HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-10-05, Page 8Mull "; our ."stir T 9g'I i PAGE 8 Now is the time to have your furnace over- hauled or a new one in- stalled. Give her the once over. SUTTER .8. PERDUE. HARDWARE. PLUMBING ."& ELECTRICLhNR PHONIC 147w. CLINTON, ONT. Fall and Winter Clothing MEN'S SUITS — Smart new styles in two or three button sack coats with peaked or notch lapels Fancy Tweeds and Worsteds at .$24,50 to $30.00 • MEN'S TOPCOATS and, Heavy Winter Overcoats plain dark greys and blues or fancy tweeds newest models Priced from $21.00 to $27.50 BOYS SHITS are difficult to procure but we have at present a nice assortment of sizes on our racks andpriced to sell, MEN'S: Black or Brown Calf Oxfords Goodyear welts and 'Mackays' fancy or plain $2.75 to $7.50. MEN'S WORK BOOTS and RUBBER BOOTS for the wet weather at 'the lowest possible prices. Plumsteel Bros. Arrow Shirts — Adam Rate — Scott & McHale Sham tar Ma. Agents Tip Top Tailors. If we have what you want The Price is Low MEN'S SWEATERS NOW ON SALE BROWN'S One Door North of Royal Bank CLINTON LIONS Sponsor the Annual Red Cross Frolic Net Proceeds for Red Cross Wednesday, October 11 PROGRAM AT NIGHT Street Fair between Town Hall and Intersection Bingo, Baseball, Easy Money, other Games, Refreshment Booths, Etc. Dance in Town Hall — 10 to 1 o'clock Orchestra -- R.C.A.F. Skyliners Draw for Prizes at Eleven O'clock Tickets on Sale by Members of Evening Auxiliary of Clinton Red Gross. Proceeds from Draw will• Be used for Overseas Boxes.' PRIZES ON DISPLAY AT 1McEWAVS BOOK -STORE Help thie Red Cross Society The Great Humanitarian Organization Dick Jacob, Mrs. (Dr.) Oakes, Mrs. H, C. Lawson C. W. Drapedr Pres, Lions Club, Pres. Red Cross, Pres, Eve. Aux., Chairman. Frolic Music music. DANCING 9.30 to 1.30 CLINTON TOWN HALL FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6th. by Bert Worth and the 'C:'KN.X. Ambassadors modern POPULAR Pii'_'CE$ or Those Who Like a Fine Stationery' We have a Diimity Vellum and Dimity Linen 'with en- velopes to match. These two items are of the very finest quality. We have a . good assort+, ment of serving trays and individual lap' trays in vary ious designs and shapes. Also a large assortment( of .good table mirrors. G. R. McEwan Co. Books & Stationery PHONE 84'.' "OFTEN THE CHEAPEST ALWAYS THE BEST" I��u�aip!I�IUmnunnn+, a .iiiunuw�i�IP I illl�lli! I ,.►,.:,111, Miss Grace Shepherd of Ottawa is Baiting her aunt, Mrs. Robson at the home of Mrs. T. J. Watt. F. 0, William Follett and Mrs. Follett, of Centralia were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Corless: 'slowly improving. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Johnston and Mrs. Brady spent Sunday with Ashfield Friends. Mr. and Mrs. Prank McElroy and, Master Jerome have returned to their home in Toronto ofter a vis- it with Mrs. McElroy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wes: Shobbrook. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Shobbrook and daughter Barbara, have re- turned to. their home in Toronto after a visit with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Shob- brook. Rev. G. R. Thompson of Truro, N. S. spent a few days recently with parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Thompsop of Goderich Township, Mr. Thompson, who has been seriously ill for several weeks is L.A.C. Gordon Herman, who is. on leave, is spending a few days with his sister, Miss Helen of Millgrovo' Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Miller of Detroit Mich., spent Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrq. Melvin Crich ami visited Mr. Miller's sister, Mrs. E. J. McBrien, Mr. and Mrs. ;Reg, Simmons, Miss Iona. Klutchey and Ray Gibbing's of Durham • were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Crich. on Sunday. Pte, Harold Johnston has return- ed to Camp. Borden after a fur- lough spent with his wife and little son, Kenneth. Mr, and Mrs. Don Bailey of Ottawa. and Miss Pat McGoon of London were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. • Charles Brandon. Miss Emma Plumsteel is in Wiar- ton, the ' guest . of Miss Pearl Newman, • Mrs John E. Cuninghame of Little Current, Manitoulin ' Island, is spending this week with ' Mr. and Mrs., Gordon Cuninghame. Mr. and .Mrs. W. D. 'Aikenhead have , returned from a visit in Detroit. They, were ,accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. ,Sorbey and: Master Billy, Who are visiting Mr, and Mrs. W. "Cochrane' and other friends. Finn Swallows Six young swallows hatched at the poultry house of the Dominion Ex— pernnental Station; Saaniehton, B.C. lb were leg -banded in 1948 just before !o leaviny the nest. A watch was kept tar the returning swallows .in 1944, One swallow was seen with the me- tal band, showing that at least one MENTON IIIMMECORD' FISH an id CHIPS Eating ;accommodations ;' are now available., 12 noon to 1 p,n, 5 to 6.30 from Tuesday noon till Saturday night clesed all day Sunday and Monday Special delivery of fish and chips minimum order delivered 40e Mr. Lever's Residence, Mary street phone 91 Clinton. Annual COUNTRY FMR under the auspices of the W. A. of Wesley -Willis Church Saturday, • October 14 in the lecture room of the church commencing at 3 o'clock Afternoon Tea .. Horne -baking, Produ.cse Novelties TEA MENU Pressed Chicken Salal Brown , and white bread and butter pickles Pie Tea- Supper eaSupper for -business people from 6 to 7 o'clock: Bayfield Fair The Bayfield Agricultural So- ciety will hold their Annual Fall Fair on TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 10th 4 11th Eleven Rural Schools will march to the Fair Grounds headed by the Goderich, Boys' Band The North half of the ring will be occupied during the afternoon by the school children's, contests. GREEN RO'RSEi RACE THREE HEATS Come and see the local horses APPLES APPLES Contact local growers at the Fair and make arrangements for your winter supply of HURON COUNTY APPLES OVER $800. IN PRIZES CONCERT & DANCE IN BAY - FIELD TOWN HALL AT 8.30 P.M. This society has liberally suppor- ted local Red Gross' units in 'the Past. We solicit your support on October lith in order that .this pol- icy may be continued, Albert Dunn A. El Erwin President Secretary' GODERICH TOWNSHIP Council Meeting Council met in Holmesville on October 2. Victoria Hospital in Lon- don wrote re a patient from this Township_' read and filed. The tax collector's bonds were renewed with Mr.. H. C. Lawson of Clinton. The Legislative Assembly asked for any suggestions for the improvement of the Voters lists, read and filed. Ontario Municipal Health Service no action. An amendment to the statues now makds it compulsory for the town- ship. auditor to audit the accounts of all school sections and ,make a report on each. Monteith & Monteith of Stratford were re -appointed audi- tors for the township, Accounts paid; K, C. Lawson pre- mium on collectors bonds 30.00; Dept. of Health insulin 6.55; Grant to Bayfield Fall Fair 35.00 Miss Acheson use of 'house 5.00. TeIe- phone system temporary Ioan 300.00 Council then adjourned to meet on Monday Nov. 6 at 1.30 p.m. V LONDESBORO Mrs. Derwin • Carter left for Victoria 13. C. where she will visit her daughter and son-in-law, Dr. and Mrs,'0. W. Mewhort,' Misses Edith and Winnie Cum- mings St. Thomas, with Miss Beth Govier, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sinalair, Aim and Marie,'Kippen. and Mr. and Mrs. Bill 'Riley Goderich With Mrs'. Chas. Watson. FLOWERS For all Occasions F. R.. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del: As, Personal care given everyorder and special attention given to Funeral Orders. Phone 176 and 31 Superior Stare PHONE 111--CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR OCTOBER, 5, 6, 7 AYLMER CHOICE PUMPKIN age, tin 12e FRY'S MIRE COCOA % lb. tin 19c FRY'S PURE COCOA 1 lb. tin 31c HILLCREST LARD 1 Ib. 16c NABOB COFFEE 1 lb. bag , , 45c KAM-A-PURE' Pork product tin 31e STANDARD PEAS 20 oz. 2 tine 25c POLIFLOR FLOOR Wax 1 Ib. tin 49e WOODBURY'S SOAP 3 bars23c HILLCREST TOILET TISSUE 3 rolls 25c SALADA TEA YELLOW LABEL '/ Ib. 38e SALADA TEA BROWN LABEL '4, lb, ,,,,,,,, 40e HILLCREST SHORTENING 1 lb. 19c i ELLMARR VANILLA 8 oz. btl. 15c ROBIN HOOD Flour '7 lb. bag 27c I ORANGES, Size 288s Doz. 37c LEMONS, Size 360s 3 for 11e COOKING APPLES 6 lbs. 25e CELERY S'T'ALKS 2 for 25c T. MyPSON NOTICE Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 8 of the Voters Lists Act, and that I have posted up at my office at Clinton on the 21st day of September, 1944, the list of all persons entitled to vote on a Money By-law and such list remains there for inspection, And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor- rected according to law, the last day for appeal being the 12th day of Mr. and Mrs. W. E, Millar. Detroit October 1944. spent the week end with, Mr,. and M.T. CORLESS, Mrs. John Harvey. Misses Clara and Mina Hunter Clerk of the Town of Clinton. spent two months with their niece, Mrs. Sidney Lansing', and they left last week to visit friends' in Kin- eardine, before returning to their home in Toronto. Lieut J. 5: Hann and Mrs, Hann Barriewith Mr. and 'Mrs. Wan. Govier. ' • Several of the W. M. S. members attended the sectional meeting at D'uff's church on Thursday, Mrs. Herbert Childs of Londen. Was the Guest speaker. The W. M. S. will hold theirMon- Church meeting in the ,basement of.the Church at 2.30, Oct. 12th. "Power" Liberal Association is the word for roll cadI. Group No 3 win 16-3 Nomination Convention HURON NORTH he in charge... There will be no service in the United Church on Sunday. The an THURSitAY, iversary services will be held at Burns Church. Rev, H. Currie of '?enmdller will be the guest speaker. Miss Lawdy.Young went to Whit-' v last Friday ,to. attend. the funeral f IYei' uncle, the late Mr. A. Young: Mr.- and Mrs. J. A. Shobbrook re of the banded, six returned to the MILLER In 'Goderich, on Sunday, w, C. Attridge 1 place of its birth, :to spend the sum- September 23rd, William , E. Mil. mer. • ' ler', in his 42nd year. ' Secretary turned home on Saturday after spen- ding three ,• weeks in Toronto's and shawa. , „George Wood, M. P. for Brant 0 OCTOBER, 12th 1944 at 1.30 p.m. TOWN HALL, WINGHAM Guest Speaker V A. A. Alexander President SPECIAL VALUES FOR OCTOBER 6th & 7th ROUND GRAIN RIDE 2 lbs GOLD MEDAL C•HOICE TOMATOES, tin 15c GOLD MEDAL CHOIICE, 23a PUMPKIN 2 , tins ' 27c,, BENSON'S TOMATO' JUICE 3 tins 2511 CANADA SEAL HERRING 2 tins 19c MCLAREN'S HI HO PUDDINGS 2 for 15c Lipton's 0 Pekoe TEA 1 lb. 40c iePAFT CHEESE; 1/2 lb. pkg. 21c DEVON PEAS tin 14c lb. pkg. 20e LIB'BY'S VEG. SOUP 2for 19. QUALITY COFFEE ib. pkg. 39e CLARK'S TOM. SOUP 3for 25, WESTON'S OLD HICKORY LYNN VALLEY BEET SODAS box , 25c GREENS tin 15'c GARDEN FRESH FRUIT'S. AND VEGETABLES CAULIFLOWER — PEPPERS - LETTUCE; —. CARROTS CABBAGE — ONIONS — BEETS — GRAPES — APPLES /CALIFORNIA SWEET 288's CHOICE: SWEET ORANGES doz. 39c POTATOES 3 lbs 25e MARSH SEEDLESS 126's GRAPEFRUIT 3 - 21e CHOICE' PEPPER SQUASH each 5c CALIFORNIA JUICY 360's CHOICE bus CELERY LEMONS 3 for 11c iRY OF h bunch 17q C. M. SHEARING PHONE 48 FOR QUALITY FOODS — CLINTON NEW STOCK Is Really coming in, We are pleased to advertise, A large Stock of ht, Bride, Table and Boudoir lamps. Bedroom Shades Suites, in Beautiful Bstyles Breakfast Suites latest Design and Good Bright finishes For the Children Play Pens, High Chairs, Baby Baths, and Carriages. IN THE HARDWARE. DEPARTMENT A large new Stock of Working Mitts and Gloves, As usual we carry the famous Sherwin Williams, Utilac and Narvo paints and Varnishes, Wax and Polishes for various Uses, BALL & ZAPPE DOUGLAS G. BALL Store Phone 195 Phone 110 , J, J. ZA.PFI; Phone 103 Our Stock is Complete Come in and look before buying.'Our Prices right A complete stock of stove pipes. Hand made any size. The pipes that will last. Hawkins Hardware PLUMBING AND HEATING PHONE 244 WEEK END SPECIALS READY CUT MACARONI 3 lbs 20c KRAFT DINNER pkg. 19c ROBIN HOOD Giant pkg. .. , 29c RED RIVER CEREAL pkg. , , 25c YORK Breakfast Cereal pkg. ..25c NONSUCH window cleaner 15e NONSUCH Rug Cleaner 20c Gras.. Sugar 3 lbs. 25c INFANTS S•tr. Foods 3 tins , , 25e AYLMER PEAS 20 oz, 15c LYNN VALLEY Peas 20 oz. ,, 13c CAMPBE'LLS TOMATO Soup . ,10c CALIFORNIA SWEET ORANGES 3445-290 288s-395 2206 49e doz. GRAPEFRUIT 126s 3 for 20c NIAGARA PURE LARD 1 ib15c GRAPES—SWEET POTATOES etc. W. L. JOHNSON . PRONE 286 GROCER DELIVERY HOURS 4 to 6 p.m. First Mortgage Loans If additional money is .needed to help you buv a rroductive farm, send us particulars. Possibly we can assist you through our loaning department. Attractive terms. All inquiries treated confidentially. Hl rork&Erje MORTCAOE CORPORATION London Windsor Bt. Thomas Chatham October 5 to 7 OXFORD INN Tomato Soup 3 tins 255 OXFORD INN Vegetable Soup 3 tins 25e CLARK'S MUSH. Soup 2 tins 19e No. 1 Long grain rice 2 lbs. ,.25c FLUSHO tin 25c SNAP powder .2 tins 25c QUAKER MACARONI 2 lbs. , .23e BULK MACARONI 5 lbs, . , 25e BLACK CAO` Window Cleaner bottle 155 CHEESE-A-RONI 2 pkg. . , 33e • STOKELY'S tomato juice tin ..10i COUNTRY KIST Peas 2 tins ..29e INTERLAKE TOILET TISSUE 3 rolls 25e AYLMER Baby foods assorted kinds 3 tins 25e SNOW FLAKE AMMONIA pkg. 5c FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES IN OUR MEAT COUNTER Fresh Sausage lb. ...... , , 25e Fresh Weiners 1b. 27c Breakfast Bacon Ib., 42e Bologna Ib. 24c 19c.1-3. rival Free Delivery