HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-10-19, Page 1'The Clinton News -Record Est.. 1878
With ; Which is Incorporated The
"No. 6119 67th YEAR
Clinton New Era
ec r
The New 1'r:1 Est.1867
Our Responsibility
Your dollars and mine must buy the tools of war. More and more
are needed'to put an end to the horror and the bloodshed. Let's not
lose sight of our responsibility to the. lads who are giving so much
for us: Our dollars -will make it easier for them to reach the goal
our leaders . have; set — "unconditional surrender" of our vicious
enemies. They're not letting us down How tan we fail them? Let's
buy all the Victory Bonds we tan — AND THEN•, ONE MORE!
Invest in Victory
Space Donated By
You'll be glad in December
that you bought it in October.
Make it a rule to buy only
What you need, but to buy as
soon as possible.
We have for immediate selling:
All Wool and Part Wool Bl- '
ankets, in a great Variety of Qual-
ities and colors.
Women's and Children's Cash-
mere and Union Hosiery, Includ-
ing Boys' Knee Socks, sizes up to
36" Flannelettes suitable for
Gowns and Pajamas, Plain White
and Stripes.
Many And
Other lines of merch-
andise for the Colder days ahead.
— .—
r . .. L.... _.n�nai':11i5N ♦."i-Ai'f, u.x5''• _ 4Y tN Ivn� -' C^ ,}+�• �'ilFc . S .
Large Majority in Favor of Proposed
{ Sewerage System
The Citizens of Clinton went to the
Polls on Wednesday, October 18th to
vote on a money by-law, which
would finance the proposed sewerage
system. for the town,•'of Cinton.
The vote by wards:
St. Andrews
St.- James
St. Johns
S. Georges
Blood Donor Clinic
Those in •charge of the Clinton
Blood Donor Clinic wish to acknow-
ledge the following gifts, which were
We are appealing again for good given to the last Clinic, October
used clothing for a bale for Russia,10th: bread, Mr, H. Bartlif£, one qt.
Please 'leave anything you may have cream, 2 qts. milk, Fairholme Dairy;
in the Red Cross rooms by Oct. 30. two quarts cream, The County Home;
National Chairman Lauds Women's one quart of Maple Syrup, Mrs.
Wor1y 'Noble Holland; one. jar of marmal,
"We are in the midst of great and. ade, Mrs. Sly; one pound of butter,
historic events these days which are no name.
unfolding with: almost bewildering) Donations for the next clinic, Nov.
speed. It must be 'thrilling indeed oto 4th, will be very much appreciated.'
the men and women and children of j V;
Canada who have so staunchly sup.
ported the Society through five years; • RQbekah Installation
of war,,to see their Red Cross sup -1
plies pouring in to relieve the suffer- Sis. Flossie Seiner D. D. P. and
ing of our wounded . and bringing Staff visited Clinton Rebekah lodge
comfort to our Forces on the newly= to install the following officers fgs
won battle -fields of Europe. 11944-45.
"It is for this the women workers N. G. Sis. H. Plumsteel.
of this country have laboured un-' V.G.. Sis. M. Sloman
ceasingly, patiently, with the cour2 Con. Sis. V. Knights.
age of endurance, through the many War, Sis. M. Mulholland.
long days of this war. Their job hasTreas. Sis.'Aphrew Steep.
had no fanfare; oftentimes it has' E•ec. Sec. Sis. G. Sutter
been tedious, monotonous—but they Fin. Sec. Sis.. M. Judd.
stuck to it in spite of everything,' R. S. N. G. Sis. D. Miller
As a. result millions of articles of L.'S. N. G. Sis. A. Jervis.
supplies have come front the work Chaplain Sis. M. Nickerson.
of their hands and• are to -day meet- I R: S.' V. G. Sis. A. Glow,
ing surgical and hospital needs on L. 5.-V. G. Sis: M. Jenkins.
the battlefields and bringing warmth' I. G. S•is. M.Taylor.
and comfort to our airmen, soldiers i 0. G. Sis. E. 'Gould
and sailors in their heroic under -1J. P. N. G. Sis. M. Cook
takings. After the installation, a dainty
"Too great credit cannot be ac -I lunch was served by the lunch corn
corded these women who quietly inittee and a social half Hour was
have done so much, asking only to be spent.
of service. They are strong in their; •
determination to make their work
during the remainder of the war
keep, pace with the supreme efforts
being put forth by the men and wo
VICTORY LOAN OPENS OCT 23 The Canvassers• for the town . of
Canvassing for the seventh Victory ,Clinton will be Messrs. T. G. Setib-
Loan will begin next Monday ,Oct. :bins, H.'E, ,Rorke, and A. J. McMui•-
23rd. ,ray.
vised by the Department of National meeting was 'held. The following
Defense For Air, Ottawa (R.C.A,l' Brownies completed their Tender
Records Officer for Chief of the Air foot test and will be enrolled' soon:
Staff) that her son Robert Douglas Sybil Anne Epps, Woodena Epps and!
McKenzie has been promoted to the Joan Warnock.
rank of Flight Sergeant with effect I On Friday the Guides met as us
from May 14th, 1942. i ual. Catherine Fingland of the
V Swallow's passed the Rules of Health
LOCAL ITEMS 1 and Jean Nediger of the Nightin-
gales passed the Useful Article Test
Mayor Agnew has made arrange- and The Posture and Appearance
ntents with the Lions Club to put on Test. The other Guides practised;
a Hallowe'en Party for the Children, Pirst Aid and' The Rules of Health kt
The coloOr arty -this week was Via,
on Tuesday, October 31: 1 p
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Maxwell of from the Swallow's patrol.
Bayfield have come to Clinton for V
the winter and are occupying Mrs• I Released Missionary From
Gantelon's home on Kirk Street. I F. P. Galbraith, publisher of the.
Mrs. Gertrude Palmer has re- I . China I Iced Deer Advocate and newly el -
turned home after spending the • Mr• and Mrs, C. Hoare, of the 1 ected President of the Canadian.
past several weeks in Victoria Hos-;
Fruit Farm on Saturday- after- Weekly Newspapers Association,
pital, London. I noon received `a visit from -Miss has despatched the following tnes-
On Tuesday evening, when Mr. Henrietta Wilson, a special friend of I sage to all publishers of weekly
Gerald Brown of Hullett Township Mrs. Hoares, whop she knew in newspapers in Canada as the Seventh.
went to start up his car which was earlier Church and Mission Work in Victory Loan campaign opens:
parked at •corner of .Cutter and King
London. Miss Wilson was a Mission- ( "It is from the rural districts that
.ary in special work in the City of I th. Again
Streets, a small fire was ignited. •Canton, China: After the. city sur- Canada draws her strength. Prompt •action by some men who rendered to the Japanese, she was and again governments and busm
were passing, helped to save the car, rendered to the Jepahese, she was in- ses draw their leaders from the
which was only slightly damaged. terned at Hong Kong, Recently she 1 feigns, the tillages and the towns
Rev. W. A. Beecroft will open the: was repatriated on a 'Swedish ex- or ri nn this war the farms, the
Victory Loan Campaign on Monday change ship. She was also a graduate • villages and the towns
morning at 8.45 over C.K,N,X, with nurse at Pontiac, Mich. before enlist-' have proved their quality. Now the
a radio broadcast. M s ary ' worl under Dr Seven 1 V• t • • Loan faces us. Once
MILITARY NEWS Girl Guides and Brownies
Mrs. R. W. DIcKenzie has been ad- On Monday the regular Brownie'
Space Donated By
erg .0 • The Lions' Club held their regular
men who are risking so piuch for meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 10th with
our freedom and happiness. Lion Dick Jacob presiding. Two now N.G. Bro, A. E. Rumball,
pp members, Geo. M.Lay and Clifford
Red Cross salutes its women work- Epps, joined the Club. Two letter:' V.G. Bt•o. George Beattie
which had,been received from Sam. R S N.G. Bro. Nediger
v• Castle, -/ ere read and very much L S N.G. Bro. McIntyre
enjoyed by the members. R.S.S. Bro. Draper
Boy Scouts Exceed Object4 - Lss. Bro. McLay
ive on Apple Day Chaplain Bro, Hall '
AMONG THE CHURCHES warden Bro. Little
The Boy Scout Apple Day was a Con. Bro. Sutter
success beyond expectations, . and the All members using the dup�ieate R•S,V.G. Bro. Kennedy
First Clinton Lions Troup wish to envelopes are asked to keep their L.S.V. G. Bro. Thompson
thank the people of Clinton and also cartons,becattse new ones are tut- I G Bro. Taylor
the members of. Clinton Radio Scbool available. 0, G. Bro: Johnson.
for their fine support of the Scout. Presbyterian Chureh Secretary H. W. Gould
movement. I Rev..J. H. F:turot of Toronto, will Treasurer J. L. Heard.
—= V occupy the,pulpit next Sunday at- 11 V
Navy League News o'clock. Sunday School at 10 o'clock. For the S. A. Home Front
installation Of _ Officers
Bro. R. .Scott, District Deputti
• ing in Missionary tt to or
Savage.more -the boys overseas are asking-
sking`for our financial support. This time
• it is more important than ever
Annual Frolic Raises Money for li to give ou The enemy
is reeling but not out. We need to
Grand Master of this district install -1 For Red Cross put in that knockout punch that will,
ed the officers of Clinton Lodge. He 1 finish the fight. Buy more this time
was accompanied lay a staff of Last Wednesday, the amoral Frolic than you've ever done before and
district officers from Brucefield• sponsored by the Cliitthn Lions Club, help finish the job:'
After the installation lunch was ser- was held, with proceeds for the Clin
ved and an enjoyable time was spent ton Branch of the Red Cross.
The Officers installed were,— 1 In connection with the frolic, 0 Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Lawless, Wal-
draw was held 'on several valuable ton, John Keys, Varna, and Mary W.
I -prizes, the proceeds of which will be Harwood, Sgt. and Mrs, William
' used by the Red Cross Evening Conron, Rev. Andrew Lane. Rev,
!Auxiliary to send Christmas gifts and Mrs. G. G. Burton and R. Benson
to Clintonians serving overseas.• Sutter all'of Clinton.
1 •The winners o? the prizes are as Sacred Musicale
follows: --desk, Reg. Ball; Chair, was held in Auditorium of Wesley-.
'Alvin Sharpe; lamp, Bob Morgan: Willis following the evening service
leather lit, Mrs. R. McAdam; .set of Sunday Night, s
trays, Mrs:' Wm. Shaddick; blankets, Sponsored by Wesley -Willis Y.P.U.
Max. Carter; flashlight, J. E. Gib- Presided over by Sgt. W B. Coclron.
• son; shaving set, Mrs. R. Hattin; President.
bath salts, Ed'. Mittell; chocolates, Programme—
W. E. Parket: Violin Solo --Arnold C Earl,
• V Organ Solo—Mrs. Morgan J. Agnew
Vocal Solo—Betty Craig
Young People Meet IOtgan and Piano Duet—Mrs M. J.
Agnew and Mrs. Bud Miiier.
St. Paul's
The executive of Huron Presbytery
AppealVocal Duet—Eileen Sutter and Mary
The Navy League will meet in the , 10.00 /Ian: Sunday School. Y. P. U. met at the hone of Benson Lane
Royal Bank. on Monday, October' 11.00 am.. Morning Prayer. The Campaign on behalf of the Sutter.. the past president during the
23rd at 8 o'clock 3' p nr Adult Bible Class.
Salvation Army Horne Front appeal past week end. Plans were made 'or Violin Solo—Arnold C. 'Earl.
The members of the local Navy 7,00 p.m. Evening Prayer
Piano Solo—Mrs, Bud Miller
has come to a conclusion, the 8010 ti i' Annual Fall Pally to be held la Remarks -Rev. E. C. Copeland, G:r•
League are very much pleased- at : The Chancel Guild holds a sew- of $335.75 being the total amount' Femondville on rridav, ; November i vie, president of London Con-
the splendid response to the apgieal fug meeting iti'the Otven Memorial raised. 3, An invitation was extended to ferenee,`
to fill: Ditty bags. Since 20,000 rttoie Hall on Thursday Oct, `loth at 8 p,tn, '1'he.Corps Officers major Clarkei London conference to hold the 19.16 Refreshments served in church hall.;
bags are needed this year from ; • Pall Convention in Huron. As well as `�
Baptist Church
Ontario alone, your local committee 1 f
the regular bu,iue7s meeting it was
hopes to increase the number they Baptist Services will be held as a' week end of spirituel Fellowship BARNA
sent to Headquarters last year.usual, Bible School at 11 a.m. Even with Rev. G. F. N. Atkinson of
Our grateful thanks go out to ing Worship 7.. p.m. Subject "A New Brucefield as the leader. On Sunday Mr, and Mrs. J. T. Reid of London
those who are so wholeheartedly 1 Song,' --bo •we believe that the order , •nierni;:g the executive were in charge: spent Sunday with relatives in the
anxious. to help. It makes the work and power of Matt. 28:19-20 has of se• vices in Ontario St, Church, village and on.their return were ac -
entailed, a joy.
and .Lieutenant Golem wish to
thank all who gave to the work o
the Salvation Army, including the
various industries and local organs-
They would.. aho• thank, Mrs. N.
Trewartha, the Red Shield President
'and her workers, Mrs N Miller,
Questions we are sometimes asked:
Question: What time -must the
been changed,'
Wesley -Willis
11.00 a.m. Morning Worship. Ser..
bags be returned? mon subject. "The Church As the
Answer:By November the first ifiBody of Christ."
12.10 Church School.
7.00 p.in. Evening Worship
Sertiion Subject -"Invitation to Live"
possible, but the deadline is Novem
ber fifteenth.
Question: To whom are they re-
turned and where? ,
Answer: To Pattison's Store or to
Mrs. Frank Fingland.
Question; Age Ditty Bags opened
at Headquarters`+
. Ontario Street United Church
11,00 a.m. Rev. C. F. N. Aticinsot,
B,A. of Brucefield will be the guest
Answer: Never, unless it appears 1 Near Noon Ontario St. Sunday
that one is inadequately filled then. School.
more comforts may be added. These I 2.00, p.m. Rev. C, G. Button will
bags are regarded as a sacred trust preach .at Turner's Church. '
by the Navy League, 7.00 pm. Rev, G. G. Boston will
Da not amiss this golden; oppol•tun-,1 occupy his own pulpit. The subject
1 ity to .do something for the boys Will be distinctly evangelistic, with
who are doing so much for you, 1 hymns • of Redemption. Hymns that
More of the generous ones are: touch the Bear;,
Lafalot Club 1; Everting Auxiliary ' Monday 8.00 p.m. Young People's
Patriotic Fmtd, pj School of .Com- Union, Missionary department in
merce 2; Marie Connell., 1; Mrs. J. charge of Visa Mildred 1Vilt'se. Oct,
Zapfe, 1; Mrs, Clifford Epps,' 1; 30th will be Hallowe'en Night, Social
Rebekah j Lodge, 3; Mrs. 11 John- evening,
stop, 1.; Mrs, Kyle,, 1, Mr.:;. Swan, 1; Wed. 8.00' pan Evening •of Prayer
i `-1'M',•s: 4%:Atm gr. 1..-. d Pi -ale All .are •invited.
R. Benson Sutter, Past President,: eonnpanied by Mrs, E. Chutor who,
Mrs, Ken Elliott, Mrs, G. ,Cooper, Presided Helen J. Phillips, Presidcnl' will visit with her daughter.
and Mrs, H. Mannahan, who made Pertly Presbytery', led in Player, The W. A. of St Johns Church met
Ma I. set Henry, President
of 1111011 at the Monte of Mrs. D. A. Galbraith
this splendid result possible. Pres.vtery gave Scripture and story on Thursday afternoon. The after -
V '`Thu La<t Natural" in place of sermon, noon was s ens in inhssionar tivotk.
Mrs. Douglas Lawless, .Missions P y
Ol?SerVlty Anniversary ('onvener, Solo, Arnold C. Earl, Cul- At the close of the nteetiiig a ebiek-
t�re Convener Violin Recital, en Supper was served by, the hostess.:
Mi.' 8, B. •"Steve" 'Stothers, agri-I Evening 'service in Wesley Willis There were ten ladies present.
cultural representative at Arthu . Mrs, "E. Smith sant a few days
and Inas wife, last 'week' Passed an Church, Margaret J. Henry pre; i'en p y
Vera E•, �Vasniiclge President London last week in London and on her i•e-
important niti'.estone, their "silver Conference, Prayer, ,Rev. G. F. N. turn was accompanied by her daugh-
wedding. 14Ir, and Mas. Stoners will Fitl ion ter, Sermon: Sgt• tiV• B. Cotror tet, Mrs. ',Dodsworth. '
he remembered by many hi Cinton Music Convener, Solo. ArnoldC Mr. and Mrs. W. McBride visited
and�Hetrict as Mr. Stothei was Agr with Mrs. 14I. Reid Sunday,
culture Representative in Huron Earl, Violin' Recital. Word was received that Pte. Har
County at the time of his mAriage, Rev Andrew Lane assisted by Rev
The United Church, ,Arthur pre- 'G. r'. N. Atkinson served' comnm ' Vey. Parsons was killed while 'sery
Bente(' the couple with a gift of sil; ion to the executive m Wesley- 1Vil- ing' overseas. We extend our sym-
ver to stark the',occasion, .and their' li.s church at 6 o'clock. pathy to his relatives,
dangh`er; Elizabeth with her husband Those Present: Vera E. W. Wasniclg Rev. Gaudy. of Forest, preached
P.O, R. C. Passmore dropped in on London, • Helen S. Pliil'i,s; Listowell, Anniversary Sermons in the Ut"ced
a surprise visit, from North, Battle- Magaret J. H•eniy, Mary Laying,Church Sunday. 'Botha morning and
ford, Sask.The other children are Exeter, 'Barbara Michie, Henson, evening services were well attended.
Miss Agnes'Stoners, B.A., high Rev, G. 5'. N. Atkinson, Bru,cefbel'ci, Mrs, Bandy assisted the choir in the
school 'teacher at Stoney Ci cel.; Mr. and Mrs. Allan Shaddick, Lon- evening and sang two solos.
Kathleen,_ at McMaster Univet si .lesbrro, Mrs, Gilbert Beeeroft Bel- Miss Ruby Reid is recovering slow -
Stephen, at Arthur High School; .a.i1 r^r':•.vc:, I1.. Clarence, McCleneghan, ly after her illness. Everyone ivi-11-•
3311111, attending public school- 4Vititechurcit, �r„nld_f 11i'iv1 Ibel. es her''a complete. recovery.