends in town. Miss' M. Elizabeth Courtfee of Mit- chell spent the week end with her aunt, Miss Harriet Courtiee. Miss Ellen Fremlin, of Hensel], .pent the week end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Prenilin. Mr. • P. Leonard,' who has been visit- ing Mrs. George Crooks, of Del- hi, for the past two weeks, has rettu'ned home, Miss i iieted Y-feard and Mrs. A. R. Cooper spent 'the week end with the latter's sister, Mrs, 1Ployd Lodge of Goderleh, MPs. Robert' Cal'negict and little daughter, Carolyn, of Nanahno, B.C., are 'sp0tttiing a few weeks with her parents, Mi. and Mrs. W. S. R, Holmes. Miss Beth Gooier, Miss 3illva Govier wed Miss Wilma Radforci spent the. week end in Toronto, and then went on to Ottawa to visit the former's aunt and; :rude, Brig. Gen oral and Mrs. E. Dewar. Those , out of town attending the, funeral of the late Di. Garrett were Mrs, R. Garrett, Sarnia, Mrs. • Walter S'ehoofi Imlay City, Mieh., Mrs. W. A. Camnbell, Mrs, Roy Dickson, Mrs. Geo. Boyer and Mrs. J, T. Ross, Toronto, Mrs. Bert Pricl'hani, Detroit and Mrs. Gordon Buchanan, Wingheen, Mrs. W. J. •Dyment, Chicago., Ill.. V---- EBENEZER The W. A, met at the home of Mir. ,Stewart Farquhar for the Oct. meeting' Mrs. Carman Tebbutt pre- sided at the meeting, which was opened by singing a hymn :followed by the L oyd's Prayer in unison. The minutes of the previous meeting were read' and tidopted. The roll call acs. responded to by eight anembers and there were two visitors` present. 1 The hell call for next month is to be answered by .each member showing he: wedding photograph. The Seripture 'reading and prayer' were given. by Rev. C. Tavener. A letter of thanks from Mrs. H. Lobb was read. ,: Reports of the Presbytery meet- le,- were given by Mrs. Ira Merrill "eel Rev. 0, Tavener. A reading Was ee'en by 1VIrs. C. Tebbutt. The meet- wee cloyed with. a hymn followed 't ;y the Miapah benediction. The next meeting will be heldat thdy home of Mr,. A, I-Iebden..Luitch was served !• the conclusion of.the meeting by n the hostess.. Enjoy A 30c Meal --,Fish &Chips LEVER'S FISH & CHIP RESTAURANT Maiy St. Clinton, Phone 91 Wishes to advise that their Fish and Chip Restaurant will be open at 8.30 pan. every Monday' eveningin- stead of Tuesday as previously ad- vised in this paper. Delivery will start on Tuesday noon 20c per order. 2 orders being the Minimum of 40e for delivery which will commence every noon Delivery 12 to 1 p.m. evening delivery 5 to 0.30 pm. Restaurant open for Fish and Chip -Meals Moon' arid sitppex,tiine' and' every night from Mon. to Sat. at 8 .nt • Delivery30pof six orders or more for parties at night. Phone 91. 30e Meal includes Fish and Chips, Tea. or Coffee and Bread and Butter. or 'soft drinks 7c extra. ' • Baking Sale The Stanley Community Club are holding a sale of home -baking and peoduee in Mrs.: T. J. Riley's waiting room on Superior Store Saturday, October 21 PHONE 111—CLINTON. 3 o'clock. 19-1 `C [LtRS... OCT. 19t1, 1944 FLOWERS For all Occasions F R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del. As. Personal care given every order and special attention given to Funeral Orders. • Phone - 176 and 31 WEDDINGS RABY-MASON Rev.'T. W. Neil . officiated at the wedding of Miss Elaine Marie Mason and Sergeant Frank Robert Raby of the Royal Canadian Air Force, Oct, 14th at the home of the bride. The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William A. Mason, 34 Spring Grove Ave., Toa;'anto, former ler of Clinton and• the groom is the only son of Mrs. Frank Raby and the Iate Mt..Frank Raby 328 Nairn Ave. Toronto: Given in marriage by her father the bride was gowned in white vel- vetiere on princess lines with train frothed with tulle veiling and accent- ed with 'red roses. Mrs. Joseph Nash sister of the, bride was matron of honor and was in pink taffeta and tulle headdress and carried pink roses. Best man was Mr. Joseph Nash. For the reception the bride's another chose a gown of blue flower- ed voile with a corsage of pink car- nations, Navy -,blue with pink car- nations was the ensemble ' of the groom's mother. After the ceremony: the reception was held at the home) of the bride, Spring Grove Ave. HEARD—HARRISON A eimening wedding tools place at tlio home of the bride's brother and sister-in-law, i12r, and Mrs. Wilmer Harrison, Cut Line, Goderich Town- ship, on Oetober 16th at four o'clock when Theodora Elizabeth (Dora) youngest daughter .of Mrs. and the late James Harrison became the bride of Ninian W. W. Heard, Strat- ford, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jno,,.Heard, Stanley Township. The bride was. given in marriage by her oldest brother Winner Har- rison. Her only attendant was Mrs, Bert Harris, cousin of the bride. The groom was attended by his brother, J. L. Honed, of Clinton. Mrs.. George Lindsay played the wedding music and also played softly during. the signing of the•register. Rev. A. S. Colwell of Bayfield and Patter's hill United Churches ,per- forsned the ceremony in, the living room before a bank of autmmt leaves and flowers. The bride chose a floor length gown of white crepe, fashioned with sweetheart neckline, torso leng- th Fbodice and gathered shirt. • She worea string of pearls and moon- stone brooch, To cemplete her cos- tunic she wore a chapel veil of silk nes; embroidered : with flower border, and carried •• a cascade .bouquet of briarcliffe'roses. The Matron of Honour wore a two- piece suite of Rose Beige crepe, a aalf hat with shoulder .length veil and wore navy accessories. Her cor- sage ,was Talisman ;roses. Receiving with the bridal party was the• bride's' niother and Mrs.. J. Tl. Heard (sister-in-law el 'the groom). Mrs. Harrison wele a navy blue and white printed crepe dress and -a corsage of, pink carnations. Mrs. Beard wore a powder blue net dress and'a' corsage- of pink canna Ione.• • Following a buffet ittncheon the bride and groom left; on a honey- moon. The bride travelled in a two- iece suit of. Ramona Wool . crepe in victory Red with black accessories. Space donated by T., A. THflMPO Pre. Delivery GODERICH TOWNSHIP Mr, and 1VIrs. C. B. Middleton have returned home after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh J. Middleton, Lea - The S. S. No.. 4 Unit of the 'Red Cross ?net last week ,at the home of Mrs. S. Farquhar.- Mrs. Frank Jones presided at the .meeting, which was opened by repeating the Lord's Prayer..' The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. The treasurer's report wad given. The roll call was answered . bei nine members bringing in Pennies, and there was one visitor. The roll call for next month is "A Christmas 'recipe." Following the business discussion the meeting was sir - Tw E' weememeimumweemeememommilewaw •:"' 8 e'� �g ' 4 ��n�;� 4 Sb VALUES FOR OCTOBER 20th and 21st. CURLING DRIED VAN CAMP'S 'PRE-COOKED PEAS 2 pkgs. 23c I3EANS 2 pkgs. 23e .~--- CATELLI'S EGGWHEAT SWINGS LEMON PILI; NOODLES 2 pkgs 25c FILLER .2 tins 25c CANADA'S f1NEST 10 'REIM y4 WHITE HEINZBABYSALTFoods 3 for 25 2 15c v pkgs., Heinz },(w,r.w" 't Tomato Soup 2 tins 19 COWAN'S II r Cocoa lb. 21e Heinz Beefsteak , LONG awtemnc--ua+osuw rror cone Sauce bt. 27c 4 CAKE 5c Heinz Vegetable cam. Soup 2 tins 25 \ HEALTHGLO Corn Flakes ' Heinz Tomato e-ee.. 3 pkgs. 21e 'Juice tin 11c CAKE 5c. GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES CAULIFLOWER PEPPERS =SQUASH —BROCCOLI—OINIONS SWEET POT'ATO'ES -. CABR'A,GE, -- LETTUCE — CARROTS CALIFORNIA SWEET 220's California Red Emperor ORANGES doz. 49c GRAPES lb, 25c FLORIDA SEEDLESS' 96's CHOICE HEARTS OP GRAPEFRUIT 3 - 25e CELERY bunch 170 CALIFORNIA JUICY 360's No. 1 McINTOSH RED LEMONS 3 for 11c APPLES:4 lbs. 290 . M.,SHE.ApING PHONE 48 FOR QUALITY FOODS — CLINTON vow The Nee4 Is Greater For total vietory he fights a total war. For nothing Tess will he lay down his arms. For your sake he's willing to gamble on coming through alive. Whether he does or not is decidedly your affair.... The' imminence of victory has climaxed the respopsibilities of the home front. Canada's borrowing needs' today are greater, not less: To see the uniformed services get all they need to win -with minim- um losses is still our biggest' job. NOW is the -hour to bay Victory Bonds — one more than before! Invest 'in Victory BUY VICTORY BONDS Space Donated By BALL e ZAPFE DOUGLAS G. BALL Phone 110 Store Phone. 195 J. .3. ZAPPE Phone 103 Space Donated By Hawkins Hardware PI,UMI3ING AND HEATING PHONE 244 +vwvvavaeemsrae.r.r..wvry...�....�.•.raw.yvv+�eeav: WEEK END SPECIALS Wonderful Soap 5 bars 19e Wonderful Soap Powder pkg.., 19c. Sunlight Soap, 4 bars 250 Many Flowers Toilet Soap 5 bars 25c nig Ben Hardwatei• Soap. cake ..5e `1X0 CUBES. pkg. 10c and 25c INTERLAI(E Toilet Tissue 3 ,els25e READYCUT Macaroni 5 els. 25e KRAFT LINNER pkg. 19e LYNN Valley Peas 20 oz. 2 for •25c CA..MPBELLS Tomato Soup .. 10e closed. with the Mizpah benediction, l A guilt was quilted during the after CALIFORNIA SWEET ORANGES noon, the materials being donated by Mrs. F. Jones anti Mrs. W. Rue - ger. A gift donated by Mrs. R. Thompson, was sold• by tickets, with Maas. F. Jenes' drawing the lucky ticket. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs, Arthur• Hebden. Mrs. Lillian Jowett and' Mrs, Luau- bohm of'•Baylield, Mrs: Hattie Ste- wart and Misses Agnes Wand Myna Middleton of Goderieh were Sunday guests 'with Mr. and Mrs. .Jona Middleton. Miss Myna Middleton re- maining until Tuesday. Mr. and Alm. Arthur Welsh' spent the week enol with Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Reed' of London, M]ss Elizabeth. Middleton who is attending Westere University, spent the .week end at her home, 9th cot. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Welsh spent' Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Cempbell. Ma and Mrs. Merritt Nedrger and Clara Were guests on Sunday of 1VIr. and 1VIrs, Fred Waffle. p ! . 344s 29e --• 288s 39'ei- 920 49c TURNIPS, GRAPES, YAMS, ,etc. W. L. JOHNSON PHONE 286 GROCER DELIVERY HOURS 4 to 6 .p.M. First Mortgage Loans.. If additional money is needed, to .help you but r roduetive fame send us particulars. Possiblyy we can assist you. ,through our loaning department. Attractive terns. All inquiries treated confidentially, lium'ro, i &Erie MOIZ1'CAc1I; COrWOIIATION• London Windsor St Thomas Chatham Space donated by ree. Delivery;`.