HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-10-12, Page 8Now IS the time 't0 have your furnace over hauled or a new one in- stalled. Give her the once over. SUTTER PERDUE HARDWARE. PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS PHONE 147w. marrow, .ONT. Fall and Winter Clothing MEN'S SUITS - Smart new styles in two or three button' sack coats with peaked or notch lapels Fancy Tweeds and Worsteds at $24.50 to $30.00 MEN'S TOPCOATS and Heavy Winter Overcoats plain dark greys and blues or fancy tweeds newest models Priced from $2L00 to $27.50 BOYS SUITS are difficult to procure but we have' at present a nice assortment `of sizes on our racks and priced to sell. MEN'S Black or Brown Calf Oxfords Goodyear welts and Mackays fancy or plain $2.75 to $7.50, MEN'S WORK BOOTS and RUBBER BOOTS for the wet weather at the lowest possible prices. • Plumsteel Bros. Arrow Skirts' - Adam fiats ':- Scott & McHale Shaer for Yes Agents Tip Top Tailors. Huron -Perth Liberal Association NOMINATION CONVENTION TOWN HALL, HENSALL Tuesday, October 17 1944 at 8.30 p.m. SPEAKERS: The Hori. Angus MacDonald, Fed- eral Minister of Naval Affairs; W. H. Golding M. P. for Huron -Perth Dr. 4. R Campbell, President W L. Whyte Sec. -Treasurer Everyone Welcome "GOD SAVE THE KING" If we have v‘that you want The Price is Low. A table of remnant's and Cretonne Squares at Half Price. BROWN'S One Door North of Royal Bank JIULLETT TOWNSHIP to $135 The regular monthly meeting of the • Lafalot Club was held on Thurs- day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ii•.' Leishman, with a good attendance. The meeting was opened by the sing- ing of "Onward Christian Soldiers", followed by Lite Lord's Prayer re- peated ' p t d m unison. • Daring the business period it was decided to hold, a booth at George Mann's Auction Sale on ,October 9th and sell not-dogs,coffee, sandwich - Tickets were sold on a sandwich plate. The lucky ticket was held by Mrs. R. Freeman, Proceeds amounted A dainty ten cent tea was served Iby the hostess and the meeting clos- ed with'the singing of God Save the King. • The next meeting will be held, at the home of Mrs. Geo, Mann, Thurs, afternoon Nov. 2nd, V The reason wh Y the bosom of a beautiful woman is an object of such peculiar delight arie,es 'from hence: that alI' our first pleasurable sensa- tions of warmth, sustenance, and ie. pose are derived from this interest. ing source, -L', C. Colton. ' or,.Those ho Like, a 17ifie Stationery. We have .a Dimity Vellum and Dimity Linen with en- velopes to match. These two items are of the very finest quality. We have a good.assorta ment of serving trays and individual lap trays in van bus designs and shapes. Also a large assortment of good table mirrors. G. .R. McEwan Co. Books & Stationery PHONE 84 "OFTEN THE CHEAPEST ALWAYS THE BEST" ?Hiss Lucy Levy ,is returning this week to her duties on the nursing staff of London Sanatorium. Mr. Wallace MacDonald of Toronto, visited his parents', CpI. and Mrs. garet Colquhoun. R. MacDonald over the week end. Soccer Kick ley Betty Woolley, Miss Lois Kearns of Woodstock Ardyss Inkley, 3. Lois Mi.ddlet Rumting High Juntp-1, Marga spent the week end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. 13. W. -Kearns, Miss Manson of Bayfield returned home on Friday after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eraser, in town. Mrs. R. Stonehouse of Goderich spent Thanksgiving weekend at the 'home 'of Mir, and Mrs. N. L. Carter, Huron. Road East' Airs. Lew Trouse of Woodstock has returned home after spending a week at the home of Mrs. Fred Livermore and friends in town. Mrs. T. E. Hull, teacher at Northern Vocational and Miss Jo Ante, Cun- inghame of University College, Toronto, were hotne for Thanks-/ giving. Mr. and Mrs. Hiles Carter of Forest Hill School staff, Toronto, spent Thanksgiving week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Canter. Miss Elsie Sperling R. N., who has been' visiting hen• mbther, Mrs. Mary Sperling has returned to her position in "The Women's Hospit- al", Detroit. Me. and Mrs. Earl Livermore and son Carl of Stratford spent the Thanksgiving week end at the home. of Mr. Livermore's mother, Mrs. F. Livermore. Miss M, Gibson, Post Graduate Nurse of New York, is spending the Thanksgiving holiday at the home of her brother, Mr. E. E. Gibson, Ontario Street. Mr. John Heintzs of Zurich spent the week end and holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert .Leibold and small daughter Marion at their Hill View Farm, Goderich Township. TUT$;, OCT. 1204,' 1941:: Lating• accek'nsiloclatioirs are now available,' 12 neon to 1 pan. 5 to 6.30 roni Tuesday noon 'till Saturday night closed all day Sunday. and Monday Special deli8ery of fish ; and chips min]m.unt order delivered 400' Lever's Residence, Mary street phone 91. Clinton. Aminal COUNTRY FAIL mtder the auspices of the W. A. of Wesley -Willis Church Saturday, October 14 in The' Church Hall of the church commencing at 3 o'clock / Afternoon Tea Home -baking Produce Novelties TEA MENU Pressed Chicken Salad Brown andwhite bread and butter pickles Pie Tea Supper for business people from 6 to 7 'o'clock 40c Euchre . Party Tuesday, Oct. 17, at 8 o'clock In Agriculture ,Board Rooms Under Auspices : of the Women's Institute, Admission 25c Proceeds for Overseas Boxes 18-1 C. C. I. FIELD DAY (Continued from page 11 Fremlin, 2. iifargt ret Shoebottom, ;3. Eileen -Suttee. Soccer Throw -1„ A4Iy Lou Thomp- son, 2. Margaret - Shoebottom, 3. Mary Lane. rarget Throw -1. Ally L+ou Thomp- son, 2. June Middleto 1, Margaret Shoebottom. Basketball Throw -1. Ally Lou Thompson, 2. June Miller, 3. June Middleton, Intermediate Girls 50 yd. dash -•1. Kathleen Powell, 2. Margaret Colquhoun, 3. Marion Peck. 75 yd. dash -1, Kathleen Powell, 2 Marion Peck, 3. Margaret Colqu- houn, Running Broad Jump -1. Kathleen Powell, 2. Lois Middleton, 3, Mar - Mrs. ,Shaddiek of Hallett arid. Mrs, Wm. 'JCelly of -Saskatchewan call- ed recently 'on, Mn. and Mrs. Char- les Weser, while visiting friends in town. It is eighteen years since Mrs. Kelly was east. Mrs. Kelly is returning to her, home in Saskat- chewan this week, ' accompanied by Mrs. Shaddick, 2 on. ret Colquhoun, 2. Joan Hann, 3. Lois Middleton, Soccer Throw --1. Manion Peck, Ardyss Inkley, , 3. Kathleen Powell Target Throw -1. Kathleen Powell, 2. Bette l3runsdon, Mildred Far- quhar. Basketball Throw -1, Elinor Gle Marion Peck, Kathlden Powell. Junior Girls 50 yd. dash -1. Catherine Fingland, 2. Grace Lobb, 3. Jean Nediger. 75• yd. dash -1. Grace Lobb, 2, Cath- erine Fingland, 3. Jean Nediger. Soccer Kick -1. Doreen Glazier, 2. Mona Reid, 3. Beverly York.' Running High Jump -1, Blanche Japfe, 2, Joan Fines, 3. Beverly York. - Soccer Throw -1. Shirley Jones, 2 Doreen Glazier, 3. Catherine Fingland. Target Throw 1. Blanche Zapfe, 2. Doreen McGuire, 3.. Jean Nediger. Running Broad- Jump --1. Grace Lobb 2. Joan Fines, 3. Evelyn Johns, Basketball Throw -1. Grace Lobb, 2. Catherine .Fingland, 3. Beverly York. Girls Relay Races Sr. Girls -1. M. Lane, J. Middleton, A.• McCartney, H. Frei/din. 2.A. L. Thompson; 31. Shoebotto E, .,Sutter, J. •Miller. Intermediate Girls . n 1. L. Middleton, A. Inkley, M. Peel M, Colquhoun. 2. K. Powell, R. Hood, J. -.Rahn, M. Glhidon. . • . • Junior Girls 1. I Chowen C. Fingland, M. Tal- bot,'J. Fines. 2. B 'Zapfe, G. Lobb, D: McGuire, M. Reid. • 3. 3. Lainpman, J. Elliott, J. Nediger, 13 York. , 2. FLOWERS For all Occasions F R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del. As: Personal care given every order and special attention given to Funeral Orders, . Phone 176 and 31 Superior Store PHONE 111--CLINTON, SPECIALS FOR OCTOBER, 12, 13, 14 QUICK QUAKER Oats lge pkg. 19c PREM -A -PORK Product tin ....29c MUFFETS 2 pkgs. 19c CHICKEN HADDIE tin 29c NEILSON'S COCOA'. 1/2 lb. tin 19c 1 lb. tin 29c PALMOLIVE SOAP 3 bars , . 19c SILVO SILVER POLISH L. btl; 25e OXO CUBES 4s 100 OXO CUBES lOs 25c ROYAL YORK TEA r/ lb, ... , 38c JUNKET POWDERS pkg. , . • . 12c CHAN FLOOR Wax lb. tin 59c JAVEX bottle] , 15c SUNLIGHT SOAP 3 bars 19c HILLOREST SHORTENING lb10c ORANGES, size 252s doz. 43c LEMONS, Size 360s 3 for , . , 1Ic EPPER SQUASH 6 for 25c ew, p 1. B. THDMPSON NOTICE Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 8 of the Voters Lists Act, and that I have posted up at my office at Clinton on the 21st day of September, 1944, the list of all persons entitled to vote on a Money By-law' and such list n1, remains there for inspection, And I hereby gall, upon all voters t, to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor- rected according to law, tate last day for appeal being the 12th day of October 1.944. . V Summerhill Red Cross The ladies of 'the Sunurierhili Red Cross met in the hall on September 27th. With ,the President presiding, the meeting openedby singing "The Maple Leaf Forever", ,accompanied by Mrs. C. Ball. This was followed by the Red Cross Prayer and the Lord's Prayer. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. ,Seventeen members and four visitors were present. The treasurer road her report. $66.77 was realized, from the entertainment on September ,22nd. The knitting corn - Thanksgiving guests at the' home tnittee reported that daring the or Mt s Maty Snarling included month pail of September nine p of Mr,, and Mrs, A, Arnold, Mn, and grey socks, five pair of Airrforce Mrs, Ti 0.'-Rathwell, Robt: Rath socks, one grey helmet 'and one ur1(, •35, and Mrs. J. Wea'i•en of khaki scarf had been, turned in. A letter was read from Pte. Elwyne Blake; Who is now stationed in England, expressing thanks for a box he had received. Also a :letter Detroit, and Mr, and:Mrs. R, Fear was read from Pte; Ivan' Hoggart r • r, td grandson nn c• on Pa bIatt ir of { .setn • t g in Italy,• ex reSst ng ,1uCcnr}l4h,'tanes for a box he had received. A Toronto; Mt•, and. Mrs. .C, W. Coilott, Niagara ]'nibs; Mir. and Mn,sA, Slaaerling and sons of St, Marys; !ass ,Elsie' Sparling•' of M.T. CORLESS, 'Clerk of the Town of Clinton, , 16-8 letter• of thanks was read from Miss t Dorothy Blake, in appreciation for fruit she had received just recently. Also a card• of appreciation was re- received the Mrs. W. Merril' who is now in Detroit, thanking the group for a "get well card" that had been sent to her. ,kis• Clarence Ball read a letter from her brother who is serving in the .Airforce in France. He was describing. a leave in the city of Paris: A cookie jar was raffled off and Mrs. P, Gibbings wen it. Proceeds amounted to $1.00. A quilt was quilted' and patches were sewn during the 'afternoon: The next meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. G. Cornish, The Ladies to serve are Mrs, N. Ball, Mrs, R, Neal, Mrs. A. Vodden and Mrs. N. Wright. Lunch was served at the close of the meeting.; Lunch collection amoun- ted to $2.25, .i ECIAL VALUES FOR ROUND GRAIN RICE 2lbs 23c GOLD MEDAL CHOICE` - TOMATOES` tin 15c' MI LAREN'S HI HO PUDDINGS 2 for 15e Lipton's 0 Pekoe TEA 1/, lb. 40c. 'KRAFT - CHEESE 1/2 Ib. pkg. 21e DEVON PEAS tin 14c lb. pkg. • 20c WESTON'S OLD HICICORY LYNN VALLEY oCTOBE,R,13 and ,14th GOLD MEDAL CHOICE' PUMPKIN 2 tins 270 BENS'ON'S TOMATO, JUICE 8 tins 25cC CANADA. SEAL HERRING 2 tins 19c LISBY'S VEG. SOUP, 2 for 19: QUALITY COFFEE lb. pkg. 39e CLAR'K'S T'OM, SOUP 3' fbr 25; SODAS box BEET 25e GREENS till 15c GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES CAULIFLOWER - PEPPERS x - LETTUCE - CARROTS CABBAGE - ONIONS - BEETS - GRAPES - APPLES ORANGES doz. 390 POTATOES 3 lbs 25c CHOICE' PEPPER GRAPEFRUIT 3 - 21e SQUASH each 5c CALIFORNIA JUICY 360's CHOICE HEARTS OF LEMONS 3 for 11c CELERY bunch 17 CALIFORNIA SWEET 288's CHOICE SWEET" MARSH SEEDLESS 126's C. M. SHEARING PHONE 48 FOR QUALITY FOODS - CLINTON' NEW STOCK Is Really coming in, We are pleased to advertise, A large Stock of Lamps and Shades in Tri -Light, Bridge, Table and Boudoir, lamps. Bedroom Suites, in Beautiful styles Breakfast Suites latest Design and Good Bright finishes For the Children IPjay hens, High Chairs, Baby Baths, and Carriages, IN THE HARDWARE DEPARTMENT A large new Stock of Working Mitts and Gloves, As usual we carry the famous Sherwin Williams, Utilae and„Narvo, paints and Varnishes, Wax and Polishes for various Uses. BALL & ZAPFE DOUGLAS G. BALL Phone 110 Our Stock is Complete Come in and look before buying. Our Prices right) A complete stock of stove pipes. Hand made any size. The pipes that will last. Store Phone 195 J. 3. ZAPFE Phone 103 Hawkins Hardware PLUMBING AND HEATING PHONE 244 WEEK END SPECIALS Wonderful Soap 5 bars 19e Wonderful Soap Powder pkg. „ 19c Sunlight Soap '5 bars 25c Many Flowers Toilet Soap 5 bars 25c Big Ben Hardwater Soap cake ..5e OXO CUBES pkg. 10c and 25e INTERLAKE Toilet Tissue 8 As25c READYCUT Macaroni 5 rls, 25e KRAFT DINNER pkg. 19e LYNN Valley Peas 20 oz, 2 for '25e CA.MPBE'LLS Tomato Soup .. IOc CALIFORNIA SWEET ORANGES 344s 290 - 285s 39e - 220 49c TURNIPS, GRAPES, YAMS, etc. W. L JOHNSON PHONE 286 GROCER DELIVERY HOURS 4 to 6 p.m. Money to Loan on. first Mortgages Now is the TIME to stop pay- ing rent and to buy a farm. Write us if you have been think- ing about it. We may be able to help you with a loan. All inquiries treated confidenti- ally. MORTGAGE CORPORA '•'r 011 Windsor London St. Thomas Chatham October 12 to 14 OXFORD INN Tomato Soup' 3 tins 25e OXFORD INN Vegetable Soup 3' tins 250 CLARK'S MUSH. Soup 2 tins '10c No, 1 Long grain rice 2 lbs. . , 25e FLUSHO tin .......... 250` SNAP powder 2 tits 25e QUAKER MACARONI 2 lbs. , .25e BULK MACARONI 5 lbs, , 250 BLAOK CAT Window Cleaner bottle .. 15e CHEESE-A-RONI 2 pkg. .. , "a3c STOKELY'S tomato juice tin „10c COUNTRY •tKIST Peas 2 tins 29e INTERLAKE TOILET TIME 3 rolls 25e. AYLMER Baby foods assorted kinds 3 tins 25e SNOW FLAKE AMMONIA pkg. Se FRESH' FRUITS & VEGETABLES: IN OUR MEAT COUNTJ;A8,. Fresh Sausage ]b. 250. Fresh Weiners Ib. 27e Breakfast Bacon lb. .... , 420 Bologna lb, 240 potion s,re,]Og t.•tch�eoll 19c Orval Free Delivery